Planning Statement Proposed Residential Development, with Associated Infrastructure and Access Blindwells Plot 11, East Lothian April 2021 Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Planning Context 2 3. Proposed Development 7 4. Development Plan Assessment 10 5. Summary and Conclusions 25 Appendix 1: Site Location Plan 26 Kate Donald
[email protected] Client Hargreaves Services (Blindwells) Limited Our reference HARE3046 April 2021 1. Introduction 1.1 This Planning Statement has been prepared on behalf of Hargreaves Services (Blindwells) Limited (‘the applicant’) in support of an application to East Lothian Council (‘the Council’) for planning permission for residential development, with associated infrastructure and access, on land referred to as ‘Plot 11’ at Blindwells, East Lothian. A site location plan identifying the land is provided at Appendix 1. 1.2 The purpose of this statement is to provide background details on the proposed development and set out key factors which should be taken into account in the determination of the application. The statement reviews the planning policy context and assesses the proposed development against the development plan. 1.3 This Planning Statement should be read in conjunction with the full suite of submitted drawings and documents which include: • Architectural Drawings, prepared by EMA Architects; • Landscape Drawings, prepared by OOBE; • Drainage and Road Infrastructure Drawings, prepared by Waterman; • Design and Access Statement, prepared by EMA Architects; • Landscape Design and Access Statement and Outline Specification, prepared by Oobe; • Landscape and Habitat Management Plan, prepared by Oobe; • Pre-Application Consultation Report, prepared by Turley; • Geo-Environmental Assessment, prepared by Waterman; • Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment, prepared by Waterman; and • Transport Statement, prepared by Tetra Tech.