NEAR BASE VVolumeolume 6611 NNumberumber 2255 | JJuneune 220,0, 22016016 Check back often for ongoing promotions, contests, events, new products and sales. Nous orons des nouveautés tous les jours: promotions et concours, événements, nouveaux produits et soldes. MARPAC NEWS CCFBFB Esquimalt,Esquimalt, VVictoria,ictoria, B.C.B.C Ed Dixon, MARPAC Imaging Services Member of Maritime Forces Pacific command team supported the prostate cancer awareness event “Wear PlaidMCpl for Chris Dad” Ward, held MARPAC June Imaging 17. Services Wearing a colourful selection of plaid garments are, front row left to right: Capt(N) Mike Knippel, Capt(N) Steve Jorgensen, RAdm Gilles Couturier, and Capt(N) David Mazur. Left to right in the back: Capt(N) Doug Young, Capt(N) Jason Boyd, Cmdre Marta Mulkins, Cmdre Jeff Zwick, and Capt(N) Steven Waddell. See more photos on page 12. 2 • LOOKOUT June 20, 2016 a w a y t o i v e d a y D r i GET FINANCING NOW ! Boomer’s Legacy donates to HeroWork DDND-MILITARYND-MILITARY Peter Mallett cyclists were all smiling and will include a new roof, al communities, where all $ Staff Writer cheerful because they knew electrical upgrades, kitchen members of the community they were riding on behalf and bathroom upgrades, come out and work together DDISCOUNTISCOUNT 775050 A $20,000 donation of their fallen comrades and new flooring, landscaping, to help out their neighbours. * Not to be combined with their community.” and repainting. Lt(N) Dudeck worked on any other offer. Present this by the Boomer’s Legacy PPROGRAM*ROGRAM* ad & military ID to qualify.
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