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1995 Communicating Agricultural Information in Remote Places, Part II Antoinette Powell University of Kentucky, [email protected] Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u.

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IAALD International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists

Proceedings of the IXth World Congress of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists: Communicating Agricultural Information in Remote Places PART II

January 23–26, 1995 • Melbourne,

Conference issue: Quarterly Bulletin of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists vol. XLI, no. 2, 1996 ISSN: 1019-9926 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION SPECIALISTS (IAALD) Aims of the Association The Association was founded in 1955 to promote, internationally and nationally, the professional interests of agricul- tural information professionals. The word “Agricultural” shall include but shall not be limited to agriculture, forestry, agricultural engineering, fisheries, food and nutrition, agricultural industries, veterinary science, biotechnology and rural development. The IAALD membership is about 500, drawn from eighty countries. Activities include a General Assembly (at least once in five years), annual meetings of the Executive Committee and meetings of the Working Com- mittees as occasion demands, and the issuing of publications in the field of agricultural information: bibliography, doc- umentation, and librarianship. Executive Committee of IAALD Officers: President: Junior Vice President: Editor: Drs. Jan van der Burg Dr. Anton Mangstl Ms. Antoinette Paris Powell Boeslaan 55 ZADI Agriculture Library 6703 ER Wageningen, The Netherlands P.O. Box 20 14 15 Agricultural Science Center North Senior Vice President: D-53144 Bonn, Germany University of Kentucky Mr. Syed Salim Agha Secretary/Treasurer: Lexington, KY 40546-0091, USA KIRKHS, Dept. of Library Miss Margo Bellamy & Information Science CABI International International Islamic University Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8DE P.O. B ox 70, Jalan Sultan 46700 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Members: Josephine Sison (Philippines), Pamela André (USA), Janet L. Bombini de Moura (Brazil), John Beecher (USA), Edith Hesse (Mexico), Jodee Kawasaki (USA), Thiendou Niang (Senegal), Vyatcheslav Poznyakov (), Carol Robertson (USA), Qiaoqiao Zhang (). Representatives of Regional and National Associations: Sra. Ghislaine Poitevien (AIBDA), Unnamed Representative (JAALD), Dr. T. Storck (GBDL), Jill Maughan (AGRIAA), John Goodier (ASLIB), Amadou Diop (IAALD Afrique). Honorary Members of IAALD: D. Kervegant (France), D.H. Boalch (UK), T.P.Loosjes (Netherlands), E.J. Mann (UK), F.C. Hirst (UK), M.T. Martinelli (Italy), H. Haendler (FRG), F.E. Mohrhardt (USA). Membership/Subscriptions Subscriptions and applications for membership should be sent to: Subscriptions IAALD QB, c/o Miss Margot Bellamy, Secretary/Treasurer IAALD, CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8DE, United Kingdom. Institutions: £45 or $90 (US) Individuals: £17.50 or $35 (US) Advertising Rates for the Quarterly Bulletin of IAALD Full Page: US$300 per issue – 6 1/2 inches wide by 9 inches long (16 cm by 23 cm). 1/2 Page: US$200 per issue – 6 1/2 inches wide by 4 inches long (16 cm by 10 cm). 1/4 Page: US$150 per issue – 3 inches wide by 4 inches long (7 cm by 10 cm). Personal Ads: US$25 each – 50 characters per line, 5-line limit. Market Place Ads: US$40 each – 50 characters per line for 5 lines, each additional line US$10. • All advertising must be accompanied with payment in U.S. dollars. • Personal Ads free to IAALD members with paid membership. Membership number must accompany ad. • All ads must be camera ready and will be printed as received. Ads exceeding the set limits will be returned unedited. • IAALD RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AD SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION. • IAALD does not endorse any product. Stuffing Fee: US$300 – one mailing for 2 ounces or less.

International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists L’Association Internationale des Specialistes de l’Information Agricole La Asociacion Internacional de Especialistas en Informacion Agricola

Proceedings of the IXth World Congress of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists: Communicating Agricultural Information in Remote Places PART II

Hosted by the Agricultural Information Association for Australasia (AGRIAA) January 23–26, 1995 • Melbourne, Australia

Edited by Antoinette Paris Powell with the assistance of Amélie E.M. Charron

Conference issue: Quarterly Bulletin of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists vol. XLI, no. 2, 1996

Printed in the of America by Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas Instructions to Authors The Quarterly Bulletin of the International Association of the Chicago Manual of Style 14th edition. References should Agricultural Information Specialists (IAALD) accepts arti- be complete and tables should comply with the editorial style cles that are of professional interest to the broad group of represented in the Quarterly Bulletin. Two copies of all articles IAALD members and readers of the Quarterly Bulletin. must be submitted with an abstract in English of 150 words or Articles should be of regional concern and research should less. Additional abstracts in French, Spanish or German are be statistically valid and replicable with the results of broad welcome. Articles submitted should be accompanied with the applicability. Articles submitted will go through a blind re- institutional affiliation and address of each author as well as a view process with an independent reviewer and will be re- brief biography and photograph. turned to the author for corrections and modifications if nec- News in the field of bibliography and documentation of ag- essary. Manuscripts not accepted for publication will not be riculture and allied subjects is welcomed. Letters to the Editor returned to the author. Electronic submissions are welcome if will also be published in the Quarterly Bulletin. These items will fully IBM PC compatible on either 5 1/4 inch or 3 1/2 inch be accepted in English, French, German, or Spanish. News items diskette. Articles can be accepted unformatted in an ASCII can also be submitted electronically to the editor’s address. file or in a number of word processing programs. Graphic Please send all manuscripts by AIR MAIL directly to the images may also be sent electronically but the editor must be Editor: notifed prior to submission to verify that the format is accept- A.P. Powell able. Hard copy is required and should accompany the disk. 3755 Leestown Road All Quarterly Bulletin articles are published with a specific Lexington, KY 40511, USA. tabular style and follow bibliographic conventions as listed in E-mail: [email protected]


The Association would like to thank the following people French translations: M.J. Jehl, CTA; SDIC for contributing to the publication of this issue of the Quar- Spanish translations: L. Menendez, CIAT terly Bulletin of IAALD. Typesetting/Composition: The Typewright, Lexington, Kentucky Printed by: Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas Copy editing: A.P. Powell, A. Charron Mailing list management: Margot Bellamy News: A.P. Powell and authors listed Distribution: Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas

A Note about Reviewing Interested in reviewing for the Quarterly Bulletin? We are This is an excellent way to serve both the organization and particularly interested in having reviewers from developing the profession without leaving your home town. If you are countries but would welcome anyone who is willing to do- interested in more information or in signing up, please con- nate the time. You can expect to review no more than three tact the editor at the address given on the editorial page. articles a year and must be willing to abide by the deadlines I would like to thank the following people who are do- established. The goal is to give feedback to the authors or nating their time and talent to this process. They have accept the article for publication as quickly as possible to worked hard on your behalf during this past year make both the feedback to the authors and the issues timely.

Syed Salim Agha Mrs. L.B. Gregorio Mr. Michel J. Menou Dr. Tibor Koltay KIRKHS, Dept. of Library Library FRANCE Director and Information Science University of the Philippines Ms. Lillian Mesner Central Library, Goedoello International Islamic University at Los Baños Agriculture Library University of Agricultural MALAYSIA THE PHILIPPINES University of Kentucky Sciences Mr. Peter Ballantyne, Librarian Dr. Edith Hesse de Polanco USA HUNGARY ISNAR CIMMYT Scientific Ms. L.N. Mutewera Mr. H. van Harteveld THE NETHERLANDS Information Unit EDA Trust Head of Information Services Mr. Arvind K. Chudasama MEXICO SOUTH AFRICA Royal Tropical Insitute THE NETHERLANDS Scientific Information Officer Dr. Andrew M. Kaniki Ms. Rosemay Ng Kee Kwong Field and Pastures, CABI Information Studies Dept. Library & Scientific Information Mr. John E. Woolston UNITED KINGDOM University of Natal Service, Mauritius Sugar CIMMYT Scientific Information Ms. C. Mae Cutler REPUBLIC OF SOUTH Industry Research Institute Unit Canadian Agriculture Library AFRICA MAURITIUS MEXICO CANADA Ms. Eleanor Mathews Mr. L.O. Nwali Dr. Qiaoqiao Zhang Ms. Rita C. Fisher Head, Reference Dept. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa CABI Owen Science and Iowa State University University UNITED KINGDOM Engineering Library USA NIGERIA Washington State University USA Conference Overview

COMMUNICATING AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION PART 2 (in Quarterly Bulletin of IAALD, v. 41, no. 2) IN REMOTE PLACES: papers presented at the IXth World Congress, January 23–26, 1995, Melbourne, Australia Conference Dinner Address PART 1 (in Quarterly Bulletin of IAALD, v. 41, no. 1) Derek Tribe Invited Papers Keynote Address Helga Schmid / AGRIS and the Pamela Q.J. André / Communicating Agricultural Information Christine Silvy / The National Institute of Agronomic Research in Remote Places (France): Survey and Prospects in the Field of Scientific and Invited Papers Technical Information (STI). Thiendou Niang / The Role of CTA in Disseminating Concurrent Session 6:Technological Innovations Agricultural Information in ACP Countries A.J. Powell and S.G. Clarke / Reload of CAB Abstracts: Issues Colin Ogbourne and Tim Ison / International Partnerships in of Quality versus Quantity the Delivery of Agricultural Information to the Developing Kohki Shio and Takemi Machida / Effective Use of New Media World. Communication System in Remote Places—Startegic Sales Pierre Dandjinou / New Technologies in Agricultural Informa- and Shipping System in Isolated Areas of tion Centres and Systems in Francophone Africa: Assess- Lynn Webber and John P. Brien / Facsimile Technology Improv- ment and Prospects ing Access to Agricultural Information in Outback Australia Concurrent Session 1: Concurrent Session 7: Sustainable Information Systems Information and Cultural Remoteness Samba Aw / Agricultural Databases in the Sahel : Situation Bruce Cumming, Cengiz Erol, Vicki Mitsos / Addressing Cultural Analysis, Future Prospects within the Sustainable and and Language Remoteness in the Goulburn Valley, Australia Integrated Development Framework of the Region Olivier Sagna / The TCP/IP Networks in Subsaharan Africa Margot Bellamy / Planning for a Sustainable Information System in the I.T. Age: Tradition versus Technology Concurrent Session 8: Australian Experiences with Electronic Networks Isabelle Gachie / Producing and Disseminating Information to the Agricultural Producers of CIS Countries Ian Crellin and Jim Graham / The Australian Telecentres Program: Providing Public Access to Information Networks Concurrent Session 2: for People in Rural and Remote Regions Information Delivery in Latin America Mandy Curnow / LandcareNet—Australian Farmers’ Brush With It Elizabeth Goldberg / Information for Research in Sustainable Janice E. Oliver / Scientists and the Rural Communities Taking Agriculture—Going to the Source on Communications Technology: an Australian Case Study Edith Hesse / Latin American Agricultural Information Concurrent Session 9: Initiatives Using the Internet for Information Delivery Fernando C. Peres; Janeti L. Bombini de Moura, Angela R.P. e Peres, Sonia Correa Darocha, John Luiz Boscariol / Barbara Hutchinson / Building an Arid Lands Information Brazilian Agricultural Science Citation Index IBCCAg: Network on the Internet Preliminary Results Jean-Paul Jetté / Communicating Veterinary Information Miguel López-Perez, Leticia Rosete-Vela / Development Among Specialists Around the World on Internet Pattern for the Establishment of the National Agricultural David Stoker and Alison Cooke / Using the Internet to Co-ordi- Information System in Mexico. nate the Provision of Agricultural Information Sources in UK Concurrent Session 3: Disseminating Concurrent Session 10: Information to Extension Workers and Farmers Overcoming Distance with Technology Emmy Beraho, Basil Sheahan, Tim Reeves / Opportunities Chris Addison and Tim Cullen / Harvest from the NET: Benefits and Challenges in Rural Areas: Experience from the Mujono of E-mail for Disseminating Agricultural Information in the District of Uganda with the Training and Visit Extension African Continent Model Peggy Beavers, Keith Russell, and Ted Sibia / Supporting the Information Needs of Agricultural Research Scientists Concurrent Session 4: Specialised Networks Working in Remote locations: Implications of Recent Studies Jan Bay-Peterson / Marketing Information for Geographically and Changes in Technology and Delivery Remote Places in Asia Concurrent Session 11: Pekka Haavisto and Jukka Öfversten / Agronet—a Network for Taking Information to Remote Locations Agri-Business Rosemary Blakeney and Doug Stewart / Information Highway Chris Le Gras and Howard Gardner / CALM—An Adventure in or Dirt Track? Challenges in Delivery of Electronic Informa- Diffusion of Technology tion Products to Isolate Clients Concurrent Session 5: Ann Hanger / A Partnership for the Future: Better Library Communication Methods and Rural Development Services for Rural Clients through the Collaboration of a Chris Landon-Lane / Participatory Rural Appraisal Concepts Special Library, a State Library and Some Public Libraries Applied to Agriculture Extension: a Case Study in Sumatra Jodee Kawasaki / Communication of Information to Remote Puis R. Mishra / A Multi-Media Approach to Nutritional Places Takes Training Blindness Prevention Project: A Case Study of Two VDCs in Concurrent Session 12: Gorkha District Technology Applied to Development Qiaoqiao Zhang, Xiaolan Cheng / Provision of Information to Anne Fox / Assuring Communication of Agricultural Informa- Rural Communities in China tion Through University Library Support for International Development A. Mangstl, J.M. Pohlmann and H. Friedrich / A Concept of the Literature and Factual Data Management System (LIMAS) Poster Sessions List of Participants Contents / Table de Matières / Tabla de Materias

From the Editor’s Desk / Antoinette Paris Powell 126 Concurrent Session 7: Information and Cultural Remoteness

Conference After Dinner Address I Addressing Cultural and Language Barriers to Com- munication with Ethnic Farmers in Goulburn Valley / I All Conference Address / Derek Tribe 127 Bruce Cumming, Cengiz Erol, Vicki Mitsos 162 Allocation de la conférence Briser les barrières culturelles et linguistiques à la Discurso para la Sesion Plenaria de la Conferencia communication avec les agriculteurs de groupes ethniques de la vallée de Goulburn Barreras Culturales e Idiomáticas a la Comunicación con Invited Papers Agricultores de Grupos Etnicos en el Valle de Goulburn

I AGRIS and the Internet / H. Schmid, W. Ziegler 130 I The TCP/IP Networks in Subsaharian Africa / Olivier AGRIS et Internet Sagna 166 AGRIS e Internet Les réseaux TCP/IP en Afrique: intérêts, enjeux et espoirs

I The National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA) Las Redes de TCP/IP en Africa Sub-Sahárica (France): Survey and Prospects in the Field of Scientific and Technical Information (STI) / Concurrent Session 8: Christine Silvy 137 Australian Experiences with Electronic Networks Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA - France): bilan et prospective de l’information scientifique I The Australian Telecentres Program: Providing Public et technique Access to Information Networks for People in Rural Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agronómica (Francia): and Remote Regions / Ian Crellin, Jim Graham 173 Estudio y Perspectivas en el Campo de la Información Accès public pour les populations des régions rurales et Científica y Técnica isolées d’Australie, aux réseaux d’information grâce au programme de télécentres Concurrent Session 6: El Programa Australiano de Telecentros: Facilitando el Acceso de los Habitantes de Regiones Rurales y Remotas Technological Innovations a Redes de Información

I Reload of CAB Abstracts: Issues of Quality versus I LandcareNet—Australian Farmers’ Brush with Quantity / A.J. Powell, S.G. Dextre Clarke 142 Information Technology / Mandy Curnow 178 Rechargement de CAB Abstracts: qualité ou quantité? LandcareNet: les agriculteurs australiens se frottent à une El proceso de cargar nuevamente los resúmenes analíticos technologie de l’information del CAB: Aspectos de calida versus cantidad LandcareNet: El Roce de los Agricultores Australianos con Tecnología de Información I Effective Use of New Media Communication Systems in Remote Places: Strategic Sales and Shipping I Scientists and Rural Communities Taking on System in Isolated Areas of Japan / Kohki Shio, Communications Technology: an Australian Case Takemi Machida 143 Study / Janice E. Oliver 182 Systèmes de communication (-OCR) utilisés avec Scientifiques et communautés rurales adoptent la succés dans les régions isolées du Japon technologie des communications: étude de cas australien Uso Efectivo de Sistemas de Nuevos Medios de Comuni- Científicos y Comunidades Rurales Adoptan Tecnología de cación (Fax-OCR) en Lugares Remotos del Japón Comunicación: Estudio de Caso Australiano

I Facsimile Technology Improving Access to Agricultural Information in Outback Australia / Lynn Concurrent Session 9: M. Webber, John P. Brien 147 Using the Internet for Information Delivery La technologie du facsimilé pour améliorer l’accès des régions intérieure de l’Australie à l’information agricole I Building an Arid Lands Information Network on the La tecnología de facsímil (vía fax) mejor el acceso a la Internet / Barbara Hutchinson, John Bancroft 187 información agrícola en las llanuras áridas y desérticas de Mise en place sur Internet d’un réseau d’information sur Australia les pays arides Desarrollo de una Red de Información sobre Tierras Aridas en Internet I Communicating Veterinary Information Between I A Partnership for the Future: Better Library Services Specialists Around the World on the Internet / Jean- for Rural Clients / Ann Hanger 214 Paul Jette 192 Partenariat pour le future: meilleurs services de Communiquer l’information vétérinaire sur Internet entre bibliothéques pour les clients ruraux spécialistes du monde entier Coparticipación Futura: Mejores Servicios Bibliotecarios Intercambio de Información Veterinaria entre Especialistas para Clientes en Zonas Rurales alrededor del Mundo mediante Internet I Communicating Information to Remote Locations I Using the Internet to Co-ordinate the Provision of Takes Training / Jodee L. Kawasaki 219 Agricultural Information in the UK / David Stoker, Le transfert de l’information vers les zones isolées suppose Alison Cooke 196 de la formation L’utilisation d’Internet pour la coordination de la La Transferencia de Información a Lugares Remotos Exige fourniture de l’information agricole en Grande Bretagne Capacitación Utilización de Internet para Coordinar la Provisión de Información Agrícola en el Reino Unido Concurrent Session 12: Technology Applied to Development Concurrent Session 10: Overcoming Distance with Technology I Assuring Communication of Agricultural Information through University Library Support for International I Harvest from the NET: Benefits of Email for Dissemi- Development / Anne Fox 223 nating Agricultural Information in the African Conti- Garantir le transfert de l’information agricole avec l’appui nent / Chris Addison, Tim Cullen 201 des bibliothèques universitaires pour le développement international Récoltes sur le NET: avantages du courrier électronique pour la diffusion de l’information agricole vers les pays Garantizando la Transferencia de Información Agrícola africains Mediante el Apoyo a Bibliotecas Universitarias para el Desarrollo Internacional Frutos de NET: Beneficios de Correo Electrónico Respecto a la Difusión de Información Agrícola en el Continente Africano I The Concept of the Literature and Factual Data Management System LIMAS / A. Mangstl, J.M. I Supporting the Information Needs of Agricultural Pohlmann, H. Friedrich 226 Research Scientists Working in Remote Locations: Le concept de système de gestion de la littérature et des Implications of Recent Studies and Changes in données factuelles LIMAS Technology and Delivery Mechanisms / Peggy J. El Concepto de Sistema de Manejo de Literatura y Datos Beavers, Keith W. Russell, Ted S. Sibia 204 Objetivos, LIMAS Pour la satisfaction des besoins d’information des cher- cheurs agricoles travaillant dans des zones isolées: les implications des changements dans les domaines des tech- Poster Sessions / nologies et des mécanismes de transfert de l’information Exposition de posters / Sesiones de Carteleras 229 Apoyo de las Necesidades de Información de los Investi- gadores Agrícolas que Trabajan en Lugares Remotos: Implicaciones de Estudios Recientes y Cambios en List of Participants / Tecnología y en Mecanismos de Entrega Liste des Participants / Lista de Participantes 233

Concurrent Session 11: Taking Information to Remote Locations

I Information Highway or Dirt Track: Challenges in Delivery of Electronic Information Products to Isolated Clients / R.B. Blakeney, D. Stewart 211 Les Autoroutes de l’information ou les Chemins de terre: les défis de la fourniture de produits d’information aux clients dans des zones isolées Autopista de Información o Pista de Ripio: Retos en el Suministro de Productos de Información por Via Electróni- ca a Clientes en Sitios Aislados From the Editor’s Desk

This volume of the Quarterly Bulletin finishes the pub- Quarterly Bulletin to allow you to update your member- lication of the papers of the IXth World Congress held in ship list. Once I have the member database created, we Melbourne, Australia. It includes the last 20 papers pre- plan to issue the membership list annually. Until that sented along with brief summaries of the poster sessions. time, we will be doing member updates with each issue We have tried to bring as much of the conference as we of the Quarterly Bulletin. If you change your address or could to the IAALD Members who could not attended wish to provide your phone, fax or email, please contact and provide a useful volume for those people who at- me at the address below. This is one way IAALD is pro- tended the conference. The two volumes of the confer- moting networking among its membership. ence clearly indicate the diversity and the interests of The move to Allen Press has been completed and we IAALD Members. hope to see an improvement in the distribution of the Once again we have tried to include multiple lan- Quarterly Bulletin. One of the advantages of moving the guages where practical. The contents have been translat- printing to Allen Press in Lawrence, Kansas, USA is that ed into two languages as have the descriptions of the they not only do the printing but handle the distribution poster sessions. The Poster session section is designed to of the journal as well. I will have only one place to call give you enough information to see if you want to con- to find out where the Quarterly Bulletin is in the printing tact the presenter for more information. Phone and Fax and distribution process and so far they have been quick numbers and email addresses have been provided where to print the issue and get it out in distribution. After we possible. All this is designed to promote networking and have been with Allen Press for a while, we will once exchanging of information for IAALD members. again do a distribution survey to see if the distribution of Translating all of the abstracts and the poster session the Quarterly Bulletin has improved with this move. So is not an easy task. IAALD is fortunate to be able to take far I have been pleased with Allen Press and the person- advantages of the services of CIAT. The Spanish transla- nel who have worked on the Quarterly Bulletin. We are tions were provided by Lynn Menéndez of the Transla- continuing to monitor the distribution problem. tion Unit at CIAT in Colombia, South America. The With this issue, we will have published more than the French translations and any training aids are provided by equivalent of an entire volume of the Quarterly Bulletin. Marie-Josée Jehl of CTA in the Netherlands. Marie- Our publication budget calls for the printing of 240 type- Josée provides the translations as a service to IAALD. set pages for a year and once this issue is produced, we She is committed to IAALD’s tradition of providing will have exceeded that. For that reason (and the fact multiple languages and donates a great deal of time to that there are only so many hours in a day), there will this cause. During my term of editorship we have pro- only be one more issue of the Quarterly Bulletin. It will vided a great number of abstracts and other features in be a catch up issue with all of the news that has accumu- multiple languages. Marie-Josée has translated the ma- lated along with descriptions of different types of infor- jority of those abstracts into French. Marie-Josée is also mation centers around the world. It will be an informa- responsible for the training aids that have been issued on tive and we hope interesting issue. an irregular basis. These aids are designed to help infor- As always, the IAALD production staff welcomes any mation professionals in their day to day work. They fo- comments or suggestions you may have. Send them to: cus on a specific topic and are applied in nature. These Antoinette Paris Powell aids are provided as another IAALD service and Marie- Editor QBIAALD Josée is the architect of that service. I want to publicly 3755 Leestown Rd. thank Marie-Josée for her continued service to the orga- Lexington, KY 40511 nization and the IAALD membership. Telephone: +1-606-257-2758 Also included in this issue is an update to the mem- Fax: +1-606 323-4719 bership list in the Member Handbook. These additions Email: [email protected] and corrections will be included with each issue of the

126 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996

After Dinner Address to the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists: 24 January 1995

Derek Tribe Mr Chairman, Librarians, Doc- colleague, Stuart Hawkins. Once umentalists, Extension Workers, In- upon a time, if you can imagine it, Stuart was a youthful, slim, eager, ABSTRACT: In his address to the Con- formation Technologists, Journal- gress, Derek Tribe calls upon the group ists, Communicators, Publishers, risk-taking, modest lad, who came to help shape the Internet as an informa- Press Officers, Writers, Media Ex- to put agricultural communications tion tool. He warns about the widening perts, Academics and, if there be firmly on the agenda in this Univer- gap of the information haves and have any mere mortals present, ladies sity, in this State and, to a large nots and observes that the inequalities in extent, in this country. Coming hot- the distribution of knowledge are already and gentlemen. First of all I must wider even than those in the distribution sincerely thank Stuart Hawkins for foot from Latin America, brandish- of wealth. He called on the group to in- inviting me to be here this evening. ing his Michigan State PhD, it was form and convince world leaders and de- Under any circumstances it would Stuart, speaking Australian with a cision makers to give a higher priority to pronounced Spanish accent, who, institutions and activities that generate be a pleasure to dine in such compa- and disseminate agricultural knowledge. ny but I must say that it gives me against the usual opposition from extra delight to think that my dinner academic traditionalists, persuaded this University that the effective RESUMÉ: Dans son allocution, Derek is being paid for tonight by CAB In- Tribe a demandé aux conférenciers leur ternational. As you have just heard, dissemination of agricultural infor- assistance pour faire d’Internet un instru- CABI was kind enough to publish a mation didn’t just happen, and that ment d’information. Il les avertit du fossé recent book of mine, so you will un- farm advisers weren’t just born— grandissant entre les personnes qui déti- derstand that my delight is slightly here, he said, was a field of study ennent et celles qui ne détiennent pas l’information, et observe que les inégal- tinged with concern. Can it be, I that merited academic attention, re- ités dans le transfert des connaissances can’t help wondering, that CABI search and training—at both under- sont déjà plus grandes que dans la distri- can afford to host dinners like this graduate and graduate levels. Hav- bution des richesses. Il leur a demandé because they are making so much ing spent so many years of his life d’informer les décideurs mondiaux et de profit out of their struggling au- in tertiary education—an activity so les convaincre à donner une plus grande priorité aux institutions et activités qui thors? But I mustn’t cast aspersions aptly summed up by the cynic as “a génèrent et diffusent les connaissances on CABI—partly because they real- process of casting false pearls be- agricoles. ly were more than usually coopera- fore real swine”, Stuart, now not tive and efficient, and partly be- quite so youthful or slim as he once RESUMEN: En este discurso para la Se- cause one day I might be looking to was, but still as eager, modest and sion Plenaria del Congreso, Derek Tribe them to publish another book. But I willing to take a risk as ever, has re- convoca al grupo para que ayude a con- can’t help recalling that perceptive cently decided on a career change. figurar a Internet como una herramienta de información. Previene sobre la cre- comment about publishers that was That he will be sorely missed in the ciente brecha que existe entre las per- made by Norman Douglas: “It is University goes without saying, but sonas que tienen acceso a la informa- with publishers as with wives; one it is equally certain that a much ción y las que no la tienen, y hace la always wants somebody else’s”. wider community, out there in the observación de que las desigualdades I have at least two other reasons real world, will now benefit even en la distribución del conocimiento ya son mayores que las que se presentan for being pleased to be here tonight. more from his experience and wis- en la distribución de la riqueza. Convocó The first is that it gives me an excel- dom. Stuart, we all thank you for al grupo para informar y convencer a los lent opportunity, in this illustrious your past achievements and wish líderes mundiales y a los funcionarios and international company, to ac- you well for whatever you decide to que toman las decisiones para dar may- knowledge the enormous contribu- do in future. Of course, the third or prioridad a aquellas instituciones y ac- tividades que generan y difunden el tion made to agricultural communi- reason why I am so pleased to be conocimiento agrícola. cations by my long-time friend and here this evening is simply to enjoy

After Dinner Address to the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists 127 your company. Throughout my life I than the value of the information wealth—and present policies are have often played around on the gained. making the situation worse, not bet- edges of your profession—as a Reading such comments from the ter. For example, the annual nation- teacher, an adviser to farmers, a experts makes me feel that perhaps al investment in science and tech- writer and as a talker! But my activ- my bike isn’t so bad after all. Now nology in Japan runs at $700 per ities as a disseminator of agricultur- please don’t misunderstand me. I person, compared, for example, with al information, much though I have am not the Luddite that I may 22 cents in Nigeria. The reality is enjoyed them, have only been the sound. The new electronic informa- that at least 1 billion adults through- untutored efforts of an amateur. In tion technology is one of the great out the world are tonight excluded this age of computers, I am still an advances of our time—or, indeed, from the benefits of the growth of unashamed quill-pen man. of any time. But I’m reminded of knowledge because their illiteracy While you all rush up and down the story about a visit Queen Victo- and poverty combine to lock them your information super-highways in ria made to the Royal Institution in into their present state of ignorance. your latest high-tech vehicles, I pot- —to see a demonstration by Among this mass of uninformed are ter along the information lanes and Michael Faraday of a new physi- most of the farmers, foresters and byways on my bike. I often read of cal phenomenon called “electrici- fishermen in the world. Yet these are the extraordinary things you profes- ty”. She watched with interest and the people we are asking to perform sionals get up to and, although I then said “But Professor Faraday, the extremely difficult trick, during can’t understand it, I marvel at the what is the use of this thing you call the next 25 years, of protecting their literature you produce. For exam- electricity?” “Ma’am”, Faraday is environments while doubling their ple, I read, only the other day, an ar- said to have replied, “What is the food production. ticle that explained that, and I quote, use of a new-born babe?” The way we deal with the related Available on the Internet are a It is now up to you, the parents of problems of population increase, number of tools including e- the new agricultural information poverty, hunger and environmental mail, listservers, Telnet, the file technology to see that your baby degradation will determine the state transfer protocol, gophers, wide turns out to be a Leonardo da Vinci, of the world during the next century. area information servers, news Albert Schweitzer or Mother Tere- Increased knowledge about these is- services and World Wide Web. sa—rather than a Jack the Ripper, sues is steadily becoming available from the global research network. No wonder cyclists are banned Adolf Hitler or Idi Amin. Will your The speed at which this is occurring from travelling on super-highways baby live to increase further the dif- urgently needs to be increased but, —we wouldn’t last five minutes. ferences between the world’s haves and have-nots—or will it close the even if this is achieved, it will be of Naturally I stand in awe of the gap and bring the light of knowl- no avail unless the new knowledge mind-boggling advances which edge to all? is made available to those farmers, seem to be taking place twice daily The creation and dissemination foresters and fishermen in whose in your profession. Yet, as I pedal of knowledge have always been two hands the management of the earth’s along on my bike, I can’t help won- of the most sublime activities of the natural resources primarily rests. dering whether super-highways are human race. However, it has been When I meet these farmers, as I all that they are cracked up to be. It reported recently that more than often do when pottering along on worried me to read in a recent issue 80% of the world’s new knowledge my bike, I am moved to wonder of Internet World that: is currently the preserve of less than what the information super-high- there is a world of information 10% of the population. The Internet way is going to do for them. In my on the Internet but little of it is Society estimated a few months ago own mind, I liken these highways to easily accessible.… The prob- that the Internet is used by less than the main arteries which take the lem is finding what you need… half of 1% of the population. blood up and down the human body. and distinguishing truthful infor- The Director General of UN- But these arteries function effec- mation from fraudulent informa- ESCO recently pointed out that: tively through their two-way con- tion…users are quickly finding nections with the smallest blood out that the Internet is not what Today the gap between the poor capillaries which carry oxygen and they thought it would be…much and the rich is a knowledge gap. of the information available in There can be no sustainable de- essential nutrients to each organ, tis- file transfer protocol archives is velopment throughout the world sue and even cell throughout the ‘grey literature’ and many docu- if there is no increase in the body. ments are out of date…most in- transfer of scientific informa- Knowledge is the oxygen which formation is not yet at the point tion. sustains life in the global agricultur- where it is immediately useful or Inequalities in the distribution of al body and it, too, can only do its relevant…the time and costs of knowledge are already wider even job if it is carried to and from every using the Internet may be higher than those in the distribution of village and every farm in every

128 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 country. An improved supply and vince the world’s leaders and deci- able, and you, the professionals, circulation of agricultural knowl- sion makers that they must give have the expertise, the technology edge are the first requirements if the much higher priority to institutions and the contacts to make sure that world’s farmers are both to produce and activities that generate and dis- the message hits the target. Go to it! the food we need and to protect the seminate agricultural knowledge. Thank you again for having me world’s natural resources. Despite Sitting on my bike, using my with you tonight. I wish you well in the impressive advances of recent quill pen, I’ve done my best to con- all the various information and ex- years, neither the research base nor vey this message—and CABI, bless tension activities which you togeth- the extension, education and train- them, have published the result— er undertake on the highways and in ing base that are so urgently needed, Feeding and Greening the World. the country lanes. They are all im- are presently capable of doing the But will the right people get the portant—and I would like to pro- job. Worse still, in recent years the message? Will they believe it? Will pose a toast to the future success of funding support for both, in most they act on it? your national and international as- countries of the world, has been de- Optimistically, I like to think they sociations and to all who sail in clining. will—provided this message is tak- them. Friends, if there is one activity en up in a chorus that echoes up and that, more than any other, needs to down the super-highways, as well DEREK TRIBE is the author of Feed- ing and Greening the World: the Role be undertaken by you and your As- as the country lanes. The message is of International Agricultural Research sociation it is to inform and con- irrefutable, the target is unmistak- published by CABI in 1994.

After Dinner Address to the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists 129 Invited Paper AGRIS and the Internet

ment séparé dans le menu d’accès, qui ses de datos en hipertexto. Una apli- H. Schmid and W. Ziegler mène l’usager à ‘information AGRIS’ et cación de AGRIS será la implementación au ‘menu principal de VIC’ (pour l’accès de las versiones de AGROVOC en id- ABSRACT: In 1992 the International en ligne à AGRIS). Actuellement, l’’infor- iomas diferentes, con posibles enlaces Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) where the mation sur AGRIS’ est limitée à quelques en hipertexto a CIRAD, Montpellier, don- FAO’s AGRIS Processing Unit (APU) is documents de bases AGRIS (ex. Fiches de la versión en francés de AGROVOC located has become a full Internet , d’information), mais d’autres projets sont está disponible bajo WWW como una with e-mail, FTP, TELNET and gopher en cours. La FAO ressuscite le groupe base de datos en hipertexto en Oracle, a services, and a WWW (World Wide Web) de discussion sur les média électronique nivel experimental. Otra aplicación pla- server in preparation. About a year ago AGRIS-L pour que les centres partici- neada pondrá a disposición de los usu- APU started to use Internet services for pants puissent discuter des points d’un arios los manuales del sistema AGRIS. AGRIS operations. The submission of intérêt commun. AIEA est en train de AGRIS input data via FTP has proved réaliser un serveur WWW qui permettra more reliable than via e-mail. Remote le stockage de bases de données en hy- access via TELNET to AGRIS on-line will pertexte. Une application d’AGRIS sera AGRIS has been in operation bridge the gap between the last AGRIS la réalisation des versions AGROVOC for 20 years. In these 20 years, in- CD-ROM and the actual production. In en différentes langues avec des liens en creased computing power, better IAEA’s gopher menu AGRIS is a sepa- hypertexte avec CIRAD, Montpellier, où price performance ratios and two rate entry menu item which leads the la version française d’AGROVOC est major developments in the field of user to “AGRIS information” and “VIC disponible, au stade expérimental, sur le Master menu” (for AGRIS on-line ac- WWW comme une base de données en data processing, have had a strong cess). At present “AGRIS information” is hypertexte sous Oracle. Une autre appli- impact on how users access data- restricted to some basic AGRIS docu- cation en cours est de mettre à la dispo- bases, how AGRIS Participating ments (e.g. fact sheets) but further de- sition des usagers les manuels du sys- Centres have prepared and submit- velopments are planned. FAO is reviving tème AGRIS. the AGRIS-L electronic discussion group ted their input, and how this data has been processed at the AGRIS for the participating centres to discuss RESUMEN: En 1992 el Organismo Inter- matters of common interest. IAEA is in nacional de Energía Atómica (OIEA), Processing Unit in Vienna. process of implementing a WWW server donde está ubicada la Unidad de Proce- The first of these two major de- which allows the storing of hypertext samiento de AGRIS (APU, su acrónimo velopments was the introduction databases. An AGRIS application will be en inglés) de la FAO, se ha convertido en the implementation of the various lan- and evolution of the personal com- un nodo completo de Internet, con cor- puter. The personal computer, which guage versions of AGROVOC with possi- reo electrónico, FTP, servicios TELNET y ble hypertext links to CIRAD, Montpellier, gopher, y un servidor WWW (World Wide in most places has evolved to a where the French version of AGROVOC Web) en preparación. Hace casi un año, workstation on a LAN, has not only is available under WWW as an Oracle la APU comenzó a utilizar los servicios placed cheap computing power on hypertext database on an experimental de Internet para las operaciones de basis. Another planned application is to our desk tops but, it has revolution- AGRIS. La presentación de datos de in- ized computing to a great degree. In make available the AGRIS system man- sumo de AGRIS vía FTP ha resultado uals. más confiable que vía correo electrónico. order to sell hardware and software El acceso remoto vía TELNET a AGRIS to virtually everybody, the hardware RESUMÉ: En 1992, l’Agence Interna- en línea cerrará la brecha entre el último and especially the software indus- tionale sur l’Energie Atomique (AIEA) qui CD-ROM de AGRIS y la producción ac- tries have had to come down with abrite l’unité de processus d’AGRIS, ap- tual. En el menú gopher del OIEA, prices and make their products more pelé APU, de la FAO, est devenu un AGRIS es un elemento separado en el noeud complet d’Internet, offrant les ser- menú de acceso, conduciendo al usuario user-friendly. They had to respond vices suivants : courrier électronique, a la “información sobre AGRIS” y al to the challenge of providing prod- FTP, TELNET et gopher, et un service “menú maestro de VIC” (para el acceso ucts geared to users wanting better WWW (World Wide Web) est en prépa- en línea a AGRIS). Actualmente “la infor- performance with new types of ration. Il y a environ un an, APU a com- mación sobre AGRIS” está restringida a computers. Not everything is user- mencé à utiliser les services d’Internet algunos documentos básicos de AGRIS pour les opérations AGRIS. La présenta- (por ejemplo, hojas informativas), pero friendly in the area of computing, tion des données AGRIS via FTP s’est se planean otros adelantos. La FAO está but user-friendliness was never at avérée plus fiable que via le courrier resucitando el grupo de discusión en such a high level as it is now within électronique. L’accès en différé via TEL- medio electrónico AGRIS-L para que los the PC area. It was within the PC NET à AGRIS en ligne va combler la centros participantes puedan discutir world that graphical user interfaces brèche entre le dernier CD-ROM AGRIS asuntos de interés común. El OIEA está et la production actuelle. Dans le menu en el proceso de implementar un servi- emerged, and as a result, users are du Gopher d’AIEA, AGRIS est un élé- dor WWW que permitirá almacenar ba- able to perform tasks on their desk

130 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 top computers which would have Communication with the server is ing planned or are under considera- been inconceivable just a decade only started when data or services tion, such as FTP (File Transfer Pro- ago. are needed which are not available tocol), Discussion Lists (listserv), The second major development on the client. Newsgroups, as well as access to with great impact was an upsurge in searching mechanisms (Archie, Ver- computer networking. Networking Computer Names onica and WAIS, which are not dis- between computer systems started and Numbers in Internet cussed in this paper). as early as 1969 in the United States Networking requires a unique The IAEA has also been operat- (ARPANET—Advanced Research identification for each computer. ing electronic mail on the main- Projects Agency—Network). How- This unique identification in Inter- frame (via EARN/BITNET) and ever, this type of networking was net is a worldwide unique name more recently on a UNIX platform still restricted to certain institutions (domain name) and a number (IP (with e-mail addresses name@ne- and their elite users. The real quan- number). The correspondence of A Gopher server tum leap to modern networking, as these names and numbers is kept in (identification, we know it now on the Internet, a “so-called” name server. A central FTP and WWW servers as well as came in the last few years. This un- organisation (the InterNIC Registra- discussion lists are in a test phase. precedented development was made tion Service) assigns unique ranges possible as a result of the following of addresses and domain names to Internet Basic Services and Its elements: requesting organizations. FAO has Use in AGRIS • the introduction and general ac- been allocated all addresses begin- AGRIS uses in its daily operation ceptance of a set of data transmis- ning with 168.202 and 193.43.36, as the following basic Internet ser- sion protocols, especially the Trans- well as the domain name vices: mission Control Protocol (TCP) The IAEA’s Internet computer has • Electronic Mail the domain name and the Internet Protocol (IP) • FTP with an IP number •the enormous growth of a • TELNET infrastructure Internet Services at Electronic Mail (E-Mail) – Elec- • the existence of enormous com- FAO and IAEA tronic mail is probably the most puting power distributed all over AGRIS is coordinated by the AG- used service on the Internet. The the world with microcomputers as RIS/CARIS Coordinating Centre of Internet protocol for E-Mail is intelligent terminals on our desk- the Food and Agriculture Organiza- called Simple Mail Transfer Proto- tops. tion of the United Nations (FAO) col (SMTP) specified in 1982 and Internet is not a new network. In with its headquarters in Rome, Italy. supports messages in ASCII charac- fact, it is not correct to say Internet The AGRIS Processing Unit (APU) ters only. is a network of networks. Internet is is hosted at the International Atomic In order to use electronic mail the the denomination of all computer Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, local PC has to be connected to a communications which correspond Austria, through an Interagency mailbox computer (mail server), via the TCP/IP protocol. In 1994, agreement. As a result, AGRIS has where a mail box server program is more than 3,000,000 host comput- access to both Internet services, active. On the local PC an appropri- ers and over 32 million users were namely the services offered at FAO ate client program must be active, connected via the Internet. The sys- and those at IAEA. APU has started for example POPmail or Microsoft tem is said to double every 7 to use them as soon as they became Mail. Each user of electronic mail months! available. has a unique address, usually in the Programs, respectively services, FAO had been operating elec- form name@mailserver. If the ad- which run on the Internet are built tronic mail (E-Mail) for many years dress is more complicated, the user according to the Client/Server con- on the mainframe computer via the is most probably connected via a cept. Client/Server means that pro- EARN/BITNET network. After a gateway to Internet mail services. gram functions are split between the pilot period in cooperation with FAO and the IAEA, both use Mi- desktop computer (the Client) and CGNET, FAO has recently installed crosoft Mail. FAO uses the MS- the Server (usually a more powerful a Gopher server (identification go- DOS and the Windows version, machine which is part of the net-, a WWW server (with IAEA the Windows based version work). As opposed to LANs (Local universal resource locator URL only. The client software is installed Area Networks) the server need not and an SMTP on nearly all PCs in the two organi- be in the same organization, or even server for electronic mail (the e-mail zations. FAO has an SMTP gateway in the same country. The client pro- address of an FAO staff member between their internal mail users gram renders certain services to the takes the form firstname.lastname@ and their central mail-hub which user independently from the server. Additional services are be- also serves as an SMTP gateway to

AGRIS and the Internet 131 the Internet. This permits all users closures or attachments. Data is en- and a user password. Some hosts to be addressed as [email protected] coded and converted into characters also allow one to start the session irrespective of the internal mail ser- which can be transmitted without anonymously by accepting the word vice they use. IAEA has a similar problems via the networks. If the “anonymous” as log-in name and no setup. APU belongs to the mail sender and receiver use the same password. Usually users are expect- server mail software encoding and decod- ed to enter their e-mail address as AGRIS has been using E-Mail ing is done automatically, but, if password. Computers which offer for communication with their par- they communicate with different files under FTP service are called ticipants for many years. In 1992, software usually an explicit encod- FTP sites. A worldwide searching the AGRIS Coordinating Centre ing or decoding step has to be facility for computer files available began encourageing AGRIS par- added. Microsoft E-Mail uses UU- under FTP is ARCHIE. All kind of ticipants to submit input data via ENCODE and UUDECODE, and files may be transmitted via FTP E-Mail. However, we encountered attachments which arrive encoded such as text files, documents, pic- some problems. by UUENCODE will be automati- tures, images, or executable com- The reason for these problems cally decoded. Attachments have puter codes. were the following. When exchang- proven to be a good method for FTP in its native mode is a set of ing data with E-Mail, it is not possi- transmitting data of small to medi- UNIX commands. These commands ble to define file attributes such as um size batches (up to 200 refer- are very powerful but not user- record sizes or record formats. E- ences) to the AGRIS Processing friendly. Krol in his Internet Guide mail deals with pure unstructured Unit (APU) in Vienna. said in 1992: “FTP was designed text, and it transports this text in So far, AGRIS has not encoun- before ‘user-friendliness’ was in- portions which may be longer or tered any problems concerning vented”. At the IAEA, the Windows shorter than the original length of a length, character set or line format based program Pathway Access text line. For a message it does not for data sent via an attachment. Also (copyright by The Wollongong matter if the line width is 60, 80 or diacritical characters are transmit- Group) is used which allows all 100 characters but it does for data. ted correctly, a requirement for operations in a user-friendly way Pure text within E-Mail means stan- those input centres which request (the actual FTP commands can be dard ASCII text. Diacritical charac- the computer-assisted translation made visible on the screen). ters or special non-ASCII characters service at APU (Spanish to English, For the moment, FTP is the best may be changed or misinterpreted and French to English which is be- method of sending AGRIS data to during transmission. ing tested). Another method for en- Vienna. Even large input quantities Furthermore, E-Mail is designed coding data is MIME (Multi-pur- have been transmitted without any to handle data lines of the size of a pose Internet Extension). APU has problems. However, it should be letter or chapter of a book. It is received and successfully processed noted that when tranferring large therefore not possible to transmit first test data encoded by MIME. files we recommend that centres use large batches of input. Even if the At present, more than 10 AGRIS a compression technique (APU can limits have increased over the years, centres send their data via attach- process PKZIP copyright by PK- the transmission of large files still ment to the APU. Input submission WARE Inc. and ARJ copyright by leads to problems. In general, AG- via E-Mail is much appreciated R.K.Jung, Norwood, Mass.) in or- RIS accepts input in two forms, since no time-consuming diskette der to keep the transmission times namely in a tag/text format, also handling with AGRIS data is in- short. So far, six AGRIS centres called line format, and in an ISO volved (checking for viruses, re- have been using FTP for input sub- 2709 format. As the tag/text format turning of diskettes to owner, etc.). mission on a regular basis. has almost no structure, no prob- As part of standard AGRIS produc- FTP provides two-fold possibili- lems were encountered if the data tion, APU prints and sends, on a ties, either getting a file into an indi- was reasonable in size and did not monthly basis, error lists for infor- vidual computer or putting a file on contain special characters. The op- mation and action to the participat- the server. However, due to security posite was the case with data in ISO ing centres. The use of E-Mail for considerations at the IAEA, like at 2709 format (output of Micro CDS/ this activity is being investigated. many other places, measures are in ISIS and the AGRIS exchange for- FTP Service – FTP (File transfer place that restrict users in writing mat). In this format, the structure Protocol) was designed for sending data onto IAEA’s computer system. is important and uncontrolled line and receiving data files and exe- For AGRIS input submission, breaks (insertion of carriage return cutable programs across the net- APU therefore has to fetch the data and line feed characters) destroy the work. In order to initiate a file trans- from the participating centre. The sensible format. fer, one has to start an FTP session, participating centre has to send an Nowadays, modern electronic mail that is one has to log-in on the host E-Mail in the style of the AGRIS programs provide for so-called en- computer with a valid log-in name Input Submission/Acknowledgment

132 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Form. This electronic form contains nal emulation. TELNET client pro- One can find the most varying the standard information (the range grams usually permit the selection types of information on the Inter- of TRNs, number of references, of a communication mode and the net: graphically presented economic date of shipment) and the detailed terminal emulation. data, weather forecasts, discussion instructions on how to pick up the Via TELNET services, remote lists, video clips, puzzles, children’s file via FTP (the Internet computer users can get access to the last two games and so forth. The user only name or IP number, log-in name and years of the AGRIS database (free needs to know how to find it. This, password, the file name with the of charge). But access at present is however, is not always easy, “Lost path). We recommend that log-in not easy. The database is still on a in Cyberspace” happens easily to name and password provide access mainframe computer under the re- Internet users. One can also easily to AGRIS data only, although some trieval system STAIRS. To start a be carried away by coming across centres give us access to all data. TELNET session to the AGRIS interesting data one originally did FTP knows two types of data, database, connection should be not even look for. Only four of the namely ASCII and binary. ASCII done either to the IAEA’s Internet advanced services will be men- means that a specific character is computer or to tioned here, as these are in use or in transmitted as this character, even the mainframe machine iaea1.iaea. a planning stage at AGRIS, namely if its binary representation in the Terminal emulation should be discussion lists, newsgroups, go- transmitting computer is different set to VT100 for the Internet com- pher and WWW (or W3). from the receiving computer. Bina- puter and TN3270 for the main- Discussion Lists – Discussion lists ry means that each byte is transmit- frame machine. A log-in name and a are a variant of electronic mail. Us- ted bit per bit without interpretation password is available from the ing normal E-Mail, the message is of its meaning. Consequently, plain AGRIS Processing Unit at no sent to a specific user. In actuality, text data should be transmitted as charge. Nevertheless, users may still the message is sent to the mail serv- ASCII, and non-text data such as experience difficulties with the spe- er to which the user is connected executable files, word processing cial control keys, like and and stays there till the recipient is files, image and audio files must be or the function keys. willing to read his/her mail. With sent as binary files. Since we accept The IAEA plans to install the sys- discussion lists, the message is also only ASCII data, it should be trans- tem Personal Librarian on a UNIX sent to a mail server, which distrib- mitted using ASCII mode. This machine with easy access through utes the message to all partners on mode also takes care of the different Internet. Various databases, includ- the list (electronic circular letters). way of coding line breaks in the ing the last 6 months of the AGRIS Discussion lists can be set up as various microcomputers and UNIX database, will be made available moderated or as unmoderated lists. machines. Under the Personal Librarian. This With moderated lists, the moderator Technically, there is no difference procedure will bridge the gap be- (list owner) has to clear each mes- between normal FTP and anony- tween the most recent CD-ROM sage before the computer will send mous FTP. Anonymous FTP is a and the actual production run. it to the list members. In an unmod- way of giving access to the public erated list the computer sends it off without password restrictions. Cur- Internet Advanced Network without human intervention. Fur- rently, all AGRIS data on IAEA’s Services and Its Use in AGRIS thermore, one can distinguish be- FTP server is available under anon- The basic services FTP and TEL- tween open and closed discussion ymous FTP. For example, the Eng- NET are very powerful, but difficult lists. In open discussion lists, every- lish version of AGROVOC (struc- to handle, specifically for the inex- body may subscribe. In closed dis- tured, single column, ASCII) can be perienced user. However, several cussion lists, where privacy is an fetched by anonymous FTP from advanced services have been devel- issue, subscriptions have to be ac- the server, file oped over the last few years. They cepted by the list moderator. /pub/agris/agrovoc. are partly built on the above men- A well known group of discus- TELNET Service – Access to re- tioned basic services, while ad- sion lists are operated by a program mote computers can be done on the vanced network services are a main called “listserv”, originally devel- Internet by using TELNET. TEL- reason for the enormous growth in oped for EARN/BITNET, but also NET is a client program which al- the usage of the Internet. The aware- available via Internet. With listserv, lows using a PC as a terminal to the ness of this growth has in turn stim- it is important to distinguish be- remote host computer. At the IAEA, ulated more servers with more in- tween the administrative address TELNET is included in the Pathway formation sources into the Internet. (which takes the form listserv@ Access software. Between host and As an example, during the first ) and the posting ad- terminals there may be different week in January 1995, 33 gopher, dress (usually of the form @). The first example IBM 3270 or VT100 termi- were added to the network. one is used to send administrative

AGRIS and the Internet 133 commands to the list, like SUB- FAO documentation projects and to the Internet and equipped with a SCRIBE and UNSUBSCRIBE; the components, and selected informa- Gopher Server. Gopher is also based second is used to post messages to tion specialists. on the Client/Server architecture. the list participants. The distinction Newsgroups – Another type of dis- When the client software is activat- of these two addresses sometimes cussion forum on the Internet are ed, a connection is made to a stan- poses a problem to the inexperi- the newsgroups. They are offered by dard Gopher (home Gopher) and an enced user. so-called news servers. Contrary to initial menu is displayed. FAO and At APU, we have subscribed to discussion lists, users have to ac- IAEA both operate Gopher servers the discussion list SPIN-L of Silver- tively pick up the contributions ac- ( and nesirs01.iaea. Platter, a discussion forum which is cording to their interest. In order to The main Gopher menu of recommended to all SilverPlatter read the articles, users need a client both servers allow switching from CD-ROM users. In order to register software on their computer, called one to another UN Gopher or to go with SilverPlatter’s SPIN-L one has newsreader. A newsreader usually to the details of FAO or IAEA re- to send an E-Mail to listserv@sil- offers the possibility of replying to spectively. with the message the author or to all registered news- Below the IAEA main Gopher subscribe SPIN-L . readers. For test purposes, the news entry there is a Gopher item on SPIN-L contains items concerning server of the Vienna University of AGRIS where basic information on retrieval and installation problems, Economies as an entry point (news. AGRIS can be obtained (AGRIS as well as news from the SilverPlat- has been used at fact sheets, FTP to AGROVOC file ter company itself. For example, via APU. About 4000 such newsgroups in ASCII format, VIC master menu SPIN-L we were informed about can be consulted from the Vienna which allows a TELNET session to training material made available by University. Recently, in cooperation the AGRIS database). It will be a SilverPlatter and that the files con- with the Austrian company EUNET, major task in the coming months taining that material may be re- the IAEA has installed at news serv- and years to complete this informa- trieved via FTP from their FTP site. er ( tion. Most likely, the information on We were also informed about a A large range of subjects are dis- AGRIS will be transferred to FAO’s WWW server (see below) that Sil- cussed in these news groups, from Gopher and the IAEA will only verPlatter has started and were scientific items in many disciplines point to this Gopher. For agricultur- invited to read the WWW Silver- to cooking recipes and children’s al information, the CGNET Gopher Platter home pages. To IAALD games. Like discussion lists, news- should also be consulted (gopher. members, the discussion lists of groups can be run as open or as It offers links to a vari- CGNET with its administrative ad- closed groups. The relevance of ety of resources related to agricul- dress [email protected] are prob- newsgroups to AGRIS and CARIS ture, animal health, biology, eco- ably well known. is being investigated. nomics, environmental research, During two years the AGRIS Co- Gopher – In order to get data via and Latin America studies. ordinating Centre operated an open FTP or TELNET, the user has to To facilitate finding information discussion list AGRIS-L on an FAO know exactly the address of the host via Gophers, a database is main- computer in Rome. Following the computer, like domain name or IP tained containing details of all the evaluation of that experience, it was number. It can be very cumbersome Gopher Servers and menu titles in decided to temporarily close it down. to find out the address of sites which the world. This database is being It will be resumed as an unmod- contain information one is interest- updated constantly. A searching erated, closed list named agris- ed in. The development of Gopher tool, known as Veronica, allows one [email protected]. The subject scope (developed at the University of Min- to search this database for infor- cover AGRIS and CARIS matters, nesota in 1991) was a step to relieve mation. FAO documentation databases, FAO the user from this effort. WWW (World Wide Web) – The field documentation activities, AG- Gopher is an information deliv- latest and perhaps most striking de- LINET, AGROVOC, vacancies and ery system presented to the user as a velopment on the Internet horizon is consultancy opportunities in the set of menu lines. Each such line World Wide Web, generally referred FAO’s Library and Documentation can either point to a further Gopher to as WWW or W3. It allows multi- Division (GIL), jobs and contractu- menu, to a text data file, to an FTP media applications, supports text, al opportunities at the AGRIS/ connection or to a TELNET session. graphics, sounds, images and vid- CARIS national, regional and inter- The type of menu line is usually eos. It links information present at national centres. Subscriptions will marked by an icon or a symbol de- different places all over the world be restricted to AGRIS and CARIS pending on the gopher client soft- and creates a net or a web of infor- centres, GIL consultants, AGRIS/ ware. Any menu item can point to mation links. CARIS supporters and cooperative information on the same host com- In order to be able to work with institutions, AGLINET libraries, puter or on any other host connected WWW one needs:

134 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 • a WWW client software, progress to make documents and tural user, the SilverPlatter system • a standard Internet connection, and other data available under WWW. may be relevant. SilverPlatter has At the IAEA the situation is similar. developed a client/server applica- • the Internet address of one WWW A prototype of a home page is avail- tion of the SPIRS software. The server as an entry point into the able on client software can be downloaded web. At AGRIS, we plan to offer ac- via FTP from SilverPlatter’s FTP APU has experience with Mosaic cess via WWW to a number of doc- site. After installation of this soft- (version 2.0 Alpha of NCSA, Uni- uments, such as manuals, directo- ware on the user’s PC, the user is versity of Illinois) and, on an exper- ries like the list of AGRIS/CARIS given access to one of the servers imental basis, with Netscape (ver- participants and the list of AG- with SilverPlatter databases. At pre- sion 0.9 Beta of Netscape Commu- LINET libraries and AGROVOC. sent there is one server in Norwood, nication Corporation). Since AGROVOC is too large for UK, with some 20 databases. In the Connecting to a WWW server sequential browsing it will be im- near future about 20 servers with brings the so called ‘home page’ up plemented as a searchable database some 100–150 databases will be on the screen. The home page, as with a proper retrieval engine. available. AGRIS will be included. screen pages in general on WWW, CIRAD in Montpellier (an AG- These databases will be on sub- are a mixture of text and graphics. RIS centre) has done pioneer work scription only (the first month being WWW pages could be compared in this field. They have set up the free of charge) with a rate compara- with pages of an illustrated book or French version of AGROVOC as an ble to the CD-ROM. With this set- journal. The hypertext links on such ORACLE database. As a pilot and up, SilverPlatter plans to update the a page are clearly shown by a differ- study project, they linked it with databases as they receive updates ent presentation. Mostly they are their WWW server and it is now ac- from the databases producers. For words in a different colour and font cessible worldwide. By connecting AGRIS, this means monthly up- or ‘sensitive areas’ in a picture. If to their home page, one can switch dates. the mouse pointer is brought over to AGROVOC by a mouse click and such a word or area the arrow search for any descriptor or non-de- Overlap of Services in Internet changes into a hand with an indicat- scriptor (even with right-hand trun- Client software of the various ing finger. With just a mouse click, cation). Within a wordblock each services in Internet overlap to a cer- the user receives the information word in turn contains the link to its tain extent. For example, one may behind that link, which could be own wordblock. This allows a very access via Mosaic or Netscape a fetched from the same document or comfortable usage of the thesaurus. Gopher site and use the WWW database, from another document or As said above, if one is connect- client software for Gopher services. database on the same server or from ed to an initial WWW server with One may also access newsgroups any other WWW server worldwide. proper setup, one does not need to via a gopher client software, but one As WWW is a multimedia appli- bother with addressing details. cannot submit discussion contribu- cation with the client software run- However, it may happen that a user tions from a Gopher. One can also ning under Windows, powerful PCs wants to address a WWW server di- access by TELNET a mailserver are needed to exploit the possibili- rectly. For such cases, one needs to and use UNIX commands for elec- ties of WWW. The recommended know the URL. URL stands for uni- tronic mail services. configuration is a PC 486DX2-66 or versal resource locator and contains higher with good network access, the address information needed in Working Sectors in Internet 8MB or more RAM, a powerful WWW for the connection. Most Computer networking and the graphics card, some 100 MB of free WWW clienst allow saving these possibilities on the Internet will de- disk space, and, if one intends on re- addresses for later use (called set- velop further. It will affect the way ceiving sound data, a sound card ting of bookmarks). people run their daily tasks in the with speakers. If a PC is not power- The URL of CIRAD is http: offices more and more. It will also ful enough or transmission speeds // Another home page affect private life increasingly. Some are slow, both WWW client pro- important for agricultural informa- authors compare the impact of the grams mentioned above allow the tion is the one of CGNET. Its home Internet and its services to the im- exclusion of graphics on the screen page can be addressed under http: pact of the invention of the printing pages. However, even if the graph- // press 500 years ago. And, besides ics are not always needed, by ex- the strength of the impact, there are cluding them, one might lose a lot Other Client/Server also striking similarities in the struc- of pleasure. Applications in Internet ture between the two media. Recently, FAO has installed a Apart from gopher and WWW, People around conventional pub- WWW server ( with there are other client/server applica- lishing can be divided into three the FAO home page. Work is in tion on the Internet. For an agricul- groups. The target group are the

AGRIS and the Internet 135 readers. The other two are the ones the network, and the development Maier, Gunther and Andreas Wildberger. creating the product for the target and installation of software for us- 1994. “In 8 Sekunden um die Welt”. 2nd. group, namely, the authors and edi- age by the two groups above. ed. Bonn; Reading MA: Addison-Wesley. tors on the one hand, and the print- CGNET News, November 1994. ing people on the other. Within the Conclusion Internet one could similarly define a AGRIS work with Internet has IAEA internal report “The Internet and structure composed of three groups. proven very successful and we are IAEA”, February 1994, available from J. looking forward to further develop- Barton, Central Computer Services of • The users are the target audience. IAEA. Services are set up for their use ments in this area. An increase in and they have to be able to find participating centres that have ac- ACCIS, The Internet—An Introductory and use the information. cess to the Internet will mean a Guide for United Nations Organizations. higher value of services to the entire 1994. Rome: FAO. Also available via FTP. • The information providers, like AGRIS community. It is therefore authors and editors, have to pro- strongly recommended that centres vide the data. That involves writ- HELGA SCHMID is head of the AGRIS make every effort to link up to In- ing, extracting and compiling the Processing Unit and Walter Ziegler ternet. works with the development of the text and defining the layout. This AGRIS computer systems and the ap- includes tasks like setting up men- pliction of new technologies for the us in Gophers or pages (text and BIBLIOGRAPHY benefit of the AGRIS system. images) in WWW, and providing the links to the information. The literature on Internet is enormously large. Only a very few citations are given: CONTACT ADDRESS: • The computer specialists provide the technical infrastructure in which Krol, Ed. 1994. The Whole Internet Helga Schmid the above tasks are running. That User’s Guide and Catalog. 2nd ed. Se- IAEA-AGRIS Processing Unit P.O. Box 100 includes the telecommunication bastopol, CA: O’Reilly and Associates Inc. A-1400 Vienna sector, the development of hard AUSTRIA and software, the setting up of Gilster, P. 1994. The Internet Navigator. Telephone: +43-2020-26161 servers and clients, the linking to 2nd ed. New York: Wiley. E-MAIL: [email protected]

136 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Invited Paper The National Institute for Agronomical Research (INRA) (France):

Survey and Prospects in the Field of Scientific and Technical Information (STI)

cherche, statut de la publication scien- periódicas de bibliotecas europeas y de Christine Silvy tifique, mutations technologiques), il faut bibliotecas regionales. Debe existir may- ajouter les facteurs internes que sont or colaboración entre las bibliotecas y ABSTRACT: The activities and the tradi- l’évolution de la recherche à l’INRA et la deben establecerse convenios de ad- tional structures related to the produc- politique interne de l’IST. Les objectifs à quisición. Se realizará un programa de tion, dissemination and use of scientific moyen terme se situent autour des sistematización de las bibliotecas del and technical information at the National thèmes suivants : INRA. El Instituto participa también en Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA) • La politique d’acquisition des collec- un proyecto nacional para desarrollar are going through great changes. This is tions de périodiques : il faut développer una base de datos sobre literatura gris y due to factors external to INRA (increas- la coopération entre bibliothèques et ponerla a disposición del público. 2) El ing interdisciplinarity of research, status une gestion raisonnée des acquisitions. análisis de las necesidades en ICT y su of the scientific publication, technological Un plan d’informatisation des biblio- evolución. Esto incluye un seguimiento development) and internal factors [evolu- thèques de l’INRA va être mis en place de tecnología, la coproducción de bases tion of both INRA research and internal ; l’INRA participe au projet national de de datos bibliográficos, el desarrollo de policy on scientific and technical resear- base de données sur la littérature non- una base de datos en multimedia y de ach (STI)]. The major challenges facing conventionnelle. sistemas de información sobre activi- INRA include: • L’analyse des besoins en IST et leur dades de investigación, y el uso de servi- • The purchasing policy of periodicals in évolution concernent la veille scien- dores de información. 3) Continuación European libraries and libraries in the tifique et technique, la co-production de de la pluralidad lingüística. El INRA se region. Cooperation among the libraries bases de données bibliographiques, le propone desarrollar más las actividades and purchasing agreements should be développement de bases de données de interpretación y de terminología. Se made. A programme of computerization multimédia, les systèmes d’information ha iniciado una actividad de difusión de of INRA libraries will be carried out and sur les activités de recherche et les in- ICT y de capacitación en los países de INRA participates in the national project foserveurs. Europa Oriental. of databases on grey literature to make • L’INRA continue de défendre la pluralité that information available. linguistique et propose de développer • The analysis of needs in STI and their l’interprétation et la terminologie. Une evolution includes a technology watch; action de diffusion et de formation à The National Institute the co-production of bibliographic data- l’IST dans les pays de l’Est et du for Agronomical Research bases; the development of a multimedia Maghreb a été engagée. database; information systems on the (INRA) research activities; and info-servers. RESUMEN: Las actividades y las estruc- • INRA is going to continue linguistic plu- turas tradicionales relacionadas con la INRA was created in 1946 and is a arality and proposes to develop more producción, la difusión y el uso de infor- national scientific and technological interpretation and terminology. mación científica y técnica (ICT) en el In- establishment, under joint super- An activity of dissemination of STI and stituto Nacional de Investigación Agron- vision of the Ministry of Research training has been initiated in the Eastern ómica (INRA) están sufriendo grandes and Higher Education and the Min- European countries. cambios. Esto se debe tanto a factores externos al Instituto un mayor interdisci- istry of Agriculture and Fisheries in RESUMÉ: Les activités et les structures plinareidad de la investigación, el nivel France. The INRA mission is an- traditionnelles liées à la production, la de publicación científica, el desarrollo swering the needs of Society in an diffusion et l’utilisation de l’IST à l’INRA tecnológico como a factores internos la efficient agriculture, a competitive vont connaître encore dans les pro- evolución de la investigación y de la agro-food industry, quality foods, chaines années de profonds bouleverse- política interna del INRA sobre ICT. El ments. Aux facteurs externes à l’INRA INRA enfrenta los siguientes retos: 1) La keeping rural areas alive, and pre- (interdisciplinarité croissante de la re- política de adquisición de publicaciones serving the environment.

The National Institute for Agronomical Research (INRI) (France): Survey and Prospects 137 Three major trends are empha- Survey and Prospects in Montpellier). In INRA, a study of sized in the main themes and scien- in the Field of Scientific the current library situation is being tific programmes in 1994: to adapt and Technical Information carried out because of the financial the agriculture to its new context problems facing library services. and to its new constraints; to extend The traditional activities and struc- Purchase: Evaluation, Funding – our knowledge of the living organ- tures linked to the production, dis- The policy of purchasing a collec- isms at their different levels, from semination and use of Scientific and tion of periodicals, and to a lesser the genome to the complex popula- Technical Information (STI) will extent the monographs by the librar- tions; and to control the quality of still drastically change in the next ies is a major issue. The two central food products. Three hundred re- few years. Among the most obvious documentation units are keeping search laboratories, 170 experimen- reasons for these changes are some major long-term collections, thus tal units in 22 research centers are factors external to INRA: the in- ensuring continuity since the last well integrated into the regions and creasing interdisciplinarity of re- century. These collections include cover the whole country. Each unit search, the status of the scientific both some journals necessary to the is part of a scientific department; publication, the technological muta- laboratories and those necessary to there are 23 scientific departments tions observed at the level of the ed- maintain the bibliographic databas- belonging to 6 scientific sectors itorial and documentary chain. In es. As their cost is increasing and as (Physical Environment and Agrono- addition, some internal factors such the documentation budgets are de- my; Plant Production; Animal Pro- as the evolution of our institute’s re- creasing, this organization must be duction; Agricultural and Food In- search and our STI policy have also justified. dustries; Social Sciences and Agri- influenced these changes. This evo- We must realise that the central cultural Development). lution, which was expected, must units can no longer guarantee the There are five administrative di- also be precisely defined, as it will conservation of some journal series. rections: human resources`; pro- induce some changes in functions, Several approaches to the problem grammes and finance; legal matters; structures, and competencies. have been studied since 1992. general and common administrative INRA has analysed the current These include the analysis of bud- services; and accountancy depart- situation and has pointed out some gets, the analysis of the scientists’ ment as well as five relational direc- mid-term objectives: the libraries, needs, the development of evalua- tions: general policy; international Europe and the Regions; the needs tion methods for purchasing in the relations; industrial liaison and com- in STI and their evolution; the lan- central units and a bibliometric mercial applications; scientific in- guages and Francophony. The field study, linking purchase and position formation and communication and of publications and edition will not of the journals in the Science Cita- computer science. be mentioned here, but it is now an tion Index, has been initiated. In one The 1993 budget was 3.026 MF important activity, as INRA is an of- of the central units, a computerized (=US$605 million): 86% originated ficial publisher. programme follows the photocopy from the Ministry of Research and requests and can therefore analyze the salaries are included (about The Libraries, Europe and the the number of titles requested. 80%). On January 1st, 1993, 8626 Regions – As collective structures, The present conclusions lead to people were working in INRA (1760 the research libraries not only en- the yearly purchase of a core of scientists, 2057 engineers, 3988 tech- sure dissemination of information, journals within the central and re- nicians, 821 administrative people). but also perform a general cultural gional units. In the case of financial The head office of scientific infor- role. As they essentially manage restrictions, the purchase of journals mation and communication covers collections of journals, they have should be coordinated by these three sectors: documentation, publi- more difficulties in managing the units. In one center, a network of cations and communication. The contradictions of the editorial chain: libraries has been organized, allow- Documentation department is orga- more journals, that are more expen- ing a reasoned management of pur- nized around 16 regional units in sive and less consulted. They work chasing. Other centers should be the main research centers and two within a network to share their re- encouraged to do the same. The central units around Paris, one for sources, and they have to provide study should be completed by the vegetal production and the other for more photocopies for the exclusive analysis of the cost of this purchase animal production. These two units use of one user. They are recognized compared to the request of multiple represent the hard core of the INRA as the favoured structures in the dis- photocopies to INRA, and chiefly documentation network; besides semination of culture and informa- to other organisations whose prices most laboratories have a specialized tion, they are involved in European are much higher than ours though library, but their structure, organiza- programmes and are used to be inte- quicker. tion and management are hetero- grated in regional innovative tech- Computerization of the Libraries geneous. nostructures (such as AGROPOLIS – A study of the changing tech-

138 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 niques of both processing and trans- gions. This collaboration is the re- The Production of Bibliographic ferring texts and images within li- sult of the development of RENA- Databases: Reorganization and Ra- braries has been initiated. The de- TER, the national network provid- tionalization – Since 1970, INRA velopment of high speed computer ing the access to the international has been involved in a policy of co- networks (data motorways) allows network INTERNET. INRA partici- production of bibliographic data- the production, storage and dissemi- pates in the supply of regional cata- bases with some partners special- nation of documents different from logues, while maintaining its gener- ized in this activity (INIST, PAS- those used currently (“digital li- al policy. CAL basis), FAO (AGRIS), and braries”). A pilot project concerning develops this last work within a na- the INRA non conventional litera- The Needs in STI and Their Evo- tional network of data exchanges ture is being initiated in the frame of lution – A permanent standard of (RESAGRI). INRA is considered as the national project of databases on service must be found between the a major information supplier at the non-conventional literature. An in- supply information systems made international level though is not in- ternal working group will be created available to the users), and the de- volved in a policy of commercial in order to elaborate on the automa- mand of these users. This standard production like other large interna- tion programme for all the INRA li- involves both the types of informa- tional centers of agronomical docu- braries. This work was initiated 10 tion to be considered and the re- mentation. The conditions of pro- years ago with the development of sources needed to make this infor- duction are now too precarious to internal collective databases on pe- mation available. The prospective carry on such an ambitious policy, riodicals, books and on the invento- analysis essentially concerns the and a realistic analysis is currently ry of all the libraries. five following issues: being carried out in order to reorga- The central libraries of INRA are The Scientific and Technological nize this activity. An internal study facing both qualitative and quantita- Intelligence: A Strategic Issue – Two has been carried out since the end of tive problems in document delivery. main reasons have led to consider 1993 resulting in a project with IN- Some libraries have specific jour- this approach. The evolution of IST of the production of a database nals which are not the “best sellers” documentary practices has induced on the French-speaking scientific but whose access must remain easy. the occurrence of a small number of and technical agronomical litera- As they cannot afford the develop- specialists in bibliometric process- ture. This project has been submit- ment of electronic reading and digi- ing and the existence of the internal ted to the relevant ministries and tizing systems of all their collec- collective catalogues in INRA, es- funding has been requested. This tions, they will be obliged to keep a pecially the database on the INRA project will also increase the supply paper service that is a longer and publications. Both help answer to of French records into AGRIS. more expensive service. some internal requests. A survey of Multimedia Databases – As these Relationships With the “Biblio- the scientific sectors, follow-up of databases will be the future infor- theque Nationale de France” and patents, study of the context of mation systems, it is essential that With the University Libraries – “pre-industrialization”, position of INRA acquires competency with Bibliothèque Nationale de France the journals, decision on the edi- them. A policy is being developed (BNF). Since 1992, INRA has an- torial policy, study of the co-publi- in this field. In 1993 and 1994, swered positively to the appeals of cations with the foreign colleagues, INRA has been the French coordi- the Ministry of Research and Tech- analyses of the working-stays nator for a European programme, nology to improve knowledge of the abroad, creation of indicators on HYPP, in crop protection. This mul- documentary resources of the main agronomical research are also being timedia database combines fixed research institutes. One purpose of conducted. images and texts in 8 different lan- these appeals was to encourage the In order to perpetuate this work, guages. Some other projects are involvement of scientific libraries in it is planned to create a bureau of emerging from the scientific sectors the “BNF’s” projects. INRA and scientific and technological intelli- (such as Animal Physiology) and more especially its two central units gence. The traditional documentary the solicitations of external publish- near Paris, was the only scientific work must therefore move towards ers are strong. These multimedia establishment that has been selected processing and synthesis of scientif- bases and the development of digi- to be an associated pole of the ic and technical information. This tized images dissemination systems, “BNF” in the bio-agronomical fields. should allow a higher efficiency in will better meet the professional and University libraries. The regional the services to the researchers, pro- educational requests. However, the documentation units are involved in vided that the basic work can be re- legal issues concerning the property the development of regional net- duced. This should be facilitated by of images and data of these bases, works; the main motivations being the closer connection between the as well as in the distant transmission easier access to documents and an users and the new documentary of images, prevent the developing objective of financial help by the re- tools. of these productions. That is why

The National Institute for Agronomical Research (INRI) (France): Survey and Prospects 139 INRA is closely associated with the linguistic policy, based on the ne- vant information, books, helping to Ministry of Research and Higher cessity to respect scientific expres- the structural and functional organ- Education’s study on the image sion in the French language and ization of STI, creating some in- banks. to help communication, especially formation centers aimed at coordi- Information Systems on Research within the E.C. It was proposed to nating scientific information pro- Activities and Expertise – At the re- develop not only translations al- grammes (Romania, Albania). In quest of the European Community ready provided in INRA, but also the Maghreb, two visits were made (EC) at the end of 1993, INRA initi- interpretation and terminology. The in 1994 to Morocco and Tunisia. A ated the production of NEW AG- linguistic service of INRA is care- network of STI coordinators will be REP, that is a database describing fully studying the linguistic tools created. the main research themes of the lab- (systems of computer-assisted trans- oratories of the European Agronom- lation) and is developing a sector of Conclusion – INRA has developed ical Research Institutes. INRA will terminology and some computer as- a modern system in the field of STI be the national coordinator for France pects. This work has led to the pub- and its competence is well acknowl- if the EC provides money; negotia- lishing by INRA of dictionaries (for edged by the government and the tions are being carried out. A work- example A Glossary of Molecular private firms concerned by STI at ing group was created in 1993 in or- Genetics and Genetic Engineering). the national and international levels. der to conduct the inventory and Some firms are now interested in The relationships with many for- describe the activities in terms of the know-how of INRA in the field eign countries contribute to make objectives, resources, results, col- of terminology. The necessary train- INRA an international reference laborations and the individual com- ing has been acquired in 1990 in source in the field of agronomical petencies, and to supply the internal Canada, at the French language of- information. processes (evaluations, directories fice. INRA thinks that this policy and so forth). will guarantee the presence of French speaking scientific and technical The INRA Scientific Docu- A Server on the Internet, Telemat- mentation Within the ics – The quick development of expression in the communication systems of tomorrow. Moreover, National and International INTERNET and the scientists’ en- Networks thusiasm for this type of communi- this approach is the more efficient as cation make the follow up of the the translators/terminologists teams An Example – The Project of a creation of new info-services neces- work closely with the research units, Common-Use Documentation Cen- sary for documentalists. Concerning thus making the scientists sensitive ter for Biological Control in Mont- telematics, the development and to these issues. In INRA, the pres- pellier (South France) – The three modernization of this service (open sure for translations requests remains following laboratories, the Euro- to the public) must be carried on as high, both from the researchers and pean Biological Control Laboratory its access is still limited to just a few from the Direction of Information (USDA), the Biological Control Re- scientists. (publishing, book translation, com- search Unit (CSIRO, Australia) and munication). It is necessary to keep the French team’s Common Labora- Languages and Francophony – It such an activity to guarantee the tory will be established on a same is clear that the current rules of sci- quality of development actions. international campus in Montpelli- entific communication oblige the Francophony – On the request of er. They are a part of the CILBA researchers to use English more of- the government, the Direction of In- (the International Biological Con- ten than other languages. That is not formation has developed a program trol Complex of AGROPOLIS) and the same in the technical and educa- of information dissemination and are aimed at studying and develop- tional fields. INRA has never ceased training of STI in the East European ing biological control of crop pests. to defend the linguistic plurality and countries and more recently in the The three laboratories have initi- concretely illustrates its policy: a Maghreb. In the East European ated the project for a common-use team of linguistic specialists inte- countries, it is a major issue. Fran- Documentation Center for Biologi- grated in the institute, an editorial cophony is very present. The infor- cal Control. The objective is to start sector including journals and review mation and documentation needs a close cooperation between these books. This multilinguistic policy are very high as they have to make laboratories by combining their re- has induced many international and up for more than 20 years of lost sources and competencies with re- francophonic collaborations. time. INRA has developed an inte- gard to scientific and technical doc- Translation and Terminology – In grated strategy of STI, based on the umentation on biological control. 1988, a report on “INRA and the knowledge of the precise scientific The objectives are: to respond to the foreign languages, a unique Euro- relationships with France and the needs of the researchers, to achieve pean market, a multilinguistic mar- expertise of some selected places. substantial savings (salaries, sub- ket” proposed the bases of a multi- This help consists in providing rele- scriptions to magazines and data-

140 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 bases, purchasing of books) and to berra and discussions are planned al institutions, with a specificity on facilitate communication between with European documentation cen- Mediterranean and tropical Agri- research teams from different cul- ters (CABI in the UK, and PUDOC culture. tures. in Wageningen) as well as with the For any further information, please There is a complementarity of IOBC (International Organization contact: Mrs. Chevallier, the Head competences: the American and Aus- of Biological Control) Palearctic of the Information and Communica- tralian laboratories concentrate their West Regional Section. The geo- tion Direction (INRA, 147 rue de efforts on the traditional principles graphical localization of this project l’Universite, 75338 PARIS cedex of introducing species into the States in Montpellier, at the crossing-point 07, FRANCE, Fax (33) 42 75 92 05) and/orAustralia. The French research of developed and developing coun- or Mr. Pampouille, the Coordinator is concentrated on biopesticide re- tries, offers a large influence zone of Documentation (INRA, Central search. Furthermore, the American for this biocontrol complex in coun- Documentation Unit, Route de St. and Australian laboratories also have tries that are sensitive to these prob- Cyr, 78026 VERSAILLES Cedex, a confirmed expertise with regard to lems. The first priority of this docu- FRANCE, e-mail: pampouil@ver- biological control of weeds, which mentation Center will be to serve is not a well researched topic in Eu- the information needs of researchers rope, where efforts have concentrat- of the three laboratories. However, CHRISTINE SILVY is a documentalist ed on insects. discussions have already begun to at the INRA Campus International The U.S. National Agricultural focus on future broader responsibil- de Baillarguet in Montferriez-sur-Lez, Library (NAL, Beltsville) has, since ities of the documentation center France. the beginning, stated its interest in with the rest of the world. The ob- this project and stated that “the jective is also to use both all the in- CONTACT ADDRESS: NAL, as the premier resource for ternational electronic resources and Christine Silvy agricultural information for the Uni- the documentation resources avail- INRA, Campus International de ted States, is committed to playing a able all around Montpellier in the Baillarguet key role in the development and op- different establishments members 34982 Montferriez-sur-Lez eration of a shared library.” Con- of AGROPOLIS. AGROPOLIS is FRANCE EMAIL: [email protected] tacts have also been developed with an association in Montpellier, which the Black Mountain Library of Can- includes 21 research and education-

The National Institute for Agronomical Research (INRI) (France): Survey and Prospects 141 Concurrent Session 6 Reload of CAB Abstracts: Issues of Quality versus Quantity

tion de CAB Abstracts et introduire une por tanto, requiere que se reformatee el A.J. Powell and nouvelle structure de champs. L’incom- archivo acumulado hasta ahora, que S. G. Dextre Clarke patibilité avec l’ancienne structure néc- consta de 2.5 millones de registros. El éssite le reformatage de tout le fichier, et CABI, enfrentado con esta perspectiva, ABSTRACT: The need to replace its ob- dans ce cas précis, de 2,5 millions de revisó las numerosas solicitudes hechas solescent hardware presented CABI with références. Face à cette perspective, le por los usuarios en el transcurso de los the opportunity to rethink the production CABI a passé en revue les nombreuses años respecto a nuevas características system for CAB Abstracts and introduce requêtes enregistrées dans le passé, de la base de datos o mejoramiento de a new field structure. A new structure im- faites par leurs utilisateurs, pour deman- los datos insumados anteriormente. El plies incompatibility with the old, and der de nouveaux champs ou pour amél- presente trabajo describe el complejo hence presents a need to reformat the iorer les anciennes données saisies. Le proyecto que se emprendió para “depu- entire backfile, in this case 2.5 million présent article décrit le projet complexe rar” y reformatear toda la base de datos records. Faced with this prospect, CABI entrepris pour “nettoyer” et reformater de resúmenes analíticos del CAB, y reviewed the many requests registered toute la base de données de CAB Ab- compara la magnitud del esfuerzo con by users over the years for new data- stracts, en comparant la taille de l’effort los beneficios esperados en cuanto a la base features or for improving data en- avec les bénéfices en qualité attendus calidad del servicio para los usuarios. tered in the past. The present paper de- pour les utilisateurs. Il étudiera aussi También se discute el uso que se hace scribes the complex project that was l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies de tecnologías nuevas por ejemplo códi- undertaken to “clean up” and reformat telles que les codes barres, les réseaux go de barras, desarrollo de redes de the whole CAB Abstracts database, électroniques et la validation automa- computadores, y procesos de validación comparing the size of the effort with the tique pour améliorer la rapidité et la perti- automatizados que mejoran la veloci- expected quality benefits for users. It will nence de la base de données, et ren- dad y la exactitud de la base de datos y also discuss the use made of new tech- forcer la position du CABI en tant que fortalecen la posición del CABI como nologies such as barcoding, computer leader en publication électronique et en uno de los principales proveedores de networking and automated validation fourniture de l’information. publicaciones e información en medio processes to improve the speed and ac- electrónico. curacy of the database, and to strength- RESUMEN: La necesidad de reem- en CABI’s position as a leading electron- plazar sus programas ya obsoletos le dio ic publisher and information provider. al CABI la oportunidad de repensar el sistema de producción de los resúmenes Editor’s Note: The full paper was RESUMÉ: Comme le CABI doit changer analíticos del CAB, e introducir una nue- not received for publication. son équipement vétuste, il profite de l’oc- va estructura de campos. Esta nueva casion pour revoir le système de produc- estructura es incompatible con la vieja y,

142 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Concurrent Session 6 Effective Use of New Media Communication Systems in Remote Places:

Strategic Sales and Shipping System in Isolated Areas of Japan

gions isolées et centrales. Les systèmes municación por facsímil (vía fax) con Kohki Shio and de communication des nouveaux média OCR que se llama Nuevos Medios de Takemi Machida peuvent aider à résoudre ces problèmes Comunicación. En el momento de la dles régions isolées. La ville de Yubari cosecha, antes del envío, se resumen ABSTRACT: The agricultural character- dans l’île d’Hokaido du Japon fournit un los datos de mismo en el centro de infor- istics of isolated areas are: delay of ship- exemple. La coopérative agricole de mación para decidir cuáles serán los ing to markets in central cities; difficulty Yubari rassemble l’information provenant mercados destinatarios. La utilización de of collection of produce because of the des agriculteurs grâce à un nouveau estos datos facilita la elección de los problems of distance; and lack of infor- système de communication par téléfax métodos de transporte y un empaque mation to and from central areas. New appelé OCR. Entre la récolte et le adecuado, y se preparan oportunamente media communication systems can help chargement sur les bateaux, les don- los materiales de empaque. En forma si- solve these problems in isolated areas. nées sur le chargement sont rassem- multánea, los datos de envío van direc- Yubari City in Hokkaido, Japan is an ex- blées au centre d’information afin qu’on tamente a los mercados, llegando dos ample of this solution. The Yubari Agri- puisse se décider sur les destinations fi- días antes que los productos y permi- cultural Cooperative collects information nales du chargement. En utilisant ces tiendo así predecir el mercadeo futuro. data from farmers such as planting area données, les méthodes de transport, ain- La cooperativa agrícola proporciona in- and growth data by a facsimile communi- si que l’emballage et le matériel d’embal- formación local sobre productos a los cation system with OCR which is called lage adéquats, sont sélectionnées. Par- consumidores en zonas centrales medi- New Media Communication. At harvest rallèlement, ces données sont envoyées ante comunicación en computador per- before shipping, shipping data are sum- directement aux marchés, deux jours sonal y también a través de las tiendas marized in the information center to avant le produit, permettant ainsi de de antena en esas zonas. El centro de make the decision of final shipping mar- prévoir le marché futur. La coopérative información en Yubari es la base del sis- kets. By using these data, transportation agricole fournit aux consommateurs tema de manejo del cliente, y se utiliza methods are chosen and packing is done dans les villes l’information locale sur le para comunicarse con consumidores y properly and packing materials are pre- produit, en communiquant par PC et agricultores. pared properly. Simultaneously, the ship- aussi par les bureaux centraux. Le cen- ping data go to the markets directly two tre d’information de Yubari développe le days before the produce and the data système de gestion des clients et sert à are used to predict future marketing. The communiquer avec les consommateurs What are the merits of intro- agricultural cooperative provides the lo- et les agriculteurs. ducing computers in agriculture and cal information on the produce to con- promoting the use of information? sumers in central areas by personal The answer to this question is not so computer communication and also by RESUMEN: Areas aisladas presentan means of antenna shops in central las siguientes características agrícolas: simple. The purpose differs in be- areas. The information center in Yubari retardo en el despacho a los mercados tween farmers introducing comput- constructs the customer’s management en las ciudades del centro del país; difi- ers and agricultural organizations in- system and it is used for communication cultad para recolectar la producción de- troducing computers. Among farm- with consumers and farmers. bido a problemas de distancia; y falta de ers, the use of information varies información hacia y desde las zonas centrales. Los nuevos medios de comu- from management and products. RESUMÉ: Les régions agricoles isolées nicación pueden ayudar a resolver estos The excessive expectations of the se caractérisentpar : le délai de distribu- problemas en zonas aisladas. El pueblo usefulness of the computer is likely tion vers les marchés urbains, la diffi- de Yubari en Hokkaido, Japón, ilustra to be followed by despair and final- culté de rassembler les produits à cause este recurso. La Cooperativa Agrícola de ly the farmer’s computer lying idle. des problèmes de distance, et l’absence Yubari recolecta información de los d’échanges d’information entre les ré- agricultores mediante un sistema de co- In Japan, agricultural information

Effective Use of New Media Communication Systems in Remote Places 143 has been promoted in various stages. have been popular, and there are gic marketing sales described below The introduction of the computer is many successful cases of computer has been realized in Yubari City, the same as the introduction of any introduction. They are a labor sav- Hokkaido. Yubari City has con- enterprise, the farmer must have ing and cost reduction tool and have quered the handicap of producing clear goals for the use of the com- been successfully used in produc- melons in a remote place, and it has puter. It is important to consider tion organizations. Many software achieved the advantageous market- who, where, why, what, and how packages to support these applica- ing sales by “informatization.” farmers use computers. This is the tions are available. The recent prog- principle of 5Ws and 1H. The intro- ress of information communication duction of the use of computers to technology has made information The Production of provide information to the farmer is exchange possible not only inside of Yubari Melons known as agricultural “informatiza- agricultural management organiza- tion.” This is a term coined by the tions but also in outside organiza- Yubari City is located almost in authors to describe this process. tions. This is the appearance of new the center of Hokkaido which lies From the viewpoints of authors media such as: personal computer 1200 km north from Tokyo. (Figure about the results of computer intro- communication, CATV, Videotex, 1) It was developed as a coal town duction, the merits of agricultural Off-Talk communication, fax com- from 1888, but the coal industry “informatization” can be classified munication, high-speed digital com- was completely abolished in 1990. into the following seven items. munication and satellite communi- The population decreased from a When people want to make clear the cation have been widely used. peak value of 110,000 to less than purpose of agricultural “informati- 20,000. The main agriculture for zation,” it is important that they fo- Fax communication can be oper- many places in the city has been cus on the items below. ated by everyone easily, so the use vegetables, but because of the small Merits of Agricultural “Informa- of fax has spread rapidly. In Japan, agricultural area (3% of total city tization”: fax communication systems have area) surrounded by mountains, the been introduced in more than 200 management scale is small. Because • Improvement of office work: La- cities and town. Using fax systems of volcanic ash, land productivity is bor saving and speedy processing with OCR or OMR systems, strate- low. The temperature difference is of office work, labor saving of ac- counting. Figure 1 – Location of Yubari City • Improvement of management: De- sign of production planning, prob- lem solving by management analy- sis. • Improvement of production: Cost reduction, labor saving, energy saving, improvement of produc- Yubari City tion control. • Improvement of quality: Quality control, speedy quality check. • Improvement of information trans- portation: Reception and utiliza- tion of managemental and techni- cal information, information pro- vision from rural areas. • Improvement of marketing: Stra- tegic market sales, direct sales Tokyo from production area. • Promotion of exchange: Informa- tion exchange between cities and rural areas, creation of friendly agricultural groups. In the listed items above, im- provement of office work, manage- ment, production and quality are the 1000 Km merits of “informatization” which

144 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Figure 2 – Constitution of Information System shipped to the agricultural coop- erative are sent via fax in the form COMPUTER CENTER of a shipping sheet. The number of r------, farmers and shipping amount which are written on the sheet are read by OMR, and after summing up the result by computers, the total num- ber of daily shipping is calculated. Farmers must send the shipping sheet by 12 o’clock, and data pro- cessing finishes around 12:30. Then summed up results are used for the collection of melons, standard test of grade, arrangement of containers, tracks and airplanes, and delivering plan.

Effect of System Introduction

FAX in farmer's house Figure 3 shows how shipping conditions changed by the introduc- tion of the information system. For- extreme so weather conditions are er), fax mail system which provides merly, a shipping procedure was es- not good for general agricultural fax data to and from farmers and a timated by the shipping result of the production. For these reasons the terminal fax in the farmers’ houses. day before, so adjustments from the growing of melons was promoted in The number of melons to be market were uncertain and unbal- 1955. In Yubari City there are 217 farm- Figure 3 – Change of Shipping Situation ing families, 372 ha planting area and about 44 billion melons pro- FORMERLY AFTER SYSTEM INTRODUCTION duced, which is 93% of total agricul- tural production of the city. Yubari (growing term) records of planting area, growth melons are considered the highest results and cultivation -+planning and adjustment of sales quality melons because of distinct (shipping day schedule) control of seeds and quality. About 5:00 4% of shipping quantity is for gifts harvest harvest which are delivered to consumers directly, and the rest is for market shipping including 20% to metro- selection and selection and politan areas of Tokyo and Osaka packing packing II: 30 by using air transportation. shipping 12:00 information collection and Introduction of a 12:30 of melons preparation for transportation Melon Shipping System (estimated) 20:00 intentional shipping allocation 13:30 container Yubari Agricultural Cooperative checking airplane reservation of standard shipping co II ect ion check of a i rp I ane introduced a computer system in (as t ima ted) of melons standard shipping to 1991 to improve the shipping pro- 17:00 (rea I number) Osaka. Toky1 cess with the financial support of 40 million yen from the Agricultural 18:00 shipping to near pi aces shipping Ministry. Figure 2 shows the make (the rest) to up of the introduced system. The 20:00 near pI aces system consists of three personal computers for summing up data 21:00 with OMR (optical mark sheet read-

Effective Use of New Media Communication Systems in Remote Places 145 anced. In the case of melons, ship- Formerly, the total amount of Tokyo, Japan: Association of Agricultural ping amounts can be influenced by shipping from farmers was received Statistics. weather conditions so daily ship- by 20:00 hours. Then, containers and Machida, Takemi. 1992. “Agricultural In- ping amounts varied. Because of airplanes for transportation could formation Network and Multimedia Com- this unbalance, allocation to mar- not be kept. In marketing, people munication”. Journal of Agricultural Sys- kets was difficult, remote air trans- who keep containers can be a win- tems Society Japan, 8(2):115–124. portation was arranged and the rest ner. After the introduction of the of the melons were shipped to near system, total shipping amounts could Machida, Takemi. 1993. “Information Shar- ing and Network Use in Regional Agricul- places. These shipping procedures be known by 12:30, then airplanes ture”. Journal of the Japanese Society of led to bad relations with gift traders, and containers could be utilized ef- Agro-Informatics, 2(2):105–117. transportation companies and con- ficiently and speedily. The collec- sumers. tion of melons was carried out in- Year Book of Agricultural Information After the system introduction, tentionally because quantity and 1993/94. Tokyo, Japan: Journal of Japan- ese Society of Agro-Informatics. planting, growing and cultivation places were known. By the intro- conditions could be obtained in a duction of fax system, highly tech- Machida, Takemi. 1993. “Agricultural In- timely manner. In demand terms, nical information for melon produc- formation Network”. Journal of Agricul- melons could be provided stabley. tion was provided to farmers. Be- ture and Horticulture, 68(1):181–188. On the shipping day, by getting fax sides, information about production Machida, Takemi and Kohki Shio. 1994. shipping sheets, the shipping amount materials, growth data, market and “The Strategic Use of Multi-media Com- of the day could be found before life are provided to farmers, so good munication in Japan”. Fifth International sales, and then gift shipping and communication between farmers and Congress for Computer Technology in market shipping could be allocated the agricultural cooperative has been Agriculture London: Royal Agricultural properly, so melon producers can achieved. Society p. 82–84. accept the needs of the markets and CONTACT ADDRESS: consumers in a timely fashion. Sta- REFERENCES ble provision and price maintenance Takemi Machida have been improved and the price of University of Ibaraki Machida, Takemi, Kohki Shio, and Ma- 3-21-1 Ami Inashiki melons rose 30% by appropriate al- moru Yamanaka. 1991. Strategic Infor- Ibaraka, JAPAN 300-03 location planning. mation Apply for Regional Agriculture 1. Email: [email protected]

146 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Concurrent Session 6 Facsimile Technology Improving Access to Agricultural Information in Outback Australia

chaque jour leurs propriétés isolées. Les Editor’s Note: This paper was edit- Lynn M. Webber éleveurs ont parlé du développement du and John P. Brien ed for publication. The references téléphone au facsimilé, et des avantages cited include references for the en- de cette technologie sur d’autres op- tire paper. For a copy of the com- ABSTRACT: This paper discusses re- tions. Ils ont aussi discuté des change- cent research conducted with wool pro- ments dans leurs méthodes de travail plete paper, contact the authors. ducers in the semi-arid rangelands of depuis qu’ils utilisent cette technologie pour chercher et envoyer de l’informa- western New South Wales, Australia. In The aura of outback Australia collaboration with pastoralists, a partici- tion. D’autres technologies de soutien, patory agenda setting process for Re- telles que le conducteur principal d’élec- as geographically remote and so- search and Development funding was tricité, qui ont contribuées à la popularité cially isolated has contributed to per- designed. This involved the use of fac- du facsimilé parmi les éleveurs de cette ceptions that communicating agri- simile technology in a modified Delphi région, ont aussi été identifiées. cultural information in remote places agenda setting process following inter- is a challenge. However, most liter- views with pastoralists exploring their use of facsimile technology. Pastoralists RESUMEN: Este documento discute in- ature focusing on communication in were invited to reflect on how they vestigaciones recientes realizadas con agriculture is concerned with how sought information for decision-making productores de lana en las praderas “information” from experts gets to, and in their day to day management of semiáridas de la zona occidental de and is applied by farmers (Brend- their remote properties. Pastoralists dis- Nuevo Gales del Sur, Australia. En co- linger, 1992 p. 86). Emphasis is cussed the development of telephone laboración con los criadores de ovejas, into facsimile and the nature of advan- se diseñó un proceso de planeación del placed on farmers receiving infor- tages this mode of communication has financiamiento de investigación y desar- mation from a knowledgable source, over other options. Pastoralists also rollo, con un enfoque participativo. Esto the focus of interest being the effect talked about changes in their ways of involucró el uso de tecnología de fac- of a linear, one-way flow of “infor- working since they have used facsimile símil (fax) en un proceso de planificación mation” from the source through a technology for seeking or sending infor- utilizando una modificación del método channel of communication to the re- mation. Other supporting technologies, Delphi, después de entrevistas con cri- such as the introduction of mains elec- adores de ovejas para explorar el uso ceiver (Shannon and Weaver, 1949). tricity, were also identified as enhancing que éstos hacen de la tecnología de fac- The perceived challenge of commu- the popularity of facsimile technology símil. Se invitó a los criadores a reflex- nicating agricultural information is among pastoralists in this area. ionar sobre la forma en que buscaban in- based on a concern for “transferring formación para la toma de decisiones y knowledge”, reflected in the Trans- para el manejo día tras día de sus RESUMÉ: Cet article étudie les re- fer of Technology (ToT) paradigm cherches récentes faites avec les pro- propiedades remotas. Los criadores de ducteurs de laine dans les montagnes ovejas discutieron la evolución del telé- which underpins such notions. semi-arides à l’ouest de New South fono en medio facsímil y las ventajas que This paper explores underpinning Wales en Australie. En collaboration este modo de comunicación tiene re- assumptions of the Transfer of Tech- avec les éleveurs, un programme partici- specto a otras opciones. Hablaron tam- nology paradigm relating to the no- bién acerca de los cambios que ha patif pour le financement de la Re- tion of “communicating knowledge cherche et du Développement a été habido en su forma de trabajar desde élaboré. Ceci a nécessité l’utilisation du que están utilizando tecnología de fac- as information”. The following dis- facsimilé sous forme d’agenda d’entre- símil para buscar o enviar información. cussion of research focuses on pas- tiens avec les éleveurs qui avaient pour Se identificaron también otros tecno- toralists’ sources and accessibility to but d’explorer l’utilisation faite de la tech- logías de apoyo, como la introducción de “potential information” or “data” in conductores principales de electricidad, nologie du facsimilé. Les éleveurs ont their construction of knowledge.That été invités à réfléchir sur la manière dont que han aumentado la popularidad de la ils recherchent l’information qui leur per- tecnología de facsímil entre los criadores is, how pastoralists seek, send or re- met de prendre des décisions et de gérer de ovejas en esta región. ceive potentially relevant informa-

Facsimile Technology Improving Access to Agricultural Information in Outback Australia 147 tion for decision-making in daily Wanaaring and pastoralists under- would “lead to limited, confined management of their geographically take wool production enterprises as perspectives through restricting the remote properties, and accessibility a major economic activity. Property opportunity for others to offer their of this data in the utilisation of com- sizes in this area range from 68,000 understandings” (Webber and Ison, munication technologies. Discussion to 500,000 acres and families are 1995 p. 112). In view of this, the of the developments of telephone to geographically isolated from one “selection” of interviewees took the include facsimile technology in- another. form of an invitation extended to volves an exploration of the advan- The overall aim of this research the population of pastoralist fami- tages and disadvantages of this was to design and implement a lies in the research area designated mode of communication over other process which would improve pas- by the established transect. options such as mail, and the devel- toralist participation in the identifi- A population is “the aggregate of opment of other supporting tech- cation and setting of priorities for all cases that conform to some des- nologies which enhances its utility. research and development in the ignated set of specifications” (Kid- wool industry, even in the most geo- der and Judd, 1986 p. 145). In this graphically remote places. This re- case the specifications were pas- Outback Australia search was supported by the Aus- toralist families who undertook wool production enterprises on properties An initial exploration was under- tralian Wool Research and Promo- in the designated research area. All taken with pastoralists of their ex- tion organisation (AWRAP). families in the area were involved in periences of , personal wool production enterprises to interaction and communication tech- Methodology some extent, and 34 of the 36 fami- nologies-in-use and their accessibil- lies invited to participate in the re- ity to sources of potential informa- In the course of collaboration with search process were interviewed. tion. This offered an opportunity to pastoralists in the design and con- gain understanding and insight of duct of the participatory process for Semi-Structured Interviews — options and considerations to in- prioritising research and develop- Semi Structured Interviews (SSIs) form the design of a research and ment, interviews were undertaken refer to a situation in which the in- development prioritisation process on two separate occasions with pas- terviewer has a series of broad top- which would not require face-to- toralist families using Semi-Struc- ics or issues which they wish to dis- face interaction at every stage of the tured Interview (SSI) techniques. process. cuss with the interviewee (Dowsett, 1987 p. 50). SSIs seek to invite the This research process was de- “Selection” of Interviewees — interviewee to narrate a “rich pic- signed and implemented in collabo- “Active participation” (Rhaman, in ture” of their experiences and attrib- ration with pastoralists living in a Salas et al, 1989 p. 49) was a cor- uted meaning of interest to the inter- remote region of western New South nerstone of this research, and with viewer and the interviewee. The Wales, Australia (see Figure 1). This recognition of individual world view dynamics of each interview will be semi-arid rangelands area forms a (and therefore multiple realities), different as individuals bring their transect from Wilcannia north to limiting the invitation to participate own experiences and world views into the situation. Figure 1 – The Research Area—a transect from Wilcannia to Wanaaring in Prior to interviews being under- western New South Wales, Australia taken, a series of broad sub-themes with a common thematic thread are

•Tibooburra established, rather than a prescrip- 'Y_~aarlng 7 4------_, tive set of questions to be asked in a ) ~ f r-~,Bourke pre-determined sequence which re- I '- quires limited responses to be repli- ~-{ .·.<>~

148 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 viewees and family approaches to Figure 2 – Potential Information: Sources and Communication Options interviews (Webber and Ison, 1995 p. 118). Interview protocols are de- Print signed in an attempt to recognise imbalances of power in the inter- Telephone Radio viewer/interviewee relationship and attend to ethical process rather than simply emphasising standard proce- dures for the purpose of collecting Mail objective data. SSIs have been used by a number of researchers in many different Pastoral Houses: contexts to investigate social pro- Stock Agents WooiBrokers cesses and relationships, includ- Studs ing Rapid Rural Appraisals (Beebe, Wool Mill Reps 1985) and Participatory Rural Ap- praisals (Webber and Ison, 1995).

Thematic Development of SSIs – with reference to sub-themes devel- to-face and technologically mediat- In the first SSI, a theme of the inter- oped prior to the interview. These ed (mail, radio transceiver, tele- view was to explore pastoralists’ ac- were presented to pastoralists as phone and facsimile) (see Figure 2). part of a draft booklet sent to them cess to different sources of potential Mass Media and Communication by the authors in a multi-media for- information. Within this thematic Technology -In-Use – Non-interac- mat (written and audio-tape) to in- framework, sub-themes were nomi- tive mass media sources such as vite any clarifications, corrections nated for exploration: the nature of print, radio and television were and additions in light of reading or the media (for example, mass media nominated by pastoralists as sources and personal interaction), the dif- listening to their own and other pas- of potential information accessible ferences between sources of po- toralists’ perspectives on these (and to them. However, a number of di- tential information, how different other) themes. These themes were mensions restricted their perceived sources were used for what purpos- finalised as a booklet and audiotape relevance and potential usefulness a es, whether sources were actively designed for pastoralists according source of potential information. Oth- sought, solicited, unsolicited (not to their preferences of presentation. er mass media included the use of sought) and experiences of the per- videotape (in combination with tel- ceived usefulness of these different Accessibility of Potential Infor- evision) and audiotape (in combina- sources. tion with cassette recorders). mation – Potential information was A theme of the second SSI was to of two major forms, based on pas- explore pastoralists use of different Print Media – Magazines and toralists opportunities for interaction. communication technologies in ac- newspapers were specifically sought These were mass media forms (print, cessing potential information and by subscription (see Table 1). They communicating with other people radio, television, video and cassette) were at least “read through”, but off the property, particularly in rela- and personal interaction—both face- many pastoralists read them “cover tion facsimile technology. Within this thematic framework, sub-themes Table 1 – Newspaper and Magazine Subscriptions as a Source of Potential nominated for exploration included Information pastoralists’ perspectives on com- Number of Pastoralists munication and sense of remote- Publication Description of Publication Nominated Receiving ness, changes in experiences with The Land National weekly rural newspaper 21 use of communication technologies, Stock Journal South Australian monthly rural newspaper 12 communication technologies and the Farmer & Grazier South Australian monthly rural newspaper 3 nature of their use, advantages and Farm Journal State-wide monthly magazine 3 disadvantages. Weekly Times National monthly rural newspaper 1 WA Grower Western Australian monthly rural newspaper 1 Analysis and Discussion Agriculture Today Rural regional monthly magazine 1 of Interviews Cross Country Rural regional monthly magazine 1 Western Grazier Monthly regional magazine 1 Interviews were typed as tran- The Bulletin Monthly national magazine 1 scripts and analysed thematically

Facsimile Technology Improving Access to Agricultural Information in Outback Australia 149 Table 2 – Potential Information Received due to Group Membership Subscription Number of Pastoralists Nominated Publication Source Receiving Reason for Receiving

The Wool News Australian Wool Research and Promotion organisation (AWRAP) 10 Wool tax payer The NSW Farmer New South Wales Farmers Association 4 Member of Association Western Division Newsletter CaLM 4 Client NSW Agriculture Newsletter NSW Agriculture 3 Client The NFF News National Farmers Federation 1 Member of Federation Pastoralists Association Newsletter Pastoralists Association of the Western Division (PAWD) 1 Member of Association Rangeland Journal and Newsletter Australian Rangeland Society 1 Member of Society Landline 1 Stock & Agents News Stock and Station Agent 1 Client of Stock and Station Agent Wool Classers Newsletter Wool Brokers 1 Client of Wool Broker Rural Lands Protection Board Newsletter Rural Lands Protection Board (RLPB) formerly Pastures Protection Board 1 Levy Payer Conservation and Land Management Booklet NSW Conservation and Land Management (CaLM) 1 Client Western Lands Commission Newsletter Western Lands Commission/CaLM 1 Leaseholder Ram Stud Newsletter Ram Stud 1 Client of Ram Stud to cover”, in some cases taking on formation, keen to understand more read. One pastoralist discussed dif- “biblical” importance. Other pas- about a particular issue or topic (see ficulties in understanding complex toralists had reduced their reading Table 3). An example cited by one written material: of newspapers, referring to them as pastoralist involved the design and “doom and gloom papers” often construction of new sheep yards I’ve said to a lot of other people containing depressing news and at where they had requested “fact everything is too technical to un- derstand, I get very frustrat- times, contradictions. Some pas- sheets” from the local agricultural ed..[..]..if it was just set out in toralists had terminated their sub- service institution among their av- simple English you could do a scriptions to newspapers as finances enues of exploration. lot more. You get that way ‘what became tighter with the downturn in Print media was seen by pastoral- do they mean?’ Unless you can the wool industry. ists to have strengths and weakness- get someone to explain it to Some printed journals newsletters es. Pastoralists cited advantages of you—we never go anywhere— were sent to pastoralists as members written material as having substance we need an interpreter!..[..]..I of societies, associations, levy pay- and detail that could be re-read at a open them and I don’t read them ers or clients of stock agents and convenient time. Written material all through because I get to the woolbrokers (see Table 2). The also provided an opportunity for stage where I can’t understand “Wool Corporation” (now the Aus- pastoralists to make sense of what it, so I put it aside. they read at their own pace and with tralian Wool Research and Promo- A large majority of pastoralists their own interpretation: tion organisation or AWRAP) was sought subscriptions to weekly news- nominated by pastoralists as a po- (I)f you get it person to person, I papers and received them by mail tential source of information. Many think everyone can read some- no less than a week late. Pastoralists pastoralists considered that they did thing and 50 per cent have one who did not read well were restrict- not receive much news directly from view on it and somebody else ed in their accessibility to this form, this organisation, although more can have another view. If word’s however, it was largely the time fac- than half reported that they received passed on somebody will say tor in restricted accessibility that in- the Wool News. Research and de- ‘well I think this about what they fluenced the perceived relevance of velopment activities and financial said’, but they could be inter- this written material as a source of statements of expenditure of wool preting it wrong. Whereas if potential information. In two cases tax money (which all wool produc- you’ve got a piece of paper at pastoralists reported they received ers pay to support the organisation’s least you know—you can dissect news from mass media sources by it yourself. activities) were nominated by pas- facsimile in the form of the Wool toralists as areas which they re- Some pastoralists said they picked News. Reducing the time-frame to ceived very few, if any, reports. up some good ideas from reading improve accessibility to print media Other print media was sent to written material; other pastoralists through the use of computer mo- pastoralists on request because they explained written material was use- dems was not nominated as a poten- were seeking potentially useful in- less to them because they didn’t tial way of improving accessibility.

150 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Despite this, newspapers still But other pastoralists add: from their vehicles whilst they were maintained importance as an acces- Then again, if we did have a per- working in concurrent activity— sible source of potentially useful in- son come out sometimes, we driving out to paddocks and fencing formation for many pastoralists be- would be here—you can discuss were examples given. On the other cause it offered more in-depth a bit more, you ask questions hand, as one pastoralist explained— content than other mass media you might be interested in that people like to see it written, sources. As a written form, newspa- they haven’t covered. though—then they can re-read pers could be studied and re-read, Other pastoralists saw pamphlets as it. When you hear it on the wire- even put down and picked up at a having insufficient content: less, you’re not listening com- convenient time and place. Audio- If they’re going to condense it pletely if you’re out muster- tapes (cassettes) offer a means by and print it, it really doesn’t ing—if it’s written you’ve got it which pastoralists could have have its full meaning or poten- in front of you. greater accessibility to potential in- tial there in the condensed form Radio was also seen as less substan- formation of content, avoiding the that the everyday farmer can un- tial than written material: pro-literacy bias of print media. Au- derstand—what’s the point in (You need) something you can diotapes offer accessibility to poten- sending it? bite into—on the you tial information, which pastoralists Radio – Radio programs were seen can’t get half of it, there’s not do not report having experienced to as a potentially useful source of up- enough time. any significant extent. Accessibility to-date information (see Table 4). Audiotape (Cassettes) – Two pas- to potential information of content Discussions by agents of the current toralists nominated they had lis- can be improved through address- market situation for wool and other tened to audiotapes containing po- ing the pro-literacy bias of print me- commodities pastoralists may be tentially useful technical informa- dia, which is the predominant looking to sell was nominated by tion from the “Wool Corporation”. means by which potential informa- pastoralists as an important positive Cassette players were commonly tion of content is expressed. feature of some radio programs. used by pastoralists in their home A large amount of unsolicited Radio programs listened to by stereo systems and motor vehicles. print media sent to pastoralists by pastoralists were all morning pro- They have some useful features of mail created a sense of “data over- grams, mainly to update on the lat- print media in terms of being able to load”. Pastoralists also reported re- est news, current affairs and stock offer content, be replayed and turned ceiving a lot of “junk mail” along or wool prices. Pastoralists said on and off at convenience. Stand with their important letters. As one they could listen to the radio whilst alone they cannot be used to present pastoralist explained: having breakfast and getting ready diagrams or drawings, but can be the worst thing they can do is put for work. used interactively with print media something ‘to the grazier’, be- Pastoralists also saw advantages to achieve this form of expression. cause it just goes straight in the in radio in that they could listen to it Pastoralists saw advantages in that bin. (It needs) my name or ‘from the AWC’—there’s a lot of junk Table 3 – Potential Information Sought through Pastoralist Interest mail. The most important thing in the office is your rubbish bin. Potential Number of Information Sought Source Pastoralists Data may only be perceived as rele- vant if there is or has been some Wool Sales Report AWRAP 2 personal dimension involved, for The Woolgrower AWRAP 1 example pastoralists having taken Weather Maps Bureau of Meteorology – Melbourne Telecom Infofax 3 action to seek subscription for the Ag Facts NSW Agriculture 3 purpose of receiving a newspaper or experiencing personal interaction Table 4 – Radio as a Source of Potential Information beforehand which was relevant and worthwhile. Program Type Number of Pastoralists Nominating Time of Listening Some pastoralists saw sending Country Hour 6 Morning unsolicited pamphlets as Breakfast Show 1 Morning better than having somebody Agent’s Hour 1 Morning call around. People stay away Stock Reports 1 Morning and you don’t want the nuisance, Prices Reports 2 Morning but if they send out a pam- News 2 Morning phlet—if they’re (the pastoral- Rural Report 3 Morning ist) not interested, well you Total Nominating 12 haven’t wasted your time.

Facsimile Technology Improving Access to Agricultural Information in Outback Australia 151 they did not have to read written Table 5 – Television as a Source of Potential Information material and it was more detailed Program Type Number of Pastoralists Nominating Time of Viewing than a pamphlet, however there was no written material or diagrams they News 2 Evening could follow or go back to. There Current Affairs 2 Evening were no other reports of using au- Weather 3 Evening diotape. Countrywide 5 Sunday Landline 4 Sunday Television and Video – Television Documentaries 2 Evening was seen by many pastoralists as having improved dramatically since Total Nominating 9 the introduction of satellite televi- sion in the area. Prior to this, pas- ularly suited to someone who was in remote places, especially chil- toralists did not have access to tele- not a big reader. dren involved in distance education, vision, some only two weeks before where they could interact in a class- being interviewed in October 1992. Pastoralists saw weaknesses in room of children on the television. Pastoralists saw benefits in tele- the non-interactive nature of mass vision in that the news was current media they experienced, particular- Personal Interaction as an Op- (like radio), contained stories of na- ly in television. As one pastoralist portunity to Access Potential Infor- tional and international events be- explained: mation – “The grapevine” was the yond their immediate world and to you can’t have your say with the term used by pastoralists to describe some extent reduced their sense of TV—you can’t argue with it. their involvement in networks of geographic isolation and being “be- You disagree with what he says, communication with other people. hind the times”. Television also had I want to say ‘right, I don’t un- As one pastoralist explained: visual advantages in that programs derstand that’. (They) use words We find out most of our informa- which involved the demonstration I’ve never heard of before…. tion about what’s going on from of techniques or presentation of dia- This reflects limited opportunities someone else telling us. In actu- grams which would otherwise re- for many pastoralists to interact on al fact, it’s not on a piece of pa- quire extensive explanation, were more technical issues in conversa- per from the Wool Corporation, easier to understand. Pastoralists tion with people beyond the local you just hear things on the explained that they didn’t get to see community, partly related to geo- grapevine. much television besides the news graphic isolation and remoteness Pastoralists identified a wide range and current affairs programs in the from other people who would be in- of people they saw as potentially evening (see Table 5): terested in discussing such topics. useful sources of information in a va- There isn’t much on TV I get to The cost of telephone calls from riety of circumstances (See Table 6). see—usually they’re on at the these remote properties to some ex- Other Pastoralists – Local social wrong time. They put the rural tent also tempered the enthusiasm events were seen by many graziers programs on out of prime time, of pastoralists to initiate discussions as opportunities for face-to-face dis- usually on Sundays, so I never of such a nature. Pastoralists also cussions—”talking sheep” with oth- get to see them—you would point to reductions in service insti- er wool producers in the area. These have to have a generator going tutions staff such as NSW Agricul- events included local gymkhanas, to video them and we haven’t ture and Conservation and Land horse races, field days and social got a video anyway. Management (CaLM) as reducing opportunities at more formal com- Rural programs such as Landline opportunities for face-to-face inter- munity meetings for other purposes were seen as potentially useful sourc- action due to their lack of presence (such as the rural power scheme es of information on current rural in the area. meetings). Some pastoralists saw issues, many of which could affect The time-frame for access to these local interactions as useful in their production enterprises. sources of potential information is initially hearing new ideas, which Television being dependent on reduced to some extent (although are then followed up in discussions electrical power was reflected in the pastoralists still sought more cur- with people beyond the local net- lack of video use for recording pro- rent weather reports using fax) but work and with other experiences grams of interest during the day for the lack of in-depth content reduced which may offer further insight. As viewing later on. However, two its perceived relevance as data of one pastoralist explained: pastoralists reported they watched content: “they don’t have much time (I) get the information from the videos supplied by a ram stud to to go into depth.” Some pastoralists locals first, who tend not to learn more about sheep classing and saw opportunities for developing know a hell of a lot, but then talk found it to be a most useful source television to include interactive tele- to the wool people..[..]..those of information on this topic, partic- vision and computers for education blokes at Dalgety’s in Sydney—

152 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Table 6 – Personal Interaction as a Source of Potential Information Nominated Personal Description Group Interaction Nature of Interaction Government Institutions Staff NSW Agriculture 15 yes / 11 not much • Planning for a computer course • Suspected worms in lambs • Suspected feed toxicity • Lice problems • Assist in brucellosis testing of rams • Assist with sheep classing • Assist with ram buying • Discussing problems

Conservation and Land Management 7 yes / 8 not much • Contour ploughing • Through Rangecare • Through work on other Boards

Rural Lands Protection Board 6 yes • Relatives on Board report news • Member of Board • Discussions with RLPB Ranger

Western Lands Commission 1 yes • Staff visit when passing through

Universities and CSIRO 4 yes / 3 not much • Some researchers working out here try to tell us what they’re doing. • School field trips to study rangelands. • Fowler’s Gap research is not much heard about here, except through family.

Private Institutions Staff Wool Brokers 10 yes • Selling wool • Clip preparation

Stock Agents 2 yes • Ram buying

Studs 3 yes • Ram buying • Breeding flock purchases • Videos on classing

Woollen Mills 3 yes • Direct selling to processors • Clip preparation

Pastoralist Groups Rangecare Groups 14 yes / 4 no • Member of group • Downturn in wool industry affecting activities • Not member because no group formed to date • On boundary of two groups so haven’t joined yet • Involvement in this group is an admission that land has been damaged—have not joined

National Farmers Federation 2 yes • Attend meetings

Country Women’s Association 2 yes • Attend meetings

Contractors Shearing, Woolclassing, Lambmarking/mulesing and fencing 4 yes • Different and new techniques • Clip preparation • Woolclassing

Other Pastoralists Neighbors 28 yes • Use “the grapevine” all the time, source of most news. • Watch how they do things • Discuss topics of mutual interest • Discuss how they do things • Children who are studying, worked or travelled abroad

At field days 6 yes • Catch up with people outside immediate community

At social events 3 yes • Talking sheep

At sales 1 yes • Discuss prices

Family Partners 5 yes • Discuss issues they’ve heard about • Seek their opinions

Children 2 yes • At school or university • Experience on the property

Other Relations 2 yes • Working on other properties or other rural contexts • Working on research stations • Living in closer settled areas with better access to potentially useful information

Friends 6 yes • Working in areas of interest • Better access to potentially useful information because they live in closer settled areas or have jobs with access to potentially useful information.

Facsimile Technology Improving Access to Agricultural Information in Outback Australia 153 they’re pretty good. They’d be keeping, and in groups such as way you do it, this is how it the most useful source of infor- Landcare and the Rural Lands Pro- should be done, you’re only a mation when you’re selling. tection Board. Field days were nom- farmer and we know’—that’s Other graziers nominated local so- inated by many pastoralists as being the impression I get I’m afraid. cial events as places where they dis- useful venues for meeting with oth- The Australian Bureau of Agri- cuss what they have read in er pastoralists and service institu- cultural and Resource Economics newsletters with other people. tions staff. Some pastoralists report- data was sought by some pastoral- Limited face-to-face discussion ed they took the opportunity pick up ists for its Clip Estimates (which af- due to geographic isolation was Ag Fact pamphlets to read later, fects the selling price of greasy seen by some pastoralists as advan- whilst others examined new equip- wool). Fowlers Gap Research sta- tageous in that there was more vari- ment. A dimension of field days tion was nominated by pastoralists ety of ideas because people were which frustrated face-to-face inter- as a potential source of information, more independent thinkers and not action by some pastoralists was that although some pastoralists reported inhibited in their ideas and inven- “there are too many others talking they did not hear “a lot” from tions. As pastoralists explained: to person you want to talk to.” Fowlers Gap. • It’s hard for people to get to- Many pastoralists in the area did Pastoral Houses, Stock and Sta- gether very often and have a not consider they had much person- tion Agents, Woolbrokers, Wool Mills good discussion, and I think al contact with NSW Agriculture or and Studs – Many pastoralists saw that’s one reason why people’s Conservation and Land Manage- woolbrokers as important potential ideas—there’s such a variety of ment staff. Pastoralists reported that sources of information, especially ideas. Everybody’s isolated geo- “they don’t come out much”, at- when pastoralists were selling wool. graphically from one another, tributing their absence to staff cut- In some cases, stock agents were and therefore their ideas are a bit backs and as one pastoralist ob- seen as part of life and were relied isolated from one another too. served “one guy to cover a vast on for opinions and advice. •…out here, people spend a lot area—it’s a bit like throwing a jelly- Some pastoralists received a re- of time on their own, driving bean in a haystack”. Experiences of port on their woolclassers perfor- around and working their prop- lack of veterinary staff availability mance in classing their clip, which erties and when you’ve got to go and frustration at attempts to de- they found to be useful in improv- to a meeting, there’s such a scribe symptoms over the telephone ing the quality of classing at the fol- broad spectrum of ideas. to veterinarians were related by pas- lowing shearing. Neighbours were seen as impor- toralists to exemplify access to this Woolclassers, Shearers and Con- tant potential sources of informa- source of potential information as tractors – Studs were seen as useful tion by many pastoralists, who par- limited in its current form. Pastoral- in helping pastoralists select suit- ticularly value the opportunity to ists also saw these experiences as able rams for their breeding pro- “watch how they do things” in ad- important lessons in maintaining in- grams, matching flocks, improving dition to discussing aspects of their dependence in such geographically fibre diameter and frame. Shearers work. Pastoralists talked with neigh- remote contexts. and wool classers were seen as po- bours “all the time”—not always Pastoralists saw some relevance tentially useful sources of informa- face-to-face but over the telephone, in discussions with NSW Agricul- tion because they had seen a lot of and used fax to send written materi- ture staff, based on them having different operations and had broader al. Neighbours children who were “see(n) a lot of people operate—al- experiences in this way. Many pas- studying or working outside the lo- though they are often wrong the in- toralists also said that woolclassers cal area were also seen as important formation is handy”. Other pastoral- brought the latest news on clip potential sources of information be- ists are critical of a perceived lack preparation. cause they had different experiences of interest by staff to interact in “di- Pastoralist Groups – Landcare and perspectives. alogue” or discussions which in- groups (known as Rangecare in this Government Institutions Staff – volve mutual acceptance and valu- area) were nominated by some pas- This refers to federal and state gov- ing of different perspectives. This is toralists as potentially useful sources ernment institutions with education- reflected in such comments as: of information. Discussions face-to- al, service, research, extension and/ I don’t have a lot of contact with face, over the telephone and by fac- or regulatory functions nominated NSW Ag or Soil Con. I think ex- simile offered a variety of opportu- by pastoralists in the area. tension officers in the depart- nities for interaction around issues Contact by pastoralists with NSW ments seem to be tunnel vision. and activities of similar concern. Agriculture staff took the form of If you come up with a new tech- Rangecare groups also worked to- services such as brucellosis testing nology or new ideas, they don’t gether in the preparation of reports of rams, sheep classing, planning a seem to be all that interested and submissions to government. computer course for property record somehow or other—’this is the Rangecare groups were seen to be

154 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 useful in regard to funding of pas- with researchers on research sta- NSW Agriculture was also sup- toralists’ land care activities and be- tions examining best fencing mate- porting a plan for a computer course ing “heard” by politicians and poli- rials and techniques, and friends for property record keeping to be cy-makers over issues of concern. working on other commercial prop- run in the area. Many women have a Pastoralists have noted that their erties in other areas. Families living large role in property record and involvement in Rangecare had pro- in more populated areas with better book keeping. Many pastoralists vided access to more potentially access to newspapers were seen as were keen for learning opportunities useful information which had been important potential sources of in- in this area. An important observa- available but they had previously formation by way of them posting tion made by one pastoralist about not known about. This potentially newspapers on to pastoralists or computers for property record keep- useful information was now avail- filling them in on news considered ing was able “first-hand”, rather than relying by these families to be important young, educated people doing on having it told to them “second- enough to pass on during face-to- all sorts of bookwork—about hand” via service institutions or face discussions, telephone conver- four times as much as I do, being mass media. As a pastoralist ex- sations or in letters. cultivated by people in ag eco- plained: Most partners (such as brothers nomics going around teaching Most of the information we get or husbands and wives) saw them- them how to do cash flows. The access to is only through the me- selves as a team and very important strange part, with this wealth of dia, and quite often that can be for offering different perspectives detail, that they were drawing distorted. But since this bad dry for consideration when discussing no conclusions..[..]..they didn’t spell and the rural recession I’ve issues and making decisions. Chil- know what it all meant. Their tu- been fairly heavily involved in dren were also seen as important in tors assumed that once they submissions through federal and this role, when they were older they were in possession of the fig- state governments through Land- could contribute to the discussion. ures, that they would relate them care groups..[..]..We have dis- Children were seen to offer differ- to their affairs. covered, and other people, that ent experiences in discussions, par- This highlights the importance of there is a lot of things and a lot ticularly those who had been away recognising the difference between of information available that we from the property for schooling or data and information in that mean- never even knew about, purely work and those who worked on the ing is attributed to an experience. and simply because we weren’t property for their experience “run- Pastoralists were keen to have told. Rangecare has been good ning the place”. more access to educational courses for that sort of stuff. Many pastoralists discussed the which were practical, hands-on and Rangecare was also seen as a poten- importance of younger pastoralists updated them in the latest tech- tially useful organising system for learning from the previous genera- niques. These were seen to offer the printed material in the form of a li- tion, the lessons based on experi- most potential if they were run over brary which could hold material ences over time being “passed on” a few days in locations such as which had been gathered for use by to the next generation. As one pas- small town which they could travel other pastoralists. Other pastoralists toralist observed: to in a reasonable time. Suggestions had formed themselves into groups A lot of learning is done by pass- regarding computer courses as to to deal with issues of concern to ing it on to the next generation. how this could be done included a them. Without external funding, a People learn as they go and pass travelling teacher who could visit group of pastoralists in the area had it on—it has a lot to do with the and spend some time going through formed to deal with feral pig prob- management. The best teacher’s the basics and then could be con- lems affecting them. This required experience. tacted to discuss any questions or co-ordination and commitment by Own Studies – Pastoralists had problems. Practical courses on the pastoralists to organise a baiting their own topics of interest that they latest techniques with woolclassing program, seen by pastoralists in- were keen to learn more about. In and selection of breeding lines could volved as a positive experience in some cases this involved private be conducted over a few days on community learning and action. study or formal course through the conveniently located properties in Family and Friends – Family and Technical And Further Education the area. friends were nominated by pastoral- (TAFE) Centre in the closest city by Face-to-Face and Technological- ists as a source of potentially useful correspondence or short courses. ly Mediated Personal Interaction – information, particularly when they Correspondence courses were seen The nature of pastoralists’ experi- worked in an area of interest to pas- by some pastoralists as difficult to ences in personal interaction differs toralists. Examples included family undertake because they were more from those which are face-to-face members who had travelled abroad “hands-on” practical types rather with the use of communication and visited woollen mills, worked than big readers. technologies mediating interactions.

Facsimile Technology Improving Access to Agricultural Information in Outback Australia 155 Face-to-face personal interaction has the mail, but became the usual want of such essential privacy increased within local communica- method of delivery. Today deliver- may at any time prove a source tion networks, attributed by pas- ies and pickups are made once a of serious inconvenience and an- toralists to improvements in the week to more remote properties by noyance to the Sender of a mes- speed, reliability and comfort of aeroplane landing at a centrally lo- sage. This particularly applies at motor vehicles and greater accept- cated station. Shearing time when large num- ability of socialising. However, the The mail service provided a means bers of men are employed on the greatest transformations of experi- for non face-to-face interactive com- surrounding stations and when in the event of labour troubles ences in social interaction both munication which was private. Pas- arising the absolute privacy of within and beyond pastoralists’ im- toralists said that until the private the Telegraph Office is the most mediate networks have occurred telephone system, mail was the only desirable from all points of view. with the utilisation of radio trans- means of private communication (in McInerney and Middleton, ceiver, telephone and facsimile tech- with people who were distant to 1987 p. 54) nologies. Although remaining geo- them. This meant conducting busi- graphically remote, technology-in- ness by mail, which was a slow Radio transceivers were seen by use has transcended social isolation process in such a geographically re- pastoralists as offering an opportu- in improving access-ability of pas- mote area. Travel to town was often nity to establish a sense of commu- toralists in their personal interac- undertaken for the express purpose nity in such a geographically remote tions within existing and new com- of conducting business and pas- area—creating a context for social munication networks. toralists said this took them away interaction in a public domain to the Many pastoralists observed there from their work on the property for extent of its radio range: have been great changes with re- quite a deal of time, especially in When we first c(a)me here we spect to communication off the earlier days when transport was never had a telephone, we had a property, with improvement in their slower and less reliable. transceiver. The women would ability to access potential informa- Pastoralists reported they still used talk at half past eleven in the tion through interaction with other the mail service to send non-urgent morning, you’d chat away about people. Although pastoralists re- correspondence, packages and busi- what you did—just trivial sorts mained geographically remote, they ness requiring paperwork, particu- of things, but you caught up with saw themselves as less socially iso- larly if they did not have access to a everybody — everybody knew where everybody was and what lated and attributed this in part to facsimile. However, the mail service everyone was doing. the use of communication technolo- was the major communication tech- gies which enabled them to interact nology in use by mass media, and Some pastoralists said they felt less with other people without having to solicited and unsolicited sending of socially isolated with the transceiv- forego time and money to travel written material to pastoralists. er because as they did not go any- long distances to meet face-to-face Radio Transceivers – The intro- where for weeks they needed to talk or wait long periods of time for mail duction of the overland telegraph to with other people. to be sent and delivered. Pastoralists the area in the early 1880’s added Radio transceivers offered pas- discussed a number of dimensions another dimension to communica- toralists in remote areas one of the in the development of communica- tion as messages could be encoded first communication technologies tion technologies in this remote for transmission in morse code, de- that could offer instant interaction, context and the nature of changes in coded by telegraph staff and then enabling conversations over shorter its use. despatched through the mail ser- periods of time. The ability for two- Mail – From 1873, a mail service vice. Privacy was seen as an impor- way communication more quickly operated once weekly between Wil- tant feature of some communication was seen by pastoralists as particu- cannia and Bourke via Tilpa taking technologies by pastoralists in earli- larly useful in emergencies, as con- one week return to complete. From er times and even today, particularly tact could be made quickly with the 1883, Cobb and Co. secured the in relation to conducting business. Royal Flying Doctor Service for mail service contract and the fre- A petition raised by pastoralists in medical assistance. Pastoralists still quency of the service increased to 1907 in protest to the substitution of used Ultra High Frequency (UHF) twice weekly (McInerney and Mid- the morse code telegraph with a transceivers for property work (such dleton, 1980 pp. 40–41) Mail was telephone line reflects their values as mustering) and communicating delivered by horse coach up to on privacy: with neighbours within radio range 1915, and after that by motor vehi- …the privacy which is so desir- in emergencies and to discuss non- cle (although horses had to be on able in Telegraphic messages private matters which did not war- standby in case of rain or mechani- will not be possible if such mes- rant the cost of a private telephone cal troubles). Aeroplanes were at sages have to be despatched call. first used during floods to deliver from Tilpa by Telephone. (T)he Telephones – With the inception

156 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 of radiophone, instant communica- You sort of believe them—we during the course of this research to tion with people outside the imme- do have trouble with that—I just 19 pastoralists families having fac- diate area was now possible. How- tell people to keep trying, five or simile, 3 using their neighbours fac- ever, this took place in the public ten tries. simile and 12 without facsimile by domain and the importance for pri- Digital telephone systems were be- 1994. Pastoralists nominated a num- vate communication (particularly in ing installed with pastoralists look- ber of advantages, disadvantages business) still remained, as one pas- ing forward to improved reliability. and changes that use of facsimile toralist explained: Use of solar energy to power tele- technology brought to their experi- We used to get telegrams, but phone systems and satellite technol- ences in comparison with their cur- then we got the radiophone on ogy was seen by pastoralists as im- rent communication options of mail, that where you could ring up portant contributions to improving UHF radio transceiver and private people, but you couldn’t talk any communication technology. telephone. The dimensions of the business or anything because Pastoralists observed that with advantages and disadvantages nom- every man and his dog could the introduction of telephones, peo- inated by pastoralists as improving hear you. ple did not use the transceiver com- their accessibility to potential infor- The use of the mail service was still munity network much any more: mation highlighted the nature of seen as an important means of pri- changes that facsimile technology- (T)hen the phones came in and vate communication for business in-use brought to their experiences. everybody gradually dropped even though it was considered slow, These dimensions took the form of off—you might go weeks with- and many pastoralists said they con- out hearing from your neigh- seven main themes: time, econom- tinued to make trips into the town or bour—it’s a shame really. ics, social, ease of use, quality of city to conduct their business. potential information, spatial ex- The introduction of the “party Other pastoralists also noted that in pression and written expression (see line” telephone took the form of a the past it was less socially accept- Figure 3). Comparisons were also central “exchange” service at the able to travel for the purposes of made between experiences using post office with groups of stations meeting someone for a discussion or facsimile and other communication on “party lines”. A call would be conversation, but these days this was technologies (see Table 7). made to the and less the case. With improvements in the caller would then be connected the comfort and speed of motor ve- Time was nominated as an impor- by an operator to the correct party hicles, people got together in town tant dimension in the use of facsimi- line, followed by a series of rings to more often than they used to. le technology by pastoralists. For ex- denote who on the party line should Facsimile (Fax) – Facsimile was ample, pastoralists using facsimile answer their telephone. This was seen by many pastoralists as offer- reported this dramatically sped up considered by pastoralists to be ing a further dimension to improv- their interactions in business that re- more private than the radiophone, ing their accessibility to potential quired paperwork to be used, which however it was possible for the op- information. The use of fax technol- otherwise they would have to rely erator at the exchange and other sta- ogy by pastoralists has increased solely on a once weekly mail ser- tions on the party line to listen in to calls. Pastoralists were restricted to Figure 3 – Dimensions of Facsimile the time they could use the tele- phone by the Post Office opening hours. Pastoralists experienced tele- less error phone equipment itself to be unreli- able, as one pastoralist explained: I didn’t have a secret phone—I had an old wind up party line phone that worked about ten per cent of the time…. Many pastoralists now have pri- vate analogue telephones, although some experienced them as unreli- able: I think they call it an analogue system and they’re putting in a digital system, and they say it’s getinfo duwadiagum going to be wonderful. It will be before the get access to of put neeiled newspapers the lastest info to order very interesting to see if it is!

Facsimile Technology Improving Access to Agricultural Information in Outback Australia 157 Table 7 – Comparative Factors of Communication Technologies-In-Use particularly Rangecare. Jokes and Factor /Communication Radio Private ditties were faxed to relatives and Technology Mail Transceiver Telephone Facsimile neighbours, which offered a sense of everyday closeness and informal Speed to make contact slow – 1 week fast fast fast minimum “conversation”. Sending of letters to relatives was also nominated as a Speed to receive response slow – 1 week fast fast – verbal fast once formulated minimum fast – fax use of facsimile, to family at work slow – mail and at home (in one case a relative bought a fax so they could send and Privacy yes no yes yes receive letters by fax). The post of- Immediate presence required no yes yes no fice’s Fax Post service was regarded for interaction (message may be as too expensive for relatives (who left on answering machine) pay for the facsimile on collection from the post office). Some pas- Verbal expression no yes yes no toralists also saw a down side to less Written expression yes no no yes social interaction using facsimile, as one pastoralist commented: Ability to present lists of numbers yes no no yes But when people send you things Ability to present hand drawn yes no no yes on the fax you don’t talk to diagrams them—you’ve got no communi- cation with them. When I get on Ability to send diagrams without no no no yes the phone I like to have a yarn to losing original someone—find out what’s going Ability to “photocopy” diagrams no no no yes on around the place. or written material Easy to use was nominated by many pastoralists as an important vice. Pastoralists estimated that pre- with banks more quickly meant that feature of facsimile machines in that viously paperwork requiring signa- money could be kept in pastoralists they did not require an understand- tures or company stamps took four accounts longer earning interest. ing of computers, they could simply weeks minimum to complete busi- Costs relating to telephone calls draw or write what they wanted, ness, whereas with facsimile was a were also nominated by pastoralists dial the required number and send it matter of minutes. Pastoralists also as economic advantage in: avoiding through. Five pastoralists used per- saved time waiting for phone calls telephone small talk, as one pas- sonal computers for property record to be returned, trying to contact toralist explained: keeping, however, only in one case people, waiting for people they was the possibility of using comput- (T)he phone bill’s picking up ers to access potential information called getting organised and wasted while you’re talking about the using a modem raised. Other pas- less time arguing with people over weather and everything. After toralists who did not use computers the phone. Decisions could be made ten minutes you decide to find at night by pastoralists when doing out your information! either hoped to learn about them in their bookwork which could be sent the future or saw computers as diffi- immediately for action. Faster inter- Other examples included question- cult to learn how to use and the actions compressed the time frame ing accounts which involve the dis- “next generation” being computer of activity, bringing geographically cussion of figures and waiting for literate. distant parts of their (potential) in- the other end to get organised. A Accessing potential information formation networks closer. Pastoral- disadvantage was pastoralists re- using facsimile had a dimension as ists remained geographically remote ceiving of long (especially to the “quality of potential informa- but less socially isolated. Sense of from accountants) that used large tion” pastoralists could enjoy. This immediacy about doing things gives amounts of facsimile paper. was related to the time it took po- a sense of close proximity. Social dimensions in the use of tential information to reach pas- Economic advantages were cited facsimile included pastoralists be- toralists by mail, reflected in such by many pastoralists in their use ing able to send written information comments as: of facsimile technology. These in- around to their neighbours quickly You get your basic what’s been cluded the cost of facsimile ma- so they could study it for later dis- going on all the time but by the chines and paper being considered cussion. The local networks of con- time it’s processed and sent out as paying for itself in the amount versation were also improved in the it’s obsolete. of money saved in trips to town and access to information and involve- Interpretations offered by those who in business emergencies. Dealing ment in local activities, in this area had closer access to sources of

158 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 potential information were also seen ing them quickly rather than writing put out—we can get it before the by pastoralists to have shortcomings: letters quickly and rushed, then newspapers get it, we ask them Most of the information we get sending them slowly by mail. Some to fax it through to us. It comes access to is only through the me- pastoralists said they found it easier through to here, say, and I just dia, and quite often that can be to think when writing something fax it on to other neighbours distorted. and then fax it rather than having to around. So we all know right up to date what’s happening—so Using facsimile, pastoralists report- think on the spur of the moment or usually nobody knows any more ed they had access to the latest po- lose their temper on the telephone. than we do. tential information, especially prices and market reports on the day when Using Communication Technol- Of the 19 pastoralist families selling wool or stock. Weather map ogies Transforms Experiences – with facsimile, only one is connect- faxes were also nominated as more Using communication technologies ed to rural mains electrical power, up to date than newspapers, televi- in mediated personal interaction has which was available to them at the sion or radio. Pastoralists experi- transformed pastoralists experien- time this research took place. Rural enced facsimile as being a very use- ces in a mutually adaptive way, de- mains power is to become available ful way to get a lot of potential riving meaning through its use. to pastoralists in the research area information together quickly from The use of telephone and facsimi- with first connections proposed in people long distances away who are le in this context transcends time late 1994. Facsimile was powered directly involved in areas that they and place, changing pastoralists’ ex- by electricity generated from a die- are interested in. Facsimile is then periences of the immediacy of per- sel motor or solar/battery system on used by pastoralists to copy or re- sonal interactions. Private and pub- 18 properties. fax to interested neighbours or rela- lic protocols of conversation previ- The electricity generating system tives for study and later discussions ously demarcated in the use of radio on properties did not operate 24 in person and by telephone. and party-line telephone systems hours a day, and the use of facsimile Spatial expression refers to the changed with the introduction of had been adapted to fit this context. advantage of pastoralists being able private telephones to new meanings For example, facsimile on a proper- to use facsimile to convey meaning of utility and accessibility. ty was operational between the in the form of diagrams and draw- Use of facsimile amplifies writ- hours of 8 and 10pm (more often in ings, which is not possible over the ten and spatial expression, and sup- summertime with the air coolers telephone (but is by mail, but slow- presses verbal expression (as tele- which required electricity running er). Numerous examples of the rele- phone amplifies verbal expression during the day). If a fax was to be vance of this included being able to and suppresses written and spatial sent to the property outside this fax pages of a manual through with expression) in communication. This time, it required the sender to make relevant machine parts for an order has dramatically transformed pas- a telephone call to the property first marked, using the fax to photocopy toralists’ experiences of private and so the electricity system could be originals and sending a marked copy formal interactions beyond their lo- switched on or started up to receive of diagrams and sending sketches cal communication networks, partic- the fax. Pastoralists reported they and designs of equipment to neigh- ularly in business activities. Local sent more faxes than they received, bours or spare parts suppliers. networks of public and private, and which to some extent reflected the Written expression was nominat- formal or informal communication current situation with receiving fax- ed by pastoralists as an important previously confined to face-to-face es, but this may change with con- advantage of using facsimile over interactions, have changed with the nection to mains electricity. Five telephone. This included the reduc- use of facsimile. Facsimile technol- pastoralists who did not have fac- tion in transcription errors when ogy has also taken on use-contexts simile attributed the currently limit- writing financial figures, wool sta- in the form of its utility in the pri- ed operations of facsimile as a tistics and part numbers over the vate domain (particularly business) reason why they did not have fax telephone, which caused economic requiring written or spatial expres- and indicated that they would pur- loss, loss of time and confusion. sion and as a “photocopier” to offer chase one once the mains electricity Business requiring paperwork was neighbours and friends accessibility was connected. Pastoralists experi- also nominated as a major use of to data which is closer to the source ences in the use of facsimile tech- facsimile in speeding up the process than their “second-hand” interpreta- nology in the absence of mains elec- and covering legalities by having tions. As one pastoralist explained: tricity shows pastoralists’ ability to agreements in writing. Pastoralists We’ve made submissions to gov- adapt technology and technology to also saw benefits in being able to ernment about the Western Divi- adapt them. Changes to mains elec- study written documents sent and sion. We get the media release tricity and improvement in tele- re-read them, taking time to write from the minister’s office in phone communications will contin- comments or letters and then send- Canberra half an hour after it’s ue the process.

Facsimile Technology Improving Access to Agricultural Information in Outback Australia 159 The performance of facsimile is ters of relevance, data has potential non-neutral and transforms experi- also dependent on telephone lines in to be experienced as meaningful in- ences (Idhe, 1990), rather than the area functioning properly, and formation in a process of individual merely an object which is manipu- many pastoralists experienced diffi- and social construction of knowl- lated and controlled. culties with connections. The ana- edge. This challenges the Transfer Communication of information logue telephone system in the area of Technology paradigm conceptu- in remote places need not be about was being updated to a digital sys- alisation of communicating how well information can flow from tem at the time of this research, information as a transmission activi- a knowledgable source to a geo- which promised to provide more ty, where centrally generated graphically remote passive receiver, reliable telephone communications knowledge is transmitted as infor- but about understanding how peo- and therefore improvements to fac- mation to a passive receiver. ple in geographically remote con- simile communications. Three pas- The nature of pastoralists’ access- texts actively improve their accessi- toralists had separate telephone lines ing of data is diverse and complex, bility to data. Pastoralists utilise installed for their facsimile ma- which reflects a dynamic process of communication technologies they chines, the other sixteen operated individual and social construction see as useful in enhancing their ex- facsimile machines on the same line of knowledge. Use of communica- periences through mass media and as the telephone. This was due to tion technologies such as mail, ra- social interaction (behavioural co- the high cost of installing a second dio transceiver, telephone and fac- ordination) in networks of commu- line on the analogue system (which simile has improved pastoralists’ nication, contributing to the process was too weak to allow double adap- ability to transcend social isolation of their individual and social con- tors) and pastoralists had to switch within and beyond local communi- struction of knowledge. This offers from telephone to facsimile ma- cation networks, even though they insight into the nature of opportuni- chine by pushing a “send” button or remain geographically remote. They ties for further improvement in ac- unplugging the telephone and plug- have greater accessibility to engage cessibility to data, inviting new ex- ging in the fax machine. in formal and informal personal in- periences which may be perceived Interdependence of technologies teraction to access potentially useful by pastoralists as meaningful infor- is highlighted in their built-in de- data, experiencing proximity and mation for their agricultural produc- pendence on functioning within a immediacy. Technologically medi- tion enterprises. network of support technologies ated personal interaction differs in and people to service. Facsimile nature from meeting face-to-face, a REFERENCES machines need electrical power and dynamic of human-technology rela- telephone lines to operate, and these tions. Use of communication tech- Beebe, J. 1985. “Rapid Rural Appraisal: in turn are dependent on other tech- nologies offers alternative contexts the Critical First Step in a Farming Sys- nologies. Facsimile machines need for personal interaction which is tem Approach to Research. Farming to be serviced and supplied with pa- seen by pastoralists as improving Systems Support Project Networking Paper, No.5. per and ink, electrical power even their accessibility to potentially use- generated on the property needs to ful infomation. Bloch, M. 1991. “Language, anthropolo- have parts, and telephone lines need This analysis reveals some of gy and cognitive science”. Man, 26(2): repair and service. This draws pas- the complexity and multiplicity of 183–198. toralists into new and more complex interactions through which pastor- Brendlinger, N. 1992. “Ethics, communi- socio-technological networks of in- alists’ experience data, the nature cation models, and power in the agricul- ter-dependencies. of some of the factors which influ- tural community: thoughts about devel- ence access-ability (accessibility), opment communication”, Agriculture and Human Values. Spring:86–94. Conclusion and some of the transformations in experiences over time using com- Chambers, R. and B.P. Ghildyal. 1985. Pastoralists in geographically re- munication technologies in a con- “Agricultural research for resource poor mote areas are actively involved in text of geographical remoteness. farmers: the farmer first and last model”. the process of accessing sources of This opposes the Transfer of Tech- Agricultural Administration, 20:1–30. data in the form of both mass media nology paradigm in that the nature Chambers, R. and J. Jiggins. 1986. Agri- (print, television and radio) and of reality is based on individual cultural Research for Resource Poor through personal interactions in their construction of reality (Kelly, 1955), Farmers: a Parsimonious Paradigm. IDS communication networks. Individual rather than resting on the positivist Discussion Paper 220. pastoralists are not divorced from assumption that there is one reality the process of assimilating and mak- which can be known objectively Chambers, R. and J. Jiggins. “Agricultur- ing sense of data in their own right, and is identical for all knowers al research for resource poor farmers, part1: transfer of technology and farming utilising a diversity of sources in (Dervin, 1989). Further, it supports systems research”. Agricultural Adminis- doing so. Subject to perceptual fil- a position that technology-in-use is tration and Extension, 27:35–52.

160 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Dervin, B. 1989. “Audience as Listener Maturana, H.R. and F.J. Varela. 1992. trale Lindau (LBL), Switzerland. and Learner, Teacher and Confidante: The Tree of Knowledge: The Biological The Sense-Making Approach”, in Rice, Roots of Human Understanding. Revised Shannon, C. and W. Weaver. 1949. The R.E. and C.K. Atkin, eds. Public Commu- Edition. Boston: Shambhala Publications. Mathematical Theory of Communication. nication Campaigns. 2nd ed. London: Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press. Sage Publications. McInerney, M. and C. Middleton. 1980. Tilpa: 1880–1980. Tilpa, NSW, Australia: Snodgrass, A. 1993. “Science, Technolo- Dowsett, G. 1987. “Interaction in the Tilpa Historical Committee. gy and the Cultural Traditions of Asia.” semi-structured interview.” Qualitative Paper presented at the seminar series Research—Papers from a Symposium, Mosse, D. 1993. Authority, Gender and for the Centre for the Human Aspects of Australian Association of Adult Educa- Knowledge: Theoretical Reflections on Science and Technology. Sydney, Aus- tion, no. 2:50–56. the Practice of Participatory Rural Ap- tralia: The University of Sydney. praisal. Overseas Development Institute, Hooker, C. 1991. “Value and system: Agricultural Administration (Research and Webber, L.M. and R.L. Ison, R.L. 1995. notes toward the definition of agri-cul- Extension) Network. Network Paper 44. “Participatory rural appraisal design: con- ture.” Invited paper presented at the (London: ODI). ceptual and process issues.” Agricultural Hawkesbury Centennial Conference on Systems, 47:107–131. Agriculture, Environment and Human Rogers, E.M. 1983. Diffusion of Innova- Values. Sydney, Australia: of Western tions. 3rd. Edition. New York: The Free LYNN WEBBER and JOHN BRIEN are Sydney. Press. in the Department of Media and Com- munication Studies, Macquarie Uni- Ihde, D. 1990. Technology and the Life- Russell, D.B. 1986. “How we see the versity, New South Wales Australia. world: From Garden to Earth. Blooming- world determines what we do in the ton, IN: Indiana University Press. world: preparing the ground for action re- search.” Mimeo. University of Western CONTACT ADDRESS: Kelly, G.A. 1955. Psychology of Person- Sydney—Hawkesbury, Australia. al Constructs. New York: Norton Press. Lynn Webber Salas, M.; U. Scheuermeier, U. and E. Development Communications Kidder, L.H. and C.M. Judd. 1986. Re- Gottschalk. 1989. Training for PTD (Par- Macquarie University search Methods in Social Relations. 5th ticipatory Technology Development): NSW 2109 Edition. New York: Holt Rinehart and Crucial Issues and Challenges. Switzer- AUSTRALIA Winston. land: Landwirtschaftliche Beratungszen-

Facsimile Technology Improving Access to Agricultural Information in Outback Australia 161 Concurrent Session 7 Addressing Cultural and Language Barriers to Communication with Ethnic Farmers in Goulburn Valley

groupes ethniques- pour traiter les com- ment Program (SPPAC 1989), which Bruce Cumming, Cengiz plexités des agriculteurs de la région Erol, and Vicki Mitsos is open to participation by all farm- nord de l’état de Victoria en Australie, qui ers in the Goulburn-Broken Catch- ont un passé divers et complexe. Les ABSTRACT: Two major projects; the projets applique une ‘philosophie de par- ment of the Murray Darling Basin, Ethnic Access Salinity Project and the ticipation’ afin que les propriétaires par- was not being well used by NESB Ethnic Farm Chemical Project were de- ticipent activement dans le développ- farmers. Policy refinement was also veloped to deal with the complexities of ment politique, dans la prise de déci- required to address horticultural is- farmers from a diverse and complex sions, et dans les activités grâce aux sues, where there is a concentration range of background in Northern Victo- méthodes de communication appropri- ria. The projects use a “Philosophy of In- ées. Le travail vise à l’utilisation efficace of NESB people. (Cumming 1992,2). clusion” so that landholders are actively des technologies et techniques géné- The Salinity Management Pro- involved in policy development, deci- rales pour la culture de la terre. Les pro- gram provides advice, scientific re- sions and activities using appropriate in- jets ont découvert que les communautés search, investigations, co-ordina- clusive communication methods. The de propriétaires participent réellement tion and assistance in irrigated work is aimed at effectively using tech- dans la prise de décisions. nology and management, to deal with agriculture to deal with land degra- land management issues. The aim of the RESUMEN; Se desarrollaron dos pro- dation caused by salinity, rising project is for the communities of land- yectos importantes el Proyecto de Exce- groundwater and nutrient pollution. so de Salinidad con la Participación de holders to have true ownership of the de- The Department of Agriculture and cisions affecting them, and empower- Grupos Etnicos y el Proyecto de Produc- ment to take control. The projects use tos Agroquímicos con la Participación de the Ethnic Council decided to com- various communication methods to en- Grupos Etnicos para tratar las compleji- mence a project to investigate and hance the uptake of sustainable agricul- dades de los agricultores de la región address issues of equity and access ture management techniques including norte del estado de Victoria, Australia, to the Salinity Program by forming que tienen un amplio y complejo rango awareness campaigns and a major sur- the Ethnic Access Landcare Project. vey into cultural barriers to communica- de antecedentes. Los proyectos usan un tion. The survey also allowed a network “enfoque participativo” para que los ter- The project has an underlying of interpreters to be developed and local ratenientes participen activamente en el “Philosophy of Inclusion” (Cum- ownership of the projects. The project desarrollo de políticas, en la toma de ming 1993) to achieve empower- outcomes rely on the development of a decisiones, y en actividades mediante apropiados métodos de comunicación. ment of communities to plan jointly shared approach between various gov- for the future and act on those plans. ernment agencies, farmers, the Ethnic El trabajo se dirige hacia el uso eficaz de Council, farmer organisations, councils, tecnologías y técnicas gerenciales para The main role of government agen- corporations and community groups us- tratar los aspectos de manejo de la tier- cies is to facilitate the process, us- ing a joint steering committee. Achieve- ra. Los proyectos buscan que las comu- ing education, awareness raising, ments include setting up of several small nidades de terratenientes tengan una verdadera participación en la toma de co-ordination and conflict resolu- Neighbourhood Action Groups, resource tion, while avoiding a “service pro- development including simplification of decisiones. English language material, translation of vider—client relationship”. written materials into appropriate lan- The Department of Agriculture guages, using voluntary interpreters, and and the Ethnic Council of Sheppar- Background a multi-lingual video to help deal with low literacy and technical skills. ton recognised in 1991 that few Seventy nine percent of orchard- farmers of Non-English-Speaking- ists in the area are from a non-Eng- RESUMÉ: Deux projets importants ont Background (NESB) were involved lish speaking background (Cum- été développés -le projet d’excès de in activities to address environmen- ming 1992,1). In 1992, a study was salinité avec la participation des groupes ethniques, et le projet de produits agro- tal problems (Cumming 1992,1). carried out to investigate cultural chimiques avec la participation des Most notably the Salinity Manage- barriers to NESB farmers accessing

162 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 extension services, particularly the Project Methods not going ahead, and methods of ad- Salinity Management Program. The and Results to Date dressing these. While the more ob- study used interviewer/translators vious reasons are language based, from each of the communities in- While keeping in mind the “Phi- there are other less evident but im- cluding Italian, English, Greek, Ma- losophy of Inclusion,” the project portant reasons. These include: low cedonian, Albanian, Serbian, Turk- team has gone through the phases levels of literacy; cultural differen- ish, Punjabi and Filipino to assist in of: needs recognition; awareness ces; tensions between ethnic group- conducting a survey and to act as raising; information gathering; es- ings; perceived high cost; and the community contacts. tablishing general aims; establish- fact that the elder patriarch of the The survey and other work indi- ing specific goals; developing meth- family often makes all investment cated that cultural and language odology; establishing funding sup- decisions. There is also a general background may have contributed port; project conduct; assessment distrust of government services and substantially to the damage caused and refining the project; and docu- personnel and of some industry by salinity. This appears to be due to menting results. structures. It was necessary to build poor communication between gov- The role of the various profes- community trust, to avoid a conde- ernment agencies and NESB peo- sionals involved in the project has scending approach and demonstrate ple. Communication barriers relate been mainly one of group and indi- that NESB farmers are not excluded to issues including cultural differ- vidual facilitation. This role requires from programs and services as is ences, spoken-language communi- some discipline, and involves stand- commonly perceived. Recognised cation problems, lack of technical ing back a little and providing guid- bodies like the local Ethnic Council, skills, lack of basic education and ance, coordination, technical and canneries and ethnic national televi- literacy, conservatism and the lack scientific support and encourage- sion contributed to this change in of specific government programs ment. This approach ensures owner- perception. (Stoyles 1992, Cumming and Erol ship of ideas, plans and action by An important step was to recog- 1993). Subsequent demographic in- the community members and repre- nise that there was a need to em- vestigation shows that there has sentatives. The role of the Ethnic power NESB farmers to take action been a gradual shift in ethnic make- Access Project steering committee on land degradation, thereby over- up, with only 29% of NESB land- is to make decisions about the direc- coming the feeling of being exclud- owners in 1939. Since that time tion of the project, while the detail ed or of being powerless. It was de- there have been waves of migrants is carried out by individual land- cided to form neighbourhood action from different countries changing holders and the professional staff. groups, made up of adjoining farm- the ethnic mix with the largest ers with similar problems and of a changes occurring in the 1950’s and Awareness Raising and Infor- non-English speaking background. 1960’s resulting in 79% NESB land- mation Gathering – One of the This was done instead of using ex- owners. The current wave is from first steps in this project was to car- isting organisations which are not the Punjab region in India. ry out an awareness campaign to considered user-friendly by many Specific action which can be tak- demonstrate that salinity is the cause NESB farmers. en by orchardists to address the of damage to orchards, and that pro- The project is using various com- problems include: improved irriga- grams are available or can be devel- munication techniques to enhance tion infrastructure and management; oped for farmers to manage salinity. the uptake of salinity mitigation better surface drainage to lessen ac- The conduct of the survey to identi- works. These techniques rely on the cessions to groundwater; and pump- fy cultural barriers was a useful development and facilitation of a ing of groundwater and develop- medium for awareness raising in ad- shared approach between govern- ment of holistic business plans. dition to the primary aim of gaining ment agencies, growers, Landcare new information. By using people Groups, the Ethnic Council, grower Percentage of Community/Language from the ethnic communities to do organisations, municipal councils Groups in the Project Area the interviewing, we were also able and community groups. A project to communicate information to land- Community/Language Group % steering committee made up of a holders about salinity and project cross section of these bodies and Serbian 0.3 development. This enabled estab- ethnic groupings ensures the shared Greek 20.0 lishment of a network of farmers approach takes place as specific pro- Macedonian 15.5 who felt ownership of the project. ject activities are carried out. The Italian 28.0 project uses a variety of facilitation Albanian 12.5 Communication and Facilitation techniques to help gain participation Punjabi 2.4 Techniques – In order to begin the and cooperation of NESB farmers. English 21.0 project it was necessary to identify For instance meetings are organised Mixed 0.3 reasons for salinity mitigation works by the farming community rather

Addressing Cultural and Language Barriers to Communication with Ethnic Farmers in Goulburn Valley 163 than by government agencies. Pro- face drainage, over 50% installing ing voluntary community translators fessional staff are trained facilitators micro-irrigation and over 25% in- where possible. Voluntary interpret- and provide both a technical advice stalling groundwater pumps within ers are used where appropriate for and a discussion facilitation role. one year. telephone and face-to-face commu- Other communication methods nication. An educational salinity being used include: use of the ethnic Funding and Support – Funding video kit has been produced with an mass media (TV and the press); in- was received by the Federal Gov- English soundtrack, and several volvement of primary schools as a ernment’s Rural Access Program to versions with relevant language link to farm families; holding of employ an ethnic access officer to soundtracks to suit non-technical meetings in local informal venues; deal specifically with NESB farm- audiences are being produced. Adult Education courses; training ers and ethnic issues as part of the schemes; training of community project. This has allowed the project Conclusion group leaders in goal setting and to provide a contact for targeted communication; and links with oth- person-to-person contact with eth- By identifying and taking ac- er community programs. Better link- nic farmers thereby helping to build count of the diversity of back- ages between horticultural research- trust and a willingness to participate grounds of a general target audience ers and the project are being de- in activities. Since that time the pro- of farmers, the Ethnic Access Land- veloped. ject has also successfully applied care Project has developed appro- for funding from private and public priate communication methods for Whole Farm Planning and Sa- bodies to support specific elements dealing with them. Using a philoso- linity Works – One of the key as- of the project. The local cannery phy of inclusion to ensure participa- sistance methods now available to SPC, the National Landcare Pro- tion of farmers of these diverse orchardists is Whole Farm Planning gram and the Department of Agri- backgrounds, the project has under- (WFP) (Cumming 1992,2). This is a culture have jointly provided funds taken the process of empowering holistic planning technique where to continue employment of the ac- landholders to solve their land deg- the orchard family analyses the cess officer and provide project sup- radation problems. The project has strengths and weaknesses of the or- port over three years. been successful in bringing together chard infrastructure and develops a ethnic groups, government agencies mission statement, goals and a blue- Formation of Neighbourhood and industry bodies to jointly print of actions for the future. The Action Groups – A major project achieve shared objectives. process is facilitated by the Depart- task is facilitating the setting up of ment of Agriculture and is aided by small Salinity Neighbourhood Ac- private and government advisers, tion Groups to allow true grass- REFERENCES but the farmer controls the process roots participation. The group’s ac- Cumming, B.A. 1992. “Implementing So- and determines the final outcomes. tivities are integrated by the input of lutions.” Shepparton East Water and This is to ensure ownership of the the project steering committee. Two Salinity Management Report. Edited by process and a commitment to future groups were formed by June 1993 Wilson and Gill. Department of Agricul- actions. Most of these actions relate and seven more by June 1994, rep- ture Technical Report. s.l: s.n. to groundwater and surface water resenting the whole area. The groups Cumming, B.A. 1992. “Salinity Policies management. are developing a sense of empower- for Horticulture.” In Procedures Manual, The format of the documentation ment and have taken independent Department of Agriculture Edited by S. produced during the WFP process action. Australia’s first community Lottkowitz. s.l.: s.n. includes: accurate farm maps show- groundwater pumping scheme was ing current infra-structure; a written established by one group in 1993. Cumming, B.A. 1993. “Inclusive Partner- ships to Solve Community Problems: An report outlining problems and so- Four other groups have carried out Environmental Case Study.” In Proceed- lutions; and a timetable for activi- studies into drainage issues leading ings of Annual Conference, Federation ties over the next 5 to 10 years. A to action by the local water authority. of Ethnic Communities Council of Aus- financial assessment and business tralia [in press]. plan is usually also drawn up at this Special Communication Resour- Cumming, B.A. and C. Erol. 1993 “In- time. ces – Another project task is com- clusive Extension Techniques for Ethnic- The Whole Farm Planning pro- piling of relevant resources. These ally Diverse Farmers, Poster–Paper.” In cess has been adopted well; rising resources include the simplification Proceedings of the Aus-Pac Internation- from 2 in 1992 to over 50 per of English written material avail- al Extension Conference, Gold Coast, annum in 1994. The adoption of able from government agencies, and Queensland, Australia pp 347–350. salinity works as a result of the the translation of materials, includ- Montecillo O. 1991. Effect of Salinity in planning process has been rapid ing brochures, posters and newslet- Shepparton East Department of Agricul- with over 30% installing new sur- ters, into appropriate languages us- ture/SPC Survey Report. s.l.: s.n.

164 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 SPPAC. 1989. Shepparton Land and BRUCE CUMMING is with the Institute CONTACT ADDRESS: Water Salinity Management Plan. s.l.: for Sustainable Agriculture, Depart- Salinity Pilot Program Advisory Council. ment of Food and Agriculture in Shep- Bruce Cumming parton, Victoria, Australia. CENGIZ Institute for Sustainable Agriculture Stoyles M. 1992. Cultural Barriers to Ex- EROL and VICKI MITSOS are with the Shepparton District Centre tension: Report of a Survey, Shepparton Ethnic Council of Shepparton, Victo- State Public Office, Welsford Street East 1991–1992. Melbourne, Australia: ria, Australia. P.O. Box 862 Ethnic Communications. Shepparton, Victoria, 3632 AUSTRALIA Wilson H. 1992. Shepparton East Water Telephone: +61-58-21-4788 and Salinity Management Report De- FAX: +61-58-21-1479 partment of Agriculture Technical Report. s.l.: s.n.

Addressing Cultural and Language Barriers to Communication with Ethnic Farmers in Goulburn Valley 165 Concurrent Session 7 Les réseaux TCP/IP en Afrique: Intérêts, enjeux et espoirs

Olivier Sagna dos de investigación desde la comu- précise, il s’agit de répondre à l’at- nidad científica hacia los operadores tente des utilisateurs finaux, de mieux agrícolas. Es, en este contexto, que la valoriser les résultats de la recher- ABSTRACTS: The principal hindrances red de información de TCP/IP, más cono- to the development of fundamental and cida bajo el término genérico Internet, ha che agricole et de développer la applied research in the agricultural do- existido por algún tiempo en Africa sub- coopération sous- régionale en ma- main is the access to information for new Sahárica. En el momento, 30 países es- tière de recherche et de vulgarisa- knowledge and dissemination of the re- tán conectados de una manera u otra a tion. Cela étant, force est de con- sults of research from the scientific com- esta autopista de información electróni- munity to the agricultural operators. It is ca que se está estableciendo gradual- stater qu’aujourd’hui dans le secteur in this context that the TCP/IP informa- mente en los países en desarrollo. Con- agricole, les institutions africaines tion network, better known under the siderando las posibilidades que ofrece la d’enseignement supérieur et de re- generic term Internet, has for some time red y la verdadera revolución que se au- cherche, ainsi que les structures been in subsaharian Africa. At the mo- gura en el campo de intercambio de in- spécialisées dans la gestion de l’in- ment, some 30 countries are connected formación, es esencial que todos los que in one way or another to this highway of están involucrados con la producción y formation, sont confrontées à toute electronic information which is gradually el manejo de la información agrícola en une série de problèmes qui ont pour establishing itself in the developing coun- Africa participen activamente en esta conséquence de les marginaliser sur tries. Taking into account the possibilities red. offered by the network and the veritable le plan scientifique et de saper les revolution that it foreshadows in the do- efforts consentis pour accomplir main of information circulation, it is es- leurs missions. Les principales en- sential that all of those in Africa who are Dans la plupart des pays afri- traves au développement de cette involved in the production and the man- recherche sont biens connues. Elles agement of agricultural information be- cains, le secteur agricole, qui oc- come actively involved with this network. cupe plus de 70% de la population ont pour nom, difficultés d’accès à active, se caractérise principalement l’information pour l’élaboration de RESUMÉ: Les principales entraves au par sa sous-productivité et sa faible nouveaux savoirs et entraves à la développement de la recherche agricole rentabilité. Cette situation résulte diffusion des résultats des travaux sont liées à la difficulté d’accès à l’infor- scientifiques. Pour des raisons es- mation pour l’élaboration de nouveaux notamment de la lenteur des proces- avoirs, et la quasi impossibilité de dif- sus de modernisation des techni- sentiellement financières, les cher- fuser et de valoriser les résultats de ces ques culturales dont une des con- cheurs africains ne sont pas ou peu travaux scientifiques en direction des séquences les plus préoccupantes irrigués par les canaux d’informa- opérateurs agricoles. C’est dans ce con- est que le taux de croissance de la tion existants. Les périodiques sci- texte que sont apparus depuis peu en entifiques sont inaccessibles ou pres- Afrique, les réseaux TCP/IP plus connus production agricole est en règle sous l’appellation générique d’Internet. A générale inférieur au taux de crois- que en raison du coût élevé des l’heure actuelle, une trentaine de pays sance démographique. Les études abonnements qu’il faut payer en de- africains sont connectés d’une manière des différentes politiques agricoles vises étrangères et par ailleurs ils ou d’une autre à ces autoroutes de l’in- menées depuis l’indépendance ex- sont souvent reçus avec des retards formation qui se mettent en place dans incompatibles avec la conduite de les pays développés. Compte tenu des pliquent notamment cette situation possibilités offertes par ces réseaux et par le fait que “le flux de transfert programmes de recherche. De plus, de la révolution qu’ils préfigurent dans la de connaissance et de technologies compte tenu des budgets qu’elles production, la circulation et la valorisa- s’est avéré sur la période modeste, nécessitent, les missions de recher- tion de l’information, il est indispensable souvent inapproprié et sans rapport che à l’extérieur de l’Afrique ont un que tous ceux qui sont impliqués dans la gestion et la production de l’ information avec le niveau des revenus tirés de caractère exceptionnel. A cette situ- 1 agricole en Afrique deviennent des ac- l’exploitation agricole” . Pour re- ation déjà difficile est venue s’a- teurs engagés de ces réseaux médier en partie à cette situation, la jouter depuis janvier 1994, la déval- solution préconisée, par exemple uation de 50% du Franc CFA qui se RESUMEN: Los principales obstáculos par les autorités sénégalaises, est traduit, entre autre, par la multipli- al desarrollo de investigación básica y d’améliorer l’efficacité du système cation par deux de tous les prix des aplicada en el campo agrícola es el ac- ceso a información para adquirir nuevos de recherche agricole en l’intégrant biens et services importés dans les conocimientos y para difundir los resulta- dans un réseau. De manière plus quatorze pays de la zone Franc2.

166 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Malgré toutes ces difficultés, la des ressources matérielles et logi- and Education Network (NREN) recherche africaine produit tant bien cielles. Dans un premier temps AR- visant à la création d’un réseau que mal des résultats mais se pose PANET est strictement réservé aux d’ordinateurs à haut débit avec entre alors le problème de leur diffusion institutions travaillant sous contrat autre objectif de connecter d’ici l’an en direction de la communauté sci- avec l’armée et aux universités fai- 2 000 “toutes les salles de classe, entifique internationale d’une part et sant de la recherche en matière de toutes les bibliothèques, tous les en direction des utilisateurs finaux défense. Par la suite des réseaux hôpitaux et cliniques”6, projet qui d’autre part, qu’il s’agisse par exem- coopératifs et décentralisés du même est aujourd’hui connu sous l’appel- ple de l’agro-industrie, des sociétés type, tel UUCP5 pour le monde lation d’autoroute électronique ou d’encadrement rural ou des com- UNIX, se mettent en place pour d’autoroute de l’information. Dans munautés villageoises. C’est dans désservir la communauté universi- cette dynamique, Internet s’étend ce contexte que sont apparus depuis taire et même des firmes privées. Au peu à peu à travers le monde avec la quelques temps en Afrique, les ré- début des années quatre-vingt c’est connection de réseaux similaires en seaux TCP/IP plus connus sous au tour de réseaux tels Computer Australie, au Japon, en Europe, en l’appellation générique d’Internet. Science Network (CSNET) et BIT- Amérique du Sud et depuis peu en A l’heure actuelle, une vingtaine de NET d’offrir aux universitaires et Afrique. Internet c’est aujourd’hui pays africains sont connectés d’une aux chercheurs un réseau d’enver- plus de 8 000 réseaux qui couvrent manière ou d’une autre à ces fa- gure nationale. Les échanges entre près de 125 pays rassemblant près meuses autoroutes de l’information ces réseaux sont alors certes possi- 25 millions d’utilisateurs avec un électronique qui se mettent peu à bles mais de manière à normaliser accroissement du trafic de 10% par peu en place dans les pays dévelop- les procédures, le DoD élabore et mois. Les points forts d’Internet sont pés. Compte tenu des possibilités teste des protocoles de commu- d’une part sa rapidité qui en fait le offertes par ces réseaux et de la nication internet (inter-réseaux) per- réseau le plus rapide au monde avec véritable révolution qu’ils préfig- mettant de relier ces réseaux in- des débits de 45 Mégabits par sec- urent dans le domaine de la produc- dépendants entre eux. Cette expéri- ondes (environ 5 000 pages dactylo- tion et de la circulation de l’infor- mentation débouche en 1982 sur graphiées) et d’autre part son ouver- mation, il est indispensable que tous l’adoption par le DoD du Transmis- ture qui lui permet de communiquer ceux qui sont impliqués en Afrique sion Control Protocol (TCP) et de avec une grande diversité de sys- dans la production et la gestion de l’Internet Protocol (IP). En 1983, tèmes. Ainsi que vous ayez un PC, l’information agricole deviennent ARPANET est scindé en deux un MacIntosh, un Super Cray, une des acteurs engagés de ces réseaux, branches distinctes avec d’une part simple ligne téléphonique ou un s’ils veulent enrayer le processus de MILNET, réseau à usage stricte- réseau à haut débit vous pouvez marginalisation dont ils sont aujour- ment militaire, et d’autre part AR- vous connecter à Internet7. d’hui victimes. PANET, réseau civil réservé aux organismes impliqués dans les pro- grammes de recherche gouverne- Les réseaux TCP/IP Et Internet fut… mentaux. et leurs possibilités Clin d’oeil de l’histoire où évolu- En fait le véritable début d’In- Assurant la transmission ou la tion normale des choses, ce que l’on ternet date de 1986 avec la création diffusion d’informations confiden- appelle aujourd’hui le cyberespace3, par la National Science Foundation tielles ou publiques entre individus ce monde dans lequel tout un cha- (NSF) d’un réseau aujourd’hui con- ou institutions, les réseaux de type cun (du moins ceux qui sont con- nu sous le nom de NSFNET qui TCP/IP offrent une grande diversité nectés) peut communiquer avec relie les chercheurs à travers les de services. Parmi eux on peut citer n’importe qui, est à l’origine un pur États-Unis en utilisant les normes le courrier électronique (E-mail), produit de la guerre froide4, cette TCP/IP. Dans ce cadre cinq centres les listes de distribution de courrier époque où les barrières entre les informatiques équipés de supers- (Listservs), les groupes de confé- hommes semblaient infranchissa- ordinateurs sont reliés à des ré- rences (Newsgroup), (4) les connec- bles à l’image du Mur de Berlin. En seaux régionaux auxquels sont con- tions à distance (Telnet), le transfert effet, l’ancêtre d’Internet n’est autre nectés des réseaux locaux situés sur de fichier (FTP) et les outils de navi- qu’ARPANET, réseau mis au point les campus universitaires ou dans gation et de recherche d’information. pour les besoins du Department of les organismes de recherche. Peu à Le courrier électronique est à la Defense (DoD) des États-Unis et peu NSFNET remplace ARPANET fois le service le plus simple, car plus précisément de l’Advanced Re- comme réseau de la recherche et ce peu exigeant en termes d’infrastruc- search Project Agency. Il s’agit dernier est finalement démantelé en tures de communication et d’équi- alors de relier les chercheurs avec mars 1990. En 1991, Al GORE, pement de l’utilisateur, le plus pop- des sites informatiques centraux de l’actuel vice-président américain, ulaire et le plus utilisé de tous les manière à mettre à leur disposition lance le projet du National Research services disponibles sur Internet. Il

Les réseaux TCP/IP en Afrique: Intérêts, enjeux et espoirs 167 permet de communiquer presque in- Les connections à distance. Il ex- GOPHER permet de mémoriser des stantanément avec n’importe quelle iste également sur Internet un ser- chemins d’accès à des informations personne qui possède un compte vice appelé TELNET qui permet de manière à pouvoir s’y rendre di- dans un autre ordinateur accessible d’effectuer des connections à dis- rectement par la suite10. par Internet, quel que soit l’endroit tances. De cette façon, il est possi- • Wide Area Information Service. du globe où il se situe. Il est ainsi ble d’utiliser les ressources matéri- Développé par Thinking Machine possible d’envoyer et de recevoir elles ou logicielles d’un site infor- Corporation, Dow Jones et Apple des messages et même d’échanger matique comme si l’on était sur Computers, le système WAIS (Wide des données à condition que les place. Par ailleurs, on peut avoir ac- Area Information Service) permet fichiers ne soient pas trop volu- cès à des catalogues de biblio- d’effectuer des recherches par mots- mineux (moins de 300 000 carac- thèques, des services d’information clés dans des banques d’informa- tères). Le courrier électronique offre de campus ou des banques de don- tion qui contiennent un grand nom- plusieurs avantages dont la rapidité, nées sans avoir à passer par le bre de documents. Ces derniers sont le faible coût, la non nécessité d’une réseau téléphonique ou par les ré- d’abord indexés automatiquement synchronisation entre émetteurs et seaux de transmissions de données sur tous les mots qu’ils contiennent, récepteurs et la possibilité de joindre par paquets comme TRANSPAC ou un peu à l’image de ce que fait le plusieurs personnes à la fois. DATAPAC9. logiciel canadien Naturel, et par la Les listes de distribution de cour- Le transfert de fichier. Pour trans- suite on peut faire des recherches rier. Si l’on veut diffuser un message férer des fichiers, il existe un outil dans les banques de données ainsi auprès d’un grand nombre de per- spécial appelé FTP (File Transfert créées. Lorsqu’une interrogation est sonnes alors il est possible d’utiliser Protocol) qui permet d’exporter et faite, elle porte sur tous les sites où les serveurs de listes de courrier d’importer des fichiers. Par ce biais, est installé un serveur WAIS et de (listservs). Il s’agit de systèmes qui il est également possible d’accéder chaque site interrogé, les documents gèrent des listes d’adresses sur à certains logiciels du domaine pub- répondant à la question sont en- lesquelles on peut s’inscrire libre- lic appelés freeware lorsqu’ils sont voyés à l’utilisateur11. ment par courrier électronique, et totalement gratuits et shareware • World Wide Web. Dernier né qui se chargent ensuite d’envoyer à lorsqu’ils impliquent une contribu- des outils de recherche d’informa- toutes les personnes inscrites, des tion, la plupart du temps modique, tion et de navigation, le système copies conformes des messages qui de l’usager. WWB (World Wide Web) dévelop- sont envoyés sur la liste. Ces listes Les outils de navigation et de pé par le Centre Européen de Re- peuvent compter plusieurs centaines recherche de l’information. Une des cherche Nucléaire (CERN) permet de membres et le travail est coor- caractéristiques d’Internet est d’of- aux chercheurs d’avoir accès rapi- donné par des volontaires. Cet outil frir un véritable magma d’informa- dement aux publications et aux in- utilise la technique dite store-and- tions ce qui est à la fois merveilleux formations scientifiques en utilisant forward qui permet le stockage et la et cauchemardesque puisque la sur- l’approche hypertexte pour présen- diffusion en différé des messages. A information est toute aussi paraly- ter l’information. Dans ce système l’heure actuelle, il existe plus de 3 sante que la sous-information. Pour d’information client/serveur, les don- 500 listes de distribution de courrier remédier à cela, des outils de navi- nées sont présentées comme dans dans l’Internet qui couvrent pra- gation et de recherche d’informa- un document conventionnel, avec tiquement tous les champs d’intérêt. tion ont été mis au point qui offrent phrases, paragraphes, schémas et Les groupes de conférences de des interfaces plus conviviales à l’u- même photos, mais dans le texte on . De manière à éviter l’en- tilisateur que les services décrits trouve des mots qui apparaissent en gorgement des réseaux et des boites précédemment. souligné, en couleur ou en surbril- à lettres tout en facilitant la tâche de • GOPHER. Le logiciel GOPHER lance et qui contiennent des liens consultation des usagers, on a mis a été développé par l’Université du vers d’autres documents qui peu- au point un système dans lequel les Minnesota (USA) pour naviguer vent être sur un même ordinateur ou articles sont stockés dans des sites dans des répertoires de données carrément sur un autre continent12. centraux où les personnes intéres- hiérarchisées. L’intérêt d’un GO- • Archie. Développé par un groupe sées peuvent venir librement les PHER est de permettre à l’utilisa- de personnes travaillant à McGill consulter. Ces groupes de conféren- teur de se connecter à des bases de University (Canada), Archie est un ces appelés newsgroup forment un données ou de faire du transfert de logiciel qui permet de rechercher réseau appelé USENET qui s’appar- fichiers sans connaître les comman- tous les sites Internet qui offrent la ente plus à un réseau de communi- des, la syntaxe ou l’adresse Internet possibilité de faire du transfert de cation qu’à un simple réseau d’ordi- propre à chacun des systèmes. En fichiers. nateurs. A l’heure actuelle, il existe parcourant les arborescences, on • Veronica. Lancé en novembre des centaines de newsgroup qui aboutit à des documents que l’on 1992, le logiciel VERONICA a prati- couvrent toutes sortes de thèmes8. peut lire ou importer. De plus un quement la même fonction qu’Archie

168 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 puisqu’il permet de rechercher, à Rhodes University, le réseau AFRI- sont pris en tenaille entre, d’une l’aide de mots-clés, les centaines de NET-ZA s’étend dans les princi- part la nécessité de résoudre rapide- sites équipés de GOPHER. paux pays d’Afrique australe à sa- ment et durablement les problèmes voir, l’Afrique du Sud, le Botswana, d’éducation, de santé ou d’autosuff- le Lesotho, Maurice, le Mozam- isance alimentaire qui se posent à la Les réseaux TCP/IP bique, la Namibie et le Zimbabwe. en Afrique grande masse de la population et En Afrique du Sud, il utilise le d’autre part la volonté légitime de En Afrique, les seuls pays dis- réseau Internet alors que dans les participer à la marche du monde posant d’une connectivité totale avec autres pays il s’appuie sur des li- en investissant pour ce faire dans Internet sont l’Afrique du Sud, lAl- aisons UUCP. des secteurs qui peuvent apparaître gérie, l’Égypte et la Tunisie. Cela GREENNET: Utilisant la techno- comme un luxe inutile voire indé- étant, un certain nombre de pays logie FIDONET, le réseau GREEN- cent15. En fait, le dilemme n’est sont connectés à d’autres types de NET mis en oeuvre par l’ONG du qu’apparent car comme le démontre réseaux (BITNET, FIDONET et même nom couvre l’Afrique du une étude de Meheroo JUSSAWAL- UUCP) ce qui leur permet un accès Sud, le Botswana, l’Éthiopie, la LA sur les politiques menées dans limité à Internet. On distingue actu- Gambie, le Ghana, le Kenya, Mau- les Nouveaux Pays Industrialisés ellement quatre réseaux de commu- rice, le Mozambique, l’Ouganda, le d’Asie du Sud-Est, “aujourd’hui le nication électronique en Afrique à Sénégal, la Tanzanie, la Zambie et développement est intrinsèquement savoir EARN, RIO, AFRINET-ZA le Zimbabwe. FIDONET est un lié aux investissements dans les et GREENNET. réseau point à point qui utilise la technologies de l’information”16. EARN: Reposant sur la technolo- technologie dite store-and-forward Mieux, la croissance économique gie SNA, propre au monde IBM, le qui consiste à envoyer un message est désormais tirée, non plus par les réseau EARN (European Advanced d’un ordinateur à un autre en pas- services mais par l’industrie infor- Research Network)13 implanté en sant par un nombre variable d’or- matique et des télécommunications Tunisie et en Égypte est connecté au dinateurs-relais via des modems et ce qui fait dire au Prix Nobel d’É- réseau BITNET. Sur ce réseau, les le réseau téléphonique commuté conomie Kenneth J. ARROW que principaux outils de communication (RTC). FIDONET permet l’échange “le rôle de l’information est en train sont le courrier électronique, la de courrier entre utilisateurs, les de transformer la nature de l’é- transmission de fichiers et les mes- conférences publiques et le transfert conomie”17. Mais, ce qui est ob- sages. Depuis peu, des liaisons de fichiers, le tout à faible coût servable dans les pays du Nord ou TCP/IP sont également disponibles grâce à l’utilisation du réseau télé- les NPI peut-il être valable pour les en Tunisie comme en Égypte . phonique classique, le recours à des pays du Tiers-Monde et notamment RIO: Utilisant les réseaux TCP/ ressources matérielles et logicielles pour l’Afrique ? Les travaux sur la IP pour certaines de ces liaisons en banales fonctionnant dans un envi- question montrent que la réponse France et les réseaux X.25 et UUCP ronnement DOS et l’emploi de logi- est oui car dans les endroits où les pour ses liaisons en Afrique, le ciels de communication bons mar- prémices du développement se font Réseau Intertropical d’Ordinateurs ché, voire gratuits, lorsqu’ils ne font sentir, le principal goulet d’étran- (RIO) a été mis en place par l’OR- pas l’objet d’une utilisation à des glement est toujours constitué par STOM. Pour ce qui est de l’Afrique, fins commerciales. Ceci dit FIDO- des systèmes de communication ob- il est implanté, au Burkina Faso, au NET présente des limites comme solètes ou sous- dimensionnés par Cameroun, au Congo, en Côte l’impossibilité de procéder à des rapport aux besoins. De cela, certain d’Ivoire, à Madagascar, au Mali, au connections à distance (TELNET), en concluent que la construction de Niger, au Sénégal, aux Seychelles et un mode de communication en dif- réseaux de communication dans les au Togo. Le réseau UUCP, dont une féré et non en temps réel, les diffi- pays du Tiers-Monde doit leur version pour PC existe désormais cultés rencontrées pour le transfert permettre de sauter les étapes du avec le programme UUPC, offre de gros fichiers ou encore la limita- Quoiqu’il en soit, il est indéniable l’avantage de pouvoir utiliser aussi tion du nombre d’utilisateurs à une que ce type de réseaux induit de bien le réseau téléphonique com- dizaine par site14. profonds changements et pour s’en muté (RTC), les réseaux de trans- convaincre on peut citer les propos mission de données par paquets Pourquoi et comment de John SCHONEBOOM, Coor- type X.25 que des lignes dédiées. intéger le monde Internet donnateur du Sub-Saharian Pro- Cela étant, ce réseau ne permet pas gramm of the American Association la communication en temps réel et Face à la question de savoir s’il for the Advancement of Science qui est seulement utilisable pour la faut investir dans ce genre d’infra- note que les réseaux de communica- transmission de faibles volumes structure, les pays africains sont, à tion électronique sont en train de d’information. première vue, placés devant un véri- transformer la diffusion et la con- AFRINET-ZA: Développé par table dilemme. En effet, ces derniers duite de la recherche dans le monde

Les réseaux TCP/IP en Afrique: Intérêts, enjeux et espoirs 169 y compris en Afrique, même si le sence de revues scientifiques lo- doit pas croire que le phénomène phénomène s’y développe plus len- cales21. De son côté, un outil com- peut se développer comme dans les tement19. me TELNET permet de palier l’ab- pays du Nord car les conditions Au delà de ces arguments de sence de ressources informatiques d’un tel développement sont loin portée générale, les possiblités con- locales en utilisant par exemple la d’être réunies tant sur le plan des crètes offertes par Internet militent puissance de calcul offerte par d’au- communications que sur celui de fortement en faveur d’une participa- tres sites informatiques, sans parler l’équipement informatique sans par- tion active des africains à ce réseau de la consultation à moindre frais de ler bien entendu des moyens. En des réseaux. S’agissant de remédier certaines bases de données en lignes Afrique, les infrastructures de télé- aux difficultés constatées pour l’ac- et de centaines de catalogues de bib- communication sont des plus faibles cès à l’information et aux entraves liothèques. De plus le transfert de avec une densité de deux téléphones rencontrées dans la diffusion des ré- fichiers facilite l’échange de docu- pour cent personnes, des réseaux sultats de la recherche, Internet ap- ments de travail ce qui ne peut que téléphoniques souvent en piteux porte des solutions intéressantes. nourrir le travail en coopération des état et l’inexistence de réseaux X.25 Tout d’abord grâce à la messagerie chercheurs individuels comme des dans de nombreux pays. Sur le plan électronique Internet laisse entre- structures de recherche. Par ailleurs, de l’équipement informatique, la voir la possibilité de briser l’isole- les programmes comme GOPHER, situation n’est guère meilleure quand ment dans lequel se trouve les WAIS et WWB introduisent une on sait que le Centre de calcul de chercheurs africains en transcen- nouvelle dimension dans les rela- l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop de dant la lenteur du courrier postal, en tions entre chercheurs du Nord et Dakar consiste en réalité en une diminuant les frais de communica- chercheurs du Sud. En mettant à la vingtaine de micros-ordinateurs mo- tion à longue distance (téléphone, disposition de ces derniers le moyen dèle 386 fonctionnant en mono- télex ou télécopie), en libérant les de concevoir des systèmes d’infor- poste et que le millier d’enseignants utilisateurs de la synchronisation mation, ils leur permettent par la et les vingt cinq mille étudiants qui obligatoire entre émetteurs et récep- même de jouer un rôle de produc- y travaillent doivent se partager en- teurs (qui caractérise notamment les teur d’information et non de simple viron trois cents micros-ordinateurs. liaisons téléphoniques) et en permet- consommateur comme c’est trop Par ailleurs, sur un autre plan, tant de joindre simultanément plu- souvent le cas à l’heure actuelle. l’achat d’un micro ordinateur con- sieurs destinataires. Pour leur part, Enfin, l’utilisation intensive de cet stitue un investissement considé- les serveurs de listes de courrier et outil de communication ne peut que rable pour les institutions comme les groupes de conférences auto- donner une nouvelle dimension aux pour les individus contrairement à risent désormais les universitaires, réseaux documentaires existant, no- la situation qui prévaut dans les chercheurs et autres décideurs afri- tamment en Afrique où les diffi- pays du Nord. Ainsi, au Sénégal le cains à rencontrer leurs pairs sans cultés de communications entravent prix d’une configuration compre- 22 avoir à faire face aux coûts engen- souvent leur bon fonctionnement . nant un micro-ordinateur, une imp- drés par le transport aérien et les Internet présentant un grand nom- rimante, un modem et un onduleur frais de séjour, qui très souvent ex- bre d’avantages, la question essen- pour les inévitables coupures de pliquent leur absence dans les réu- tielle est de savoir comment le Sud, courant équivaut à plus d’un an de nions internationales. Mieux, la pos- et plus particulièrement l’Afrique, salaire d’un professeur d’université. sibilité d’organiser des discussions peut et doit s’approprier ce formida- Le développement d’Internet en Afri- sur des hypothèses de travail ou de ble outil. Certes, l’Afrique est déjà que doit donc d’abord passer par diffuser des résultats de recherche affectée par ce mouvement mais ses l’utilisation optimale des ressources offrent une tribune incomparable effets sont cependant encore trop existantes et dans un second temps aux universitaires et chercheurs du marginaux pour être perceptibles. Si seulement par le développement Sud, d’autant plus que comme l’af- Internet “reste un outil réservé à un d’infrastructures nouvelles. Dans ce firme Roberto BISSIO “sans l’at- nombre bien restreint de privilé- sens, à court terme, il faut privilégi- traction esthétique du papier glacé giés”, nous n’en pensons pas moins er l’utilisation du réseau télépho- ou de l’impression en quadrychro- que l’appropriation de cet instru- nique commuté dans les pays où il mie, seul le poids des arguments ment, par les africains notamment, n’existe pas d’autres possibilités et fera la différence pour les lec- est la meilleure façon de combler le recours aux réseaux de transmis- teurs”20. En effet, les universitaires “le fossé béant entre ceux qui ont sion de données par paquets de type et chercheurs africains éprouvent toute liberté de se procurer l’infor- X.25 là où ils existent, même si ces d’énormes problèmes pour faire con- mation qu’ils désirent et de commu- solutions ne permettent pas toujours naître leurs travaux compte tenu des niquer, et ceux qui n’ont aucun d’avoir accès à tous les services obstacles rencontrés pour se faire moyen de trouver l’information qui d’Internet. A moyen terme, il faut publier dans les revues scientifiques leur serait nécessaire pour se for- envisager le développement et l’in- internationales et souvent de l’ab- mer et agir”23. Cela étant, on ne terconnection des réseaux de trans-

170 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 mission au niveau africain de ma- traitement de texte”25. Enfin, l’ex- obligés sils ratent lentrée de lau- nière à mettre en place “un réseau périence du CGNET qui regroupe la toroute de linformation. public virtuel de commutation par plupart des centres de recherche in- paquets d’envergure régionale”24. ternationaux en agriculture, montre NOTES ET RÉFÉRENCES L’objectif de cette démarche est de que les frais de communication sont faciliter les liaisons inter-états qui nettement inférieurs à ceux engen- 1. République du Sénégal. Ministère de sont souvent difficiles voire impos- drés par les moyens classiques. En l”Agriculture. 1994. Déclaration de Poli- sibles à établir et qui font que la effet, le coût d’un message électron- tique de Développement Agricole. s.l.: communication Nord-Sud l’emporte ique est plutôt basé sur la quantité s.n., p. 5. sur la communication Sud-Sud. Ou- d’information transférée que sur le 2. Voir à ce sujet: L’Écluse, 6:(1/2), 1994. tre la création d’une infrastructure temps ou la distance qui sont par Dossier spécial La dévaluation du Franc de télécommunication, il y va du contre des déterminants majeurs du CFA et ses incidences sur les services développement de la coopération prix d’une communication par télé- documentaires. inter-africaine à l’intérieur comme à phone, télex ou télécopie26. Ainsi, l’extérieur des différentes aires lin- 3. Le terme a été utilisé pour la permière sur RIO le prix de l’abonnement an- fois par William Gibson dans son roman guistiques. Dès lors, il devrait être nuel est de 10 000 Francs CFA (100 fantastique Neuromancer pour décrire le possible de mettre fin à la situation FF) pour les utilisateurs des pays du “monde des ordinateurs” et la sociéte qui actuelle qui fait que les chercheurs Sud et le prix d’un message envoyé tourne autour d’eux. Cf. Brendan P. Ke- sénégalais ignorent tout ou presque par courrier électronique entre un hoe. Zen and the Art of the Internet. Chester, 1992, 96 p. de ce que font leurs voisins et ho- pays du Nord et l’Afrique est d’env- mologues anglophones, lusophones iron 200 Francs CFA (2 FF) pour 4. Carey, John. 1994. “From Internet to ou même francophones du simple 1000 caractères soit moins de 500 Infobahn.” Business Week, June 13, fait des barrières linguistiques, de Francs CFA (5 FF) pour l’équi- 1994, p. 40–41. l’inefficience des systèmes de com- valent d’une page dactylographiée munication et des habitudes prises 5. Unix to Unix Copy Protocol. Protocole standard (2 500 signes). de communication utilisé entre deux ma- ou imposées concernant l’orienta- chines UNIX. tion des courants d’échanges scien- tifiques, économiques et culturels. Conclusion 6. “Les autoroute numériques à coup de Enfin, à plus long terme, on peut en- Les chercheurs et les profession- milliards.” 1994. Sciences et Vie Mirco, 113:27. visager la création de véritables li- nels de l’information évoluant dans aisons Internet là où la nécessité le secteur agricole en Afrique, doi- 7. L’essential des informations relatives s’en fera véritablement sentir à vent avoir pour objectif de s’appro- à la naissance d’Internet sont extraites l’image de ce qui existe déjà en prier cet outil de recherche et de de: Tracy LaQuey. The Internet Com- Afrique du Sud, en Algérie, en communication en l’adaptant si né- panion. Rockport, MA: Online BookStore Edition, 1993, 110 p. Égypte ou en Tunisie. cessaire à leurs besoins spécifi- 27 Tout cela est certes très séduisant ques . Comme ils l’ont fait jadis 8. Notess, Greg R. 1993. “USENET: mais qu’en est-il des coûts ? Pour ce avec le micro- ordinateur, le télé- Taming the E-Mail Flood.” Online, 17(4): qui est de la stratégie d’interconnec- copieur et tout dernièrement avec le 86–88. tion des réseaux de télécommunica- CD-ROM, ils doivent apprivoiser 9. Keays, Thomas. 1993. “Searching On- tion, les expériences menées ail- cette nouvelle technologie plutôt line Database Services Over the Inter- leurs indiquent que les sommes que de l’ignorer ou de la rejeter en net.” Online, 17(1): 29–33. nécessaires ne sont pas supérieures invoquant un niveau de sophisti- à ce qu’impliquent actuellement le cation jugé incompatible avec la 10. Notess, Greg R. 1993. “Using Go- fonctionnement séparés de chacun somme de difficultés qui les assail- phers to Burrow Through the Internet.” Online, 17(3): 100–102. des réseaux existants. S’agissant du lent. Au delà de la crédibilité et de montant de l’investissement pour l’opérationalité des unités d’infor- 11. Chartron, Ghislaine. “IST et réseau les universités, les organismes de mation dans lesquelles ils exercent, électroniques.” Documentaliste-Sci- recherche ou les ONG, si l’on en il y va, à plus long terme, de la ences de I’information, 30(2): 72–78. croit les propos de Pascal RE- survie de leur profession. En effet, 12. Powell, James. 1994. “Adventures NAUD, Chef de la mission infor- compte tenu de la convivialité crois- with the World Wide Web: Creating a matique ORSTOM, qui a mis en sante des systèmes d’information et Hypertext Library Information System.” oeuvre le réseau RIO, les sommes de leur rapprochement incessant des Database, 59–65. exigées sont certes importantes mais utilisateurs, ces derniers risquent de n’ont “rien à voir avec le montant considérer les professionnels de l’in- 13. Équivalent de BITNET pour l’Europe. des subventions qui sont allouées à formation comme de simples élé- 14. Au sujet de FIDONET voir: Shem l’édition, aux équipements informa- ments du paysage documentaire et Ochuodho. “E-mail Demystified: Low- tiques ou encore aux logiciels de non plus comme des partenaires cost Networking with Fidonet” in Ameri-

Les réseaux TCP/IP en Afrique: Intérêts, enjeux et espoirs 171 can Association for the Advancement of de Dakar, les annales de principales fac- tion.” Science. 1994. User’s Guide to Network ultés ne paraissent plus depuis des an- in Africa. Washington, DC: AAAS, p. nées et le Bulletin de l’Institute Fonda- 26. Kerrigan, Kristin, George Lindsey and 1–10. mental d’Afrique Noire qui faisait Jadis Ken Novak. 1994. “- référence, compte aujourd’hui pluseiurs ing in International Agricultural Re- 15. Ohene-Ntow, Nana. 1993. Global années de retard dans sa publication. search: Experience of CGNET.” Quarter- Computer and Information Networking— ly Bulletin of the International Associa- -Opportunities and Dilemmas for Sub- 22. Sur les réseaux de documentation tion of Agricultural Information Saharan Africa. Working Paper (Carleton agricole voir: John Nelson and John Far- Specialists, 39:(1/2): 182–193. University) 2493, p. 5. rington. Information Exchange Network- 16. Jussawalla, Meheroo. 1993. “Adding ing for Agricultural Development, A Re- 27. Kempf, Alois. “Beyond E-mail: News- Value to Information: A Case Study of the view of Concepts and Practices. Exeter: groups, Electronic Archives and Other Asian NIE’s.” Development, Journal of CTA, 1994. Network Resources of Information Spe- the Society for International Develop- cialists.” Quarterly Bulletin of the Inter- ment, 3:32–35. 23. Cudenet, Pierre. 1993. “Welcome to national Association of Agricultural Infor- Cyberspace” in Groupe Romand de Doc- mation Specialists, 39(1/2):202–206. 17. Mandel, Michael J. 1994. “The Digital umentation/École Polytechnique Fédé- Juggernaut.” Business Week, June 13, rale de Lausanne, Dossier: Les sources 1994, p. 36–39. d’information sur le réseau Internet. Lau- OLIVER SAGNA is the Head of the sanne, GRD/EPFL, p. 3–7. Documentation Section at the Univer- 18. Engardio, Pete. 1994, “The Third sité Cheikh Anta Diop de Kakar. World Leapfrog.” Business Week, June 13, 1994, p. 46–47. 24. Djamen, Jean-Yves, Mahamat Guia- goussou, Dunia Ramazani, Stéphane 19. Shoneboom, John. 1994. “Foreward” Somésoteg. 1994. Les réseaux en Afri- CONTRACT ADDRESS: in American Association for the Advance- que: une incontournable évolution ver ment of Science. User’s Guide to Net- l’Internet. Département Informatique et Olivier Sagna work in Africa. New York: AAAS, p. 1–10. Recherche Opérationnelle de l’Univer- Maître-assistant à l’École des Bibliothé- sité de Montréal, no. 901. caires 20. Bissio, Roberto. 1993. “Integrated In- Archivistes et Documentalistes formation and Development Communi- 25. Propos tenus le 22 septembre 1993 Chef de la section Documentation cation Networks.” Development, Journal lors de la 5ème Journée Information Sci- Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar of the Society for International Develop- entifique et Technique Francophone or- BP 3252 Dakar SÉNÉGAL ment, 3:27–30. ganisée par l’AUPELF-UREF en la Sor- EMAIL: [email protected] bonne sure le thème “Des réseau 21. Ainsi à l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop documentaires aux réseaux d’informa-

172 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Concurrent Session 8 The Australian Telecentres Program:

Providing Public Access to Information Networks for People in Rural and Remote Regions

de gestion et aux opportunités du télé- están ingresando nuevamente a esa Ian Crellin marketing ; et l’augmentation d’emplois campo. Se discuten los vínculos entre and Jim Graham locaux , y compris le développement des otros servicios de información y el tele- opportunités en télécommuniation/télé- centro. Se tratan, además, aspectos ABSTRACT: The Australian Govern- travail pour la population rurale. Les télé- generales relacionados con la recolec- ment established the Telecentre Pro- centres peuvent aussi être un point cen- ción, la organización y la difusión de la gram in 1992. Telecentres are typically a tral pour l’enseignement et la formation à información para grupos de clientes en broadly based community organisation, distance, et l’information sur les services áreas rurales y remotas. working cooperatively and drawing on et programmes communautaires. L’envi- the self-help ethic. Telecentres have the ronnement éducatif dans les télécentres potential to contribute to a range of com- est particulièrement bien perçu par les munity objectives, related to the use of personnes qui reprennent des cours The availability of inexpensive information resources and computers. A avec très peu d’expérience éducative. computing technologies and associ- major focus is the improvement of farm Les liens entre les télécentres et autres ated facilities and business management through ac- services d’information sont aussi présen- have opened up vast possibilities for cess to information sources, manage- tés. De plus, des points généraux asso- the access to and distribution of a ment software and telemarketing oppor- ciés à la collection, à l’organisation et à tunities. Increased local employment is la diffusion de l’information pour des wide variety of information to an another focus, including the develop- groupes de clients ruraux et isolés sont equally wide audience worldwide. ment of telecommuting/teleworking op- aussi traités. It also opens the possibilities of easy portunities for people in rural areas. Tele- interaction between people on a centres may also fill a role as delivery RESUMEN: El Gobierno Australiano es- scale unimagined even a decade ago. points for distance education and train- tableció el Programa de Telecentros en ing, plus as a centre for information on 1992. Un telecentro es típicamente una These developments have changed community services and programs. The organización comunitaria de base am- the way in which many facets of life learning environment in telecentres ap- plia, que trabaja en forma colaborativa y are conducted, including education pears to be particularly well received by que se apoya en la ética del esfuerzo and training, business and com- people re-entering education with little propio. El telecentro tiene potencial para merce, and the delivery of govern- prior educational experience. Linkages contribuir a un rango de objetivos comu- between these other information ser- nitarios relacionados con el uso de re- ment services. These changes have vices and the telecentres are discussed. cursos de información y de computación. been particularly important to peo- In addition, general issues associated Uno de los principales énfasis es el ple in rural and remote areas, bring- with the collection, organisation and dis- mejor manejo de las fincas y de las em- ing both benefits and disadvantages semination of information for rural and presas mediante el acceso a fuentes de to them. remote client groups are also addressed. información, a programas de compu- tación sobre administración y a las opor- RESUMÉ: En 1992, le gouvernement tunidades de telemercadeo. Otro punto Responses to Change—The australien a établi un programme de télé- importante es el incremento de empleo centres. Un télécentre est une organi- local, que incluye el desarrollo de oportu- Telecottage or Telecentre sation collective de plusieurs commu- nidades de teleconmutación y de teletra- In the 1980s, in rural areas of nautés, travaillant en coopération et s’ap- bajo para personas en zonas rurales. El puyant sur l’éthique de l’auto-assistance. telecentro puede desempeñar también Scandinavia, community computing Les télécentres peuvent contribuer à un un papel como punto de entrega para la and communications facilities were ensemble d’objectifs collectifs, liés à l’u- educación y capacitación a distancia, o introduced to help rural people learn tilisation des ressources d’information et como centro de información sobre servi- about these changes and to obtain des ordinateurs. Parmi les intérêts ma- cios y programas comunitarios. El ambi- access to the benefits which the jeurs figurent : l’amélioration de la ges- ente de aprendizaje del telecentro es es- tion des fermes et des entreprises grâce pecialmente bien recibido por personas new technologies bring. These were aux sources d’information, aux logiciels con poca experiencia educativa y que known as “telehaus”, or in English,

The Australian Telecentre Program: Providing Public Access to Information Networks 173 “telecottages”. A range of similar • efficient, market oriented and in- tions such as word processing and facilities have been developed in ternationally competitive rural and spreadsheeting. Most people can different countries and may be related industries, actively seeking readily relate these applications to known as “community tele-service value adding and export opportu- existing procedures within their lives centres”, “telecentres” or “televil- nities and businesses. The step to using lages”. • continuing improvements in the the computer as a gateway to the The Australian Government has management of agricultural indus- outside world is taken only after be- seen the potential of these commu- tries and their resource base con- coming comfortable with the simple nity based telecentres to tap the po- sistent with the principle of eco- applications. Often, people are aware tential of the technology in rural logically sustainable development that the computer offers these addi- communities and to address some of tional capabilities, but cannot readi- • development of strong, viable and the problems which the changes ly see how it is relevant to them. economically diverse and socially bring. Funding was first provided in Individuals move at their own just rural communities 1992 and some 60 sites are now in pace to these higher levels of utili- various stages of operations. The fo- The underlying rationale for in- sation, often after seeing other peo- cus is in smaller communities of volvement in rural community mat- ple with similar backgrounds, suc- 500 to 5000 in population, often ters is the proposition that a viable cessfully using email, conferencing with connections to smaller out- rural industry needs a viable rural groups or information sources. How- posted centres in smaller centres. community to support and sustain ever, I have observed that the level Management of centres is by a it. There is also recognition of com- of utilisation of networked services community committee and the ser- munity pressures for comparable is often surprisingly low and the de- vices offered are designed to meet levels of social justice across all gree of satisfaction with such ser- the particular needs of their commu- parts of the community. The tele- vices is correspondingly low. The nity. Funding for the establishment centre objectives of increasing local telecentre situation is particularly of these centres is provided sub- employment opportunities, of in- well suited to first-step training to stantially from public funds with a creasing access to management re- enable those people who have not local contribution. To obtain fund- sources, of increasing access to in- had much contact with the formal ing, groups must demonstrate that formation, education and training, education process, to learn in a sim- they have reasonable prospects of and of delivering community ser- ple and supportive environment. becoming self sufficient after a peri- vices all contribute to the achieve- This may be as a short course or od of two years. It is anticipated that ment of these goals at the communi- one-to-one tuition with the telecen- users will at least pay the marginal ty level. tre coordinator. In some cases, train- costs and that once a technique or ing has been conducted by a local business idea has been successfully Utilisation of Telecentres entrepreneur using the telecentre. trialed, many telecentre users will An additional feature of telecentres consider purchasing their own com- The oldest of the existing telecen- is that learners can come back to the puting equipment. The Australian tres have now been operating for telecentre and use the equipment to Telecentre Program is administered over two years. From their experi- apply the skills which they have within the Rural Division of the De- ence, it is evident that there is a con- learned to their life interests or farm partment of Primary Industries and siderable level of latent interest in business. Most educational facilities Energy (DPIE), as part of the Rural computing and information technol- in contrast, only permit their cur- Community Access Programs group. ogy within the broad rural commu- rently enrolled students to use their nity. It is also evident that there is a equipment and do not generally pro- Objectives of the long learning curve for many peo- vide access for private use to former Telecentre Program ple. A major evaluation of the pro- students. gram is scheduled for 1995. This is At the community level, the exis- The rationale for public involve- planned to include a detailed analy- tence of a telecentre leads to a sec- ment in programs such as the Tel- sis of the utilisation of the centres ondary spin-off in that the telecentre ecentre Program is broad and multi- and an estimate of their impacts on management group becomes prac- dimensional, encompassing political, their communities. The following ticed in the business planning pro- economic and social dimensions. It observations may be made on the cess and is motivated and empow- is useful to look at the goals of the basis of experience to date. Most ered to plan and implement other Rural Division of the DPIE to see telecentre users do not initially have ventures or services which meet how the Telecentre Program con- a high degree of understanding of needs in their community. This is an tributes to this mission. computing and information technol- expansion of the entrepreneurial re- Three of these goals are particu- ogy. Their first levels of utilisation source available within the commu- larly relevant. These are (inter alia): usually focus on simple applica- nity. Anecdotal evidence suggests

174 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 that many telecentre committees be- systems appears to be the easy Other Information come the focus for a set of broader availability of relevant information. Services Provided by DPIE community development activities Achieving this will require attention to Rural People which may make a considerable both to the information content and contribution to both the level of the systems themselves. The appro- Studies in the 1980s showed that economic activity and the social priate starting point for this is an people in rural and remote areas of amenity within their communities. investigation into the information Australia had very low utilisation needs and information utilisation rates of many services and pro- processes of potential users. Most grams provided by Governments. Availability of Appropriate public access information has been Further investigations revealed that Information to Users mounted in the form generated by the availability of information on As mentioned in the preceding the originator. Thus, most networked Government services and programs section of this paper, we have been information systems consist of many was a major factor in these low util- surprised by the low level of utilisa- widely differing formats, assembled isation rates. As a response to this tion of networked services and the without the benefit of user needs in- problem, information services for low level of user satisfaction with vestigations. It is an issue which re- rural and remote areas were estab- their content. From our experience, quires our critical attention, if the lished within DPIE. After a trial was these have two principal causes: the potential of the technology is to be successfully conducted in the late lack of relevance of available infor- reached. 1980s, a permanant program under mation to user needs and an amal- the name, Countrylink, was put in gam of concerns around the issues place. of ease of access and cost of access. PIENet— The Countrylink Program pro- On the issue of the relevance of in- DPIE on the Internet vides a range of information sources formation to user needs, the content on Government services and pro- of publicly available information Users of the Internet will be fa- grams, including: a free directory of sources tends to reflect the interests miliar with the great deal of effort services, The Rural Book; newspa- and organisational constraints of the which the US Federal Government per advertising and letterbox drops; agency which generated the infor- puts into making their documents displays at country shows and field mation rather than the needs of po- and databases readily available to days; and a freecall 1800/008 tele- tential users. In addition, informa- the public through a range of elec- phone inquiry line. To support this tion often is not organised in ways tronic networks. The US Depart- service, a database of government which reflect the perspectives and ment of Agriculture (USDA) has services and programs is main- modus-operandi of target users.Also, made many of its information sets tained. At various times, telephone in the case of EMail, many potential available in this manner. In Aus- modem access to this database has users are discouraged by a shortage tralia, the Federal Department of Pri- been provided. It was not widely of relevant people who are also mary Industries and Energy (DPIE) used however, as high telephone EMail users. There seems to be a has sought to set up a similar system costs associated with the slow speed failure to achieve a “critical mass” which will provide a range of gov- of search and data transmission, of potential benefits. ernment and agricultural informa- were unpopular. With regard to access difficulties, tion to potential users through the The problem of information avail- I often hear users complain about Internet through PIENet. ability was particularly acute in re- the differences between various ac- As with many similar systems, mote communities. Although Coun- cess procedures and coming to non- the principle governing the selec- trylink provided a telephone inquiry intuitive steps lacking suitable help tion of information for inclusion on service, it is believed that face-to- screens. We also hear people com- the system generally relates to its face information services are more plain of spending large amounts of ready availability at low marginal effective in these situations. Grants money searching for information cost, rather than to any specific have been provided to community relevant to a particular problem, and analysis of potential user needs. Af- bodies in a number of remote com- at the end of the session, having ter a slow start, new information munities to provide a local infor- found nothing useful. There appears items are being added to PIENet mation service known as the Aus- to be a difference here between the and its coverage and usefulness is tralian Country Information Service satisfaction levels of those users increasing. Despite the inherent lim- (ACIS). whose bills are paid by their em- itations of this approach, the avail- Under ACIS, the local communi- ployers and those individuals who ability of such information to inter- ty provided a site and certain sup- meet their own expenses. ested members of the public is port facilities, and the DPIE provid- The key to increasing the utili- considered to be a worthy exercise ed funds for employing a local sation of networked information in open government. person as an information provider

The Australian Telecentre Program: Providing Public Access to Information Networks 175 on a part-time basis. The Coun- Current Situation of centres. This includes both their trylink database was installed by the Telecentre Program ability to reach self sufficiency and disk on a PC and appropriate train- their broader impact on their com- ing was provided for the informa- As of January 1995, 40 telecentre munities. At this stage it is too early tion provider. ACIS has generally projects have been approved and are to judge these questions. proved popular in the communities in various stages of development. International experience has been where it operates. This is likely to represent the total that many telecentre-type operations number of grants which will be ap- tend to reach a stable sub-commer- Both ACIS and Countrylink fo- proved under the initial Telecentre cus on the provision of information cial level where the use of volun- Program. This will enable individ- teers and some limited form of fund- on the services and programs pro- ual telecentres or outstations to be vided by the Federal level of gov- ing support from the community or established in over 70 communities. government contributes to their sur- ernment. Many subject areas also In general, each project will be sup- have relevant services and programs vival. The current Swedish experi- ported for two years, whilst moving ence is being watched with interest. which are provided by the State lev- towards self-sufficiency. Further new el of government. In some States, In Sweden, telecottages were initial- project starts are unlikely until addi- ly generously funded by the govern- similar information services exist. tional funding is available. To the citizens however, the distinc- ment, but are now unsupported and The general assessment of the tion between Federal and State Gov- operating on a commercial basis. Australian experience is that it is of ernment is not well understood and In general however, where tele- world standard. The Australian ap- sometimes leads to frustration and centres have been supported by proach which combines telework- misunderstanding. There is scope for community members, it is generally ing and telelearning, in addition to minimising these difficulties through believed by those communities that public information access. This cooperation between the informa- the telecentre has been a positive in- contrasts with many overseas tele- tion services of both levels of gov- fluence on economic development centres, which usually focus only ernment. To date this possibility has and employment generation in their on one of these functions. This mul- not progressed significantly despite community. Initial impressions from tiple approach reflects the Aus- wide recognition of its obvious ad- the Australian experience show that tralian rural community needs pro- vantages. in some communities the telecentre file. This particularly interested has become a focus for community The local level of government those considering the potential role activity and business incubation. has also funded information facili- of telecentres in LDCs, as it is ar- The bringing together of local peo- ties based on the use of electronic guably more relevant than the Euro- ple through the centre has led to networks. These range from simple pean experience. starting other business or service ac- local information systems, general- While the original telecottage tivities. Some are government grant ly operated by touch-screens, such idea from Scandinavia had its ori- driven, while others are of a com- as the Gippsnet system operating in gins in service delivery to remote munity based business nature. These the Gippsland areas of Victoria and rural communities, much of the lat- are in addition to the benefits which the Wellington Corporation system er European, UK and US experi- individuals derive from access to in , to sophisticated fa- ence was with urban communities. modern computing and information cilities such as the Ipswich Global Surprise is often expressed that the technologies. Info Links system in Queensland. Australian program is managed by The availability in rural areas of a The Ipswich facility provides in- the Department of Primary Indus- range exciting developments such tegrated delivery of government, tries and Energy, rather than a as video conferencing and advanced commercial and public access infor- Labour Ministry, although in the Internet applications such as World mation services as well as computer USA, closely related community Wide Web, also depends in part in mediated communications (includ- programs providing Internet access the availability of suitable commu- ing video conferencing) and library to rural communities have been nications infrastructure with a broad- services. The cost of establishing funded by the United States Depart- band communications capability. this large facliity which has over 30 ment of Agriculture (USDA). Where such infrastructure is not public access terminals plus 15 dial- available, the potential of the new in lines for telephone modem ac- Future of the technology to deliver information cess, is in excess of $13 million, Telecentre Program will be substantially limited. including the construction of a pur- pose built three story building. This The future of telecentres in rural Conclusion project represents a quantum leap in communities in Australia depends the size and sophistication of such very much on the success or failure In addition to providing a public public access information facilities. of the present group of existing tele- access point to relevant information

176 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 sources, the telecentres program REFERENCES IAN CRELLIN is the Program Manager will hopefully be an important step of the Telecentre Program. JIM GRA- in raising the levels of awareness of Crellin, IR (1994), Telecentres and Tele- HAM is the Program Administrator of the Telecentre Program. the opportunities provided by the cottages:A New Approach to Rural Com- new computing and information munity Development and Technology Transfer, paper presented at 38th Annual technologies in the economic and Conference of the Australian Agricultural CONTACT ADDRESS: social life of rural communities. Economics Society, Victoria University, Ian Crellin Wellington NZ, 7–11Feb94 It also is an institutional arrange- Telecentre Program ment which places much of the re- Rural Division Crellin, IR (1993), The Australian Experi- sponsibility for reacting to change Department of Primary Industries and ence: The Australian Government’s Tele- Energy in the hands of the community itself centre Program, paper presented at PO Box 858 Canberra ACT 2601 and gives some power to communi- Telecottage 93 International Symposium, AUSTRALIA ties to influence employment, edu- Broadbeach Qld, 29 Nov–1 Dec 93 Telephone: +61-6-272-3138 cation and services delivery in their FAX: +61-6-272-4414 community. For some communities, Crellin, IR (1993) The Potential of Tele- Jim Graham it may provide the window to the commuting as an Agent of Rural Revival, Telecentre Program paper presented at 3rd National Tele- future for their very survival. Rural Division commuting Conference, Darling Harbour Department of Primary Industries and Author’s note: The assistance of NSW, 2 Dec 93 Energy Onko Kingma, Bernie Scott and PO Box 858 Canberra ACT 2601 DPIE (1992) Telecentres for Rural Com- AUSTRALIA Megan Cook is gratefully acknowl- Telephone: +61-6-272-5141 edged. With the usual caveat, the munities—Information for Potential Appli- cants, mimeo, DPIE, Canberra ACT FAX: +61-6-272-4414 author acknowledges the useful EMAIL: [email protected] comments, criticism and sugges- Horner, D, and Reeve, I (1991), Telecot- tions of colleagues in the develop- tages: The Potential for Rural Australia, ment of this paper. AGPS, Canberra ACT

The Australian Telecentre Program: Providing Public Access to Information Networks 177 Concurrent Session 8 LandcareNet— Australian Farmers’ Brush with Information Technology

Mandy Curnow groupe afin de communiquer avec suc- present none of the community cès, et d’une plus grande offre d’informa- groups who originally joined, use tions pertinentes disponibles. ABSTRACT: LandcareNet is a computer the network and usage Australia network that is a joint project of the Uni- RESUMEN: La red de computadores wide is below expectation. Land- versity of Melbourne and Telecom that LandcareNet es un proyecto conjunto de care groups have been surveyed for was developed after the need for shared la Universidad de Melbourne y Telecom, their experiences with the electronic information and learning between Land- que fue desarrollado después de que se network and why use had declined care groups was identified. Landcare identificó la necesidad de compartir in- groups were surveyed for their experi- formación y conocimientos entre los gru- (SLCC, 1994, Hoare, 1994). The re- ences with the electronic network and pos “Landcare” (amigos de la tierra). Los ports discuss in detail some of the why use had slowed. The impact of elec- grupos Landcare se entrevistaron re- physical constraints of the Network tronic communication on community net- specto a sus experiencias con la red and how these have affected it’s use. works and the hypothesis that no inter- electrónica y se determinó por qué su This paper will discuss some of the face exists between LandcareNet and uso había disminuido. Se explora el im- the information networks that operate pacto de la comunicación por medio social aspects of the use of Land- within the group and the farming commu- electrónico en las redes comunitarias, y careNet. nity is explored. Reliance on new tech- se presenta la hipótesis de que no existe nology to transfer information also as- una interfaz entre LandcareNet y las re- sumes that the person who is best able des de información que operan dentro Background to master the technology is the best per- del grupo y la comunidad agrícola. La son to communicate the information to dependencia en tecnología nueva para To discuss the apparent failure the “village” network. The future of elec- transferir información asume también of LandcareNet in providing a val- tronic communication relies on improved que la persona que mejor domine la tec- ued service to Landcare groups a computer access, the willingness and nología es la más indicada para transmi- skills of the group to communicate suc- tir información a la red a nivel de “aldea”. sketch of the communities involved cessfully and a wider range of ‘relevant El futuro de la comunicación por medio and their communication network is information’ available. electrónico dependerá de un mayor ac- needed. LandcareNet is a communi- ceso a los computadores, de la voluntad RESUMÉ: Le réseau d’ordinateurs ap- cation tool and, as such, an under- y las habilidades del grupo para comu- pelé LandcareNet, est un projet conjoint standing of the social context in nicar exitosamente, y de un mayor rango de l’Université de Melbourne et des Télé- de ‘información relevante’ disponible. which it operates is important. coms, développé pour répondre au be- The typical farming and social soin de partager l’information et les ex- périences entre les groupes Landcare. system in South West Australia Une enquête auprès des groupes Land- LandcareNet is a computer net- probably has some unique elements care a été menée sur leurs expériences work that is a joint project of the and also some similarities with all avec les réseaux électroniques et la University of Melbourne and Tele- isolated rural communities. They baisse de l’utilisation de ces réseaux. com. It was funded by the National typically have a close knit social L’impact des communications électron- iques sur les réseaux de communautés Landcare Program and was devel- fabric which includes sporting and est exploré, ainsi que l’hypothèse qu’au- oped after the need for shared cultural groups as well as farming cune interface existe entre LandcareNet information and learning between and rural issue networks such as et les réseaux d’information qui opèrent Landcare groups was identified. pasture improvement groups, farm au sein du groupe et de la communauté Landcare Groups were invited to consultancy groups and farmer advo- agricole. Dépendre des nouvelles tech- nologies pour transférer l’information sup- participate and one member of the cacy groups. Communication tends pose que la personne qui maîtrise le plus group with computer skills took on to be verbal and it is well accepted cette technologie est la personne la the role of Networker. Six Land by farmers (and seldom recognised mieux placée pour communiquer l’infor- Conservation District Committees by extension agents) that most in- mation au réseau «village». Le futur de (LCDCs) and some Government formation transfer happens at the la communication électronique dépend d’un meilleur accès aux ordinateurs, de Agency people initially used Land- tennis club, the pub or at lunch dur- la volonté et des connaissances du careNet in Western Australia. At ing field days.

178 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Contrasting this, farmers are fierce- is both formal and informal. Formal and the wealth of information they ly independent and reject intrusion information is usually as correspon- hold. by institutions into their farming en- dence and there is little time at the Most LCDCs recognise that they terprise and often change is viewed LCDC meeting to deal with it in don’t deal with information well as a threat to their lifestyle. Outside other than traditional methods. The enough and have within their char- their social groups and networks lit- informal discussion that takes place ter the aim of improving informa- tle sharing of knowledge happens is often not recorded and much is tion flow within the district. The and where it does it tends to be lost to other members of the group groups often struggle with finding within the farming enterprise they that weren’t at the meeting. From an the best system for disseminating are involved, for example, grain individual’s perspective it is hard to the information further from the grower associations. The Landcare get Landcare information unless committee group. LandcareNet in movement is changing the way contact is made with the LCDC. its present usage and form doesn’t farmers think. Farmers are learning People operating outside the LCDC contribute to information distribu- that they need to share information structure receive little specific infor- tion between the group and the and problems, work together on so- mation and advice as the LCDC is community and for this reason is lutions in groups that aren’t neces- recognised as the official outlet by seen as a peripheral to the real busi- sarily the traditional ones. government and other agencies. In ness of information exchange for Most rural based Landcare Groups most communities LCDCs don’t the group (Figure 1). in Western Australia (WA) are called have a base or a meeting place The level of social interaction Land Conservation District Commit- where information and displays are around the use of LandcareNet was tees (LCDCs) and are different to kept permanently. In more isolated also discussed by some users as be- those in other states in that they are districts the LCDC covers several ing critical. Most input/output was statutory bodies with land holder small towns and has no recognis- done in the Networker’s home (usu- representatives. The district is able boundary. For outsiders it is of- ally an LCD committee member bound by shire boundaries or catch- ten difficult to contact the LCDC with an interest in computers) rather ment boundaries and all farmers within the boundary automatically Table 1 – Aspect of Landcare Groups valued most highly by Landcare are members. They are often large members in Western Australia ABARE (1994) (80,000–500,000 acres) with com- Aspect of Landcare Groups Valued Most Highly by mittee members living distant from each other and often involved in dif- Information exchange at meetings 33% ferent social networks. Often the Information exchange at field days/demonstrations 3% most effective LCDCs are those on New farm management skills 4% smaller catchments or who share the same social networks. Typically the Catchment/regional planning 23% members are male and middle aged Monitoring of land and water degradation 5% although reports have shown that Tree planting 7% more effective groups have a mix of Community works 5% ages and sexes (Women in Landcare Seminar, 1994). Access to specialised machinery 1% Peer support/co-ordinataion 3% Discussion Other 16% Landcare has created a new set of circumstances and communication Figure 1 – The Relationship Between the Community and LandcareNet requirements between and within in the Distribution of Information communities. The participatory pro- cess adopted by Landcare and the uncertainty of technological solu- tions generates much information that not only needs to be read and digested but discussed, tried and evaluated. LCDCs recognise the main value of their group is in the opportunity it provides to exchange information (Table 1.). Information received by the LCDC

LandcareNet—Australian Farmers’ Brush with Information Technology 179 than at a group gathering, giving lit- the LCDCs being willing and able time and effort and new skills for tle opportunity for the whole group to impart their experiences to other the farmer as well as for the govern- to interact with the network and groups. Many writers (Twigg, 1989, ment extension agent that normally even less opportunity for the net- Howell, 1989) state that the hands would do the job. worker to actively share the net- on experience of how to make Typically the LCDC group has work. So that even if there was a groups work better, how to maintain been supported by the Department willingness by a member of the group enthusiasm and activity now of Agriculture and other Govern- group to be involved it was difficult lies with key group members. These ment Agencies such as Conser- to convince or encourage the rest of individuals are usually very busy vation and Land Management and group to value the system and spend people and are even less likely to Waterways Commission. More re- time with it. Where the networker document and publish good ideas cently LCDCs and funding bodies wasn’t directly involved with the than extension agents in the past. are favouring community based co- group activity or outcome there was These people are good oral commu- ordinators who support one LCDC no channel for that information to nicators and work best face-to-face or run a Landcare Centre. The co- get to the networker or if questions with people explaining their experi- ordinator’s role is to synthesise and needed answers it was more com- ences. However, relaying these ex- package information and co-ordi- fortable to use methods that didn’t periences was seen as the most nate activities from a central loca- rely on written communication. Of- exciting and valuable contribution tion within the district. The success ten requests for information on LandcareNet could make. Land- of this type of centre with coordina- LandcareNet were asked in very careNet developers and LCDCs saw tors (volunteer or paid) in the main- specific detail and technical answers the potential for sharing experiences stream conservation movement in- seemed necessary. Other groups and successes but the general lack dicates great potential for Landcare were concerned that their responses of training and information support and could provide opportunities to weren’t technical enough and were from private industry and govern- expand and redevelop LandcareNet. cautious in responding. The formal- ment undermined the effectiveness Rural communities have other ity of the network to a group unused and credibility of the system to play needs for electronic communication to written communication could lim- a useful role. with groups and Agencies outside it the interaction. Communication systems in farm- Landcare. Western Australia is de- The cost in time and money to ing communities are undergoing veloping a network of electronic browse the network is huge. Very radical change. In the past, farmers communication centres for commu- quickly people come to regard the have relied on the written word nities called WATelecentres or WA- Network as a difficulty. Usage must (although literacy isn’t always as LINK (Anonymous, 1994). These be accompanied by support and the high as assumed), visual demonstra- are a WA initiative that provides assumption that LandcareNet users tions, social networks and field electronic services to the isolated aren’t computer buffs. As a full time days. Government is pulling back communities such as satellite school- Goverment employee myself, Land- from one to one extension, and ing, desktop publishing, INTER- careNet was a big time user. It was information spread by individual NET services and talkback TV. frustrating and the hardware and workers wandering the countryside These centres are community run software were difficult. Volunteer is seen as too expensive and ineffec- and are often community resourced groups with finite time and energy tive. Communities are starting to and are becoming important for to spend on information gathering run their own field days and exten- information and training. Making and inter group communication and sion programs but at present are still LandcareNet available in the WA- who are paying their own infrastruc- following the traditional style of LINK centres would overcome the ture costs won’t use the system. disseminating information. It has current limited access the network The new and cooperative nature been recognised that training pro- has to the general community. of solutions for Landcare requires grams for rural managers in com- the exchange of ideas from not just munication has been minimal (Frank Conclusion Government Agencies or other in- and Chamala, 1992) and that the formation brokers but other LCDC LCDCs need skills in using the At present, communication sys- groups as well. Riches and Robert- written word, finding and present- tems between farmers, LCDCs and son (1989) explain that “groups of ing information. Campbell (1989) farmer groups aren’t developed land holders with a common prob- notes that Landcare is a completely enough and don’t have the energy lem will develop and implement new way of doing things and that and resources to be able to effec- more effective projects/programs it’s not easy for many farmers to ad- tively utilise the electronic system. than individual land users or indi- just to the notion that they are key If the existing LCDC group is to be vidual land users working with a agents in planning and developing the user of LandcareNet then the Government Agency”. This involves new techniques. This also requires computer network has to be very

180 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 user friendly and full of local and Telecentres and shire offices where Howell, A. and P. Robinson. 1989. “Mak- national information, not just from all sorts of computer and high tech- ing Landholder Groups Work” Communi- other farmers but information bu- nology services will be available to ty action. Landcare in the ‘90s, 5th Aus- tralian Soil Conservation Conference, v. reaus on topics of wide scope. It the whole community. LandcareNet 8. s.l.: s.n. will take time before there is a flow will be changed in function from it’s of information between LCDCs at a beginning’s but there is great poten- Riches, J.R.H. and G.A. Robertson. useful volume. Until then, it will be tial for it to become a valuable tool 1989. “Land Conservation Districts in more questions asked and answers in the fight for sustainable rural Western Australia.” Community Action. Landcare in the ‘90s, 5th Australian Soil given or the access of prepared communities. Conservation Conference, v. 8. s.l.: s.n. information. LCDCs and other in- formation seeking groups need train- Soil and Land Conservation Council of ing and support to develop an empa- REFERENCES Western Australia. 1994. “Submission to thy for the computer based written Landcare Policies and Programs in Aus- ABARE. 1994. Farm Surveys Report, Fi- tralia” Senate Standing Committee on word system and while this is hap- nancial Performance of Australian Farms Rural and Regional Affairs. Perth, Aus- pening LandcareNet must be sup- 1991–1992 to 1993–1994. s.l: s.n. tralia: Western Australian Dept of Agricul- ported by an information organisa- ture. s.l.: s.n. tion. This requires a state co-ordina- Anonymous, 1994. “Connection.” News- tor—someone who can respond letter from WALINK/Telecentre Network Twigg, R. 1989. “The Jerramungup Land in WA. s.l.: s.n. Conservation District Committee.” Com- quickly to queries, has time to up- munity Action. Landcare in the ‘90s, 5th date databases, to offer on line train- Australian Soil Conservation Conference, Brewin, D. 1989. “Factors important in ing and telephone support, in much v. 8. s.l.: s.n. the success of Landcare Groups.” Com- the same role as the national co-or- munity Action. Landcare in the ‘90s, 5th Women in Landcare Seminar. 1994 “Dis- dinator. Australian Soil Conservation Conference, cussion on ‘What makes Groups Work’.” v. 8. s.l.: s.n. Slowly it is being recognised that unpublished. new skills are required by both agencies and the community and Campbell, A. 1989. “Group Extension Workshop.” Community Action. Land- that the existing communication care in the ‘90s, 5th Australian Soil Con- MANDY CURNOW is the Project Offi- structure must change. Computer- servation Conference, v. 1. s.l.: s.n. cer of the Department of Agriculture ised networks have the potential to in Albany,Western Australia. become an important source of in- Frank, B. and S. Chamala. 1992. “Effec- CONTACT ADDRESS: formation, communication and peer tiveness of Extension Strategies.” Agri- culture, Environment and Society. s.l.: support to local co-ordinators who Mandy Curnow Macmillan Education Australia. will be involved in activities in rural WA Department of Agriculture communities. A lot of local coordi- P.O. Box 862 Hoare, Janet 1994. LandcareNet Survey. nators will be housed in community Shepparton, Victoria 3630 AUSTRALIA Melbourne, Australia: University of Mel- EMAIL: [email protected] centres such as Landcare centres, bourne.

LandcareNet—Australian Farmers’ Brush with Information Technology 181 Concurrent Session 8 Scientists and Rural Communities Taking on Communications Technology: an Australian Case

World Wide Web peuvent être une ma- by 300 percent per year in Australia. Janice E. Oliver nière divertissante de diffuser les résul- tats de recherche du CSIRO vers les Electronic networking affects all ABSTRACT: This comparative case communautés rurales. three phases of the scientific com- study involves staff from the CSIRO Multi- Divisional Program and rural dwellers with munication process of conceptuali- RESUMEN: Este estudio de caso com- sation, documentation and populari- access to telecentres. There are over parativo involucra al personal del Pro- twenty six telecentres operating in all grama Multidivisional de CSIRO y a los sation. During the conceptualisation states of Australia. The electronic facilities habitantes de zonas rurales que tienen phase the research group is expand- available to both groups are quite similar, acceso a los telecentros. Hay más de 26 ed, and becomes far more homoge- including email, listservers, fax, internet telecentros en operación en los difer- tools and conferencing capabilities. Some neous and sustainable. Use of elec- entes estados de Australia. Las instala- tronic networks ensures that there is of the issues investigated include the effi- ciones electrónicas disponibles para am- ciency, effectiveness, motivation and bos grupos son muy similares; éstas in- more formal and informal docu- training requirements for sustained and cluyen correo electrónico, listas de mentation and influences the degree ongoing electronic communications. Is discusión, fax, herramientas de internet of access to the mass media (John- there any gender differences in commu- y capacidad para realizar conferencias. ston 1994). nication patterns? Are there social and Algunos de los aspectos estudiados economic benefits of electronic commu- fueron eficiencia, efectividad, motivación The CSIRO Urban Water Sys- nications? Does this change the nature y requerimientos de capacitación para tems Research Program (WWSRP) of work? Can bridges be forged between comunicación sostenida y permanente CSIRO and rural dwellers using electron- is a multi-divisional national pro- por medio electrónico. ¿Existen diferen- gram focussing on future methods ic communications? Multimedia presen- cias relacionadas con el género en los tations mounted on CD-ROM or via World patrones de comunicación? ¿La comuni- for planning and design for water Wide Web servers may be a likely form cación electrónica genera beneficios so- supply, wastewater and stormwater of infotainment to extend the CSIRO re- ciales y económicos? ¿Cambia esto la management. Staff are located search results to rural communities. naturaleza del trabajo? ¿Se pueden for- throughout Australia in Perth, Ade- jar vínculos entre CSIRO y los habi- RESUMÉ: Cette étude de cas implique le laide, Canberra, Griffith, Melbourne, tantes en zonas rurales utilizando comu- personnel du Programme Multi-division- nicación vía electrónica? Las presenta- and Sydney. CSIRO Divisions rep- nel du CSIRO ainsi que les habitants ru- ciones en multimedia montadas en CD- resented in the program include: raux ayant accès aux télécentres. Il y a ROM o vía servidores World Wide Web Water Resources (Lead Division); plus de 26 télécentres qui opèrent dans pueden ser una forma admisible de “en- tous les états d’Australie. Les facilités Building, Construction and Engi- tretenimiento informático” para difundir électroniques suivantes sont similaires à neering; Chemicals and Polymers; los resultados de la investigación del ces deux groupes: courrier électronique, CSIRO hacia las comunidades rurales. Information Technology; and Math- listservers, fax, instruments Internet et ematics and Statistics. Essentially téléconférence. Certains points étudiés this is a cross-disciplinary program couvrent l’efficacité, l’efficience, la moti- Communications technology, vation et les besoins de formation en and particularly the introduction of including: agricultural engineers; communication électronique actuelle. Y the Internet has been deemed the economists; chemical engineers; a-t-il des modèles de communication dif- saviour to overcome isolation— civil engineers; computer scientists; férents pour les hommes et les femmes? geographical, professional and so- environmental scientists; water hy- Est-ce-que les communications électron- drologists; and social psychologists. iques ont des bénéfices sociaux et éco- cial. The advent of these technolo- nomiques? Est-ce-que cela change la gies was welcomed by agricultural The program commenced in 1993 nature du travail? Peut-on établir des scientists, as most extension staff and is due for completion in 1997 ponts entre le CSIRO et les habitants ru- work in isolated regions with few (Thomas and Oliver 1994). raux grâce aux communications élec- troniques? Les présentations multimédia other colleagues to network with. In April 1994 the author com- sur CD-ROM ou sur les serveurs de Electronic network traffic increases menced an internal communications

182 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 strategy for the program which in- Figure 1 – Comparisons E-mail In/Out cluded the establishment of an in- house Listserve List—UWSRP. The initial phase was to market the con- 600 cept to the 35 project staff involved Ill Cl) 500 in the program. Then information Cl Ill was sought on each person’s e-mail Ill 400 Ill address; computer software and Cl) hardware (to facilitate document E transfer); attitude and experience in -0 the use of e-mail. The UWSRP list z0 was implemented in May. This paper identifies the out- Totals comes of establishing an e-mail list that is how and why e-mail is used Mailing by UWSRP staff and what are the .!!2 direction rewards and challenges of using cu 0 electronic mail as a communica- f- ..r:::. tions medium. (.) Category rn

Scientists and Rural Communities Taking on Communications Technology: an Australian Case 183 must maintain contact with List the author individually, pertaining for the high percentage (43%) of members. to their particular project. This is project management messages in Messages relating to project man- particularly the case relating to pro- the May to July period. agement constituted over a third of ject management issues which often During the second period, Octo- all mailed items (35% of outward relate to confidential matters. These ber to December (Figure Two) the mail and 32% of inward mail). Min- messages have been included in the author was using the e-mail system utes and reports constituted 25% of survey. Future trends, indicated by for a far more diverse scope of ac- incoming mail, whilst 25% of out- e-mail traffic during January 1995 tivity as indicated by the slight dif- ward mail constituted information indicate that the percentage of infor- ference in ranges between the mini- dissemination. This result is indica- mation dissemination and project mum of 20% of messages relating tive of how the list is used to field specific e-mail will increase in 1995. to specific projects and the maxi- progress reports, conference papers Ten projects have now been estab- mum of 29% of messages being and workshop notes from individual lished since mid-1994 and research- used for information dissemination. UWSRP staff, the content of which ers are beginning to publish, attend Overall response time for messages is later disseminated to the other conferences and report on research sent by the author requiring a re- groups. There has been a tendency results. Projects and consultancies sponse, has changed from within 24 amongst program staff not to post originating from the co-ordinators hours to within one hour, as more these reports directly to the list. office over the past few months has and more staff are attracted to using Generally this has been due to necessitated closer collaborative in- e-mail. The number of long distance staff’s reticence to use e-mail at- volvement with specific UWSRP phone calls inbound and outbound tachments due to the technical diffi- Projects. Further examination of the has reduced significantly since the culties of using a variety of e-mail e-mail traffic out (Figure Two) indi- introduction of the e-mail system. software. Eudora software is used cates that of the 358 messages sent The e-mail received (Figure by the author successfully. All e- in the period of the survey, 54% Three) , somewhat mirrors the e- mail attachments are successfully were sent during the May–July peri- mail sent in the first period received fully formatted. There is od. Slightly more messages were May–July due to the learning curve some incompatibility between the sent during this period due to the following the establishment of the UNIX PINE mailer and Eudora. setting up and educating of staff in Listserver. Fifty-six per cent of the Following a generalised broad- the use of the Listserver and the de- inbound mail sent during the survey cast to staff members via the List- velopment of multi-disciplinary links period was received between May server, many staff members contin- and formulation of new projects. and July. Project management ue or follow up specific points with Setting up of the Listserver accounts (41%) and research project specific (23%) e-mail figured highly during Figure 2 – E-mail Out the period due to the establishment of new projects. During October to December this trend was reversed with information dissemination 400 (34%) and minutes and reports t/1 350 (30%)constituting most of the e- Cll Clca 300 mail traffic. This change in e-mail t/1 activity was related to researchers t/1 250 Cll presenting their first progress re- E 200 150 ports to the steering committee and 0 - 100 participating in several workshops 0 and conferences during this period. z 50 0 Totals c: Oct-Dec Rewards of Using E-mail -Cll c: c: E o .Q May-July Based on the author’s experience Cll :;:; iii ~ Period g' co c: 0 en the benefits of using e-mail in an in- c: E ·- a. Cii co .._ E C11 0 ternal communications program far ~.E~a: I-- c: -~ ~ outweigh the costs. The benefits of u 0 en ..c: using e-mail are— Category ·*- 2 co~ .._ :J Q) a.. c: en E-mail effectively contributes to re- Q) ~ a: search as Johnston (1994) suggests by:

184 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Figure 3 – E-mail In responding to the list. Never-the- less this is the dilemma of more traditional forms of written or faxed correspondence. 200 • Maintaining a personable approach Ill 180 Q) Cl 160 and depth of communication ctl Ill 140 (Joseph 1994). Personal visits and Ill Q) 120 occasional phone calls assist in E 100 this process. 80 -0 60 • Provision of staff training in the 0 40 use of e-mail from a remote loca- z 20 tion (Johnston 1994). This prob- 0 Totals lem has been overcome by net- c Oct-Dec working with systems managers Q) c: and visiting sites in person when E c: .Q May-July Q) .Q co 2 Period travelling on other project related Olca -ca c: 0 c: a. business. ca E.... E Q) Q) a: :::?: .E (/) • Computer hardware that precludes c: .!!! ~ tl ..c staff from using the most sophisti- Q) 0 (/) (.) Category "0 2 ;o cated e-mail functions such as at- .... :::J Q) a.. .!: (/) tachments. Often the most remote Q) :::?: a: rural based sites have the least computer resources. • Overcoming a culture of “techno- • Expanding a researchers sphere searchers with a larger team phobia”. One research group uses of influence. The author was new which has multi-disciplinary ex- computers substantially as word to the program and the research pertise (Greengard 1994). processors and required extra en- couragement to adopt e-mail. area and has now developed a • Decreases operational costs due professional and efficient profile. to the reduction in mail, tele- • Use of e-mail requires more trust • Provides greater access to poten- phone and fax usage. to belong to an electronic rather than a physical group, due to the tial collaborators and opportuni- •Enhanced opportunities for permanency of the messages ties for diffusing ideas. UWSRP homeworking and flexible work (Nicoll 1994). colleagues have been the source hours (Joseph 1994). of many industry contacts, par- • Allows for a written record of • E-mail can substitute, but may not ticularly in their local sphere of business communications to be replace other forms of communi- influence which is up to 3000km kept, which is less formal than a cation (Joseph 1994). The author’s from the co-ordinators office. memo but more binding than a experience is that as time pro- Joint meetings, projects and con- telephone call (Joseph 1994). gressed, more and more research- sultancies have been established ers rely predominantly on e-mail via e-mail contact. for information transmission. How- • Ensures that all project staff are Challenges of Using E-mail ever, a commonsense approach informed simultaneously, as needs to be adopted as to what is Among the challenges of using e- there is no delay due to fax trans- the most effective form of com- mail are: mission or mail delivery services. munication at any one time. • Providing an alternate, traditional Easier to manage workflows as mail • Contributing to the information communications channel for our can be answered when convenient, explosion (Joseph 1994). E-mail one staff member on secondment unlike when fielding phone calls: can be easily copied, forwarded to CSIRO who does not have e- and printed out. Workplace pro- • Overcomes problems of contact- mail access. ductivity is improved by the ease ing staff in geographically re- • Maintaining the momentum to con- of filing, reply and copying of e- mote areas, particularly in sum- tinue using e-mail as a standard mail. Printing should be restricted mer where the time difference is method of communication in the to items that need to be maintained up to three hours (Nicoll 1994, long term. This requires vigilance for official record keeping purpos- Dunstan 1994). on the part of the list owner to es, or where discussion amongst a •Links small groups of re- identify who is not contributing or group of colleagues is required.

Scientists and Rural Communities Taking on Communications Technology: an Australian Case 185 Conclusion and consultants and state government Thomas, J. F. and J.E. Oliver. 1994. Future Directions department employees in Australia CSIRO’s Multi-divisional Research Pro- do not have Internet access. gram on Urban Water Systems: A Pro- E-mail has been successfully spectus. Technical Memorandum 94/19. adopted by staff of the Urban Water Canberra, Australia: CSIRO. Systems Research Program of REFERENCES CSIRO. The major challenge is to maintain momentum of the internal Dunstan, S. 1994. “Internet: the network JANICE OLIVER is a research officer of networks.” 21C (Autumn):76–77. with the Urban Water Systems Pro- communications program. Due to gram in Western Australia. the improved networking between Greengard, S. 1994. “Making the virtual colleagues, the use of e-mail for re- office a reality.” Personnel Journal (Sep- tember):67–79. search as well as project manage- CONTACT ADDRESS: ment has increased during the peri- Johnston, R. 1994. “The impact of tele- od of the study. Janice Oliver networking on research.” Prometheus, CSIRO, Division of Water Resources The next phase of the project will 12(2):225–245. Private Bag be to ensure that all staff are connect- P.O. Wembley 6014 WA AUSTRALIA ed to e-mail and to investigate the Joseph, R. 1994. “The curse of e-mail.” Telephone: +61-9-387-0273 possibility of expanding our e-mail 21C (Autumn):78–79. FAX: +61-9-387-8211 EMAIL: [email protected] communications with external cli- Nicoll, D. 1994. “Acknowledge and use ents. This is a very large challenge your grapevine.” Management Decision, since many remote rural clients, 32(6):25–30.

186 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Concurrent Session 9 Building an Arid Lands Information Network on the Internet

opérationnel vers le milieu de l’année 95. y la USAID para identificar agentes Barbara S. Hutchinson, Le financement initial pour le développe- bioactivos presentes en especies vege- John M. Bancroft ment de ce réseau provient de trois pro- tales de las tierras áridas de América jets récemment financés, dont chacun Latina. ABSTRACT: It is the mission of the Arid inclut un élément de diffusion de l’infor- Lands Information Center (ALIC) to build mation. Ces projets sont : projet de mechanisms for the timely transfer of développement au Chili sur une agricul- information among researchers, policy ture durable fondé par le programme des To accomplish its mission of makers, and their constituencies. How- liens universitaires de l’USAID ; projet de disseminating information on the ever funding constraints in the past have terrain pour le Consortium international world’s arid regions to researchers, set arbitrary limits on the levels and des pays arides (IALC) ; et un projet d’i- policy makers, and their constituen- types of activities that can be initiated in dentification d’agents bioactifs dérivés cies, the Arid Lands Information this area. Now, through the use of new de plantes de zones arides en Amérique technologies such as the Internet, ALIC latine, financé conjointement par les In- Center (ALIC) has produced a vari- has the capability to provide fast, effi- stitutions nationales de la Santé, la Fon- ety of print products over the past cient, and inexpensive access to arid dation Nationale des Sciences et l’U- 25 years, including abstract journals, lands information worldwide. An Internet- SAID. newsletters, bibliographies, and based Arid Lands Information Network is technical reports. Funding con- in the design phase and will become fully RESUMEN: Es la misión del Centro de operational by mid-1995. Initial financial straints, however, have limited the Información sobre Tierras Aridas (ALIC, level, type, and continuity of these support for the development of this net- su acrónimo en inglés) desarrollar meca- work comes from three recently funded nismos para la transferencia oportuna de publishing projects. Now, through projects, each of which includes an infor- información entre investigadores, ge- the availability of new communica- mation dissemination component. They stores de políticas y sus grupos de elec- tions technologies, ALIC has the are: a sustainable agriculture develop- tores. Sin embargo, en el pasado, las ment project in Chile funded through the mechanism it needs to provide fast, limitaciones de financiación fijaron lími- efficient, and inexpensive access to U.S. Agency for International Develop- tes arbitrarios respecto a los niveles y ment (USAID) University Linkages Pro- tipos de actividades que se podían ini- arid lands information on a world- gram; an outreach project for the Interna- ciar en este área. Actualmente, mediante wide basis. Through the efforts of tional Arid Lands Consortium (IALC), and el uso de nuevas tecnologías como In- the ALIC staff and with financial a combined National Institutes for ternet, ALIC tiene la capacidad para pro- Health, National Science Foundation, support from three diverse projects, porcionar un acceso rápido, eficiente y an Internet-based Arid Lands Infor- and USAID grant to identify bioactive de bajo costo a la información mundial agents from dryland plants in Latin Amer- sobre tierras áridas. La Red de Informa- mation Network (ALIN) is being ica. ción sobre Tierras Aridas, basada en In- built and should become fully oper- ternet, se encuentra en la fase de dis- ational by mid-1995. The purpose RESUMÉ: Le Centre d’information des eño, y será completamente funcional a of this paper is to outline the pays arides (ALIC) a pour mission de mediados de 1995. El apoyo financiero process we are using to build this mettre en place des mécanismes pour inicial para el desarrollo de esta red transférer l’information à temps entre proviene de tres proyectos reciente- network and to describe four of its chercheurs, décideurs et leurs électeurs. mente financiados, cada uno con un preliminary modules. Malheureusement dans le passé, des componente de difusión de la informa- contraintes financières ont limité arbi- ción. Estos proyectos son: un proyecto trairement les niveaux et types d’activités de desarrollo de agricultura sostenible Network Design qui peuvent être initiés dans ce domaine. en Chile, financiado por el Programa In- A présent, grâce à l’utilisation de nou- ter-Universitario de la Agencia de los Es- We selected the World Wide Web velles technologies dont Internet, ALIC tados Unidos para el Desarrollo Interna- (WWW, W3, The Web) protocol to est capable de fournir un accès rapide, cional (USAID); un proyecto de colabo- develop our Internet information efficace et bon marché à l’information ración internacional para el Consorcio server. Although WWW has been in sur les pays arides dans le monde entier. Internacional de Tierras Aridas (IALC, su existence for less than two years, it Un réseau d’information sur les pays acrónimo en inglés); y una subvención arides basé sur Internet est au stade de conjunta de Institutos Nacionales de has quickly moved into the van- la planification, et va être totallement Salud, la Fundación Nacional de Ciencia guard of Internet sources and ser-

Building an Arid Lands Information Network on the Internet 187 vices, owing largely to the opportu- coming to market quickly and the • helpers these are software appli- nities it offers for interactive, graph- pace of introductions will increase cations that allow your chosen ics-based communication and mul- as the popularity of W3 continues browser to decode and decom- timedia (images, sound, and text) to grow press data files; some decompress presentation of information. The • a Web browser, such as Netscape, and display still images, some en- Web, via the intermediary of a grow- NCSA Mosaic, MacWeb, Lynx, able movie or animation playback, ing number of so-called browsers Cello, or a whole host of new some do the same for digitized (many of them available for down- browsers being released almost sound, and a host of others do a loading without charge on the Inter- daily now; the browser is an indi- myriad of other useful things; net; see Appendix for details), al- vidual’s gateway or user interface many helpers are built into the lows easy access to documents and to the World Wide Web and an es- new generation of browsers provides active links within docu- sential tool for the HTML editor PRACTICE—With these basics ments to other documents resident • cataloging/indexing and search/re- in mind, it becomes relatively easy on computers literally anywhere on trieval software to decipher the URL for the Arid the face of the Earth. WEBSPEAK—A working grasp Lands Information Network Home Page: Building a World Wide Web of a few key words and concepts is Site: The (Very) Basics indispensable to a person new to the .html TOOLS—To build a WWW site, Internet. Without these basics (we one needs more than a computer have already touched on browser, The first seven characters (http://) with an Internet connection. The HTML, and HTTP), deciphering tell your browser which of the sev- precise mix of tools and resources the many and various guides to site eral Internet protocols to use; the needed is changing so fast that no building available on the Web itself next fourteen ( iden- one could guarantee the validity of will be more of a challenge than it tify the server on which our site re- any given list for more than fifteen needs to be: sides; the four characters following minutes. Nonetheless, here is a list • Home Page (usually capitalized) the slash (OALS) identify the ap- we find useful: —the key concept of the Web; the propriate directory on that server, and the nine characters after the • a purpose—Who do you want to Home Page is the introduction to next slash (alin.html) identify the reach? And why? all the other pages (or screens or files or chapters, etc.) that make up appropriate file (an html file) within • people, divided into sources (writ- your site; the best short descrip- that directory. ers, researchers, bibliographers, tion of a Home Page we have subject experts, etc.) and produc- heard is “a hyperinteractive (via ers (editors, graphic artists, site hot links; see next entry), highly The Arid Lands designers, and so on) designed table of contents” Information Network • a computer, with enough memory • hot links are words and/or images The skeleton of ALIN is in place and disk space to act as a server which usually appear in the brows- and the work of fleshing it out has (which actually contains and al- er window in blue and underlined begun. As shown in Figure 1, the lows access to your Web site once or boxed, or simply underlined on ALIN Home Page (i.e., its table of it is built) a text-only browser; a link’s un- contents) offers an active menu of • an Internet connection—a modem derlying code (see next entry) tells hot links that will connect site visi- coupled with a SLIP connection or it where in cyberspace to take you, tors to any other page within the SLIP emulation software will do instantly, at the click of a mouse site, including the Home Pages of the job for Internet browsers; but button or the stroke of a key the four modules to be presented for site builders an (hard- • URL Uniform Resource Locator; here: the Arid Lands Information wired) connection is much to be this string of characters is the cy- Center, the International Arid Lands preferred berspace address to which a hot Consortium, the Bioactive Agents • server software capable of han- link takes you; for the site visitor, from Dryland Plants of Latin Amer- dling HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer it need never be visible or thought ica Project, and the Chile Linkages Protocol), the enabling mecha- about; for the site builder, knowl- Project. nism of the Web edge of the way a URL works is • production software capable of essential; all Web site URLs, for Module One: The Arid Lands turning plain text and images into example, begin with the prefix Information Center HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Lan- http://, which identifies the trans- As with most of the resources guage), the lingua franca of the fer protocol to be used to bring the available on the Internet, informa- Web; these tools currently are in desired page to your computer tion about ALIC can be reached by their infancy, but new software is screen a number of different routes. Obvi-

188 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Figure 1 – ALIN Home Page

o=ol Arld Lands. Information Network 1;,:·:r ~~ file Edit ~icVI 1lo Uookmarks Qptions Q.irectory Help 1-~1~1'~1 I@J~~~~~IIffl·l·r•l L~ Jhtlp:llag.arizona.cdu/OALS/alin.html IN "+ ~ Welcome ;:.:..

to the Arid Lands Information Network

We are ill tht process of creating this resource, so bear with changes and Jinks to empl} pages.

• Office of Arid lands Saudies • Add Lands Information Center • Arid Lands Resource Science Graduate Studies Ptogram • Research Projects Curtently Undesway • Bioactive A&ents from Dryland Plants of Latin America • De'll'eloprnent of Sustainable A8ricu1ture in .Arid Regions of Chile • lntemational Arid land~ Consortium • CAB International North American Office • Southwest Center for Natural Products Research and Commercialization

i' ~~ ~~ M MM M . ( .. ... 21£211 t. J -~

ously, ALIC is listed as an item on alog and the Arid Lands Newsletter information and hyperlinks to each both the ALIN and OALS Home (ALN). issue’s Table of Contents, which in Pages, but it also can be reached The Publications Catalog begins turn provide links to the articles by way of The University of Ari- with a menu screen that lists the cat- themselves. ALN issues 35 and 36 zona’s Library information system egories of publications available, were converted to HTML text files (SABIO) and the UAInfo WWW such as periodicals, media, special after publication in print, but future Home Page. There often are multi- collections, and general titles. When issues will be published simultane- ple layers that may need to be sifted a category is selected, an annotated ously in print and electronically, through when a user is browsing, or list of related materials appears and both versions complete with illus- “surfing,” the Internet. Knowing the can be scrolled through to identify trations. exact URL for a site can be a more those of interest. Ordering informa- Other resources to be loaded on direct, and therefore more efficient, tion also is provided. ALIN are an annotated directory of means for locating relevant infor- The Arid Lands Newsletter op- OALS faculty and staff members mation. tion offers the full but unillustrated and a yearly compilation of their Although the ALIC pages of the text of the last two issues of ALN, publications. In addition, ALIC is ALIN are only partially complete, the Office’s internationally circulat- working with University computer they do offer two fully operational ed research magazine. The ALN specialists to create a framework for options: the OALS Publications Cat- Home Page contains introductory installing the ALIC Online Catalog

Building an Arid Lands Information Network on the Internet 189 that will offer the user sophisticated, out these stalwarts, our site might tion at this time is a newsletter, BIO- but easy to use, searching tech- eventually be pretty, but it would D Prospects, which is compiled by niques. This most likely will be ac- not be as useful as it ought to be. ALIC with input from Information complished with a database man- Counterparts at each participating agement program employed via a Modules Three and Four institution. Issues contain updates browser such as Netscape or Mosaic. Two other OALS projects are on all project components, as well providing additional opportunities as columns on related Internet infor- Module Two: The Internation- for further developing the ALIN. mation resources, publications, and al Arid Lands Consortium They are both complex five-year news items. Although the newsletter A one-year demonstration grant projects with multiple goals that in- has been available only in print for- from the International Arid Lands volve many researchers from a vari- mat during its first year, it soon will Consortium, a nonprofit research ety of disciplines and organizations. be added to the ALIN under the consortium supporting ecological Each one also contains components heading for the project. All par- sustainability in arid and semi-arid for organizing, managing, and dis- ticipating institutions are working regions worldwide, has provided seminating information to facilitate to strengthen their communications ALIC with the opportunity to devel- interaction among project partic- systems so that they will have ac- op what we envision as the ALIN’s ipants and others with similar in- cess to Internet resources such as first fully realized module. Work on terests. the ALIN and electronic mail. the project began in October of last The Bioactive Agents from Dry- The second project is a U.S. year, but the IALC module, like the land Plants of Latin America project Agency for International Develop- other components of the ALIN, is is funded by the National Institutes ment (USAID) University Linkages still very much a work in progress. for Health, the National Science Development Project titled Devel- The first order of business for Foundation, and USAID. It’s intent opment of Sustainable Agriculture the IALC site builders was to make is to assess for medicinal value cer- in Arid Regions of Chile. Through the consortium’s overview brochure tain plant resources from specific it, the University of Arizona and available online. The text of that arid areas in Chile, Argentina, and Universidad de Chile (UCH) are es- brochure is now up-and-running Mexico, and to ensure the conser- tablishing a collaborative program and original digital graphics are be- vation of these resources and the to strengthen research, education, ing designed and mounted. Re- direct involvement of the areas’ in- and the dissemination of informa- sources created specifically for this digenous people. Ultimately, a per- tion in the field of sustainable arid Web site also are under construc- centage of the profits will be re- lands agriculture. The primary vehi- tion. They include The IALC Online turned to the local communities for cle for the information component Newsletter: A World Wide Web Quar- their use, provided the development is an information service center on terly, an IALC membership directo- of marketable pharmaceutical prod- arid lands issues to be organized at ry, a bibliography of IALC publi- ucts results from the project. Cur- UCH. This center will organize and cations, and active (hyperlinked) rently, the participating institutions provide access to project-related in- compilations of selected Internet are the Pontificia Universidad Cato- formation and will link to appropri- information sites and Web-search- lica de Chile in Santiago, the In- ate electronic resources and net- ing tools. stituto de Rucursos Biologicos in works. As with the previous project, An essential element in construc- Buenos Aires, the Universidad Na- the primary means for dissemi- tion of this site has more to do with cional de la Patagonia in Chubut, nating information in the first year the other variety of networking the Argentina, the Universidad Naci- of activity was through a printed one that requires considerable tele- onal de Mexico, and, in the United newsletter, Tierras Aridas: Conex- phone, fax, and e-mail time, as well States, The University of Arizona, iones. This newsletter, and BIO-D as official letterhead. The project’s Purdue University, and Louisiana Prospects, are now available on the half-time Information Specialist has State University. The pharmaceuti- ALIN and opportunities for creating devoted a great deal of time thus far cal industry is represented by Amer- other electronic resources will be to persuading busy researchers at ican Cyanamid. evaluated in the coming years. each of the consortium’s seven The goals of the project’s infor- founding institutions to collaborate mation management and dissemina- The Future with us in this project. In return for tion component are to build infor- a small honorarium, these collabo- mation handling capabilities at all On the technical side of the rators promise to circulate among project sites and to promote the ex- World Wide Web equation, change and retrieve from their colleagues a change of resources, information, —constant, rapid, perhaps even par- questionnaire of our devising, to and ideas through formal linkages adigmatic—is the order of the day. supply us with all pertinent news among the cooperating institutions. All the hardware and software asso- from their home institutions. With- The primary tool for communica- ciated with the Web is on its way to

190 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 becoming so sophisticated that the guide the user through a hierarchy Where To Go When primitive browsers, HTML editors, of statements, providing answers to You Have What You Need and search engines in use at this commonly asked questions and sug- You can travel the world via cy- moment will tomorrow seem as an- gesting possible links to other re- berspace once you are properly con- tique as the Linotype machine once sources at other sites. Thus, we ex- nected, but you will need some used to compose newspaper lineage pect the ALIN will not only save us jumping-off points. Each of the in hot metal. Just around the corner time and money, but will help us of- browsers has in its default Home are “intelligent agents”—a corps of fer better and more timely services Page a built-in gateway to the Web automata encompassing all manner to an expanded clientele. that will get you started, but we of programmable web crawlers, spi- would like to invite you to visit us ders, and knowbots—that will scour Appendix early in your travels, too. Browsers the wildly expanding Web at our come with a feature called Hotlist bidding and return only with that Where To Get What You Need or Bookmarks, depending on the information we really want or need; If you do not yet have a browser, browser, which will allow you to not only that, they’ll be able to you can acquire one by logging in to add the URLs that follow and never organize that information into in- your current online account in the think about them again: dexed outlines for our private pe- usual way and then using ftp (File Arid Lands Information Network rusal, or convert it to HTML and Transfer Protocol) to access the (ALIN): post it to our Home Pages, or sign Internet sites listed below; be sure us up for every newsgroup in the in- to type in the ftp addresses exactly .html formation universe that it has been as they appear here, paying strict programmed to believe we will find attention to capitalization and punc- The International Arid Lands Con- interesting. tuation. When you arrive, download sortium Home Page: As these changes come to pass, the software you need; note that it the speed with which we humans takes a bit more to set up a Win- IALC/Home.html compose HTML, create digital art dows machine to run Mosaic than it Arid Lands Newsletter Home Page: and graphics, and ferret out the does to set up a Macintosh. Other most precious veins of electronic in- browsers are out there, too, and you ALN/ALNHome.html formation doubtless will increase, can easily explore for them once allowing us to publish at warp you have any of the following speed. browsers in operation: BARBARA HUTCHINSON is Director The question, of course, is whether Netscape for Mac, UNIX or Win- of the Arid Lands Information Center at the University of Arizona, Tucson, that new technological ease will dows: translate into better Web sites, or Arizona, USA and John Bancroft is Senior Editor at the University of Ari- just more of them. zona’s Office of Arid Lands Studies at For our purposes, we plan to use NCSA Mosaic for Windows: the same university. these new innovations to build a Windows/Mosaic unique reference tool for the diverse CONTACT ADDRESS: group of people who study and NCSA Mosaic for Mac: manage the world’s arid regions. Barbara Hutchinson Looking beyond the loading of bib- Arid Lands Information Center NCSA Mosaic for DOS: University of Arizona liographies, reports, and directories 1955 East 6th Street of resource people and institutions, Tucson, Arizona 85719 we anticipate the development of MacWeb: USA ALIN modules that will address Telephone: +1-520-621-8578 particular subject areas, such as FAX: +1-520-621-3816 EMAIL: [email protected] desertification, water conservation, Lynx for DOS (text-only browser): ethnobiology, and natural resources management. These modules will Dos Lynx/DLXO 8A.EXE

Building an Arid Lands Information Network on the Internet 191 Concurrent Session 9 Communiquer l’information vétérinaire sur Internet entre spécialistes du monde entier

catalogue collectif des publications en sultar el temario de las principales con- Jean-Paul Jetté série en médecine vétérinaire; ce cata- ferencias en el campo (a nivel nacional e logue sera interrogeable sur le réseau internacional). También es posible re- ABSTRACT: In general, in industrial Internet. La bibliothèque de médecine alizar búsquedas por autor y/o por pal- countries, the major veterinary collec- vétérinaire de l’Université de Montréal a abra clave en el campo del título de la tions are located in veterinary college li- un service de base de données “Veteri- publicación. En julio de 1994, se formó braries which are not numerous (Cana- nary conference proceedings database”; un nuevo grupo de especialistas en in- da, 4; France, 4) and at a considerable ce service permet à l’usager de voir les formación veterinaria en Europa. Este distance from each other. At the end of tables des matières des conférences sci- grupo se unió a la lista de discusión, au- the 1980s, the Veterinary Libraries sec- entifiques importantes au niveau nation- mentando los recursos disponibles para tion of the Medical Library Association al et international. Cette base de don- todos. Recientemente otros especialis- started a discussion list VETLIB on the nées est interrogeable sur les auteurs ou tas de Sudáfrica y Australia se unieron al Internet in order to improve communica- descripteurs des titres d’articles. Depuis grupo. En los Estados Unidos, con la tion on a daily basis between them. In le mois de juillet 1994, un nouveau creación del Sistema Nacional de Infor- 1994, the group electronically updated groupement de spécialistes européen en mación en Veterinaria (NOAH, su acróni- the 2nd edition of the Union List of Vet- information vétérinaire s’est formé. Ce mo en inglés) en Compuserve, los veteri- erinary Serials; this will be searchable on groupe utilise et enrichit la communica- narios podrán buscar en las principales the Internet. Also, the Veterinary Library tion produite dans le groupe de discus- bases de datos comerciales y no comer- (Universite de Montreal) developed Vet- sion déjà existant. D’autres spécialistes ciales existentes, así como en las bases erinary Conference Proceedings Data- de cette discipline se joignent quotidien- de datos indicadas anteriormente. base, which allows the user to see the nement aux discussions électroniques, contents of the major veterinary confer- notamment des collègues d’Afrique du ences (national and international) and sud et d’Australie. Aux Etats-Unis, avec searches by author and/or keyword in ti- l’arrivée de NOAH (National Veterinary La première organisation de spé- tles of papers are possible. Since July Information System) sur le réseau élec- cialistes en information vétérinaire, 1994, a new group of European veteri- tronique commercial Compuserve, les la Veterinary Medical Library Sec- nary information specialists have formed praticiens vétérinaires peuvent effectuer and joined the discussion list, bringing eux-mêmes leur recherche bibliographi- tion de la Medical Library Associa- additional resources to all. Other special- que dans les bases de données com- tion, célébrait son 20e anniversaire ists from South Africa and Australia re- merciales ou non commerciales comme en 1994. Celle-ci est composée es- cently joined the group. In the USA, with celle mentionnée plus tôt. sentiellement des représentants des the creation of the NOAH (National Vet- 32 collèges de médecine vétérinaire erinary Information System) on Com- RESUMEN: En general, en países in- puserve, the veterinarians will be able to nord-américains dispersés sur ce dustrializados, las principales coleccio- vaste continent, de même que des search the major commercial and non nes sobre veterinaria están ubicadas en commercial databases available as well las bibliotecas de las escuelas de veteri- deux grandes bibliothèques natio- as the databases discussed above. naria, las cuales son pocas (en Canadá nales américaines, la National Agri- hay 4 y en Francia, 4) y con una consid- cultural Library et la National Li- RESUMÉ: En général, dans les pays in- erable distancia entre sí. Al finales de la brary of Medicine. dustrialisés, les fonds documentaires im- década de los 80, la sección de biblio- portants se retrouvent au sein des biblio- tecas veterinarias de la Asociación de Les activités des différents co- thèques des collèges d’enseignement Bibliotecas Médicas inició una lista de mités de ce groupe sont liées aux vétérinaire. Celles-ci ne sont pas très discusión, VETLIB, en Internet para me- relations avec d’autres groupes et nombreuses (4 au Canada et le même jorar la comunicación cotidiana entre las à la communication d’information nombre en France) et sont très disper- bibliotecas. En 1994, el grupo actualizó, sées. A la fin des 1980, la “Veterinary li- por vía electrónica, la segunda edición vétérinaire: le comité du bulletin brary section” de la Medical Library As- de la Lista Unificada de Publicaciones bi-annuel aux membres, le comité sociation” a lancé une liste de discussion Seriadas en Veterinaria, que se podrá des relations publiques, le comité appelée VET-L sur le réseau Internet en consultar en Internet. Igualmente, la pour la publication d’une 3e édition vue d’améliorer la communication quoti- Biblioteca Veterinaria de la Université de du catalogue collectif des publica- dienne entre ses membres. En 1994, ce Montreal desarrolló una base de datos groupement effectua une mise à jour, de las memorias de conferencias sobre tions en série en médecine vétéri- disponible en version électronique du veterinaria, que permite al usuario con- naire, le comité pour la préparation

192 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 d’une 2e conférence internationale réaliser la pauvreté relative de nos Revenons aux résultats de l’en- des spécialistes en information vé- communications antérieures. quête: en septembre 1993, un ques- térinaire pour l’année 1997 au Dane- Présentement, plus de 153 spé- tionnaire électronique fut envoyé à mark. cialistes en information vétérinaire 98 membres inscrits au groupe de Les communications courantes sur tous les continents s’activent sur discussions, à ce moment-là, pour entre ces spécialistes se font par les VETLIB-L, dont la majorité pro- vérifier qu’est-ce que l’apparition moyens de communication courants vient d’Amérique du Nord; mais un de ce groupe de discussions avait tels le FAX, le téléphone et le cour- nombre grandissant de spécialistes changé pour ces utilisateurs et les rier. Enfin, la réunion annuelle de la de tous les pays, principalement du usagers de leur bibliothèque: les 36 Medical Library Association Royaume-Uni, de la Suède, de l’Ir- personnes qui ont répondu au ques- prévoit une “Business Session” lande, de l’Australie et d’Afrique tionnaire sont des usagers quotidi- pour ses membres, à laquelle par- du Sud sont fort actifs dans nos ens de ce service, dont certains, ticipent activement la majorité des échanges quotidiens. Ce réseau d’en- plusieurs fois par jour (53%); 83% membres et où sont invités des con- traide internationale met à la di- des répondants sont des spécialistes férenciers locaux, de même que des sposition de chacun rapidement, en information vétérinaire travail- représentants commerciaux qui efficacement et gratuitement les lant dans le milieu de l’éducation et nous font voir les dernières nou- ressources disponibles auprès de 6l% sont membres du groupe des veautés en terme de livres, CD chaque collègue dans chaque pays. spécialistes en information vétéri- ROM et autres produits électron- A l’heure où la littérature scien- naire d’Amérique du Nord. VET- iques. Les membres sont eux- tifique locale devient aussi interna- LIB-L est considéré de grande im- mêmes priés de présenter des com- tionale grâce aux bases de données portance par 8l% des répondants, et munications orales sur des sujets multiples disponibles et aux réseaux utile par le reste. relatifs à l’information vétérinaire. d’information entre chercheurs du En 1994, un nouveau groupe de monde entier; et qu’en même temps Les sources d’information spécialistes en information vétéri- les traités commerciaux interna- vétérinaire sur Internet naire s’est formé en Europe, l’Euro- tionaux favorisent le déplacement pean Veterinary Librarians Group, des animaux et des aliments accom- Nous nous limiterons ici à l’in- au sein de l’European Association pagnés de nouvelles maladies ou formation strictement vétérinaire. La of Health Information à l’occasion fléaux, nos spécialistes jouissent liste électronique du Dr Bolchert, de la 4e Conférence européenne des grâce à ces nouveaux moyens élec- “The Electronic Zoo”, est la plus bibliothèques médicales et des sci- troniques d’atouts majeurs pour ap- complète même si elle déborde le ences de la santé en Norvège. Pré- puyer la recherche, l’enseignement domaine vétérinaire. Elle est dispo- sentement ce groupe est composé et la prévention des maladies exo- nible dans le gopher que celui-ci a d’une trentaine de membres repré- tiques dans chaque pays. créé pour réunir, dans une même sentants 15 pays européens. Une enquête menée en septem- source d’information, la plupart des Les objectifs de ce groupe sont: bre 1993 parmi les usagers de VET- ressources disponibles sur Internet • Regrouper tous les professionnels LIB-L pour connaître comment et (surtout américaines): il s’agit du du domaine de l’information sur la pourquoi ils utilisaient ce groupe de Gopher NETVET VETERINARY santé animale. discussions a révélé que l’apparition RESOURCES (disponible aussi sur de cet outil de communication a le WEB). • Développer et encourager la co- transformé leur pratique quotidi- On y retrouve, outre la liste men- opération entre les bibliothèques enne: discussion de problèmes liés à de cette spécialité. tionnée auparavant, les rubriques leur bibliothèque, obtention rapide suivantes: • Etablir un lien avec d’autres or- d’aide sur des questions de réfé- ganismes internationaux dans le rence, localisation de documents, • Des liens avec d’autres gophers, domaine, et notamment l’Associa- photocopies d’urgence, offres de comme celui des collèges vétéri- tion européenne des Etablissements documents (revues, livres) en dou- naires nord-américains, canadiens d’Enseignement vétérinaire et l’As- ble, alerter les collègues de nou- et anglais, des laboratoires de di- sociation mondiale vétérinaire. veaux services disponibles, infor- agnostic, de la législation vétéri- Depuis 199l, grâce au support mation sur un éditeur d’un pays naire et de celle concernant la pro- technique de la Virginia Polytechnic étranger; lieu de travail pour les dif- tection des animaux, des associa- Institute and State University, un férents comités du groupe dont la tions vétérinaires spécialisées, des groupe de discussions sur Internet préparation actuelle de la 3e édition organismes publics comme le Mi- pour nos spécialistes a vu le jour: du catalogue collectif des publica- nistère de l’Agriculture et celui de VETLIB-L; ce nouveau moyen de tions en série dans le domaine la Santé des Etats-Unis. communication a transformé notre vétérinaire, dont l’accès sera possi- • Des liens avec des ressources dont travail quotidien et nous a fait ble via Internet. l’accès est payant: AVMA’S net-

Communiquer l’information vétérinaire sur Internet entre spécialistes du monde entier 193 work on animal health µ(NOAH), nal of the American Veterinary Med- Page. Ce service a débuté en octo- the Veterinary Information Net- ical Association et American Jour- bre 1994 et s’avère très populaire. Il work (VIN). nal of Veterinary Research (les som- est offert aussi gratuitement à tous • Les archives des groupes de dis- maires seulement), et une base de les usagers d’Internet. Présentement, cussions d’intérêt vétérinaire. données toxicologiques. D’autres des utilisateurs, surtout nord-améri- services s’ajouteront pour répondre cains, mais aussi d’une vingtaine de • Des bases de données gratuites: à la demande des usagers, en plus pays l’interrogent chaque jour. La USDA Current Research Data- des ressources offertes par Com- parution de chaque sommaire est base, FDA New Veterinary Drugs, puServe et celles sur Internet. disponible la journée même de la ré- Veterinary Journals: Table of Con- Dans le même but de donner ac- ception du fascicule à la biblio- tents, Veterinary Conference Pro- cès à l’information vétérinaire aux thèque. ceedings Database. praticiens branchés sur Internet, la La Littérature vétérinaire fran- Evidemment les grandes bases Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de cophone: Ce service est offert sur- de données bibliographiques d’in- l’Université de Montréal a pris l’ini- tout aux pays de la francophonie et térêt vétérinaire (CAB, Agricola, tiative de créer un Gopher local aux francophones de par le monde. Medline, Agris, etc) sont dispo- rassemblant trois bases de données Les sommaires des revues vétéri- nibles par différents serveurs (non bibliographiques originales: naires francophones, des comptes- gratuitement). Ici on doit distinguer Veterinary Conference Proceed- rendus de réunions scientifiques deux types d’usagers: ceux avec ings Database: il s’agit d’une base vétérinaires francophones et, éven- mot de passe et ceux sans mot de de données visant à rendre acces- tuellement, des thèses de doctorat passe. En effet, l’apparition d’Inter- sible la table des matières des vétérinaire sont présentés aux us- net a contribué à permettre l’accès à comptes-rendus des réunions scien- agers aux mêmes conditions que la ces grandes bases de données gratu- tifiques vétérinaires au niveau na- base de données précédente. On itement et à distance à la commu- tional et international, grâce à la vise évidemment à rendre disponi- nauté universitaire nord-américaine coopération des organisateurs de ble pour les vétérinaires francopho- grâce à un abonnement réseau. ces réunions qui nous expédient nes la littérature de leur spécialité L’usager branché sur Internet peut leur compte-rendu. Ce service a dé- dans leur langue. consulter ces bases de données à buté en mars 1994. Présentement, la Ces exemples d’implication du tout moment en composant son base de données est constituée de spécialiste en information vétérinaire numéro d’accès et son mot de passe; comptes-rendus de plus de 60 réu- veulent illustrer la possibilité pour il peut même commander le docu- nions scientifiques pour les années tout spécialiste en information d’or- ment lui-même. 1993 et 1994; de plus on peut l’in- ganiser l’information pertinente sous Plusieurs éditeurs ont commencé terroger par auteur ou par les mots forme de Gopher ou WEB sur Inter- à offrir leurs services (catalogue de inclus dans le titre de chaque con- net et même de créer des sources livres et de périodiques) sur Inter- férence. d’information originales sur Inter- net. D’autres s’apprêtent à ajouter le Cette littérature, non convention- net sans connaissance poussée en sommaire des articles à venir dans nelle, est d’intérêt car elle reflète les informatique, mais avec un peu de leurs revues, cela gratuitement. résultats les plus récents des cher- collaboration de spécialistes en in- Aux Etats-Unis, l’American Vet- cheurs et leurs toutes dernières pré- formatique de votre institution. erinary Medical Association cher- occupations. Cette information est che à promouvoir ses services et la rapidement mise à la disposition de Voici, en bref, un résumé de la consultation de nouvelles sources la communauté scientifique souvent situation en ce qui concerne l’utili- d’information sur les réseaux élec- avant publication dans les grandes sation de l’information vétérinaire troniques, auprès des vétérinaires revues. De plus cette littérature par les spécialistes de cette disci- praticiens à un coût raisonnable. Elle n’est pas ou, sinon, tardivement pline. Je vous remercie de votre at- a créé un réseau sur le réseau com- couverte par les grandes bases de tention. mercial CompuServe (the AVMA données. Network on Animal Health NOAH) Veterinary Journals: Table of Con- Adresses utiles: dans le but d’amener ses membres tents: il existe de plus en plus de sur l’autoroute électronique par service d’alerte de ce type. Aussi VETLIB-L: l’offre de différents services. Ainsi notre Faculté a décidé d’offrir à ses un membre, pour une cotisation de usagers le sommaire des publica- [email protected] (utilisateurs de BITNET) 25.95$ par mois, pourra participer à tions en série en médecine vétéri- des groupes de discussions avec ses naire reçues à notre bibliothèque, en [email protected]. collègues, assister à des conférences expérimentant la nouvelle techno- EDU (utilisateurs d’INTERNET) spécialisées, en plus d’avoir accès logie du scanner et du logiciel de (pour communiquer avec ce aux deux revues de l’AVMA: Jour- reconnaissance de caractère Omni- groupe de discussions)

194 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 GOPHER “NETVET VETERINARY CONTACT ADDRESS: FAX: (5l4) 773-1228 RESOURCES”: EMAIL: [email protected] Jean-Paul Jette DCMINFO.WUSTL.EDU Bibliothèque de médecine vétérinaire GOPHER “Bibliothèque de méde- Faculté de médecine vétérinaire cine vétérinaire”: P.O. Box 5000 Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, CANADA, J2S BRISE.ERE.UMONTREAL. 7C6 CA 7070

Communiquer l’information vétérinaire sur Internet entre spécialistes du monde entier 195 Concurrent Session 9 Using the Internet to Co-ordinate the Provision of Agricultural Information in the UK

ative de la situation en Grande Bretagne red, junto con una cartelera, un servicio David Stoker, Alison Cooke avec celle d’autre pays indique l’exis- de alerta y un registro de archivos elec- tence d’un avantage potentiel pour la trónicos relacionados. Como modelo para ABSTRACT: A review of the current situ- coordination de la fourniture de l’infor- este servicio se podría usar la Cartelera ation of agricultural information in the mation. Ce document suggère qu’une del Reino Unido para Bibliotecas que United Kingdom (UK) suggests that whilst des voies pour atteindre cet objectif en proporciona la mayor parte de estos ser- computerisation has had an impact in Grande Bretagne pourrait être par l’utili- vicios a un grupo de usuarios profesion- many areas of agricultural information, sation d’Internet et en particulier l’étab- ales. Entre las ventajas de un servicio de relatively little progress has been made lissement d’un site Web. Le mécanisme este tipo están el suministro de una re- towards the achievement of an integrat- fournirait les liaisons aux services d’in- visión de los recursos de información en ed and coherent information system formation appropriés sur le réseau grâce este área y la simplificación de su uso. El available to agricultural practitioners and au babillard, au service d’information servicio podría también actuar como un researchers. Comparison with other courante et au service d’archives des medio mediante el cual los usuarios en countries indicates the potential advan- fichiers électroniques. Un modèle pour el extranjero tendrían acceso a los recur- tages which exist for such co-ordinated un tel service pourrait être le babillard sos de información del Reino Unido. Se provision. This paper suggests that one des Bibliothécaires de la Grande Bre- indican y discuten los problemas y los way of achieving this aim in the UK could tagne qui fournit la plupart de ces facil- aspectos que deben considerarse antes be through the use of the Internet, and in ités aux groupes d’utilisateurs profes- de establecer un recurso de información particular by the establishment of a sionnels. L’avantage d’un tel service agrícola de este tipo. World-Wide Web Home Page. This induirait la fourniture dy’une vue d’en- would provide links to relevant informa- semble sur les ressources en informa- tion on the network together with an as- tion et la simplification de leur utilisation. sociated Bulletin Board, Current Aware- Il pourrait également offrir une voie d’ac- Background ness Service and archive of electronic cès à l’information de la Grande Bre- files. One model for such a service could tagne aux utilisateurs étrangers. Ce doc- This paper originates from a brief be the UK Bulletin Board for Libraries ument aborde aussi les problèmes à which provides most of these facilities to résoudre et les interrogations auxquelles survey and series of discussions un- a professional user group. The advan- il faudrait apporter des réponses avant la dertaken during the Summer of tages of such a service would include the mise en oeuvre d’un tel service. 1994 with a view to submitting an provision of an overview of information application for research funding in resources in this area and the simplifica- tion of their use. It could also act as a RESUMEN: Una revisión de la situación the area of the co-ordination of agri- means by which overseas users could actual de la información agrícola en el cultural information over the Inter- gain access to UK information re- Reino Unido sugiere que en tanto la sis- net. sources. The problems and issues which tematización ha tenido un impacto en In October 1976, the British Li- would need to be considered before the muchas áreas de la información agríco- establishment of such a resource for la, se ha avanzado relativamente poco brary Research and Development agricultural information are outlined and hacia el logro de un sistema de informa- Department (BLR&DD) funded a discussed. ción integrado y coherente, que sea two-year project at the Agricultural disponible para los agricultores y investi- Extension and Rural Development RESUMÉ: Tout en suggérant que l’au- gadores agrícolas. En comparación con Centre (Reading University) to re- tomatisation ait eu un impact dans plu- otros países, existen ventajas poten- sieurs domaines de l’information, une ciales para un suministro coordinado. view information provision in agri- revue de la situation de l’information Este documento sugiere que una man- culture and to recommend topics for agricole en Grande Bretagne montre que era de lograr este objetivo en el Reino further research. This resulted in très peu de progrès ont été accompli en Unido sería mediante el uso de Internet The UK Information System in Agri- ce qui concerne la mise en place d’un y, especialmente, mediante el establec- culture1 usually referred to as the système intégré et cohérent d’informa- imiento de una página principal o “Home tion agricole au service des practiciens Page” en World Wide Web. Esto crearía Craig Report. The project conclud- et des chercheurs. Une analyse compar- enlaces con información relevante en la ed that previously there had been

196 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 “little useful data to clarify the na- ing and education in information culture and related subjects, stu- ture and workings of the UK agri- handling, user needs and co-ordina- dents, administrators, industrial sci- cultural information system”.2 tion of information activities. The entists and technologists, merchants/ Among the many recommenda- topic of co-ordination of provision, salespeople and journalists. Each of tions of the Craig report were the was also discussed but the recom- these groups collects, exploits, and following: mendation for a national co-ordinat- generates its own specific sources of • the process of distributing agricul- ing function of some kind was not information. Thus the term agricul- tural information should be exam- supported. Participants at this meet- tural information could encompass ined systematically ing were not convinced that imposed research findings which have no im- co-ordination would be beneficial, mediate effect on agricultural prac- • the sources of agricultural infor- preferring the encouragement of in- titioners, although in the long term mation should be examined to de- formal mechanisms for co-operation. may influence practice or the range termine the most suitable means of commercial products on the mar- by which the data collected might Since the Craig Report, there ket. Equally it would also include be stored, kept up-to-date and have been a number of follow-up legal and administrative informa- made available to all potential reports and studies, dealing with tion using specialist terminology in- users some of the issues and also high- lighting the potential impact of in- appropriate to practitioners, which • the accessibility of agricultural lit- formation technology in the would nevertheless form the basis erature and data should be exam- area.5,6,7,8 Beyond examining deci- of guidance notes issued by an Agri- ined, and the BLR&DD should sion-making by practitioners and cultural Advisory Service such as support studies of the effective- addressing the problems associated ADAS. ness of setting up agricultural with non-conventional and review The scope for the automation of databanks literature, little appears to have hap- agricultural information is currently • the BLR&DD should actively in- pened in areas such as the co-ordi- demonstrated in the work of the Na- vestigate and continue to monitor nation of information provision and tional Agricultural Library (NAL) the consequence of new technolo- the use of information technology. in Washington, which is currently gy for the way in which informa- This article therefore seeks to re- midway through its Electronic In- tion is handled. view the current situation by briefly formation Initiative to “research plan Furthermore, in the “summary examining the range of information and implement a systematic pro- and conclusions”, the report refers sources and users of agricultural in- gramme of managing data in an to the complexity of the agricultural formation. It also compares the electronic form”.9 The NAL also information system and states, “the largely uncoordinated provision in co-ordinates access to automated in- priority task appears to be to ratio- the UK with the situation overseas, formation services in this field from nalise the information transfer sys- notably the USA. It then proceeds to a wide range of other sites within tem”.3 suggest that one informal method of the USA. A similar example of co- Immediately following publica- co-ordinating information provision ordination is the Agricultural In- tion of the report, a series of semi- in the UK could be through the use formation Network (NLI) in the nars was held to disseminate its of the Internet. Netherlands, consisting of a number findings attended by information of libraries and information centres professionals, agricultural advisors, The Automation of in Holland affiliated to either the research workers, agricultural man- Agriculture Information Wageningen Agricultural Universi- agers and editors. The general reac- Services ty or the Agricultural Research De- tion to the report was positive, and partment of the Dutch Ministry of “a higher degree of co-ordination The ultimate consumer of agri- Agriculture.10 between elements of the [agricultur- cultural information is the farmer or There are also a number of inter- al information] system was strongly other agricultural practitioner. How- national collaborative initiatives such felt to be necessary, given the scat- ever, agricultural information is an as the Current Agricultural Research tered and fragmented nature of agri- umbrella term encompassing infor- Information System (CARIS), a “de- cultural information”.4 mation generated from a large num- centralised network of national and A final meeting was held in 1980 ber of sources, which may be aimed regional centres in developing coun- attended by policy-makers and in- at a range of user groups and re- tries, each centre being responsible terested bodies in this area, to iden- quired for different purposes. Ac- for the collection, processing and tify priority issues requiring further cording to the Craig Report, users dissemination of information on cur- investigation. These included the of the agricultural information sys- rent research in agriculture in its own control of grey literature and review tem in the UK also comprise re- country/region. National/regional di- literature, the compilation of a di- search workers, specialist advisors, rectories are produced by the cen- rectory of information sources, train- general advisors, teachers of agri- tres”.11 The CARIS Co-ordinating

Using the Internet to Co-ordinate the Provision of Agricultural Information in the UK 197 Centre maintains an on-site global • Remote login using the Telnet ments and files. Access to the Web database which is produced by the protocol to interrogate external was originally only text based, but a consolidation of national/regional OPACs, and other public access new generation of retrieval tools al- files. A further example is the Infor- enquiry systems such as bulletin lows for the integration of text with mation System for the Agricultural boards or remote databases. graphic images and sound. The Sciences and Technology (AGRIS), • Anonymous File Transfer for using most effective means of accessing “a bibliographic system of global the ftp protocol, to gain access to a the World-Wide Web is through a coverage in the fields of food, agri- designated publicly available file- graphical user interface such as the culture, forestry and fisheries…pro- store. Netscape reader which operates un- duced by the collaborative input of der Microsoft Windows. In addi- • Electronic Mail: a simple and over 120 national centres”.12 tion, there are already in existence, straightforward means of sending However, in Britain, there exists a and under development, a number messages over linked computer large number of disparate produc- of useful tools for searching and networks. Groups of email users ers, disseminators and consumers of creating guides to the resources of may circulate messages to one an- agricultural information and an over- the World Wide Web. These range other by means of various list- all lack of co-ordination. There have from subject indexes such as the servers which re-route individual been a number of interesting pro- Virtual Library maintained by CERN communications to specified users. jects which have attempt to address to various tools such as the World the needs of certain agricultural in- • Usenet News: a facility which en- Wide Web Worm which are de- formation users, such as the use of ables users to read and participate signed to roam the network looking teletext and viewdata services, Agri- in wide ranging electronic mail for files and directories with names FAX a document delivery service discussions taking place within corresponding to the search terms based on the use of facsimile, and thousands of different news groups. and then producing a list with hy- the establishment of Agrenet, an Until recently gaining access to pertext links. X.25-based network linking AFRC resources over the Internet was rela- research institutions. Whilst much tively difficult, involving a knowl- Agricultural Information Cur- information is available in an auto- edge of available resources, the rently Available on the Network – mated form in the UK, there is also means of gaining access, and the There is quite a lot of agricultural a need for some form of co-ordina- use of the command language or information already available on the tion to give guidance to its where- other user interface of the remote network and more is constantly be- abouts and improve access. The op- computer. The advent of distributed ing added. The information is of portunities afforded by the rapidly client server computing has given various types and with different de- developing Internet may be an ef- rise to the development of a number grees of formality, ranging from un- fective means of providing this. of access tools which have greatly moderated discussions to data from simplified these tasks and have led the National Integrated Pest Man- The Internet to the increased exploitation of the agement Information System or the Internet. These tools include: US Department of Agriculture’s Ag- Brief Description of the Network • Gopher: a menu based interface to ricultural Genome Project. Much of The Internet is frequently de- information resources over the In- the information currently available scribed as a network of computer ternet. derives from sources in the USA. networks, although strictly speaking There are three main problems • Veronica: a search tool for access- it is rather a means by which innu- associated with disseminating or re- ing the contents of gopher servers merable existing networks are able trieving information over the net- and enables a user to identify a to communicate with one another. work. Firstly a lot of important in- search term that might appear in a In some respects it may be consid- formation is not yet available in this file name or directory name any- ered as a “virtual” network in so far form and is unlikely to be so in the where on the network. as it is not separately administered near future. Secondly, many of the and it has never been designed. Use • Archie: a tool for searching and re- existing information providers in of the Internet depends upon the ac- trieving files from FTP archives on this field lack the expertise and re- ceptance of certain communication the network. sources to mount and maintain in- and data transfer protocols which More recently the establishment formation in this form. Thirdly, in enable remote computers operating of the World-Wide Web (WWW) common with most other subjects, in different environments to com- has enabled a more effective means there is the problem for the user to municate successfully. of access storage and retrieval of identify what is available and how The main categories of task which networked information by means of best to gain access. may be undertaken using the Inter- hypertext links. These enable users There are a number of guides to net are as follows: to navigate through related docu- Agricultural resources which may

198 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 either be consulted online or else ic resource might well involve fur- coordination of agricultural infor- obtained as text files through the file ther searching. mation and development of the use transfer protocol. The most obvious Another possibility might be for of Information Technology in this example is Not Just Cows, produced an information provider to create an area could be through the establish- by Wilfred Drew. However, using artificial home page, not directly as- ment of such a service for agricul- any form of secondary source as a sociated with any single source, but ture. means of locating and accessing in- rather with predetermined links to formation is inevitably a laborious other resources worldwide. This and time consuming process. Also, Establishment of a could then serve both as a guide Coordinating Body for UK due to the nature of electronic infor- post to network resources and also mation and the ease with which it Agricultural Information as an umbrella under which smaller over the Network may be updated or changed, there is providers might make available their always the problem that such sour- information. The user might then Description – The proposed Net- ces rapidly date. A more dynamic begin their search by consulting that worked Agricultural Information means of identifying sources, over single source. An example of such a Service (NAIS) would be aimed at the Internet is through the creation facility is the Subject Tree associat- information users in the academic of World Wide Web Home pages. ed with the UK Bulletin Board for community in the first instance, but These both provide hypertext links Libraries (BUBL). potentially could develop to serve to documents and images that have BUBL was established in 1991 as all aspects of the agricultural com- been created in the WWW format a bulletin board and current aware- munity with access to computer and also give access to gopher ness service for library profession- networks. It would be primarily servers and ftp archives. Most home als, with links to other LIS re- concerned with agricultural infor- pages have been created either by sources, and also by providing its mation generated from UK institu- institutions or individuals as a means own current contents service and tions, but would have links to other of identifying and providing access maintaining the full texts of files of networked sources of potential in- to their own material. Furthermore, interest to its user group. It has also terest throughout the world. Like- they could be used as a central loca- subsequently extended its role be- wise it would be accessible to users tion for mounting information pro- yond LIS by providing subject ac- throughout the world. vided from a number of smaller cess to other networked resources, The NAIS would contain some or sources. It is also feasible for a originally through the establishment all of the following facilities: home page to be used as an indica- of a menu based gopher. The current • Bulletin board for agriculture which tor of other selected resources at strategy is to develop hypertext would act as an electronic current other institutions on the network or links to major resources in each awareness service. It would pro- as a means of linking to other home subject by means of a World Wide vide such items as current contents, pages. Web home page. The creation of new and forthcoming publica- One strategy for locating infor- these subject links is currently being tions, new legislation or regula- mation on the network on a given undertaken on a voluntary basis and tions, research proposals, continu- subject therefore might be to identi- inevitably the depth of coverage ing research projects, conferences, fy likely centres—perhaps by using between different subjects is vari- vacancies, announcements, organ- one of the search tools available, or able. Also there is no specific selec- isations and statistics. else a published guide. For example tion criteria or qualitative judge- • Mailbase discussion list — this a new user of the Netscape Web ment made about the value of sour- might involve the establishment of browser might begin by accessing ces indicated. an entirely new list or else the col- the NCSA Home Page which in- BUBL may be used both as an in- laboration of one or more of the cludes a link to another page enti- depth resource in Information and existing discussion lists. It would tled “Starting Points for Internet Ex- Library Studies and also as a start- serve as a means of posting and ploration”. This provides access to a ing point for Internet exploration in answering notes and queries, car- subject index with an entry for agri- all subjects, and its development rying out brief surveys of users, culture. Selecting this entry identi- might therefore be seen as a model and circulating additions to the fies seven potential headings some for other disciplines. If there were a bulletin board. of which represent guides to further sufficient number of these services, resources such as mailing lists, ftp they could provide a network of • File Transfer Protocol archive— archives etc. Others link to the subject based centres, which togeth- containing both the archive of home pages of institutions special- er could greatly simplify access to Mailbase discussions, and the texts ising in agriculture. Yet, these initial Internet resources. Thus, one means of Internet Resource Guides and links are by no means comprehen- of achieving the recommendations other relevant documents. sive, and attempting to find a specif- of the Craig Report regarding the • Links—these would be the hyper-

Using the Internet to Co-ordinate the Provision of Agricultural Information in the UK 199 text links to selected World Wide Conclusion 5. Rolls, M. J. and J. Martyn. 1980. Dis- Web resources, together with a go- seminating the BL Report on UK Agricul- pher server connecting to non The Craig Report pointed to the tural Information Systems: Report on an Experiment in Following through a Re- WWW resources. The section of need for some coordination of UK agricultural information and the search Project. British Library Research the home page providing these and Development Department Report links could perhaps give some in- greater use of information technolo- No. 5583. (Reading, England: Reading dication of the scope and authority gy in this area. During the fifteen University). of the highlighted sources. years since, there has been disap- pointingly little progress on both 6. Woodward, A. M. 1982. Strategies for It could also act as a gateway ser- fronts, particularly when compared Agricultural Information Reviews and Grey Literature. British Library Research vice to enable users to connect di- with developments overseas. The rectly to commercial online services and Development Department Report Internet provides a vehicle for rapid No. 5685. (London: British Library). and other relevant computer sys- progress in this area, but there are tems. technical and organisation problems 7. Jones, Rolls. 1987. Information Man- in its use at present. Not all informa- agement in Agriculture. British Library Research and Development Department How It Would Work – The NAIS tion users have easy access or the would be maintained by a single Report No. 5931. (London: British Li- relevant hardware to take best ad- brary). academic institution with the neces- vantage of its facilities. Those who sary technical resources and exper- do have access frequently experi- 8. Philip, G.; W.J. Martin and A.I. MacN- tise. However, in order to succeed it ence difficulties in identifying rel- abb, A. I. 1989. “Agricultural information would need to have the support and in Northern Ireland. ASLIB Proceedings, evant sources and assessing their 41(1):11–22. collaboration of the wider commu- value. Some information providers nity of agricultural information pro- may not have the facility to mount 9 . Mason, Pamela. 1995. The Electronic viders and users. Once again BUBL their products or to keep them up to Information Initiative Phase II: Planning provides a useful model in so far as date. for Implementation. Beltsville, MD: U.S. National Agricultural Library. it was established using a British The establishment of a Networked Library Research Grant to examine Agricultural Information Service as 10. Tedd, L. A. 1993. “Case study: Agri- the feasibility and start up costs, and described above could address many cultural Information Network in the Neth- has subsequently been maintained of these problems and make an im- erlands”. In An Introduction to Comput- by a mixture of voluntary effort, portant contribution to the provision er-based Library Systems. 3rd edition. London: Wiley. commercial sponsorship and other of agricultural information in the official sources of funding. Possible United Kingdom and also perhaps 11. Advisory Committee for the Co-ordi- sources for the establishment of an elsewhere. There appears to be a nation of Information Systems. 1987. agricultural service might include good case for the establishment of s.l.:sn. the funding made available by the such a service if the necessary fi- 12. Advisory Committee for the Co-ordi- Follett Implementation Group for nances can be found. Information Technology, or the nation of Information Systems 1987. s.l.:sn. AFRC. Likewise grants towards the maintenance costs might be secured NOTES AND REFERENCES from government funding or com- DAVID STOKER is with the Depart- mercial bodies within the field. 1. Craig, C. M. 1979. Information Sys- ment of Information and Library Stud- tems in UK Agriculture: Final Report of The above suggestions relate to a ies, University of Wales and Alison the Agricultural Review Committee. Brit- Cooke is a graduate student in that service based in the UK which is ish Library Research and Development program. primarily concerned with those re- Department, Report No. 5469. sources of interest to British users. CONTACT ADDRESS: However a network of similar ser- 2. Craig, C. M. 1979. Para 2, p. 3 “Sum- mary and recommendations”. vices worldwide could be linked to- David Stoker Dept. of Library and Information Studies gether in much the same way, pro- 3. Craig, C. M. 1979. Section 2, pp.3–4. University of Wales viding an international resource. Aberystwyth, Dyfed SY23 3AS 4. Martyn, John. 1981. “The Agricultural UNITED KINGDOM Information Review Committee report Telephone: +44-970-622178 and afterwards: a summary”. ASLIB Pro- FAX: +44-970-622190 ceedings, 33(2):48–52. EMAIL: [email protected]

200 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996

Concurrent Session 10 Harvest from the NET: Benefits of Email for Disseminating Agricultural Information in the African Continent

Chris Addison, Tim Cullen et présente l’utilisation faite par le NRI de from Developing Countries are met ces systèmes. Il examine aussi l’impact by the Library and Information Ser- réel et potentiel de ces réseaux sur le vice Group and the Information ABSTRACT: The Natural Resources In- mode de travail des personnes im- stitutue (NRI) disseminates information pliquées, le facteur du feedback humain Technology Services Groups. Each on research and new techniques in nat- perceptible au NRI et les implications sur development project will have a dif- ural resources management to develop- la gestion de l’information. Frutos de ferent information requirement rely- ing countries. Communication has al- NET: Beneficios del Correo Electrónico ways been considered essential if NRI is ing on access to reference materials respecto a la Difusión de Información in-house and increasingly on good to fulfill this brief. For four years, NRI has Agrícola en el Continente Africano been involved in the use of email for the communication channels. Over the dissemination and communication of ag- RESUMEN: El Instituto de Recursos last four years NRI has looked to ricultural information, specifically in Afri- Naturales (NRI, su acrónimo en inglés) the Internet and other computer net- ca. The aims of the operation in Africa disemina información sobre investiga- are to communicate with NRI managed works to augment online and CD- ción y nuevas técnicas de manejo de los ROM capability, and to encourage projects in the continent, but perhaps recursos naturales en países en desar- more importantly, to maintain links after rollo. Siempre se ha considerado que la global communication to and from the project funding period is over with the comunicación es esencial si el NRI ha de the Institute. object of ensuring sustainability. The pa- cumplir esa meta. Durante 4 años el NRI per reviews existing services in Africa, NRI first established an electron- ha usado el correo electrónico para di- ic mail connection to the Internet discussing the networks available, the fundir y transmitir información agrícola, technologies used and the organisations específicamente en Africa. El trabajo que through the Joint Academic Net- involved. NRIs own use of the systems se realiza en Africa pretende mejorar la work in the UK, (JANET). The prin- will be presented. The impacts, real and comunicación con los proyectos del NRI cipal aims were to improve commu- potential, of networks on the way people en el continente pero es, quizás, más im- work, the human feedback factor per- nication with academic institutions, portante mantener esos enlaces de- reduce communication costs and to ceivable at NRI and the implications for spués de que se haya terminado la fase information management are examined. de financiación de los proyectos para allow NRI researchers to participate asegurar la sostenibilidad de los mis- in the growing number of discus- RESUMÉ: L’Institut des Ressources na- mos. El documento revisa los servicios sion groups and information ser- turelles (NRI) diffuse de l’information existentes en Africa, discute las redes vers les pays en développement, sur la vices available globally across the disponibles, las tecnologías utilizadas y Internet. recherche et les nouvelles techniques en las organizaciones participantes. Se in- gestion des ressources naturelles. La dica también el uso del sistema por el Having demonstrated the value comunication a toujours été considérée mismo NRI. Se examinan el impacto, of electronic mail, in particular for comme une activité essentielle à la réali- real y potencial, de las redes en la forma producing joint reports and papers, sation de cette tâche. Pendant 4 années, de trabajar de las personas, el factor de le NRI a été impliqué dans l’utilisation du retroinformación humana que se percibe user demand led to our investigating courrier électronique pour la diffusion et en el NRI y las implicaciones en cuanto the email services available in De- la communication de l’information agri- al manejo de la información. veloping Countries. There was par- cole, plus particulièrement en Afrique. ticular interest in establishing a link Les buts de l’opération en Afrique sont de communiquer avec les projets réal- with projects in Africa. We worked isés sur ce continent et gérés par le NRI, The Natural Resources Insti- with GreenNet and Mangonet on mais surtout de rester en contact à la fin tute, based at Chatham, Kent in the establishing a connection in Zim- du financement du projet pour assurer la U.K. provides expertise on Natural babwe and others soon followed. continuité. Cet article passe en revue les Resources Management for Devel- GreenNet has provided invaluable services existants en Afrique, analyse les réseaux disponibles, les technologies oping Countries. The information help in identifying methods for set- utilisées et les organisations impliqués, requirements of NRI staff and users ting up email connections in Anglo-

Harvest from the NET: Benefits of Email for Disseminating Agricultural Information in Africa 201 phone Africa and more recently we but it will certainly change a work- pendence on local (and possibly, have been working with Orstom’s ing day. email, once in regular use, in developing countries, nonexis- RIO network to communicate with impacts greatly on how staff behave tent) archive information, be it on Francophone Africa. Four years af- in the office. How many of us look paper or CD-ROM. ter our original connection a num- forward to receipt of email? Do we • The lists and bulletin boards as- ber of projects now rely on the feel the same way about conven- pects (well documented by A. email connections most notably in tional mail, or fax messages? Email Kempf). Zimbabwe, Uganda, Malawi, Ken- personalises communications, and All these aspects are extremely ya, Botswana and South Africa. seems to be a preferred method of important in agriculture, because it In providing this solution to the receiving messages for many of us. is a truly worldwide industry/activi- problems of communication it has Email makes its users happier, ty. It is difficult to think of a profes- become important to understand the but does it make them more useful sion that is more universal. For a limitations medium. The dissemina- to their employers? If someone dispersed community, it has never tion of information across the net- spends between five and 10 per cent been easier to keep in touch than it works is not without problems and of their working day on the sending is now, and indications are that it it is important to know the way in and receipt of email, are they more will get better. which the information is relayed, useful as a result (ignoring the fact the services available and the costs that they might be happier)? involved. We want to first draw your atten- Worries The key points to note are the fact tion to all the positive aspects of an A quote: “The main reason for all that the recipient may have to pay to interconnected world, before look- the fuss is that Internet is intriguing, receive messages and the reliability ing at the downside. fun, fascinating, interesting, addic- and speed of delivery is often reliant • Wherever users are, email makes tive and challenging. Sometimes, on the telephone system. them feel part of the wider world it’s even useful”. New users often NRI Projects are increasingly in- (when one of the authors of this see it in that order of importance volving the use of the Internet for paper stopped working in central and get tied up in all the intriguing providing information to the inter- London and started working in a and addictive stuff. Some of us have national community. The Interna- provincial town, he felt quite cut probably worked with personalities tional and European Integrated Pest off from the real world until he who should never be let near it, be- Management Working Group secre- could use email to swap book re- cause they will never do another tariats, based at NRI, for example, views with people in Arizona). day’s work. are publishing information in the In- • After an event such as this Con- • It will increase access to informa- ternet and distributing electronical- gress, email will increase the ly in addition to printed copies of a tion, but there is no evidence that chances of staying in close and it will increase use of it. newsletter on IPM issues using regular contract with each other. • Are the most appropriate people in email to the developed and develop- The benefits of such personal net- developing countries getting con- ing world alike. Cost, speed, and working are well documented and nected? Personal experience in- ease of use are leading more Agri- will not be repeated here. It is un- dicates not. There is a parallel cultural organisations to publish in- fortunate that it seems from evi- with CD-ROM going into coun- formation in this way. dence gathered during the past tries in Africa. New technologies In establishing a discussion and days that the majority of attendees follow the money (often from information forum for the IPM from Africa do not have access, donors) and so the information- working group it became apparent and it is those people we at NRI rich get richer even within devel- that the technology has a small part would most like to email! to play in the success of the net- oping countries. • It can enable us to talk to each oth- works. The technical solution to er without a phone. At its best, it is • There is some evidence that women connect a community interested in, close to enabling a live conversa- are some how excluded from In- for example, agricultural informa- tion. ternet generally although they are tion, encompassing donors, research- productive users (Goodman et al). ers and policy makers is only so • It has, because of some of the fac- If this is true in the industrialised many computers, wires, cables and tors above, accelerated the invisi- countries, it is possibly more like- satellite links. It is the users, not ble college to a point where these ly to happen in Africa. There are technicians who will determine the are still invisible but could proba- conflicting views on this, with direction in which these networks bly run degree courses. some believing that a more polite will evolve. • Email undoubtedly grabs the im- society in Africa will avoid the Being connected in international mediate attention of recipients. electronic harrasement that is networks need not change your life, • Interconnectedness decreases de- claimed is occurring in the West.

202 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 • Even the most appropriate tech- Ironically, the systems are per- Goodman, S.E., L.I. Press, S.R. Ruth, nology for LDC’s is spreading ceived to be free in rich countries. and A.M. Rutkowski, 1994. “The global more extensively among the richer Receiving a 1,000 word message diffusion of the Internet: patterns and problems”. Communications of the ACM, countries (Goodman et al). In- might be more than the receiver’s 37(8):27–32. equalities, rather than equality is monthly salary in a developing being encouraged. country. Kempf, A. 1994. “Beyond email: News- • There seems to be a myth arising • Security and bureaucracy can groups, electronic archives and other network resources for information spe- that libraries can be replaced (but over-burden access to networks (a cialists”. Quarterly Bulletin of the Inter- remember how microfiche/on-line/ problem until very recently for national Association of Agricultural Infor- CD-ROM’s were going to make some UK Government offices). mation Specialists, 39(1/2):202-206. libraries and books obsolete?). • There is fear that computer net- Libraries have to make increasing- Gray, S. 1995. “Academics voice fears works are creating a quick fix cul- over zapping culture”, Times Higher Ed- ly difficult judgements on the mix ture, particularly harmful to the ucation Supplement,(1158), Multimedia of products they buy, but they are teacher/learner interface in acade- Supplement, iii. not about to disappear. They will mic communities (Gray, S. 1995) increasingly allow access to ser- Where does the balance of advan- CONTACT ADDRESSES: vices direct to end users, but tage lie? Can 20 million users be librarians should not waste time wrong? A UK newspaper said in Chris Addison feeling threatened. “The Internet 1994 that if Internet were a country, Communique 149 Kingsbury is to the virtual library as a flea it would already have a seat on the market is to the Library of Con- Maynooth UN Security Council. The case rests. Co. Kildare gress” (Caragata, W. 1994). Email is a good thing—a positive IRELAND • Although most human-computer contribution to information flow. E-mail: [email protected] interfaces are friendly(ish), they Tim Cullen are only so to people who feel Natural Resources Institute comfortable with the English lan- Central Avenue Chatham Maritime guage. REFERENCES Kent ME4 4TB UNITED KINGDOM • Cost of support is a particular Caragata, W. 1994. “Information over- E-Mail: [email protected] problem in areas where connec- load: The Internet is fun, but is it useful?” © British Crown Copyright tions would be most important. MacLeans, 107(38):60–62.

Harvest from the NET: Benefits of Email for Disseminating Agricultural Information in Africa 203 Concurrent Session 10 Supporting the Information Needs of Agricultural Research Scientists Working in Remote Locations:

Implications of Recent Studies and Changes in Technology and Delivery Mechanisms

économiques. Cet article conclut sur une ment of Agriculture (USDA), and Peggy J. Beavers, Keith W. discussion des stratégies pour l’amélio- Russell, Ted S. Sibia Ted Sibia, Head of the Bio-Ag De- ration de l’accès de l’information au prof- partment at the University of Cali- it des chercheurs dans les localités iso- ABSTRACT: This paper provides a sys- lées, et sur des suggestions pour des fornia at Davis, Library. This paper tematic review of recent studies related sujets de recherche sur le sujet. has evolved since we wrote the ab- to the delivery of information services to stract six months ago, so it is a bit agricultural scientists working at remote RESUMEN: Este documento proporci- different from what we envisioned laboratories and in the field. Topics cov- ona una revisión sistemática de estudios ered include: the nature of the informa- at that time. (In fact, even more recientes relacionados con el suministro changes have been made in the pa- tion-related conditions under which such de servicios de información a los científi- scientists work; current understanding of cos agrícolas que trabajan en laborato- per since I left the office two weeks the information seeking behaviour em- rios aislados y en el campo. Los temas ago. That is why you have before ployed in those situations; special as- cubiertos incluyen: la naturaleza de las you a handout of the bibliography pects of their information needs; consid- condiciones relacionadas con la informa- erations concerning the identification, but not the whole paper.) I hasten to ción bajo las cuales estos científicos tra- add that we had a lot of fun and location and delivery of information; the bajan; la comprensión actual del com- real and potential effects of current portamiento de búsqueda de informa- learned a lot in preparing this paper. trends related to technology and infor- ción empleado en estas situaciones; The primary reason for being for mation delivery; and the impact of eco- aspectos especiales de sus necesidades every one of us who works in agri- nomic realities. The paper concludes de información; consideraciones respec- with a discussion of strategies for im- cultural information is to serve the to a la identificación, ubicación y sumin- user, to meet his or her information proving access to information for scien- istro de la información; efectos reales y tists at remote locations, and with sug- potenciales de las tendencias actuales needs effectively. And to do so we gestions for future research on this topic. relacionadas con la entrega de tec- must understand the user and his or nología y de información; y el impacto de her needs as well as his or her availa- RESUMÉ: Ce les laboratoires et stations las realidades económicas. El trabajo localisés dans des zones isolées. Les ble and preferred means of receiving concluye con una discusión de las es- information. This is true whether sujets portent sur la nature de l’informa- trategias para mejorar el acceso a la in- tion, les conditions de travail des cher- formación de los científicos en lugares we work directly with the user or in cheurs, les comportements de recherche remotos; se hacen sugerencias para es- user support areas such as technical d’information de ces chercheurs dans ce tudios posteriores sobre el tema. services, automation, or administra- contexte et leurs besoins d’information. Ils portent également sur l’identification, tion. la localisation et la fourniture d’informa- In planning this paper, we asked tion, l’effet des tendances en matière de The presentation I am about to what we could contribute to the technologie de l’information ainsi que l’it make is a joint effort with Peggy theme of this IAALD conference: article passe en revue les études ré- Beavers, the coordinator of National Communicating Agricultural Infor- centes concernant la fourniture de ser- vice d’informations aux chercheurs agri- Agricultural Library (NAL) services mation in Remote Places. Each of coles travaillant dans impact des réalités to researchers in the U. S. Depart- us had long been interested in the

204 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 users of agricultural information, known about the scientific commu- 8,000 people at nearly 120 loca- and had been involved in recent nity, user needs in the sciences, the tions. Approximately 2,400 of these studies pertaining to the use of in- information needs and the informa- employees are research scientists. formation by USDA scientists. We tion-seeking behavior of scientists, Since 1986 the staff of the National are involved in the delivery of agri- and the implications of all of the Agricultural Library, with collabo- cultural information, and work in li- above for libraries and information ration from librarians at land-grant braries that are becoming more and centers that provide information universities and colleges, have been more electronic. We concluded that services to scientists. Literature from working closely with ARS research our best contribution at this time to the history, philosophy, and sociolo- scientists and administrators to im- the community of agricultural infor- gy of science provides such in- prove library services that they re- mation specialists would be to re- sights, along with special studies ceive from NAL and 37 land-grant port on the literature of the past five conducted by librarians, documen- university libraries. years that most relates to our collec- talists, and information scientists. In 1990, NAL staff began work- tive work. The article by Beverlee French in ing with Ted Sibia and Beverlee A key question is this: If we, as li- 1990 is a significant work that sum- French of the University of Califor- brarians and documentalists, are not marizes what was known at that nia at Davis to explore the special active spokespersons for individu- time about the information needs problems encountered by USDA als and organizations that need agri- and behavior of agriculturists, those scientists working at laboratories at cultural information, then who will individuals involved with agricul- remote locations—that is locations be? In order to be effective ture or its products. Her review that were more than two hours away spokespersons we have to know as highlights the interdisciplinary na- from a major library. That study in- much as possible about the user. ture and other distinct characteris- dicates these scientists believe they That knowledge can come from tics of the field of agriculture and are at a disadvantage compared to several sources: from conducting how these factors complicate the their counterparts at land-grant uni- carefully-designed studies of the provision of agricultural informa- versities. They expressed concern users (and non-users) in the popula- tion to all types of users. about their ability to keep abreast of tion we serve; from reviewing and We consider her review article a the latest research results due to analyzing other studies that are di- benchmark, and have gone on from scarcity of resources on-site or in rectly or tangentially pertinent to there to summarize briefly what we the local area; limited funding for our population; or from reviewing consider to be the most interesting information resources; delay in re- and analyzing other literature and publications since 1990 that are of ceipt of materials once they identify information that has, or potentially interest to us and to others consider- items; isolation and distance from has, a bearing on our population and ing user needs in planning, improv- the nearest library. its current and future use of infor- ing, and delivering information ser- Two information service areas of mation. vices to one subcategory of agricul- prime importance to place them on This paper reports on information turists—the research scientists. We equal, or near equal footing with and implications of forty reports have organized our discussion ac- colleagues surrounded by a wealth from these three categories, and cording to statements that summa- of readily available resources are highlights those we consider most rize what we found. access to computerized library cata- relevant and worthy of note. It re- logs and user orientation and train- views publications since 1990 relat- Studies Directly Related to ing on available library services, ed either directly or indirectly to the Agricultural Researchers systems and other resources. issue of providing information ser- The report of that project (Sibia, vices to agricultural scientists at re- Of approximately 100 items ex- Beavers and French, 1993) includes mote locations. The publications amined, only a few were specific- recommendations for addressing the cited in this paper include: a very ally concerned with the informa- concerns and needs the authors be- few that are directly aimed at scien- tion-seeking behavior of, and in- lieve are critical to the success of tists working in agriculture; a larger formation services to, agricultural the scientists’ research programs. A number that address the information scientists. later report (Beavers and Sibia, seeking behavior of scientists in For several years the authors of 1995) presents specific actions for other fields; and some papers relat- this paper have been involved in a partnerships between USDA’s ed to the provision of information special project with the Agricultural NAL, ARS, and cooperating land- services by the library of the fu- Research Service (ARS), the prima- grant university libraries to imple- ture…the electronic library or virtu- ry research arm of the U.S. Depart- ment improved information ser- al library. ment of Agriculture and the largest vices and delivery systems to The authors of this paper have agricultural research organization in researchers stationed at laboratories long been interested in what is the world. ARS employs more than in remote locations.

Supporting the Information Needs of Agricultural Research Scientists Working in Remote Locations 205 Two other reports during this pe- on classical topics or investigations on user studies (since 1970) of sci- riod describe the information needs with a new slant. We found the fol- entists and engineers. It includes of agriculturists. Adio (1993) re- lowing items interesting. some studies in the agricultural and ports on a survey of graduate stu- The article by Metoyer-Duran life sciences. A special feature of dents and faculty who use the Inter- (1993) is an extensive review of the the report is extensive indexes by national Institute of Tropical Agri- literature on the concept of “infor- type of study (such as studies on in- culture (IITA) Library in Nigeria. mation gatekeepers,” and how that formation-seeking behavior, studies Pozdnjakov (1991) describes an an- term is defined in various disci- that rank information sources, and alysis of information requests by plines. Her paper also explores how studies that focus on the outcomes agricultural scientists in the USSR, cultural differences affect an indi- of information use). and the use of resulting data to im- vidual’s information-seeking be- Pinelli (1991) reviews literature prove the collections of scientific havior. Hurd (1992) discusses how related to differing uses of and ap- agricultural libraries by changing the emergence of interdisciplinary proaches to information by scien- acquisition and weeding policies. fields affects information-seeking tists and by engineers, and cautions Two reports in the medical li- behavior, and the challenges faced against making undeserved compar- brary literature confirm the difficul- by librarians who provide informa- isons between the two groups. The ties encountered by scientifically- tion to scientists engaged in inter- article compares, for example, the trained workers in rural settings. disciplinary research. Poland (1991) differences between science stu- Dee and Blazek (1993) document focuses on the informal communi- dents and engineering students, and the difficulties encountered by rural cation behavior of scientists and the what those differences may mean to physicians in accessing high quality impact of new communication tech- librarians. “Evidence exists to sup- and up-to-date information and make nology on such behavior. port the hypothesis that differences recommendations for helping (such Hallmark (1994) asked scientists between science and technology and as having the National Library of in biology, chemistry, mathematics, scientists and engineers directly in- Medicine develop a computerized geology, and physics to discuss how fluence information-seeking habits, expert system to support the needs they learned about, and obtained, practices, needs and preferences.” of all physicians). specific publications they eventually We find this outlook particularly Lundeen, Tenopir, and Wermager cited in their own publications. She useful because a significant portion (1994) studied rural health care explores the expectations (and the of the USDA scientists NAL serves workers in Hawaii and identified misconceptions) the scientists have focus on applied research and engi- several barriers they encounter in of the library, and the implications neering, and many programs of obtaining information. Among their for librarians serving scientists. USDA relate to technology transfer. recommendations is the “establish- Gee (1990) proposed a method ment of rural health care informa- for expanding what is known about Planning Studies tion agents (modeled on agriculture how scientists and engineers ac- extension agents) on each major is- tually use information, and how Some planning studies have ap- land.” changes in technology are affecting peared in the past five years that that use. Her proposal includes the focus on improving library services Studies from establishment of a broad base of to scientists. The Columbia Univer- Other Disciplines data and information on the use of sity Study (1993), sponsored by the new information technology. Council on Library Resources, fo- Several papers and reports per- Van House (1990) reports on a pi- cused on faculty, graduate students, tain to scientists working in other lot study that suggests a correlation and research staff in biology, physics scientific disciplines, such as biolo- between science and engineering li- and electrical engineering. Its au- gy and engineering. Some authors, brary resources available at a uni- thors suggest that the results of that such as French (1990), have made a versity and the productivity of the study have implications for other in- case for applying at least some of scientific community at that univer- stitutions that provide scientific in- what has been learned in such stud- sity. The conclusion is that library formation. It contains, for example, a ies to agriculturists. Other authors, resources do contribute to research comparison of the users of electronic such as Pinelli (1991), point out productivity in science and engi- information with those who do not some of the drawbacks of doing so. neering. This is a small study of use electronic information. That At any rate, many interesting and member institutions of the Associa- comparison finds correlations with useful publications on information- tion of Research Libraries, but its age (younger), use of document de- seeking behavior and scientific com- implications are very interesting. livery (more), and use of a wide munication in various sciences were The King report (1994) is a mon- range of information sources (more). published in the past five years. umental, annotated bibliography that The Triangle Research Libraries They include updates and reviews covers much of the core literature Network (TRLN) study (1994) was

206 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 also supported by the Council on user as library services are devel- Phase II consisted of the creation Library Resources. TRLN is a co- oped for electronic libraries. of a project implementation plan operative that involves three major One of the most useful publica- and a list of prioritized tasks needed universities in North Carolina: the tions concerning the electronic li- to accomplish Phase I recommenda- University of North Carolina at brary is the encyclopedic report by tions. Mason (1995) is a report on Chapel Hill, North Carolina State Karen Drabenstott (1994) on the li- Phase II, and it covers the status of University, and Duke University. brary of the future as viewed in the EII activities and accomplishments The project reviewed special as- literature. This is a comprehensive as of December 1994. The third pects of the information needs and work that describes and analyzes phase of the EII is in the planning information-seeking patterns of sci- the vast (and rapidly growing) body stages. It focuses on such issues as ence faculty and students at all three of literature about the library of the connectivity, and places a high pri- campuses. Recommendations for future. The report concludes with a ority on identifying and analyzing action included: more consultation thinkpiece entitled “Whither librar- user needs, and on creating a feed- with and education of users; more ies?” Several other articles have pro- back system. In a related activity, deliberations involving faculty, stu- posed what the electronic library will Beth Sandore (1994) spent part of dents, librarians and university ad- be, and how it will serve its users. her sabbatical from the University ministrators to “re-envision” a The Brudvig (1992) article is an of Illinois working at NAL to gather scholarly communication system; interesting thoughtpiece that con- information on user needs that could and closer collaboration between siders the user and his/her needs or and should be addressed by an In- users and librarians. preferences as we enter the elec- ternet version of the AGRICOLA The Massachusetts Institute of tronic age. Among other things he database. Technology study (Sherratt, 1992) stresses the importance of being investigates how faculty, research- closer to the user. The User of ers and students in three disciplines Lockett (1992) reviews what we Electronic Information (brain and cognitive science, man- know about the user and his/her agement science and materials sci- non-use of libraries. Topics covered Publications are beginning to ap- ence) gather information related to include the implications of this in- pear that describe how scientists are their work. Recommendations of formation for the future of libraries using electronic information, the the study included the expansion of and for changes needed in library difficulties they are encountering, efforts to make electronic resources leadership. Lucker (1992) reviews and the role of libraries. Richard available on the campus network the recent history of academic li- Dougherty (1991) has reviewed the and the expansion of the role for the brary buildings and discusses how importance of what we know about librarian as a guide to the wide array some of the issues that at one time our users and how it will affect the of information sources. affected the library design are less library of the future. He summarizes The Gould and Pearce report important now. The article includes some of the earlier studies that indi- (1991) is a background document predictions on the role of the re- cate libraries are not high on the list produced to guide activities of the search library in the next century, of sources for information by re- Research Libraries Group’s Program and highlights the importance of searchers, and specifically warns for Research Information Manage- user needs and other factors in de- against overestimating the library ment. The mission of that program signing newer facilities. skills of researchers. is “to identify the types of informa- On the practical side, related to Allen (1991) focuses on change tion researchers need better access the movement of scientific libraries in the communication pattern of to and to foster activities that en- into the electronic age, the National physicists and scientists in general courage the development of new Agricultural Library has issued two due to the introduction of new tech- data resources.” The study utilizes reports on plans for its Electronic nology, especially electronic com- interviews with faculty and research- Information Initiative (EII). Phase I munication. He cautions that “The ers to identify dominant concerns of this initiative was launched in enormous benefits of electronic me- and trends related to information in December 1992, and consisted of an dia to scientists and publishers must several disciplines, including biolo- examination of the issues associated not outweigh the concern for poten- gy, chemistry, geosciences, engi- with NAL’s ability to manage elec- tial damage to the scholarly com- neering and computer science. tronically created and stored infor- munication cycle.” mation. The report of Phase I is by The Schmidt and Davis (1991) The Electronic Library Ditzler, Early, and Weston (1993) article reports on CD-ROM use at and it describes key components of the University of Illinois (Urbana- Several publications discuss the the EII. One of the proposals con- Champaign) Biology Library, and nature of the electronic library and cerns making AGRICOLA accessi- explores the impact of CD-ROM the importance of considering the ble via the Internet. use on collection development, staff-

Supporting the Information Needs of Agricultural Research Scientists Working in Remote Locations 207 ing, bibliographic instruction, and the importance of the user in prepar- viduals, where they live can greatly networking. Among other topics, it ing for the library of the future. It influence the cost of getting infor- discusses the extensive use of CD- also discusses organizational change mation. As stated in the article, “the ROMs by graduate students. and current organizational theory as so-called information superhighway Schmidt (1993) describes a credit they relate to reference services. is accessible only by an often pricey course entitled “The Electronic Li- toll road….Approximately 20 per- brary” that was developed for stu- Current Limitations cent of the U.S. population does not dents at the University of Illinois at of Electronic Information have access to most commercial on- Urbana-Champaign School of Life line services via a local phone num- Sciences. The design and content of Some reports indicate that while ber.” the course is explained, along with the rush toward electronic informa- reaction to it and the positive impact tion should improve access to infor- Future Studies the course has had on library public mation by people in rural areas, ob- relations. stacles remain. Some of the publications of the Holland and Powell (1995) tracked At this very conference, two nights past five years provide insights on down University of Michigan grad- ago, we heard Derek Tribe (1995) the types of studies needed in the uates who took a course on informa- ask: “Are superhighways all they future, and methodologies that may tion resources for engineers be- were cracked up to be?” He fol- be employed. tween 1978 and 1990. Via a ques- lowed that with a quote that essen- A second paper by Pinelli (1992) tionnaire they studied the impact of tially says that inequality in the dis- is a good thought piece on the big- the course on the development of tribution of knowledge is even ger picture involving scientific and the individual in his/her field. Re- worse than inequality in the distrib- technical literature. While he fo- sponses from those who took the ution of wealth, and that the elec- cuses on engineers and scientists course are compared with responses tronic superhighway only exacer- in the aerospace industry, much of from individuals who did not take bates that inequality. the background information he pre- the course. And on Monday afternoon, also sents is broadly useful, and his Strachan (1993) reports on an in- at this conference, many of us heard recommendations very much in- formation awareness training work- Jan Bay-Petersen (1995) discuss ac- volve a consideration of the user. shop presented to scientists from the cess to information by farmers in The paper concludes with a recom- Caribbean. The intent of the work- rural areas of Taiwan. Recent devel- mended structure for arriving at a shop was to increase the informa- opments in information delivery are user-focused research agenda that tion capabilities of the participants, assuring that those who already would help overcome the current particularly to help them “develop have access to such information will fragmented, often superficial nature individual strategies to improve the get more information, and that these of studies of users of scientific and flow of information to heir work.” A new developments will not really technical information. follow-up on the impact of this help the information-poor farmer. Three recent reports have dis- workshop on both the participants This problem is also reported in cussed the use of focus groups as and the countries they represent is the literature. Senkevitch and Wol- a methodology for exploring user discussed. fram (1994) review relevant litera- needs. Mullaly-Quijas, Ward, and The Stewart report (1994) is the ture and “provides an overview of Woefl (1994) describe the use of result of a visiting librarian study at the current state of networking tech- this technique, identify the types of the National Agricultural Library. nology in rural libraries and de- data best gathered in this way, and Susan Stewart, from the University scribes a model for educating rural report the practical aspects of using of Nevada at Reno, spent part of a librarians in the new technologies it. The authors conclude by urging sabbatical at NAL working with that will enhance library service to others to consider the use of focus staff to develop a plan for enhancing rural communities.” The potentials groups. user education. That report is one of of the newer technologies for im- A portion of the report by the several developed during recent proving access to information for Triangle Research Libraries Net- strategic planning efforts at NAL. rural communities are offset by work (TRLN) (1994) describes the The Lewis article (1994) is fre- such issues as economics that in use of focus groups in eliciting quently cited in the United States. many cases exacerbate rather than ideas from library users that would While it focuses on reference ser- reduce the disparities in access to be used in planning and policy is- vices, it reviews much of the litera- information. sues for the three-university cooper- ture about services in the library of A recent newspaper article by Ra- ative network. The benefits of using the future, and examines assump- jiv Chandrasekaran (1994) makes a the technique, as well as the results tions related to roles and organiza- similar point: while there is great of the process, are described. Part of tional structure. It, too, highlights potential in online services to indi- the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-

208 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 nology study (Sherratt, 1992) also Chandrasekaran, Rajiv. 1994. “On-line King, Donald W., with Jane Casto and addresses the use of focus groups highway a costly toll road for rural users.” Heather Jones. 1994. Communication for gathering information on use Washington Post November 7, pages A- by engineers: a literature review of engi- 1 and A-14. neers’ information needs, seeking pro- and potential use. cesses, and use. Washington, DC: Columbia University. 1993. Scientific in- Council on Library Resources. formation study. (A report submitted to Conclusion the Council on Library Resources.) New Lewis, David W. 1994. “Making academ- York. August 27. ic reference services work.” College and In conclusion, during the past Research Libraries 55(5):445–456. five years only a few publications Dee, Cheryl, and Ron Blazek. 1993. “In- have directly addressed the infor- formation needs of the rural physician: a Lockett, Barbara. 1992. “Scientific and mation needs and information-seek- descriptive study.” Bulletin of the Medical technical librarians: leaders of the 21st Library Association 81(3):259–264. ing behavior of research scientists century.” In: Steinke, Cynthia A., ed. “Sci- tech libraries of the future, part I.” Sci- in agriculture. However a variety of Ditzler, Carol, Caroline Early, and Clau- ence and Technology Libraries 12(4):51– relevant and potentially relevant dia Weston. 1993. The Electronic Infor- 66. publications on research in other mation Initiative: phase I final report. Beltsville, MD: National Agricultural Li- scientific disciplines, and on elec- Lucker, Jay K. 1992. “Library buildings: brary. tronic information and the library of their current state and future develop- ment.” In: Steinke, Cynthia A., ed. “Sci- the future, have appeared. These Dougherty, Richard M. 1991. “Needed: tech libraries of the future, part II.” Sci- user-responsive research libraries.” Li- provide plenty of food for thought ence and Technology Libraries 13(1):3– brary Journal 116(1):59–62. as we, the members of IAALD, seek 16. practical and innovative ways to im- Drabenstott, Karen M. 1994. Analytical prove the provision of information review of the library of the future. Wash- Lundeen, Gerald W., Carol Tenopir, and services to agricultural researchers ington, DC: Council on Library Re- Paul Wermager. 1994. “Information throughout the world. sources. needs of rural health care practitioners in Hawaii.” Bulletin of the Medical Library French, Beverlee A. 1990. “User needs Association 82(3):197–205. REFERENCES and library services in agricultural sci- ences.” In: Russell, Keith W., and Maria Mason, Pamela R. 1995. The Electronic G. Pisa, eds. “Agricultural libraries and Information Initiative: phaseII, planning Adio, Gboyega. 1993. “The Use of the information.” Library Trends 38(3):415– for implementation. Beltsville, MD: Na- IITA Library by the agricultural scientists 441. tional Agricultural Library. of the University of Ibadan.” Quarterly Bulletin of the International Association Gee, Helen Hofer. 1990. “The Users and Metoyer-Duran, Cheryl. 1993. “Informa- of Agricultural Information Specialists uses of scientific information resources: tion gatekeepers.” Annual Review of In- 38(1):27–32. recommendations for study. Pages IV A- formation Science and Technology (28): 1 to IV A-27 In: Communications in sup- 111–150. Allen, Robert S. 1991. “Physics infor- port of science and engineering: a report mation and scientific communication: in- to the National Science Foundation from formation sources and communication Mullaly-Quijas, Peggy, Deborah H. the Council on Library Resources. Wash- Ward, and Nancy Woefl. 1994. “Using fo- patterns.” In: Steinke, Cynthia A., ed. “In- ington, DC: CLR. formation seeking and communicating cus groups to discover health profes- sionals’ information needs: a regional behavior of scientists and engineers.” Gould, Constance C., and Karla Pearce. marketing study.” Bulletin of the Medical Science and Technology Libraries 11(3): 1991. Information needs in the sciences: Library Association 82(3):305–311. 27–38. an assessment. Mountain View, CA: The Research Libraries Group, Inc. Bay-Petersen, Jan. “Marketing informa- Pinelli, Thomas E. 1991. “The Informa- tion for geographically remote places in Hallmark, Julie. 1994. “Scientists’ access tion-seeking habits and practices of en- Asia.” Quarterly Bulletin of the Interna- and retrieval of references cited in their gineers.” In: Steinke, Cynthia A., ed. “In- tional Association of Agricultural Infor- recent journal articles.” College and Re- formation seeking and communicating mation Specialists, 41:(1):87–91. search Libraries 55(3):199–209. behavior of scientists and engineers.” Science and Technology Libraries 11(3): Beavers, Peggy J., and Ted S. Sibia. Holland, Maurita Peterson, and Christina 5–25. 1995. “Strategies for improving informa- Kelleher Powell. 1995. “A Longitudinal tion services to USDA scientists in re- survey of the information seeking and Pinelli, Thomas E. 1992. “Establishing a mote locations of the U.S.” Journal of use habits of some engineers.” College research agenda for scientific and tech- Agricultural and Food Information 2(4) (in and Research Libraries 56(1):7–15. nical information (STI): focus on the press). user.” Pages 3–13 In: A Research agen- Hurd, Julie M. 1992. “The Future of uni- da for scientific and technical informa- Brudvig, Glenn L. 1992. “Managing the versity science and technology libraries: tion: report of a workshop held in Lisbon, sea change in science and technology implications of increasing interdiscipli- Portugal, 7th–9th April, 1992. AGARD libraries.” In: Steinke, Cynthia A., ed. narity.” In: Steinke, Cynthia A., ed. “Sci- (Advisory Group for Aerospace Research “Sci-tech libraries of the future, part I.” tech libraries of the future, part II.” Sci- and Development) Advisory Report 316 Science and Technology Libraries 12(4): ence and Technology Libraries 13(1):17– (AGARD-AR-316). North Atlantic Treaty 35–50. 32. Organization.

Supporting the Information Needs of Agricultural Research Scientists Working in Remote Locations 209 Poland, Jean. 1991. “Informal communi- rural libraries in the United States.” In: Tribe, Derek. 1995. Speech presented at cation among scientists and engineers: a Walker, Thomas D., ed. “Libraries and the IAALD IXth World Congress dinner, review of the literature.” In: Steinke, Cyn- the Internet: education, practice, and pol- January 24, 1995, Melbourne, Australia. thia A., ed. “Information seeking and icy.” Library Trends 42(4):661–675. communicating behavior of scientists Van House, Nancy A. 1990. “Library re- and engineers.” Science and Technology Sherratt, Christine S., et al. 1992. Infor- sources and research productivity in sci- Libraries 11(3):61–73. mation services study final report. Cam- ence and engineering: Report of a pilot bridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of study.” Pages IV B-1 to IV B-54 In: Com- Pozdnjakov, V. G. 1991. “The Study of in- Technology Libraries. munications in support of science and formation requests and forms of meeting engineering: a report to the National Sci- them in scientific agricultural libraries of Sibia, Ted S., Peggy J. Beavers, and Bev- ence Foundation from the Council on Li- the USSR.” Quarterly Bulletin of the In- erlee A. French. 1993. Assessment of in- brary Resources. Washington, DC: CLR. ternational Association of Agricultural In- formation services for USDA Agricultural formation Specialists 36(1–2):97–99. Research Service scientists. Beltsville, MD: National Agricultural Library. PEGGY BEAVERS oversees the U.S. Sandore, Beth. 1994. AGRICOLA across Department of Agriculture, Agricultur- the Internet—end userneeds. Beltsville, Stewart, Susan, et al. 1994. Combine, al Research Service Field Libraries; MD: National Agricultural Library. coordinate and enhance: the National KEITH RUSSELL is Deputy Director of Agricultural Library’s user education the U.S. National Agricultural Library Schmidt, Diane. 1993. “The Electronic li- master plan. Beltsville, MD: National and TED SIBIA is located in the brary: a bibliographic instruction course Agricultural Library. Bio/Agricultural Library at the Univer- for graduate students in the life sci- sity of California, Davis, California. ences.” In: Steinke, Cynthia A., ed. “In- Strachan, Janet. 1993. “Information struction for information access in sci- strategies for Caribbean scientists.” tech libraries.” Science and Technology Quarterly Bulletin of the International As- CONTACT ADDRESS: Libraries 14(2):49–60. sociation of Agricultural Information Spe- cialists 38(2–3):96–98. Keith Russell Schmidt, Diane, and Elisabeth B. Davis. National Agricultural Library 1991. “CD-ROM use in a science library.” Triangle Research Libraries Network. 10301 Baltimore Blvd. Science and Technology Libraries 12(2): 1994. Cooperative information resources Beltsville, MD 20705 USA 29–41. development: a constituency based poli- Telephone: +1-301-504-5834 cy analysis. Final report submitted to the FAX: +1-301-504-5472 Senkevitch, Judith J., and Dietmar Wol- Council on Library Resources. Chapel EMAIL: [email protected] fram. 1994. “Equalizing access to elec- Hill, NC: University of North Carolina tronic networked resources: a model for Libraries.

210 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Concurrent Session 11 Information Highway or Dirt Track: Challenges in Delivery of Electronic Information Products to Isolated Clients

infrastructures de communication, les 30% of the livestock and with a Des Stewart, fournisseurs de logiciels, le développ- Rosemary Blakeney population of 6 million 35% of the ment d’un programme de formation des total Australian populace. bénéficiaires, la transformation du rôle ABSTRACT: New South Wales (NSW) du bibliothécaire qui passe de four- NSW Agriculture (formerly the Agriculture has recently installed a wide nisseur d’information à celui de forma- NSW Department of Agriculture) area network (WAN) theoretically linking teur/facilitateur, ainsi que les problèmes has 10 major centres spread across all locations across the state. In practice d’équité dans les services d’information only the larger centres have been con- quelque soit la localisation des clients. the state. Typically these are major nected leaving many clients outside the research centres with extension per- network. This paper outlines the experi- RESUMEN: New South Wales (NSW) sonnel, administrative and comput- ences and challenges when evaluating Agriculture ha instalado recientemente er support staff, and libraries with networking of electronic information pro- una red de amplio alcance (WAN, su ducts to geographically remote client acrónimo en inglés) vinculando teórica- wider regional responsibilities. groups. The challenges discussed are the mente a todas las localidades del esta- Where I come from, for example, structure of licensing agreements and do. En la práctica, sólo los centros más Wollongbar is the major centre and how they disadvantage decentralised or- grandes han estado conectados, dejan- regional headquarters for the north ganisations such as NSW Agriculture, do muchos clientes por fuera de la red. coast. Apart from the major centres the technical problems of networking Este documento esboza las experiencias across large distances including commu- y los retos que se presentan cuando se there are some 80 minor locations nications infra-structure and provider evalúa el desarrollo de redes de produc- ranging from 1 person offices to software, development of a client educa- tos de información por medio electrónico smaller research & extension cen- tion program, how the role of librarians para grupos de clientes geográficamente tres dotted around the state. will change from a provider to a trainer aislados. Entre los retos discutidos están and/or facilitator, and the problems with la estructura de los convenios de licencia NSW Agriculture Library Service aspiring to provide equal service to all y la posición desventajosa en que estos reflects this decentralised service clients wherever they are located. convenios colocan a las organizaciones structure consisting of 10 main descentralizadas, como NSW Agricul- RESUMÉ: Le secteur agricole du New staffed libraries. The libraries are ture; los problemas técnicos de desarrol- widely separated geographically and South Wales (NSW) vient de mettre en lar redes a través de grandes distancias, place un réseau grande distance (WAN) incluyendo la infraestructura de comuni- are situated in very different agri- qui relie théoriquement toutes les sta- cación y los programas de computador cultural areas: from the near-tropi- tions de recherche de l’état. En pratique, para proveedores; el desarrollo de pro- cal north coast with its fruit produc- seuls les grands centres ont été connec- gramas de capacitación para clientes; el tés, laissant de côté plusieurs clients en tion and macadamia orchards; to the cambio del papel de los bibliotecarios de irrigated orchards in the south west; dehors du réseau. Cette communication proveedor a capacitador y/o facilitador; y aborde les expériences et les défis rela- los problemas que surjen al querer pro- large acreage crops of the central re- tifs à l’évaluation d’un réseau de produits porcionar un servicio similar a todos los gion; to the rangelands in the west d’information électronique en faveur d’un clientes, dondequiera estén ubicados. and north west. NSW Agriculture li- groupe de clients géographiquement iso- lé. Les défis abordés portent sur les ac- brary network then extends its ser- cords de licence et leur inconvénient sur The state of New South Wales vices thus far. des structures décentralisées, telles que (NSW) covers an area of some Each main regional library is le secteur agricole du NSW. Ces défis 800,000 square kilometres repre- staffed by a professional librarian portent également sur les problèmes techniques de mise en place d’un réseau senting 10% of the Australian main- with technical and clerical support. couvrant un large territoire, y compris les land. It has 20% of the cropland, Most of the network’s resources are

Information Highway or Dirt Track 211 located with these libraries. Each tronic network and devise other CLANN-CAT CD (books & journals smaller location is often situated strategies for delivering the same catalogue) several hundreds of kilometers away. services to those clients outside the Current Contents on Disk (CCOD) These remote locations hold smaller network. specialised collections of core mate- While networking such products rial but clients at these sites are across the ap- Services Delivered via pears to be technically feasible a heavily reliant on the larger libraries the WAN for most of their information needs number of factors had to be con- and services. So, not only are the li- Library Services is a major user sidered. In all such decisions it is braries remote from each other and of information technology in NSW important to ensure that the most large population centres, but a large Agriculture. We utilise the WAN to efficient use is made of scarce number of our clients are geograph- do the following things: resources. Our service faces dim- inishing funding and greater de- ically remote from these regional Primary Library WAN Uses libraries. mands and while it would appear E-mail Each major library acts as an in- that networking resources such as formation hub receiving informa- • Internal: CC-Mail CD-ROM’s would provide a better tion requests, accessing resources • External: Internet via AARNet and more cost effective service this worldwide, repackaging and for- Document Delivery may not always be the case. Further, it is important not to be dazzled by warding this information back to • Australian libraries via ILANET the technology, or the “Information clients. To make the most efficient etc Hypeway”. use of resources it is vital that all the • BLDSC (in the UK) libraries are linked electronically • UnCover (in the US) and able to access outside informa- Challenges Involved with tion resources and services. It is Information Resources Networking Electronic In- also essential that the collections of • Online database providers eg Di- formation Resources to Geo- each library be known and available alog, ABN graphically Remote Clients to clients and the other libraries in • Listserv groups the network. • UnCover Reveal (current aware- Licensing Agreements Our aim is to enable all officers ness service) Most vendors are set up to serve of the department, wherever locat- • Resources via Internet large centralised organisations based ed, access to the resources of the in one population centre who may library network and other informa- While most of these services are wish to network to other sites in the tion services, via their desktop com- solely for library use, we would like same population centre or to other puter. While this is certainly techni- to be able to provide some of these departments on the same site. Ven- cally feasible it is uncertain if it is a directly to isolated clients. For in- dors have difficulty with geograph- viable or practicable option in our stance Internet capability to access ically diverse organisations such as organisation. various listserv groups, external li- ours. This is shown very clearly by NSW Agriculture has recently brary catalogues,, Uncover Reveal the definition of site decided upon put into place a wide area network service and so forth. We also have a by SilverPlatter Information Inc. Sil- (WAN), based on SUN hosts and number of electronic information verPlatter defines “site” as same bill- Unix operating system. The WAN products located in the various li- to address, same institution, same links all the major centres in New braries that we would like clients city. The metropolitan university, in South Wales and the library service across the state to be able to access any city, any country, has a single has piggybacked onto this. However directly from their desktop comput- campus which houses three librar- the system does not extend to every ers via the network. ies: the Science Library, the Med- location, mainly because of the cost The most important resources we ical Library and the Psychology Li- of the infrastructure. While all the would like to provide direct access brary. This would be considered one libraries and some remote locations to that are currently not networked site. On the other hand if the Metro- are linked to the outside world and are: politan University has three cam- each other via the WAN, many loca- Non-WAN based products puses in three different cities Metro- tions are not. So, while we do have a Commercial CD-ROM Databases politan University would NOT be network for information delivery it • CAB Abstracts considered one site. This means in can only reach some of our clients. our organisation each location no • Agricola Because of this situation it was de- matter how small must be consid- cided to investigate those informa- • FSTA ered a separate site and purchase a tion products which were capable of • Toxline separate license. To connect 10 re- delivering services across the elec- • Ag.ROUND gional libraries would require ten li-

212 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 censes not to mention the other sufficient amounts of RAM. Again copies of the 2 or 3 Current Con- smaller locations. in our tests, we found significant tents services we currently use. In It was originally conceived that differences in retrieval time for dif- the end it may mean offering a mix we would use SilverPlatter’s ERL ferent models of PC’s and RAM ca- of delivery options of say, stand- (electronic reference library) soft- pacity. The cost of upgrading com- alone systems, networked informa- ware, mount our SilverPlatter CD- puters to acceptable standards can tion (either WAN or LAN based), ROM titles on a file server in the be considerable and is often over- and more traditional delivery meth- Head Office with the option of hav- looked. Consideration must also be ods such as circulating printed ab- ing some other titles mounted re- given to technical support for the stracting journals, running searches gionally. This was all technically implementation and ongoing main- on behalf of remote clients etc. feasible and would do what we tenance of systems. There are implications here in wanted, that is, deliver services to Client Education such approaches that may take some time to surface. For example what our clients desktops. However with If services are to be delivered to are the true costs of offering such this kind of pricing structure it was the desktop of clients it should not mixes of services?, and perhaps economically not feasible. be assumed that clients will be able more importantly, will there be vari- So while the ERL is a technical to efficiently use the systems and ation in the quality of different ser- breakthrough the pricing arrange- products. For such a network to vice delivery options? ments associated with its adminis- operate effectively there must be tration is strongly biased towards promotion and a client education large centralised organisations. It program in place before introducing Conclusion has meant that our organisation will the service. Because our service is have to deal with each separate in- decentralised it will require each Our organisation greeted the new formation provider and negotiate a librarian taking on the role of train- with great cele- separate agreement for each product er. These services will change our bration and anticipation. At last a where possible. CABI for instance, roles—less as mediators where we way to deliver fast efficient service is willing to negotiate one to one have controlled the flow of informa- to all our clients, a way to overcome agreements with their ‘consortium’ tion to facilitating a self-help mode the problems of distance and isola- arrangements. of delivery to clients. As Paul Evans tion. However our experiences have shown that networking across large Technical Considerations Peters, Director of the Coalition for Networked Information, pointed out distances is full of challenges. It Before networking it is important in a recent Australian visit, “not may not be the answer in all cases at to make sure that the system can sage on stage but guide on side” least not until changes have been support the maximum number of si- made in the licensing, the infra- multaneous users envisioned. This Providing Services to Remote Clients structure is improved, and all our depends not just on your communi- Not On the Network clients are part of the highway and cations infrastructure but on how Even if these problems can be not the dirt track. the product’s software performs. sorted out there will still be a signif- Our organisation recently conduct- icant number of isolated clients who ed a number of tests on a range of cannot access these services. How DES STEWART is the Regional Librar- ian at Wollongbar Agricultural Insti- CD-ROM and ISI products to see do we deliver an equal quality ser- tute in Wollongbar, New South Wales, how they would perform across a vice to these people? At this time Australia. ROSEMARY BLAKENEY is network. It was found that the com- we are investigating various possi- the Regional Librarian at Yanco Agri- plexity of search statements, amount bilities. One is to set up 10 mini net- cultural Institute, Yanco, New South of information retrieved, and the works via Local Area Networks Wales, Australia. number of simultaneous users af- (LANS). However as previously fected the speed of retrieval; some mentioned the costs of licenses may CONTACT ADDRESS: to the extant that the product is not prohibit this option. responsive enough to network effec- For certain products such as CCOD Des Stewart tively. we are considering purchasing a NSW Agriculture Bruxner Highway For networking to work effective- number of stand alone versions for Wollongbar, NSW 2477 ly the computers attached to the sys- all remote locations requiring ac- AUSTRALIA tem must be fast enough and have cess. This may mean buying many EMAIL: [email protected]

Information Highway or Dirt Track 213 Concurrent Session 11 A Partnership for the Future:

Better Library Services for Rural Clients through the Collaboration of a Special Library, a State Library and some Public Libraries

B. A. Hanger tives et efficientes entre les biblio- the rural communities better, the thèques et le bureau local du Départe- three parties investigated the level ment des Industries primaires. ABSTRACT: A pilot project to analyse of coordination between them with the current level of coordination and to the view to improve the existing explore new ways of coordinating ser- RESUMEN: Se ha iniciado un proyecto procedures for information access piloto para analizar el nivel actual de co- vices between the State Library of and document delivery of primary Queensland, five public libraries and the ordinación de servicios y para explorar Department of Primary Industries Library formas nuevas entre la Biblioteca Estatal industries information and also with and Information Services, in servicing de Queensland, cinco bibliotecas públi- the view to develop new services if some information needs of public library cas y los Servicios de Biblioteca y de In- appropriate. clients, is being undertaken. Some of formación del Departamento de Indu- these opportunities or plans that have strias Primarias para atender ciertas ne- been identified so far include: a draft in- cesidades de información de los clientes Background ter-library loan procedure using QUEST, de bibliotecas públicas. Algunas de las the State Library of Queensland’s auto- oportunidades o planes que se han iden- The idea for better coordination mated inter-library loans module; pre- tificado hasta el momento incluyen: un procedimiento de préstamo interbibliote- between the library systems arose in sentations on Department of Primary In- October 1993 at the first Queens- dustries activities and library services to cario preliminar utilizando QUEST, el public library training workshops; and the modulo de préstamo interbibliotecario land Rural Women’s Conference. establishment of an effective and effi- sistematizado de la Biblioteca Estatal de The women needed information on cient working relationship between an in- Queensland; presentaciones sobre las many topics including rural busi- dividual public library and the local De- actividades y los servicios de biblioteca del Departamento de Industrias Pri- ness information. I was there to as- partment of Primary Industries office. sess their needs for access to the These plans and others are discussed marias en talleres de capacitación para with a view to enhancing the coordina- el personal de bibliotecas públicas; y es- library and information resources tion of services to clients between the tablecimiento de una relación de trabajo held by the Department of Primary State Library of Queensland, the public efectiva y eficiente entre bibliotecas pú- Industries Library and Information blicas específicas y la oficina del Depar- libraries of Queensland and the Depart- Services. ment of Primary Industries Library and tamento de Industrias Primarias en la lo- Information Services. calidad. Se discuten estos planes, entre In my opinion, one way to dis- otros, con miras a coordinar mejor los seminate information to rural women RESUMÉ: Un projet pilote est en cours servicios que se prestan a los clientes and their families was through an d’étude pour évaluer le niveau actuel de por parte de la Biblioteca Estatal de Queensland, las bibliotecas públicas de already existing information deliv- coordination—et explorer des formes ery system—the public libraries. As nouvelles—entre la Bibliothèque d’Etat Queensland y los Servicios de Biblioteca du Queensland, cinq bibliothèques publi- y de Información del Departamento de there are over 300 situated around ques et la Bibliothèque du Département Industrias Primarias. this state, in the rural communities, des Industries primaires, dans la fourni- I think they are an obvious means to ture d’information au public. Parmi les deliver information to country peo- opportunités ou plans indentifés figurent or three months in 1994, the ple. After discussions were held l’élaboration d’un projet de procédures de F prêt inter-bibliothèque utilisant QUEST, Department of Primary Industries with the Library Board of Queens- l’utilisation du module automatisé de prêt Library and Information Services land’s Taskforce on Public Library inter- bibliothèque de la Bibliothèque de on the one hand, and the State Li- Services in November 1993, it was l’Etat du Queensland, les présentations brary of Queensland and some pub- agreed that the library coordination du Département des Industries primaires lic libraries in Queensland on the project should be undertaken. et des services de bibliothèques aux au- torités de formation des bibliothèques other, undertook a library coordina- With assistance from the State publiques ainsi que des relations effec- tion project. In an attempt to serve Librarian, five public libraries were

214 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 chosen to undertake the pilot study mation needs of clients. braries to meet rural clients infor- with the Department of Primary In- • Identify current coordinating ac- mation needs. dustries Library and Information tivities and level of cooperation • An assessment of public libraries Services. They were the Mackay between the three library systems. functioning as Department of Pri- City Library, Maroochy Shire Li- • Identify frequency of usage of De- mary Industries level three infor- brary Service, Redland Shire Li- partment of Primary Industries in- mation centres. brary, Goombungee Public Library formation resources. and the Stanthorpe Shire Library. • Report on the Department of Pri- The first three libraries are indepen- Project Proposal mary Industries Library and Infor- dent, that is, the Local Authority • Refine current coordinated activi- mation Services’ management of provides a free independent library ties and develop better services for requests. service and the remaining two are rural clients of primary industries The Project to Date Country Lending Service (CLS) li- information. Approval to conduct the project braries, that is the Local Authority, • Develop clear and agreed proce- with five public libraries was grant- with a population under 10,000, op- dures for quality client services. ed on 4 February 1994. A question- erates a country lending service un- • Develop a clear scale of fees for naire was developed as the basis for der the State Library of Queensland services provided by the Depart- discussions with the staff from each Public Libraries Division. ment of Primary Industries Li- library. The findings will be dis- Reasons for choosing these li- brary and Information Services. cussed later in the paper. A draft in- braries were to: • Assess the need for any additional terlibrary loan policy between the • Assess the differences between the requirements for successful coor- public libraries and the State Li- independent libraries and the CLS dination of activities to fulfil re- brary of Queensland and the De- libraries when they coordinate with quests. partment of Primary Industries Li- brary and Information Services was the Department of Primary Indus- • Develop and implement appropri- drawn up. It includes a regular ser- tries Library and Information Ser- ate systems for future coordination vice (free) for all CLS and some in- vices. of activities and fulfilment of re- dependent libraries, and a direct ser- • Assess the relationship between quests. the public libraries and the Depart- vice (charges for interlibrary loans Expected Outcomes from the are made) for the remaining inde- ment of Primary Industries, when Project the public librarians refer their pendent libraries. Those choosing • Public library clients get rapid ac- clients to the research stations or the direct service, send interlibrary cess to primary industries infor- offices for information. loan vouchers to the Department of mation. Primary Industries Library and In- • Contain the project budget so four • A scale of fees for products and formation Service. Presentations on libraries were chosen for their services acceptable to rural clients Department of Primary Industries proximity to Brisbane. and public libraries. activities and resources have been Project Plan – The current level of • Fulfilment of requests will im- made to three State Library of coordination of services to rural prove in depth and sophistication Queensland Public Libraries Divi- clients between the public libraries through marketing by allowing sion public library workshops to and the State Library on the one tailoring of services to suit client gauge the level and amount of Pri- hand, and the Department of Prima- needs. mary Industries information being ry Industries Library and Informa- • Public libraries, the State Library sought by clients. Feedback collect- tion Services on the other, was ed from the workshop evaluation analysed. and the Department of Primary In- dustries forms showed they were successful Aims of the Project because the library staff were very • Library and Information Services keen to learn about the Department • Improve rural client services by have improved their coordination. enhancing coordination among the of Primary Industries activities and • An increase in usage of the De- three library systems. resources as there was a heavy partment of Primary Industries Li- demand for Primary Industries in- • Explore the Department of Prima- brary and Information Services. formation from their clients and ry Industries level three informa- • A successful model that may be there was considerable interest in tion centre concept1. applied to other public libraries in the concept of a public library be- Objectives of the Project Queensland and possibly Australia. coming a Department of Primary • Identify clients and potential cli- • A successful model that may be Industries level three information ents of primary industries infor- applied by other Queensland Gov- centre. mation. ernment libraries when coordinat- The next stages of the project are • Identify primary industries infor- ing their services with public li- to hold focus groups for some De-

A Partnership for the Future: Better Library Services for Rural Clients 215 Table 1 – Interlibrary Loans from DPI Library to Public Libraries Table 2 – Referrals to Local DPI during 1993. Office During 1993. Libraries Books Photocopies Videos OtherLibrary Total No. of Referrals GOOMBUNGEE 00 00 0 0 00 GOOMBUNGEE 0NIL MAROOCHY 04 00 0 0 04 MAROOCHY 0Approx 300 REDLANDS 12 05 0 0 17 REDLANDS 14 STANTHORPE 20 10 0 Bibliographies 30 STANTHORPE Approx 150 TOTAL 36 15 0 0 51 TOTAL 464 partment of Primary Industries ex- much, from where, or from whom Table two shows that many re- tension officers. This is planned to to request it. In 1994, the public li- quests for primary industries infor- be a rehearsal for the public library braries staff accessed the Depart- mation are being made by public li- focus groups. A focus group con- ment of Primary Industries library brary clients and the desire for the sists of a group of six to eight peo- catalogue through ORAQLE, the public library staff to offer alterna- ple who, with a facilitator asking a online library management system tive sources of information, such as few well constructed questions, dis- developed by the Library Board of visit, write or phone the local DPI cuss their beliefs and attitudes on a Queensland, and used QUEST, the office. These referrals are additional given subject. The discussion takes ORAQLE interlibrary loans mod- to the requests sent to the State Li- approximately one and a half hours. ule. This strategy of using an online brary of Queensland Public Li- Because the Department of Primary service that all parties can access braries Division or to the Depart- Industries extension officers have easily and quickly to get a fast turn- ment of Primary Industries. There is an important role in the dissemina- around, contrasts with previous ex- no consistent referrals policy be- tion of information to the public, it periences which included a slow tween the public libraries and the is necessary to assess the extension manual requesting procedure com- Department of Primary Industries at officers’ attitudes to public libraries bined with the traditional inter- this stage. as resources for, and gateways to, library loan policy of special librar- Table three indicates that infor- primary industries information and ies not usually lending to external mation on more than thirty-six pri- to collect their ideas on their clients’ clients, and the reluctance of public mary industries topics was request- information seeking behaviours. libraries to charge for interlibrary ed during 1993 from three public Plans are to hold two focus groups loans. libraries. at each public library participating Table one illustrates the effect of Table four shows that the four in the project. One focus group will DPI Library and Information Ser- most important categories of clients be for clients already using the pub- vices not being accessible to public were, in priority order, hobby farm- lic library for primary industries in- libraries up to 1994. ers (including home gardeners), ter- formation and the other for clients who do not use the public library for Table 3 – Topics (not in priority order). primary industries information. The STANTHORPE MAROOCHY REDLANDS information generated should assist the three library systems to develop Alpacas Beef Aquaculture appropriate marketing strategies. En- Chestnuts Climate Crayfish Farming dorsement for the draft interlibrary Climate Crops for Area Dairy Cattle loans policy will be sought and a Deer Farming Dams Erosion final report and recommendations Geology Farm Management Exotic Plants will be written. Additional to the project will be to make presenta- Llamas Flowers Feral Animals tions on the Department of Primary Ostriches Fruit Goats Industries and its information re- Pine Nuts Geology Irrigation Pumps sources and services at four more Pine Plantations Horses Shrimp Farming State Library of Queensland Public Potatoes Pigs Starting a Business Libraries Division public library Viticulture Poultry Tractors workshops during 1994. Rainfall Worm Farming Findings to Date Soils Public library clients do not know Topography what information is available, how

216 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 tiary students, secondary students braries wished to encourage their not charge as we absorb the cost in and primary producers. It was evi- clients to use their libraries to obtain the library budget; we pass the cost dent from the public library staff this information. Their stated rea- on to the client. discussion groups and the State Li- sons were that public libraries are Preliminary Model brary of Queensland Public Li- community libraries and these cli- As a result of the project so far, a braries Division workshops, that ents are a part of the community; preliminary model for enhanced co- public library staff wish to know and, as there is a real demand for ordination of services between the more about the Department of Pri- this information, library staff wish three library systems has been de- mary Industries’ activities and re- to respond appropriately. veloped. sources so that they may judge Barriers for clients in using the The elements include: when to refer clients to the Depart- public library to get information • Direct access by the public li- ment. All the pilot public library were: braries to the Department of Pri- staff would like to negotiate a refer- • Lack of appropriate holdings. There mary Industries library catalogue ral policy with staff from the local were problems with currency, spec- via ORAQLE Department of Primary Industries ificity to locality or region, and office because of the tradition of not • Inter-library loan request for spe- funding. For example, the Stan- usually accessing government de- cific titles found through ORAQLE thorpe Shire Library is situated in partment library resources, it was are sent to the Department of Pri- a district which has an affinity not surprising to find that the level mary Industries Central Library with the New England Tableland of coordination for interlibrary loans via QUEST (the ORAQLE interli- so the librarian would like to was minimal. brary loans module). access information resources from • An effective and efficient working Comments included: Satisfacto- the New South Wales Department relationship between the local De- ry; usually timely; can’t really com- of Agriculture library to fulfill partment of Primary Industries of- ment as we do not use the service; some requests. we do not use your library (Depart- fice and the nearest public library. ment of Primary Industries) because • Clients’ own perceptions included: • Public libraries to operate as De- we are trying to keep down interli- not enough time; library staff ap- partment of Primary Industries brary loan costs. However, all the peared to be too busy; rather go to level three information centres. the Department of Primary Indus- pilot libraries said they would use • Public libraries to operate as sell- tries office; use personal networks; QUEST. The draft interlibrary loans ing agents for Department of Pri- engage consultants; take out per- policy enables them to choose to mary Industries publications. sonal subscriptions; distance to li- pay or not to pay for interlibrary • The Department of Primary Indus- loans. Regarding the current rela- brary too great; do not know what information is available; unable to tries extension officers to provide tionship between the public library information on primary industries and the local Department of Prima- travel; lack of publicity on what is available. generally at public library work- ry Industries office, comments con- shops for the education of public sisted of: nebulous; there isn’t one!; In relation to the suggestion that librarians. do the clients go to the office, write clients may pay for interlibrary • The Department of Primary Indus- or phone as suggested? Are their re- loans services, responses included: tries to assist public libraries to ac- quests fulfilled? There is a signifi- we do not get interlibrary loans; we cess information more easily from cant demand for primary industries have a limit on the number of inter- departmental publications through information and all the pilot li- library loans we can request; we do training in the use of the publica- tions. Table 4 – Categories of Clients in Piority Order. • The Department of Primary Indus- STANTHORPE MAROOCHY REDLANDS tries staff to provide information Hobby Farmers Hobby Farmers Hobby Farmers on appropriate reference tools and Tertiary Students Tertiary Students Secondary Students titles on primary industries for general collections in the public li- Primary Producers Secondary Students Primary Producers braries. Primary Producers Tertiary Students • DPI Notes (the Department of Pri- Consultants Primary Students mary Industries’ new series of fact Primary Students Agric Science sheets) is published on CD-ROM Local Government Teachers so public libraries may subscribe Employees to the CD-ROM. Shire Councillors • Regular courses on the Department of Primary Industries activities and

A Partnership for the Future: Better Library Services for Rural Clients 217 information resources to be under- braries will monitor interlibrary loan mation Extension Officers to integrate taken for public libraries through traffic and costs. This information and disseminate information to target the State Library of Queensland will be needed to evaluate the draft groups. The size and format of a centre, and the type of information held will de- Public Libraries Division work- interlibrary loan policy that has pend on the needs of the area it serves. shops. been developed by the State Library Level one information centres will be es- • Regular news items on the Depart- and the Department of Primary In- tablished at major locations, with lower ment of Primary Industries infor- dustries. level (two or three) centres at smaller lo- cations. mation resources may be pub- Level three information centres also lished in local newsletters to up- Conclusion may be located within a business or date the public librarians. community service, for example a farm • Department of Primary Industries The project has provided an op- machinery business or a public library. material may be displayed at local portunity for public and special li- —DPI Extension Strategy Statement. brarians to work together to provide Queensland Department of Primary community shows and festivals in Industries, 1992, (pp. 5–6) conjunction with the local public a timely, relevant and quality infor- library display to raise awareness mation service to clients who live in in the rural communities of the rural Queensland. ANN HANGER is the Manager of wealth of information that can be Library Services for the Department of Primary Industries in Brisbane, accessed from the local public li- NOTE Queensland, Australia. brary and the Department of Pri- mary Industries Library and Infor- 1. Information centres will be estab- mation Services. lished in a number of towns within the CONTACT ADDRESS: state by the Department. They will pro- Further Comments vide a unified “shop front” where clients Ann Hanger The pilot libraries will assist the can obtain information from all sections Department of Primary Industries Department of Primary Industries to of the Department, previously only avail- GPO Box 46 tailor its information services to suit able through direct contact with one or Brisbane Qld 4001 AUSTRALIA client needs according to locality, more officers. These centres will serve a dual function. Firstly, they will provide self Telephone: +61-7-23-93104 region and level of sophistication of help information facilities for clients. Sec- FAX: +61-7-23-93128 information required. The pilot li- ondly, they will provide a base for Infor- EMAIL: [email protected]

218 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Concurrent Session 11 Communicating Information to Remote Locations Takes Training

cation en raison de la loi de 1990 sur profesionales de información agrícola Jodee L. Kawasaki l’Amélioration de la Télécommunication para que la diseminación de información Rurale (104 Stat. 4038). Des études sur pueda presentarse en áreas remotas. ABSTRACT: Information technologies le Mississipi, la Louisiane et le Montana Estos estudios implican también que los have the ability to overcome the remote- montrent que les professionnels des ser- profesionales de extensión agrícola no ness which, in the past, has excluded vices de vulgarisaion n’ont pas les com- siempre recuperan la información más rural people from important societal deci- pétences pour utiliser les technologies actualizada disponible. El estudio real- sions and activities, including production de l’information, et encore moins, les izado en Montana en 1993–1994 indicó of goods and services. People residing in connaissances pour former les autres à que los profesionales de extensión agrí- developing countries or isolated popula- l’utilisation de ces technologies. Les cola consideran que la capacitación en tions within developed countries need études mettent en exergue le besoin de el uso de tecnología de información es training to use information technologies. formation pour les professionnels de la importante y necesaria. In many aspects, the remote populations vulgarisation et de l’information agricole, of developed countries are similar to afin que l’information agricole soit dif- populations in developing countries. In fusée vers les régions isolées. Elles the United States, many rural areas now montrent également que les profession- As the third millennium ap- have the telecommunications infrastruc- nels de la vulgarisation ne récupèrent proaches and nations merge into a ture because of the Rural Telecommuni- pas toujours les informations disponibles global economy, information has cation Improvements Act 1990 (104 Stat. les plus récentes. L’étude de Montana become increasingly important to 4038). Studies done in Mississippi, Lou- (1993–94) révèle la nécessité pour les businesses, governments, and in- isiana, and Montana show that Coop- professionnesl de la vulgarisation de dis- erative Extension professionals do not poser d’une compétence sur les tech- dividuals. Kong and Goodfellow have the skills to use the information nologies de l’information. (1988) wrote that: technologies, much less the knowledge Information is now viewed as a to teach others how to use them. Indicat- RESUMEN: Las tecnologías de informa- strategic resource, by both cor- ed throughout these studies is the need ción tienen la capacidad de superar el porations and individuals. Par- for training of Extension professionals or asilamiento, que, en el pasado, excluyó other agriculture information profession- ticipants in the global economy a los habitantes de zonas rurales de par- seek the most current and rele- als so the communication of information ticipar en decisiones y actividades so- vant information to make the can occur in remote areas. These stud- ciales importantes, incluyendo la produc- ies also imply that Extension profession- ción de bienes y servicios. Las personas most timely and cost-effective als are not always retrieving the most que residen en países en desarrollo, o decisions. Increased access to current information available. The en poblaciones aisladas dentro de país- information has paralleled an in- 1993–94 Montana study reveals infor- es desarrollados, requieren capacitación crease in demand for informa- mation technology competencies identi- para usar las tecnologías de informa- fied as important and needed by the Ex- tion. However, consumers must ción. En muchos aspectos, las pobla- now learn to cope with two ma- tension professionals. ciones aisladas de países desarrollados se asemejan a las poblaciones de país- jor obstacles of the information RESUMÉ: Les technologies de l’informa- es en desarrollo. En los Estados Unidos, age: information overload and tion ont la capacité de rompre l’isolement muchas áreas rurales actualmente tien- information complexity. The key qui dans le passé a exclu les populations en una infraestructura de telecomunica- problem that information con- rurales des décisions sociétales et des ciones debido a la Ley 1990 de Mejo- sumers face is organizing and activités y compris la production de biens ramiento de las Telecomunicaciones en sifting through information to et de services. Les habitants des paus Areas Rurales (104 Stat. 4038). Los es- find what is usable and relevant. en développement ou les populations tudios realizados en los estados de Mis- isolées ont besoin de formation pour sissippi, Louisiana y Montana muestran Uncontrolled and unorganized utiliser les technologies de l’information. que los profesionales de extensión coop- information is no longer a re- Il y a une similarité de contexzte des erativa no tienen las habilidades para source (p. 207). populations isolées dans les pays dé- usar las tecnologías de información y, A large-scale survey was con- veloppés et celles dans les pays en mucho menos, el conocimiento para en- ducted in 1988 by LaRose and Met- développement. Aux Etats-Unis, beau- señar a otros cómo usarlas. Estos estu- coup de zones rurales disposent main- dios indican la necesidad de capacitar a tler to answer the question of who tenant d’infrastructure de télécommuni- los profesionales de extensión u otros uses information technologies in

Communicating Information to Remote Locations Takes Training 219 rural America. Their findings sug- cation, information, and technology Comparison Studies gested that “with the exception of plan. Mims, Novak, Simpson, and , rural residents are Davis (1992) stated that: Louisiana study done by Smith and Kotrlik (1990) in the Southern just as likely as non-rural residents training users on technology is a Region of the ES included eleven to have a wide variety of telecom- necessary component of tech- munications technologies in their nology adoption and should be states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, homes” (p. 56). Rural residents are included as part of the imple- Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Ok- as familiar with computer technolo- mentation process. To use new lahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, gies as non-rural residents, yet few- technology to its fullest, Exten- Texas, and Virginia. County agents er rural residents use telephone sion professionals must under- were surveyed for their computer technologies such as answering ma- stand why a particular technolo- anxiety levels. This study showed chines. Rural residents’ information gy is more useful than the more that agents from these 11 states had needs were discussed by Christen- traditional information delivery computer anxiety levels similar to son, Maurer, and Strang (1994) as methods (p. 626). other professional workers. Com- political issues that are being con- With the role as intermediary, ES puter anxiety levels are an impor- trolled by the political elite, which must adopt an ever-changing role to tant consideration in the process of includes academe. In the United meet these new challenges. There incorporating computers into daily States, many rural areas now have are databases and electronic net- work routines suggest Smith and the telecommunications infrastruc- works throughout the United States Kotrlik. “Further adoption of com- ture because of the Rural Telecom- that Extension professionals have puter technology must be handled munication Improvements Act 1990 access to via microcomputers. Har- carefully if anticipated computer (104 Stat. 4038). riman and Daugherty (1992) pro- anxiety is to be reduced” (p. 12). Information technologies have the vide ideas for changing the staff Smith and Kotrlik recommend that ability to overcome the remoteness profile of Extension, not necessarily agents be given more opportunities which, in the past, has excluded rural personnel, but changing how the for training and more time to use people from important societal deci- staff does business and clarifying computers. sions and activities, including pro- the kind of expertise that staff The information about computer duction of goods and services. Peo- should possess. These suggestions anxiety levels would be useful to ple residing in developing countries include information centers that pro- improve the effectiveness of com- or isolated populations within devel- vide immediate access via technolo- puter skills training. It is very likely oped countries need training to use gies to national databases to answer that computer anxiety effects the information technologies. In many both common and uncommon ques- learning process. Computer anxiety aspects, the remote populations of tions. Harriman and Daugherty sug- needs to be considered when devel- developed countries are similar to gest many Extension professionals oping training sessions about infor- populations in developing countries. have yet to be effective in electroni- mation technologies. Mims, Novak, Data and information have tra- cally acquiring and disseminating Simpson, and Davis (1992) stated ditionally been applied to agricul- information. The question that needs that “easing the pain of adopting ture by the U.S. Extension Service to be asked is: Do Extension profes- new technology is not easy, but (ES). In this role the ES acts as in- sionals receive sufficient training in careful attention to the users’ needs termediary between government and information access, retrieval, and will prevent adoption failure or the end user. Information is impor- dissemination? sluggish adoption” (p. 627). tant in the U.S., yet drastic changes Studies done in Mississippi, Lou- A study of the Mississippi Exten- in how it is handled have occurred isiana, and Montana show that Ex- sion personnel by Goode and Elliott in this century. The ES needs to tension Service professionals do not (1990) found that Extension person- continually meet this challenge of receive the training needed to use nel requested more time for practice change in order to fulfill this role as the information technologies, much and further training. Goode and El- intermediary. less the knowledge to teach others liott recommended computer re- ES-USDA’s Future Application how to use them. Indicated through- sources be made available for study of Communication Technologies out these studies is the need for and practice during working hours. (FACT) committee (1992) found training of Extension professionals The study indicates computer train- that there was a need to increase or other agriculture information pro- ing needs of Extension personnel staff knowledge and skill in com- fessionals so the communication of were not being met. munication and information tech- information can occur in remote ar- The two studies from Mississippi nologies. The committee members eas. These studies also imply that and Louisiana are slightly different believed that all states should in- Extension professionals are not al- than the Montana study. These stud- clude education/training as a com- ways retrieving the most current in- ies are directed toward computer ponent of their strategic communi- formation available. usage and skills, whereas the Mon-

220 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 tana study is directed toward in- Table 1 – Rank order of information technology competencies for priority formation technologies. All three training studies are related because it takes • Finding electronic information resources relative to your field. computer skills to use information technologies. • Search electronic resources to locate information. • Use information technologies in distance education. Montana Study • Recognize legal aspects of storing extra copies of information. • Practice legal and ethical aspects of copyright law for electronic material. The 1994 Montana study by Kawasaki reveals information tech- • Practice legal aspects of keeping the name of a person who requests infor- nology competencies identified as mation confidential. important and needed by the Mon- • Use a telecommunication software package. tana Extension Service (MES) pro- • Use satellite video. fessionals. The study surveyed Ex- • Evaluate and interpret results of an information search. tension Service agents and specialists in Montana. Table 1 re- • Load and use a CD-ROM. veals the rank order of 35 compe- • Follow instructions on the computer screen. tencies of information technologies. • Use synonymous terms to expand an electronic search. All the competencies were given • In preparing an electronic search, question a person in detail about the priority for training by the MES information desired. professionals based on their re- sponses. The lower ranked compe- • Transfer a file from Internet to a floppy disk or hard drive. tencies, such as describe gopher or • Use email in distance education. veronica, or identify at least four • Email a message that was prepared by word processing. telecommunication software pack- • Use an expert system. ages, are the ones to be taught and understood first, so that the higher • Identify hardware needed for telecommunications networks. ranked competencies can be un- • Telnet to a remote computer. derstood and used properly. Even • Properly transfer a file using ftp on Internet. though prior training was available • Use the Internet almanac. for the MES professionals, the study reveals future training and • Recognize that the quality of information varies between different publi- more time to practice were needed cations. by them. • Exchange messages via email. The Montana study (Kawasaki, • Use the Internet gopher. 1994) ascertained the respondent’s • Demonstrate different information technologies to a community group. instructional method and training • Unsubscribe electronically from a news group. preferences. Seventy-five percent of the respondents prefer to learn in- • Describe Internet almanac. formation technologies by working • Subscribe electronically to a list server. with something tangible, or with • Describe telnet. others. Learning new material by • Unsubscribe electronically from a list server. studying with others and sharing ideas, or performing specific tasks • Subscribe electronically to a news group. were preferred by 57.9 percent of • Describe ftp. the respondents. Over eighty per- • Demonstrate different telecommunication software to a community group. cent of the respondents maximize • Identify at least four telecommunication software packages. learning through the instructional methods of practical, concrete ex- • Describe gopher or veronica. amples, or clear and definite assign- ments. The most valuable methods of learning information technolo- ture training by 71.8 percent of the Conclusion gies for more than three-fourths of respondents were for half or full day the respondents were follow an out- training sessions. The frequency of These studies suggest that train- line or task sheet, or do an intern- update training sessions should be ing in computer and information ship or practicum. 2–4 times per year according to technology competencies are not Time segments preferred for fu- 72.6 percent of the respondents. being met. Time and incentives to

Communicating Information to Remote Locations Takes Training 221 keep current with technology are professional evaluates his/her own Harriman, L.C. and R.A. Daugherty. two crucial points for any one to knowledge and skills related to 1992. “Staffing Extension for the 21st take note of when considering train- information technologies. This is century.” Journal of Extension, 30(Win- ter):26–28. ing sessions for their staff. To en- the “what is.” The training/program hance training, taking heed of staff’s goals are the “what should be.” The Kawasaki, J.L. 1994 Information-related learning preferences would be use- rank ordered information technolo- Competencies for Montana Extension ful. An organization will save time gy competencies resulting from the Service Professionals. Master’s thesis. and money with successful training Kawasaki study (1994), provides a Montana State University-Bozeman. sessions the first time. An assess- starting point on which to base both Kong, L.M. and R.A.H. Goodfellow. ment of the current situation is cru- the “what is” of individuals existing 1988. “Charting a career path in the in- cial as revealed by the Louisiana, skills and “what should be” of the formation professions.” College Re- Mississippi, and Montana studies. agencies’ needs. The needs assess- search & Libraries, 49:207–216. ment results will keep the profes- There are many things to consid- LaRose, R. and J. Mettler. 1989. Who er when training professionals to sionals in the intermediary role and uses information technologies in rural use information technologies to ac- keep up with the changing role of America?” Journal of Communications, cess information. The U.S. Exten- information, as the 1994 Montana 39(3):48–60. sion professionals have been stud- study has done for the MES profes- sionals. Mims, A.M., J.L. Novak, E.H. Simpson ied often enough that one could III, and J.C. Davis. 1992. “Adjusting to conclude the training needs of this computer technology changes in a Co- population were not being met. One operative Extension Service office.” In REFERENCES must consider the program goals Computers in Agricultural Extension Pro- and needs of the individuals when grams: proceedings of the 4th Interna- Borich, G.D. 1980. “A needs assessment tional Conference 28–31 January 1992, adopting new information technolo- model for conducting follow-up studies.” Orlando, Florida. ASAE Publication gies, which needs assessment mod- Journal of Teacher Education, 31(3):39– 1–92. Edited by B. Watson. St. Joseph, els can evaluate. The results of a 42. MI: American Society of Agricultural En- gineers, p. 622–627. needs assessment model allows the Christenson, J.A., R.C. Maurer, and N.L. organization or program to develop Strang. (Eds.). 1994. Rural Data, People, Smith, M.N. and J.W. Kotrlik. 1990. & Policy, Rural Studies Series. Boulder: and provide the necessary training “Computer anxiety levels of Southern Westview. for their professional to be success- Region Cooperative Extension Agents.” Journal of Agricultural Education. ful at communicating information ES-USDA (Extension Service-United 31(Spring):12–17. to remote places. In 1980, Borich States Department of Agriculture), and developed a needs assessment mod- ECOP (Extension Committee on Organi- zation and Policy). 1992. F-A-C-T Future el that could be used in the area of CONTACT ADDRESS: information technologies. The needs Application of Communication Technolo- gy: Strategic Information Plan for the Co- Jodee Kawasaki assessment determines “the congru- operative Extension System. Washing- Montana State University Libraries ence between what should be and ton, D.C.: Communication, Information & Bozeman, Montana 59717-0032 Technology, ES-USDA. what is…The evaluation is com- USA plete when the training program has Telephone: +1-406-944-6549 Goode, D.Z. Jr. and G.E. Elliott. 1992. objectively determined the discrep- FAX: +1-406-994-2851 “Who’s responsible for computer compe- EMAIL: [email protected] ancy between these two poles” (p. tence?” Journal of Extension, 30(Win- 42). In this model, the Extension ter):20–22.

222 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Concurrent Session 12 Assuring Communication of Agricultural Information Through University Library Support for International Development

laires. Il y a deux ans, l’université a réal- universidades agrícolas locales tuvieran Anne Fox isé une enquête pour identifier les divers acceso a medios electrónicos actualiza- efforts au niveau international des biblio- dos y estuvieran orientados hacia el ser- ABSTRACT: An “International Projects thèques universitaires. Un total de 178 vicio. Los proyectos de desarrollo con Librarian” to act as a liaison to interna- bibliothèques des Etats-Unis et du Cana- componentes de biblioteca desarrolla- tional development projects is one way da ont répondu à l’enquête. Les résultats dos pueden garantizar mejores posibili- to assure the communication of agricul- montrent que peu de bibliothèques ont dades de comunicación. tural information. Oregon State Universi- une position réelle d’intermédiaire avec ty has such a position and was interested les projets internationaux, mais un grand in identifying other universities with simi- pourcentage des universités interrogées lar positions. A survey was conducted ont déclaré que leurs universités One excellent way to assure the two years ago to ask about various inter- communication of agricultural in- national efforts of university libraries. RESUMEN: Una manera de garantizar formation in remote areas is for uni- One hundred and seventy-eight libraries la diseminación de la información agríco- versity libraries to become active in in the USA and Canada responded to the la es que haya bibliotecarios que actúen survey. The results showed that few li- como personas de enlace en los proyec- international development projects braries had an actual position of liaison tos de desarrollo internacionales. La Uni- sponsored by their institutions. Uni- to international programs, but a high per- versidad del Estado de Oregon cuenta versities in the more developed centage of the respondents said their con esa posición y se interesó en identi- world have projects in place world- universities were placing an increasing ficar otras universidades con puestos wide to assist lesser developed coun- emphasis on international efforts and similares. Hace 2 años la Universidad re- their libraries generally supported these alizó una encuesta para identificar los di- tries in building strong institutions efforts. A follow-up study is being con- versos esfuerzos a nivel internacional de of higher learning and often these ducted by interviewing librarians who do las bibliotecas universitarias. Un total de institutions have an agricultural em- hold designated professional positions to 178 bibliotecas en los Estados Unidos y phasis. University libraries can work look for similarities, new ideas, and to Canadá respondió a la encuesta. Los re- closely with these international de- formulate a model job description. The sultados indicaron que pocas bibliotecas original survey and follow-up study results tenían una posición real de enlace con velopment efforts to assure libraries are reported in detail in this paper. Coun- programas internacionales, pero un alto are given a strong emphasis in the tries with rural, agricultural societies will porcentaje de las universidades encues- original planning of projects. best be served in their information needs tadas dijo que estaban dando mayor im- Libraries have much to offer in- if they have electronically up-to-date and portancia a los esfuerzos internacionales service oriented libraries/information cen- y que sus bibliotecas generalmente apo- ternational development programs, ters in their local agricultural universities. yaban esos esfuerzos. Se está haciendo especially ones that link universi- Development projects with strong library un seguimiento, mediante encuestas, a ties, but may often be omitted from components can assure improved com- los bibliotecarios que sí ocupan posi- munication possibilities. the planning stages or left out alto- ciones profesionales establecidas para gether. It has been my experience encontrar similitudes e ideas nuevas RESUMÉ: Une manière de garantir la para luego formular una descripción de that as a project progresses it may diffusion de l’information agricole est que un puesto modelo. En el documento se be found that library facilities in the les bibliothécaires agissent comme per- incluye la encuesta original y se detallan project country are insufficient for sonnes intermédiaires dans les projets los resultados del estudio de seguimien- user needs and the in-country facul- de développement international. L’uni- to. Se atenderían mejor las necesidades ty, researchers, and students are versité de l’état d’Orégon a une telle po- de información de los países con pobla- sition et s’intéresse à l’identification d’au- ciones agrícolas rurales, si las bibliote- without access to important pub- tres universités avec des positions simi- cas y los centros de información de las lished information in their respec-

Assuring Communication of Agricultural Information 223 tive fields. A library component grams Librarian.” That person will their libraries. Two thirds (65.7%) may hastily be added to the project bring visibility for the library and said there was either much more or after the fact. Librarians with inter- act as a liaison to the offices at their somewhat more emphasis to inter- national interests can be strong ad- universities planning these projects. nationalize their campus and half vocates for the inclusion of library Oregon State University in the US (48.6%) said the same for their li- components in the first place. has such a position, and we were in- braries. Overall, the survey showed My philosophy concerning these terested in identifying other univer- a growing awareness that we are international projects and generally sities with similar positions. Thus, a part of a global community, but concerning access to information survey was conducted to ask about what university libraries see as their for researchers in developing coun- various international efforts of uni- role in supporting international de- tries is as follows: versity libraries. 178 libraries in the velopment is less clear. They may • Access to information: Students, US and Canada responded to the offer support, but often it is not in a educators, researchers, and docu- survey, (mostly university libraries formalized way. mentalists in developing countries and mostly from the U.S.). The re- Along with questions asking for would benefit greatly from having sults showed that few libraries had “yes” and “no” answers, this survey access to current information in an actual position of International asked for comments, descriptions, their fields: journal articles, con- Librarian who acted as a liaison to etc. Careful evaluation of these ference proceedings, international international research and develop- added notes, attached job descrip- research center reports, to name a ment offices, even though such of- tions and international program de- few. fices existed on many campuses. By scriptions showed many similarities comparison, a high percentage of in the international efforts of the re- • Skills to locate information: Li- the respondents said their universi- sponding libraries. Providing spe- brary research skills are needed to ties were placing an increasing em- cial services for international stu- make good use of the literature phasis on international efforts, and dents, building collections in area and should be taught in conjunc- their libraries generally supported studies, supporting overseas study tion with opening new avenues, these efforts. opportunities for U.S. students were the access itself. Specific results of the survey all fairly common ways libraries ob- • Sustainability: When provided with showed that of the 178 respondents tained an international presence. the proper skills and access, these who were asked “Does your univer- That someone on their library staff researchers and documentalists will sity have an office of international had had some international experi- be empowered to work indepen- research and development, some- ence was also often mentioned. dently, exploring the literature on times called international pro- In looking closely at the profes- their own, and thus have greater grams?” 120 or 67.4% answered sional titles of the respondents to control over the information they “yes” and of the responding land- my question #2, actual liaison posi- retrieve, the direction of their re- grant schools, a subgroup of schools tions, it was clear that many of these search and the development of with an agricultural emphasis, persons would spend much of their their own country. This third point 91.1% said “yes”. But when asked time on duties other than inter- is the central theme of what I have if there was a specific librarian on national research and development to say today. Local researchers, their staff who acted as a liaison to activities. They were often library agricultural agents, and librarians that office 85% said “no” and even directors, associate university librar- will best know the information 80% of the land-grant schools said ians for administration and plan- needs of their rural communities, “no”. When asked if their library ning, for public services, or for col- and given access to available in- had a professional position desig- lection development. In some cases formation and tools to compile nated to relate in some way to inter- their main international liaison con- their own databases will be able to national services, not just interna- tact may come from serving on a work toward fulfilling those needs. tional development, 89% said “no” university council overseeing inter- One way for university libraries and 91% of the land-grant schools national programs. In other cases in the U.S. to make an important said “no”. Assuming the results of the liaisons were particular subject committment to sharing informa- the two questions can be combined specialists in various areas, but were tion and expertise with libraries in with only two schools answering often people who had a personal in- developing countries is to support “yes” to both questions, that would terest in international librarianship. and take an active part in develop- show only 25% of the responding li- There are two hazards here, in the ment projects. An important step to- braries with some formal position. first case, the person may be too ward getting involved in university As I mentioned earlier, two gen- busy to give this international aspect development projects is to designate eral questions in the survey asked of his/her job much attention, or, in a professional position on the li- about the emphasis placed on inter- the second case, those with a special brary staff, as an “International Pro- nationalizing their universities and interest in this area may move on to

224 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 other positions and the international Maybe it’s sharing a new site on the to open their doors, to develop a participation is lost. World Wide Web, giving advice on strong public service attitude. A recent follow-up questionaire CD-ROM hardware or database se- In conclusion the survey showed: and informal telephone and email lection, locating a colleague’s email • A fairly strong international focus interviews with some representa- address, or gathering articles for a in U.S. universities and their li- tives of the small group of libraries project director going overseas in a braries. who actually had a liaison to inter- couple days. In general, libraries • U.S. university libraries can do a national research and development need to stress that they provide ser- better job at selling their useful- on campus brought forth a variety vices to all members of the universi- ness to international development. of ideas and examples of excellent ty community, including offices and • Greater access to information and programs now in place. Outstanding programs which are not traditional- technology is needed around the examples of library dedication to in- ly defined academic departments world, but… ternational programs in U.S. univer- and especially to programs with an sity libraries include the Mortenson international emphasis. • – Researchers in developing coun- tries need more than just a CD Center for International Librarian- Now there is the important issue index or abstract. ship at the University of Illinois at of a library component being writ- Urbana-Champaign and the Center ten into a development proposal or • – Researchers in developing coun- for International Library Programs one growing out of a recognized tries should contribute to the at Duke University in North Caroli- need once a project is in progress. body of available literature. na. Much money is being spent on in- • Sustainability and funding are key The following description of in- ternational development projects, issues which haunt us and they are ternational liaison activities was de- and librarians should advocate to closely linked. veloped from ideas gathered from make sure some of it is directed to- Countries with rural, agricultural the survey, from personal contacts ward information access and infor- societies will best be served in their and my experience in working with mation exchange. Librarians can information needs if they have elec- the Office of International Research provide valuable assistance through tronically up-to-date and service and Development at Oregon State collecting information for and par- oriented libraries/information cen- University. First of all, university li- ticipating in the proposal writing ters in their local agricultural uni- brarians who are international li- process. They may also directly par- versities. Development projects with aisons must become familiar with ticipate as consultants going abroad, strong library components and flex- their university’s overseas develop- working closely with the project ibility can be a step in the right di- ment projects, faculty on assign- country university library to select a rection. University librarians ment abroad, and the international core collection and needed biblio- around the globe, communicating research and development staff on graphic awareness tools, to connect the information needs of their coun- their campuses. to the Internet and to establish some try’s rural population and their ideas Once the librarian is familiar with type of document delivery which for better access to the worldwide the institution’s international activi- can be an ongoing service. body of agricultural literature can ties, they can begin by promoting Finally, these library components make a positive difference for these existing library services such as should be designed to allow flexibil- rural populations. general reference services, database ity and to be a cooperative effort. searching, document delivery, spe- Providing information and informa- cial tours for international visitors. tion access to those who in turn pro- ANNE FOX is Reference Coordinator The librarian can also provide need- vide it to the rural areas of the de- at Western Oregon State College Li- ed information, promptly upon re- veloping world is important as is brary. quest, to the office of international assisting those who come to teach research and development staff. The and study on our campuses, but, in OSU Libraries’ experience is that the end, endeavors which seek to CONTACT ADDRESS: this staff is often working under open access to information directly Anne Fox great pressure and meeting many to rural communities in the develop- Reference Coordinator deadlines. The pace is faster than in ing world should be our highest pri- Western Oregon State College Library most academic departments on cam- ority. We want to be careful not to Monmouth, OR 97361 USA pus, and thus service must be ad- tie up information access behind Telephone: +1-503-838-8892 justed to their special needs. By closed doors, as was mentioned in FAX: +1-503-838-8399 working closely with this staff the an earlier paper. The ideal would be EMAIL: [email protected] librarian can identify what informa- to encourage libraries and informa- tion will be most useful to them. tion centers in developing countries

Assuring Communication of Agricultural Information 225 Concurrent Session 12 The Concept of the Literature and Factual Data Management System LIMAS

ront d’être des fournisseurs de données nejará el sistema con elementos es- M. Plath, A. Mangstl, isolées pour former un groupe de travail tandarizados de control. No se requerirá J.M. Pohlmann, H. Friedrich en réseau. Les instruments de dévelop- un conocimiento previo de lenguajes de pement seront des techniques mod- recuperación. ABSTRACT: In the intention to offer agri- ernes, comme les instruments CASE, les cultural information which can meet user bases de données avec une architecture he Centre for Agricultural demand and economic requirements, moderne et l’interface graphique pour les T The German Centre for Agricultural Infor- usagers. En plus des processus de pro- Documentation and Information mation and Documentation (ZADI) is de- duction plus efficaces, LIMAS comprend (ZADI) and the German Informa- veloping a new literature and factual data une variété d’analyses standardisées. tion System on Food, Agriculture management system (LIMAS). Using LI- Des analyses sciento- métriques et bibli- and Forestry (FIS-ELF) provide ag- MAS the EDP-aided processes of data- ographiques peuvent être réalisées, ain- ricultural bibliographic and factual base production will be put on a new ba- si que des graphiques. Le résumé du sis. The new implementations originate contenu de la base de données est information in the Federal Republic from the rightsizing of the software and disponible à tout moment. L’utilisateur of Germany. The task of ZADI has hardware environment. A client-server- contrôlera le système contenant des élé- been charged to support the de- based PC-network will be used instead ments standardisés de contrôle. Aucune velopment of agricultural biblio- of the mainframe environment. The co- connaissance du langage d’interrogation graphic and factual databases and to operating documentation centres will de- sera nécessaire. velop from isolated input suppliers into a promote their use with modern in- computing workgroup. The developing RESUMEN: En un intento por ofrecer in- formation and communication tech- tools are characterized by modern tech- formación agrícola que pueda responder niques. Additionally, the ZADI is in niques as CASE-tools, modern database a la demanda de los usuarios y a los re- charge to construct GAIN, the Ger- architecture, and graphical user inter- querimientos económicos, el Centro Ale- man Agricultural Information Net- face. In addition to more efficient produc- mán de Información y Documentación tion processes, LIMAS includes a variety Agrícola (ZADI, su acrónimo en alemán) work, which is to be the platform for of standardized database analyses. Sci- está desarrollando un nuevo sistema de information exchange and a guide entometric and bibliographic analyses manejo de literatura y datos objetivos towards information in bibliographic and graphics will be implemented. An (LIMAS). La utilización de LIMAS dará and factual databases, newsgroups, overview of the database contents is una nueva base a los procesos de pro- bulletin boards, to hosts and insti- available at any time. The user will con- ducción de bases de datos ayudados por tutes. ZADI is also responsible for trol the system with standardized control EDP. Las nuevas implementaciones se elements. The knowledge of a retrieval originan de la adaptación adecuada del the coordination of activities of 20 languages will not be required. ambiente de programas y equipo de specialised documentation centres computación. Se utilizará una red en PC and other partners throughout the RESUMÉ: Dans l’intention d’offrir une in- basada en el sistema cliente/servidor en German states who are cooperating formation agricole qui puisse répondre à vez de un computador central (main- in the FIS-ELF (Figure 1). la demande des utilisateurs et aux exi- frame). Los centros de documentación gences économiques, le Centre alle- participantes pasarán de ser provee- Besides the brokering of agricul- mand d’information et de documentation dores de insumo aislados a formar parte tural information, one main activity agricole (ZADI) est en train de dévelop- de un grupo que trabaja en forma sis- of the documentation centres is to per un nouveau système de gestion de la tematizada. Las herramientas que se es- produce input for the German litera- littérature récente et des données factu- tán desarrollando se caracterizan por ser ture database ELFIS, which present- elles (LIMAS). L’utilisation de LIMAS técnicas modernas, como las herramien- ly contains about 200,000 literature donne une nouvelle base au processus tas CASE, bases de datos con arquitec- de production de bases de données as- tura moderna y una interfaz gráfica para references of mainly German lan- sistées par l’EDP. Les nouvelles réalisa- el usuario. Además de procesos más efi- guage articles in the field of food, tions ont leur origine dans l’adaptation cientes de producción, LIMAS incluye agriculture and forestry. Therefore, adéquate des logiciels et de l’équipe- una variedad de análisis estandarizados every documentation centre contin- ment informatique. Un réseau d’ordina- de bases de datos. Se implementarán uously reviews its specific cata- teurs individuels basé sur le système análisis científico-métrico y bibliográfica, client/serveur sera utilisé à la place d’un además de gráficas. El resumen del con- logue of periodicals of about 900 ordinateur central. Les centres de docu- tenido de la base de datos estará German language journals which are mentation membres du réseau cesse- disponible próximamente. El usuario ma- covered by the database. Relevant

226 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 articles, are indexed for the ELFIS has been operating effectively for nomic requirements, ZADI is now database with FAO’s AGROVOC years, it is not easily accessible for developing LIMAS, a literature and thesaurus. Together with the biblio- users at governmental and scientific factual data management system. LI- graphic data and the abstracts (if institutions and the ZADI staff it- MAS will not only change the exist- available) the descriptors are loaded self. Some reasons for this include: ing way of database production, re- into a text oriented input-program. • Access to the databases is difficult ferring to data input and data pro- The input data is delivered sep- even for the database producer cessing; moreover, it will offer a new arately to ZADI in Bonn every few ZADI, special technical equip- way of user access and various fea- months and ZADI puts together the ment and special conditions are tures for information retrieval. The single pieces from all over Ger- necessary for user “everyone” philosophy is, to rightsize the sys- many. After being processed, the who wants to get access. tem away from mainframe environ- cumulated data is finally joined in • The database management system ment towards a client-server based the ELFIS database, which is stored GRIPS offers apart from ordinary PC-Network. The cooperating docu- on a mainframe host computer at searches very limited abilities re- mentation centres will develop from the German Institute for Medical fering to scientometrical and sta- isolated input suppliers into a com- Documentation and Information tistical problems. puting workgroup. The platform for (DIMDI) in Cologne. The ELFIS communication will be WIN, which • The ZADI has no influence on the database is updated monthly. The is a German part of the Internet. developments at DIMDI refering input delivered to ELFIS is de- First, the ELFIS database has to to the GRIPS-system. livered to FAO’s database AGRIS, be stored on the ZADI’s own server as well. The host can be accessed • The user interface of the main- in Bonn and a communication serv- by telecommunications and special frame computer does not meet er will be connected to the WIN/In- communication software, software user needs any more. ternet under TCP/IP. The documen- for emulation and the knowledge of • Data retrieval is limited to infor- tation centres have to connect their the CCL-based retrieval language mation expert searchers who have local networks to the WIN/Internet, for DIMDI’s own database manage- the knowledge of the system and as well. (Figure 2). ment system GRIPS is required. the retrieval language. It needs powerful tools to handle Although this kind of processing To meet user demands and eco- the duties of a new information net-

Figure 1 – German Information System on Food, Agriculture and Forestry

M:U!ill Coordination Development Service and Support

Documentation Centres Input Supplier Information Delivery ~Q

The Concept of the Literature and Factual Data Management System LIMAS 227 work. ZADI has choosen Oracle to Figure 2 – Information Network be the database management system for LIMAS. In this system biblio- Central Database Server graphic and factual data are stored at the ZADI in Bonn in a variety of relational database ta- bles. In addition to the modern data- base architecture, Oracle offers: • Case-Tools, to design the database structures and relations. • Forms, to generate own input forms in the graphical user interface. • Reports, to develop standardized database searches and standard- ized output formats. ~Q GieBen • Graphics, to generate standardized ~Q Freising statistically reports into graphics. Moreover, Oracle allows free-text searching and a graphical user inter- between indexing, input of biblio- ic analyses will be available as well face as a Windows application. To graphic data and abstract typing. In- as graphical information. These use Oracle as a programming tool, putting can also be shared among the forthcoming features will help each special knowledge of programming workgroup for further processing. documentation centre to monitor languages is not required because of If a documentation unit is de- and to control its own work. its graphical interface, but strongly clared to be completely processed, recommended. SQL++ and SQL are then its data will be delivered via Conclusion integrated. the WIN/Internet to the central serv- How will the workgroup comput- er at the ZADI in Bonn and put di- GAIN is the contribution of ZADI ing between the documentation cen- rectly into the ELFIS database. At to satisfy the demands of science, tres and the ZADI proceed in the best case, an article could be in the administration and industry for in- near future? Each documentation database some hours after being formation. The concept of the litera- centre will have the LIMAS-INPUT published and ready to be retrieved. ture and factual data management program running on its own local Even at not best case, input with LI- system LIMAS, the “workgroup network. The newly created LI- MAS-INPUT is even faster and computing” and the developing tools MAS-INPUT module allows data more comfortable then it was be- for the database correspond to mod- input not only by typing but input fore. Delivering input to the AG- ern strategies of information re- via scanner and OCR-Software or RIS-Processing-Unit (APU) in Vien- source management. The acceptance uploading will be possible as well na will be similar to the procedure of future users of the information because of data interfaces. The AG- described above. system will prove, whether the con- ROVOC-thesaurus, the subject cate- LIMAS will also provide easy cept of LIMAS has been the right gories, the specific catalogue of peri- retrieval in the database. No knowl- alternative choice to a common odicals, tables of authors, institutes edge of a retrieval language is re- mainframe computer host systems. and more will be available directly quired. Refering to ZADI’s databas- To think ahead, some of ZADI’s out of the ELFIS database. Indexing es, the documentation centres will databases may be accessable through can be done directly at the worksta- have no more host fees and less the Internet for the world public into tion with user friendly features like costs for telecommunication. Con- the future. Therefore, LIMAS, as a “thesaurus on screen” and “search- nected to the ZADI server via the part of the German Agricultural In- ing through free descriptors”. Bibli- WIN/Internet, a graphical user in- formation Network, will be the ographic data like the exact journal terface, corresponding to LIMAS- gateway to it. titles can be chosen out of already INPUT, will allow for browsing prepared submenus by a mouse through the database fields, to search CONTACT ADDRESS: click thus avoiding errors in typing. for articles, or to run already pre- Manual input will be checked be- processed searches. Zentralstelle fur Agrardokumentation fore saving in the document file. Additional to common retrieval und -information While being worked on by differ- functions, LIMAS will offer stan- Villichgasse 17, 53177 Bonn GERMANY ent staff members, input can be dardized control elements to over- Phone: +49-228-9548-0 stored on the local server’s hard disk. view the database contents at any FAX: +49-228-9548-149 This allows for possible time delays time. Scientometric and bibliograph- EMAIL: [email protected]

228 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Poster Sessions Poster Sessions were exhibits of information projects from around the world. For more information about the topic, contact the author directly at the address provided. Exposition de posters Exposition de posters sur des projets d’information dans le monde entier. Pour obtenir de plus amples informa- tions sur un des projets, veuillez contacter directement l’auteur grâce à l’adresse indiquée pour chaque poster. Sesiones de Carteleras Las sesiones de carteleras constaban de presentaciones de los proyectos de información de todo del mundo. Para más información sobre el tema, contactar directamente al autor en la dirección suministrada.

Michal Demes, Jan Simko The Institute of Scientific and Technical Information CONTACT ADDRESS / for Agriculture in Nitra and it’s Activities in Slovakia’s Agro- Personne à contacter / industrial Sector Para más información, dirigirse a: Describes the activities of the Institute which include providing scientific, Michal Demes, Director technical and economic information for the agricultural sector of the Slovak Institute of Scientific and Technical Republic from information sources. Information for Agriculture Samova 9 L’Institut d’information scientifique et techniques en agriculture à 95010 Nitra Nitra et ses activités dans le secteur agricole de Slovaquie SLOVAK REPUBLIC Email: Décrit les activités de cet Institut tout en fournissant de l’information [email protected] or [email protected] scientifique, économique et technique sur le secteur agricole de la république de Slovaque. El Instituto de Información Científica y Técnica para la Agricultura en Nitra y sus Actividades en el Sector Agroindustrial de Eslovaquia Describe las actividades del Instituto, las cuales incluyen la provisión de información científica, técnica y económica para el sector agrícola de la República de Eslovaquia, extraídas de diversas fuentes de información.

Joachim Diederich, Gerard D. Finn, Raymond Lister, Liang Gang Zhang, Don Simoonetta, Robert Young Batch Prediction System for the Dairy Sire Breeding Project CONTACT ADDRESS / Describes B-CONNECTIBULL, a software program developed at Queens- Personne à contacter / land University of Technology, to aid farmers in making informed decisions Para más información, dirigirse a: on the sires wanted for mating in their diary herd. Joachim Diederich Neurocomputing Research Centre Système de sélection de reproducteurs pour le projet d’amélioration Queensland University of Technology de la production d’élevage laitière GPO Box 2434 Décrit le logiciel B-CONNECTIBULL développé par l’Université de Brisbane, AUSTRALIA Technologie du Queensland, pour aider les agriculteurs à prendre des décisions avisées sur les meilleurs reproducteurs pour leur cheptel laitier. Sistema de Predicción por Tandas para el Proyecto de Mejoramiento de Sementales en Ganado Lechero Describe un programa de computador—B-CONNECTIBULL—desarrollado en la Universidad Tecnológica de Queens- land, para apoyar a los agricultores en la toma de decisiones sobre los sementales deseados para el apareamiento en su hato lechero.

Poster Sessions / Exposition de posters / Sesiones de Carteleras 229 Arun Kashyap TREECD Workstations in Asia and the Pacific— CONTACT ADDRESS / Experiences of Selected Forestry Research Institutions Personne à contacter / Para más información, dirigirse a: Presents the results of an initial user survey that has been conducted for the sites that received TREECD workstations under the ADB-UNDP funded Arun Kashyap Forestry Research Support Program for the Asia Pacific (FORSPA) and the Senior Project Officer AIDAB sponsored program in support of forestry research and development CAB International in the Southeast Asia. Asia Regional Office P.O. Box 11872 Les sites TREECD en Asie et dans le Pacifique : Kuala Lumpur 50760 expériences de certaines institutions de recherche en foresterie MALAYSIA Présente les résultats de l’enquête initiale sur les utilisateurs, faite auprès des sites TREECD installés grâce au projet de soutien pour la recherche en foresterie dans le Pacifique asiatique (FORSPA) sponsorisé par l’ADB- UNDP, et au projet de soutien pour la recherche et le développement en foresterie dans le Sud- ouest de l’Asie, sponsorisé par l’AIDAB. Terminales de TREECD en Asia y el Pacífico: Experiencias de Instituciones de Investigación en Ciencias Forestales Seleccionadas Presenta los resultados de una encuesta inicial de usuarios que se realizó para los sitios que recibieron terminales de TREECD con el auspicio del Programa de Apoyo de Investigación en Ciencias Forestales para el Pacífico Asiático (FORSPA, por su acrónimo en inglés), financiado por ADB-PNUD, y el programa patrocinado por AIDAB para apoyar la investigación y el desarrollo en ciencias forestales en el Sudeste Asiático.

Glyn Rimmington, Janet Hoare, H. Stuart Hawkins LandcareNet—an Electronic Network of Agriculture and Nature CONTACT ADDRESS / Conservation Personne à contacter / Para más información, dirigirse a: Describes LandcareNET, a telecommunications network that provides a wide range of communication services such as electronic mail at an affordable cost. G.M. Rimmington Dept. of Agriculture LandcareNet : un réseau électronique University of Melbourne sur l’agriculture et la conservation de la nature Parkville 3052 Décrit LandcareNet, un réseau de télécommunication qui fournit une grande AUSTRALIA variété de services de communication tels que le courrier électronique à bon marché. LandcareNet, una Red Electrónica de Agricultura y Conservación de la Naturaleza Describe una red de telecomunicaciones LandcareNET que suministra una amplia gama de servicios de comunicación, como el correo electrónico, a un costo accesible.

A. Mangstl, K. Grossman, J.M. Pohlman Availability of Factual Data in an Information Network CONTACT ADDRESS / Describes decentralized availability of information and central information Personne à contacter / guides (metadatabank) of the information network that will be coordinated by Para más información, dirigirse a: the German Centre for Agricultural Documentation and Information (ZADI) A. Mangstl for factual data. ZADI P.O. Box 20 14 15 Disponibilité de données factuelles sur un réseau d’information D-53144 Bonn Décrit la disponibilité décentralisée d’information factuelle et de guides GERMANY d’information sur le réseau d’information factuelle qui sera coordonné par le Telephone: +49-228-9548-202 Fax: +49-228-9458-149 Centre allemand de documentation et d’information agricole (ZADI). Email: [email protected] Disponibilidad de Datos Objetivos en una Red de Información Describe la disponibilidad descentralizada de información y las guías principales de información (banco de metadatos) de la red de información. Esta red de datos objetivos será coordinada por el Centro Alemán para la Documentación y la Información Agrícola (ZADI, por su acrónimo en alemán).

230 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Jill Maughan Defeating Distance in Western Australia: CONTACT ADDRESS / Networking in the Department of Agriculture Personne à contacter / Para más información, dirigirse a: Describes the use of information technology to deliver information to the decentralized staff of the Department of Agriculture in Western Australia. Jill Maughan, Chief Librarian Library Agriculture Western Australia Vaincre la distance en Australie de l’Ouest : Baron-Hay Court travailler en réseau au sein du Département sur l’agriculture South Perth, WA 6151 Décrit l’utilisation de la technologie d’information pour fournir l’information AUSTRALIA Telephone: +61-9-368-3260 au personnel du Département sur l’agriculture, décentralisé en Australie de Fax: +61-9-368-3846 l’Ouest. Email: [email protected] Derrotando la Distancia en Australia Occidental: Uso de Redes en el Departamento de Agricultura Describe el uso de la tecnología de la información para entregar información al personal del Departamento de Agricul- tura de Australia Occidental que no trabaja en la sede principal.

Nikola Kezic Agricultural Libraries in the Republic of Croatia CONTACT ADDRESS / Describes the agricultural libraries that are part of the Croatian Academic and Personne à contacter / Research Network (CARNET) in the Republic of Croatia. Para más información, dirigirse a: Nikola Kezic, Faculty of Agriculture Bibliothèques agricoles en République de Croatie University of Zagreb Décrit les bibliothèques agricoles membres du réseau académique et de la Svetosimunska 25 recherche CARNET en République de Croatie. 41000 Zagreb THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Bibliotecas Agrícolas en la República de Croacia Email: [email protected] Describe las bibliotecas agrícolas que forman parte de la Red Croata de Académicos y de Investigación (CARNET, por su acrónimo en inglés) en la República de Croacia.

Jan Scott, John Weckert, Geoff Fellows Remote Explanation CONTACT ADDRESS / Describes networking of expert systems to provide information to remote Personne à contacter / locations. Para más información, dirigirse a: Explications à distance Jan Scott School of Information Studies Décrit un réseau de systèmes experts fournissant l’information à des lieux Charles Sturt University éloignés. Wagga Wagga 2678 AUSTRALIA Explicación Remota Email: [email protected] Describe el uso de redes de sistemas expertos para suministrar información a localidades remotas.

Marcelino Jojo Luis Tabago, Jr. Content Analysis of the Programs “Lingkod Bayan” CONTACT ADDRESS / and “Tarlac Ngayon” over DZTC Personne à contacter / Para más información, dirigirse a: Explores the possibility that values can be communicated through music. Marcelino Jojo Luis Tabago Jr. Analyse du contenu des programmes ‘Lingkod Bayan’ Institute of Graduate Studies et ‘Tarlac Ngayon’ via DZTC Central Luzon State University Explore la possibilité de communiquer des valeurs par la musique. Munoz, Neuva Ecija PHILIPPINES Análisis de Contenidos de los Programas “Lingkod Bayan” y “Tarlac Ngayon” en DZTC Explora la posibilidad de que los valores puedan comunicarse a través de la música.

Poster Sessions / Exposition de posters / Sesiones de Carteleras 231 S. Seru, A. Macendru, P. Falvey, S. Field Bridging the Gap with Appropriate Agriculture Information CONTACT ADDRESS / Systems Personne à contacter / Para más información, dirigirse a: Discusses use of technology such as radio or film in the transfer of informa- tion. The links with organizations such as the South Pacific Commission and S. Seru the University of the South Pacific are described. Fisheries and Forests Ministry of Agriculture Combler le vide avec des systèmes appropriés d’information agricole Box 358 Etudie l’utilisation de la technologie telle que la radio ou le film pour Suva FIJI transférer de l’information. Décrit les relations avec les organisations telles que la Commission du Pacifique sud et l’Université du Pacifique Sud. Llenando un Vacío con Sistemas Apropiados de Información Agrícola Discute el uso de la tecnología, como la radio o el cine, en la transferencia de información. Se describen los vínculos con organizaciones como la Comisión del Pacífico Sur y la Universidad del Pacífico Sur.

S.B. Tennakoon, C. J. Bell An Expert System to Communicate Information About CONTACT ADDRESS / Crop Rotations Personne à contacter / Para más información, dirigirse a: Describes a prototype of a knowledge-based decision support system for crop rotation that has been developed for dryland agriculture in north western Sunil Bandara Tennakoon Victoria Australia. School of Agriculture La Trobe University Système d’experts pour communiquer l’information sur les cultures Bundoora 3083 séquentielles AUSTRALIA Décrit un système pilote de décision pour les cultures séquentielles, développé pour l’agriculture en zone aride du nord-ouest de la province Victora d’Australie. Un Sistema Experto para Comunicar Información acerca de la Rotación de Cultivos Describe un prototipo de un sistema para apoyar la toma de decisiones respecto a la rotación de cultivos, que se basa en los conocimientos existentes. Este sistema fue desarrollado para la agricultura de secano del noroccidente de Victoria, Australia.

232 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 List of Participants

Mrs. Wenke Adam Ms. Janeti Bombini de Moura Wallingford, OXON OX 10 8DE CDA ESAIQ, University of Sao Paulo United Kingdom Centro de Documentacao e Informacia PO Box 09 EMAIL: [email protected] de Sector Agrario Sao Paulo, Brasil Maputo, Mozambique EMAIL: [email protected] Ms. Mandy Curnow EMAIL: [email protected] WA Dept of Agriculture Mrs. Vera Boutchneva Albany Highway Mr. Chris Addison Cental Scientific Agricultural Library WA 6330, Australia 149 Kingsbury Orlikov Pereulok 3 EMAIL: [email protected] Maynooth Moscow 107139, Russia Co. Kildare, Ireland Ms. Kathryn Dadswell EMAIL: [email protected] Ms. Susan Boyd Victorain College of Agriculture & NSW Agriculture Horticulture—McMillan Campus Mrs. Pamela André Locked Bag 21 South Road, Warragul 3820 National Agricultural Library Orange, NSW 2800 Australia 10301 Baltimore Blvd. Australia Beltsville, Maryland 20705 USA EMAIL: [email protected] Mr. Pierre Dandijinou EMAIL: [email protected] CICIBA Ms. Jackie Chamberlin PO Box 770 Mr. Samba Aw Biological Sciences Library Libreville, Gabon RESADOC Univeristy of Queensland Institut du Sahel St Lucia 4072, Australia Dr. Emmy De Beraho B.P. 1530 Bamako, Mali Roseworthy Campus Mrs. Ute Chandoni-Goebel The University of Adelaide Mr. Peter Ballantyne International Food Information Service Roseworthy, SA 5371 European Centre for Development Melibocusstrasse 52 Australia Policy Management 60528 Frankfurt am Main EMAIL: eberaho@ Onze Lieve Vrouweplein 21 Germany 6211 HE Maastricht The Netherlands Mrs. Shirley Cohen Mr. Michal Demes EMAIL: [email protected] 66 Paterson Street Institute of Scientific and Technical Numurkah 3636, Australia Information for Agriculture Ms. Rosalie Banks Ms. Lynne Cooke Samova Str 9 Dept of Primary Industries NT Dept of Primary Industry & Fisheries Nitra, Slovak Republic 95010 PO Box 1085 PO Box 79 EMAIL: [email protected] Townsville 4810, Australia Berrimah, Northern Territory 0828 EMAIL: [email protected] Australia Mr. Victor Desroches Canadian Agricultual Library Dr. Jan Bay-Petersen Mr. William Craven 930 Carling Ave Food and Fertilizer Technology Center 210 One Chain Road Ottawa, Canada KIA OC5 for ASPAC Region Arawara, VIC 3951, Australia EMAIL: [email protected] 14 Wenchow Street Mr. Ian Crellin Taipei, Taiwan Dept of Primary Industries and Energy Mr. Amadou Diop EMAIL: [email protected] PO Box 858 IPD/AOS Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia 01 BP 1756 Dr. Chris Bell [email protected] Ouagadougou, Burkino Faso School of Agriculture La Trobe University Mr.Tim Cullen Mr. Gavin Drew Bundoora 3083, Australia Natural Resources Institute VCAH—Glenormiston EMAIL: [email protected] Central Ave, Chatham Maritime RMB 6200 Kent ME 4 4TB Terang 3264, Australia Miss Margot Bellamy United Kingdom CAB International [email protected] Ms. Fiona Drum Wallingford, OXON OX10 8DE VCAH—Glenormiston United Kingdom Mr. Bruce Cumming RMB 6200 EMAIL: [email protected] Dept. of Agriculture Terang 3264, Australia P.O. Box 862 Mrs. Rosemary Blakeney Shepparton, Victoria, 3630 Mr. David Dyson Yanco Agricultural Institute Australia ALDIS Yanco, NSW 2703, Australia Level 5 EMAIL: [email protected] Dr. Christina Cunliffe PO Box 2040 CAB International St Kilda 3182, Australia

List of Conference Participants 233 Ms. Margaret Emery Mr. Joe Howard Professor Wolfrudolf Laux Library President, IAALD Feder. Biol. Research Centre for Roseworthy Campus 1113 Mainsail Drive Agriculture and Forestry University of Adelaide Annapolis, Maryland 21403 USA Konigin Luise Str 17-19 Roseworthy SA 5371, Australia EMAIL: [email protected] D 14195 Berlin, Germany [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] Ms. Barbara Hutchinson Mr. Michael Ferres Arid Lands Inforamtion Center Dr. Christian Le Gras Department of Agriculture Office of Arid Lands Studies Chris Le Gras & Partners Pty Ltd Box 2500 University of Arizona PO Box 19 Bendigo Mail Centre, 3554, Australia Tucson, Arizona 85719 USA Hornsby, NSW 2077, Australia EMAIL: [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] Mr. Brian Lee Ms. Rita Fisher Ms. Katharine Irving Australian Centre for International Owen Science and Engineering Library State Chemistry Laboratory Agricultural Research Washington State University 5 Macarthur Street GPO Box 1571 Pullman, Washington 99164-3200 USA East Melbourne 3002, Australia Canberra 2601, Australia EMAIL: fi[email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected]

Ms. Anne Fox Dr.Tamotsu Ito Ms. Pema Lhamo Western Oregon State College Library 7 7 6 201 Hikarigaoka Faculty of Agriculture & Forestry Monmouth, OR 97361 USA Nerima, Tokyo 179, Japan University of Melbourne EMAIL: [email protected] Ms. Marie-Josee Jehl Parkville 3052, Australia CTA Mme Isabelle Gachie Mrs. Aline Lisette-Vidal BDPA-Scetagri Nwe Maanderbuurtweg 550 IIRSDA 27 rue Louis Vicat Ede, The Netherlands BP V-51 Paris 75738, France EMAIL: [email protected] Abidjan, Ivory Coast EMAIL: [email protected] Dr. Jean-Paul Jette Dr. Raymond Lister Mr. Howard Gardner Bibliotehque de Medecine Veterinaire School of Computing Science Computer Aided Livestock Marketing University of meontreal Queensland University of Technology GPO Box 2671 CP 5000 GPO Box 2434 Sydney 2001, Australia Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec, Brisbane 4001, Australia Canada J2S 7CS Mrs. Elizabeth Goldberg EMAIL: [email protected] Professor Miguel A. Lopez-Perez CIAT Inin Nuclear Inforamtion and Documen- AA6713 Dr. Dick Kaandorp tation Center Cali, Colomiba Library Wageningen Agricultural APDO Postal 18-1027 EMAIL: [email protected] University/Pudoc-DLO Mexico DF, Mexico 11801 P.O. Box 4, Wageningen, Dr. Colleen Gravatt The Netherlands Dr.Takemi Machida QLD Dept of Primary Industries Univerisity of Ibataki PO Box 519 Dr. Arun Kashyap 3-21-1 Ami Inashiki, Ibaraka Longreach, QLD 4730, Australia CAB International Japan 300-03 EMAIL: [email protected] PO Box 11872 EMAIL: [email protected] Kuala Lumpur, Malayasia 50760 Mr. Pekka Haavisto Mr. Luis Majope Agricultural Research Centre Ms. Jodee Kawasaki CDA Jokioinen, Finland 31600 Montana State University Centro de Documentacao e Informacia P.O. Box 38 de Sector Agrario Ms. Ann Hanger Gallatin Gateway, Montanta 59730, USA Maputo, Mozambique Dept of Primary Industries EMAIL: [email protected] GPO Box 46 Dr. Anton Mangstl Brisbane, QLD 4001, Australia Mr. Chris Landon-Lane Centre for Agricultural Domentation and EMAIL: [email protected] School of Agriculture Information University of Melbourne Villichgasse 17 Dr. Stuart Hawkins Parkville 3052, Australia D-53177 Bonn, Germany Agriculture & Forestry EMAIL: [email protected] The University of Melbourne Ms.Tricia Larner Parkville 3052, Australia J M Rendel Laboratory Library Ms. Jill Maughan EMAIL: Tropical Beef Centre Library [email protected] PO Box 5545, Rockhampton Mail Centre Department of Agriculture WA QLD 4702, Australia 3 Baron Hay Court Dr. Allen Hibberd EMAIL: [email protected] South Perth WA 6151, Australia Department of Primary Industries EMAIL: GPO Box 46 [email protected] Brisbane, QLD 4001, Australia

234 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 Ms. Dianna McClellan Ms. Antoinette Powell Mr. Basil Sheahan Borchardt Library Agriculture Library, University of University of Adelaide La Trobe University Kentucky Roseworthy, SA 5371, Australia Bundoora 3083, Australia N-24 Agricultural Science Center Lexington, Kentucky 40546-0091 USA Mr. Seru R Sila Ms. Pauline McGinness EMAIL: [email protected] Fisheries and Forests Flat 6 Ministry of Agriculture 2 Edward Street Dr. Vyatcheslav Pozdnyakov Box 358 Hawthorn 3122, Australia Central Scientific Agricultural Library Suva, Fiji 10784 GSP, Orlikov Bystreet 3 Dr. John Metcalfe Moscow B-139, Russia Ms. Christine Silvy International Food Information Service EMAIL: [email protected] Biological Control Research Unit Land End House International Campus of Baillarguet Shinfield, Reading RG2 9BB Professor Grace Quinones Seda Montferrier-Sur-Lez United Kingdom Mayaguez Campus General Library 34982 Cedex, France EMAIL: University of Puerto Rico EMAIL: [email protected] Mayaguez PR, USA Dr. Pius R Mishra Mrs. Soetitah Soedojo CEAPRED Dr. G M Rimmington Saemeo Biotrop PO Box 5752 Dept of Agriculture PO Box 116 Bogor 16001, Indonesia Katmando, Nepal University of Melbourne Parkville 3052, Australia Mr. Daniel H Spina Dr. Norihiro Nakamura Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Akita Prefectural College of Agriculture Professor Carol Robertson Agropecuaria INTA Minami 2-2 University of Illinois Buenos Aires, Chile 460 Ohgata Akita 010-04, Japan 1347 Maple Ave. Argentina 1098 EMAIL: [email protected] Twin Falls,Idaho 83301 USA EMAIL: [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] Mr. Enare Namatalaba Mr. Des Stewart Fisheries and Forests Mr. Keith Russell NSW Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture National Agricultural Library Bruxner Highway Koronivia Research Station 10301 Baltimoare Blvd. Wollongbar, NSW 2477, Australia Fiji Beltsville, Maryland 20705 USA EMAIL: [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] Mr.Thiendou Niang Ms. Jenny Stocks Mr. Olivier Sagna CTA 19 Briggs Street Universite Cheigh Anta Diop de Dakar Gaalvanistraat 9 Box Hill North 3129, Australia BP 3252 Dakar, Senegal Ede, The Netherlands EMAIL: [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] Dr. David Stoker University of Wales Mr. David Salt Dr. Colin Ogbourne Aberystwyth, Llanbadarn Fawr Engineering Library CAB International Aberystwyth SY23 3PP University of Saskatchewan Wallingfor OXON OZ10 8DE United Kingdom Saskatoon S7NOWO, Canada United Kingdom EMAIL: [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] Mrs. Pauline Sawyer Ms. Joy Sutton Ms. Janice Oliver Dept of Agriculture WA Information Services Division of Water Resources Baron-Hay Court CSIRO CSIRO South Perth, WA 6151, Australia PO Box 89 Private Bag EMAIL: East Melbourne 3002, Australia PO Wembley 6014, Australia [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] Dr. Jaques Schippers Ms. Rosalinda Temprosa Professor Iraida Padovani Library Wageningen Agricultural International Center for Living Aquatic Mayaguez Campus General Library University/Pudoc-DLO Resources Management University of Puerto Rico PO Box 4 MC PO Box 2631 Mayaguez PR USA Wageningen, The Netherlands Makati, Metro Manilla, Philippines 0718 EMAIL: [email protected] Mr. N W Posnett Ms. Helga Schmid Institute of Development Studies Agris Processing Unit Mr. Sunil Bandara Tennakoon University of Sussex c/o IAEA pob 100 School of Agriculture Brighton BNI 9RE A1400—Vienna, Austria La Trobe University, Bundoora 3083 United Kingdom EMAIL: [email protected] Australia

Mrs. Andrea Powell Jan Scott Mr. Joao Tsandzana CAB International School of Information Studies CDA Wallingford, OXON OX10 8DE Charles Stuart University Centro de Documentacao e Informacia United Kingdom Wagga Wagga 2678, Australia de Sector Agrario EMAIL: [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] Maputo, Mozambique

List of Conference Participants 235 Mr. Brent Turner Mr. Peter Walton Mr. Ge Yu NSW Agriculture South Pacific Commission China-European Union Centre for Locked Bag 21, NSW 2800, Australia Private Mail Bag Agricultural Technology EMAIL: [email protected] Suva, Fiji 55 Nongzhanguan EMAIL: Beilu, Beijing, China Dr. J H W van Hartevelt [email protected] Royal Tropical Institute Dr. Qiaoqiao Zhang 63 Mauriskade Ms. Lynn Webber CAB International Amsterdam, The Netherlands Development Communications Wallingford, OXON OX10 8DE EMAIL: Macquarie University United Kingdom [email protected] NSW 2109, Australia EMAIL: [email protected]

Dr. Jan van der Burg Mr. Craig Whiteford Ms. Margaret Zito Boeslaan 55 Dept of Primary Industries Food and Agriculture Organization fo the 6703 ER Wageningen, The Netherlands PO Box 6014 United Nations EMAIL: [email protected] Rockhampton 4702, Australia Via Delle Terme di Caracalla EMAIL: [email protected] Rome, Italy Dr. Sten Vedi EMAIL: [email protected] Swedish University of Agricultural Mrs. Elizabeth Wilkes Sciences NSW Agriculture PO Box 7071, Sweden S-75507 RMB 8 EMAIL: [email protected] Camden 2570, Australia

Mr. Ian Wallace Mr. Graham Wilson International Rice Research Institute QLD Dept of Primary Industries PO Box 933 PO Box 102 1099 Manila, Philippines Toowoomba 4350, Australia EMAIL: [email protected]

236 IAALD IXth World Congress / QB XLI, 2, 1996 IAALD

International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists

The Association has a membership of over 500 in 80 countries. On becoming a member, you will receive the IAALD Quarterly Bulletin and IAALD News free of charge and will be able to participate in the activities of the Association. NEW MEMBER APPLICATION – Year______




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*The IAALD Executive Committee plans to carry out a special initiative on education and training with emphasis on developing countries and asks each member to make an optional donation of £5/$10 or more to further this effort. IAALD

Association Internationale des Spécialistes de l’Information Agricole

L’Association compte environ 500 membres dans 80 pays. En Afrique nous sommes 84 membres dans 34 pays. En adhérant à l’association, vous recevrez le BULLETIN Quadrimestriel de l’IAALD sans frais et vous pourrez participer aux activités de l’Association.

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*Le comité exécutif d l’IAALD envisage de mener des actions de formation en mettant l’accent sur les pays en développement et demande à chaque membre de donner une contribution spéciale de £5 ou $10 plus. Agricultural Information Resource Centers A WORLD DIRECTORY 1995 Jane S. Johnson, Rita C. Fisher, Carol Boast, The International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists (IAALD), in cooperation with the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), is pleased to present an updated and enlarged directory of agricultural libraries and documentation centers. The Directory includes complete addresses and phone numbers for over 3,500 libraries and documentation centers from 250 countries. Most entries also include size, subjects, and language of collections; type of institution; type of materials collected; services provided; name and phone number of the director; and information on databases main- tained and/or searched. Available telex and telefacsimile numbers, and e-mail addresses are also given. The primary language of the directory is English, but names of institutions in other romanized languages have been included if provided. The Directory is arranged by countries and then cities, and indexed by names of parent institution and of library, former names, acronyms, and subjects. Each index is subdivided by country and in some cases by state. This 8.5 by 11-inch hardbound directory has taken five years to update and is an extremely valuable reference tool. Many individuals have contributed to the completeness and accuracy of this directory. Sales of the 1990 Directory resulted in a USA $45,000 profit which is being used by IAALD to sponsor workshops and participation for IAALD members from developing countries. The profits from the 1995 Directory will be added to this fund. CTA is distributing the 1995 Directory to countries covered by their programs (ACP countries). Donors are being sought to subsidize distribution in other parts of the world. Prospective donors are encouraged to contact Carol Boast at the Twin Falls address below, by phone (+01-208-734-8349) or by e-mail ([email protected]). The quality of the 1995 Directory has been greatly enhanced by the help of liaisons in each country. Some contacts are still needed. If you can help, contact Rita Fisher: phone (+01-509-335-8000), fax (+01-509- 335-2534), or e-mail ([email protected]). World Directory 1995 ORDER FORM ISBN: 0-9624052-1-3 FEIN: 37-1251239 Prepayment in US Dollars Required On All Purchases — IAALD Members: US $140 + handling and shipping Non-members: US $170* + handling and shipping Handling Charge — $5/vol. Shipping Charge — Surface: $6; Air: $35; Canada: $10 Idaho residents add 5% to subtotal.

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NAME ______PHONE______The International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists presents… N Proceedings of the IXth World Congress of IAALD: Communicating Agricultural Information in Remote Places held January 23–26, 1995 in Melbourne, Australia. This two volume set contains papers from information specialists worldwide on sustainable information systems, information delivery in Latin America, disseminating information to extension workers and farmers, communication methods and rural development, technological innovations, information and cultural remoteness, using the Internet for information delivery, overcoming distance with technology; taking informa- tion to remote locations, and technology as applied to development. This set will be issued as Quarterly Bulletin of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists, v. 41, nos. 1 and 2 and will be published in spring of 1996. The price for the set is US$50. and… N International Symposium on New Information Technologies in Agriculture The papers presented at a symposium sponsored by IAALD, CTA, and ZADI and held in Bonn, Germany, November 10–12, 1993. The volume contains 35 papers on topics from informa- tion policy to fuzzy logic and was published as Quarterly Bulletin of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists v. 39, nos. 1–2, 1994. The price for this volume is US$30. and… N IAALD Symposium on Advances in Information Technology The papers presented at the IAALD Symposium on Advances in Information Technology, presented September 16–20, 1992 in Beltsville, Maryland are now available. The papers cover elec- tronic systems, the development of these systems, progress reports of current technology projects, copyright issues, and standards emerging for these technologies. This volume was issued as Quar- terly Bulletin of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists, v. 37, nos. 1–2, 1992. The price for this volume is US$20. Complete form below and mail to… A.P. Powell, Editor IAALD 3755 Leestown Rd. Lexington, KY 40511 USA • Add US$5 shipping and handling for orders mailed to the U.S.and Canada; add US$10 shipping and handling for all other orders. • Prepayment is required. Make checks payable to IAALD. • Please note: Some discounts apply to developing countries. To determine eligibility for the discount, please contact the editor.

Name: ______Mailing Address: ______Issue(s) requested: QB v. 37, nos. 1–2, Advances in Information Technology QB v. 39, nos. 1–2, New Information Technologies in Agriculture QB v. 41, nos. 1 and 2, Communicating Agricultural Information Amount enclosed: US$______

• Invoice available on request Publications of the Regional and National Associations of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists that are Members of IAALD

Guide a l’Intention des Bibliothécaires Agricoles. 1981. O. Lendvay. Agence de Coopération Culturelle et Technique, avec la collaboration de l’Association Francaise des Documentalists et des Bibliothécaires Agricole. Agence de Coopération Culturelle et Technique, 13 quai Andre Citröen, 75015 Paris, France. Primer for Agricultural Libraries. 1983. O. Lendvay. Japanese Edition. Japan Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists. JAALD, Library of Tokyo University of Agriculture, 1-1-1, Sakuragaoka, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 156, Japan. Guía para Bibliotecas Agrícolas. 1983. O. Lendvay, Portuguese Edition. Instituto Nacional de Investigação e Extensão Rural. Rua das Janelas Verdes 92, 1200 Lisboa, Portugal. Guia Básica para Bibliotecas Agrícolas. 1969. D. Parker, F.C. Hirst, T.P. Loosjes and G. Koster. Spanish Edition. Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas, Biblioteca y Servicio de Documentación, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Papers presented at the Regional European Symposium of IAALD, 14–18 May 1973, Wageningen, the Netherlands. 1973. PUDOC, Center for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, P.O. Box 4, 6700 AAWageningen, The Netherlands. European Regional Congress of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists. 1978. K.G. Saur Verlag KG, Possen- bacher Str. 26, P.O.B. 711009, D-8000 München 71, BRD. Bulletin of the Japan Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists. Quarterly, JAALD, Library of Tokyo University of Agriculture, 1-1-1, Sakuragaoka, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 156, Japan. Revista AIBDA. Semiannual. Asociación Interamericana de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas Agrícolas, Secretaria Ejecutiva, c/o IICA-CIDIA, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Boletín Informativo de AIBDA. Secretaría Ejecutive de AIBDA, c/o Centro Interamericano de Documentación e Información Agrícola (IICA/CIDIA), Turrialba, Costa Rica. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Bibliothekswesen und Dokumentation des Landbaues (GBDL), c/o Sekretariat der GBDL in Paracelsusstr. 2, D-7000 Stuttgart 70, BRD. Guía para Bibliotecas Agrícolas. 1987. O. Lendvay. Spanish Edition. Translated to Spanish and adapted by Ana María Paz de Erikson. AIBDA, Turrialba, Costa Rica. IAALD Publications

Quarterly Bulletin of IAALD. Issued gratis to members. Most of the issues of the early years of the Quarterly Bulletin are now out of print. Back issues are available for the most recent three years from: A.P. Powell, Editor, IAALD, 3755 Leestown Road, Lexington, KY 40511, USA. From 1956 on, it is available on microfilm from: University Microfilms International, P.O. Box 1346, Dept. P.R., Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346, USA; or 30–32 Mortimer Street, Dept. P.R., London W1N 7RA, UK.

Agricultural Information Resource Centers: A World Directory. Edited by Jane Johnson, Rita Fisher, and Carol Boast. Twin Falls, ID, USA: IAALD, 1995. Price: see Order Form inside — prepayment required. Obtainable from: IAALD World Directory, 1347 Maple Avenue, Twin Falls, ID 83301, USA.

IAALD News, No. 1–, 1980–, occasional President’s newsletter. Gratis to IAALD members.

VIIIth World Congress of the International Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists: Information and the End User, Budapest, Hungary, 1990. Wageningen, The Netherlands: IAALD, 1991. 162 pp. Out of Print.

IAALD Symposium on Advances in Information Technology. Papers presented September 16–20, 1991, Beltsville, Maryland, USA. Wageningen, The Netherlands: IAALD, 1992. 124 pp. Obtainable from: A.P. Powell, Editor, IAALD, 3755 Leestown Road, Lexington, KY 40511, USA. Price: US$30 prepaid. Some dis- counts apply.

International Symposium on New Information Technologies in Agriculture. Papers presented November 10–12, 1993, Bonn, Germany. Wageningen, The Netherlands: IAALD, 1994. Obtainable from: A.P. Powell, Editor, IAALD, 3755 Leestown Road, Lexington, KY 40511, USA. Price: US$40 prepaid. Some dis- counts apply.

Proceedings of the IXth World Congress of IAALD: Communicating Agricultural Information in Remote Places. Papers presented January 23–26, 1995, Melbourne, Australia. Obtainable from: A.P. Powell, Editor, IAALD, 3755 Leestown Rd., Lexington, KY 40511, USA. Price US$50 prepaid for the two volume set. Some discounts apply..