President: Bruce (Gunna) Nicholas Phone: 9759 7922 Mob 0419 486 622 Email: [email protected]

Secretary: Mark Thornhill Phone: 9587 3996 Mob 0467 088 754 Email: [email protected] W.A. Scammell Reserve Guest Rd South Oakleigh 3167 Victoria 0395704874 ISSUE #2 - SEPTEMBER ‘13


Sure looks and feels like the season is here. Football at Scammell has finished and the juniors are at the nets training; it can’t be long now!

Turnout for training has been consistently good for both seniors and juniors with the U/11’s surpassing initial expectations, so much so that we are pushing to get enough numbers to fill a second team! Anyone that knows any boys or girls who would love to play cricket, please contact me. Coaches for the junior teams have been finalised and I would very much like to thank the following who have committed their time to coach the juniors:

U/11 – Nick Murphy U/13 – Sharik Shaikah U/15 – Gunna U/17 – Michael Prins / James Cooke

Those who haven’t made it down to training yet, we are looking forward to seeing you over the next couple of weeks to start getting ready for the season which is only a few weeks away (see training details below).

As you will see from the social update we have many events throughout the season and we are looking forward to seeing everyone coming down and supporting the club.

Looking forward to a fun and successful season both on and off the ground.

Cheers Shane ESOCC Junior President (Go KRUSHERS) *********************************************************************************************** 2nd REGISTRATION DAY: SATURDAY 14th SEPTEMBER 10am – 12 noon @ Scammell Reserve FOR JUNIORS & SENIORS *********************************************************************************************** The Club President Bruce “Gunna” Nicholas and our Junior President Shane Trewin are sharing the Prez Sez section and will post something in alternate issues of KK.

The Club’s newsletter is a work in progress. There is no exact science to this but we’re hoping the news is reaching all our members. Please don’t be shy in emailing anything you would like in the Krusher Khronicle. We could even have a section “Have Your Say”. Please send to me via email: [email protected] any news such as family/personal milestones, celebrations, sporting achievements, announcements, tips, etc.

There is a range of merchandise ranging from playing/training gear to stubby holders/coffee mugs. Please contact Melissa Everett or any of the committee members.

A new item to be seen in our newsletter will be “Player Profile” – and we are starting with 2 senior leaders for the 2013/14 season: Evan Radchenko – Club & 1st XI Sunday Captain and Andrew Weymouth 2nd XI Sunday Captain. EVAN RADCHENKO:

Where did you play junior cricket? ER: My junior cricket was with Emmanuel in the U/14's which I played half a season and played two years in the U/16's. How I started at the club is a funny story, I was playing at the nets in Keeley Park when a gentleman who introduced himself as "Gunna" asked if I was keen to play and the rest is history as they say!!

What is your specialty? Bat, bowl, keeper, etc ER: I would consider myself an all rounder but the last couple of seasons I've started to bowl a little less and concentrated a little more on my .

What cricketer do you admire most and why? ER: I've got a few, as a young kid my favourite player was . I enjoyed his aggressive batting, his exceptional fielding and hard to pinpoint an exact reason apart from wanting to turn the TV on to watch him play. My other two idols were (not off the field) and Matthew Hayden. Shane Warne changed the game, the way he spun the ball and bowled Australia to victory on so many occasions encouraged me as a youngster to take up bowling. He made an important part of cricket again. Matthew Hayden was dropped from the Australian side on 2 or 3 occasions and never gave up, he showed determination and grit that got everything out of him he possibly could and I admired him for that. He will always be one of the greatest left hander’s to play for Australia and watching him over the years I worked hard on my own batting to play the shots he did.

What is your pre-match routine? ER: I like to be at the ground early. I inspect the pitch and the surroundings for a good 15 minutes and then like to relax for a little bit and start chatting to the players and what my thoughts are of the up coming day. I then sit in the rooms quietly and start to focus before heading out onto the ground for a stretch before the start of play.

What is your fab cricket moment? ER: I've got a couple but the first is being involved in 5 premierships (1 as captain and 1 as vice-captain) and the second was making my first hundred which turned into the clubs highest score of 164 and what made it even more pleasing apart from winning the game was making it at Scammell with my dad and brother watching on.

What is your ultimate cricket fantasy? ER: I'm sure mine would be similar to most others and that would be to walk out onto the MCG with bat in hand ready to tackle the Poms in on the Boxing Day Test.

What other sports do you play? ER: I try and shoot a few hoops when I get the chance or golf with family and friends.

How long have you been at E.S.O.C.C.? ER: I've been associated with the club for nearly 20 years of which I have played 16 seasons.

What advice would you give to our club's U11's through to U17's players? ER: Most important would be to have fun and enjoy your cricket. You won't get the best out of yourself if you're not enjoying being out there. Cricket is a unique sport and to stand in the field when it's 40 degrees can be tough but we do it cause we enjoy it and love the game. Secondly, don't be afraid to ask questions, whether it's your coach or one of the senior players, you never stop learning and learning comes from being shown. Thirdly, respecting officials. There will be many occasions in your cricketing careers where you will get a bad decision, it's a gentleman’s game and you accept the decision and politely walk off the ground. Umpiring decisions eventually even out but it's an area of the game that will always be there so accept the decisions and move on.


Where did you play junior cricket? AW: I played my first year of junior cricket for Clayton Cricket Club in under 12’s. I then had a few years off from cricket. I recommenced my cricket career in 2008 playing for the Krushers.

What is your speciality? Bat, bowl, keeper, etc AW: Bat/keeper, I used to bowl but then took up keeping a couple of seasons ago.

What cricketer do you admire most and why? AW: Matthew Wade, being a fellow wicketkeeper and adopted Victorian as well. I admire the way he has gotten to where he is now by overcoming testicular cancer at a younger age and had to make a career decision between cricket and footy.

What is your pre-match routine? AW: I like to chillax before a game, sit back, have a sports drink, practice my keeping/batting but I don't like being rushed. I like to have plenty of time to prepare. But now being captain there's not much time for any of that!!

What is your fab cricket moment? AW: Probably the under 15’s premiership. Also winning the SDCCL keeping trophy last season in my second season as a wk.

What is your ultimate cricket fantasy?

AW: Playing for Victoria - hitting the winning runs in a grand final on the last wicket.

What other sports do you play? AW: Footy for Oakleigh Krushers.

How long have you been at E.S.O.C.C.? AW: I've been at the club for 6 years so far and plenty more to come!

What advice would you give to our club's U11's through to U17's players? AW: Practice, have fun and listen to your coach.

Who will be in the next issue of KK??


Everyone should be aware cricket training has already started – not just for U17’s and seniors but for U11’s, U13’s and U15’s. Training is held at Scammell Reserve. Please check below for your training schedule:

U11’s and U13’s - TUESDAY NIGHTS at 4.30pm – finishing time depending on coach

U15’S and U17’s - THURSDAY NIGHTS at 4.30pm – finishing time depending on coach 2nd REGISTRATION DAY: SATURDAY 14th SEPTEMBER 10am – 12 noon @ Scammell Reserve

******************* FOR JUNIORS & SENIORS*****************


$130 – 1ST Child $110 – each other Child

* Registration includes own training top (blue)

* New players receive a club playing top & cap & OWN training top (blue)

Training tops MUST be worn to all training sessions. SENIOR FEES:

$130.00 with training top

+ Daily price $15/day turf or $10/day synthetic

PLEASE NOTE: If you bring a new sponsor into the club 10% of the sponsorship value will come off your subs (up to maximum of your subs). DECK CHAIR XI - 2013/14 package to include (Value $135+):

- drink card ($54) – 18 standard drinks (to be used at our club room functions)

- stubby holder

- merchandise ($40) – jacket or polo shirt

- raffle entry monthly (prize = drink card)

- discounted entry to presentation night FEES:

Non players $80

Players $200 (including registration)

Express Renewal $50 (only available to 2012/13 members, no merchandise DECK CHAIR XI MEMBERSHIP IS OPEN TO ALL SENIOR PLAYERS, MEMBERS, PARENTS & FRIENDS PAYMENT METHODS:

• Payment plan (please speak to your captain/treasurer/committee member)

• Direct deposit

• Cash

• Cheque

• Funds Transfer from Internet or Smartphone UNFINANCIAL PLAYERS: The Club is more than willing to offer any player a payment plan if necessary. The League requires each Club to show evidence that their playing members are fully paid up or are on a regular payment plan. This ensures all playing members are covered by insurance. It’s paramount you show financial commitment to the Club. Regular checks will be enforced and monitored by our treasurer.


We have been very fortunate to obtain the sponsorship from Grill’d Carnegie. They will provide free burger certificates (approx value $12.50). Certificates will be given out by coaches at match report.

Get onboard with Aussie Farmers Direct – The offer being 2% of everything bought will come back to our club. It’s easy to join. Refer to the flyer for full details – last page.

Those important dates (don’t forget to jot them in your diary): Reminder flyers will be distributed prior to events. FRIDAY 9th AUGUST: 1st REGISTRATION 6.30pm – 8.00pm SATURDAY 14th SEPTEMBER: 2nd REGISTRATION 10am – 12 @ Clubrooms SUNDAY 6th OCTOBER: Welcome BBQ Clubrooms SUNDAY 13th OCTOBER: G@TC / Match Reports 5.30pm start SATURDAY 19th or SATURDAY 26th OCTOBER: The Oakleigh Junction Hotel function – TBC The Oakleigh Junction Hotel is one of our Club’s major sponsors. It would be great to see club members put back what The Junction Hotel put into our Club. The Junction Hotel will host a Karaoke night/Fancy dress/Fun night or similar. Let’s get to the Junction to support the hotel that supports our Club – ESOCC. THURSDAY 31st OCTOBER: Halloween Party – at clubrooms. All welcome and hopefully in fancy dress. This event will be hosted by the Committee with the U17’s to fun and scary activities. SATURDAY 9th NOVEMBER G@TC / Match Reports 5.30pm start SATURDAY 16th NOVEMBER: Trivia Night – South Oakleigh Bowling Club SATURDAY 14th DECEMBER: XMAS Party – clubrooms

And in 2014 we have…

SATURDAY 18th JANUARY: Bunnings BBQ – TBC THURSDAY 23rd JANUARY: Mexican Cantina Night SUNDAY 26th JANUARY: G@TC / Match Reports - This grub coincides with Australia Day celebrations. The slight twist is that every family brings their own ‘cultural/favourite’ dish to share. C’mon Aussie C’mon – let’s bring all the club’s members, families & friends together by enjoying different gourmet experiences. SATURDAY 8th FEBRUARY: Car Rally – again there was a high response to our survey to hold this event. It’s family orientated and great fun for all. SATURDAY 15th FEBRUARY: G@TC / Match Reports 5.30pm start SUNDAY 16th MARCH: G@TC /Match Reports 5.30pm start [Club Awards Presentation] SUNDAY 30th MARCH: Junior Presentation & BBQ In2Cricket Squads to U15’s SATURDAY 5th APRIL: Senior Presentation: U17’s – Seniors Venue – Cinnamon Club Theme – Bollywood MONDAY 7th APRIL: SDCCL Presentation – U15’s & U17’s FRIDAY 2nd MAY: SDCCL Senior Presentation

We are also hoping to hold the following events, which are yet to be confirmed: Pink Stumps Ladies Day – High Tea (South Oakleigh Bowling Club) – this event will be supporting Jane McGrath Foundation

Sportman’s Night – Guest Speak – at clubrooms KRUSHERS MATCH REPORT/ GRUB AT THE CLUB (G@TC) – Saturday /Sunday The calendar includes Grub at the Club aka G@TC. As you will note G@TC are now on Saturday’s and Sunday’s. This resulted from the feedback received from our ‘satisfaction’ survey for all club members and their families. Copies of this survey are available at the club. Therefore based on the feedback from this survey, G@TC will be scheduled on a monthly basis rotating between Saturday and Sunday evenings. We are therefore hoping that all the grubs/match reports will be packed to the rafters!!!! G@TC meal rosters will be determined once teams are finalised. ‘Grub’ is a great opportunity for families and players to get together over dinner and hear about the matches played. A match report is provided by the Coaches and often awards are presented! The players love these social nights because it enables them to get to know each other off the cricket field and parents get to relax after a hectic weekend of cricket! ‘Grub’ involves each team bringing a plate - theme nights can be Italian, Indian, Chinese, roast beef rolls, BBQ burger night, and casseroles. These are just a few ideas. The food can be brought in or cooked on site. As grub runs from about 5:30pm- teams can start setting up from 4.00 pm onwards - team managers will co-ordinate. This is a fundraiser and therefore we charge per plate (price can be determined with the team on the night based on what is on offer and the club will provide serviettes, plastic plates, knives and forks. Also, the team hosting the night is to organise collection of money, and serving the food. The team will also need to set up and pack up on the night too.


SUNDAY 13TH OCTOBER SATURDAY 9TH NOVEMBER SATURDAY 14TH DECEMBER- includes XMAS PARTY SUNDAY 26TH JANUARY - Aussie/Multi Cultural Day Celebrations SATURDAY 15TH FEBRUARY SUNDAY 16TH MARCH Team allocation to host G@TC will be advised once fixtures are in place.


Club President: Bruce (Gunna) Nicholas General Committee: Melissa Everett Scott Murray Junior President: Shane Trewin Nicky Lees Andrew Weymouth Secretary: Mark Thornhill Peta Campion Evan Psarakis Treasurer: Sue Nicholas Evan Radchenko Registrar: Belinda Sibte Senior Coach: Michael Prins

Social Committee: Belinda Sibte (Coordinator) Melissa Everett Michelle Trewin Leonie Kennett Nicky Lees Peta Campion Mark Thornhill Diann Rhodes Sachin Paul

The following positions are still vacant. Please contact Bruce (Gunna) or Shane if you are interested and require further details.

Position: Assistant Treasurer – Junior’s Assistant Bar Manager

We thank all our sponsors for their support during the 2013/14 season – full listing on our website. Our 2 newest sponsors being: Aussie Farmers Direct and Grill’d Carnegie.

That’s it for this issue: signing off: RRR

The Oakleigh Junction Hotel