Dossier d’application d’un Permis Exclusif de Recherche de Mines « BONNEVAL »



La société Cordier Mines SAS (ci-après nommée « Cordier »), nouvellement créée, est la filiale française de la société minière australienne Montezuma Mining Company Ltd (ci-après nommée « Montezuma »), cotée sur le marché boursier australien (ASX, Code société « MZM »). Les activités de Montezuma sont consultables sur le site web de la société :

Montezuma est l’associé unique de Cordier, et détient de ce fait la totalité des parts de cette dernière.

Montezuma finance donc l’intégralité des dépenses engagées par Cordier sur le territoire français, et est le garant des engagements pris par Cordier dans le cadre des budgets prévisionnels des programmes d’exploration inscrits dans cette demande.

A la date de dépôt de cette demande, la société Montezuma dispose de liquidités suffisantes – environ 10 millions de dollars australiens – pour assurer les engagements de dépenses des programmes présentés par Cordier pour cette demande.

A la date de dépôt de cette demande, l’expertise technique de Cordier Mines est assurée par son Président, Monsieur Yves Hirbec, Géologue titulaire d’un Doctorat de 3e Cycle en géologie (Université de Rennes), qui a à son actif plus d’une trentaine d’années d’expérience internationale en géologie, dont plus de quinze en exploration minière centrée sur les métaux précieux. Le Conseil d’Administration de Cordier Mines est également très compétent techniquement, puisque parmi ses membres, en plus de Yves Hirbec, figurent en particulier Michael Moore (Ingénieur Minier, CEO de Montezuma Mining Ltd) et Justin Brown, Géologue, Directeur de Montezuma Mining Ltd)

Dès l’attribution du permis Bonneval, Cordier fera le nécessaire pour recruter des collaborateurs français de haut niveau, au fur et à mesure des besoins. Dans l’intervalle, Cordier compte faire appel, en fonction des objectifs de travail, à un ou des bureau(x)

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


d’études géologiques et minières français, dès à présent identifiés par Cordier, et dont les compétences en exploration minière et la réputation internationale sont avérées.

Cette annexe comporte :

 Annexe 4a : Rapport Annuel 2014 de Montezuma Mining Ltd (anglais).  Annexe 4b : Une traduction française de la lettre de présentation de ce Rapport, établie par son Chairman, Mr Seamus Cornelius  Annexe 4c : Curriculum Vitae de MM : - Yves Hirbec, Président de Cordier Mines SAS. - Seamus Cornelius, Directeur de Cordier Mines, Chairman de Montezuma Mining Ltd - Mike Moore, Directeur Cordier Mines et CEO de Montezuma Mining Ltd. - Justin Brown, Directeur de Cordier Mines, et Directeur Executif de Montezuma Mining Ltd - John Ribbon, Directeur (Non Exécutif) et Secrétaire Général de Montezuma Mining Ltd

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


ANNEXE 4a : Rapport Annuel 2014 de MONTEZUMA MINING Limited

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


Annexe 4b: Traduction (en français, établie par Y. Hirbec) de la lettre d’introduction du Rapport Annuel 2014 de Montezuma Mining Ltd

Lettre du Chairman

Chers actionnaires

De la part du Conseil d’Administration, du management et personnel de Montezuma Mining, c’est un plaisir de vous remercier à nouveau pour votre support lors de cette année passée.

En 2014, à l’instar des dernières années, les conditions des marchés ont été dures pour les compagnies d’exploration juniors et les producteurs émergents.

Malgré un environnement opérationnel très difficile, Montezuma Mining a pu maintenir un fort bilan et une position en liquidités positive. En persévérant dans la stratégie de chercher à utiliser un bilan fort et une structure de capital stricte comme levier pour acquérir des projets avancés ayant un potentiel de production à court/moyen terme, la compagnie a pu passer en revue un grand nombre d’opportunités d’investissement et d’acquisitions potentiels.

De nombreuses discussions sont en cours, mais rien de concret n’a encore été arrêté.

La société a finalisé d’importants accords pendant l’année, incluant la cession dePeak Hill Metals Pty Ltd à Ggrosvenor Gold, l’acquisition d’une option sur Woodie Woodie West, et a également acquis une opportunité excellente et intéressante sur l’exploration de l’or dans la ceinture de Yamarna, située en Australie de l’Ouest.La société prévoit de progresser sur ces opportunités en 2015, dès l’obtention des permis et approbations nécessaires.

Toute l’équipe de Montezuma reste engagée à maximiser la valeur de l’actionnaire à partir de nos ressources disponibles.

Bien Cordialement

Seamus Cornelius Chairman

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans



CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


Curriculum vitae de: Mr Yves Hirbec

Né le: 26 avril 1953 Nationalité: Française


- Doctorat de 3è Cycle en Géologie Structurale, décembre 1979, Université de Rennes, France - DEA Geologie (Méthodes Mathématiques, Physiques et Chimiques de la Géologie) - Maîtrise es Sciences, - Licence es Sciences.


 Plus de 25 ans d’activité professionnelle en géologie à l’international (Afrique du Nord, Afrique Sub- saharienne, Guyane Française). Management de projets d’exploration minière  Connaissances approfondies de la géologie des zones de socle (cartographie, géologie structurale, pétrographie). Bilingue Français / Anglais  Maîtrise totale des logiciels de bureautique (PC et Mac) et d’Internet.  Connaissance des SIG (ArcGis) Expérience significative au sein de sociétés d’exploration minière anglo-saxonnes (australiennes, canadiennes, américaines) Excellentes capacités relationnelles, de communication, grande adaptabilité à des contextes humains, culturels et géographiques différents


Octobre 2011 – avril 2013: Country Manager, République Islamique de Mauritanie, pour le compte d’une société américaine d’exploration minière

Société d’exploration minière américaine spécialisée dans l’exploration des métaux précieux. Permis d’exploration pour l’or dans le socle archéen et dans le Protérozoique Inférieur d Mauritanie. En charge de tous les aspects du fonctionnement de la société en Mauritanie : préparation des programmes de terrain, des budgets, suivi de la réalisation sur le terrain et du traitement / interprétation des résultats, sélection et suivi des sous traitants locaux et/ou extérieurs (techniques, analytiques), contrôle des dépenses, ainsi que des relations avec des administrations mauritaniennes. Reporting au VP Exécutif Exploration, à Denver (Colorado, USA).

Janvier 2011 à octobre 2011: Country Manager, Mauritanie, pour une société de géoservices spécialisée dans les prestations techniques dans le domaine minier (exploration, production) en Afrique de l’Ouest.

Octobre à décembre 2010: Géologue Consultant pour une société privée australienne (NEWGENCO), ayant des permis de recherches pour Ni et platinoïdes en Afrique de l’Ouest (Cote d’Ivoire, Mali).

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


Octobre à décembre 2009: Directeur Administration de la division Exploration de la filiale en Cote d’Ivoire d’une société minière australienne.

Mai 2008 à avril 2009: Consultant Principal Géologue, au sein d’un groupe international de consulting géologique et minier australien (filiale en Grande Bretagne, CSA Global(UK)). Responsable de projets d’exploration minière demandés par les clients (or, uranium, manganèse, etc.) dans les zones de socles en Afrique. Missions de terrain au Burkina Faso (manganèse), Mauritanie (uranium), Tchad (or).

Mars 2007 à novembre 2007 : Directeur des Opérations / Directeur Général de la filiale au Burkina Faso d’un groupe européen spécialisé dans les explosifs à usage minier (EPC). Contrat de prestation de services forage/minage avec une société minière canadienne exploitant un gisement aurifère dans le sud du Burkina Faso.

Octobre 2004 – février 2007: « Administration Manager » d’une société minière canadienne opérant au Burkina Faso. Poste basé à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso),

Janvier 2002 à octobre 2004 : Basé en France. Diverses missions ponctuelles techniques et commerciales dans le secteur minier en Afrique Centrale (Gabon, Cameroun, République Démocratique du Congo) avec des sociétés françaises et canadiennes.

Octobre 1997 – décembre 2001: Administration Manager de deux sociétés d’exploration minière australiennes opérant au Burkina Faso. Poste basé à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). Projets d’exploration minière (pour l’or) au Burkina Faso et en Côte d’Ivoire. Je rendais compte directement au Directeur Développement Projets de ces sociétés basées à Perth (Australie de l’Ouest).

Juillet 1994-avril 1997: Géologue Senior en Guyane Française, pour le compte d’une société d’exploration minière canadienne. Poste basé à Cayenne. Plusieurs permis de recherches pour l’or et le diamant en gisements primaires dans le centre de la Guyane (socle Protérozoïque Inférieur)

Decembre 1987- septembre 1993: Chef d'Equipe Géologique. Poste basé Niamey, au Ministère des Mines du Niger. Coopération Technique franco-nigérienne au profit de la Direction de la Recherche Géologique et Minière du Ministère des Mines du Niger.

Septembre 1981 – juillet 1987

Maître-Assistant en Géologie, Université Cadi Ayyad de Marrakech (Maroc) (Faculté des Sciences, Département des Sciences de la Terre). Contrat de Coopération Culturelle entre le Royaume du Maroc et le Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères.

Février 1980- avril 1981: Hydrogéologue, Volontaire du Service National en Coopération (VSNA). Poste basé à Niamey, Ministère de l’Hydraulique, Niger.

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


1977- décembre 1979: Géologue Junior. Thèse de Doctorat de 3è Cycle. Cartographie géologique, études litho-structurales du socle précambrien du nord du Massif Armoricain (France) , Université de Rennes I/


• Langues étrangères : Anglais (courant), Allemand (moyen), notions d’arabe dialectal (Maroc)

• Secrétaire Général du Groupement Professionnel des Miniers du Burkina Faso (GPMB), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), 2006 - 2007.

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


Curriculum Vitae de Mr Seamus Cornelius

Seamus is Non-Executive Chairman of Montezuma Mining Company Limited (Montezuma). Montezuma is an Australian based mineral exploration company focused on building a sustainable multi mine, multi commodity business that operates safely and profitably, while delivering real benefits for the communities within which we operate.


Name: Seamus Ian Cornelius Date of birth: 12th of May 1966 Citizenship: Australian


Seamus is lawyer admitted to practice in Western , England and Wales. He has over 20 years experience as a corporate lawyer and since 1994 has been based in Shanghai, China working primarily on cross border investment transaction. From 2000 to 2010 he was an international partner with one of Australia’s leading international law firms responsible for the Shanghai and Beijing offices of the firm. During this period he acted primarily for international resource companies and banks on transactions involving assets or investment in China. He also acted for several large PRC State Owned Enterprises on transactions involving natural resources asset investment and development outside of China.

Seamus is also an experienced board member of ASX listed exploration and mining companies and currently serves as non-executive Chairman of South Boulder Mines Limited (ASX:STB), Buxton Resources Limited (ASX:BUX) and the unlisted public company Duketon Mining Limited.

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


Seamus also served as a director of the Australian Chamber of Commerce Shanghai for 5 years in total and was Deputy Chairman from 2008 to 2010. The Chamber of Commerce was the peak non-government body representing the interests of Australian business in Shanghai, China and the surrounding provinces.


National University of Singapore Master of Laws LLM graduated 1992

University of Bachelor of Laws LLB graduated 1989 Bachelor of Jurisprudence B.Juris graduated 1988


Member of the Law Society of Western Australia

Member of the Law Society of England and Wales WORK HISTORY with MZM

Montezuma Mining Company Limited Non-Executive Chairman (appointed 2011)

Listed in 2006, Montezuma Mining Company Ltd is a diversified explorer primarily focused on manganese, copper and gold. The Company’s primary objective is to achieve returns for shareholders through selected strategic acquisitions and targeted exploration programs.

Montezuma has a 100% interest in the Butcherbird Manganese / Copper Project in the Murchison region of Western Australia.

Non-Executive Chairman responsibilities include:

 Assisting to set the strategic direction for the Company;  Establishing goals for management and monitoring the achievement of those goals;  Ensuring the Company is managed in a manner which protects and enhances the interest of its shareholders, taking into account the interests of employees, customers, and the community;  Chairing meetings of the board of directors and shareholder meeting including the AGM;  Ensuring that the board is functioning as required by law and regulation and in the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders;

 Monitoring and overseeing the Company’s financial position, compliance systems and risk management priorities.

OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


Non-Executive Chairman –Buxton Resources Limited since 2010 Non-Executive Chairman –Duketon Mining Limited since 2012 Non-Executive Chairman –South Boulder Mines Limited since 2013


2000 to 2010 International Partner of Allens Arthur Robinson International Lawyers based in Shanghai, China responsible for the Shanghai and Beijing offices of the firm.

1997 to 2000 Chief Representative Shanghai office of Allens Arthur Robinson International Lawyers.

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


Curriculum Vitae de Mr Michael Moore

Mike is the Chief Executive Officer with Montezuma Mining Company Limited (Montezuma). Montezuma is an Australian based mineral exploration company focused on building a sustainable multi mine, multi commodity business that operates safely and profitably, while delivering real benefits for the communities within which we operate.


Name: Michael James Moore Date of birth: 31st of August 1972 Citizenship: Australian & British


Mike has a strong background in operations and project management for mining companies and contract mining services providers within the mining sector. After graduating with a Bachelor of Mining Engineering degree from the Camborne School of Mines, Mike moved to Australia where he started his career as a project engineer for Rock Engineering at the Argyle Diamond Mine. This challenging role at an extremely remote mine site established Mike as someone who could deliver engineering and operational solutions as well as manage teams effectively.

Mike then undertook further remote site management roles for both Rock Engineering and DYNO Nobel with increasing commercial responsibility and accountability. These roles demonstrated a track record of delivering commercially sound projects whilst maintaining strict operational control.

Establishing a new mining project for Carnegie Minerals Plc. in The Gambia in West Africa was a challenging

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


undertaking in a country that had had no previous mining activity. Being the first company representative in country and building a team that delivered an operating mine required discipline and excellent communication skills. Community liaison and working with government agencies were an important part of the role.

Returning to Western Australia Mike was headhunted to lead the complex geotechnical rehabilitation of the Koolan Iron ore mine. This difficult project required unique engineering solutions and the management of a number of highly skilled teams. The project lasted 4 years at a cost of approximately $50M AUD.

Since 2012 Mike has been engaged by Montezuma to manage existing projects whilst also focusing on transitioning the company from explorer to producer. As Chief Executive Officer the first task was to define the companies’ strategy and objectives as it seeks to acquire a near term production asset as well as building a credible pipeline of low risk exploration projects.


Camborne School of Mines BEng (Hons) Mining Engineering Associate of the Camborne School of Mines (ACSM)

Camborne School of Mines Higher National Diploma in Mining and Minerals Engineering Diploma of the Camborne School of Mines (Dip CSM)

Brunel University, Uxbridge Foundation Course in Engineering


Member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (MAusIMM) Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (MAICD)


2013-14 Montezuma Mining Company Limited Chief Executive Officer

The role of CEO reports directly to the Montezuma Board and is responsible for all activities of the company including exploration, day to day operations and corporate affairs. The role of CEO also involves managing all project related activities for the establishment of a new manganese mining operation in The , Western Australia.

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


. Development and management of company strategy and budgets . Liaising with traditional owners in Western Australia . Responsible for company P&L . Investor relations . Pursuing business development opportunities aligned with the company strategy . Review and evaluation of new mining/exploration opportunities . Company compliance

2012-13 Montezuma Mining Company Limited Project Manager

The role of Project Manager involved co-ordinating all project related activities for the establishment of a new manganese mining operation in The Pilbara, Western Australia.

. Native title negotiations . Management of mining, engineering and metallurgical studies . Coordinate exploration activities . Overseeing all aspects of the approvals process for the establishment of a new mining operation in Western Australia . Engaging & managing technical consultants . Co-ordinating equipment procurement and the establishment of on-site facilities . Review and evaluation of new mining/exploration opportunities

2010-12 ROCK Australia Mining & Civil Pty Ltd (Formerly Rock Engineering) Operations/Commercial Manager

The role of Operations Manager is focused on operational support, business improvement and commercial management of new and existing projects.

. Operations support and project auditing . Monthly reporting and commercial accountability . Provide technical support to various contracts . Management and co-ordination of technical consultants . Review of major project tenders . Business development . Industry and competitor analysis and relationship management

2007 - 2009 Rock Engineering (Aust.) Pty Ltd Project Manager

The role of Project Manager was dedicated to the design, planning, organisation and management of Pit Wall

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


Rehabilitation work conducted at the Koolan Island mine site.

. Reporting directly to the Mt. Gibson senior management team . Engaging & managing technical consultants . Development of the following documentation: o Project “Statement of Works” o Project Budget approx. $35M o Project Methodology Statement for Mines Department submission . Co-ordinating equipment procurement and establishment of site facilities . Supervise staff, recruitment, rosters, A/L

2005 - 2006 Carnegie Minerals Plc Project Coordinator

The role of Project Manager involved co-ordinating all project related activities for the establishment of a minerals sands mining operation in The Gambia, West Africa. The role involved: . Representing Carnegie Minerals Plc on Joint Venture operating committee meetings . Reporting directly to the Joint Venture Board on all operational issues . Engaging & managing technical consultants . Liaising with Joint Venture partners in China . Co-ordinating equipment procurement and establishment of on-site processing facilities . Liaising with West African Government representatives on mining related matters . Review and evaluation of new mining/exploration opportunities . Acting country manager prior to permanent appointment . Managing infrastructure construction . Recruitment of local management & administrative staff

2004 - 2005 DYNO Nobel Asia Pacific Ltd Business Manager

The role of Business Manager involved full commercial and operational responsibility for various “down the hole”, shotfiring and supply contracts to mining customers in Western Australia. The role involved: . Account management (Tenders, Rise &Falls, contract management & forecasts) . Customer liaison . Business development, identifying opportunities, implement strategies . Compliance to MSA & ISO standards . Operational Excellence and capital expenditure compliance/accountability

2000 - 2003 Rock Engineering (Aust.) Pty Ltd Project Engineer

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


Employed as a Project Engineer based in the Perth head office working with underground and open pit ground support and drilling contracts throughout Australia. This role also included acting as Project Manager at the Argyle Diamond Mine in Western Australia. The role involved: . Direct management of a multimillion dollar ground support and drilling contract . Management, quoting and pricing of individual contracts . Cost reduction, equipment evaluation and selection . Streamlining and updating of reporting procedures . Project evaluation

DIRECTORSHIPS 2008 - Present Director, Global Resource Development Pty Ltd 2005 - 2006 Director, Carnegie Minerals Gambia Ltd PUBLICATIONS Moore, M. 1999. Evaluation of tailings rehabilitation options at the Limni Copper Mine, Cyprus.

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


Curriculum Vitae de Mr Justin Brown

Justin was the founding Managing Director and currently Executive Director with Montezuma Mining Company Limited (Montezuma). Montezuma is an Australian based mineral exploration company focused on building a sustainable multi mine, multi commodity business that operates safely and profitably, while delivering tangible benefits for the communities within which we operate.

Justin also holds a non-executive director role with Australian Securities Exchange listed gold company Exterra Resources Ltd.


Name: Justin Brown Date of birth: 2nd of March 1970 Citizenship: Australian


Justin graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Hons.) degree in geology from Otago University, New Zealand in 1993, before moving to Australia to start his career as a Mine Geologist at the Archean hosted mesothermal Tarmoola Gold Mine in Leonora, Western Australia. Justin’s work resulted in significant success in expanding

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


the mine resources and underpinned a rapid rise to Senior Geologist. During this period Justin was also involved in managing gold exploration in the Marvel Loch and Edjudina districts of Western Australia.

During 2006, Justin took on the role of Managing Director at unlisted public company Montezuma Mining Company Ltd and later that year successfully listed Montezuma on the Australian Securities Exchange, raising sufficient capital in the process to fund Montezuma’s exploration strategies on a number of Projects in Western Australia

Justin’s tenure at the head of Montezuma resulted in significant exploration success including:

 The delineation of JORC Resources in excess of 590,000oz of mesothermal vein hosted Archean gold at the 100% owned Peak Hill Project.

 The greenfields discovery of Australia’s largest onshore manganese Resource at the Butcherbird Project which hosts JORC Resources in excess of 19Mt of contained manganese hosted in surficial deposits resulting from supergene enrichment of manganiferous shallow marine Proterozoic sediments.

 The identification of surface hematite mineralization at the Mt Padbury project which led to the delineation of JORC Resources in excess of 15Mt of iron ore by incoming parties.

In 2013, Justin engaged Mike Moore to join Montezuma with the aim of engineering the Company’s transition from an exploration focused group, to one with the clear goal of become a producer. Since that point, Justin and Mike have worked closely together to refine the Company’s strategies, and to identify opportunities to fulfill the Company’s stated objectives and ultimately generate significant stakeholder value.

Outside of his role with Montezuma, Justin has been involved in consulting roles with several other companies further expanding both his corporate and technical experience in a range of commodities and jurisdictions including:  Technical due diligence work relating to the large tantalum-niobium-rare earths deposit hosted in Jurassic alkaline granite intrusives in the Ampasindava Peninsula in northern Madagascar.

 Technical and corporate advisory role with ASX listed South Boulder Mines Ltd in relation to their discovery of the >billion tonne Colluli Potash Deposit in Eritrea.


Otago University: BSc (Hons) Geology

World Geoscience Corporation: Interpretation and Structural Analysis of Aeromagnetic Data


Member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (MAusIMM)

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans



2013-14 Montezuma Mining Company Limited Executive Director

Coordinating the business development strategies of the Company in conjunction with the CEO. Core tasks include the identification and review of potential acquisition targets through technical review, managing asset divestments, and analysis of potential strategic pathways forward for the Company.

2006-13 Montezuma Mining Company Limited Managing Director

The role of Managing Director reports directly to the Montezuma Board and is responsible for all activities of the company including target generation, exploration program design and implementation, analysis of exploration results, strategic decision making on future programs as well as day to day operations and corporate affairs.

. Exploration program design . Analysis and interpretation of results . Target generation . Development of strategies and budgets . Investor relations . Raising capital to fund company activities . Pursuing business development opportunities aligned with the company strategy . Corporate governance/compliance

1999-2006 Webscope IT Consultancy Founder & Managing Director

During this period, Justin’s IT business grew from a startup company to a successful internet consultancy specializing in web based programming using a variety of cutting edge technologies. Key competencies developed include:

. Web application programming, website design and development, server management

1994 -1999 Pacmin Geologist/Senior Geologist

Commencing in the role of Mine Geologist and progressing through the Company to Exploration Geologist a then Senior Geologist positions, skills and expertise were developed in the following core areas.

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


. Exploration planning and implementation . Results analysis and reporting . Mineral Resource extension and estimation . Mine geology/grade control . Target generation and testing . Database administration and quality control


Fairclough M C, Brown J C 1998 - Tarmoola gold deposit: in Berkman D A, Mackenzie D H (Ed.s), 1998 Geology of Australian & Papua New Guinean Mineral Deposits The AusIMM, Melbourne Mono 22 pp 173-178

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


Curriculum Vitae de Mr John Ribbons

John is Non-Executive Director and Company Secretary of Montezuma Mining Company Limited (Montezuma). Montezuma is an Australian based mineral exploration company focused on building a sustainable multi mine, multi commodity business that operates safely and profitably, while delivering real benefits for the communities within which we operate.


Name: John George Ribbons Date of birth: 31st of March 1971 Citizenship: Australian


John is an accountant who has worked in the resources industry over a twenty year period. John has extensive knowledge and experience with ASX and TSX Listed production and exploration companies. John has considerable site based experience with ongoing mines and has also been involved with the listing of several exploration companies on ASX and TSX.

In addition, John has experience in capital raising, ASX Compliance and the regulatory requirements of both listed and unlisted companies.

John is a member of DWCorporate Pty Ltd, a company that provides Company Secretarial, IPO Process, accounting system management and implementation, financial account preparation and treasury management, primarily to clients within the resource, oil and gas and energy sectors. CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans



Edith Cowan University Bachelor of Business, Accounting (Major), Public Accounting (Sub Major)

Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA)

Governance Institute Graduate Diploma in Company Secretarial Practices


Member of the Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants

Member of the Governance Institute of Australia


2006-current Montezuma Mining Company Limited Company Secretary (appointed 2006) Non-Executive Director (appointed 2010)

Listed in 2006, Montezuma Mining Company Ltd is a diversified explorer primarily focused on manganese, copper and gold. The Company’s primary objective is to achieve returns for shareholders through selected strategic acquisitions and targeted exploration programs.

Montezuma has a 100% interest in the Butcherbird Manganese / Copper Project in the Murchison region of Western Australia.

Non-Executive Director responsibilities include:

 assisting to set the strategic direction for the Company;  establishing goals for management and monitoring the achievement of those goals;  ensuring the Company is managed in a manner which protects and enhances the interest of its shareholders, taking into account the interests of employees, customers, and the community; and  monitoring and overseeing the Company’s financial position, compliance systems and risk management priorities.

Key Company Secretary responsibilities include:  assisted in the preparation of the Company’s Initial Public Offer Document “Prospectus”;  ensure the Company complies with its statutory obligations under relevant laws and regulations;  maintain statutory records;  timely lodgement of statutory reporting obligations;  ensure compliance with the Company’s continuous disclosure requirements of ASX Listing Rules;  Board meetings

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


 arrange/co-ordinate;  compile and circulate papers to Directors prior to meetings;  preparation of meeting minutes;  assist with/attend to signing of contracts and other documentation in connection with administrative matters of the Company;  ensure adherence with the Company's Constitution;  assist the Chairman and Directors in the conduct of meetings and their directorial and governance obligations and responsibilities;  Liaise with shareholders; and  Co-ordination of the Company’s annual report.

2011-current Goldphyre Resources Limited Company Secretary

Goldphyre Resources Limited is an ASX listed gold and base metals exploration company with strategic ground holdings in the Leonora/Laverton region and Higginsville region in Western Australia.

Key responsibilities include:  assisted in the preparation of the Company’s Initial Public Offer Document “Prospectus”;  ensure the Company complies with its statutory obligations under relevant laws and regulations;  maintain statutory records;  timely lodgement of statutory reporting obligations;  ensure compliance with the Company’s continuous disclosure requirements of ASX Listing Rules;  Board meetings  arrange/co-ordinate;  compile and circulate papers to Directors prior to meetings;  preparation of meeting minutes;  assist with/attend to signing of contracts and other documentation in connection with administrative matters of the Company;  ensure adherence with the Company's Constitution;  assist the Chairman and Directors in the conduct of meetings and their directorial and governance obligations and responsibilities;  Liaise with shareholders; and  Co-ordination of the Company’s annual report.

2005-current Minemakers Limited Company Secretary

Minemakers Limited is an ASX and TSX listed company, aiming to become a significant force in the world phosphate and fertilizer sector, through the development of the wholly owned Wonarah deposit in the Northern Territory. The Wonarah deposit is believed to be the largest conventional sedimentary deposit held by a listed company. The Company aims to deliver shareholder returns by developing the Wonarah phosphate project and focusing on the production of high value downstream fertilizer products.

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


Key responsibilities include:  assisted in the preparation of the Company’s Initial Public Offer Document “Prospectus”;  ensure the Company complies with its statutory obligations under relevant laws and regulations;  maintain statutory records;  timely lodgement of statutory reporting obligations;  ensure compliance with the Company’s continuous disclosure requirements of ASX Listing Rules;  Board meetings  arrange/co-ordinate;  compile and circulate papers to Directors prior to meetings;  preparation of meeting minutes;  assist with/attend to signing of contracts and other documentation in connection with administrative matters of the Company;  ensure adherence with the Company's Constitution;  assist the Chairman and Directors in the conduct of meetings and their directorial and governance obligations and responsibilities;  Liaise with shareholders; and  Co-ordination of the Company’s annual report. 2007-2012 Key Petroleum Limited Company Secretary

Key Petroleum Limited is an ASX listed oil and gas exploration company.

Key responsibilities included:  assisted in the preparation of the Company’s Initial Public Offer Document “Prospectus”;  completion of all required ASX documentation in order to achieve admission to the official list of the ASX;  ensured the Company complied with its statutory obligations under relevant laws and regulations;  maintenance of statutory records;  timely lodgement of statutory reporting obligations;  ensure compliance with the Company’s continuous disclosure requirements of ASX Listing Rules;  Board meetings  arranged/co-ordinated;  compiled and circulated papers to Directors prior to meetings;  preparation of meeting minutes;  assisted with/attended to signing of contracts and other documentation in connection with administrative matters of the Company;  ensured adherence with the Company's Constitution;  assisted the Chairman and Directors in the conduct of meetings and their directorial and governance obligations and responsibilities;  Liaised with shareholders; and  Co-ordinated the Company’s annual report.

2009-2013 Marengo Mining Limited Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary

Marengo Mining Limited is a company listed on TSX ASX and POMSoX. The Company is committed to developing the Yanderra Copper Project located in Papua New Guinea. CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


Key responsibilities included:  Assisted the Managing Director to complete Canadian based funding transactions;  Assisted with the preparation and co-ordination of Canadian Prospectus funding documentation with the Company’s external legal counsel;  Maintenance of the Company’s treasury function;  Implementation of internal controls and policy documentation;  ensured the Company complied with its statutory obligations under relevant laws and regulations;  maintenance of statutory records;  timely lodgement of statutory reporting obligations;  ensured compliance with the Company’s continuous disclosure requirements of ASX Listing Rules;  Board meetings  arranged/co-ordinated;  compiled and circulated papers to Directors prior to meetings;  preparation of meeting minutes;  assisted with/attended to signing of contracts and other documentation in connection with administrative matters of the Company;  ensured adherence with the Company's Constitution;  assisted the Chairman and Directors in the conduct of meetings and their directorial and governance obligations and responsibilities;  Liaised with shareholder; and  Co-ordinated the Company’s annual report.

2001-2004 Sipa Resources Limited Assistant Company Secretary / Group Financial Controller

Sipa Resources Limited was an ASX listed gold producer and exploration company. The Company owned and operated the successful Parabadoo Gold Project.

Key responsibilities included:  Provision of value added information for the Board;  Successfully managed accounting system project implementation, on time and under budget;  Assisted in contract negotiations for all major operational suppliers;  Implementation of internal controls and policy documentation;  Timely submission of statutory reporting obligations;  Co-ordination of company audits and taxation obligations;  Assisted in the acquisition of new projects; and  Assisted in securing company finance on an as required basis.

2000-2001 Lynas Corporation Limited Group Accountant / Assistant Company Secretary

Lynas Corporation Limited is an ASX listed rare earth mining company.

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


Key responsibilities included:  Provision of timely and accurate financial information;  Co-ordination and preparation of monthly Board papers;  Preparation of statutory reporting obligations;  Co-ordination of half year and annual company audits;  Preparation of the Company’s annual report.  Preparation of the Company’s FBT and BAS returns;  Maintenance of the Company’s treasury function;  Assisted in the completion of minutes of Board meetings; and  Conducted general secretarial duties.

2000 Swiftel Limited Consulting Accountant

A mineral exploration company transformed into a telecommunications Company.

Key responsibilities included:  Short term contract to co-ordinate and implement accounting systems and required software;  Implementation of internal controls; and  Managed company treasury function.

1997-2000 Amity Oil Limited Group Accountant

Amity Oil Limited was a medium sized oil and gas production Company listed on ASX.

Key responsibilities included:  Co-ordination and preparation of monthly joint venture statements;  Monthly preparation of group financial statements and Board papers;  Preparation of group statutory reporting obligations;  Preparation of the Company’s annual report;  Maintenance of accounting system and related software;  Maintenance of the Company’s treasury function;  Directly assisted the Finance Director in the successful takeover of an ASX listed exploration company;  Provided assistance in the preparation of Initial Public Offer document for ASX listing purposes; and  Completion of ad hoc projects as requested by the Finance Director.

1996-1997 Perilya Mines Limited Management Accountant

Perilya Mines Limited is a medium sized gold producer and active exploration company listed on the ASX.

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans


Key responsibilities included:  Co-ordination and preparation of monthly exploration joint venture statements;  Internal audit of site accounting function;  Development of business unit internal reporting function;  Performed duties of Administration Site Superintendent as required;  Maintenance of accounting system;  Maintained fixed asset registers for accounting and taxation requirements;  Preparation of the Company income taxation returns;  Completion of GST returns for New Zealand subsidiary companies; and  Completion of ad hoc projects as requested.

1993-1996 Consolidated Gold Mines Pty Ltd (KCGM) Mining Accountant

KCGM manages the Super Pit, the largest gold mine in Australia.

Key responsibilities included:  Preparation and analysis of monthly operating expenditure for both Super Pit and Mt Charlotte Underground Operations;  Generation of expenditure commitments for monthly Super Pit contracted invoice (approximately $6M) ensuring the adherence to contract schedule of rates;  Provide costing input to budget preparation cycle by relating current costs to forecast production parameters;  Liaised with Mining Manager and Mining Superintendents regarding monthly operating results and reporting parameters;  Preparation of monthly reports detailing operating cost performance relative to budget, while addressing significant budget variances, including narrative;  Review accounting procedures associated with the Super Pit and Underground Operations; and  Completion of specific projects as requested.

DIRECTORSHIPS Non-Executive Director – Montezuma Mining Company Limited

CORDIER MINES SAS SAS au Capital Social de 199 966 euros, N° SIRET 803975135 00010, Centre d’Innovation, 16 rue Léonard de Vinci, 45000 Orléans