Establishment of the Stablishment of the Araz-Turkic Republic and Its Fight
From the past Ismayil HAJIYEV Chairman of the Nakhchivan branch of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Professor ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ARAZ-TURKIC REPUBLIC AND ITS FIGHT TO DEFEND THE REGION FROM ARMENIAN OCCUPATION n the first year of the Azerbaijan Democratic Repub- First of all, it is necessary to clarify when, where lic – on November 3 [18], 1918, the Araz-Turkic Re- and why the Araz-Turkic Republic was established. It is Ipublic was established to protect the Nakhchivan known that since the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic region and surrounding areas from occupation by the was faced with difficult internal and external factors in Armenian Dashnaks. A. Madatev, A. Aliyev, A. Hajiyev, I. its first year, it was unable to pay any attention to the Musayev, Sh. Tagiyeva, N. Nasibzadeh, T. Azizov, S. Sadi- Nakhchivan region. Taking advantage of this, Armenian gov, N. Mustafa, I. Atnur, A. Gokdemir, E. Madatli, H. Ja- armed forces made numerous raids on the region, kept farov, A. Abbasoglu, N. Aliyev, Z. Ajar and others wrote the population in fear and panic and subjected them to monographs, books and articles about the history and genocide, and tried to cleanse Nakhchivan from Azer- activity of the republic. In particular, among research- baijanis and incorporate it into “Greater Armenia.” Along ers, we should note the studies of A. Hajiyev and I. with that, the local people fought bravely and gave a Musayev. Hajiyev’s book studies the history of the Kars worthy response to the Armenian butchers. Neverthe- (Southwest Caucasus Democratic Republic) and Araz- less, in order to prevent the Armenian atrocities, “at the Turkic Republics and the resistance of these republics end of May 1918, the population of the Nakhchivan and against Armenian aggression on the basis of numer- Sharur-Daralayaz districts sent a special delegation to ous new archival materials.
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