SPORTS COOK OF THE WEEK SANDERS ELATED AFTER JENKINS ENJOYS SCORING FIRST COLLEGE GOAL SOUTHERN STAPLES Soccer — Page 8A Anne Smith Jenkins — Page 1B Established 1881 — Oldest Business Institution in Neshoba County Philadelphia, Mississippi Wednesday, April 7, 2021 140th Year No. 14 **$1.00 COUNTY, CITY RECEIVING FUNDING Millions in COVID cash coming By SCOTT HAWKINS guidelines from the United it.” approximately $6 billion in total • $97 million for metro ty’s COVID-19 response efforts
[email protected] States Department of the Treas- Mayor James Young said the from the rescue act, which is cities; and some allowable infrastruc- ury on allowable uses for the city also is awaiting guidelines equal to the state budget. • $1.8 billion to be appropri- ture spending. Neshoba County will receive monies before proceeding with but did say the funds will be a The funding will be distrib- ated by the Mississippi Legisla- “The board did publish a $5.6 million and the city of a spending plan. much-needed shot in the arm to uted as follows, according to ture over the next three years request for proposals on broad- Philadelphia $1.6 million in the “They haven’t published any the city. Mississippi Today: primarily to replace revenue lost band services for the under- federal government’s $1.9 tril- guidelines for the use of that “We will be able to do some- • $429 million for higher because of the pandemic for served and unserved areas of the lion federal American Rescue other than what is in the actual thing street-wise and police- education; COVID-19-related costs; and county in establishing broad- Act passed last month by Con- legislation,” said Jeff Mayo, wise,” Young said, adding the • $166 million for capital • $1.6 billion for K-12 edu- band,” Mayo said.