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J4 T Pfpn AUTUMN SAVINGS SAVE 10% OFF Saturday, October 11

PAGE THIRTY-TWO FRIDAY, OCTOBER ^10, 1909 ^ iHanrlirat^r lEtt^ntn^ Herald D d i y N M \ ■ \- H ie Weather Bentley School PTA will q>on- ’Two members of Scsndla FLETCHER C LA SS GO. MANcai»T» About Town sor a fair tomorrow from 10 Lodge, Vasa Order of America, A High tomperature this after­ a.m. to 2 p.m. at the sdiool. were elected officers of the Con­ noon around 70. Partly olbudy The final day of the threenlay There will be games and re­ necticut District Lodge No. 1 at 15,790 tonight, arlth tog and drizzle 6494521 garage aale, eponsored by the A T PERO'S 5 4 McKEE STREET ______freshments. ‘Toys, rummage, its 78rd annual oonventkm. into Swulay monilng. Fair and Senior Choir of the Salvation ORCHARD FRESH: M acs, OortUnds, Bad DeUdooaJMbip C to y o ^ rWmgt, Chmrm Now la the time to bring in your acreens to be nsiMlrad. baked goods and home made They are Mias Carol Werdelin, waim Stmday aftamoon. Army! will be tomorrow from candies will be on sale. Dona­ vice district master; and Miss gowan, WealOqr Applea, Boon Paon, VOL. LW ziz, ^o. 10 Storm window replaced. , | 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 07 Hack­ Peachea. (EIGHTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) tions for the fair may be left Llllja Strazinskas, assistant MANCHESTER; CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1969 a * P > «s U ) PRICE TEN CENTO AUTO BLASS INSTALLED matack ,8t. at the scluxd tonight untO 8:30 master of ceremonies. Scandia Pumpkins ^ Omirds — Tndlan' Omn ~ Prash Cider and tomorrow morning before Lodge was awarded permanent NATIVE: TomatoM, Cauliflower, Aemm and B^tyim t The American Legion will fair time.. possession of a silver Revere Squash, Egg Plant, Bostui aaid Salad Lettaee, BLASS FURNITURE TOPS have a free anack night and a Cukes, Hot and Bed Peppers, Corn, Shell aad bowl for having the most new Car Rips Apart, record dance tonight at 8 in the Lima Beans, Green and Yellow Squash, Pans, The Women’s Fellowship of members in the three-year dis­ MIRRORS (Fireplace aad Door) fireplace room at the Post White and Yellow Globe ’Turnip#, White and Center Congregational Church trict campaign. Five Youths Die home. The event is open to Sweet Potatoes, Leeks, ShaDota, Chlneae and Russia Sends will hold its fifth annual rum­ STRACUSB, N.Y. (AP) — PICTURE FRAMINB (all types) members and guests. Bed Cabbage, Anise, BrocoolL n f J mage sale Oct. 18 from 9 a.m. FBESH: Peachea, Bed White and Bine Oraiwa, Bone^ A hlgb-posvared ear with sev- Pope Paul Says Democracy Reservations close tonight (or W INDO W and PLATE B L A SS to 1 p.m. In Woodruff Hall. the Autumn Dessert Bridge, dews, Cantaloupes, Seckel Pears, Barflett SM n young peoide inside went Nutmeg Oemcrafters will Clothing, pocketbooks, house­ Boso Pean, Pomegranates, Plums, Grapefruit. out of oontrol Friday night Tab Enclosure from $30 to $45 phn installation meet tonight at 8 at East Hart­ sponsored by'the Women’s Aux­ hold utensils, toys, records and iliary of Manchester Memorial riom m ed into a troe ahd spUt ford Parks Department Build­ books will be sold. Mrs. William Duo in Space to three ports before coming Ho^ltal, and may be made by ing, Remington Rd. The meet­ Minnlck, chalmmn, will 'be as­ to rest wMi five of Its pas­ ing is open to those who are OOTitactlng Mrs. Chester Fer­ WEEKEND SPECIALS sisted by Mrs. Albert BogU, ris, 32 Gerard St. The event will M oeoow (AP) — Tba Soviet sengers dead. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ interested in learning to cut and bit. None ik the pnevloua No Way to Run a Church Mrs. Walter Hilinski and Mrs. NATIVE PEACHES...... 16 q t in k t t polish semi-precious gems. be held ’Tuesday at 1 p.m. at Uukjn sent tiro ooamanauts Into manned flights by ths RusaUns A veteran poDce officer 'Thomas Benson. There will be the Fellowship Hall of Second LETTUCE ...... have gone beyend earUt orbit, Mdd it wus the worot eudh free parking in back of the town apace today with the task ot t Amriioiiy F< SctftltlO I' SpCoJcCI’ The Rev. J. Stanton Conover, Congregational Church. PINK GRAPEFRUIT...... 8 for so far as is knoam. acetdent he had seen in 36 haU. welding metals to weightless Tsas said the cabin of the yearo of poUce work. riV I IMIIUINU pastor of Bolton Ck>ngregational CUKES ...... S conditions, spporently a step to­ VATICAN CITY (AP) Dr. Richard B. Wylie at 67 Church, will conduct a service bulb-tiKwd Soyus 6 iwintshwMt Nona of tite dead wus iden- Board of Diiwefon Nutmeg Alumnae Chapter at VISIT OUR IMPORTED BASKET DKPLAY ward building an eratlonal Ufied imnoediaMy. — Pope Paul VI opened the ' Kennedy Rd., assistant pro- Sunday at 8:10 a.m. on radio Bullet Nicks Jazzman space platform. its pressure, temperature, hu­ t UvoB at 228 Parker St. Gamma Sigma Sigma, national We Carry The Manchester Evening Herald . midity and artifleial atmospher­ PoUce aaid the car left a second world syn(>d of bish­ teaaot of education in the School station WINP. The program is women’s service sorority, will NEW YORK (AP) — Miles Teas aaid the men, aboard the Wife Dolores and two sponsored JolnUy by the Man­ COHPLE’TE U N E OF SUNDAY PAPIBM ic composition in the early stage four-lane roadway at an esti­ ops today with a warning sons. U. S. Coast Oiuurd of Education at the University meet Sunday at 2 :30 p.m. at the Davis, the jazz trumpeter, was •pneeonft called Bayum 6, “ feel chester Ck>uncll of CThurches and OPEN • AJd. to • PJH. DAILY of the flight mated speed of more than 80 that the Roman Catholic ’Sl-’64. Grad. Michigan of Connecticut, will be the main home of Mrs. Michael Saul, 81 nicked by a bullet he said was One’’ after the launching from mfles per hour. the Manchester Clergy Associa­ fired at him Thursday as he sat the Soviet Unton. The last manned flight of the Church could not be gov­ Technologloa} U n lv. Hanover St., Talesvllle. Soviet Union was last January Ike rear of the vabicle J FVnmer engineer at FWA. speaker at a seminar for read­ tion. in his parked car on a Manhat­ It was the 18th Soviet manned erned by democracy. struck a tree, officer# said, 4 Presently In partnerahip ing teachers, consultants, and tan street q»oe shot, informants in Mbs- when the spacecrafts Soyua 4 Manchester Green PTA will and Soyus 0 rendesvouaed and and ilie m*ddie and front aec- He told the btohope he oonsNk 4 In Good-way Copy Center. supervisors in the U<3onn Uriel Lodge of Masons will Davis, 42, told police the gun­ cow said more launchings could meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the cosmonauts Alexei S. Yeliseyev ttone oonCImied another 180 •red MmseU the sole head ot the M e m b e r (Manchester meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at man was one of three men who PH F P n PRODUCE!" follow in the next day or so with Church and would be the judge 4 Reading-Study Center on Oct. school auditorium. After a so­ feet in two pieces. Country Club and Faienits the Masonic Temple, Merrow. jumped out of a taxicab and the aim of carrying out a dock­ and Yevgeny V. Khrunov trans­ 18. cial hour, parents will have the The rear oortian of the oar, of how much authority he would a u b B)ast Catholic High. The Fellowcraft degree will be that five shots were fired, sever­ ing experiment. ferred from Soyus 0 to Soyus 4. Volunteer Fireman Diet. He will address the confer­ opportunity to sit in their chil­ 276 OAKLAND ST., MANGHESTEB — 6«S-«n« •hare with them. conferred. After the degree al striking his automobile. A The Soviet Union hailed this as where two of the bodies were Na S. Present member at ence on "Reading Supervision.” drens’ classrooms and hear There were reports in Moscow found, was almost Imbedded Dtosident prieete meeting in work, refreshments will be companion, Marguerate Esk­ before the launching that the So­ the “world’s flrat axperlmental Board o f Directors. InformeiUon and registration teachers describe the school space staflen." in the three. The other vic- Rome called the pronouncement served. ridge, escaped injury. viet Union was preparing a "conservative.’ ’ Qne said the 4 forms can be obtained from program. But Western space experts in tima lay along the road. the reading-study center. complex space docking experi­ Pope "to really throarlng the 4 For The ACTION Teem ment involving two or three MOSCOW aaid there wee no con­ gauntlet In our face." Dr. Wylie recently returned necting paeeageway between 4 from speaking engagements In spaceships and 4 to 12 cosmo­ But Bishop Alexander Carter VOTE DEMOCRATIC nauts. the two 6^pe and that there was ot Canada, s raembar o f the 4 Houston and Austin, Tex., and no known advantage to having The reports stemmed from a synod who has criUctoed ths tra- This Ad Spenaored By The Kansas City, Mo. He is a the two ships linked expect that (ien. Hershey 4 Mon cheater DemoBratlo Town Committee member of the New England weekend, article in Izvesfla, the diUonsl concept of papal author­ it doubled the number of coamo- ity, called the speech "• vary 4 BOOEB BODOBO. 'nreos. and International Reading As­ government newspaper, show­ nauts in orbit. ing a sketch of an orbital space balanced proaentsUon on the 4 sociation, and the research com­ Of this new mlseksk Tsee (Mr. Draft) mission Itor the Association of station. The article was entitled new course of coUsglallty." “At Home to OrWL" said: "The program envisages, The Pope convsned the 146 ’k 'k ' k ★★★★ ★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ Childhood Edupatlon Interna­ among other things, the testing tional. AUTUMN The launehiiig of Soyua 6, with cardinals, bishops and reUgtous of methods of weldtog metals In He received a BS in 1968 from L t Ck>l. Georgy Shonin, 8A and Ends Duties ordsr superiors arlth s low **««« conditions of deep vacuum and in ths Biatlne Chspsl. la his Plymouth (N.H.) State College Flight Bngineer Valery Kuba­ welghUesSnees.’' sov, 34, on board, cam e at 2:10 WASHINGTON (A P) — A now opening speech, the 73-year-oid and a master’s in education in This would be the first at­ assignment and promotion will 1986 end a doctorate In educa­ p.m .—7.10 4um., EDT. pontiff made It elssr that hto Q i tempt in space to aseemUe met- •often the blow, but "Mister tion In 1967, both from Boston All availabte information indi­ •haring of authority arith ths ola using such techniques. L*. Gen. Lewie B. Her- ilKHISi; University. cated that the space experiment btohope—the central topic of ths •hey—wUl be relieved o f hie du­ synod—depended on hsnr ths Prior to coming to UConn In KNOWN FOR VALUES SAVINGS will be carried cut in earth or­ (See Page BIglit) ties as director of Selective btohops themsetvss set In Um 1967, he was visiting professor Service next Feb. 16. of education at the Unlveroity future. The White House announced of New Hampshire. From 1968- " I f ths grace o f ths Lord an- Friday the 76-yesrK>M Hershey, 67, he was associated with pub­ •tola us and brothsrty concord head of the draft since 1041, will lic systems in the Masaa- tapllltles our mutual rsUUons," chufbtts commimities ot Olou- Raid hy 100 Ch icago Cops be reassigned as advisor to the hs said, "tha sxerotos of ooUs0- President on manpower moblU- allty to othar canonical forms ceater, Needham, Norwtxxl, Sctt- zation. uate and Walpole. will be able to have wider devel­ In Church Nets 43 Arrests This will end hie authority opment. Saturday Only over the system he designed "Let B be clear ... that ths S A V E % O F F CHTOAGO (A P) — PoUce apparently were membera of and directed as it called up 10 ■overnrosnt of the ctairoh must I Marciano Crash: swept through OOvenant Meth- the militant Weathermen fac­ more than 14.8 million men dui^ MEN- tog three wars and tense years not tahs on tha appearanoae and odiat Cburch in suburban Bv- tion of the SD6 which rampaged norma of temporal reghnss." •notMt early today and arreeted o f peace. through the Norili Side Wednes­ Ha said UiM ragtinsa ware YOUR CHOICE! I NTSB Rules 43 youdie comped there. About White Houee Press Secretary day, breaking wtodown and "guldsd by demooraUc tootiUt- 100 ettaor pouths ware ledt undis­ fighting with police. Ronald U Ziegler said Her- turbed. shey'a successor, "very likely*’ Uona that are aomatimas Irrea- There have been sporadic dis- ponstbto and go to axceas, or by I Pilot atFault The surprise raid by about 100 turbanoes and demonstrations a civlUan, has not been selected, CSileago and Bvanaton poHoe- since Wednesday. The Weather­ but wiU be named "in the very Pope Paul VI celebrates Mass in Sistine Chapel at world synod of bishops. totalitarian forms that are con­ WASHINGTON (AP) — The The Total of Your Purchoses near future." Vatican SyncM l trary to the dignity of man wtu men came on the ftoai dsy of men said 6,000 to 16,00(f persons plane crash In which retired He will be appointed deputy the fourvday “ actlan’’ caUed by would gat^ in Chicago tor to subject to them ." ea. heavyweight boxing champion director of Selective Service, m em bers ot the Students for a "(he most militant demonstra­ At a Glance The pooUfi said that ths haW- Rocky Marciano and two oom- Ziegler said, and Herohey’s bUUon-member CsthoUc Church phnlons died near Newton, Democratic Society. tions to the history of the New main job for the next few must be ruled so as "to reflect Iowa, last Aug. 31 was the result BUY THAT COLOR T. V ., MAJOR APPLIANCE. FURNITURE OR WINTER CLOTHING Mort ot tboee in the church L eft.” About 600 or leas have VATICAN cm r (AP) — Ths months would be to show the Nixon Takes Steps to Steal agenda and probable points of In Its •xpresalons ths wtodoni of an error in judgement by the aigieared, however. new man the rofMs. ORLON PILE LINED pOot, says the National ’Trans- FOR THE WHOLE FAM ILY AND GET 10% OFF WITH THE COUPON BELOW... Some 2,000 Hlinota National controversy to the second world and will of Ms divlns founder." When the new draft director synod ef bishope called by Ffope Ths synod, tha find to two ALL WEATHER portatlon Safety Board. Guardsmen were stationed to takM over Peb. 16, Hewftur to Paul VI to open today: years and only tha saaond to The pilot’s mistake, the board the city's armories alter to aesume hie new took: advis­ Thunder from Moratorium aaid in a report Thursday, was Wednesday’s disturbances. What 7—A synod Is an aeeem- hirtory, sddraaead Itestf to raia- Kidnaped, He ing on manpower mobilisation bly of bishops meeting to talk to fly In weather in which he Police raiding the church said proUems, akHng the trsnsIHon WASHDrOTON (AP) — Praol- Melvin R. LsJN also arsro Invft- be given Urns—free from home- lions betarsan the Pope and the K; should have remained ground- they had warrants tor six SDB dent Nixon, gathering Vietnam ed to today’s session. • bout key queellone in the elruc- worid’e bUtxipe. to a you.'-geat-first draft system, front harassment—to try to lurt or doctrine of s church. Regularly 26.90 •g od. Breaks ^Cuffs, members who allegedly beat an and helping to develop a stand­ policy advisers from nsar and Tile White House aaid in ad­ make them work. It amounted to an htetortc ;;;• In its report on the accident undercover detective In another far. Is taking a quick sertss of vance no report would be given WIh)? —Pope Psul and 146 oth­ sfiowdaam on the way Ikipe Luxury Tailored by draft tor the day when the Humphrey Indiceted he had er high-ranking clergymen com­ Famous Brand the safety board said It hopes E/Vanaton church Friday night. nation can turn to an all-volun­ steps slmed at stssUng soma on the disousstoos. Paul has used hto papal authori­ all private pilots will read and S a tu r d a y , Bvanaton Police Capt. James thunder from next Wedneeds y*s been told a few eecrels about a pose the synod. They Include ty and ths way that some Free in Reno teer armed toroe. This conference was just one preeidentlal peace plan, but he remember the following mes- GiHespie said three of those antiwar protests. cardinato and btohope from 100 Church liberals, Includtng eardl- President Nixon announced be pises of ths Nixon strategy would not elaborate. nations and (he heads of thrae sage: named to the warrants were ar­ Gen. Etorle G. Wheeler, chair­ nato, would like him to use it. REsNO, Ndv. (AP)— wecdtlvy would nomiitate Hershey to the pracedtog the planned nation­ religious ordeia. ;:| "The true tragedy of this acol- reeted. The others seised, Gil­ rank of full general—a rank now man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, The 16U Democratie preel- Las Vegas tandesvner dash­ wide demonstrations Wsdnss- Why? The synod arms con­ pope Paul said that collagisl- dent, to addition to the loss of a lespie saihge. were connected with working hours. Four U.S. ’Copters with newsmen. obeervsnees in support of the speak at the National Inetllutee education.” The plane was piloted by the 8D8. An appeal aras fitod. (2eveisnd wss ordered to ap­ "I am very happy to be » • demonstration, othara protest­ of Health fadUties in Betheeda, Glenn Belz, 37, of Des Moines. Md., in connection arlth the mor­ pear In federal court Monday to The other passenger was E’rank here," b# said quietly. "I thank (See Page Eight' ing actions solnst it. Protesting ths demonstration, the law enforcement and other One of the suits aras brought atorium was denied by U.S. mcanwhito. s graduate student show cause arhy the cancellation Farrell, 23. also of Des Moines. ■hould not be rescinded. Downed by Enemy agencies for their co<^>eration.’ ’ by a 26-yaor-old soldier trying to Diet, (fourt Judge John J. Sires. St the University of Hawaii sued The safety board said that to In New York, s Staten Island Asked whether be had (eared force his commanding oOleer at Taro groups o f employes to the the school's president. Hsrtsn a weather briefing before the 6 mother obtained s court order, 6AiaON (AP) Enemy gun- majur baUtos. A apnksemen for his life during his 24 hours of Boston Army Base to isawa him p.m. takeoff from Chicago's returnable neito Tusedey In nera shot down four UF bsU- Mid the weia 16 nichat and Midway airport, Belt was told Purchase conflneroents Petersen replied, a one-day pani to participate in copters, klliljig five Americans inorter Mtecka Youth KiUed, the moratorium. Mate Supreme Court, directing overnight that of a weather front near Des "Tee," then said he would have wounding 16 others, the caused G o o d o n l y Bp. 6 Theodora P. Oraneteln ot the Board of education to show or — ig r Moines In which cloud ceilings Qgfobor ?|. 1 9 6 9 no further comment immediate­ why II should allow students te U.F Command said today Fig- oecaslonnlly ^^'ould be bslow Marblehead, Maae., filed soft to but no Americaoe were wound- ly. cut classes during the deroen- uTos rik/wsd American aircraft sd. 1,000 feet and visibility would be , OEAN1SMANCHESm—VEtNON-«OCKVHll Police gave this account; 10G>p8Hurt UF. District Court in Boeten, claiming denlsi of the pass eras stra Ilona kisass in Vietnam are appeoacb' less than two miles. Petersen was kldnsped at CHICAGO (AP) — A youth The downed heUcoptsrs raised P s violation o f hto constitutional RESS BUTTON "I don't want my son la have tog the 6,060 mark Belz was qualified to fly to gunpoint by two men Thursday aras kiUed by police bullets and to i .m the loUi of heUeopters S : * : rights. to cross an smoMonal ptekst line Two of the helicopters, a light visual (light conditions which afternoon in a parking lot near 11 persona, tochidtog 10 police­ to go to school," said Mrs. John and flxsd-wmg aircraft reported call (or basic weather mlnl- his office in downtown Las Ve­ Oranstetn said be asksd far obasrvaUon streraft and a loet to all csiiaas in Vietnam ????:¥: men. were wounded Friday at s the pose Sept. 36 and to aras ths NIsted. contending Ms coosUtu- ifoop-esrrytog UHl. ware hli n\ums of 1,000 feet of celling and gas, locked into the rear of the West Side bousing project ss po­ tlonsl lights would he violated. stoee Jan I, IMI, accordtag to three miles of visibility. He was houaetrsller and drivoi 480 poll^ of the Array to grant such TO END WAR dunng an bour long right Friday uF 0-nm*nd fiiurea ■muaaa lice broke up s roMery attempt requests arhen they have been Sfra. NIsted also ctolm sd that p i not rated to fly by Instrument. miles to Reno. He was guarded nearby. wMJi Noth Vtotnamaes troops * 0 ,0, 1, uis coat at rot^hiy M approved by s section chief. excusing absences Oct. 16 vlo- 76 ralies north of ialgon near At 8:00 p.m., the pilot asked the entire trip by armed abduc­ KiUed was lacfassl Soto, It, toted sUte tow because there bliUon. tlte radar approach control sta­ "My request was approved," he the Carabndten border ill tors. arhose brother, John 16, was fs- was no tegtotoUve bsato (or ths Headquartera flgurea darwad tion at Des Moines tor help to He eras allowed to talk once to said. "I am the section chief." Eievsn soldlers aboard ths • Tioo and T h w Button Stylfs tsUy shot by police In s stosst The sokttor (eld hto com­ obeervsnes. a total of 3.0M hsllcopters and m New Double Breasted Models locating the Des Moines airport his sister, Faye Johnson, who corner flgtat Sunday. Midwat, two aircraft aaeaped without in­ imder a cloud layer. A minute Coupon Must Bo Presented manding officer said he be­ l,tT3 tUMt wing aircraft lost, was at the Petersen home keep­ (See Page BtoM) jury and there were no cesuai- an Army sergeant, was hoena on lieved the moratorium arould be Thase figures do not Include Gr«ot aiiortmenf of ttylei and colort including later he reported he had broken ing Petaraen'a wife company. In leave (or his brathar's funorol. Uea to the ground flghtliq;. 2*butlon tido vont, 3*button conlor vent and new out of the overcast over Newton the call from a public teleptoonc a "violent affair" and Orenateta leases In the air war ovsr Laos, PoUee said the Incidaiit was “arould be swept up In the vto- double breofted ttylet. Solld^color bloierw. Shet­ and would land there to refuel. booth in Reno at 12:03 a.m. Fri­ unrelsted to antiwar demeastra- .Moralorium land wool plaidt, herringbonet ond checki. lance.” In his last tranemlsslon, he said day, a male vdee asked for UoDs to the city or the conspira­ U.6 Command. Regulars, longi, thortt. A hearing was set tor next ‘PrrMurr* Hinted chopper, a spokssman said He he had Uie airport to sight. For Discount on Saturday. Mrs. JohSMon. and when she an- cy trial of sight proteston at ■aid 13 eoetny Iroope were to the helteupter category. Tuesday. A witness reported seeing the swerod Petersen eras put on the the ISM Damoeratle Nattaaal BRIlXIBPOfrr. Conn. (AP) - I.06S have been diot down by bA< K Til KKia i.'ut I'KIrK The day bsfert the demon- killed to the baltls. phuu* not more than KM feet U^. Than tbs mala votes came Comrsatlan. Public high school teachers here enemy gunners white another MuNliAY \tOKMNli (iraUon also was set as the A Marine heHcopter was \ above th^ ground pull up into \ \ back on aad told Mrs. Johnson The Incident begaa. police support ctossrnnhi dtocuasion. downed four miles below the ds 1,741 have been lost to roebst. W i low clouds, reappear, descend, A • dist if aha wantsd to see her bearing date for a suit filed to IStk, wlwdesitssfid fscii tnotead of assembly programs as mortar and gnamd stueba. cot- FREE ALTERATIONS said, whan potrobnan driving IClwaukee hy the Amertean mtUlsriaed a.ne Friday TTuce climb, bank and then tall off to­ brother sUve again, she was to near the predominantly Ifogro ordered by the board of educs- listons or operational taiiuras. OvU Liberties Unton ebaUeag- Americans asvrs killed and one ward the ground. take ths lifnt ptons to Itono Fri­ Henry Honor project saw Soto tiow, to dtocuoa Vtotnara arar to- During tbe part five wsphs of ^ the etty ef WhMtwater’a re­ area woundsd L»4» MAIN STREET The plane crashed about 9 day morning. aad taro o tb e n robtoag a man la sues on Oct. it. limited activity, a apobaaosaa p.m. to a field 2 4 miles south­ fuse] to sllesv a ututntetium pa­ In • delayed r e p o r $. iloyratown Manchwtor ■ is dhl. and met throe timee^ an allsy. That attitude aras voiced Fri­ said, an average of 36 alrm * a west of Newton airport. The in Reno adlh a man tdsntIHsd They said the thaaa rohbsra rade unl*as the oymmu a sta- day night on behalf of the locsl headquarUra said snemy troopa KNOWN FOR VALUES...C0AST TO COAST dents at WliHaaatoi State Oal- shot down an Army helicopter week were tort. He teohe » safety board said examination by poUee as one of the sbdne- fled, bat patrobnaa toOowad teachers by WUUem F. O'Brien. doarn this amy: a areekly aver, G 7a?iU vsrslty produce a 81 mBHca gutirtiip Wednesday 26 mliss of the wreckage showed no evi­ tnri ths Ibat man taken into Soto into a pyotect bu’ld'ng pretodent of the Bridgeport Bdu- UabUlty tnsuraaee peHey. sga of 6.4 hellcoptera were shot dence of mechanical failure or eualody—and eras told that aha whore he tuned on them with s eatiea Association, the teachers' south of ths DMZ The two Tfie ACLU said Uis city asmr crewmen so re klUed. down, U.6 arera tort to oassr malfunction of the aircraft, and woidd have to pay an $300,606 gun In hto band. A poUrtmsn officlsl bargalnliw agent eauaea, one fixad-wtng atrcta6l / there wiui fuel to both main MANCHESTER | VERNON | ROCKVILLE asked eneb a peUcy for-aagr atb- Etaeathere, the command re­ •r parade aad tha Read Herald Advertisements liutks. Moratorium Diroetor Sam Broam ported fooradic flgbUng but no (I Fag# BIghO) A 5 P A G E T W O BIANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHE8TEB, CONN., SATUEPAY, OCTOBER 11, 1969 NAN^^BTBB FVKNING HERALD. MANCHESTER. (X)NN„ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1969 PAGE Macolm X University To rial for some obscure comics tai T ra in Sheinwold on Bridge Homework New Torfc. "I had a real Job onoe. I tentivs and oonatnietivs’’ fa the UEVEAUNO T.aiAn worked in a sardine canning ■i. r U C 0 V acIJLICO •*••• — Oommittee baa is- paat is yaars. Ha afidod: "fa Blacks to Form Nation in Africa 1NIHCATE8 PLAN ‘ NORTH A Joke In fachny. As the (xina of dead CUb ^ ^ * e«‘w l only 44 of the 1,410 rs- tact. White Houas unesrtaiiity By ALFBED 8HEINWOLD ♦ A K l came by, I hod to close their Business Bodies I I V A F r a w * 1 t f ^ from and procrastination faava pro- A V fl the adnUnletration. sidefi a dimate tat wMdi O m By BICHABD DAW ists, artists, medics communi­ er as the university’s chief ad­ It is a oound idea to pick aa Q 10 9 4 eyes." AaaoeUtod Prew Witter cations technicians, physical (de­ ministrative officer. opening lead that teUs your O A642 New Course T ' Vanik aald this Oangrsaa la grgas has takan over tka inltia- velopment specialists and lin- The UUe is HNIC. partner something about what IMNNEB FTHt MOST L iC fflS lS tlO Il “*• vlgorogn at- tiro of leadsrahip." DURHAM, N.C, (AP) you have in the suit that you PHnJlDELPHIA (AP) R'g EMPLOYK8 guiats." "That stands for ‘Htkd Nigger WEST H e a s t h» Joke. Norman Hayes says Black militanU are aetUn^ out In Charge,’ ’’ Fuller said. have opened. Unfortunately * 0 5 4 3 2 a Over 100 members of the By JOHN 1 Fuller made clear that the na­ from your point of view, de­ he’s going to teodi a (worse on ru VA Mott’s Family Chib met recent­ on a largdy uncharged ooune tion he is talking about would be “That’s a good Mack term. We ^ 6 2 (p 5 bow to ten Jokes. l^J^.IHEATpEEAST Sisariatad Fnoa WHIv don’t believe in fooling aroihid clarer may alro get the same 0 QI0S3 o J9 ly for an annual dinner and with plane to establish in Dur­ in Africa, not one within the information. In some caaee it Homework in the course, to be Monday . Friday Iteator pariy bald in their bon- ' WAamNOTON (AP) -Proal- United States as another otgani- with titles like 'chanoelior' aiid ♦ 7532 ♦K10984 taught a t the YM-YWCA, wlU ham a center to train Negro aU th at.’ may help him more than your 74 0 ft 040 EASTHARTfORO «*■ 3*^- and Mrs. Joseph P. dant Nixon and Damooratle zation is working toward. SOUTH include listening to comedians Saturday Sunday Mott. THEY'RE HERE! Americans as leaders of an In­ A two-month trip to Africa In partner. * 10 6 ft [jKi'.i !•. ★ i-r loatim of Obngraaa apparsntiy That organisation is headed South dealer. on televlaloo and in nightclubs. 2404’4#-7404sl0 Aft employes of the'M ott’s haro dsddad not to engags in dependent nation in Africa. by Robert WilUams of Monroe, pla -ned for students between ^ A K IS 73 Hayes, 28, says there are a lot the first and second years. Both aides vulnerable. O K73 ttxip-Rlte food chain who have nama-caUInft now oror tka paos The plans for operation of the N.C., who is president of the Re­ Opening lead —Nine of of people who d<«'t know how to beyond the age of amoccncc... been employed for five yean of toglalatiro programs. Fuller refused to disclose the ♦ 36 center, to be called M alct^ X public of New Africa. It seeks to Spades. teU a Joke. Mo the age of awareness or more are eligible for mem- After m ast^ wtth the Presi­ Liberation University, were an­ source of the university’s funds. SM tk Weal Noffli Bm ( TOYOTA (»Tve a separate Negro nation West opened the nine of Some Hayes tips: LFPEASnRE berahip in the club. Of the 1100 dent in Um White Houas, tbs nounced 'niursday by Howard from five Southern states. Rfil- He said tuition would be $M0 a 1 ^ Past 3 A year and financial aid would be qxidee, and declarer won in —Look tq> a Joke in a J(Ae an- M UOilH oomiuy employees, 100 a n House DamoeraUo laadars dia- AMERICA’S SECOND LARGEST Fuller, a veteran of the black liams recently^ returned from dummy with the king. Now 3 ^ Pass 4 NT PMi thoiogy or crib one off a comedy niemben of the organlsatlaa. eardad plans to laws a hot i«- activist movement in North Car­ eight years of self-exile in Cuba, given when needed. The isiiver- 5 O Pom 5 N T Paw mOflfSIBU sMy got a planning grant a few everybody at the taMe knew 6 ^ A nPazi record. FoUowing ODcktalla and din­ ■ponsa to the apeoial laglalatiro SELUNG IMPORTED CAR! olina. and Red China, and Tanzania. that West had opened the "top ner at the Hawthorne fan in message Nixon will make pubUc Malcolm X was a black mili­ months ago from the Founda­ —Put it in your own language. The liberation university of nothing" in spades. TWs hap­ Meriden, the grotqr attended the Sunday and send to nwgraro SEE aad TEST IHUYE ONE AT tant assassinated bytrlvals. tion for Community Develop­ —Memorize it and practice opened on a part-time baaia last pened to help South since he .would not become estabUabeit, triling it over and over untU It riwwing of "Marne" at the Oak­ Monday. Fuller said plnBsee will start ment, a Durham-based antipovi and South would have to fall dale Mii«i<-at Theater. spring after a clash between crty organization. Imew that East held the queen zounds natural. PLusa The Demoorato had prepared Oct. 27 in a renovated ware­ bock on the (diib fineaee to try students and police on the Duke Fuller said the (5oncept of a spades. —Don’t announce you’re going ' I 'THE SHAWCRBGff) thalr reply in the baUef Nixon MORIARTY Brothers house for 30 or 40 students rang­ (or hie slam. PBOMOTED AT BOOBBS campus at the end of a day dur­ new bUuik nation in Africa’ is a South drew two rounds of to teU i t would oome out awlngkig at “On The Level at Center and Brand” ing in age from 15 to 40. A doxen medium CO ^ TRYGON FACTOR' B o g an has promoted ing which Negro students had long-range goal that will take trumps, cashed the top dia­ Daily ttneetloa Oorp. Oongreae. But he tipped tham $15 CENTER ST., MMiBICIKSTEB «g,g|j instructors, not all of them with la Hayes a comedian himself? Stencis J. MoQarry to the posi- seized the Duke Administration "30 or 40 or 00 years." monds, took the ace of mptLAem Partner opens with one spade, ' "No, I have performed but I 0 (edmicobr'/aparanKxntpicturi Thursday on the main thrust of OPEN BViBNINafi (Ikuiedaya lift 040 pro.) college degrees, will make up Building. tkm of productlcn g— Meanwhile, he ssiid, the uni­ and then led the Jack of spades. and the next player paaoee. Yon get stage fright,’* he sold. hia message and It apparently the teaching staff. As expected, EMat pnxluced the hold: Spadea, Q-0-4-S-2; Bearta, noailtlg/ lnmtiinHng calmed them. "The basic concept of the uni­ The Negro students sought es­ versity will put its students and "Mainly I writs comedy mate­ queen of spades, whereupon 0; Diamonds. J-0; CInte, K-10- A product aperiaUat for Rog- Loaders attending the asasion versity is geared toward na- tablishment of a Mack studies graduates to work preparing South shrewdly discarded his t-S-4. «n printing products line rinoe rofusad to ha draw n Into dlaoua- Uon-building,” Fuller said. "In program. Duke is offered its others for the goal. first courses in that field this During the second year of last diamond. What do yen oajrr last February, Mr. M cO any wUl •tana erlth reporters over the order to fulfill the needs of a na­ No Way Out be reqn*t*ible tor the mamiflBic- tion, the university will produce term . their formal training, for exam­ poeribUlty of a feud wtth ths ex­ E ari had no way out. If BMst Answer: Bid (our apadea. ture of various Rogers mater- ecutive branch that could pro- food scientists, tailors, archi­ The unorthodoocy of the Mal­ ple, they will spend "extended retiuned a club, dummy would This shows strong trump sup­ lafa and for the pUot produc- (hioe a m ajor oampaign Issue In tects, e n g in e e r s , organi- colm X o(»oept is readily no­ periods of field work in the Ne­ port of at least four . (xuds bJESJaLZaLj TUB8L get a free finesse; and if Bast tion of the company’s new off­ the 1970 oongreaolonal elecUoM. xers,teacfaers, black expression­ ticeable in the title used by Full­ gro (^immunity," he said. (more often five), a aingletoa returned a spade, dummy uld Please K oto: YMa Pragrasa set printing plate. NUon penonally has avoided void the ride and not ruff while South dfocarded a or on fa Strictly Adrift dlreot aoouoationa that '^inrraaa club. more than 9 points In high CONSUMER SURVEY (»rda. beyond the iz holding up hla programs. The Nuclide Deposit Enlarged Bookkeeper South would have landed on Census Bureau repreeentatlvee terms "doonthing Oongreoa" mi DRUG QL his feet, even if East had held a Copyright 1000 will take their quarterly survey General Features Oorp. ^ of innocence... and "footdragginr' have bean diamond. The diamonds would into die age of awareness of oonromer buying and home m-TT . (HtrsM ghoto by ftutwlvlclus) ti*ad by hla oongrtoaional Heu- By Atmospheric N-Tests Wrote Her then break 8-8, and South’s ruff improvement eoqwotetlons in r lair Home Furnishings opened^ for business Mon- also specializes in interior home designing. Rick tenante, not by him. AT THE PARKADE would set up dummy’s last dia­ this area during October, ac­ Ths Democratic answering UNITBJD NATTOM8, N.Y., (he deposition observed slnoe day at the Parkade. Brothers Rick (left) and Ren- serves as design consultant Md Renai^ is vice Own Script mond, South would then get to MOVIE AUDIENCE cording to James W. Turbitt ard Repko are the co-owners of the new store which president and business manager. massage was ready (or relaaoe (AP) — Atmospherio nuclear th e middle of 1987." dummy with a trump to dis­ *******QyiQ£******* Director of the Bureau’s in odvanoa, but it failed to ap­ The report added that only LOB ANGELES (AP) — Wri­ card a club on dummy’s oix of A SERVICE OF FILM-MAKERS glonat office in Boston. pear. R would have accused the tests since IBOO contributed sUb- 10-unlt structure, with land for OPEN SUNDAYS email amounts of radioactive ter-producer Steven Kandel, re­ diamonds. AND THEATERS. The survey is part of a na­ administration of falling to stanttally to the am ount of material have leaked from a further development searching a script (or televl- South would have trouble only These ratirrgs apply to htme tionwide effort to gather ki- posttlona on key legiriation and The merger was negotiated by kmg-Hved redioactive nuclides few underground teyts and they aion’B "It Takes A TMe(,’’ sud­ If East had four diamonds. fei—sed ehfT Nw i. 190S ftnrmatian used to guide Federal would < haro credited Oongreoa 8 A.M. lo 9 P.M. deposited on the earth’s surface. have (Contributed only mlmitely Then dummy's last diamond agencies and other groups tat de- J ( ^ A. DeQuattro, presidant of with Uking the InlUative. denly diotwvered from a New THIS SEAL to the glotMd inventory. vaioping inogranis based on con- Investment Coninilting, Inc. This was the ooMdusion of the England auto rental agency that WiKmontic TeL 423-2423 Atty. John R. Mritaek of the Although the Demooratio WATCH FOa OUR SUNDAY SFECIAUI ’Ihe report said that most of in ads indleataa lha fflin was fanner spending pattenu. A taadsrs would not talk about U.N. Seientlflc Committee on he owed $8,000 on Ms credit autxnittsd and approved under You Wont lelieve Mf law firm of Mroaek and Thom­ the kvigdived nuclides injected oample of residents in this aroa their maetlng with Nixon, their 'card. as bandied the legal arrange­ the effects of Atomic Radiation Into the atmoaphere by the ear­ G>uple Held, Die Motion Pieluro Codo will be asked if they expect to Stunned, Kandel flew home to of Solf-Rogulation. ments in the transaction. Invest­ rMuaal to got exoited led to a in its tatest report made public lier tests bad been deposited by buy a house, car, or major ap- wldeepread belief Nixon wUI today. Loa Angeles. A fast audit of hla ment Consulting, Inc. announc­ the middle of 1987, but the dan­ b(x>ks ahowed nearly $160,000 s] Suggoalod for GENERAL pUaaoe d u r ^ th e neoct y ear speak oofUy whan ha tells Ckm- Oomznunist China and yVance Charged With ed that papers were passed on ger to fooiietuffs w«z not post. missing. (Midloncst. and if they have made recent greas what bs wants. oupon have conducted atmoepherlc "Bubstantlal Cractians of the Oct. 1, 1909, and the merger Deputy Diot. Atty. George H. purchosee of these items. Hmne- R was ovldant, however, that tests. They hdve not signed the total dosea to which the popula­ § Suggoalod for MATURE medium value was placed at apfiTMCi- Rhodes put his Investigators to Child Abuse ownera will be asked about not oft Damoorate had been pa- lOOS treaty banning such testa, tion Iz comm itted rem ain to be sudloncoa (parental discro- m ately $180,000. work amounted to 23 cents compared CseohoslovBkla, France, India, were charged with torturing or will be published only as steJtia- To Be Honored MeaL-Set 16 te 0 SftB. 11 le I testa since 1980 "have about fanciest reatauranta. unlawfully punishing a etrfht with 18 cents in the same Jao(ui, Mexl(», Sweden, the So­ —Worn $S0-an-ounce perfume. tical totals. period a year ago. Sales tor the doUMed the current low content viet Union, United Arab RepUM- There were no ohotges in Use In­ Five membeni of John Mothar 84 Hear “Dhti-A-Petekhw’’* Sirvlee of the i atmosphere and have —CTuirtered flights tor large fant's death. No bond wae set. three months w ere $8,888,000 •464188 le, Britain and the UMted against $4,634,000 a year ago. Chapter, Order of DaMolay, wtM thus contributed substantially to groups of friends to the better T«w>owarold Tritvie had holh ASSISTANT TREASURER States. ■ ■ n n n rn ■ B~n~n ■ ■ irm o rn n Per share figures are based on be Invested wtth the title of Re- known reaorta and spas through­ eyes Maoked and a broken noee, B ert W. Davis, 48. of 7 N)re average shares outstanding, ad­ prooentative DeMotey in pub- out the Western Hemisphere. the officer aald. "It wes a com­ St., has been elected an assist­ One day, Rhodes said, she ant treasurer by the board of justed for the 1988 stock divi­ Uo oaremonlas tonight at 8 at pound firacture and a pleoe of (umMlOGUTHRiE mauvARTHUR PENN’ COLOR by Deluxe SATURDAY : the Maeonlo TmipU. The ohep- made a costly mistake. dlreetors of the Bmhart Oorp. dend. the hone was sUoklng out,’’ be turn...... tor’s advloory bdesd will oonfer Bogside Vigilantes Disband Seeking employment In Seat­ said. tle, Wash., she listed Kandel’s nATUM ATTiM.fJO NIGHTS ; BRIEFS the UUe, which Is the hlgheet The otdeet giri, Chris, 7, had a rtaadayi 2dMiW4i3Mili) BURNSIDE firm as a reference. Promptly m HAR Block, Inc., tax con­ •slf-achieved hoiMr a DaMolay battered face, he aaldL "The en­ can earn. As Police Are Reorganized arrested, she waived extradition sultants, with local offices at tire front of her dress was ftiu the Parkade, has recently been Reoalvlng the honor are Rob­ By ANDREW TORCHIA to Loe Angeles. of Mood." tion with Brltiah police authori­ approved for listing (>n the New ert B. MoBrtde, Mlchari J. Aasocisted Press Writer - ties. A prelim inary hearing (a The third chlkL Ginger, 8, te d scheduled Nov. 4. Bond was set York Stock Exchange with the Fields, Roooo Friutcollne Jr., unson^s BELFAST, Northern Ireland Northern Ireland's police in- at $8,000. hruleee, said Withrow. "AB of first trading of common shares Brian MoAwley, and Wkyna B. (AiP) — A plan tor the reorgani­ apootor generail, Anthony Pen- them te d mos(iuMo Mtes and zation of Northern Ireland’s po­ DAVID'S' scheduled for Tuesday. cocke, resigned less than nn some of the Mtee were Mtet- lice force prompted Roman ed." said Withrow. "They said (fetan ^ Staidsp Gnea's) Iwxir after the rcorganisatl(xi William J. Diana of 114 W. Candy Kitchen Catholics In Lond(>nderry today they had gotten repeated beat- was annoumwd. Ho was replaced PoKce Seize Middle Tpke. has been named Greenwich Man Chain Where (fuallly tiaady fa Slade 0>oeli Dally to disband a vigilante group Inge with open baitd, flat and a MANCHESTER PARKADE by air Arthur Young, a 62-year- administrator in the policyhold­ that had controlled the embat­ old London police chief. beK." Colgate Trustee Board ers service department at Aetna rhnoee From Over 000 VarleUee tled Bogaide diatrlot since the The reorganlznitlon and Pea- 36 Grenades He aoid the couple’s 7- HAMIL’TON, N.Y. (AP)- Life and Casualty. August riots. (X icke’s .reelgnatlon promised monthsold baby, Kalen, dted Curilaa E. tVank of Oreenwtoh PHILADllLPHIA (iU»> — SING-A-LONG first of the i Sean Keenan, chairman of the trouble for Chichester-Clark’s lest week from "meselve head is the new chairman of Colgate Philadelphia poUoe seised a WITH Life Insurance agent George Derry CitUena’ DefemM Asso­ government from hard-Hne Pro­ Injuries." He eald inveaUgatlon Univoralty’a Board of Trustoea. cache of 88 hand grenodao In T. La Bonne Jr., National Llfe- ciation, aald his organization testants, but It was expected to Into the death is oontlmili^. PEANUT BRITTLE Vermont, has been named a Frank, a 1036 graduate of Oot- would "now stand down" and ride out the storm. southwest PMIadelphla Thurs- Withrow said Campbell reported day and early Friday. KAY PAULSEN member of the public relations gmte, is vloe ohalrmon of the $• a place Its trust In the British and The Unionist Council, which the baby had suffered the li^- board of Dunn ft BradsUest. The seizures followed the po­ ” KRNIE lENTLEY ON RANJO committee of the 1970 Million Northern Ireland governments. Includes members of Parlia­ rtea in a fUL lios invarilgstlon of a reoont Dollar Round Table, the inter­ The association had ruled ment and grass-roots represent­ hand grenade assault on the national organization of premier Bogside like a mini-parliament atives of the ruling Unionist perking lot of the city radio life underwriters. since rioUng between Catholics party, voted 28 to 7, with 2 ab- J UVE A UTTLE - - ..TEY shop In west PhUadsIphia. THEATER TIME B ert W. Davie and Protestants erupted there. stentl(xis, to support the new Howard Holmes of Holmes PAS The Catholics kept British moves. PcMoe sns|»aot two grsnades were thrown into the parking lot SCHEDULE Davis is a graduate of the Funeral Home, 400 Main 8t., This was the scene outside Keith’s, 1115 Main St., last Sunday as the fumlt- troops and Northern Ireland po­ But the Rev. Inn Pa**ley, the University of Hartford and was was elected secretary of the lice out of their enclave, saying from naarby elevated wbway ture outlet celebrated its 70th anniversary with an open house which attract­ controversial Protestant mlH- tracks last Monday night. SATDKOlAT manager, treasury services, be­ Connecticut Funeral Directors ROOFING they trusted only themselves to ed between 800 and 1,000 people from 3 to 6 p.m. Keith’s spokesmen say that tant, denounced the reforms as Twalva new police cars and Cinema I— Blow Up, SiOO. i D A v m ' s fore his election as assistant Association at a recent meeting Rooflac fMd keep order. ‘^a complete and absolute sell- 9:00; Lolita, 1:18, 7:60. treasurer. Davis Joined Emhart held in Wethersfield. the weekend celebration was very successful. (Herald photo by Buceivicius) Keenan made his announce­ three other city veMclee were p MANCHESTER PAKKAINB—«4a-2tW Rsftftirs Dwm out to the Republicans and so- damaged In the attack. Onema I A n — AMee’s Manufacturing Co. in 1161. He ment after Prime Minister called civil rights movement." Also confiscated, police re­ Resteurant, t:W, 8K», T«, t n n n B B B B a n n ■■■■■ la a member of the Manchester Creighton Shoor of Shoor the participants will be saked RsaUstiadly James Chichester-Clark an­ 10:00; Funny Girl, 8:00, s m ■ ■ ■ n a Chlchester-Clark also an­ ported. were stacks of Block Country Club where he present­ Jewelers, 917 Main St., was re­ St. Mary^s To Conduct to share In a meal, nxitsd In F rw EfttiflMtidB nounced a sweeping poHce re­ nounced a hefty Injection of de­ Bast Hartford Drive-fa — ly serves os treasurer and as elected aecretary-treazurer of religious history, estebUshlng a ROUTE 4. lOLTON — TEL. 449^4332 organization plan under which Panther literature, propaganda velopment capital Into Northern on guerilla warfare, and pic­ Vixen, 8:88; Good Morning and a member of the Board of Gov­ the Connecticut Retail Jewelers community of peace. T ti. serv­ dal the all-Protestant B-Specials Ireland’s economy. He said that Goodbye, 740. ernors. He Uvea In M anchester Association at the assoclstlon’s Peace Service Oct, 15 ice will end at e p.m. OPEN DAILY m d SUNDAY tM 8K)0 PJM. constabulary iz to be disbanded tures of Che Guevara, the Main London will Incretue Its grants Oiban rebel leader, and Mao Baal Windsor Drive-In — n o w with his wife and two children. 19th annual convenUon lari The public Is InvMed to par- 649-2878 — 649-1616 Oamly Ala* AvollaMa Far Flmd Balsfag and almost all policemen are to to Industry by 87.2 million a Tse-tung. Ftnian’s Rainbow, t;00; ‘ftygun weekend in New Haven. A service of vigil will be held nor even to proclaim the sin­ UcIptUc in this action. Those be disarmed. Factor. 7:M. f • at St. M ary’s Episcopal Church fulness of all war. U Is rather year and that his government One woman and four men, in­ m a n a o e b wishing to read or In any other CaUcheeter-Clurk also prom­ will match tbe sum. The money Manchester DrIve-fa _ Itefty; 140-4110-0150-0t0f ftM lnyi 14 0-845 040 0t00 Wednesday a t 8 p.m. In aoMxrla- to affirm peace; to state that way take an active pari In ihe cluding a soldier AWOL from Joel B. Albord, formerly of Peter Casasanta of Wethers­ ised vigorous efforts to Increase will be used to relieve unem­ Medium CooL 9:18; Anyone (fan field, vice president, meat tlon with the work of the new those present and parUclpatlng eerrice, or who wish to learn Ft. Dlx, N.J.. were taken Into Play. 7:10. Manchester and now residing In mobilization (uid moratorium the number of Catholics on the ployment by creating 2,800 Jobs, custody tor querikxiing. MnANOlXT nCTUIES , operations, has been assigned deny that war is InevUable, more about the nature ot the Mansfield Drive-In — Stert 4MI1UI Glastonbury, has been named day commtttee of Manchester necessary, or m a ." police force and closer coopera­ he said. Officials at Ft. Dtx reported a the addiUonal post of director service, ore asked to (xrnie to Subjects. 7:00; PRstop, T:M; TW manager of the banking and Community College. The aervicc constat the church at 7 p.m. All are In- iU ot specialized Industries section of The vigil will be led by the three parts, raiated to the vMed to cotnc at 8, whether FALL APPETITES CALL FOR STEW! len. A ease with M grsnadro Naked Angel*. 9:80- Super Markets, Inc. Bumaide Theatra — AUea’s franco ZEFnRELU Hartford National Bank's na­ Rev. Russell H. Allen, assist­ threefold actfon of the new lit­ they attend the rehearsal or was found, and the top of anoth­ Pfs* Iiliftftl tional departmezft. ★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ Restaurant, T:M, 049. ant to the rector o t St. M ary’s, urgy of the E^teropal Church. not. er ease was also found. Later 12 Alvord is a vice president at Murrsay Kupsaw of Newing­ UA Thaatie —Madium Caol, ton as been appointed corporate with members ot the local There srlll be an act of pen­ i\ more grenades were found, 2:30, 4:30, 7:00, 0:18. Hartford Natitxial in charge of clergy and community partici­ ance tor war, including on op­ Spiced crabapplea or apricots RobMt H. Fmh leading polios to believe another omeo specialized industries. m anager o t ^ucaUon and de­ State Thaatre — Romas and R velopment. a new post. at pating. portunity to request the presi­ Yrith tprlga ot parsley make aa | ease of grenades had been taken He is married to the former In announcing the service, ■% I d. of Educcrtioii JuUet, 1:40, 4:18, 8:60, 84B. Rogers Corporation. dent to lead this nation in sttractlva and deilelout ganaiah Lives at 4$ OorneR Dr. from Ft. Dlx. Bach oaas o(Xi- (SjULIET Anne Stilsoo who also was a the Rev. Mr. Alien aald. "The peace. The second part will roo- (or sitber pork chops or roast Beef wtth wife Muriel. Has two talns SO grenades. former resident of this town. purpose this service Is not SUNDAY Clifford Hampton of 22 Ann o t sift of readings and prayers for pork. They are also good with daugMera. W.W. H V et to attack the Vietnamese war. peace. During the third part. baked ham. er ( B.A. A M.S. Trlntty Col­ The Andromeda Galaxy—the Cinema I— Blow Up, S48, St. recenUy celebrated 40 years lege. Aaaoo. Dean of lb- moat distent object In space vis­ 9:00; Lolita, 8:M, T:00. OPEN SUNDAY! with SNEirO. For the last 23 Cinema I A n — Alice’s Investment Consulting, Inc., years, he has been the down­ structlon and acting Daan ible to the unaided eye—Is ao 818 Center SL, announces the of Flacul^, Manoh. Own- Reataurant, t:00, 440. T4S, (AND EVERT SUNDAY) town "walking assignment." Chicken far from Earth that even a >L merger of Burr R. Carisow, raunHy (^age. Former 9:W; Funny Girl, 240. 840. tending to the thousands of tele- teacehr at MHS. Maneh. BMcerhlp traveling lOfMO times tniatee, with Garden Aaaociatos. faater than Apollo ll’a seven Bast Hariford Oiive-fa — plMXies in the ttowntown Hart­ Board of Diroefors Oonservatton Oommlostoa Vixen, 8:85; Gotxl Morning and 11:00 fo 9.-00 PM. The propertiea included hi Ike ford area. Tboee merchants 1960-'88. Aaaqe.. Academle miles per second would take transaction are the apartmeate they’re both four and a haU million years to Goodbye, 7:30. surprised him at a lur.cbeon Officer tor Board of Tnia- and land located at 21-01 Gar­ noting his 40th anniversary. tees lo f Ootui. Regional reach K. /Real Wtndaor Drive-fa — den SL, East Hartford. Ike Community Collagas 1888- Sinlan’a Rainbow. T:I0; T ty g m Mr. Sinak toys 'Tnkn Hie foniMy on» for bulldlnga coozigt o t 10 latge Donald Kuehl Shady Glen ’89. ¥% ^or, 840. efficiency, units. foUy carpeted, * \ R eceiv 0d BS. MIT, MA, Trinity. MS. UConn. Chief, ^mirt?rRtrr Moneteator Drivsfa/ — Sandny dtonwr; iparinEiMa In: ROAST colored appUanceo, paridng sad Medium Cool, T:S0; Anyone Can storage. Also included was aa o f PTOC000 Enfineerinf, Hamilton Standard. \ Good—! For Hie ACTION Pl*y. 040. SIRLOIN OP RRF and HAM STiAK!” , older two-family bouse im - ForsMT president of M anehetter Green PTA. Lt. CnettituK ManMIohl Drtve-fa — MMCt N o o rd in a rj’ love stor>’.„. OA. Retired U8AR, Town Buildina Committee ~ PakUalMd Dally Euepi Suasayt mediately afijaceat to tbo nowwr >sd Holld(t/s at 1$ aisseU Street Subjects. T40; PMstep, T:1S; from 1961 to preeent. Reeidee at 74 Moontain tid . VOTE DEMOCEATIC Naked At«ela. 040. aanoiiwter. C^sm. («to40) with wtfe Carol and three efaUdreiL Member of This ad sponsored by i m T*l«pbotie,«43-371> Burnside Thentro -ABee'a SecoaU Ciu>, Pueis(e paio >i Restaurant. 1:10. 4’40. 040. MR STEAK ELASTIC 8 t Mar3r*e ChaidL Manchester Demooratio Town Oommittee Usneanttr. Cwfm % r/|M M ST/liM M K airW /KI Skadif, SJbuL 0 £xvuf, SioAsA, 8 :00. STOCKINGS Bogor Nogre, Treoa. SUJBSCniFTtON RATES 244 C EN TB I STREH— MANCHESTER P a y u e In Advance UA Theatre — Metdam OooL p m . Mnw/MniiMi/MBianBB; WHEEL CHADS 1:00, 440, T40, 0:10. *4*-t9fS/ / VOTE lEPUBLiCAN TWO U3CA1 j y M asia PM ipi'PpppiiM pp ■0.4ft 44A — I ★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ Three Moatlu'...... V" State T tea^ — Romeo and ARTHUR RRUR 'I owe Mooui ! ato JuUet, 1:40, 840. 0-40. 040. fwycoBfiiiu/ — — ^ / •1 ,’A ' ’ j : \

PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MAKCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, (X7IOBER 11, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1969 PAGE F IVE AatirhpBipr fighting even in situations where hope 'and cause have become unclear — have New Indian Presidept Seeks otton been equally simple and mistaken. A b o u t T ow p Eupnitts l|praUi Dowans Sohoot PTA wU) ^xxi- It has always seemed to some mili­ To Talk with Nixon, Aghew ecr ite annuel open houee tor ____ B T THE tary observers, from the very beginning atudente and poxente Tueedaor THETRE HERE! HBRAI.T) PlUMTINO GO., IMC ./ U m«Mll Straet of our armed participation In the Viet­ One thin, that he sold dle. fhom 7 to 8 p.m. Students will lU iic lu t T . Conn. I r n m Wfttm turbed TikUm leaden was the act aa guides. Parents trill hay? THOMAS F. i t a t ODSOW nam struggle, that we could have served WALTER R. FERODBON A X ^iyiraampE. NJM. (AP) long time gap between Nfana's an opportunity to meet their // PoM tafam our role there, and accompUslied our oh- ______Fbnnaed Octobw L IWl ***■ December of Hlck- cMldren's teachers and view TOYOTA *** American fo- el and the appointment in Au- dansrootna, where samplea of FnbMrtea B r m Brenfaic E&u«pt BoadAyi JecUve of preventing victory for the RoUdAya. Entered nt the PoM OOIce at pupils' work will be dlqiUyad. Mnncbeeter, Oonn., an Seoond Claaa Mah Vietcong, by a mlHtaiy strategy which «“ **»*oner of Indian affalro. PTA membership oommlttoe re- AMERICA’S SECOND LARGEST' Hatter. would have been defensive rather , than Spiro T A ^ w , but la Old Penwn oald he n g r^ this week by Ute- spite of this, we're gtang to have Soum United Methodist THE iBM nlm:S*PRE8B sides. ifor Secretary Walter J. Hickel to be alert on what poUeie* are “ On The Level at Center and Broad” n*e AsKdMed P ^ la azchialTely entitled Church. Mlaa Mildred Ho«q>er SIS CENTVR ST., BtANOHBSnBt SIMll to the uae of renabUeatlon ot all newa dla- President Nixon's conduct of the war *were weU taken, but at the set forth by the new admlnlstra- will preside. Hosteaaes tor the pateto credited to U or not otherwlae credtt- same time I'm a little leery be- tion.” OPEN EVENINGS (Thuredaye till trie p.m.) to thU paper and alao the local newa pub- has finally taken us out of that perpe­ noon luncheon are Mrs. Helen uiood n6T0. cmise we never know actually old Person said he w ont ad- Graves and Mrs. Arthur ^ repuhllcallon of apeclal dto- patchan hereto are alao reaarrad. tual search and destroy strategy b y P « ^ vocate mflltancy p r demonstrm- Olbeon. which we hoped, one day, to win a tions by his organisation or be mie Herald Printing Oonpany Inc.. aa> He said Indians will “ take a demanding, tottan ito Itoanclal reaponalhlllty for typo- clear out mlUtary victory. Every week / Friendship CUrcle of the Sal­ Sraph^ enron appeartoc to adyerttoemema hard lo<* at any policy set forth Old Perstm, a slightly buUt vation Army will meet Monday a a d ^ er readtoc matter to The Mancheater BveidnK Herald. we behave this way savss the lives of under the new administration.” man wUh close croiq)ed hair, is at 7 p jn . St the Meadowe hundreds of young Americans and Hickel told the congress timt a graduate of Browning High Oonvaleecant Home. Hostesses Anjelea Tlmea-Waahtoc- the Nixon administratian he* no School and participated In cor­ ton Poet Newa Sarrlca. young Vietnamese, and yet leaves us Thirty Means Economy are Mrs. WlUtam Johnaon and MUNICIPAL BUILDIN8 intention of abandoning federal respondence courses wim the Mrs. Frank Dunoon. relaUvely as strong and our cause as trusteeship over Indian temia University of Itontana at Mfo- All those No. 30’s you see are members of the Westhampton, Va., Pee Wee sm snSiTsa.- "•* ’ "»• ~ secure before, or as it migM / and that he Is estaUtahing an souls. Indian advisory oommittee com­ Old Person, who has been football team here. It was a matter o f economy, that’s all. Coach Ed West- Pickup of Leaves ATOPT BUREAU OF CTRCULA- have been made, if past experience and TTOlfB. posed of Indian and Interior De­ chairman of the 12,000-member low needed 55 jerseys and the manufacturer told him he could save $4 per Dtolay adTertlito* oioaina boata- effort provide any guide, by all-out partment representatives. Blackfoot tribe in far noithern jersey if the numbers were all the same. Westlow saved the dough and tells Two Weeks Away JJw Monday -TJ p.mrFMday. actlm Into the arena of kill and be killed. Old Pemon, 40, a Blackfoot In- Montana tor seven years. Is one player from another by looking ’em in the face. (AP Photofax) For ^Mday — 1 p.m. Batuiday. Town Manager Robert Weiss Jbr Wednuday — l p.m. Monday dian from Browning, Mont., married and has a 14-year-old For Thtiraday ^ 1 p.m. Tufitey. heads an organisation which daughter. He once ran unsuc- said yeaterday, In answer to gPf FtMay — 1 p.m. Wadneaday. “Operation Grandstand" claims to represent about two- ceaafully for Montana's Senate. Manchester several Inquiriea, that Manches­ > «> ">• ‘Hiuraday. dMdItoe — 5 p.m. day baton "OperaUon Intercspt," the giganUc thirds of the 860,000 American Old Person hae been prealdent Soviets Submit Plan ter’s townvdde, leaf-pickup pro­ Hospital Notes gram will start In approxi­ CLOSED and Monday ® publication.’’JIL Saturday bungle the Nixon Administration has In­ Indiana from 118 tribes. of the Northwest Affiliated Tribes, which Includes Indians mately two weeks. voked along our border with Mexloo has He said he la willing to meet V m n N Q HOURS Monday, October 13, 1969 Saturday, Octobor 11 from Montana, Wyoming, Ida- He said that the determining any time with Nixon or Agnew Ritorniediato Ooia Sami- For World Security about as much real relation to the prob­ “ If they would allow us some ho, Oregwi and Washlngtosi, tor factor In scheduling the pro- IN OBSERVANCE OP CXILUMBUS DAY private, nooa-9 pJiL, aod 4 p-m. lem involved as the one-time concentra­ UNITED NATTONS, N.Y. Malik said, but In some areas U’" " **** which town time.” three years. ■ pan.; private roama. It o-m.- tion of Connecticut State Police on stop­ (AP) — Avoiding Its usual po- the ' flamea of a hot war ore ‘***‘'' OCTOBER 12. m T The Flaw In Hie Arehlteetiire * “ >e West, the So- raging.”ifin f.» The rate this year Is alow, he PedtatftcG: n r m m •nowea ___ i-._____i ^ T . Now York'* tall bulldlnss were built, ping cars near the Nsw York State line Viet Union called on the General In an obvious referen ce to the any time except noon-t p-m.; raaearch and analyaln might any, on a had to the problem of teenage drinking Assembly Friday to adopt a Vietnam war, he declared that Weiss explained that when otbero, t p.m.-8 pm . sweeping plan tor bolstering ee- "bombs blast over the beads of program Is started too number of thing*. in Oonneotlout. Police Break Up March Self Servlee: U ajn.-t pjn., curity around the world. dvlllans, old men and women. «u*»*J«»«nt complalnta 4 p-nL-S P.BEL HiflNMiy ...... A494070 They were built on remarkable founda- ’ In Connecticut, the border patrol creat­ AlDag Oountiy Roods With Bylrisa Oflers Soviet Ambassador Jacob A. napalm burns out all living received from thoee home- THEMES On MontreaVs City Hall Intanoive Gore and Ooieaoty Gebege ...... A4T-1MA ttona, coming up from bed rock lower ed the headlines that were supposed to lore: InTmnuulifX* temilw anlv Malik asked the asMmbly to beings and barbarous chemical ®*'*“ *^ whose streets were n J r into! ^ Kremlin plan to gov- weapons are being used.” among the first to be swept of than the eurroundlng aea. They were establish the fact that the Dempsey Ad­ anytime. SHHllHry Sh w c cmd W a tw ...... 7 MONTTUIAL (AP) — Soldier* or near the park and made 14 **'^“ ****’ ernments around the world, re- However, Malik steered clear Oonversely, when th* built on marveloiuly preclae engineering ministration was conducting a great big and police turned City Hall Into arresta. gardleoB of vriiether or not they of the usual Russian polemic P">ITam Is started late, early The demonstrators were de­ Bfntendty: Fathers, 11 oan.- crackdown on teenage drinking In the an armed camp Friday night to are U.N. members. He also against th* United States when ■"°'vs might cause cancellation calculations, by daring use ot materials. Wonders of the Universe- Herald manding the resignation of the head off a protest march by mil­ m 8 *S n .!lT m ^ 'IJ id UHiation Securi- hJ made thl. referonce.” ...... They were built by the courage and skill State. While the State Police watched Connecticut Yankee, itant French-iqieaklng Boporo- city administration because of Yesterdays ita conduct during the 16-hour 8 J 8 ^ OouncU begin a broad review Malik said the assembly .u . ... of workmen of many crafts. They were the border, and created unreasonable In­ tlsts. But the march was teoken A g e l l n i ^ l i In msteinlty. International «ecurity after should query various govam- ★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ****** ******** Soviets Destined to Play B y A .H .O . up before It got olooe to the strike Tuesday by the city's po­ built by an Imagination which truly saw convenience for many innocent mo­ licemen and firemen. Wide­ 11 In other srtwe no UmK in oonclude* Its ses- nwnts so that stepo to Improve P'®*VP program, when Initiated, building. ^ -o e r v lo L 8lon on Dec. 16. world eecurity could be dls- advertised In the news- only the sky as a limit to man's archl- torists, the youth o f the state _was get­ 2 5 Years Ago spread shooting, looting and van- Second Fiddle in Space We have before us a state­ served to give the party leadeiv More than 500 policemen and ______The Soviet appeal calls for cussed at the 28lh session of the P*PV®- ^ dolly schedule of the Rkord WyRti daHsm broke out during the te<;ture. ' ting Its supply of beer and liquor from Mdre than 1,500 attend 70th ment In which Republican State ship Its own chance to meet and soldiers armed with bayonets, The admlnlatTattosi remind* withdrawal of troops from occu- assembly In 1970. stprota to to swept will to In- anmversary furniture tear gas and flaime tfarowen strike, and two persons were Board of Dhocten They wore also, however, built on normal sources Inside the stato, and Ut­ By Dr. 1. M. LEVITT, to the moon, what have they style (Chairman Howard Hausman consider and dedde beUnd vlaltors **«»* witii oonstnietkin P*®** territorieo. an end to He hinted that Oammuntst *n the announcements. show at Watkins Bros. surrounded City Hall. Machine killed. Tro<^ have patrolled the DIBBOTOR done? In a two-man race, the suggests to the party faithful closed doors the idratity of the m der way, parking epnee la suppression of liberation move- China should to Included In the ------B.A. Fly wuUi Wate CM- something else not likely to find Its way tering our streets, parks, and shopping guna were set up on the root and city since the strike. The Pel* Planetarium man coming In second has lost that tbey try to refrain from nominee the local mgazdiatloea MniitoH VIsitm are aeked to n>®nts, peaceful coexistence survey by saying, "among the Is m M .A. Hootan U., Bd. centers nightly with their discards. Premier Jean-Jacques Ber­ Into any discussion of the possibility and Of The Franklin Institute the race. Thus, the propaganda making too eariy a choice and the convention delegates floodlifdits Illuminated the h..*!- witii tile hospMal while the among all countries and "effec- states which are not United Na- South Wintlsor D. BooUai U. Profsnspr of 10 Years Ago grounda. Police hellc<^er* hov­ trand told the Quebec provincial practicability of such structures. By setting up "Operation Intercept," The wisdom of President John advantage resided with the among the various candidates were to be allowed to select. pnridng problam eriste. live regional security systems." tions members and do not take ■UuooUcai at Untvarsity ered overhead. assembly Friday the troops and F. Kennedy's decision to select United States and cannot be This was a Sunday; The coming into the field tor the This process was supposed to The "dark times of the note- part In Its acUvltiea there are of OMm. Authar, Msm- They were buUt on faith in the human the Nixon Administration created for it­ City and prorinclal police Royal Canadian Mounted Police Firefighters bsr of Not. Bduoatlon R*- a manned landing on the moon taken from us. Undoubtedly, Herald did not publish. 1970 nominations for Governor avoid unnecessary party strife rious ‘cold war' have passed," states whose polloles have on being. self those headlines which were supposed wearing helmets and armed will remain In the city until mu­ swrcli Oonunla., Interns- as a national objective Is now the Soviets will put men on the and United States Senator. and residual bitterness. In actu­ appreciable Impact on the gen­ Hold Open House moon. If only to mcUntaln face, with three-foot riot sticks pa­ nicipal officials ask that emer­ Patients Today: 278 ttaiMl Rending Aaeoo. and They presumed upon the humanity of to prove that It was really cracking becoming dramctitoally appar­ The suggestion that individ­ ality, the closed cabal o< the eral state of the world." Aonoa tor OMldhood Bdu- but by then we will have land­ trolled the streets between City gency provlalona be revoked. ADMITTED YESTERDAY: ent By consummating this pro­ uals, local organizations,| and party leadership caused almost The United States has not op- Fire Station 8 la observtog entton. Nattanal Research man. down on marijuana. All It has really ao- ed several Apollo astronaut HaU and Lofontalne Park, The police and firemen re­ Malla J. Bailey, Elast Hartford; 13 Arrested gram, we have forced the Sov­ possible factions in the party aa much trouble and Uttemeea turned to work Wednesday and N. John A. Bocliino, US Mark posed Inclusion of the Soviet Fire Prevention Week at an FeUow. WU* MOry attd The builders of tall buildings never oompllahed is to insult and enrage the crews. lander on the Martian surface where the demonstrators were r y iet Union into the background hold off on any possible en- Itself as might have been caused negotiations for their new con­ Dr., South Windsor; Karl B. Item on the assembly agenda, open house today on Sullivan two ohtldrea live at 87 With the psychological Impact with Instruments to provide in­ scheduled to rally at 7 pjn. Po­ Kennady Rd. dreamed tor a moment that there might government and the people of Mexico from which she cannot eunerge dersement of candidates is an by any state-wide scramble of tracts are continuing. Bajotrls, Etast Hartford; James In Bomb Plot but It has questioned the way It Ave. with displays of appara- of an Initial moon landing de­ formation concerning the pos­ lice broke up' sU gatherings in and annoy a lot of Innocent travelers unless she undertakes a mas­ old suggestion, and sensible the type that had been avoided. J. Bevins, 94 E. Middle Tpke.; Is worded to apply only to re- tua. equipment and photo- come a time when the members of a nied them, how can the Sovleta sibility of Ufe on the planet. We sive program of sending men to enough, really, considering the First, the leadership decided, Jamies M. Cowles, Stafford PHILADELPHIA (AP) - glons in which Western nations graphs. The station opsnisd to union specialising In the service and re­ from both aides ot the border. thrust bcu!k onto the premier will likely continue to launch the planets at en expenditure of time table Involved. if we may put ita verdlet some­ Springs; Mrs. Marie A. Oelmer Thirteen Philadelphia resldenta are Involved. the public at 10 a.m. and will For Tha ACTION Toom poeitionT The only answer Mars spacecraft in approod- pair of the elevator* in such tall build­ There ought to be a law, setting up several-score bUlUm dollars. what harshly, that it might aa wmiiigton; Kevin J. Fallen 163 are being held on $100,000 ball "International eecurtty would cloee tonight at 6. would seem to be to underta!ke mately two-year Intervals, ul­ As the State Chairman says, some way for dIstInguUhing between Even then, she may not regain well lose with State Senator Senator Gook Scolds Scott Maple St • Robert Johnston 31 *ach on charges of complicity In certainly to strengthened," U.8. At 3 p.m. a demonstraUen ing* would go on strike and. In an effort a maimed flight to the planets. timately leading to a manned "the elebtion Is more than a VOTE DEMOCRATIC stop and search procedures which are her former prestige In space. year away, the convention is ' Marian! as Its candidate for Bunoe Dr - Lawrence LatoUe an alleged black revolutionary representative Michael H. New- was scheduled at the training to win their strike, let the elevators go Following the spectacular suc­ Yet BO fantactically expensive trip in the 1980s. 268 Oak St • Mary Ann Mlko! Pk>t bomb white establish- »n told the Meering committee tower behind the etatton. lire- nine months away, the endorse­ Goventor. Then It changed ite ■ y U s* out of service In building after building, really necessary and valuable to the cess of Apollo 11 and Mariner 6 Is this project, with so many Thus, it appears that tor the Over Haynsworth Hassle ment of .convention delegates mind and decided It might as lelt 25 Congress St • Alfred E menta with stolen Army hand when the Item was Intnxhioed, men planned to light oil tires discharge of a government's responalblU- unknowns Involved, that they next decade the United States at '• w srenadea. "If we were to apply ImpaitWlly to ahow various methods of ex- making virtual prisoners of those tenants and 7, this country finds ICseif nearly six months In the fut- well try to win with B. Claytan Parkes, Summer St.; Elwln W. grenade*. BOOHR NHOMK may want to make a profound holds most of the trump cstods tained Haynsworth’a foes have to every region of the world the tingulshment. Rescue and fir* tles to the weUare of Its people, and precdsely In the same front­ ture.” Gengras. WXSHINO'TON AP — Ken­ Gltdden, 65 Clinton St.; Mrs. 'H'e militants, Identified as who might be Infirm. study before committing them­ tai the spsuie "game.” If these been resorting to diaractor as­ suggeaMon in the Soviet memo- attack techniques wsre also to running position as the Sovtota The party faithful, and the fo­ tucky RepuibUoan Mailoiw Cook Jeannette J. Kelly, 70 Florence members of the Weat Phlladel- But now, after what the elevator re­ those which are Utile more than grand­ totlawlng their launching of selves. If they attempt this only realitleB are reoognUed by the Nor can there be any qunrrel sassination and have produced randum." to demonstratsd using the nsw *** **** ****** ******** cal organisations, who had play­ and South Oarollna Democrat St.; Steven L. Rowett, 180 El- phia Brothers United, were ar- stand plays designed to give the Illusion Sputnik 1 In October, 1957. While as a pn^Miganda stunt. It will Soviets, they may make a bid with his asaertion that "every "sloppy work . . . amounting to elevating plaMorm. pair men have been doing down In New ed ball with the request to hold dridge St.; Mrs. Grace R. Pratt, ralgned Friday on charges that the United States had the pos­ go down as history's moat ex­ to us for oo-opemtlon in spiuse Republican should have a full Erneet F. HolHngs are emerg­ almost reckleas disregard for that government has mastered a situa­ off on endorsement of their own Swamp Rd., North Coventry. Included malicious mischief by York, planners of tall buildings will have sibility of catching up with and pensive one. I>rojects. Since Dec. 7, I960, we and fair opportunity to present ing aa chief Senate promoters of accuracy" on the nominee’s Logoi Noticot tion It hasn’t even studied thoroughly. wound up with the dubous privi­ Alao, Beverly RUey. Box 304; explosives, carrying bombs, tn- at least a stray thought or two about surpassing the Sovleta ot that Propulsion would be one cost­ have gone on record with about his views and qualifications to J «% e caement F. Haynoworth record. Joaeph L. Roecoe, Pawcaluck; tarstate transportation of stolen DncnXB OF UMITATION the party membership and the lege of taking what leaderah^ Coote'm remarks responded to or CLAIMS what would happen If the human beings time. It now appears that we ly Item, tor Instance. It Is gen­ 20 attempts for oudi co-opera­ Jr. tor the Supreme Court. Peter Thomas, Box 156A, Oov- property, conspiracy and re­ people of the state. Too early had decided to hand down. a "bill of particulars" distribut­ AT A COURT OF I'ROBATE. Turrahoiit On The Electoral have relegated them to the erally assumed by knowledge^ tion. Pertiaps the dlsoouraglng With the Senate Bhowdown entry. ceiving stolen goods. tkoMon El ^tun, within End for thr required to keep tall buildings In opera­ commitment to a single candi­ We do not suspect the parly's ed earlier by a leading Hayn­ •Piio ft .svar^sefF ifl fwm.® Dlfttricl of Andovftf, oo Iho 7th dEy President Nixon has reversed himself number-two position for ot least able space engineers that a picture of what the Soviets can ptxrbobly two weeks away and BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son The 1 18 were among 18 per- October. A.D. ikt. date tenda to make this diffi­ present leaderahlp of any In­ sworth opponent Indiana Demo- tion should prove unreliable. and came out In favor of the abolish­ a decade, with only a remote manned flight to the planets eiqiect for the next ten years pressure increasing both for and to Mr. arvl Mrs. Michael Royce, eons, most In their early■ 20a,‘ PreftoiU. Hon. NormEn J. ProuM. cult, if not impossible.” stinct to repeat the 1968-86 orat Birch Bayh. And we all need, tor that matter, to ment of the Electoral College In a movo chance of their catching up even will require a nuclear stage. may perauade them that the against President Nixon's nomi­ 57 Hlllcrost E>r., Vemon; a brought In for questioning In motion of raisatwUi P. Je- There 1s no quarrel with the > story. Mieanwhile, the latest Asso­ that has the earmarks of reform for then. Only the nuclear stage, with time la right, and ripe, tor In- nee, Cook contended Friday the daughter to Mr. and Mrs. two day* of raids that police oobu* of RoJo UI Bos 8U. Em x . accustom ourselves to a new kind of temaUonal oo-operatlon in the good political sense of such Still, if we were a really hun­ ciated Press poll -of the Benate reform's sake. Sometime during the early ita greater specific impulse Vndte House and Senate Repub- James Manninen, 137B Syca- said netted 66 Army grenadee, Sslte*^f wlihln said dl»- pairmen who do not heMtote to strand transpired between last winter, when the came enchanted with the Idea per gallon for a car) could car­ Copyright 1888, Oen. Fea. Oorp. But there Is, Inevitably, some­ Pennsylvania have tailed to Haynsworth, 32 favoring him, clump of eariy endorsemoite, Mre. Rotont Klrchtorger, 14 revolution, arsenic and cyanide, OwSdoUi deem ihei Uir»« President had espoused som e' modifica­ of enhancing the U.S.S.R.'s In­ ry the necessary payload tor a thing of a credibility gap. "face up to responslblUty” and seven leaning toward opposi­ Claire Rd.^ Vernon; a son to The five others were released. monOu to allowsd limited lor the Infirm and the aged hopelessly — ternational Image end prestige manned trip. we might feel some ameii in­ tion, one leaning toward support tion In the operation of the electoral sys­ We should say, from our ob­ take command of the nomina­ Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mark- Police said the arresU solved w b u '[to li^ lm .* ti* lS rih . ieil! that of public safety and law enforce­ stinct to take some actioo which tem rather than Its ellmlnation, and now, by the launching of satellites. A nuclear stage may be pre­ servation poet, and from our tion. and 22 undecided. stein, 58 Overland St.; a son the grenade bombing* of police l° ito EsecutrU, above nen^. sod He bought the Idea of space ex­ cisely what the Soviets are "ilSht guarantee ^ n. was reported Friday by ment officials who do not hesitate to de­ to suggest any other reason tor his measurement of the way the Although Cook twice told to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Zah- and sheriff* vehicles Monday at Sf"Sfi !Jrt«r‘~by‘'*d?lrtl*lnI abrupt about face. ploration—willingly spent the building today. There has been wouldn't be Morianlated. Sen. Clinton P. Anderson’s of- liver their cities over to the hoodlums — Q u otation s present State Chairman likes to newsmen he didn’t know who ir ner. 736 Doming St., a daugh- a police radio shop. No one was newspaper hevlns e clrculsUon In Mr. Nixon took his cue from the sub­ money to "buy” thin pacloige- enough information leaked for conduct himself, that there need now In charge of the Hayn- floe Uiat the New Mexloo Demo­ "In my estimation, by the end ter to Mr. and Mr*. Robert Injured. "NOMiAN J. PREuaa. Jud*« tha^ of garbage collectors who do not stantial manner In which a oonHltutlonal and how well thta atmtegy work­ Western observers to realise be no great uneasiness, among swoith drive. Senate source* crat, whose posttlon previously of 1970 the redeployment will Literary Licm ModDonaid, Thompaon. The grenades con fisca ted ------hesitate to plunge their city and Its amendment abandoning the Electoral ed In fiilty documented In re­ that they have a program un­ the party ambitions, over the SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP) — said Oook and HoIUngs are the had been considered uncertain, have reached a point when you DISCHARGED YE8TER- were among 60 reported missing diS College for a popular vote system won cent history. With their nurerb der way with the end product "The Lion That Wanted" is the )iaa decided to vote against health risks back to the middle ages — can say that the U.S. mlUtary possibility that Hausman doesn't leaders of the attempt to win DAM: Glenn O. Fulk, 302 Green from Fort Dlx, N.J.. Police irici of Andover^oo the 7th d»r ol approval In the House ot Representatives propaganda mnch'nery, the Sov­ a practical nuclear rocket en­ mean what he says. story of a lion viio went to a confirmation. Haynsworth. In addition, Ne­ that of teachers who do not healtate to last month. iets exploited their satellite gine. This may become oper­ effort will constat mainly of lo- Rd.; Ethel L. Harrison, 113 Commissioner Frank E. RIsao Norman J. Preuae. But the presence of some im- lair, vlalted the wpodk bouse, Oook came fortii Friday with vada Democrat Howard Cannon Pork St.; Mrs. Theresa M. said. Judge. Making known his new stance In sup­ laimch'ngn to nol'tical advan­ ational before 1975 or 1977, giatical-support functioned and close schools against children. easlness, among the various tossed rings, and ate plea in­ a reply to crHlcatn of Hayn- —as expected —c a m e out True. 146 Nevers Rd.. Wapplng; One of the men being held, port of a popular vote system, Mr. Nixon tage and challenged the Went which is the target date set tor that the Vletnameae will have against confirmation. Once we assumed — and built build­ candidates, U still almost In­ stead of throwing them In a pte- Bwoith. The Kentuckian main­ Mrs. Evelyn M. Dearstyne, Oar- Pfc. Ronald, 22, was stationed ith KaecuirU havuis eehibued has said, "It Is clear that unless the to dun'lonte th'.n feat. When we our NERVA nuclear engine tor aasumed oil ground-combat re- Ihrowlng game. evitable, considering the record nett Ridge Dr., RockviUe; Hen- at Ft, Dlx. He U charged with cwirt'IS^eltoMiIoe!* Ind*fll!ld*^ ings and society on such an assumption— Senate follows the lead of the House, all finally did launch «a few nntel- proposed planetary spacetlght- sponslbtllty."—Vice Prealdent After the author, Robert Kel­ Nguyen Cao Ky of South Viet­ of the past. ry W. Tilden, 40 Stone St.; Mrs. stealing 60 grenades from the ^HceUon of dlstrl'butee* and an that we oould depend on all these voca­ opportunity for reform wlU be lost this llten. Khumhehev r'd'culed one ers. Once the Soviets have sey, wrote and illustrated the year and poss'lbly for years to come." of them aa a grapefruit c'rcHng their nuclear stage available, nam. Four years ago. at this time, Elisabeth F. Helm. East Hurt- base and eelUng them for 8300 to g .. of tion* not to use the unlnvolved Innocent the party leadership also Issued little book. It was officially »»*««- ford; Mr*. Olga Johnson. 187A David Francla of Philadelphia, October. A.D. US* ai 1 to octock Thus the President makes himself the earth — for that. Indeed, they can begin the task of over­ logue<^ numbered and in Transportation Experts Say ' "I figured in that type of abot- a noble clarion caH for restraint E. Middle Tpke.; Harry P. Yor- another of those being held. ' cNn^Irtn*'itoito?'’u"*nd‘’'h.’'!25Si* as pawns In any struggle of Uielr own subject to reproof for patently endorsing wa.n the sHxe of our first Van- taking the United States. the library at Woodridge Ele- givrd natelt'te. gun wedding, they deaetved a on the part of party individuals geneen, 31 Eklmund St.; Robert Rlsso eald the eelsed liters- b aaeigned for a heartiw th* over such a thing as a rat* of pay. No reform Itself as the exigency of the hour, But the United States does not mentery School, vdiete it is be­ allowance of eald amount, and on long honeymoon. But the honey- and organisations in the matter Bourque, 8 Hoffman Rd.; Ml- ture Included an unaignad letter r^'VupUoeUon and this Court dl- without giving Off much assurance that For the United States to re­ plan to stand still meanwhile. coming one of the most populer Special Bus Lane a Success EDpUoEllon matter how Just their own grievance, we mocMi's been on tor nine months of endorsements of candidates. chael...... Lawrence,. 688...... Hartford ...... in which.. the writer W.,*,.. wweeww-N,stated hea.-a. ™cu ito EEsKuirla lO « lo slv* node* she has any deeply-rooted conviction con­ capture technological prestige, In 1971, another pair of Mar­ selections. • *-..-- a.is^a._ and something ought to issue by But, In that instance, the ra­ direct route into Washington for R d.; Mrs. CeceUa DeVaux^ 801 had accumulated enough pots- were onoe privileged to assume, they cerning the nature of the reform. an audacious step was Indicat­ iner unmanned spacecraft will I seem to like to tneSw. up WAffiUNOTON (AP) — Suc­ now."—Former Vice President ther successful clampdown on the 200,000 resldenta of the Main St.; Earl K. Hamel, Fern- slum cyanide to biow up the en- '•«> In EEidDMrtolriot EAO by tnEtllUE would never forget their own higher ob- Mr. Nixon's switch of campe 1* being ed. The only path to salvation be launched to Mars and in I97S stories, but this is the first cess of an experiment giving ‘\rwsM was to leapfrog, the Soviet space Hubert H. Humphrey of the Nix­ progress for any particular can­ northern Vlrglna suburban re­ wood Rd.. RFD 3; Samuel H. tire East coast. sSir*««l taken by liberals as a substantial boost the Viking project will put a I wrote a book,” Robert —m Ugation to their profeaaton, their com­ on adnj^nlstratian. connnuter btuKS their own lane Maus. East Hartford; Mrs. Ed- Rlxso said a dairy was found *'>6 miAins ouuid* told DMrici to the constitutional amendment's gains and "go for broke” on a didate out In the field merely He is 8 years old. gion. munity, and to other people. chanoes In the Senate, which were some­ spectucular project—one which In ruah-bour traffic here U na F. Christensen, 63 Bolton St.; that described s second step of Lv‘2 ”d*?s tof’orTjlfci toy toSJ! would capture global at*ntion. Susan Woron. 13 Gsynor Place, a plan for "full-scale revolution ins. end rMum msk* u> thia Cuun That was yesterday. The experience what Iffy up to now. The liberals^ It prompting plans to consider would appear, are still running scared The project chosen by Presi­ similar programa in other met- Capitol Sit-In Rockville; J. Mark Boothby. 148 in which the capUallst d o g a ____ NORMAS J PRKUIIB Juds* of our today suggests that not only the from the threat, grossly magnified In dent Kennedy was to put a man By Whitaker ropoiltan areas. Kelly R d.,. Waoplng; Janet M. would to destroyed. using *T * PHORATE OOURT. told^ tall building, but - a good many other their own minds, that Oeorge Wallace on the moon within the decade. Tranoportation expets figure Students^ Fault, Krawskl. 178 Foster 81., Wap- trained leaders suppUed by the ^ J ‘ s.h'*‘d .y '^ Only how do we begin to realise seeming triumphs of our civilisation, and his third party supposedly had pre­ tlM 60-mUe-per-hour sip along pine; Kelly J. Bartlett, 110 Negro black power militant *.9' „ sented to the electoral system In last the brilliance of the move as the exclusive lane of a five-mile Lawmaker Says Union St.. Rockville. groups as they ere eomewhkt Juds* culture and technology have been built we reap the Incredibly far- WHY WASTE GOOD LIVING SPACE? STYLARAMA CAN MAKE fall's election. That threat never ma­ stretch of supethlghway In sub­ Alao, Luclen A. Heckler, experienced In rebellious coo- Eatai* of Arttor E. risk. In aaid . •» MADISON, Wls. (AP) — The -.na. UlMiict daooaeod. on Illusion. terialised of course - - and Indeed, the reaching effects of this strat- urban Virgins save* a commut­ Brewster St.. North Coventry ®®>’^ ' Tto Bxacutrte torlns azhlMlod A BEAUTIFUL FAMILY ROOM FROM YOUR OLD CELLAR. egy. speaker of the State Assembly Electoral College performed Its task of er IS minutes, boosts bus use William C. Marsh. 64 Bran tor account vHh said Eaual# u< thta To Implement J.F.K's plan, say* University of Wlsconalji I'oufi for ailowwio*. and (Had an CALL NOW...HAVE IT DONE IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS. declaring a presidential victor more and Is encouraging more and ford St.; Lawrence J. Kearns a^lcatkm for tto a*c*rtainm*nt we had to have a booster big students are primarily to blame Fun by Ford Ths Way To Stop'Is To Stop? swiftly and more decisively than a pop­ more workers to leave their 104 Spruce St.; States R. Wood - — - o f dtatr.1*jt**B and an ord-r o f Some of the comment on the fact that enough to launch a manned lu­ (or a state Ctapltol stt-ln by DETROIT (APl Richard diotrtbotkm. k is CUSTOM KITCHENS ular vote would have In the closeness of cars at home. 57 Academy St.; Trygvt Sol F annins to n r tv ORDERED That th* Slat toy ot nar expi-dltlon. In 1982 the 1.5 Fiederal Highway AdmlnlMra- about 2,000 welfare demonstra­ void. Mansfield Center; Mrs rennii^. ospuiy superintendent A D iSM »i o«. o fi-*li combat deaths In Vletnsun the other last year's returns — but all thU seems . “ park* and recreation, re- m tto srtanxwti. et tto Pr-.tot* FINISHED mllllon-pound-thrust F-1 rocket tor Fnmcia C. Turner has di­ tors led by the Rev. James E. Marguerite A. Reeves, Windsor week were down to 84 — lowest In nearly Immaterial to what Is being grasped as A. Keeves, winoaor- . *ha»*k fnr- ttic mw .n — 'Nflc* in Boiioa to nul tto mm» engine was available for major rected regional oiflcea to to Groppl. vine; Mrs Alta W. Lawi. Wap- W.OOO after „ (or s tovrm* w th* ffm a timely opportunity tor demolishing the "The demonktration." Speak­ „ __, „ Tx— la ■ televtsloo Interview In which alktosnc* of aaU account and on three years — began coming closa to College. tasks. Using this engine and alert for ways to apply the bus ping; Mrs. Margie MacDonald, BASEMENTS adding the components needed er Harold V. Froehileh said Fri­ theuic csneralg m r a i aunarlntendentsupennienoent. a«>pU<»Uoo Esacutrl* and lo thin slya Oourt. noilr* di the axiom lying underneath the statis­ bypass plarv. Studies are under 59 Deepwood Dr.. Wapplng; We hope the Senate Is leas Impelled to Isnd a man on the moon, en­ day. "was a protest against ihe John M. May. described tto ttorvof. by publlshins Una ortor In a u m mi isvmn by the reform fever than the President way in IBlwaukee, Los Angeles Mrs. Frances J. Breslln. 38 Cot­ tic, but then veered away. gineers evolved the Saturn 6 so-called cuts by the legislature TAo appears to be when It consider* the and New York CU.y regions. tage St. rocket complex—the end prod­ of welfare payments. Yet tbs stion cen ter on the c lly a west i*ti*m. poatas* propaJd addr*a»^ But some day It will be laid out there Th* apeotol bus lane appeals Alao, Mrs. William Andrews 5 2 5 - 5 3 4 1 House-passed amendment. Th* lIB-year- uct of true technological virtuo­ number of welfare recipients In (Ito to *eoh of m* parwau tM*mf*d I fern kmm CsM m in the < ^ n for all to see. to Turner, who feels "the way to and daughter. 57 Jan Dr.. He­ . .__ , , and roatdins ouialto aeid Dtafriri •in m T « n cau cqluct old Electoral CoHege system has not sity. Even here, the payload the crowd was few In compari­ The check was signed by Hen- « rupy of thi* ortor all ai laaat solve most of the urban trens- bron; Mrs. Richard BsrracHffe There may be a choice among a num­ failed the country yet — and there Is capabilities of the Saturn boost­ son with the number of students ry Ford n chairman of th* ter* tofor* a ^ toy >4 h*ar. no reason that th* flaws dstocted In It' portaUoo probiems la by the use and daughter, 241 Oak St.: Mra. ‘ ™ ^ Si« and ratuni maka to thta Oourt er were marginal. neeeasltaUng from the university." board of Ford Motor Op. NORMAN J PREUf Juds* OPEN HOUSE ber of practical maxims, sueti as; of buses." Forrest Wnilsms and son. • now cannot be corrected as were de­ the Lunar Orbital Rendesvous "For them," be continued, "tt ‘"nie way to reduce the number of Ihe WasMiMton area experi­ W. Middle Tpke.: Mra. William SUNDAYS 12 TO 8, DAILY 9 TO 9 fects which had been noted earlier In y technique which psrmltted two was a new opportunity to parti­ Mager and daughter. East Hart­ casualtlea In a war Is to scale down your Its history. \ - \ ot the three astronauts to de­ ment began Sept. 21. following a cipate in e civil dlsturbene* re- ford: Mrs. Robert Maiah and fTTlAlUAU The prospect of the abolition amend^ scend to the moon's surface. In year of studty, on a newly ocioa- gardlea of the ceuec.” . own effort to InfUct them." daughter. l » E. Main St.. OtadMurita lUXW ment winning the necessary two-thirds returning to orbit, they had to pistod SBgjiisnt of rood built on The Assembly invaaion.'wbleta OPEN a iwHtom strip of Iitterstate 88 Rockville: Mrs. Lyndon Wllmot "The soundest formula for stopping vote In the Senate may give reformers abandon the Lunar Module de­ had dwindled to a few hundred the killing In a war la to stop killing." something to cheer about, but there la scent stage. In subortMui Virginia. peitlclponts by the time poUce and son. W oodbii^e Rd.. Cov­ WESTOWIi still the highly tormldabie hurdle to be The reversible lane median and National Ouardamea ar­ entry; Mrs. Emldlo Pole* and "The last-ditch resort tor those who On that memorable day In overcome In obtaining ratification by July, 1989. when our aatronauts strip is port of a mukl-milUon rived. caused aa estimated daughter, SB Long HIU Rd., ALL DAY PHARMACY wlmt peace la to stop fighting." three-fourths (M) of th* states. What the did land on the moon, the Sov­ ■doSar bigtssray improvement in- IM.OOO damage. South WlnAor. It Is not that stmide, ot course. presidential endorsement may have iets were thrust Into aecoad-fld- voM ng cosietrueton at a new Aeeemhiymen used an IMi done. In enhancing th* amendment's btfdgs across the Potomac Riv­ contempt statute to jail Groppi. as PER CENT DTSUBS But some of the world's more tradl- die position. Titia la not to say STYLARAMA prospects In the Senate, is to diminish er and op to B lanes of through­ HEALTH they will no» try to compete A motion cbaUenglng the Ao- SUNDAY u — mnum ixmm mM, mmmmums c o m *. Monsl m axlsns on the other aide ot the considerably, a more reasonable, less 'j with the Uidted States In term* way, croaaovers. exit and on- sembiy*e use of tbe law wtMwut NEW YORK About AS par tm iwemmfm avowc wAYiMiwf. c m a emotional, approach to Electoral College trance re a p s In whet is known cent of the U. S. popnis tlea. sn AU Medieinat Services AvaUmbU IWPWY MM. ftHUNNClL ft i opUon — those maxtms whieh keep us J of mannsd spaceflight In th* provldlag bail or a hearing was M l UM MRTM MM, lMiliMliU> MM. reform. — NEW HAVEN REQISTER near future—but once th ^ get OS the "mixing bowl" near the taken under adriesment Friday estimated 188 mlUiaa. iiwnsJ 455 HARTFORD RD. ' 643-5230 Paotagoo. by the Wlsecnata private health Inaurnns* at Oto H is sopscliigiMray is th* most Oourt. Start at ISSS. P A G E SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, OCTTOBER 11, 1969 \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1969 PAGE SEVEN week. Newpifor Senior Citizens Area Churches Happenings *Eaat Side Rec, School St., u r c h e s Union CaagregaUofial Charcb Open 5-10 p.Ai. By WALLY FORTIN First EvaageMosl LaOiena United Congregational Church ST A R CAXElCoiO Trinity Oonvenant Chari!h Church of Rockville ToBaad Rockville •Weal Side Rec, Cedar St, The Presbyterian Church Emanuel Lutheran Church D IR E ttrO R F or Teens -By CL\Y R. POLL\N- Rev. Pool J. Bowman, Mfailster Open 6-10 p.m. Akin uatAMORA SOS Hackmntack St. 4S Spruce St. Church and Chestnut Sts. Rev. Ridurd E. BertniSL Rev. Donald G. BBDer, MAS. 21 n Your Daily AOirHy Guido- M buses going to West Point Acad­ Psotor Rev. Lyman D. Reed, Isttr. Rev. Nonmui E. Swenaen, R ev. aeorge W. Smltli, Rev. C. Henry Anderson, Hello everyone. 1 Sotaiday. Got 11 *Oommunlty T. N. Midn St, -'=~A«». I» 'Y According to Iho Store. Miniater Hhilater Rev. Eric J. Gothberg, Well, our group going on' the emy. No other aotiviUes sched­ Associate Mlnlstw Teen Center-SdxMl St. 7:30- ^ T\ 1-13-25J8 To develop message for Si^doy, ocf.T. 22 W lw uled . 7-19-24J7/' “SHOCKING NEGLECT” Pastors diree-day Pennsylvania Dutch 9 a.m., Sunday cwdiki. 9:80 a.m., Worship Service. ^»4l-82-8a reod words corresponding to numbers U p.m. Dance to the “Damn .cm, ** (8-39-71 V 9:15 a.m., College and Career 9:1S a.m., Sunday Country tbur left Tuesday ‘Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to noon, 10:80 a.m.. The Service. 10:45 a.m., Wonhip Service. Tankeoa.” Onen to members Auditorium; 8 of your Zodiac birth sign. School TAUIUS scoavio study group at LaStrada, Main classes for all ages. 8:59 and 10:40 a.m.. Church morning, .and If the weather was pinochle toimiament. No bus Sacred Heart dnm ii Sermon topic: “In Partnership' only—memberuhlp cords at the ? Museum and the 2 ^ AM. 3P scheduled. Onr Savior Lntbenm Ctarcfa With God.” The Rev. Mr. Bow­ 6oat. Javcees present Mr. Howard----- L. 1 Might 31 Tht* 61 Turn * ocr. 2J(' St. 10:30 a.m., Worship Service. School for three year - olds the same there as it was here Bt. so, Vernon 2Mon«y 32 01 62 Bt Friday, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. 2S8 Grataam Rood, Wapping Orian’s fllm “ The Land Uje R^rinted From Manchester Herald Aug. 12,1969 9:30 a m., Sunday School. The The Rev. Mr. Smith preaching, through Grade 8. when they departed, they were Rev. Ralph Kdle% Paotor man, preaching. •East Side Rec, School St., \1121.32^ 3 You 33 A 63 PItoiont crewel embroidery class (Nee­ Rev. Ronald A. Erbo, Bllnlator Glaciers Forgot” Admission / 4 m ’81-90 40oor 34 Chonett 64 Pltowrt adult classes meet at Keeney Sermon: "D.V.’ 9 and 10:45 a.m.. Divine Wor-. in for an excellent trip. Again, Rev. Richard Bender, 9 a.m., Church Bchoolt Grades ^Open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. SKmp 3 5 T h t ************** 65 Of St. School. Infant nursery and 7 p.m.. Evening ship. Nursery for Infants. Ser­ because this colunm must be dlepoint). 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., 5 and 10. “West Side ■ Rec. Cedar St. tickets to be mailed to mem- UMINI 6 Atp«n 36-Poltcy 66 Sc tntt Service. Aasiotant Paotor tACITTAIIUS setbfuik toumameiA. N o bus 8:80 and U amt.. Services 0:80 a-m., Adult Stutty Class Open 1-5 p.m. bers-ticketo avoJIaUe at the • MAr It 7 A 37 Affoir 67 You all school age children meet In Group ~ Discussions - "G od’e mon by Pastor Gothberg. Lumed in by Friday morning. f IniFfMting 3B optnt 66UPK VOTE DEMOCRATIG scheduled. 9:46 a.m., Stxiday School and "or-» Committee Dismayed the Church. W ill.” 7 p.m.. Hi League meeting in Bind the group 1s getting back Masses at 7, 8, 9:15, 10:80 and In library. ^•C^muntty’ Y. North Main -r-rJU N l 20 9N««s 39 Don't 69 Oifftrtnctt Jjn lOPlent 10:46 a.m., Morning Worship. ‘The Senior Citizens Center la Christian Education Hour. 10:30 a.m.. Church School, St., Open 1-6 p.m. Teen Center, Schod St, 7:80- \10^18-31-42 40 Doubts 70 Tfovtl Otc. 21 Luther HaU. juite iate on ‘Thursday, w e’ll 11:45 a.m. n A 41 Stertv 71 ind»cottd located at Myrtle and Linden infants to Grade 4. 11 p.m. Dance to ‘"The Bhie /51-54-70 13 Con 42D oy 3-12-23-33^ ON Laymen’s Sunday with John Zion Evangelical Lutheran nave to wait until next week’s Simday, Oct 12 73 About 47-3849 M Sts., and is open weekdays St. Bbuirice Chnndi, Bolton Rock Expedition.” Members CANCia 13 Bt 43Suddtn 73 Would Childers and Robert Nixon Church Calvary Church paper to hear how the trip went. p.m., Jindor Pilgrim Fel­ MHS Swimming P o d —12:80- 14 Sovingt 44 Or from 9 a.m. to 4:30, p.m., for Rev. Robert W. Cronin, Paotor St. Bernard’s Ofanreli ^ JUHl 21 74 SurpnttG CAVaKMN At MHS ‘Neglect’ speaking. (Missouri Synod) (Assemblies of Ood) Big news now is the trip to RockvlDe lowship. 4 p.m.-IOH weekly swim tor 15 Indicott 45 W idt 75 Bt OfC. 22 visiting, reading, T’Y viewing, able at the door. iJUVf 22 16 Of 46 Emotiono) 76 Moy NOVEMBER M i 4 p.m.. Quarterly Business Cooper and High Sts. M7 E. Middle Tpke. West Point, and we have a rec- 7:16 p jn .. Senior Pilgrim Fel- handicapped youngsters. 17 Which 47 Coust Masses at 7, 8 :80, 10 and U :80 Rev. George FJL BetBy, ECH8 Cafeteria, 7:80 p.m.— 77 Dtvtiop JAli. It meeting with nursery provided Rev. Charles W. Kuhl, Pastor Rev. K. L. Gustafson, ird of four buses already to pool, table shuffleboard, and lowship. Masonic Temirie, E. Center , 9-17-29-40 IBOtvtlop 4BO r 78 Btntf<»ol - The maintenance segment Paotor ESSCITeni, get your parents out 19 Broittn 49 For 4-14-27-38^ of the report, submitted and a coffee hour with social Pastor card playing. a.m. St., 8:16 p.m. "Latvian F d k /'52-57-57 79 Or go. Boy, when the cadets look Rev. Wmiam Schmeider luck Dinner and Dance— so— 20Moy 50 To 80 You'rt 143-345043^ *********** ^ John W. WaJsh, principal of North Quincy (Mass.) St. George’s Episcopal Olinroh Enaem-ble.” Open to the oub- LIO 21 Oey 51 For grouj) 1 under the leadership 9 a.m.. Divine Worsh^. Nurs­ out, and see 180 senior citizens Rev. Anthony MUcImB 81 And AQUAtlUt High School and chairman of ery in Parish House. B t 44A, BoMaa Uc-^duks 82.M and ^iS^n y««r Pa«nte out JULY 21 22 lny- window Painting Cooteet, oo- ^<$^^-86 (§).\Jvttie ^ Neutral 11 a.m., Sunday Church Serv­ Concordia Lutheran Church ly meeting Monday evening at Vernon United Methodist fe 3 5 2 -m 7 U E lding and site, extreme con- Pastors-ln.Training Assistant Pastor ice. Sunday School and Nursery. 40 Pitkin St. large crowd, there’s bound to 7:30 at Rham High School. Chnrdb PaOiflnderB Oub, Norman ^ the Rec. Dept VOTE DEMOORAHG dltlona of physical disrepair and By SOL B. COHEN neglect . . . What has happened Republicans' “ Are Sin, Disease, and Death Rev. Joseph E. Bourret, be some confusion, but I ’m sure All staff members will be Rev. Chariea Becber, Pastor St.. 8-9:80 p.m. Alateens. open ^ Mianchester Caiamber 9 and 10:30 a.m.. Worship The other day, just before Masses at 7, 8:80, 10:80 and to Manchester High School plant R eal?” is the subject of the les- Pastor we’ll have it all squared away present to meet and get ac­ to teens who have a relative “ 0 “ >“«®rce. which la to run Service. Laymen’s Sunday. 'Die quitting time, my phone rang 11:45 a.m. and outside faculties in the post om-aermon. ‘The Golden Text Rev. Louis E. Bauer Jr., by departure time. quainted with the parents. Re­ 6:30 a.m.. Worship Service or friend with a drinking prob- "Planned Laymen’s Witness: ‘‘Balanced and I announc^, “ It’s m y 18m. Further Intormatlon, call acUvlUes require Humphrey Backs Nixon VOTE DEMOGRAHO IS years should be the subject from Psalms 9:6, 7. Assistant Pastor We haven’t come up with an' freshments will be served. and child care. Sermon by the of separate Inquiry for beyond for Action” I Oor. 12:4-0 Mrs. wife.” Nobody believed me. •44-0188 . . . inquiries kept •"“ liherah'p cards available at The Christian Science Reed­ Bating place as yet, but w e’re Parents will be urged to se­ Unitarian Meeting Hemoe pastor. Church school, nursery, the scope of this report. Suffice Glenn Law. “ Men Shall Not And, it was my wife, cm her SO Bloomfield Ave., Hartford (UHMiymous. *he Recreation Dept., 110 Cedar ing Room, open to the public 9 a.m.. Holy Communion, working on it, and we’ll find cure their membership cards at kindergarten. Grades 1 and 2. Vietnam War Policy It to asy that the mognttude of Maintenance'^ Live By Bread Alone,” R ic h a r d ______.... . , usual “ bring home some . . .’ ’ Rev. NaUumlel D. Lanriat ' West Side Branch Ubrary centers. Be sure Church School and Nursery. iomethlng, I’m sure. Don’t for- this meeting to ensure the fu­ 10:80 a.m., Church sdMol all neglect and deterioration of the Melster. Selection- fri,m Scho- call. at 749 Main St. ‘The hours are ture of the PTSA. Cedar St., Open 2-5 p.m. aiid P*®** “P Whiter Recrea- WASHINOTON (AP) — For­ port the administration shfuiid It VOTE OEMOORATIO Manchester High School cast a penhauer and Cicero. Liturgists, 10:30 a.m.. The Service, jet now, bring your Itmch, and other classes. 6-9 p.m. tlcn Propum for a detailed list Program ?? 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday This time it was fish, and my 10:80 a.m., Worridp Service, m er Vice I>resldent Hubert H. decide upon systematic with­ poll of incredibility over the James Hennesey and Mrs. Church School and Nursery. be at the Center by 9 :80 a.m. School Menu 3 p.m.. District Conference at through Saturday. errand was simple. She had Nursery and Worahlp Church Bennet Varsity Soccer vs acUvitles. Htunphrey, after a meeting wtth drawal of aU combat forces whole committee.” Chsirles Sterling. 4 p.m., 75th Anniversary Serv- Friday night’s regulax setback ‘The menu at Rham for next Rockville. culled the first market and it School. ming at Mt. Nebo Field af- “ hs — President Nixon, saM Friday he from Vletnapi. Humphrey said, 9 a.m.. Church School, Nurs­ ice, the Rev. Gunther Stippich, tournament had 44 players, and week will be: Monday, ham- was waiting for me. All L had to te r school. WUi the girl with the Infor- believes the President is pur­ " I would sig>port that.” VOTE DEMOORATIO ery and Grades 3 through 8. Center Congregational Church guest preacher. Fellowship hour the following winners: Bernice btmg on a roll, potato salad, Second Congregational Chnrch do was to pick up the package Vernon Asoembly of God •East Side Rec, School St.— " '“ Ihxi on the Car Wash please suing the right course In Viet­ Humiriuey at one point sold 10:30 a.m.. Church School, United Church of Christ in Kaiser HaU tdter the service. Martin, 184; Lee Stelnmeyer, cole slaw; 'Tuesday, breaded United Church Of Christ Open 6-10 p.m. Klve me a call to double-check and pay for it. 184 W. Main St. nam. that “systematic” was a key Nursery, Kindergarten and 11 Center St. 129; Slim Duhring, 126; Lyla veal steaks with tomato sauce, R t 44A, Coventry ‘Then, she added, “ Maybe ycni (First Isitfaeran Church •West Side Rec, Cedar St.— me hard plaiued nationwide antiwar Lee Stelnmeyer, 658; JosefUilne ship meeting. MOC Cateteria., Haitford Rd. promised to work as a unit DUcuaslon Group at Susannah rolls she likes, and ^ m e rye 8 a.m.. Holy (tommunlon. demonstrations. Wesley Hall. Second Congregational Church Scbuetz, 639; Frands Flke, 637; Campus, 7:80 p.m. — Dr. F. for the success of the Cemmis- Masses at 8:80 and 10:80 a.m. Across Africa, bread we alt Uke, she blew her 10 a.m., Family Worship Serv­ Nixon and the man who op­ United Church of Christ Been Moonan, 631; Florence Bolton Congregational Chnrch W. Lowe, Jr.’e course “Revdu- 9 and 10:45 a.m.. Morning ice, classes, baby-sitting. posed him tor the prasldenqy Worship. Laymen’s Sunday. 885 N. Main St. Brooto, 680; Lyla Steele, 627; Thanks to Man top. Rev. J. Stanton Conover, ttonaiy Prem ise” — open to CongratulaiUans again, E ric! ;; VOTE DEMOORATIO Gospel Hall Another time, our son gave a last November met tor nearly “ What is a Christian Church?” Rev. Felix M. Davis, Zencn Reerosler, 625; Louise Minister ttie pubBc, no charge. — 415 Center St. party for some of his friends St. Peter's Eplecupal Chnrcii an hour in the company of Hen­ Dr. Shaw in a Dialogue Ser­ Minister Meyerinff, 619; Ted Rivard, KRUGER NATTONAL PARK, South Methodist Church, 8 - ^ y town organizaUan, school and she told me to buy some Sand HIU Rd., Senitfa Windsor ry A. Kissinger, Nixon’s qieclal mon with Albert Donneatad Jr., Rev. Ernest 8. Harris, 817. South Africa (A P ) — A blight of 9 a.m.. Church School. Ntus- P-m. — Generail meeting of the ° r church wishing to list an 10 a.m.. Breaking bread. Rev. James A. assistant In charge of national Jeremy Holmes, William Rood, Minister desert sand is slowly spreading pizzas. I bought five large piz­ ery and Grades 6 through 9. Manchester Gilbert and SulUvan event of interest to teerw ( 18-21) :[ VOTE DEMOORATIO 11:45 a.m., Sunday School. Our Fun-Day had a very nice Vicar security affairs. Humphrey sold and Martin Keiderling. Fred over Africa from southwest to zas, with ell the extras. 10:45 a.m.. Church School. Werhshop — if this is your in this colixnn may contact Fran 7 p.m.. Gospel meeting. bum out oonaldering the very Kissinger Is on old friend whom Goal, lay leader, conducting 10 a.m.. Morning Worship. northeast, a leading Swedish ‘The kids ate the potato chips Nursery and Grades 1 through "bag” — call Mrs. David Ack- Conway (Mrs. Frank J.), any- wet weather we had. ‘There 8 and 10 a.m., Fam ily Serv­ he sees from time to time. service. Church School for itt- Nursery through Church School conservationist says. and drank the cokes. ‘There 4. er, 872-0867 for more into. time, or Candy after school *********** ’Ihe Salvation Army were 84 present. Mrs. Many ice. Baby-sitting provided. “The President knows that I fant-toddler through adults. In- Grade 8. Laity Sunday. Sermon, Deserts and semideserts al­ were three and a half pizzas 9 and 10:45 a.m.. Worship MHS Cafeteria, .8:16 a.m. — hours, 267 Hackmatack St., 649- 881 Main St. Rhodes did a marvelous jcA> of 8:80 and 11 a.m., Worahlp have a deep concern in South­ OCTOBER fant-Toddler Ntirsery. “Pastoral Care” by Cllftord ready cover 4i8 per cent of the left over. We ate the half, gave Service. Sermon: “The Great Major Nathan C. >goet*ne'*i, 8®8®i Kathl Knapp, 649-9238 af- MaJ. Kenneth Lance, oonductlng the meeting. Service. east Asia,” Humphrey said. * FOR 8 p.m.. Senior High Methodist Hansen, deacon. continent’s surface, mostly in two to neighbors and the third Commission.” commandant of Conn. Army Na- ter 8 p.m.; or Karen Gilmore Officer in Charge During our sick call, we 9:46 a.m., Sunday Sohcwl Youth Fellowship. Ralph Taylor the north. Now, thanks to man, to our son’s friend. ttoRsl Guard’s headquarters de- 649-9276 after school hours, “ He invited me upstairs to visit SPECIALS learned (hat Mrs. Katherine with him and our meeting was will speak. the waste land is m oving up TTie next night, our son went TaloottvUle OongregattotiaJ tsebment will speak to junior INFORMATION Unitarian UnlversaUst Society Sunday, 8 a.m.. Prayer Frettas is out of ithe hoaplbal. very helpful, constructive fromi the south. over to his friend’s house and Eastmlnster United Oiurch and senior MHS male students. ON of Mancbeoter Breakfast. and is staying with her brother Presbyterian FeUowaUp rewarding.” Church of Christ 488 Main St. 9:80 a.m., Sunday School EVed’ s fam ily at 147 Kathleen Many bird spectes are among they had a pizza party. United Churoh of Christ Bennet JV Soccer vs Bolton — \ Thought for TVxby Rev. Gordon Bates, Minister Humphrey said even though PHONE Lydall and Vernon Sts. Stanley W. SmMi (Classes for all ages). Rd., Brockton, Mass. She also wildlife threatened by the Oehtlng back to the cole slaw Rev. Truman O. Ireland, Assay. Sponsored by the Manchester George Slye School, ^ r e are a lot of different opi­ ALU M INim Eugene Brewer, Minister of TaloottvUle, Pres. 10:45 a.m.. Holiness Meeting sent many thanks to aB you change man has wrought In hlf — I asked m y w ife how much Pastor •Etest Bkle Rec, School St., Oounell at (Jhurches Kingston Dr., off Oak St., nions over Vietnam, be hopes (nursery provided). nloe people tor your lovely surroundlngi. Dr. K al Ourry- le aom a Open 6-10 p.m. DEMOORATIO East Hartford debate on the Issue wlU not be­ 10:80 a.m.. Service. Church 6:16 p.m.. Open A ir Meeting. cards during her confinement Lindahl told the Psin-Afrlcan Or­ ^ e repUed, "G et w hat you 9:46 a.m.. Church School: •Weet 8'de Roc, Cedar St., Our “Skynakler” was loaded 9 a.m.. Worship. Sermon: come partisan. “ An Anchor For Your Soul.” School. Nursery. 6:80 p.m.. Prayer Meeting. In the hospital. nithological Oongress, meeting think la enough. Ycni dcnyit eat Nursery through Adult Discus­ Open 6-10 p.m. with 750-pound napalm bomba • DOORS 10 a.m,. Worship Service and “ I don’t think anyone can 6 p.m.. Worship. Lesson: 7 p.m.. Salvation Meeting. W e all wish her a lot of luck, in South Africa’s U r ^ s t game It, he (our son) ckuan’k eat it sion Group. •Community Y, North Main aiul OOO-'pound ixapalm bom bs... HEADQUARTERS Sunday Schctol. hush up those differences,” he “ BlMe Questions-and Answers.” Full Gospel Christian to help her get back to our reserve. and I can’t eat tt.” 11 a.m.. Public Worship. 8t^, Open 6-10 p.m. Our wtfig load oarriad 7,500 • W INDOW S said, “ but the worst thing we FeHowshlp Interdonomlnatlonal United Pentecostal Church Center aga'n. TTio»» Feme w“nectlcut Asatstonl Pastor 10:30 a.m., Service, Nursery-'- Avery S t 4:00 Hartfnrfi HlgtUtgtUe serto and arid shrub meeting will be held at the end tnterssted No audition. made a aecond pass and dropped Stop World Hunger program. 7:00 Newe Schroll, 538; Louise Hagenow, ______and School. Christian Reformed Church 7; JO QaeUght of the program. The meeting Wtet Bide Bronrii library. our 500-pound l»m ba. Our wtaig- 7:80, 9, 10:16 and 11:80 a.m., 535; Emma Russell, 638, and 861 Avery St WT1( '~ 18M is open to the public. O d o r B t, Open 2-5 and 5-8 p.m. man fotlowed. Then w » went in Masses. 1:00 1" «Mme, covered with a.m.. noon, and 0 p.m. 6:10 Worid Thlt Wtek legislative Chairman. •West Bide Rec, Cedar St., burring, jellied gasoline... 6:80 Speak Up Wednesday, 9:80 a.m., TOur & Mologlst says. Crystal Lake Rd., laili^tton Brewer open 6-10 p.m. There were probably between ______Bi fact, says Dr. WUllam Rob- Rev. Harvey W. Taber, Pastor EUingtion FREE •Oonnnunity T, Itertli Mote 1,000 and 1.500 people Bvkig in I VOTE DEMOORATIO Mteoii, a recent check riiows the fishing vUloge thst we at­ Apply la pMMB, or c «l ”We ought to obey God 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 5-10 pun. that the level of DDT and simi­ tacked. tt Is difOoidt ta esti­ rsither thsui melt.” Acts 6:29. Halloween Dance Classes for all ages. DELIVERYI •MHB FM i Drookfleid Bt 444.M U — 64S-2197 lar pMtlchleo Is oo high In the mate how many were hilled. It ‘I ^ stoitement o f Christian Bvergiodes Uiet the bald eagle 11 a.m.. Worship Service. Nur­ Mranoa. fiainiiy Swim IflcMt, prino(p(e by Peter has been is equally dlftlcult to judge If i VOTE DEMOORATIO may become extinct there. _ Slated Oct. 25 sery. ARTHUR DRUG 5:BB«:W pjn. toctured front Its context to there were actually any Viet MILEX AUTO TUNE UP CENTER Robertson, a biologUt with the 6 p.m., Wesleyan Youth. •LBnehlsy Bclwal, Vernon 8L, justify every kind of defiance ‘The Ellington Athletic League open S-t:M p.n. Coig tai the vfnage, and If oo, of estebltshed authority. In re­ U.S. Park Services, said Friday 8:30 p.m.. Fast and Prayer. 249 BROAD ST. MANCHBSTBI is planning its third annual Hal­ 7 p.m.. Evening Prayer. •Wodiril ScRoci Brand Bt. is any were killed... cent yeora, law vioiotiona have SOUTH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH the poison pollution is causing Report by Bernard Fall I VOTE DEMOORATIO been so raUonoUaed in support female eagles to lay eggs wtth loween Dance on Oct. 25 at the opan 5-d:W pjn. Ellington Legion H^I. There • a b w Jr. High, B m C Mld- Earle R Cuoter, Itoator of roctal Integmtian end In op- sheila so thin that they crack North Uritad MOthodlst 4c posttlon to the Vietnam oonfUct will be dancing from 9 to 1 to dM Tpkn d-ld pjn. during Ihcubation. Church Nekt week a notional student OCTOBER 12, 1%9 “The pesticide, levels are the music o f the “ Manhattans “ W m ain a BoOdtaig, f l t M oiT a ********* **** **** **** VOTE DEMOORATIO boycott la jiloitned In protaot of much higher than we would and prises for the costumes OBurelt Flatk at, 9.m -10 pro.. the latter, enoouraging student American Legton Auxiliary have anticipated. I would call which are optional. ‘Tickets are nm iO , tea.—Axig tefbrantlon DnnKeatr Bridgr tosubcrdiitaitlon *o oonsdkuted available from coaches anj OlBff AadanoB UYMEPTS SUNDAY them alarming,” Robertson told srin hold a nim m age sole Wlnneri foot night In a knock- JurisdlotlaeL league officials and will benefit a group of scientists at the Uni­ Wednesday olgkt. Oct. 14th, F»e*to. out duoilcate bridge taam gome Bd. Bf IdBCBHoR I f one Is convinced that serv­ 9:00 and 10:45 a.m. the basketball program. Thoiaday, Oet 18 lost rigM at the Italton-Araeri- VOTE DEMOORATIO versity of Miami. BJi., MM.. PhD. from ing militarily in this war is tan- Promoted at 7 P Jf. at the Leglaa Heme Bennet JV Soccer vs. lUlng— can Clidi nre Albert Lal*laztt. monU, be o im iy would be ligh t "The leveis ore at the point Ranaaalaar Polytaclailc David P. Schultae, 21, son of M t Nebo Field after school. Robert OtiaitBii. Mrs. Lawrence tat ocnsdenOously objeoCtaig. where they ore interfering with ea Lagton St. Aoyooe wlahing Seidor Raaaareh Mr. and Mrs. Harlan P. •Bast Bide Itec, School B t, Fagan, and James FOUtes; Thoee not faced with mUitaiv the reproductive process.” a p lc k ^ ooU Mrs. Mary Fiiginaar at United Alr- “What Is A Christian Church?” Schultae, West Rd., was recent­ Op4n 8-10 pm . , James Baker, Edmond Oonway. { VOTE DEMOCRATIO service would ba tuetifted In Rohertaon urged that some­ e r m R aaearch Laka.,Pio- voioiiig their oonrvlotlane by any ly promoted to Arm y Spec. 4 Wolkor, M Phelpa St. •West Side Rec, Oedor Bt., EAgav Romopeck, and MTa. fMOor at RJ>.L Onduoto thing be done to save tlw vsiv o f ttie numerous legal and In Vietnam where be is serving Open 6-10 p.m. Donald Raymond. Center. Former member ****^hg species, used on many moral means open to tie tat a Layman participating in thii service are Albert Donnestad Jr., with the 92ud Artillery. •Oommuhlty Y. North Main Also, Jock Descy. Loula Itel- Charter Rrvlaton Oonunlo- fhae ALmerioo. Jaremy^Holmes, William Rood, and Martin Keiderling, with Dr. Shaw American m ilitary Insignia, the Spec. 4 Schultae entered the Bt., Open 8-10 p.m. Bert Roos, and WUllam slon; Bd. of LXreetora and t vo n DEMOORATIO | But if impettoooe wtth legal $1 bUI and the U.S. 35-cent Army tai May 1998 and arrived •WoddaH Bebool. Brood Bt.. Ooitw i%tll : Mrs. W. L. Hol- origtnal Oomqnndte Oat- in a dialogue sermon. Mr. Fred Gael, Lay Leader, conducting piece. prooedUTM leads us Into Illegal overseas in September. He la a Open 8-9:80 p.m. load, Mrs. A. A. Pyko, Mrs. A. loge OofamliiBon. RMl4is t { ■etlvltlei^ we tiriU have none service. Robertson sold the poisons' in­ 1988 graduate of BUtaigtan High with edfa Bnt and two - FizzjmtArW iiK •IBiag Junior High. East Mid- K. Hasthag, and M is. John Roe- cillldren at 108 Kennedy * * * * * * * * * * * * ’* * but ounelvee to blame when terfere irilh the birdB’ fbrmatlon School. dle Tpha., Open 8-8:80 p.m. bodk: Joseph Thee Denrds Roh- anarchy and its totalitarian oon- of colctami, a basic Ingrodtont in Rood. oomltante oweep away the MCX:, Hartford Rd. Campus tauon, Jack Cteih and WHUom nobliat cffoita of man toward Everyone InviferJ Tty RaFh Osek TamoaU Cairtarla. Musk: Worfcrtiop MdOoufoB; Mrs. Faid Barton. ” W e otoo think DDT oonaump- Well, It a Appropriate Dooda volunteer bonds and per- Mrs. Lao Banfbo, Robart RBitta- Uon also has other leas obvious ORANGE, Moss. |AP^ — The Ymm] tormero—contact Mr. Voter If oail, and W JL Bnwer; Mlm For Tlw ACTION T«am Coffee Hour After 9:00 a.m. Service eeroota that may be just os 8l gnnw «R1 be fdayod naad FrtRqr Bttle Olaeeee: 9 M o.ni. glades Nattonol Park, near Fla- matter under consideration. i j curt S t (pork In S t Mary’s nt 8 ptm. a f Rto dUb, 88 B t V6TE THE ACTION TEAM ta* SFSDOM awa a - ■ mtngo. Roberteon has spent WersUp! 19:88 a.m.; 849 p.m. At the end of the otreeet la o m .T o m q d Ta i . m i n K i c n , t o w h porktag lot)—we wdarstand drtdge many bours stu d yli« the neats. Central Oemetoty. that It has re-epenad Is doors by fhs Tow a OBwooiltoa, Bogor Negre, T ii aa —w ill have more Into nont and play Is ********* **** ***** *** H i ^ II

PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTEh ^EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. OONN^ SATURDAY, OCTOBER-11, 1969 IIANGHESYEB e v e n i n g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1969 PAGE NINE Youth Killed, About Town Chamber Pushes Effort PINTO Scouts Clean Salterns Pond U Nations. Circle, Dsugh- lO C o p sH u rt uSSTKSlI will have a For Parh Along River Fim O, People Ihteraeted Qilirk Dies, A huKindMMbusiness wndbesHnwmeeting Tueeday at Ih NarooUcs fteatmwrt Or- As Step Toward Rec Uses Silent In fOonttamed irsm Page One) 7:80 . p.m. at the KofC___ Hotne. gerteatlcn me., is now open fired, killing Soto, tie ofOoers *' **' *** nmno. up aa Idea psuposed wny” be developed along the MotMay thnugli Wednesday ^ Boy Scouts foom TVoOp 136 which runs betsreeu the. dam Held M ^als ■4M. MM.etw.wer Rotarv Club will ■*^**?^ ^ Hodsenum to connect to Union evenliige, SJO to ip, in the of the Bmmanuel Luthmon **xl Parker St. A foalhtk%e PoKcy Talks Stootlng erupted from die have an open meeting Tuesday ^ ’"**“** **« reoom- bottom floor of the Williams Chmrh are going to BaRer’s *** *”*** ^ From France pnrolAct. r ^ , they added afterm/» ms theAtim imi.im- Mbat m6:80 p.m.___ ' at Mancheeber. B#a4Atful * conuntttaecasnmittee d of the nuEMlmlmended hm be iwfliMimwireclaimed, Building of 8t Mary's Bpis- u n it e d n a t io n s , N.Y. caiamtoer of Oommeroe is basdi- Now, the City Beautiful com- Pond today to dean up some Su^^totyJISIche^ILSSl Daniel I. QuM, 74, o< t4 Ual exchange and continued for Country Club The club’s r M „ ------copol Church on Park St. (A P )—Some thought It had Park St., one of tlie fliat Amer­ about 16 minutes untU poUoe towiwment wlM start ’Tuesd^ ^ prosnote the mitteo hopes to do sosnetfaing An ax-addlet, a parent of a of the debris. big to Bmeat Tureck. town sup- been said already. Some got were able to make their way at U:80 a.m. at the clubT^^ ^TSw*** *** * continuous linear about the Hockanum in coopeca- drug user, and a lerofeeslcnal Hie Scouts are cooperating eriatondent of Parks, icana to enter France In Worid tired of returning sniper fire. parfc along the banks of the tlon with the town phumhigoom- counaelar era on hand to talk with the City Beautiful Com- Turedc also enviatons the War I and holder of one of Hochanum River. misakxi, the conservation com- Othera just kept their opinions SYance’s hlgheat military Odegard, town dlrec- to anyone on an anonymous mlttoe of the Chamber of Ccm- norifawest secUon of the park The meandering Hocka- miaaion and the perk and tec to toemsaivea. awarda, died yeaterday morn­ ta^ria AHmon, U, afouek by sta y tor, will q>eak at a meef.’ng of basis. The piiaiie m mi her is merce and the town Park De- to be selectively cleared and num, pdltded for mote than depaitment. 64S4M0. Portn»«t- mossed with perhaps some ad- That’s tfrhy 11 o f toe 126 mem­ ing at Man(^eater MemoHal a century, has reoenUy be- llie committee has written to Hoapltal. .If Tuer.day noon at the Manchester Tha chamber and the park de- tree bers of foe United Nations de­ One of the Injured policemen Countrv Club come the object of a clean iq> several buslnesa firms that own paitment went to make a fish- Playground equipment couW clined to speak In the annual At the outbreak of World War was In criUcal condltton. ^ ' ___ I, he went to France aa a mem­ by local, regioneU and property along the Hockanum, ing and recreetlcnal area aid be put In at toe aoutbweet sec- pMiey debate that opened toe ber of a United States yolun- Patrolman Vincent ftomana Loyal Circle of Ktog’s Daiab- state agencies. namely Mai Tool, Pilgrim Police Log oftoe Saltemarea, end cleaning tlon of the property, accordltur General Assembly session. The teer ambulance corps. After sald an angry crowd formed In ternten will meet Monday “ at 9:46 “ The Hockanum begins , IT In Mills, and Ward *” MSmifactMsiiuf«/.tu ^ » up some of toe Utter around the to Tureck. 16 days of oratory wound up the building’s narrow corridor o.m. in the Fellowship Room of ' s Shenlpsit ^Le^- "’^ ' that dam la toe drat step. >nie scouts began cleaihw the Wednesday nlg^it. this country entered the war, as Soto lay In a pool of blood \ the corps became part o f the Center Congrecatlonal Church. **** “** cooperation of a]all con- A B B B S n Plane for Saltern include a broclt area below toe Not participating were Da­ U. 8. Army. George Austin, 88, of Bast ptcnic area near toe brook 1 p.m. today . homey, Gambia, Ghana, Guate­ ered outside the building, mak­ For hla service in BYance, he son and Mm. Alice dark. to way to to» Con- an “attractive natural wooM Windsor, diarged with opsrab mala, Malawi, Nicaragua, Nl- ing It dilMcult to evacuate Soto. was awarded the Croix de n eoP ^ It wendm through slope area’’ along the river, fog a motor vehicle while Ms g tr , Portugal South Africa, However, policemen, accompa Ouerre and later received this mpfocopal Chu,«h women Manchester ’Ito committee has requested license______was under suspension. Bpato and Togo. country’s Verdun and . Victory Pope Paul Says Democracy “ It is not, after all, an obliga­ their way through the crowd, medals. tion for a nation to speak," said carrying him to a police vehicle. a business maetfog Monday at 1 8 p.m. in Neill Ifoll of the Mr. Quirk was bom April 4, Just as Soto was being placed ^ develpp Into 3dbn Hbdgon, 17, o f 170 Blssell NoWaytoRunaChurch Ambassador Guillermo Lang of churdi. Nicaragua. "We just didn’t ISW In TUckahoe, N, T., son In the vehicle, police said, shoot- S T L , r i^ r t . butcher, 17. s f of Michael and Anna O’Neil ln«r broke out from many parts CanUnoed from Page One) think it Was necessary this year. Quirk, and had lived in Man­ North United Methodist w os GnJiMt _____ gwmnd cover un- with breach ot peace. Court Holiday Ooriiig;» “ If the Communist offlclala ot of the building and from the date O ct 30. to be prudent “so that the com­ chester for 38 years. He was crowd. Church Junior Choir will ra- Cuba had chosen to renew some mon good of the Church may The Municipal BiBhHng, of toelr charges that we were employed at Pratt and WhMney 1 mw one man shooting from »=“ P "*’ not be compromised by multl- p id ^ Rbraxtes, ebeuR court helping to mourn an Invasion Aircraft Corp., Bast Hartford, the fifth floor with a shotgun In 1987 p r o p « e ^ ^ t d ^ ? ^ « « t « l be before he retired in 1961. He Dennls LoChapelle, 19. farious and exceseive autooo- end banks will be against toelr country, we would and another with a revolver on non, charged with lmprcq>er use m y.’ ’ was a former trustee of St. the second floor,” said Patrol- The Manchester Jaycees wUl Mionday to observe Cbhsnbus have spoken quickly enough. James’ Church and a member man Richard Madeja. “A po- a membemhlp meeting of a limited Hcense, following an Such autonondee “wotdd fa- Day which folhi on Sunday. "But why just repeat what so accident on Greenwood Dr., vor ambttloue rivalries and nar- of its Holy Name Society. He llceman right alongside me was ™**'“ ,*^ P-” *- *be Port office servlcee and ref­ many others have aald? also was a member of the U.B. hit In toe stomach. I was pinned <^>irt«>om at toe Man- K id n ap ed, H e ^^oter Session near Marlon St., tofs morning row^ninded eelfishness’’ and be use pick-up vvffl ooBUnue as “It wouM really be a waste of Army Ambulance Corps. Asso­ down.’’ Chester PoUce Station. at 1 o’clock. LaCh^ne said a “divlsivo force In the church.’’ USUBl. time to air our views on Viet­ ciation and the Manchester John Soto’s funeral was held ______Breaks Y luffs, On to 8 p.m. that something went wrong in The Pope appeared to he - Mbnehestwr ptifaBc soiioola nam, the Middle Bast and such American Legion Post. earlier Friday. Police called his PoUsh National Alliance thU morning at 1:32 on Adams warMng any cme hUhon or win be in seeMon Mionday, subjects when scores of others Before coming to Manchester, shooting accidental, but eome A ^>eciBl vcter--mBhlng ses­ ^ and a tree. Busan ^ bWiops agal^^dd- but Howell Cheney Technical have given their opinions.’’ he lived In White Plains, N. T., witnesses said It was deliberate. STp.r«’1!l Free in Reno sion Is being conducted to 8 Doom. 14. of Vernon, a tog an undue ioi7o< potar to SdioM, fuhdt and regidar South Africa kept sil^t for a where he was editor of "TIm ger In toe car, was Injured and «_ r»- m classee, wiU be oloeed. different reason. p.m. totUgfit to the town taken to Manchetar Memorial outfor the Veterans’ Dugout,” a publica­ Miss Paula Rivard of 304 B. (Contlnaed from Pago One) The Herald win publish “We see no reason for re­ cleric’s ofnee to ihe Mon- Hospital where she was treated "***'' <*•«!«■« tion devoted to veterans’ Middle Tpke., Miss Arlene Ea- * obli­ to take the time of toe (Seneral (except Mbnday, when toe nens, primate of Belgium, has ROCKVILJ..B — Mm. JuUa on the condition of toe police- er of Boyus 0, has been In the tovestigahon of kidnaping by rand Jr., 16, of 168 Cooper Bt. gations to the audience, many Assembly by going into details man. The Rev. Mr. Conner said cosmonaut training program Reno police. They wwiw Mentl- Muniolpea B u U d ^ wtU be questioned whether any Ifope PaloseJ Koblect, 80, formerly of could rule properly without tak- from out of town,’’ and perform. of Its position." the officers’ face was badly since 1980 and was a backup fl*d as Joe Llschko, 69t of Chr- (dosed) to toe oCOce o f toe Ronald Anlello drove his car Ghana’s spokesman, Lucas Rockville, widow of Paul Kob- town oleilc or registrar of 1 g major decisions after con­ swollen when he left the church, man for the January space toot. City, who often worked as a Into a road post this morning at Myer, said Ms delegation did lect, died yeaterday at a Man­ voters — during reguksr of­ sulting with his bishops. chester convalescent hospital. About 36 sheriff’s deputiss Kubasov, also a backup man hotel security guard, and Wil- 4;80 on Main St., near B. Cen­ not take part because it had just carrylng four-foot clubs stood tJ’®* ■hot. Is a civilian engl- llam Oeorge McOoole, 37, Seat- fice bOUM. ter St. Anlello totd prtlce he The Canadian representative, Mm. Koblect was bom Jan. toe Most, Rev, Alexander (bar­ Gen. Hershey sleeted a new government. 6, 1880 In Bpst Windsor, daugh­ guard around the Civic Center tie. Wash,, an unemployed bar- was forced off toe road by an "Besides, our new prime min­ Friday night. They said there ^ carry out this rs- lender. ter, bishop of BauH Ste. Marie, ter of Karl and Anna Soweka unidentified car. Ont., has signed a statement ister, Kofi Buaia, expects to had been a report that radicals '■ponslb'e mission,’’ Shonin said Police eald Mrs. Jrtinson was Boy, 13, Blamed (Mr. Draft) Palosej, and had Mved In Rock­ saying, “The CatooUc Church come here later this month to ville most of her life. She was planned to break ground floor In a statement recorded before met at the airport by Lischko There was a minor two-car address the assembly. He will blastoff. This and some details For Four Breakg does not reoogniie toe Pope to a member of St. Joseph’ s wlndowe of the 81-story Loop and that they tailed him the rest accident on Summit Bt. yester- Ends Duties give our views then." building. on the flight were broadcast on of the day before making the ar- be its absolute monarch, nor toe Church. j .■ day at 10:10 p.m. The driven blshope as the mere delegatee ot Some small delegations don’t There were no Incidents. Radio Moecow about 80 minutes rests at a hotel perking lot when Police have apprehended a d . . . ----- •'----- Survlvom Include a son, Mi­ 18-year-oId boy and are nnirtng rtw Henry the Pope." (Contlnaed from Paga One) participate because they do not One of two marchee scheduled after the launching was an- they teamed Petersen was safe. __St.______and Doris_ SHversteln of 27 The oveivMl makeup of this have enough members. Often chael Koblect of Rockville; a was leaving reluotantiy, fired daughter. Mm. Bmest Richard­ for today was outlined Friday at "®*mc* with debate In toe assembly both of Blllngton, Martin Palo­ tlon; and the Black Panthers. *”** '‘®* <*«*ortbe them. based family busineases-Wert- age, U beink linked with a May sej of Rockville; Frank Polosej Rd.. as It was parked In the and its seven main committees, Michael Klonsky, head of °*bor alms of toe flight. Teas ward Ho Corp., a holding com- 28 break at the office of State Parkade lot last night between **** P*P** bad often said he did not plan to he spei^ only on issues that di­ of Moncherier, and Peter Palo­ “T?™™ . . , resign, voluntarily unless be be- RYM n, said the demonstrators *"®'“**® further testing of pany for two large motels In 8«n- David Barry, 9 W. Middle 7 and 11 p.m. and took his rectly concern his nation. sej of Saybrook; 3 elatem. Mm. would seek to avoid any con- “** ">anual controls and Las Vegas and one In Southern Tpke. There were no looses re- Informants said toe came too 111 to do his job. Louise Hughes of Rockville and stereo set. b^ps to "get Ziegler said, in a ^ r to There have been proposals froTVUtlons with police as they iV*^?*"* " ‘® ®**®®** space Calltomla; and Roundup Realty ported as toe result of that In that the wordage in U.N. debate Mm. Sylvia Davidson of Flori­ flight on the.h . human------body. Co, which has reconUy figured cident but toe office was ran­ down to bu sli^ to their « v e questions, that Henhey Is "In march In eupport of toe Puerto Police are still Investigating be cut by limiting speeches on da; 7 grandchildren, and 18 There was no IndicaMon how to advise Pope Paul on Moratorium fOentlnoed tram Page One) wants to explore had been dis­ 15 Indicted Fisher Sr.. 83. of Wllllmantk:, Manchester Shopping Parkade, Into the apartment of two un­ questions ot doctrine, faith and Tremure’ Hinted missed as undesirable by Her­ friher of Mrs. Maurice Lemire according to Eklwsrd Bmrgeon identified women. morals. The pontiff formed the (OnnttnutHt tmni P a ir O n e ) ___ moratorium. shey when others proposed of Coventry, died Thursday Retail Division Chairman. Re- He has been torned over to Foe Shoots commission after blshope at toe For Arson O'BHm l,,lln,««|. tt hU A few hours after toe Nixon-,, them earlier. morning at Windham Hospital. Humphrey meeting, toe WMte ta*fanlle authorities by toe Man- autumn of 1997 recommended It. Nixon has announced his In­ FXineral services were held, House announced toe President ®bester detective bureau, first world synod convoked in PROVIDBNCB, R.I. (AP) — UiS. ’'Copters tention to Issue an executive or- this afternoon at Potter Funeral would appoint a new BelecUve However, the Pope minced no Beeret Indictments have been hands Home, 468 Jackson St., Will - Oonttnued from Page One) word, in defending hi. authority returned against 16 persona al- mantle, with toe Rerv, DougMa INBURANOB NBAB Lewis B. in a speech to toe a a m n ^ a ^ . legadly involved in an arson E. Theuner, reefor of St. Peul’r ^ • , shoplifters and the methods Hershey 8199 BDXION was toot down, and 7 were tort long a target of youth­ He told the theologians that ring that burned homes of poor OhUToh, officiating. Burial wa.' jnie teachers of the Bridge- which retailers can use In com­ ful antiwar aotivlsta. TORONTO — Life fosuranos to other causes. whoever "refuses or attacks” creasing draft UabiUty in suc­ In force In Canada reached aa ceeding years. At present the In the new WlUlmantlc Ceme­ port education system, while bating such criminal effort.-., Laird struck a blow for toe U.B. troops have turned up toe Pope’s teaching authority people to collect Insurance pay­ eaUmated $99.4 hUUon at the tery. progressive and InnovaUve. do The timing of the rhowlng is President’s Vietnam policy on huge munitions stores In recent "assails toe one true church . . . draft pool U 19 to 36, with toe- ments. Survivors also Include an­ T* "** •®*’°*’'* planned to heighten store per- end of 1998, an Increase at 10 days, indicating toe enemy is oidest eligible men drafted first. Hie Indictments resulted from Thursday when he hinted a new per cent during the year. and undergoes responsibility be­ other daughter, two sons, three ahould be closed at anytime by eonnel rensltlv'ty to 8ho7li't’ ’ng U.8. combat posture In Vietnam ______trying to preposition his sup­ fore God's judgement." Hershey once said such a* an eight-month invertigation with your alstere, two brothers, and five any outside pressure—threaten- espec'ally during peak buy'rg could cut battle deaths to a min­ plies for a nens round of attadBi, This was hla sternest rebuke change could be administered, , conducted by Atty Gen. Herbert but would only comi^cate the grandchildren. ed or supposed," the statement seasons such as ’ThankrglvtUi* to imum. ONP EXCBBDB 8889 BIUJON rtioheamen said. to far to those Catholics who F. DeSimone who said today the aald. It did not say where toe Chrlsttnsa. Ttils came soon after Ameri­ have been questtoning Me au­ workings of the Seleottve Serv­ total amount of Insurance BRU8SB2LB — The gross ns- 'Dso such’ oocitss were turned ice System. Joseph Gust pressure may have originated. AaeUtJng toe Retail Dlvla’o-I can authorities In Saigon an­ tionsi product of toe NATO up during the past 34 hours, thority In increasing numbers claims Involved may reach $8 Oct. 16 has been designated by In tola progrim will be S-.ier - Nixon la pressing tor congres­ million. COVENTRY—Joeeph Oust, 81, nounced toe lowest casualty toll countries in Shircfoe is over $800 Troops from toe U.S. let Air since he reaffirmed toe tradi­ national antiwar group as a Nbss*« (N-.sslff Orniera Shop) sional autoortsatlon to rejriace "Their work was deUberately of New Britain, father of Jo­ —84 dead—for any week In al­ billion a year. The populaUon of Oavalry D iv is io n p rob ii« tional church ban on artificial day for students throughout toe and Harry Cohen (DAL,). most three years of toe war. those countries Is 800 contraception last year. toe present selectlon-by-birto- planned to make It look as If the seph Oust of South Coventry, country to boycott classes and torouBh Jungles two miles north day with a lottery system of se­ neighborhood Mda were doing nev^^paperbe^' Meanwhile, an assembly of died Thursday night at New take a stand on campus and in of where toe light observation lection. It,” DeSimone said. He said to-.: Britain General Hospital. and troop-oarrylng hrticopters ??* dlasldent priests from eight toe community against U.S. In­ Ruropean nations continued Hershey endorsed It last May, rtaig operated by buying proper­ Survlvom also Include his volvement In Vietnam. The were toot down found a twoton but had said only 16 mn«aiia ear­ ty, Insuring It and then burning wife, a daughter, another son, Racial Insults as Deplorable cache of munitions. toelr "ehadow synod" In a Pro- movement has gained strong tertant theological college near lier, "I don't think anyone talk­ It to collect the Insurancj. two grandchildren, and four South Vietnamese mlUtiamen ing about a lottery Imows what ' "Eleven children were sleep­ support in Connecticut, with ob­ toe walla o f Vatican (^Ity. Shake hands with a successful single day of issue. studies and to have more1 . fun great grandchildren. servances planned at most of the klUed 81 enemy ertdlen wid they are talking about” ing In one place that was Ored,” The funeral was held this seised another munltione stock- As for Nixon’s advocacy o f an he said of the flree at IS loca­ local businessman: He buys his newspapers from us than most boys. state's major college campuses As Property Damage: Babbidge 4 Dl 19 Q U n BOHOIML EARLY morning from toe Venskusaa and In several communities. pUe in the Mekong Defta 60 all-volunteer army, Henhey has tions In South Providence. today GENEVA — Of every 10 eMl- In every way, he is an Funeral Home. 668 Stanley St., STORKS. Oonn. (AP) — Al­ Board of Trustees Sunday, when “We come to demonstrate to mile# wsstwouthwert of Saigon, mafotained for three decades Eleven persons ware ar­ The young fellow who delivers and sells them to you. He sells, But O'Brien eald toe members dren who start school In Asia, New Britain, with a Mass o' of his teachers’ organisation gen­ though property damage Is In­ he said he wou(d "propose cer- ^ black community that there goweranent headquartera re- that such a system was histori­ raigned by s grand jury In Sep­ he deli>ers, he keeps records, he exceptional fellow. requiem at St. Andrew Church. tolerable, racial Insults are four drop out by toe early years tember and arrest orders were your daily newspaper. erally felt that toe Vietnam Is­ *aln actions to toe board are white people who are con potod. It Included one 80mm of secondary adiort. cally a "miserable and abnort New Britain. Burial was In St sue could be covered better In ul*!?. ileslgned to advance racial re- c«n>ed and anxious to wm* to- mortsur with 80 toells, one an- fatal failure,” not to be relied outstsndlag for the other four. H e provides you one of the collects,, he makes a profit. He Be reminded that Saturday is Mary Cemetery, New Britain. toe classroom, aa It has been, .a- Friday to .pect and racial relations on gather to effect toe neceeaary tlaireraft machine gun with upon in an emergency. Arraigned today were Mens h a l f mr smpg ntoM b a t h than In an assembly. toe wake of dieturbancee on the the Storra campus. changes that wUl assure toe 8.000 eartridgoe and various ottt- Hershey and toe draft syrtem Gaiiona, Andrew Bantangtol, friendliest and most dependable learns the basics of business. International Newspaperfooy Day University of Oonnectlcut cam- tn . . j BATH, Maine — Between 189 Annand Ptocaedanti. Walter Mm. Bertha Oolon O’Brien added In his state­ puj in a related ajmouncement, black peop'e toelr just place in «r ammunlUon drew criticism, dissent and re­ a and 1908 almost half of Amer­ Furtaw, Howell Webster, Rsb- services you enjoy today. Your He also manages (perhaps because -th e day of the year to shake Mm. Bertha O. Oolon, M, ot ment that moat of toe high „ **®P- Stewart McKinney, House society." toe stotoment said. govenmtent casustties sistance throughout World War Poquonock, slater of Anthony school teachers- planned______to st­ I must ask all university etu- minority leader, urged Gov. The white students aaked toe ica’s aaUfog vessels were buUt n, the Korean conflict and the srt Andrew, Csrmlna Diatants, hands with your newspaperboy. ware reported In the fight. h e n . better than average job of his Do it. yesterday at Hartford Hospital. under the arrangement approved ‘” n'*=b 1« truly the more violent burst, lems. “They want for toted deatrac- Survlvom also Include a eon, by toe school board. *®*' the more threatening to ..q . .h, risht. at ih . Gant raplleti In part: "I be­ tien.” sold Rtdisrd J. IsrssL so saBtatsat sttem sy gSM ral wbs a daughter, another brother, Meanwhile. Aaat. Schools Supt *•'•‘ 5*' *®* *»a*t '»">• Jorily havi too o f t ^ bien^^tram- lieve that our worihieet ettorta and three grandchlldmn. ai a community must first be prsseotsd tbs liidlntiiitas John Olh. said that the aasem- ^ P'®** * ""*» *>®"‘ « Board ofEducafion "If tosy dldott eempletely 'da- It’s International Newspaperboy Day: Saturday, October 11 The funeral will be held Mon­ bly programe would not be ****'’‘*<»* »«• ‘nsulting destruction, " said McKlnnsy In directed toward correcting the day at 8:16 a.m. from toe Wind­ slant^ either for or against toe real Injustices our black stu­ stroy s Brtaetod baUdtog the “ *® ■ a statement. He did not Identify flirt Uaw.’ ’ IsrmsI said, "fo s y sor Locks Funetal Home, 441 war effort and that toe observa­ "For me. toe answer Is ob- that ' group. dents have Inherited and sOf- Spring St., with a solemn high tion would not be linked with vlous. We cannot and will not fered . . . Robert E. Spillone went after It agalo to get ths M- ■\’'v \ • Moss o f requiem at St. Robert "ThU situation must be given ’TcsHsrd easing toe black srtsnco moooy.’’ the national moratorium- condone property damage \done \ ■ BeHarmlne Church, Windsor as In-depto examination from all man's burden, we affirm . . . Bob fa a StaitM- Project Enfineer. Pratt 4 Whit- Hs sold tbs amoont of iasttr- for whatever reason, but I must angles.” McKinney said the gov- Locks, at 9. Burial win be in assert that we cannot and will that the University of Cbnneoti- aoea claims epectfleeny men- St Joseph’s Cemetery, Poquo­ Thui'ftlay night at Hartford TSmf **«=**“ ^ Engineerin*. tirfmmA (o tbe lodletaieBts Hospital. not condonecoidone damage to person thlT*Utt«m*eltuallM^I^oii^ cut recognises, s ftmdamentslfundaments! nock. by. racist UuuU. for whoever ^ oM'grtion of white, to educate Tttte Univeruty. RosideB at 288 Timiod plmd Srtoaoto to 1880.000, and tbe f t Friends msy call at toe fu­ Mr. Roberu was attending rearon." ex-^^ pretidenC of. whites. Let no one claim odntaB covsin additional prn- Manchester Community 0»1- with hw m fe Beverly and three sons. Cub Scoot neral home tonight from 7 to „ ^ atato university'a board ot noranoe ^ P»ck ChAinnAn, Richard Martin School. pwty ort oiSFittlsnsd to lbs tar 9 and tomorrow from 3 to 4 and lege and was employed at Babbidge asked both btock tnisteea ‘ . „ * „ ^ Pratt and Whitney Division of white students "In the pres- Thursday night’s disturhanoes 7 to 9 p.m. Bartler. 834 white etudenU began when a group of Mack Tbs penalty for ataen is foam United Aircraft ent atmosphere of tension and Oorp., Bast submitted a etotement expraae- studento, angered by reporta at CM y «a r to Ufe In prison, wtib Hartford. rumor to exercise restraint even 7 Fraaois B. Roberta tng toelr concern to Acting Uni. verbal Insulta to sohm tsmals statrtory burnlag eorryfog « Survivors Include hie fath-r, In toe face of apparent provo­ VOTE lEPUIUCAN FVanela Barry Roberts. 22, of verslty Prealdent Bdsrard bteck studenu. broke windows psnsMy of flmn tws toSi ysacs. Francis Roberts of Loon Lake. cation." / •’■7 ■// anon and eaneftroey lEupiittig Ihralh Loon Lake, N.Y., who mode Kia V. Gam. who was In charge In the DeMa CM fraternity hotas _ ir » s i Funeral services will be held home alt 28 Ctoeater Bt., died He called for a epecial execu­ before BabbLdge retunvMl from lory. Three Laneaster studento anon are poniskobls early nex* week In Loon Lake. tive meeting of the UOonn vacation Friday. srere sUghUy fojurmL tanas of sp is M : V'k . P A O B T B V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANOTESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 19«t MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1969 P

BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE C IM9 br W*nwr l«M,» SWAMI^ T>iK««.UAr< ' HOW ABOUT TAKIN' VEB fn tm m PRBDICTIONJS SOMEWHERE ELSE, MY WOBO, CLAUOe, ^ se e s AU- ^ooc? I SOT A Z/H5V-' T t m c e i j WE SGlENTTSTS CANT SLABS AU. WHEN AM 1 COIN© TO SET A«w*r !• FraviMit Paxil* n s BE fiUSHEO/ th e SECBET CBUN*WEU.'S FAMIUY TPC6 ; OF OUQ CESEAPCH IS B irdlife /, TO PL.ANT ON HIS WALL., , RNNSTAXINS ATTENTtoN IpkIOILJiE: /AAOO af HELLBE COWUNe . T O - ^ ------HOME SOON ANP rLLHM/E ^ e U T PERHAPS ^ ACROSS before this TO SHOW HIM SOMETHIN© I COULD RLE A PPE - (adjective) OB \WLL BOTH BE EXHIBIT , UMINABY BEPC3BTI 1-----owl USINESS SERVICES kJiRECTORY ’A" IN COUOT/ 6 -----grouse C R e^urant 11 Small horses worker 13 Mariner 7 Pronoun M African fly 8 Islands (Fr.) 15 Stop watches, 9 Ripped for instance 10 Formerly [=3K[ar-i CAMPING 1C Weight of 12 Chairs WATKINS-WEST HIGH GRADE India 13 Steps over 17 Wordless fences. 26 Hindu robe 40klerganser FUNERAL EQUIPMENT 19 Coterie 18 Court (ab.) 27 Japanese dlBlbUnlnams Vante, Oete, fllinplet tlege. PRINTING 20 European outcasts 42 Kind of race SERVICE A L L E Y O O P BY V. T. HAMLIN 20 Colonizer Air Mett»eeet% Sterea. 22 Demolishets finches ° 28 Slight 44 ------of Job and CooDBordal 21 Branched, as depression Paradiw OBMAND J. WEST P r ia tliig WELL, THERE THEY ) THAT WAS TH' ir « A GOOD THING HE« MNG! 25 Expunged eO.' OUR FIRST p«ir S LONGEST ^ 29 Cake froster a plant 34 Weirder 45 BraizUian tapir D ira c tn - MANCHESTER HE CERTAINLY VUA8NT CUT OUT 22 Moroccan 3SAttire 46 Hardy heroine Prampt aad TflliilH E V Wl~ DL,am. T M . U i. >M. OH 51 Puffs up a r 52 Forces air Wt-GENTBB OTBER through nose ST One Day Sertrloe Quality M tiworlqis D A V Y J O N E S BY LEFT and McWILLIAMS MECHANIC ON DDTT 53 Bet u AMmtloae end Bepnits Over Sa Teen* IBrpeileme IFAo Needs a Travel Agent? 54 Icelandic One Dey Service on Suede AT ALL HODBB tales If you can't afford to spend YOU CAN'T BE AB Week Done On Premises Can 649-5807 Mercury will prepare an iUnery Dutch Boy at Johnson^s YER BOTH IN THIS UP DOWN Icountleea hours making phone Maitos^ dlyratow, PART OF SUCH TO YER NECKS... AN’ IT r II that will Include oreciselv the . . . iwsBovs, A SAD SCHEME / 1 Seaports (ab.) A. A m B m , Prep. 'calls: extra dollars tor tele- pcgSla you ^sh to cover, with' everyone has heard of ydUAwllI Hhd tMl tlimgHrpnnl THERE YOU'LL STAY/ 2 Organ of Fisrslga Can 44 PERIUK Hairleon S t, Menetoieter grame, transportation, hotels, all the arrangements taken -Dutch Boy Paint, for the right spot If you ask for smell meals and shopping; plus the but if you have not as yet used Dutch Boy. 3 Heavy blow tl ET It you have a real treat In store Also, there Is a wonderful 4 Intellectdal CLEANERS patience to stand In countless is not mass produotion travel, • Doer < SJ lines waiting out unexpected de­ for you. The E. A. Johnson line of quality paints, varnishes power Next To Uggett Drag but a |Han tailored to your In­ 0 M ena 5 Immediately J Cl lays, then let Mercury Travel dividual wishes. Paint Oo., 728 Main St. is hsad- and enamels in Uii* sams la- MANCHESTER 0 < quarters for this fine paint, and mous Dutch Boy line. The (Nswipaper faltrpriM AtieJ Whara you gat low prices STEVENSON’S Agency. 627 Main St., plan your A Foreign Group Tour Is sn ItoBBliiBtor Awatog O k vacation. They are expert* In escorted group tour with an you are most welcome to stop shelves are fully stocked with and a 1G% Bonos Card In and see the fine display thsy a complete line of Dutch Boy IM WBOT OHNTHB OT. . . . To Save With! , the art of enjoyable travel, iltr - average of twenty people. The O-MM ESSO |cury will take care of all the choice of tours Is iiunimerable have. You will find any member paints, varnishes and enamels, S a a f iM d , of the staff most willing to all colors to suit your fancy and urn 405 MAIN ST. time-consuming details in­ and you will probably see more volved In making your trip under better conditions for answer questions about the dlf- everyone especially blended to CHOICE VARIETY TEL. 649-5533 pleasurable. much less money than you fe ^ t kinds of Dutch Boy Paint do lU Job perfecUy and give CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER sold here. Qualify Usually their first hand know­ could on your own."Miass-pto- you lasting value, if you want P-M"’ Osfrinsky * TuiM-Ups ledge of places will help you In ductlon" is the reason If you are a novice at paint- to do the work yourself, get Ing, ask someone in the Johnson Seafood BE-DPHOIBIBBINII WAYOUT BY KEN MUSE DEALER IN WASTE * E nQ iiM C lG o n iiiQ planning a trip that allows time Steamship crutoes ara tor here, • MODEBN rDBHITDBB * Minor Ropoin rfor qiecial attractions or a re­ those people Interested in "get- iii„d of paint Is best for vou to ** **** **"** 43 OAK STREn otol ANTMIDHH MeNNfhl Byiidkal«» lac.^ jf^f MATERIALS sort that cater* to your pcutlcu- t Ung away from It all" tor a ^ ^^era to a ^ t tor evera ” * Stamps .Uu: interests. M ercury TYavel , telMirelv and r»lAYinir unMk ® paint for every ju*t a room or two. Hlop In at IRON jAgency’s professional approach two. Most cruises Include stops [4(U^3 w^ s a ^ you counUM mis- at several ports along the way; wear thafyou h^e !jway^to>^ M ki* to < I way \o-l SCRAP METAL takes that you would likely where you may sightsee or ah^ ^1 to gst. Ranben PleR’t make on your own. at your leisure. . , . 1 -Johnson Paint Oo. Is also S H O R T R IB S BY FRANK O'NEAL RRd PAPER A good wray to select a travel Is^ ffisre a_jyUcular room In | headquarters for Oallfomla Texaco Station Lsw sr Lm «I «« toa F M ta to m PABKEB ST. agent, of course, is on the basis co^S"on'l‘^ ’i2iJSar‘^ .k r L ^ MB-UH jof a recommendatloo. of a XU. ai8«nB o r a t -B the Foreign Group Tours but Dutch Boy SaUn Erashell **1 381 Main Sfianf Mo*. A Tom . BA, Bat. B-B W / KNISHT RffrURNS/1 8 818 SU BUBNSIDB AVB. ! friend who has used and to sat­ confined to the United State* I “>e house while It to still EAST HARTFOBD isfied with the services of a par- Canada, and Mexico. ««nertoliv fnt-miSitr-* •- 1 3^'‘‘""’P '“«■ r»d PlionG 643-9149 : tlcular agent. In making your Domestic Independent Tours weather, no waiting for the 289-6333 to aa. inoepenoeni touts ^ lovely, lasting appeal to oreai wtHKlwork t« ret f nmnuiaiv' j choice seek an agency, such as are for thoae people who perfer that ret r lot nf HaVh ummwe • lomplolely Hydramstio Traasmtoslo* Power and Hand Tools GLASS EAUL DODRE Mercury Travel Agency, 627 to travel the U. S. and neigh- u restots wear llo ^ Painting end Decorating Main St. * Vbr A ato WtotoMoMa Tools AB W ork O ew setoed e For Star* Fleato oai PONTUO, INC. Oarden and Lead Toole They are members of the •“rra trrc te \p wito r*-t""“ r.'r:..or^ Taxaos Labttoaliai MTvIes on Mae* of wtodews Baby, HonaekoM, Party ASTA (American W* (Mr* lesC O rsM ■ tam ps • Far Tabto Itoga BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE an Main st^Hiu. ata-ssn and Baaqnet SnppUea Travel Agents) which assures lavaBd Naeto ,o.np...«. OPEN • AJL to B r JB. CONC.' IVE LOOKED DAILY RENTAL r x “ "'i i r s , ” ” “ i r " ■" “ Mercury Travel Agency will times you scrub H' Think of •A TD BO A T S AJL-NOOM EVERYWHERE/ I'M SERVICE and M-rour, Tr,v., A,™,, ------1^,.Cil."."'J S S!!. AFRAID HE TRIED TO Whatever your travel object- also arrange car rentals, money how wonderful this would be a> fast there to little chance of TOURMNE LAROCHBLLB m i COME ASHORE, AND IN YOUR Ives, whoever the amount of | saving tlckeU, Sightseeing paint It and then wash It. Ume their...... sUcklnghuv«..u. Inm theu.e p*.m paint. With w.u. HIS COHDiTlON, SIR.... ^ n e y ^ Ume ^ u wish to tours, travelers ^ecks, Insur- after time without dlmlntohlng the old typ? paint, toto was a W Hin GLASS CO. TM REALLV WORRIED. lOOKWHATIHE ENEMY DID ST n day ”” 7® a mile CpOIlQ, ACcrCUry will oi-^«r»orA I Anntk An/t trovAl f4r^iimA«\i a ' oil 44.. 1 — .... * J r** • PRINTS INC. ID MY BRAND NEW ARMOR/ AWYBE 'itJU should the tvne“^ ‘l^n travel documo^: all !,« fovely color. Then'thera'are rrar^^o^iem, mi^y"lii;,.;; BUT OMI.T IHB me type of trip you'll enjoy to, make . , your trip a bit more those wonderful Dutch------Boy., ---- flat the entire house looked sp*ok- B1 BtoMU a t —TW. MD-T8M R3RA RERJNP. most. Some of the most popular ------...... FOR REST RESULTS GAS TOD NEED p easura *' wall finishes that make a home led from the smuuiA of lna*ots plans Include the following: If you find that H to time to decorator Just long to get a [stuck In It. These California Straight . Reservation Service arrange a vacation or simply ^ paint brush and start to work, paints retain their gloss and where a minimum of advance a weekend Jaunt, plan to visit' Dutch Boy Paint to monU- will not chalk. The Inside paint. PAUL'S reservations and travel ar­ Mercury Travel Agent*. 677 factured by National Ltoad Co. Ray-O-Glass come* In semi- SILK rangements are made. The PAINT SUPPLY P la t: Main St., telephone 643-9671, and the Johnaon Ihint Oo. to glooa and flat available In 20- KIDDIE Foreign Independent trip to and Uke advantage of the'r proud to aell thto paint. WheUi- different cok)rs Thto driea •45 MAIN STREET •»wehMiM«.Tai^,iaMog/P# CITY Ideal for all types of travelers. helpful, expert, profeasionalI er you want to paint th* inside quickly with no odor, and will m •4 9 -0 3 0 0 KORRAL WHh professional guklanoe, sendee. I or the outside of “Grandpa ie living more and more in the past. Ha PfeT your houss, wash beautifully. For all point­ IIB affne* ■*.. : CHIU) ing and papering needs, r*m«m- eayi ha can't afford tha praaanti" DAT OABE CENTEB G*rner *f M MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD ■oeUp a Deny a Weekto ber the R. A. Johnaon Point Fto* Quality Jones Boys K eep College Co.; c<,me In and look around; Owon 1 to B DaH*. to BeepwiUble O ere Cor 8, 8, *N*««r Ou toMtoy-* I DON'T THINK /S HE HUHT NEITHER DO t l Off, THE FIRST PLAY FROM SCRUNMAOE, A S-yr. olde from 1 n.m. to A Family A ffair you are always welcome. WE'LL HAVE TO BAD, M IL ? THEY'VE TAKEN a pjn. Manday thrn 8et- 'DIAMONDS W* Buy «M WORRY ABOUT i^ e e r b lo c k s o u t t w o m en, a n d the STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANH^ HENDEHOON, Tcnn. (AP) — I DON'T s e e HIM OFF THE FULLBACK CARRIES THE BALL DOWN TO a rie y . From O n the MSNISH! I NAILED s e e HIM FIELD—BUT / GOLYNES 17 BEFORE HE'S STOPPED— Keeping up witt the Jane* to StudeiA Loan BID OPENINQ ANYWHERe! DON'T SEE HIM AND ST0P6 AT THE MARMT, BUVINO CAKB- quite a Job on (be oompua of JKW EUtY MB-BIBB KICMOFF a DUmMrt m ! C o m Before Congrem ON THE SIDELINE' FUa.V...7H£N VWLKSIDAN APARTMENT HOUfE 'Bkoed-Hardeman Onlh-^ here. DRAYS aTOKE ••ULL* AND CLIMBS TOO /VIANV FLIfiHTS OF STAIRS— 649-5531 I DOEZER Tbere are Ove ot tfaeznr—and WA8HINUTOM (AP) — A • Eupto t Watek Eepalftog MADE THERE IS A MAN ON HER LANPIN6... niey're tnottaera. oompromtoe vendon of tbs trew- • FIm HMacHou of Oifhi F * r AB OneaMimg I CONTACT ' And more are on Um way. blod fadarml studm t g------iirtTnl DON WILLIS WITH kxin program provldbig ‘-‘irral • I ouglM, BhIovb, Wade J<»iee, 19, says a broth­ W lttaoner and OoravoUe lA^NiSH. er, Don, 26, wiU Join the flve at ■ubaldles for banks wrhloh moJu W otabsr OARAQE Weed-Hardeman in January. the loons to now befcca Cto- 7S7 M ata S t . Mantihiwtor GERM'S Ibe father , Joines A. Jonea, gress. 18 M ria S t, 1^.649-4831 'plan* io enroll next fall to Mudgy Ibe oompromtoe was worked Dry CloaninQ Cantor for the mintotry. out Wedneodoy by a SpGcWUDf M I b e Jonea boy*—ranging In Houoe conference cymimltt**, dip Mala—Meneliestar age from 19 to 30—are from clearing the way tor pwog* of AUTOMOTIVE RRAKB SIRVICB ' OteetMtviUe, B.C. FOur of the- a bill which Its backers had AfrOondHloaed MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY five a ie *tudsrlng for the mini*- wonted befora oollagM opttiod ProNf BaW AlfM M Gt - m DS GIVE TOD A ROBIN fUy: Jkn, 80, to taking engineer- up tost month. SUPPLIES WHAT A RACKET! SHBfe QUOTH THE T H B ^ HAV^iY been SPOTLESS BEPDTATION” ling- Wade and Jim ore aopho- The main hoait* was osar a GMGfwl RG|Mlr WgHi QUOTH THE RAVEN. NEVERAAORE/ WEN SAVING THAT ALL THAT MANY FAMOU9 niore*; Ward to a Junior and Joe provtolan ln**rt*d by tha "Tftoti PLUS k A U ^ y l stipulating that bonks oouid not QUOTH THe RAVEN. NEVERAAOREJ 1 QUOTATIONB FROM THE Dieaeto, Uaeks, antta, ete. . and Phil ore freMsnen. Kiddie Korral for Kids MACHINE SHOP QUOTH THE RAVEN, 1 KNOW, pur WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALU MOTORS i Hoar did they afl happen Co be roqulra that rwHptonU of looM eone oat benottfaBy dean' or thsfr tomlltoa do other buto- 1 8 ^ 0 1 1 ^ NEVERAAOREj YOU OANY enroUed a t ttae omaU, Cburcfa of One year ago thto month the selves, meet new friends, and SBRVICI Craae e a r aew N orge Dry Rt. 6' 6 44A Bolton n*e* there PLAAAEHER. q g to t-o p e ra t^ ooUege "U Jam. Kiddle Korral opened a t 9 Del learn many thing* they will car­ W ITD^ IDONTICNCM'HOV -r-n-rag MaeMaeo! Under the ixxnpromtoe var- TOO AAUCH... happened that way,” Jim M i' ry with them for the rent of! S t o p ’H I t “FU/_ ANOYtXlPETHE I LIVED A U - , 6 4 3 - 2 7 6 4 mont St. Mr*. J. C. Durochrr •Ian. th* —cratory of haoMh, *d- eOSMESTFBWALS Jaet drop off year clotheo their Hvea. THESEVEARO to the owner. Thto to the only ucatlon and wwUora to to study Frepi “Budjr DuPaul fifNO? JOMsIOP WITHCOrATAFE aad wen take care of It for JO e W. DDOAT, Prop. Boy of the Year Says, The <*hlklrrn have *r> muf-h MANCHESTE yea. • Ibe. D ry Clea ning In tuU-Ume day cenU*- and nur»- fun< Kk^e KomU unpu^il ABC.' fiECOODBZ./ American A Foreign Report the Good Thinga 275 .Mala S tiw t aUy SB mlBBtae! Oar Bepatie ery *chooi In the o tm . fjeld trip* *urh mm vtoMs to the lAs ANOEUn (AP) . —^ Ibe day oerker to open dolly sutian, a turkey form mi to atop It. AUTO PARTS Ttf-fV PIw im : 0 4 9 - 0 7 7 yW a Our Bpeeintty ry J. Ludy, the 18-yeor-old Ne­ from 7 o.m. until t p.m., and Thonksglvlrg time, there ore .■70 io- AO gro named by Preaidant NIxmi the nureery to open from 9 to many poriie* Mrthdoy. Hallo L U C A ’S Featuiiiy tr n r n tg m m as thto year's Boy of Um T sar, 11:30 every morning. TW* to a ween. Christmoa. Baetsr. » Mreei • hotfix KT XI -VKXNOM. ooani. • AIHUHt •, ■'j.t above the TMAto e a r r Read Herald Ad.- BM A PahUit PrablM? Wall Htipl •7 7 Mala kt., M.-m Service still means something to tu—and service DON T L HEAT WITH umaoB spending enoogh time with y o a to help jroa ROBIN MALONE BY BOB LUBBERS select the right pa^t finish for that job you're plan- SETTLE FOR , , LBnSMOVfi X , ning. See os for paint and service when you plan your Y\O^OtX>FAL// next project LESS.

(Tl)f S 'trali C l i i U D INSURED BUDGET LITTLE SPORTS B Y R O U S O N t) -H ^ I : 1 - .[ E /lJo h n so n PAINT CQ PAYMENT PLAN 723 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER—PHONE 949-4501

THF Herald Angle Giants Pick over Steelers,

■9 EARL YOST Jets-Bengals Seen Thriller Bpoito Editor mi.BALTIMORE w ^ •***' Detroit 17, Green Bay U — A New York J7. Cincinnati 21 Football Take* Back Seat The Mets and Orioles have They’re coming off an up week big one In the Central Dlvlalon raaturdav nlehtt _ i. chased the CJolts into a rcAcBon may set in. steelers’ where Uona are showing their ^ There’s no change in my World Series prediction, it’s M on d a y niirht s a m e anH '''*l»“ « b l e to the bomb and muscle after losing c^Mmer to defeat last week still the New York Mets in five games over the Balti­ m oved ■ th e Tetn’ n m n Fran Thrkenton can light the Pittsburgh. Lions will pressure AgAln** San Diego and will find' more Orioles starting today. Football telecasts, even on 4-- 1 ^ fuse. Injury to Dick'Shlner may Bart Starr but wlU find Packer ■^®*“’ defense even tougher 'to ^incinnaH so please excuse bring in Kent Nix as Steeler defense tough to crack. Another crack. Greg Cota’s return a lift a professional level, will take a back seat to the World II we \^nd up with Tinn quarterback. Loss to Steelers in that could be won by a field A**' Clncy but Joe Namath gets Series Sunday with baseball getting the full play. A f­ S ea v er ' th ro w in g to u ch - Sept- U exhlbltUm, n -is, coat goal. protection and Cook doesn’t ter the final out, major networks will shift to pro grid down passes and John Uni- Sherman hla job. Los Angeles 28, San Francisco Obme tranrterred from Nsw action. And who said football ta s h ittin g h om e runs. Washington 24. S t Louis 21 — 1* — Rams won and tied In 1968 World Series. was king? Not the teevee spon- In the confusion of last week- Cards lead league in smearing with 49ers and also took San Diego 24, Miami 21 (Sat- York's 28-24 victory over Chi­ end, the old Hand picker wound B*® passer but Sonny Jurgensen , eTchlblUon at Anaheim, urday night) — Brad Hubbert cago In the final 09 seconds. "1 up with »-2-2 for the day is to u ^ to catch. Skins' offense always a blood game and Dick Port form Impressive taw their left side linebacker O ff the Cuff out on the Giants and Browns, bas more pimch. First home ®®'**** be bitter with 49ers Charger rushing comlw. Bob (Doug Buffone) jamming our Let’s try It again. The games Same (or Vince Lombardi’s starts playing Grlese can find holes In San Condolences ere extended to tight end, Freeman White, and are spread from Saturday to Redakina after l-l-l record on before home folks. Diego's secondary In a game the Nesslllf family following the he was tied up Just long enough Monday so watch the dates. All Baltimore 31. Philadelphia 21 that could be closer than expeot- death Wednesday of Richard (or me to get through. Fran put Nasslff. Mr. Nesslff founded it right In my mitts” . . . Tar- games Sunday unless otherwise Cleveland 28'. New Orleans 17 ~ , °“ "® Neasltf Arms sporting goods kenton pointed out the advan- noted: - Uons ambushed Browns last ^ ^ ” ~ store here more ttian two dec- tage of having a Homer Jones N M , week but Saints never have “ °P®" ®t home ades ago. . .Bruce Watkins has in the lineup. "The Bears were Minnewta 28, Chicago 17 — beaten Oeveland. With Leroy ‘ “^nbist rough Oiler defense reorganized his Watldne Broth- rolling their defense to what- Vikings are roughing up eve)i^- Kelly back In action and Ron ttefense which wlU test MUie Uvingston. ers’ volleyball team and will en- ever aide Homer lined up, even body with that tough front four Johnson ripping up the sod, -hnnia i. jii® ™ Unltas Hank Stram has more offense ter one of the Rec Department’s when we were strong right. So but they blew two to Chicago Browns should roU on ^'the *"“ ® ® ® ^ ® i® n ce. and Jan Btenerud to kick Leagues this season. The WB'a we sent Homer wide left, the last year and this is Bears’ ground. n « i o, against Roy Oerela. ruled the rooM for. many years open side of the field, on the home opener after seeing plenty Dallas 24. AUanta 10 - Fal- d a v ^ v h n ’ Denver 21 - In a Division play. . .VoUeyball winning play, with White and of trouble on the road. Another cons gave Colts a good fight iMt onte ‘ ^''®o Som®‘Wng aUU missing In Raid- for tMrinesamien—or others who uon Herrmann to the strong, or one of those rugged defensive week but those O^ys^are^ ^ four can get away at noon—Is play- gj,ort, side. The Bears rolled to rumbles w ith field goals proba- ginning to click ^ ^ ^ y iin d ^ ^ ^ « touchdowns ed every Mbnday noon at the our left, and we went right to bly decldl^. ^th &ate M orten at “ »P ‘b* league but leaky defense INDIANS’ DEFENSIVE WALL — Members of Greg Vincek, Bill Ixtpes, John Duffy, Jack Holik, New Yojrk 28. Pittsburgh - trols andCalvliTHili laaAu^aX' “ P ** blU* them. Raiders both Y. . J»romoter George HHchell Morrison. That’s the value of a 21 Manchester High’s defensive line that will attempt •loe Swenson and Dave Bray. Kickoff will be at was light when he said he’d Homer Jones, even'-when you Giant, a* totifh to SSrt. Up ^e« ““ ‘®“^ y*"’ ------both games In 1968. and owns 18-4-1 edge In seriee. to halt Hall High's running attack this afternmin 1 :;t0. Manchester High’s soccer team tangles with fill Bloomfield High for an ex- don’t throw to him.” . . . Phlla- at Memorial Field are, left to right, Jim Coughlin, hlbiton basketball game be- delphla place kicker Sam Baker Hall at 11, al.so at Memorial Field in CCIL play. tween the Boston OelUcs and ig ^^e second player In NFL andnnaU RoyaJe. ’The teams ^igtory to surpass 900 points, Cousy’s Chances Lions Shooting fo r Starr- Sports Viewing Littler Reaches played before a tumaway his two field goals and eight crowd last ’Thurstey night, g^tra points this season boost- Of Playing Slim s a t d r d a t Picadilly Finals Chargers and Healthy Hadl Bvm s ^ e Uoket h o l ^ were ^d his total to 912 points on two Players Unhappy | Series Match-Up UiM (W) Worid Ssrtsa ' 2 :8* ( 8) WIdeWotUsf . 5 ®^ touchdowns. 166 field goals and ■ATTMt emcjiNNA'n (a p ) — Oocuch By TOM REEDY ^ guaranteed *8.000. TIckeU were lo„ Qrosa’s ^mrr tAtiMtu • At R H TR IB M HR RRI IB FCT. Bob Cousy’s proepecta ot play­ Bart, That Is —Tomorrow 4rt6 ( 8) NOAA FM boli VIRGINIA WATER. England ^ scaled at *5 a copy. . .Bob , ,g record . . . Sonny 3^9 Poweflf taH. m SSI M Ul too U 0 17 in 1 .Ml ing for Cincinnati appear oven Oklahoma vs. (AP) — There’s something P a r l z ^ j ^ l serve as (he vol- jurggnsen Is three touchdown derenwi, N.Y. 110 Ml 41 01 141 If 1 10 SI t .140 Take On Winless Dolphins KraRtRMlr N.Y. Ml M 14 ISO 40 S .MO dimmer now as the RoyaJs and Texas slightly different about a golfer ly bah director at the West Bide ^^ort of 200, a plateau 111 0 1 11 ^ ,,3 UCONO lASIMBN Boston Celtics have broken oU who plays 64 holea In 34-under Rec thistMn season. AAaarw UHe’s a ’ n aso a .atop­ ..- ^ T With Series Split SmCDAT Jehnwi, ■•It. By ED SCHUYLER JR, toui'laluwns and 72 yards and to 27 yards rushing by Kantas achieved only by John Unltas, 141 I1T 11 14S MO 14 1 7 n 1 .MO negotiations concerning hie Irtt ( ) MTlit Otanto vs. par and still thinks he should be flight referee. . .Walter Law­ ■MWtIlr NY. 101 Ml 40 101 IM 14 7 1 n 7 .170 practitioners of Jhe science of ®°"'Pl®ted 18 of 31 passes for 128 ®®‘ b>r a passing duel. Both 8 AMOrlated 1‘rre* Hporte Writer l*»»t ruiihed for 138 yards t?Uy In 28-14 loss last Sunday. 267, and Y. A. ’nttle, 212. THIRD DASIMIN rights. knocking people down shoot for y®*'**® ® touchdown against have the arms and the receivers Stesieto. working on his game. rence of Manchester will move By MIKE RATHET of what televlslan pays (or the "I r«aiiv .h . Dlego’i charging Churg- ag>ilnjrt Cincinnati. Post leads will try to penetrate a Boston this point. It gerts to be a matiter t. RlMMEDr RK. IM m 71 140 IM 11 S M 04 t .114 GenereJ Manager Joe Axetoon a Starr Sunday, and the Green ^ ‘""®“ ta. However, he will b> make It a wild gqme. Leroy ( 8) Tale FVMiban up again as president of the i mi Assodatod Pres* Sports Writer playoffs. of pride. You prove something •Errtttr N.Y. 114 400 M 07 lor 11 1 1 M 4 .111 traveled to Hartford, Oonn., 1 :8t (It) Worid Series actlon ^^s^d t j m e r ^ l i 'be league with 884 yard*. defense keyed by llnebaekera Hartford World Series Qub. UnUBUaJ IPIay IHdRTITOPt Bay Packers hope their aim ^ sharper against the *^®"y- the defending rushing Tnii» ? ° ^ *“ '‘ ® ‘ be wlnlesH Miami, which lost Ite first Jim ChsjrunskI and Marty BALTIMORE (AP) — A ’’The owners know what’s here.” ■•laiitErr ■•tt. IM tM 70 U 4 Thursdaty night to meet ■with 8:16 ( t) N n ,i Rams va. ^ season’s first meeting curt Knight’s unsuccessful - 111 1 10 1 11 11 .M7 Isn’t as good as Minnesota’s ®'*'' need to get a champion. Is apparently ready of N ^ 1 Dolphins Umight In an ttiree games, used a defense Schottenhotmer. CheyunokI 86 *16,000 prize awaits the winners going on—they sold a big pack­ The Mets will be trying to win HiiralMiVe N.Y. 111 MS 41 N 111 11 0 . 0 M 1 J40 Boston General Mieneger Red was. ground game going. Detroit Is 8° “ H out again for Cleveland 46ers OUTPIItOIRI 1 * m (St) AFL:Ollamv*. WLho! f American F.x>tball League ttml held Oaklaml to 74 yards made 16 tackles and Bchotten- ^ attempt for a of the World Series beit'ween the age to teievlalon. So I don’t see basically with the same Ingre­ Auerbach about a possible deal Quarterback Bart Starr was *®‘* offensively by the passing of suffering a pulled ham- JMWtr N.Y. 117 48S 01 104. IM M 4 'll 71 U .140 for Cousy. The aeeaion lasted Chiefs w olw M , I ‘b* Pleadllly game In the Orange Bowl. rushing In gaining a 20-20 with helmer. 16 In 28-14 loss to Ul* " now P» 1 after a fair oatch Baltimore. Orioles and New any reason to fight. The payoffs dients that carried them to a R. ReWiimiv lElt. 140 Mf 111 100 Ml 10 1 M 100 0 jm thrown eight times (or a loss of ®*’l Munson and the running of ^ " 8 and that can mean only World Match 1 lay LJmmplon- Hadl was plagued by arm the Kalders lost week. Jets. ton Red Six-pitcher Sparky near the end of the Washlngton- should go up. The mlnlmums MeNmi, iiit. M 00 17 17 11 M s .107 one minute. York Mets, but a number of National League pennant—tight 0 0 0 63 yards In Green Bay’s 19-7 “ ®' ------" ------Nick------Eddy. bad news for New Orleans.------The ship today. trouble os the Chargers lost in other AFL action, Huston. Houston, the Eastern Division Lyle. . .I^wrence was among ga„ Francisco 17-17 Ue last Sun- now are too low. There’s no thamiliyr N.Y. 100 Ml 41 01 140 0 1 14 47 1 .100 ”He wants Wesley,” Axehnn players are unhappy about the pitching and timely hitting by •vftrC MH. 144 M4 00 lot M t 11 04 If .Ml loss to Minnesota last Sunday Minnesota hopes (or a return . beat Cleveland !•!" '*** ^ ou gh to just their first two games, but then 0-4, Is at Huffnlo, 1-3 tonlglu and leader, will count on the poortiw ^ who saw the New York day prompts a refresher on the payoH despite the fact Uwat It re- question about it.” cither of Manager Gil Hodges’ tlalfr ilR. IM OM 101 171 S f 01 1 M 70 M .M4 said, referring to the fact that AfMr |I.Y. no Ml 07 U Ml M 4 70 and faces another long after- 'cem by quarterback Joe “'.‘b>'ee previous games, Giants, Jets hit the ball ^yw here, so I hnw readied his [leak In leading the HousUm. 3-1. ut Kansas City, 8- of Pete Beathard. the running of T*®*" National rule governing such plays . . . two lineups—the one for right- 1 M 11 .01 Boston wants center Watt Wes­ preaente the biggest pot of gold One dissenter was Krane- ReffemmimC itlf. n IfO '17 47 7f 10 S 4 If 0 .147 noon the Packers can’t handle against Chicago, which New York, after beating West- to be straight and I must putt Chargers past the New York i- Uic New York JoU, 2-2. at HoyleHoyle Granger Granger and a stout ds- P*!**®"RWe 8. Sertlon 1. Article 6 In baseball history. pooTa teammate, outfielder Ron handed pitchers and the one tor May* iElt. 71 110 O'- M 0 0 1 10 1 .141 ley In exchange for Cousy’s well. 1 was brought M ’^urston of the reads: When a fair catch Is de- IweReEe# N.Y* too M7 » 77 10 s f n 1 playing rights. "But we aren’t the Detroit Uons’ pass rush led bas lost its first three games but ‘ ° “8bles, Mlnne- well. 1 was brought up that Jels 34-27 and the the Cincinnati Cincinnati cincUmall. CincUmall, 3 3 1, 1. amt amt Oakland. Oakland. 88- - (ense(enM to to ret get bv by Kansas Konoas Cltv. CUy, Swoboda, who said more was in­ lefties. Hodg^es used his right- atiMFr N.Y. no M 40 14 .no • * Sola &nci Chicago, figureszi._— to In Stalemate way," he said. Hengals 31-14. Manchester Poltce^Department. gig^red fqr a team, captain must ’’What we wanjlstf was 111 00 0 1 1 0 going to give him Wesley. Wes­ by Karas. won both times against Mlnne- The veteran o-l. at Denver, 3-3. Sunday. which trails firat-ptacc Oakland volved In the World Series than handed batting order today UTILITY easier time against In one of the thrillers of the Uttler continued; "I’m *26,(X)0,” said Baldinore out­ The Detroit defense was in- ®°'® y®or and has won k . ■'------i.i still quarterback ninks third In the Green Bay la nt Detroit Ix>s- by a half game In the Western . choose a free kick (punt, drop- money. against Baltimore starter Mike MfMllr RtK. 11 01 10 17 41 1 S It 0 J0 ' ley la edl he has on hla mind.” 11 fielder Frank ROblnaon today Wtllr N.Y. 108 147 IS strumental In a comeback 28-21 " " ’ ®® against three losses and *1” out year, the Glanta held the working on my action, even league In passing, Angelca nt Han FnuicUcn. Dlvluton. Mike IJvtngatcn looks P u n t s ’ n P a s s e * kick, or place-kick without Cuellar with Swoboda In right 10 71 0 1 /I 11 s .no The Royals have been attempt­ beifore .the opener of the Series, ’’Nobody’s thinking much CharlMr N.Y. 01 I# 11 M M 0 1 10 0 .M7 victory over Cleveland that left 1®® tbe series. Running ii® P®®®‘"*^ Dick Shiner l«ague-lead(ng Jets to a 12-12 though people say I seem to Hiidl’s main targeU are Gary Minnesota nt Clilcngo, PltU- giKxl MS utartlng quarterback In .. ™ ”Tee”) or a snap to next put field, Donn Clendenon at first, iilt. M 04 7 17 .m ing unsuooessfully for about a which was telecast nationally by about money I don’t think,’ said 11 0 0 0 1 0 the Lions with a 2-1 record and back Gale Sayers and quarter- ^nd the catching Ue 1" the Midget Football make It look easy. Gorrlwm and l.ance Alworth, Inirgh nt ttie New York Giants Kanana ( ‘tty's 36-18 defeat of o P . *" PWy and his first choice A1 Weis at second and Ed CATCHIM month to get Cousy Into a uni­ Calvin Hill: I think hb has un- revocable . . . Rule , NBC starting at 1 p.m. BDT. Swoboda. ’’Getting here Is the Driwr.. s.Y. » n II n I It * .m a flrst-piace tie In the National back Jack Concannon lead the J®«®nK>n, the league’s oP«ner at Mt. Nebo last GarvGary PlaverPlayer, the defending the second and tlilrd lending re- ileveliuid nt New Orleans, 81. Denver, ami the Chiefs have the ^ 9 Charles at third. Sitting down, Olrtt, N.Y. form. Ctousy, who was recently “ Our argument has been that Important thing. Everything is 111 Ml n m I 44 I .lit FootballFnofhnti leaguT.Aoa..itt*a e’s Central Dlvl- BooraRears, who havAhave kaaa been ut.hit *u,_this "8 receiver. night. Picadilly champion, was celvera, respectively, end he Ixntls at Wiudilngton and Diilliis kicking of Jon Stonerud, who limited potential. He can be as goction 6, ArUcle lA : (To score after their Atlanta triumphs, ItchntarrM, StH, n n> M 71 I U I .141 named RoyaJs coach, played 18 good as any of the backs I’ve wo should get ss much as the conditional on getting here. At Dtlnrmplf, ■•n. 17 M II II The Philadelphia Eagles at "Die Eagles, led by a strong knocked out by Littler In the counts on the running of Brail ut Atlanta Huiulny and I’hUadel- booled n 64-yard field goal three points) Kick must be a were Art Shamsky, Kranepool, I 4 • .in seasons for the Cettics until re­ Sion with Green Bay and Mlnne- y®®*" by costly mistakes. seen In years In professional pro football players. Marlin, N.Y. 17 14 4 II I .m semi-finals Friday, 4 and 8. He Hubbert and Dick Post to bal­ plila nt Hnllmore .Monday niglit ngnlnat Denver. 20 place-kick after a fair catch... Ken Boswell and Wayne Gar­ tiring In 1963. ’’But the owners wouldn’t go TIAM SATTINa • AS S It rs IS Sunday because of the Ut® Patriots 48-0 In the conceded this was really on un­ ance his passing game. Hubbert in Uie National FVsilbaU Ismgue. Ttie JeU, wlio got s 18 of 21 football. . .” ” My route was to Washington’s Knight said hla at­ rett. » HR RBI IB KT. SO for R.” Three Coaches ■•N. OrMtt 141 Sill 771 1441 IM4 HI » 171 711 n .111 I derstatement. ran (or a club record three Ituffnlo's O.J Hlm|ssin. held passing performance from Joe get through the line, break to tempt looked straight enough Naw Yam Mala 141 1417 4H 111! IM4 7M . 41 m m 44 .Ml 14 DAWES DIES the sideline and then head What the owners did go for Opposing Cuellar on the the Eagles, who still The Giants (0-1-2) had to hold I’Gene is the gentleman of Nsmuth und a defensive effort fo«- a while. ’ "There didn’t seem RITCHRRS • CD tv W L IP H HR R IR BB 10 BRA MONTREAL (AP) — Kenneth Dallas, 3-0, U at Atlanta, 1 -2 ; games, now must face the ex- could be straight downfleld,” running was *16,000 for the winners and Seeking First mound was Tom Seaver, the reeling from the the Jets (2-0-1) Inside their golf,” said the South African tliat limited Boatim to 16 yards to be any wind on Uie field, but majors’ top winner ■with a 26-7 Wattr Balt. M 0 IS 1 1 71 40 S 10 IS M 41 1.0S T. Dawes, 82, taidustrlalirt and Los Angeles, 3-0, at San Fran- plosive offense of Dallas. Rookie trouclng by DallM own 10-yard line (n the last min- millionaire. "Nobody likes to back Joe Morrison said of the *10,000 for the losers, guaran­ HaH« Balt. M 0 4 s 04 41 t 14 14 cisco, 0-2-1; St. Louis, 2-1, at Calvin Hill leads the league’s ______' AH Licenne^d rushing. should ''’ have their the ball just kept fading to the laavar, N.Y. 1 0 n 1.01 sports club manager, died Fri­ 26-yard pass he took from Fran teeing record payoffs in both NHL Victories record who was charged with M 10 0 u 7 171 Ml 14 71 47 •1 MO 111 ute of play to escape with the lose but I can’t (eel badly losing hnnils full against Cincinnati, left. It might have been closer Rkharte Balt. 44 0 11 7 4 17 41 17 14 14 M i.n day In a hospital. He was a for­ Wartilngton, l-l-l; Cleveland, 2- riishers, and Craig Morton hit 14 o t o / Ue. Sports Slate coses. Under the old system, the task of stilling the booming McOrawe N.Y. 0 to such a great golfer. I never In MiBHiHMippi esperlally If nsihle quarterback Tarkenton to produce the New If I had kicked It lower.” 41 1 11 0 1 100 00 0 SI M 40 01 Its mer vice-president of National Orleans, 0-3 and of 18 passes for __ 281 yards and t 5 U S y W c e k e n C l based on gate receipts, the larg­ By ASSOCIATED PRESS bats of the Robinsons, Boog KaawRaiir N.Y. M 10 0 17 0 141 117 14 00 01 00 m t.M Scoring (or the Giants were played as well as this before HATURDAV, OCT. 11 Greg Cook plays as expected. .ralm*’, sen. M 11 4 IM 41 47 04 Breweries Ltd., Asbestos Corp- Pittsburgh, 1-2 at the New York three touchdowns In 38-7 smash- Paul Prlgnano, on a (ullbiusk Hall at Manchester. est winning share was the Three coaches will be looking Powell and Paul Blair, who CiMlIir, Sell. 0 10 101 0 113 114 and was beaten.” i’HILAItELl’ IlIA (Al’ t For 1 (.X/ok, who missed the Bon Diego M 10 0 M 11 Ml lit IS H 77 70 1H LM and the Canadian Arena Oo., Gtanta, 2-1 . Philadelphia, 1 -2, Ing of Philadelphia last Sunday, For A.J. Foyt nier henvywrigtit *12,7M collected by the Los An­ for their first victories in the amassed 118 homers among LMolitrS, tall. tf 1 1 7 4 04 70 0 M M M 0 LM plunge: 4Uid a keeper play by Charles, a left-hander who cluimploti Nebo, East Catholic at Water- |^anie with on Injured passing them for the Orioles during the Olla»arr N.Y. M 4 44 M 4 17 owners of Montreal CJandlens of nteht Monday San Francisco Is faced with quarterback Tim MoConvUle, Sandy Koufax Rates Birds geles Dodgers after they defeat­ National Hockey League tonight Taylw, N.Y. 0 1 1 10 10 0 1.M revelled In Wentworth’s 6.907 Muhammed All, still hankering Woodrow Wilson at Rock- „rm, still leads the AFI.’a M 0 11 0 4 74 41 7 M M M 41 1,71 the National Hockey League. By BIXIYS BRITT after a -yiard run by Soott ed the New York Yankee In when the season opens on five regular season. CarOwaNe N.Y. M 4 0 0 10 1S1 141 IS 03 SI 47 40 S.0 Dsu A i . ^ taak of breaking up the Los 66 yards par 74 "Old Burma for a fight with Joe Frasier, Is In Sunday’s second game. It McNalirr Ball. 41 11 0 M 7 140 IM 103 04 S AP Auto Racing Writer Vlnd. Hoccer Hnll at Manchester 1963. fronts. DORtry* N.Y. 11 00 10 All He was president of the old Di^**Tf Ml®* A"*! 8®" Angeles passing combo of Ro- Road" In windless and dry con- going to put on the gloves again The game was shifted from Shade Better Than 1966 figures to be Jerry Koosman tor M 0 0 IS. 11 M4 101 M 04 00 01 IM S.41 CHARLOTTE (AP) —A. at II u'cloi'k. Ih addition, the *18,000 top The three, all making their McAiMrvWr N.Y. 17 4 s 0 7 IM m IS 17 S3 44 n A47 Montreal Maroons of the Na­ N itTY oru* Y ”/ “ ‘® Gabriel to Jack Snow. Foyt one of the o^ee. , "I"*. « » r e d the flret dltlons, did jurt as well In his “ 8«lnat an ss yet unnamed op- New York because th* New NHL debuts behind the players’ the Mets against Dave McNally. Phatbvasr Ball. M 0 14 7 Ml IM n 49 70 tional Hockey League and of the w York Jets at Cincinnati, Snow caught only three passes Aeneef ^ ‘ "®™«" touchdowH OH s rim. Thc match against Tommy Aaron ponent. By WILL ORIM8LEY forth. prize a baseball player can earn Ryan, N.Y. 0 0 111 All York Mets are In the World Ber- When the scene shifts to New M 1 1 0 1 00 10 s M M S3 03 IJ4 ^Houston lu io n atai Kansas City and In 36-17 victory over New Or- rivor r a c ^ . says the second TD was registered when of Calloway Gardens Gn He All also known ss Caaalua Asaoclated Press Sports Writer ” I am deeply impressed with In port-season action falls well bench, are Johnny McLellan of KarOln, Balt. M >, 1 4 7 IM IM 17 41 M 43 44 3.0S Montreal Royals of baseball’s Irs and have firrt call on Shsa short of what a pro football the Toronto Maple Leafs, Vic York after Monday’s day off, L.M1, Ball. 0 0 ' 0 S S 00 iS S 34 34 M 0 4.0 International League. tiie^^ertemf'^th n“"/®^ *" '®“'“ ' ‘‘'®^ '^®''® U grttlne n®^®" r™®®* ^ ' ’® Anderson hit wrecked Aaron with two Identl- Clay.' claimed at a Friday news Knight* Win Htailliim BALTIMORE (AP) — Sandy both teams. I couldn’t make a Kaano’a tamiiy. she is a whit- one 1 fainted.” norida 2 ^ before 41.972 In the and Tommy Casanova ran a the three, with ^ I t e o^d Me- 1 - o scored for the Homscoming -Wssksnd at MHS Now a television commentator said. There Is more depth In the pool of the Mets and third base- Portland of the Western Hockey winners, who are now The 2-1 And Concentrate on Baseball with * 2386 win over COorad (or National Broadcasting Ooni- pitching.” man Brooks Robinson of the Or­ League last season, has the When we won first place I The Payaons Uve In New Orange Bowl. It was their yard for the score and Don Ad- Cluskey ahead of Foyt. Pats are 0-2-1. Bowling fourth consecutive arln. High of West Hartford. pony, the dapper, dark-haired Koufax said even with their ioles, player representatives of toughest job facing him. just sat there and cried. ^ York, Manhasset, L.I., dison returned an Intercepted After tonight’s race, Foyt Hy EARL YOST laUara, a brilliant studanl, Thirty years ago M!rs. Payson Stanford, rated 16th, goes The win was the fourth In strikeout ace refuses to enter pitching strength the Orioles their respective tesjns, con­ Hla first opponents are the de­ Springs, N.Y.; F a l m o u t h , pass eight yards for the final plans to fly back to Charlotte (or was given s four-ysar schotar- Pm ~still numb about the and her brother, Jock Whitney, against fourth-zanked Southern Hanging up his large seven starts for tha Indiana. Into comparisons of the 1966 could not lake the Mets lightly. curred with Frank Robinson's fending Stanley Cup champions. POWDER ^UFF — Jan MAlne; Lexington. K y„ and touchdown. his 600-mile chore Sunday. In ECHS Harriers shlp at Itueton Collage cat the rest.” the former ambassador to Brit- California tonight In the Los An­ sneakers a* a varsity col­ BIsva Gates, one of KHB’s top Dodgers and astounding 1969 "When you have two pitchers thinking, but declined to say It’s never easy to defeat the DIBella 461, Phyllis Lateano 467. Hobe Sound. Fla., Just north of In Friday night's only other the Nat’onil 500 he'll be racing bsala of hla achotartic and lUh- The principal owner of the geles Memorial Coliseum with lege Itasketliall player, runner* this saaaon, * startad, Mets. who can throw like Seaver and what figure the players would Canadlens In Montreal and the a n. scooped up movie rights to Palm Beach but manage to major college football game, at speeds above 150 miles per Trample South letic ability, or vie* vsrsa. He Now York Mets fingered the Gone____ _ With The Wind for a mere more than 80,000 expected to Southern Methodist rallied (or a hour. At Sedalia, laps are MancheHter’s Kay IjtGace but pullad up and droppsd out Many say the Mets are a simi­ Koosman you are extremely be shooting for. excitement of a season opener GARDEN GROVE — Peg make make most of the Mels' W B * |H>raonally scoulad by ball used for the (Inal out which *30. after Samuel watch a key test on the road to becauas of a stralnsd foot. lar team because of their fear­ dangcrouHs" said the cx-Dodger, "You have to recognize that should make them even tough­ MlciialMewlcx 131-944, Janet GoWwyn home games. touchdown and field goal In the turned at about 90 m.p.h. East Catholic’s cross country ha* decided to forego hi* Coiwy while performing with ctmaxed her .team’s historic turned It down, the Rose Bowl. second half and beat T e x a s ------Noltn atraakad horns 800 some one-two pitching punch of who retired after the 1966 World the guiirantees In the Series are er. Touhey 139, Mary Suese 168- team scored a convincing 16-47 senior year of playing the the local ( ’athoilr school. rtlmb f r o m ^ cellar flow Into ^ She knows most of her players Miami upeet LSU the last two Christian 19-17. yard* In front of Capi ' Jim Tom Seaver and Jerry Koos- Series. ‘'But the Mets don’t con­ baseort at Boston Col­ Both Daly and flynn hav* by name. But iiecauee she’s years, knocking the Tigers out The usually alr-mlnded Mus­ Murk* of tha Indians. mnn, called the new Drysdale sider themselves a two-pltchef attendance," Kmnepool said. of the Central Hockey League a the World aeries The l ^ y ^ ^ Greentree Stables. terday afternoon over the 2.6- lege. talked with la G scs. hoping that team , They figure they have near.rtghted, she often geU of the Top Ten both times. Stan­ tangs stuck to the ground for 16 mlle Goodwin Park course. Other finishers In tha top Ian and Koufax. "Now we know what that 1s and year ago, also may have some Maryland has won 16 Atlantic ^ Tom Fool them mixed up. The news that the tall and the Nutmegger will change hta ford, meanwhile, has lost its consecutive plays to pull within East's record la now 7-3. were Fry* (C). Kahn (M), ” I wouldn’t think of making four pitchers, and more.” everyone Is aware of the factor headaches. Coast Conference track UUes. ^ I d s and other h o u s ^ W and Stage Door Johnny, winner talented red-hemd out of Eaal mind The tatter has gone on twip were too a* they scurried „ ( the 1968 Belmont Stakes "They’re Uke my own cMl- last 11 games with Southern 17-18 on (Jordon Glider's 26-yard Tom I-aBelle covered the Stone (C), Porter (C), Gagnon such a comparison,” Koufax Cal. CaUiollr High had decided to record as fssling that LaOsca about her palatial New York But the Mets and baaebaU are dren,” she said. touchdown run. course In 14 ;0S to lead the iM), Swadoah IM). Adams (M). said. ’"There are too many other cuncentrste un his bsaeball owes It to n C. to play all four and Silvia ICi, her first, love. When former Met Jim Hrti- EX*HB runners, six of whom talents, plus extra study time, factors to be determined, such 4 years (counting hla frsahman The Jayvaas squared tbiilr “Bd Kranepool gave me the ”l’d always wanted to own a man hit a home run, Joan Pay- Throwing More to Inside Men crossed the finish line before as desire, motivation, and so was s blow to new ooarh. season). record at srith a 88-86 wtn ball In the dresaiiig room after baseball team,” Joan Payson sent him a laige bouquet of s South CsthoHc runner. 8-8 Churk Daly, who stepped Into Boston (tOllege. year In and over (ng ao without his specialty— rtsllots Ttie No 1 reserve, La- He hit on 27 of 39 passes for — Men who knew All-America High School of San Antonio be- ___ _ I-eagu' One of bis top perform- three stars, compete as he wishes In mn 'or L«t4 iue expansion team when boat anytaxty* And they said, the bomb. C .ir e turned tn some ftne clutrh 258 yards and one touchdown tn glory and stardom with the pro* becoming an all-Um* greet sm e* was s decision over Thu artu be th* first of three tournaments. He will be assist­ efforts failed to acquire the old "No. nobody." "They don’t play Sonny the f^rlorrnmnirt for (.'ousy's g e t h r l l c a r d the 17-17 Ue wKh the 49ers to S t Southern Methodist and with league and playoff champion straight road trips. fVm ieg up ed In the coaching by Georges Naw York Giants. But rtis never gsve ig>. way they did before." saUd will be here Dec. l to b* Induct­ i ..ig le s • She U also superstitious—the " I ’m with the Mrts forever." bring his season total to 5i of 80 POINT - MAKER — th* New Yoiii UtanU. "It’s Moriarty Brotherii of Msnehes- next Saturday wilt b* St. Jo- Denlau and Patrice Beust of SACRAMEWTO, Calif. (AP) Coach Vince Lombardi of the ed Into the Texas Ivlgh school Ttie 8)18 Tioener ts also the iyps given to croastng her fin- she'd say .'or 606 Yards and six touch- ^lagic toe of Slanche*- quite an honor to be named to ler In the lesgite's first gam* seph'a and than Penney Mgh France. The Sacramento State foot­ enemay defenses football Hall of Faro*. No I southpaw ptubsr on gers when the other team loads •They won t aowns. Morton is 22 of 82 for 383 ter’s Jim Leber is still Its Hall of Fam e." ever staged si Mt. Nsbo. In East HartforA TIm Mets provided tMs large, ball team, ranked seventh ki the let him throw the deep o es. Which just goes to show tbs Coach Eddie PeltagrUU's base­ the bases—and U reluctant to nation In the Aasoclated P in a yards and four TX>s. Bobby Wilson. AU-Americs on HEADS SKINH naerry gimndmother, the major on the target for The scop* of this great football or­ ball learn Baseball rtUI rs- talk about the outcome of the small college poU. has a new But, Lombardi said, when the Only one of Jurgensen's pass- SouUvern Methodist's Rose Bowl only female oarnsr. Citadel. The East ganization—the Texas Ibiter- mslns In la G scs'e ptana at B.C. WASHINGTON (AP) - - Ed- Series against th* Orioles, ex­ cheering aecUoo S.OIM mllas defense takas away one aspect fit this year really bore Sonny's team of 1986; Olyim Gregory. with an image apart from e*rtri-i Catholic High grad hit setvotasUe League—wtilcb pro-' Here too, he hsa lettered In the- w p'd Bennett Williams was re­ cept. ^ eajri'We'U be happy to away. \ o* th b ^ en rtv e game. It opens traditional ytrademsrk—a 82- Southern Methodist star of Uis ty balla and the Social Regiater^ \ 'V ' \ duced the likes of Kyle Rots., flected president o) the Wash­ win >sM one g n a t up onMher. So. Jurgensen yard touchWn^ teas to wide re- op all four extra point 1st* ftftlea. Honk Irvin. * war ‘ •P prevtous ' A ' ^SfIC lA L i :w piaecd her In the select cirA ^ Sacramento State jamt a gM- Sammy Baugh. Bobby Laync, tackta at Cisco In Ihs first ysara rsmpslghs ington Redskins Friday at the At th, same time, ahe brlstlek\ o< chib oemars ■arho are' wel] card to Holy a l ia been maktag do with rtiort poW ceircr ChiMIe Taylor. The rest tries and added a 32- Doak Walker. Davey O'Brian. of th* Interschotaallc Leagu*. t.s(Jsce notified Daly and. annual meeting of the club’s a* the rtjgtestion that ^ her be^ n>ortsinen first' Joan Payson the Crusaders, felled by a as. especially to his ruming have Men much shorter. yard field goal as The FREE BMKE INSPECTION Don Meredith and others sdvo and th* late Chat Oantal, who Athletb mrertor BUI Flym board of directors and stock­ loved Mrts might be more msg- could care leas about gate i*. wholesale hepatitis epidemic, ‘’A®*®- Tajrlor leads the team ln‘ ne- Citadel dumped East FRONT END ALIGNMENT—$8.95 attained stardom In (xillegc and wa* All-America at Texas In that h* was pasrtng up kl* holders. leal than they are talented. celpu. had to cancel the remainder of "Soony can't throw the bomb celving srith 15. followed by tight MOOT CARS Carolina last Satur­ profsaslooal ranks. the schedule early this weak. anjnaotrt" said Lombardi, ’’and end Jerry Smith srith 12. sride 1941. are the others to be Induet- senior year of baaketbaU SJkH GREEN OTAMPS ON ALL WORK Other officers named were • i f s not that way at all. "rtie Uke her . w _ day. 31-13. The win­ Rots srtu be among the five to ed. rUgIblUty for taro reasons First Coach Vince Lombardi, execu­ "They Just refuae to lose. York busineoaman wealthy in C roa Coach Bin Whttton he's smart enough not to at- receiver Bob Long 8. and run- ners are now 3-0. Le­ ALL GENERAL REPAIRING sent a telegram to the Hornets tempt them. But la doing this, nlng backs Oiarley Hsrraway be Inducted Into the Texas Hall Wilson was a great on* at to coifM-rnlral* un baaebtUI m tive vice president; .jack Kent GU (Manager Oil Hodges) had hu own right. Mrs Pmraon ber ha* an II for 11 of Fkmc this time. He was de- itorstcana High In th* early Ihlr- hoping of - landing a pro Ckioke, first vice president; Mil­ this marvelous Idea that we'd hates publicity ^ Friday, the telegram oald; “ all the detenaes opened up all the and Larry Broarn 7 each; Henry here deeply moved by your un*riiealh stuff and sre've been Dyer and O rry Altei, l each liercentage for conver­ Ughted to get (he honor when ties; Gregory starred at Abllen* offer and second. Uve fact that RUSSELL TEXACO ton W. King, vice president and oonUcted at NBC to New York. Klgh School In th* ftfitas; |mn playing two varatly sports torc- Publicity U the only part kindness. May ail s u c e i a t e throwing more to the Inside T h e Reifckln*. srith a 1-1-t sions and is .500 in ADAMS Md HILLIARO OT*—TEL. M M UR treasurer and Bernard L. Nord- BIRDS’ BIG THREE— Mike Cuellar. Jim Palmer the first three games for Baltimore against the ^ About owning a basebaU t o a ^ " artier* be ta a sportscaalar. played college football at Dav- ,ed him to oacriflc* an excess yours throughout the taQ. We record, open thrtr home season Unger, secretary. The Mett went 16 games bet- she said. “ I’ve been ashed to be field goals, one for ” 1 know all about Texaa high ta-Elktru and pro footbaU studying Dm* and Dtive McNally have Iteeit noniiiiateil to. start Mets. They will work in that order starting today. will be watching your prog- Jurgensen Is tn second place Sunday against St. Louts, 2-1 . w V h/pA ter. The rest U history. oo al sorts of stnwe and »taag- two. ztrhool football,'' said Rota, who th* New York GtanU. Both are vulid reasons A PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURpAY, OCTOBER 11, 1969

AutomobllM For Solo 4 \ BusilMSS SETViCM Painting— Poparing 21 Hdp Wawfd Holp Help Wanf d Mala 36 MANCHESTEat EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTTER. CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1969 PAGE FIFTEEN KI 1986 FORD, 10 passenger Ooun- \ OffMVd 13 TWO YOUNG married men will 35 35 J • try Squire station wagon, auto­ do interior painting through CLASSIFIED LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also EXPERi HiNdfiD cashier stid WMifd_ljM pje Hrip_Wgnfd Mala 35 Hoip Woafd Mala 35Hdp Waafd Mala 35 matic power steering, power moving large appliances. Burn­ the winter. Free estimates. ASSISTANT bookkeeper— must OntolTow a brakes factory air-conditioned, Reasonable rates. 049-1142, 048- telephone receptionist for lead­ know bookkeeping diversified ing barrels delivered. |4. 044- ing fabric department store. CABINET MAKERS electrician — licensed HELP WANTED male, fuU- 53 For Rant 55 dark green with tan vinyl, low 1778. 4791. work. Benefits. Apply in per­ s " ' ' Journeyman. $8.80 per hour. time. Apply in pereon. Barrett BERarS WORLD mileage, very good condition. Full-Ume, 8 days. Call Mr. Bar­ ADVERTISING son Oaer Bros., 140 Rye SL, Excellent openinga Apply: GaU between 6 a.m. • k p jn . Plumbing Sigipiy. $31 Brood FOUR.R001C apartment In 8TAITORD Springs — Waat- ber, Pilgrim Mills, 484 Oakland 1 tufVBt* opcralon, mo* penon Selling for $1,99S. 049-4329. SDWARD R. PRICE—Palming So. Windsor. knir-tamlly bouae. A^iUimoea, brook Apartmenta, 31 West It. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS HoHsohold Sorvieos exterior and laterlof Paper Bt., Manchester, 040-4422 tor LSMl corpora- TolimM t^ka,. Mm. 825-08M. at., vaiMitieiter TRIUMPH 1969, OT8-|-. like DRIVER^ tax school buses, DISPLAYCRAPT, Iiw^ parking and atoraga. $iso. Nov. Three-room unit In brick one- 8 AJM. to 4:30 P.M hanging. . Ceilings, etc Insursd appointment. | ' 1st. oooupaitcy. CaU J.D. Real new, best offer. CaU S70-7838 ______849-1000. Manchester schools, 7:30-8:40 - (M8-9607 W oafd —- Mala or Taaiaii 37 story garden apartment baud- DENTAL assistant, experience Eatato Aaaoelataa, 64S«ua. ttig. Thtel eleotrle, buUt • tn or 389-9394. UOHT IKUCSaNa. buliT deltv- a.m,, 2:10-8:40 p.m. Excellent MAN WANTED to instaU insula­ COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT B. H. MAGOWAN JR. & Sons, preferred but will train, know­ over, range, refrigerator, dte-. 1908 C31EVROLET ImpaU, 4- ery. yard/<. attics, cellars clean part-time for third shift work­ tion. No experience necessary, DELUXE 3 bedroom apartment interior and exterior painting, ledge of tyidng. Write Box "B" ers, housewives. We train you. poael, besemeni laundry and 4:S0 P.M. DAY BEFOBB PUBUCAT10^ door hardtop, power steering, ed and removed. Also odd Jobe WlU train. Good starting rate. WANTED In newer 3 family bouae a ohU- atoraga area. Adults only, no Deadline for Saturday and Monday U 4:M p.m. Prlda^ 044-8902 paper hanging. Thirty years Manebestef- Herald. 049-2414. Ai^ly, Glass Wool Insulathm dren permitted. Reahtentlai lo­ power brakes, V-8 automatic, experienoek tour generatlmis. pats. $116 par month. CaU Immaculate condition. Must BEST TO buy—best to sell— Co.,. 390 Prospect SL, East — FULL-UM E_ cation. $160 par mooth. Csiu Jamas J. Geaaay at SIGtUt. TWO handymen want a variety Free estimates, fully insured Hartford, mornings (mly. Paul W. Dougan Realtor. 640- PLEASE READ YOUR AD sell. 228-8089. of Jobs by day or hour. Rea­ 048-7301. Rawielgh Products sure are SEIRVICE STATION ATTENDANT BUS DRIVERS WANTED swell! If no dealer calls on OFFICE CLERK 4836. OOVBNTTIY—Four-room ^ la it- Claosifled or “Want Ads" are taken over the phone a> a 1905 CHEVROLEIT-Impsda, SS, sonable. Call e43-S8ai. FURNITURE refinlsher. Ex­ mant with flrepiaoad Uvtng convenience. The advertliier should read his ad the FIRST NAME YOUR own price. Paint­ you, you should be in business For Billing Office, knowl­ perienced preferred but will AND LUBRICATION MAN automatic transmission, power LIGHT truckirg — Lawns, cel­ ing, paper hanging, paper re­ too! Average profit, deal^ room. Lovaty country setting. DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time tor the brakes, power steering, white edge of typing neoesaary. train the rightiman. Including Part-time, aftemorau, fw local athletic trlpa, over OaU 040-S&3. next Insertion. The Herald is responsible tor only ONE to* lars, attics cleaned, odd' Jobs. moval, ceilings. Guaranteed say, ia five an hour. Sound Exodlent fringe benefits. benefits. Ai^ly in person at Tou’n enjoy w c ^ .t Manchwrter’. fineet service etatten. wMh Mack vinyl top. CkOl 049- Trees cut and removed. 048- workmanship. Prompt Service, NOV. 16TH correct or omitted Insertion for any advertlsemen't and 8012. O.K.7 Write Dept. P. Drawer Apply at . . . Watidns, 988 Main St, Man­ Woridng condlttons are pleammt and your follow e m p ^ 19 years of age. VERNON — NOW Ranting. only to the extent of a “make good" insertion. Errors which 0000. satisfaction' guaranteed. 047- E., Oxford, Mass., 01840. chester. are most congenial. You wlU receive fuU compmiy OCCUPANCY' '"You owe tt to yonraalt to see do not lessen the value of the advertisement win not be 1908 CHEVROLET IMPALA- 9504. MANCHESTER corrected by “ make pood“ Insertion REWEAVINO of burm, moth- DOCTOR’S aaeiatant, LPN-RN, MODES, Inc. one of thoM hnrely apartments Super Sport, 896, turbo hydro- holes, Uppers repaired. Wtai. PAINTING—Interior and ex­ EXPERIENCED 4H room Town Houae apart­ situated In a amall apartment matic, factory AM/FM stereo, four days, 1-6 p.m. Saturdays, ssrtii,"s.rr •“ dow shades made to measure, terior, very reasonable, free 9-2 p.m. No Saturdays, July- Pine SL, Mhncfaeeter ALL AROUND MACHIN­ ment. 3 baths, alr-oondl- oomplax teoatad tn aa attrae- (Rockville. Ton Free) mfuiy other extras. Call 649- estimates. CaU Richard Mar­ ttva retedwittel area.” Brand 4904 after 7 p.m. all else Venetian blinds. Keyr August. Write Box “HH” , Man- ISTS EASTERN BUS LINES tionlng, stove, refrigerator, made whDe you wait. Tape r«. tin, 049-9288, 049-4411. cbeater Herald. dfw ael. patio wttb eliding new $H room apartmrat (one 643-2711 875-3136 FULL-TIME and part-time LATH OPERATORS bedroom) feahirtag heat, hst 1906 ■ CXIRVETTE Sting Ray, corders for rent. Marlow’s. 887 MORIARTY BROTHERS Cteae doors. Beautiful, beau- CN3IDE—outside pomtlng Spe SECRETARY for doctor’s office waitresses, 6-day week, ‘’9 - 8 BRIDGEPORT OPERA­ tttuL beautiful. CUU. water, rafrigarator, langa, 2 tops, Otereo tapes, excellent Mam SL 049-0221. shift. W. T. Grant Co., Park- condition. 049-0042. dal rates for people over 08 WJ, 8-day week, fringe bene- TORS 816 CENTER ST. — MANCHESTER 643-8978 hood, garbage d l r a ^ l . n sto CUSTOM made draperies, sUp CaU my competitors, then cal) fits. Pieaae reply Box “J ” ade. TOOL AND GUAGE MAK­ ter IV a a te t^ tatepiuma out- Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? covers and reupholEltering. me. Estimates given. 649-7861 Manchester Herald. ERS 648-6186 leta, curtain rods, wtndow GIRL WANTED to perform 649-6661 649-2179 aha das sad fUU bath wttb Budget terms. Established in various duties. Expediting, Trucks— Tractors 5 1948. Days, 824-0184 evenings, CONTRACTOR — Interior, ex- ^ M A N to do housework, hours AU fringe benefits, expansion vanity. WSahars and *yrai hi 24-Hour Answering Service terior painting, paper hanging. 9-1 , 6 days per week Own typing. fiUng, etc. Modern East program. Apply at: I VAN NEEDED to do office baaemaat (oolaopatated) aad 049-7590. w a n t e d — Part-time service 1988 FORD half-ton pick-up, Discount qji waUpaper. CaU transportation. Call between Hartford location. Salary and cleaning In tbe Mbncheater OBUJOHTFUL one • bedroom atoraga araa. Ptaaty a t Free to Herald Readers utility body, good running con­ «t«-80«8.______0:30-8:80, 649-F742. fringe benefits. CaU 289-8291 •totioo attendant, fop morn- epartment tn smell new apart­ E. & S. GAGE CO. area, nlghta. Good wagM, paid tage. Apply In person only to parking. For an appottitmaat dition, 1225. Cali after 5, 047- Building— for appointment. Mitchell Drive holidays and benefits. Call B37- ment complex. Available now. to aaa thte asw lov^ apart- Want intormatlon un one ui our classified sdverttseinentsT 1709. MEDICAL assistant and secre­ Mr. Sloan, Sk>an Garage Centrally located on Center Bt No answer at the telephone listed? Simply call the Contracting - 14 SECRETARY to Elducationa] Manchester. $171 or apply at Rudder Win­ Route 83. Vernon. TREASURE SHOPPE msnt building plan as oaU STS- Electrical Servicas 22 tary needed for doctor’s office dow Cleaning Oo., 137 C h a i^ e IM* h NIA. Iw. Ample off-«treet parblng. Com­ oeM weakdays tor an appotat- 1901 FORD ^-ton pick-up, good in Manchester. Hours 9-6 p.m., Admlnirtrator. Good typing and UPHOLSTERER — Part-time, pletely equipped kltehan. Ren­ running condition. Needs fen­ NEWTON H SMITH A 80N- shorthand skiUs required. Must Oak Av«., Hartford. m e n for tire service and re­ ment. Rantal HM ftoarMtatra, EDWARDS RemodeUng. repairing, addi ELEX7TRICAL contracting, five-day week. Pleasant work­ mornings and afternoons. Call cap shop. Good pay, 48-88 hours JEWELERS tal, $186. with one-montb se­ $146 upetaln (Inehidlng ear- der work. Good tires. $60. Call commercial and industrial, ing conditions. Salary com­ make good impression on pub- Watidns Bros., 048-6171. IRAN WANTED to work in lum­ "Now, don't get this mixed up! W a'ra taking a soft line curity required. Ckll Jarvta after 0 p.m., 649-0490. tions, rec rooms, garagM. lie, peraonaUy and on tele­ per week, aU benefits. Must petlng.) Novembar lat occu­ ANSWERING SERVICE porches and roofing. No Jot> prompt service. Quality work mensurate with experience. ber yard, muat have driver’s be steady woriter. Experience Manchester Parkade on Vietnam and a hard line on Haynsworthr Realty Oo., 64$-U3l. pancy. Adults. Mo pate. new installations and mainten­ Pieaae reply Box “E ” , Man­ phone. 36-hou- week. CaU 649- Uoanaa. Onvla A Bradford coo small. Call 049-8144 ,2841. EXPERIENCED mechanic helpful. Apply Nichols Man­ WE HAVB oustonun walltaii ance. CaM 528-7828 or 047-9736. chester Herald. > wanted for general repair Lumber Oo., 300 TbUand Bt., 649-0500 875-2519 Trailors— DORMERS, garages, onro’nea. East Hartford. chester ‘Tire, Inc., 396 Broad Full-time sales position available, good starting 4 ? tor tha leatal of your apait- garage. Profit sharing plan St., Manchester. 61 meat or home. JJ>. Raa) Bs- and leave ,vour message. You’D hear Irora'our iMlvertiser In rec rooms. room additions, EXEiCUnVE secretary wanted WOMAN to help with housework available for qualified man. salary plus benefits, sales experience preferred 70 Jig time without spending all evening at the telephone. Mobiia Homos 6-A kitchens, add-a-levels, roefing, for downtown Hartford dental HARDY chrysanthemums, tn tate Aaaoctataa. tne., SISOUS. Floor Finishing 24 one day weekly. CaU 049-8888. See Mr. Sloan, Sloan Oarage, but not required. aU oolora, loaded wttb btos- PIANO snd b#nch. dl^nraabur. ______BRAND NEW 1970 pick-up siding, general repairs. Quality office, 5 day week, salary open. Route 88, Vernon. ISO-ptooe gtosrtrara sat. 86- 4H-ROOM TownhotMe, eppU- XANCMB8TER workmanship. Financing avail­ FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh CaU 247-8278. aoma aad buds. 50 cents and 66 Automobilos For'Sala 4 coaches, nicely equipped and BULLARD OPERATORS cents aaob. Open T daya a place aUverwera, table radio, anoea, uUllUas, dlshwartter, IH oftlea and real denes oom- able. Economy BuUders, Inc., ing (speclaUsmg in older NURSES AIDES — 3-11 p.m. aquere oak dining table end baths, privats patio and base- Mnatton. Ihc-room OokmlaL B priced as low as $898. These MANICURIST wanted, full or Laurel Manor, 649-4819. INSPECTORS and mold men week, also evenlnga untU dark. CHARGER RT-1908, 440 mag- units wlU go on H or % ton H43;6189, 872-0647 evenings floors), 'inside painting. Paper HORIZONTAL BORING MILL OPERATORS two ch ain . S6 Woodbridge 8t., manL $190. CaU Buperlnten- Baa Une. $94,900. H ER A LD hanging No Job too smaU part-time. Call Magic Mirror start at $2.68 per hour. AU Hnip.Wanfd— 41 PoflUoeUi’a Graenbouaa A nun, dark green, white 'vinyl trucks. See them now at Rec- Beauty Salon, 648-2449. benefits. Openings available SHEET METAL MECHANICS and HELPERS Nursery, 413 North Main St. 13-1 p.m. and 9-9 p.m. dent. 949-0089. Hayee Agenoy, 9466161. top, black interior, full power. HALLMARK Building Com­ John VerfalUe, 849-5780. Ma!n or ^ moln 37 town, USA Inc., Route 6, west pany-for home Improvement, NURSES AIDES — 11 p.m. to immediately on first and sec­ BEAGLES — Ten weeke old, BOX LETTERS 13,000 mUes. $2,600. 872-0080. S S ? “PPJy- mirnedlate open- FOUR-ROOM duplex Includes MANCHBOTBR — near Main of WiUlmantic. Telephone 1- additions, rec rooms, garages, KEYPUNCH operator 029. 7 a.m. Laurel Manor, 049-4819. ond shifts. Please caU 289-4861. COOK wanted fuU or part-time, from good hunting stock. Maka S t, burineea looatlon, IJOO Mostly numerical. Benefits. J ^ l y in jSo^f ^ company benrfS. Fnnl OBd PMd 49-A FAMILY slse refrigerator, ax- stovs end refrigerator. Adults. 1904 OLDSMOBILE F80, 2-dOor, 423-1626. Open weekday eve­ roofing, gutters. Free esti­ Bonds— ^Stock^-^ Firestone Retread Shop, 20 Bid- some experience required. good pots. Coventry, 7434ISS. square feet, briok-block build- For Your nings until 10 p.m. Gaer Bros., 140 Rye St., So. WAITRESS wanted—Immediate oellent oonditlon, 949-1989. Ressonsbia. Writs Box “DD", 0 cylinder with new tires. 41,- mates, all work guaranteed. weU Rd., South Windsor. Country Squire Restaurant, Rt. 8BABONED oord wood, sawed Manohaater Herald. iqg, good alaed tot. 190,000. OaU Information Call 640-2527. Mortgogos 27 Windsor. opening. Hours 11-4, Mmiday - KITTENS looking for good 000 miles. Immaculately clean. NIMROD tent trailer complete­ Friday^ Ideal for housewife. 8S, Ellington, Conn. 872-0369. homes. CaU 649-6430 aftar 6 to required lengths. Free de- Warren B. Howlaa^ Realtor, MORTGAGES — 1st and 2nd, Musical Instnononf 53 MIDDLE TPKE. West, $ 949-1108. THE HERALD wlU fiot $798. 649-3036. ly equipped, sleeps 6, Uke new. CARPENTRY — concrete steps MIDDLE-AGED housekeeper, Good working conditions. Ap­ TABOO MFG. CO. anytime weekends. Uvaty. B. Yaomans, 74S-SS0T. disclose the Identity of Coll 049-2926. mortgages— Interim financing live In, Ught work, no children, AUTO MECHANIC rooms, first floor, all utilities, 1964 FALCON, automatic, 4- Moors, hatchways, remodeling ply in person. LaStrada Res­ 40 IMMEDLVTE SMALL piano, Wurlltaer con­ nsw stove end refrigerator, BU8INBM aoM — StoM bund­ any advertiser using box —expedient and confidential steady, on bus line. Ref­ taurant, 009 Main St. t u n n e l r o a d , VERNON, CONN. THREE Fluffy kittens, flee to letters. Readers answer­ door sedan, $120. as Is. 048- porches, garages, cloMts. cel). Local Chevrolet dealer FIREWOOD tor sale. Reason­ sole, motel 9930, mahogany, $100. monthly. Flano Agenoy, ing nonaterittg of four unit Ings. attics finished. rec service. J. D. Real Estate erences. 240-0100. good homes. CaU a n y to s. 648- ing blind box ads who 2070 after 6:80 p.m. Assoc. 648-8129. needs two auto technicians OPENINGS 7064. able. 646-1078. like new, 949-9690, 289-9921. 046-0101. apaitmente. Tima bouae trail- desire to protect their Motorcyclos— rooms formica, cersimlc. Oth­ Help Wanted— M o k 36 Immediately. Pay In accord­ ar parking Iota. Exceltort ki- Identity con follow ‘his MUST SACRIFICE — 1904 HUI- Bicycks 11 er related work. No Job too FIRST and second mortgage ance with skUl piua gen­ MAIL CLERK- WANTED —Fun-time service Davids is now hiring. The PRETTY, playful, long haired MANCSOUrnCR Iflg titen d ^ ^ oome. PhUhrlck Agenoy, Raal- procedure: man Minx deluxe. Priced to small Dan Moran. Builder money available. Fast, oonfl- erous fringe benefits. Clean, station attendant. Apply In per­ new Da'vlda Restaurant lo­ kittens. 8se at 49 Lomtele Bt. Wnorii Vlllege, one-bedroom, 1V1 tore, 0406300. sell, $825. CaU 049-0198 Everangs 640-888(1 dentlal service. Mr. Belfiore, EXECUTIVE SALES modern shop. No Saturdays. son only to Mr Sloan, Sloan cated in the middle of the or oaU 649-6185. room epartm ent fully carpet­ Enclose your reply to BICYCLES—New and used. Re­ FULL-TIME Manchester Parkade la now Dairy Pradnef 50 MANCHESTER — 30,000 the box In an envelope — 647-1418. Overtime, if desired. See A1 Oarage, Route 88, Vernon. ed. $100 Inolutes heat, parking, 1008 FORD custom, automatic. pairs on all makes. Open dally SAVE MONEY! Fast service. SECRETARY OPPORTUNITY Patch, Service Manager, ResponslMe person to assist interviewing for fuU or part- WASHED canning tomatoes, BROWNIE uniform, book and appllsnoaa, Avallebto Immedi­ •quars toot masonary indue- address to the Cnasjlfled Can be seen at Duke's Esso, 9-3:30. Manchester Cycle Shop, Dormers, room Editions, gii- MACHINIST wanted to learn time work. This new mod­ •ummsr outfits, atss 8. Boy trial building, IVS aoiea, oan- Manager, Manchaeler in mailing and supply de­ FREE klttans looking tor good whUs they la st $1.30. Buokland ately. 64T-11$0. Broad and Center St. 182 West Middle Tpke., 649- rages, porchei, roofing and for aggreeelve company Part-tim e Full-time portment. short run fool trade for metal erate priced restaurant of­ honaes: CaU 64T-U06. Farms Vsgetabls Stand, oornsr eoout uniform summer atyl tral location, all utlUtlae. Evening Herald, together 2098. with a memo listing siding. Compare prices. Add- Business Opportunity 26 marketing on an Interna­ Carter- Chevrolet, stampings. Bridgeport ex­ fers better opportunity for of Tolland Tpks. and Adams winter, siae 13. BaUet sUppste, LARGE, flrat-floor, Broom Many poaatblUtlas, Including 1031 FORD ptek-up, very good A-I-evel Iformer Ooro.. 289- A.M. part-time hours also perience helpful. Apply Ounver increased earnings through ENGLISH Setter puppies, sire $HB, Isotards, Mas I, UgMs, apartment, 3 bedrooms, hast, commercial uee. Hayes Agsn- companies you do NOT condition. From the estate of PACKAGE Store, Manchester, tional basis. EbcceUent pay Active, real estate office 1229 Main St. St. want to see your letter. 0449 and fringe benefits. Call avallaUe in same depart­ Mfg. Co., 384 Hartford Rd., more tipa and a higher bour- is winner 1968 Nsw England alBS 10. BhrasUent oonditlon. hot water, garage, good oondl- oy, 0406131. Howard Cheney. CaU 228-9078 MINI-BIKE, 3 h.p. $80. Call good location, exceUent leaae needs itoles representatives. ment trophy, prloes reduced. Flrat Your letter be de­ Mrs. Brunotti. Our liberal commission Manchester. 'ly rate than many restau­ TURNIPS, $1 half buahal. Vary raasonabls. $406000. Uon. $100 per month. Cell oto- stroyed If the advertiser after 6 p.m. 742-7297 after 8 p.m. ADDITIONS, remodeling, ga­ with volunve, growing each rants in the area now offer. oome basts. No phone eells. Corner Glote Lane end Tol­ $001, 0-0 p.m. Ml CENTER Street on eight Is one you’ve mentioned, rage. rec rooms, bathrooms year. Must sell due to Ulnese sdiedule wlU yield above Apply Welter Bestero, 966 Matson HUl room home with l-ear garage average Income for the ag­ WELdER for fabrication shop. There are openings for male land St Near tbe Bast Hart­ if not It will be handled tiled kitchens remodeled, ue- in family. For Information or 643-2487 Top wages, long hours, aU and female help on either Rd,, So. Glastonbury. ford, Manchestar town Una. Wonfnd—»To lny 51 THREE ROOKS, heat, hot located in buslneee n acne. in the usual manner 1008 OLDSMOBILE F-80 sedan, ment work, cellar floors, pa. appointment caU 043-8388. gressive salesman. For ap­ Water, electricity, stove, re- DweUIng could be easily oan- 649-8086. Busine't Service* pointment caU Mr. Paulin, benefits, steady employment. FIRST NATIONAL our day ebtfta, 10 a.m. to WANTED — Antique furniture tios, roofing. Cal) Leon Olee- Apply at yard In person imtil EXPERIENCED 4 p.m. or our dinner hour IRISH Settsr pupplaa, AKC, (rlgeretor, garage, $166 verted tor profeastonal or oon- Offered 13 Dynskl. Builder. 049-4291 PIZZA SHOP and Restaurant in 644-8000. STORES INC. field end show, fsmalss, $78 glasa, pewter, oil peintlnge at 1964 VOLKSWAGEN. Ught 6:80 p.m., Manchester Struc­ 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Apply in FnrtWitrs 50-A monthly. Avelleble November merctal occupaney. Robert J. prime .location. Completely HOUSEKEEPING attendant for Park and Oakland Aves. OIL BURNER and $100. wmimontlc 1-43$- other antique Itanu Any let., 648-4401. Smith, tnc.. 003 Mata Street, green, good condition. Call YOU ARE A-1. tiuck Is A WES ROBBINS Oarpentry re­ equipped. $6,500. Phllbrtck elderly person. Four ' or more tural Steel, Inc.i MitcheU Dr. person or caU 646-2288 from GOOD oow manure, $0 and $10 Lost and Found -1 East Hartford, Conn. 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. 1700. lusntity. The Herriaon’s, 648 MAOttl. 644-1820. Cellars, attics, yards, drive­ modeling specialist. Additions, Agency ReaHora. 046-4200. hours dally. No Sunday or Holi­ SERVICEMAN loads, delivered. Good tor 4709, 160 Oakland Street. FIVE-ROOM epertm ant walk LOST — Boy’s eyeglasses be­ ways sealed and small truck rec rooms, dormers, porehes. days. Apply Marlow's Inc., 867 c a r p e n t e r s , framers, layout BLUE Persian Kittens, fuUy In­ abruba, lawn, etc. 048-7804, 040- to ahoppliig end bus. Tenant 1964 FORD Falrleme, station WANTED—Young married man PART — TIME driver-helper, tween Bennett Jr. High and ing done .A-1 right. Call Trs- cablnats. formica, built - ins Main St. and trimmers. Experienced EXPERIENCED Interior and HOST or Hoatoaa, part-time^ ex­ oculated, CFA papers, bouse- 8731. HOUSBHOU> loto - Aanqum . aasumss hsat and hot water. Invsstmnnt Pfopwfy wagon, power steering, power to take over business. Must be only. 742-8004 after 4 p m. Tuesdays and Thursdays p.m. brto-a-brec, clooka, tnm ee, Hackmatack St. CaU 047-9688. mono Trucking Servlne toll bathroomi' kltcdcns 64n.31ii'. all day Saturday. 644-0040. exterior painter. WUl consider perience not necessary but broksn. 0$$-2341. Releranoes required. Younger brakes, alr-conditloning. 640- free. 743-9407 reUable and have desire to own BABY-SITTING In my home, Good pay. Good working glessware. We buy estatoe. VU- nin 70-A LOST — Late Thursday after­ 0628. KrrCHBNS — Colonial, mod­ business. For details - con­ WOODWORKBIR, experienced part-timer. Call 649-1641 or conditions. Paid vacations. preferred. Appeeranoe end per­ COCKER Spaniel puppies, AKC ooupte pretsrred, $100. Ask tor hours 8:30 a.m. to 6 p-m., 4-0 868-0017. sonality most important. HooMhold Ooods 51 iage Peddler, Auctioneer. 430 Mr, Aroedy, Philbrtok Agency, noon, cast Iron gate valve, off STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, ern and Mediterranean. Also ference, Write Box “K”, Man­ days a week, 649-8021, after 6 for manufacture of kitchen Paid boUdays. Phone 649- rsglatered, oerUfled pedigres, Lake tt., Bolton. 960 0061 1960 FORD Galaxle convertible, SOUL, TESTING, driU rig help­ Wages and meals. Write Box A A O Attic Trsastires. Used Realtors, 040-4100. VERNON, ROUTE 88 tank truck. Pieaae caU WUllam fireplaces, flagstone terraces. rec rooms. AU work custom chester Herald. p.m. cabinets and vanities. Paid er, outdoor work, good oppor­ DRIVERS for school buses, 1180 for appointment or stop males and females, beautiful Ovar 000’ of frantegs, 3 aersa, automatic, 2-door, V-8. Reason­ In. “H ”, Manchester Herald. furniture, olte things sale. WANTED — ANTIQUES, tmd G. McKinney, 649-0282, 643- All concrete repairs, both in built. CaU Royal Custom Build­ holidays, paid vacation next tunity for advancement to Manchester Schools, 7:80-8:48 buffs and cream. Cell WIUl- THREE ROOMS and bath, heat, oxUting 40x60’ building, heated, 5808. able. Very good condition. 648- sId- and outside railings. Land ers, 040-8484. CIRCLE THIS AD WOMAN — 3 nights a week, 6- summer. Ability to install plas­ mantle l-43$-S60$. Dtoplayed et Route 0, Plses- furniture, partial or oomplsto axcellaiX condltian, amaalted 2800. driller for ambitious worker. a.m., 3:16-3:46 p.m. Excellent ont VaUey Rd., South Windsor. setetee. OeU 0$0-ll00 daya. 64e- lighte and hot water furnUhed. scaping Reasonably nriced $800 per month approximate 10 p.m., store work. Warehouse tic laminates on coimter tops Must have stable background No ohlldren or pate. 9acurity parking area, buaineia m ad. N. J, LoFIamme — Carpenter Income running finest vending part-time tor third shift work­ AKC Labrador Retrlsvor pups, Housshold contents bought 0004 after 7 p.m. JE E P — CJSA with Insulated Call 648 0851 Outlet, 288 West Middle Tpke., deslreable. New England and driver’s license. 633-4623 ers, retired men. We train you. THE WHITING deportt. 1119 monthly. 946T133. Porsonok 3 contractor. Additions, remodel­ route In U.S.A. No selling! Oar Mr. Markham. Woodworking Co., 648-6407. champton blood Une, exoeUsnt Open weekends. 644-9010, 043- MANCHESTER metal cab and canvas top, S li^ P E N IN O ^ B ^ I^ Saws ing and repairs. CaU anytime necessary. Six to ten hours re­ for appointment. 648-3414. CORPORATION FABRIC "field trial end hunting stock. 1404. RIDE WANTBD~vlclnlty Unn- flotation wheels, spare tires, WOODBRIDGE Aparttnante — 50’ frontega on Main S i., 169’ knives, ecus, shears. skates for free estimates. 878-1642. quired each week. Can get WAITRESSES wanted, fuU, CaU after 6 p.m. 873-4101. ffoonn WIthoiffloarid 59 Bhur-room apartment to sub­ doap, SO’ frontage on Brelnard more Dr. to State Office Build­ snow plow. Warn hubs. 049- started for $1000 to $2000 to WANTED — young married 254 BROAD STREET Model Home Furnliurt rotary blades. Quick servlae part-time. Apply Mr. Steak LOVERS ELDERLY man wtehos room let. CaU 9464199. Ptaoe, exlrtlng usebla building. ing, 8:80 to 4:80 dally. Call 8780. Capllol Equipment Co.. Ri secure equipment, suppUes and man able to work mornlnge, MANCHESTER 8 ROOM HOUSEFUL Restaurant, 244 Center St., 8 a.m. to 13 noon, Monday with kitchen privUagaa aad BxcaUanI potential. 649-0603 after 8 p.m. Main St., Manohester. Houn RECREATION ROOMS an established NABCO route. Manchester. 04O-1996. FABRIC FAIR is coming to FR EE: Hall-Btameoe kittens, 19 PIECES FTVB-ROOM, first floor, apart­ 1964 PONTIAC LeMans, good Write giving personal back­ through Saturday. Only re­ seven-weeks old. CaU 040-1000. parking from on elderly daily 7:30-8. Tliursday 7:80-9 Dear Home Owner . . . we FEMALE PRODUCTION Manchester. If you love fab­ $297 widow. Cell 7464116. ment, North and. OUl Monday JACqUELINE- VISUAL handicapped mcm de­ condition, new tiros, beat offer. Saturday 7:80-4 648-'968 ground. Include phone number Uable pereona need apply In only, 0363319. sires ride from Union St. Man­ Call 872-4888. specialize in chongring base­ and county in which you reside. PRODUCTION Workers —Open­ rics and Uke people, you wUl OROOMINO aU breeds. Har­ ROBERra AGENCY ments into beaulful Hiring pereon at Manchester Pet Cen­ enjoy eeUing a t FABRIC THE THOMPSON HotM — OW chester to Capewell M(g. Co. AL MARINO Services — 644- NABCO, 1700 Sunrise H l^ w ay OPPORTUNITY ASSEMBLERS ter, 966 Main St. ings on all three shlfte. Bx- mony HIU.' H. C. Chase, Hebron Interior Dertgner wants relteMt 648-8889 1900 PONTIAC Bonneville con­ area. Ooplague, L.I., N.Y. 11726 ceUent fringe benfite end FAIR. Experienced prefer­ Rd., Bolton. 049-0471. family or newlyweds to ecoept tage m. oantrally located, large corner Governor St. and Char­ 2618. Cleaning attics, cellars, Attn.: R o^ 1086 Part-time Full-time laA f d atel ti« a a m ! OnSNUfCMi red but wiU train If neces­ ptaaaaatiy funiidiad reonu, ter Oak Ave., Hartford. Must vertible, all the extras, good garages. Bulky furniture, ap­ CUSTOM BUILT starting rates. For appoint­ deUvary of complete Modal Dis­ condition, $860. 048-1180 be­ HOUSEWIFE SHIFT 9-4 ment caU Marge Hampeon, sary. ■ Join Connecticut’s play of Quality Furniture Josi parldag. CaU 6i63Mg for ovor- j a be to work by 7 a.m. 643 0614 pliances moved, removed. PLAYROOMS FAMILY ROOMS HIGH SCHOOL Blght aad pansaiMni goart * - ___ tsiri^fiir-n after 6:80 p.m. tween 9-8. ' Active real estate office GOOD BENEFITS, WAGES 648-6618 or ai^ly to Rogers most excXing fashton fab­ removed to warehouses (or Pub Metal, cardboard drums avail­ Privot* Instructions 32 rics and iwme furnishing Artklns For Sain 45 VEkNON — Zoned apartment able. ROGER G. BARRETT needs sales representatives. Corp., Mill A Oakland Sts., Uc Bale. Modern 3 complete THREE - ROOM apartment, WANTED garage or parking ac­ 1668 OLDSMOBILE 442, 2door Our liberal commission Junior or sophomore boys Manchester. An equal (^jportu- stores. CaU 647-1466 for In­ rooms with tbe 31,000 look. 6 furnished, private bath and site with aU englnaertng. r»«»«v hardtop, power steering, power 649-0822 t u t o r in g —Qualified teacher terview appointment. 3$ ” BLACK and white Silver- MOTEL rooms, 10 minutes from etc. Oomplate and approved. commodations on Walnut Bt. COMPLETE sharpening serv­ of eleenentopy. Junior HW» schedule wlU yield above IONA MFG. for kttchen end dishwash­ nlty employer. pc. Convertible Uvtng Room Hartford, weekly rotas, maid entranoa, uUUUas, no pete. or vicinity. 049-1181. brakes, 4-speed transmission, average income tor the ag­ REGENT s t r e e t — MANCHESTER ing work, (automeutic dlsh- tone TV, 3 y ea n old, $18. 0 pc. bedroom, 0 pe. Dinette 3M Charter Oak. 9469191. By eppointmant oidy. Heritage ice. Hand and power mowers aul^ects. CaU 04&-4770. aervtca, rasteurant adjecant, House. 949 9499. console, rally wheels, vinyl sharpened and repaired. Pick gressive salesman. For ap- i^'usher)'. Part-time alter SHEET METAL Needs horizontal tube. Custom 610 down, you may purchase top. Many other extras, excel­ Paving Drivawoys 14-A FABRIC FAIR made bar, fully equipped, wMb some kltohenettes. OaU 6461997 THREIl-ROOM furntthed apart­ up and delivery CaU anytime, polntmertt call Mr. Paulin »<*ool. (Three days per FuU And Part-Time Ooenlnga «ny room tndlvlduany. In for appolnUnMit. lent condition. CaU 044-1280 af­ 644-8006. week) and Saturdays. Good MANCHESTER ■hadow box sbelvsa aad stools, mediate delivery or free ment, oonvanlant location on Automobilas For S a k 4 te r 0 p.m. 04.3.5305. Sharpen, 888 Adams DRIVEWAYS Sealed — This Is Hnip W a n fd i t First Class Sheetmetal end bus Une. OaU 9464499. FarSflIn 72 S t, Manchester, Ootm. the time to reetore the life and pay, good hours, pleasant Layout Men PARKADE $100. 0464441. Storage 1980 CHEVROLET 2-Dr. Hard­ 35 atmomihere. Apply in per- it Stralgfatcners and Formers CAP A OCP Charge Plane ROOM for rant, kltehen priv- MANCHEBTER - BIX - to o n “ s o m e BANK appearance of your driveway. LOST bright carpet colors, re­ top, 1004 283 engine, Hurst 3- TRUCKING . For free estimate, call 742- WOMEN needed part-time in it General Shop Men MANCHESTER store them with Blue Lustre. tleo. our own Instant Credli UIgeo. CeU 9464139. Otkxiial overloefelim rwies PARTTIME Girl wanted typ­ AU BenefiCs—Overtime speed, rewired, rebuilt' trans­ REPOSSESSIONS 9487. the Manchester area to do of­ WANTED Rent elsctric riiampoosr $1. Plan Pork. IH baths, two aai mission, roplnocd rear end, “ALL IN GOOD SAND-GRAVEL-Ught Truck­ ing, filing and phone work. Ap­ SmaU Work On Space and L ite A DlvUton of Fabrics National, FURNISHED room for rant, for fM ge. htega rooms. Tmmadl ing. Snow Plowing—Driveway fice cleaning in the evening. BRASS KEY Inc. Paul’s Paint A WoUpeper S i^ F or 54 brakes. Ca'll 643-1338 after 8:00 CONDITION” Good wages, paid holidays and ply in person Monday - Friday, Sheetmetal Produets DISCOUNT FURNITURE genttemen, near bos Una, park­ rte occupaney. Hayes Agen­ and Business. One ton and Manchester Credit Bureau, 968 RESTAURANT ply- ing. Call 9464314. p.m. 1607 Pontiac 9 passenger wagon ^ooBng— Siding 16 other fringe tenefita. Apply at GAS STATION ATTENDANT Dynamic Metal Products Co. WAREHOUSE MAIN IT . — New ona rtory cy, 9460131. alr-condVtioned five-ton trucks. Work by hour Main St. 829 Main St elr-oonditicnad offica buUdU«. NEED CAR? Credit very bad? or Job. ROOFING, aluminum aiding, Rudder Window Cleaning Oo., I Insurance, Paid Holidays, 5-Day Week, 8 to 6. No 329 Burnham Street SUPERINTICNDHiNT for room­ ALUMINUM ttMSts UMd as NOW 3 BIO LOCATTONB LARGE furritrtieii room for COLONIAD-Ton roonm. Ftrrt 1906 Grand Prlx. Air-condition­ 187 Charter Oak Ave., Hart­ Manchester Best Hartford, Connecticut printing pletea, .000 thick, Itx Prortlge kicatkxi Wslhli^ Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ ed gunsrt, carpenter work, 80 WOMAN to care for elderly Saturdays or Sandajrs. ing house. Apartment aad 1000 Main Bt. Hartford rent, parldag, male only, $U. floor nonrtrta of large ttvliw 647-9889 or 649-2143 ford or caU 627-8171. woman on Sundays and some $0”, 90 cents each or i for H. distance to banka. Town HaU est Douglas accepts lowest 1966 GTO Hardtop, 4-speed years’ expertenee. Ootmeotioui FULL-TIME maintenance men utUtUea provided. Opportunity 038-79W weekly. CeU 9444133 after 3. and downtown Mala St. Abun- room with ftrspises, evenings vdien necessary. Own I Apidy in person to Earl Lewie, Sendee Mamger tor retired couple. Write Box 6463711. ftormsr Fuller Brush bldg.) room, modara bltchm erich down, smallest payments, any­ 1907 Cadillac hardtop coupe all ODD JOBS, light trucking, VaUsy OonstnioUon Oo.. 648 HY'tilENIST lor Saturdays, MBJCHANIC — tor fleet work, for rapidly expending nuraihg danea of tras parklllg. WIU bo where. Not small loon finance 7180. Free eetimaie transportation preferred. Write H, Manchester Hsreld. ITS Pine St. Mancheste- NICE large room with doutaia buUt-lns, dsa. large OuaSy power, alr-eondltlonlng carpentry, miscellsneoua re­ and dental secretary part- ■he -day week. Must be evaU- home complex. Top wagea, DARK RICH rtoaiitree loam, bod aad daeh. Prefar retired complated Decem ber 1st. Ve- company plan. Douglas Mo­ Box ‘'KK", Manchester Her­ PAUL DODGE PONTIAC. Inc. fringe benefits. Chance tor ad­ 6462313 room, plus llnlrtiid ree roem 1966 Caprice 4-door hardtop all pairs, etc., good senrlcs and ROOFING and Roof Repair time. Write Box "F " Manches­ ald. ^ aWe tor out of town work. FV»r IF YOU HAVE a few free eve­ five yards, lit. Sand, fravel, flentleman. Meals for orranda. rtoty of office auHen from SCO tors, 346 Main. power, alr-condttlontng low prices. 04S-7>18. ter Herald. vancement. Meadows Oon- stone, on, manure, pool and (lormer Norman's Fnrn square feet to 3,990 square In bosamont. liBitad floor hae CougUn Roofing Oo.. Inc.. 645. 373 HAni ST. — MANCHESTER appointment caU 6463878, 646 nings, use of e car and would Warehouse 1987 Firebird hardtop coupe 4316. vslescent Home. 047-1461. patio aand. CaU 6660006. feet. Can Werven ■. Howland, 4 bedraoma. On oaa aara 1962 JAGUAR, 8.8 sedan, excel­ TREE SERVICE (BouclW) T707 NEED qualified representatives PART-TIME medical aastatant Uke to earn 31.000 or more be­ at eorner of Pine A Foraat iLsi wooded lot with 6cnr -**--*—1 1937 Mustang Faatback wanted tor doctors office In Realtor, 9461199. lent condition throughout. Clail Trees cut. building lots clear, Interested In good eeunlngs at IF TRAVELINO Is one of your fore Christmas, call 680-0000, Moa.-Pr1 69. Sat. 66 garage. Adjotahtg load auy ha 648-6070 anytime. 1965 Cortina Sedan radio A BIDWELL Home Improvement Manchester. Hours 12:80-5:80 YOUNG man to aasiat with in- 8760010. heater ad. trees topped Got a tres Oo. Expert InataUation of once. Increased Christmas bus­ stellstlon and delivery, full­ problems, sh^ end kx>k. We UTTLiTY building 3x10 aU tbtALL STORE near 199 per acquired. MA898. PMatlah iness means more openinga in p.m., five-days weekly, with al­ have openinga tn our Burring •teal. Bart otter. 0661073. IEWU60 MACHINB8 - «i«ar 1988 CHEVROLET. Impala, ■966 Country Squire, 6 pas­ problem? Weil worth phone aluminum siding, gutters and ternate Saturdays, 9-3 p.m. time, driver’s Ueense. Turn- 51 cent Main Street tooetion. Ap­ Agaacy, ReaWoro, 8664B99. caU. 743-83ft2 Manchester. CaU 289-4923. and Grit Blasting Dept. Many eutoixaUc aig-aag, cxeeltepi ply M eilew’s. 991 Mata ■trort convertible, automatic, good senger wagon trim. Roofing InataUation and Pleasant working conditions. pUn TV A AppUance, 373 West rri”nmtdiTC the way we’re eondltton Makes butianholie FOUR-room apartment, eenniii MANCHBSTni —'"jpe^rtaisi condition. $878. CaU after 7 1965 corvette convertible repairs. 649-6498, 875-9109. Salary commensurate with ex­ Mlddla ^riia. benefits are offered. Insurance CARPET Installing — Rugs cut program, paid holldayj and MANAGEMENT aalUas BhM Luatre tor clean­ bams, tmbrotdere. rte. Ortg- floor, eentgaUy iocetod, 966 nVE-rsom anlto a t treat Mata cuotom 6reom Oepe. Oaragea. p.m. 048-8491. 1967 Camaro hardtop 4-speed perience. Please reply Box N. ing ruga end upholstery. Rent taaUy over 3139.. 9 BMaOUy SI. effiosa, 190 paecsnt leea- Four large hedrooraa, llre- 1967 Buick Wildcat 4-door hard­ and flniahed to fit. Call 846- IMMEDIATE BACKHOE operator, work on production bonuaes. Stop for Manchester Herald. TRAINEES peymonts of 9699 eash er pay 1968 FORD wagon, 9 passenger, top 1680 da)rs, evenings 648-9910. ffoolkng and Read Herald Ads •eptic tanks. Also peyloader an Interview with Mr. James electric rtxunpooar 31- Oleott Uoa RMT btUtkSa piaced ttviag room, paas6 Variety More: 191 cash. ■364991 daater LOOKING tor enyUitag In real ed, automatic Ore sprinkler. ad dan. formal dlatag room, running condition, some body 1968 Volkswagen convertible operator. 6466tn. Horrtgon at the Klock Co., rot, $40. 648-1891. BRICK, block and atone work. Chlmnnys WE ARE A RAPIDLY EX­ m u s e reafals - apartaert*. Appty Marlow'a. 961 Mata Si m bathe. Sttuated an tree- 1967 Chrysler Newport hardtop Brick walla, patloa, outdoor-in­ 1806 ToUand Tpke., Manrties- THREE chain aawa, naad to CUUN. rafflgaraiare. homes. muRlpie dwalUags, os ROOFINO, Gutters, Chimneys— OPENINGS EXClTtifG career poaitlaa ter. PANDING PROGRESSIVE RE­ rtuddod lot. Sale at hatow aaar- coupe 1901 CHEVROLET Station door fireplaces, sidewalks, opening with conveleoceni TAIL OROAmZATTON THAT nearly now, extra ehataiB and lass. QkU J. D. Real Brtate MAIN Sf.. cotMT ottles, 9 brt vahw. Warren B. Howland. 1968 MO Midget convertible New and repairs our special­ with guars nt see. Baa them at Wagon, 0 cylinder. Ideal for chimneys. Free esUmates, SEVERAL EXCHUNT OPPORTUNmU home chain This ia a groerth EXPERXENCED todhrUhauT^to 18 SEEfONO MANAGEMENT guards. 9464799. rooms aad lavaieey. House A Realtors. 9461199. 1968 Triumph TR 280 ty. 20 yeeure experience. Free BJ>. Paart’a Applian«iae. 969 Hate Bldg. ChU 9463997. parts, 049-0021. Domenic Morrone, 649-1604. eetlmatea. Call Roy K anM •pcX-for right Individual. Busi­ short run metal stampings tor TRAINEBS. IF YOU ARB AN 1968 Plymouth Fury 8 atr-con- HAVE DEVELOPED IN OUR PMM: ENTHUSIASTIC. CAPABLE SCREENED loam, preceessd Mata St. OaO, 869-sm FTVB-ROOM tenement, garage, JUST LISTED — dltloned TREES — cut and pruned, trim­ 643-0388 aftsr 6 p.m ness training helpful, adminis­ general shop set-up and sac- gravel, gravel, mad, stone. second floor, sduite. CaU be­ 1907 FAIRLANE GT. Tspeed. trative ablUty a must. Send de­ ondory operattona. Apply Oun­ AND AGGRE88IVB PERaON Schooto Jitat sronad $90 engine, mallory ignition, 1968 Grand Prtx oU power air- med, land clearing. Free eatl- HELP WANTED OU. Oeotga H. Gritting Inc F tO L O O I0'’'elartrtc'nu^. 4 tween 67 p.m. 6461999. OfTlCB FOR rent. Center St. )/>vety i-ruam haw ROOFING — Speclalialng re­ tails to P.O. Box 839, Man­ ver Mf6. Oo., 3M Hartford Rd., AND ARE INTERB8TED D6 years old, svnaUenl Stewart Warner tach, steel conditioned mstee. Insured. Call evenings ENTERINO A FAST MOVINO, Andover 7467999. 618 1688. u i Uvtng raaaL I 823-8439. pairing roofs of all kinds, new chester, Conn., 01060. Manchester. 9100. Can 9669109 after 9:99 BDOERTON Oardsm — Near •lotted rims, 14,000 Original 233-8715 roofs, gutter work, chlnuieys CONCRETE FABRICRTORS PROFITABLE riELO. PLEASE hospitel. Deluxe on6bedroom For information caU Mr. Bake Female MYERS hydramaUe 9’ plow p.m. PRCWESSlONAL^fnce on firrt miles. Must be seen. (Sill alter cleaned and repaired. $0 yeare’ Bavo Many oponiagi for otaady wwk. He «a- m a n a g e m e n t Oereer —Our p l a NT LABOR, paint CALL MR. FTCKS AT 3767600 completo with Ugfata. uaed one epartmante. WaU to eraU oar- * p.m. $1,800. 648 0040. or Mr. Grippo. OONCRBITE Floors sealed and tleor, nillahle tor dmrttei or Only IStJSS. made dust free. CaU 238-8846. experience. FYee eetimatee. LMUng For Work Noar Hoasor porioMo rogairod. Yoar-roond w«ik witk avar^ company is v»»fct"g for hard facture, 60 hour week. Contact FOR AN INTERVIEW. GARAOB SALE — tawa Ihntt- pettag. appilaneoe sad uttUtlm doctor, 7 rooms including a ewrklng, career mtrxied indi- 8464136 666U BOY In service, must sell 1008 CUSTOMIZBUJ '^®TO**IZEaj 10871987 ’Thunder- 328-8323, after 6 p,m.i Call Howley 648-8361, 644- Rniddly growing iadnotry. Now pknit, strady week, Tap pay latoa. IfBay benoflta, nalen ahep. Jack Ka|iton. 67S-S1H. ture, brton-tarac, honaslMid. otc. $1868180. J. D. Real Bo- dark room, front aad roar on- 8383. vldnela who want to get ahead. 109 WINCHESTER modal 108 •aturday aad Sunday, 888 Wart tate Aasoclatee. 8464138. Cutlass, 8 cylinder. Ram-air, S-speed overdrive, stereo, good par with ovortiBM, paid lifo inoaiamo, iHaaitali* Aa I High achoo) »Upinm« required. MEN. part-time, 64 boura a SALARY OPEN traaess, beat furnlrtied, park­ OOMMERCLkL power steering. 2-door hardtop! ‘*'‘**,' *«>p and paint. POLLARD Tree Service— Bbc- with 8 pewyr acopa, rtlag case Middle Tpke., Maachsoter. ing on the promlose. Now seres, farm hi pert tree removal, pruning and MtkiA noUdaya, Yacatim and otiiar Mag* baaallia. For appointment, call Bob Var- night. South WIndaor area. CaU FULL BENEFITS and aballa, naor now. 86S4T98. COLONIAL Manor" D a k u ^ 11,000 mUee. $2,295. 868-7196 or 284 Hartford 646 6136 bateraan 6-6 pjn. OB autcAaUc srasher aad alac- occupied by dmtlrt. Avslteble 04^86S3. Rd. Best offer. trimming. Insured. 3894730. MMInaiy, £*P»i«eo not nocoanry, win train, y velH. OiOiWi. bedroom apart maate and twe- TWO SHOW ttrm with abide. trlc m aagla ironar, 9M. OaU bwlroom Towahtane. AppM- Nov. 1st. Fbr taformatlcn caU Drassmaking 19 Wondorfal opportaaity for adrane— i^L ^ ^ WOODWMKEIS aid FABRICS NATIONAL, 8464816 tors. TOUR 'buslnaa^ ^ Janitor, de­ 648 X U . OeU 1667888 after 8 846WS1. > ~ FORD OALAXIE 500. 1008. con­ \ INC. aneos. and utittUes. 31463186 pendable nig^ service, dsUy. DRBSSXAKINa and kuin- \ P-“»- \ J. D. Real Brtate Amoclatee. AUSTIN - HEALY I960, good vertible, full power, automatic, - ' \ ^ equal opportunity employer SBWDfO machine eels, asw, Uttle car. Call 643-2836. weekly or monthly barta. CaU tlons. ilpperz replaced etc. METAL FMIICATOIS In s p e c t o r 6U4I38. original owner, excellent con­ 644-0639. CaU 649-4311. OARAGE Sals. Old fintture, used, tag mg, rebuilt Stager 55 dition. 330-4443. Oran BoBoflSi and Fay portables, S18.8S «p; raStaOt 1906 FORD custom 600 sedan. Gapahin of rW irfay Airersft toicrsiioes. Lsjroat oil paint Inge and mlaceUajwous MANCHESTER — parh Chaot- VERNON-1-room older homp 2 ^ ^ a u 1 ^ w 2 ^ ^ L 5 l ' AOOOUSnCAL ceiling, rec CAVROK CORP. Oratinnora Wark WHJi Orortteao Iteaw. U Knighton SL Start- conoolas. tSSS ap; aew and V-8. automatic. ExceUent me­ 1964 CHEVROLET Blscayne expeiiaics on fenviof*. esstings snd first pirn set­ nUl Oardsa Apattmente, Ne- ttvtag room fireplace. oU hot room remodeling. No Job too MovliIn^— Tniclilng tag Friday. 8 a.m. to 6 pm. need cahinrts 318 eg- Farts aad vooiber irt, 319 reonta at Ills. chanical condition. Winterised, wagon, very good condition, mousiauL PMW aa. ups re a u ire d . ExfylirnUent oppurtunity for sdvsnee- S iio a fio as W$ ata bsaL 6car gara^. bm m . Frachrtta. lUaSnS^ewi snow tires. $1,190. Phone Lee’s •mall. Free estimates. Call Storaga 20 tU an sold. Host hot water, o a m raaga, phn over an acre of load, maa radio and heater. 6 cylinder Dick Levesque, 648-1839. U t f 7 off Poriiac M AU lEi BUILMNI SYSTEMS ment Apply ______4______SL. Haft- Florist, 648-6069. standard. $780. 646-4140. Sarvlee, U rettlgerator. parkfog aad Ideal lor beram or eatUa. L e - ______. MANCHBFnCR DeUvery-Ught VMNON.CONR TORO IT- I Heart, rotary ford. 3H it s atoraga. No psU. ChS IST-iSIS ATi'ICS and cellars cleaned, XM TMXAND TORNFIO oated on Route 33 aoar V anoa SAUL’TBRS RD. — w o M tal ^ 1966 VOLKSWAGEN bug, very MUST 8B1X> my Immaculate tracking aud package dehvery. MANCHESTER Batay-rttttag handte. 3316. betereaa 64 pm. After 6 pas.. odd Jobs, light trucking, trees can 863 . GENERAL Blertrle Retrigsr^ Circle. 3308 per nonth phn room Oepe. Phene enaw aftw good condition, radio, light 1968 Road Runner with chrome Rrfngirttor*. washers sad MANCHBSTER, CONK — BU-glXt ROLO MACHINE OO. in my Hoanoaf 6161 661.1311. 3388 ascurtty. CeU Jamm J. 8. 84816 green, CaU 649-9707. removed and lots cleared. Cull stove moving, specialty. FWd ator-lreeser. food. rvantag cen- wheels, $3,800. 643-3011. 649-1794. Ooamy. ok 8T64136 Uig tui ren t 669 fiTBI //.A 56 ELM ST., MANCHESTER dStan. 3M; 31" Oenwal Etoe- FOUR ROOb^ one - bedroom. ------RANCH — Five laoma. Ih ro a . Host, hot water, oaaXraSy to- FOUN BEDROOM Chpe, $3» e hadronme. garage, taige M. Appointmsnts arranged by phone—547-1481 CHILD CARE dally la my S- tioa telopheaa teUn chair. 316 eeted. Aduite only. 6663111 oMatk. Meaeherter, Wohrerten $13,108. PkEbelek SgM V , Read Herald Adn. days Agaacy. ReaEore. 868 Mil. Reallora. I ll 1 8 .

;: 'ife '. . . . ' ■ • .V I \ /

PAGE SIXTEEN BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. BIANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, OCJTOBER U , 1969 MANUHEs 'x k k e v e n i n g HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1969 PAGE SEVENTEEN HoufM For So!o 72 Ho u m s For Scdo 72 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Resort Property O g fo f Town O iito f Town Oot of Touro Out of Town Forms For Scrio 74 on Bejanid had been perforsned MANCHESTER — Forest HUls- DRIVE BY 187 Charter Oak, For Scrio 74 For Sola 75 .F o r Solo 75 For S a h 75 Brand new large exectrtlve then call to inspect this im­ L a st sa tu r r a v , \*/hes niblirk wab B u t TODAY, - HE GOT LUCKY AHP odoRE, For Solo 75 East Hartford CiTash Probe under certain handicaps; the en­ CLASSIFIED VERNON —Six-room Ranch ’TOLLAND HEBRON, 4 large bedrooma home In prestige location. maculate’ Colonial. Mr. Zlns* STiKJRjMG UP life QCXF OOURBE - WA'X’ERFRONT lot, Bolton •VFPNON gineer’s brain had dislntegraitad A COUPLE OP PARS - S 0 ~ 0 ’ 0 -0 juat beyond the circle. Carpet- with 10 to 138 acres. Immedi­ Many fine features. Please call ser, Belflore Agency, M7-1418. Lake Vernon. ’lU s lot Is dry CHARMER! to the colUslon and his heart was ed living room with fireplace, 7-ROOM ASSUMABLE ate possession. Broker, 1-087-; Ends: Cause for more details. H. M. Fredi- MOTi^ II3 U B L € '/e r - njell- rre and weU cleared. Good sMxept- Sought after location, easy WebBter says "One that POTENTIAL UNLIMITED COMPLETENESS partly torn from his body. caosHftrs REALLY] OUrr? — ARE VOU three generous bedrooms, 3647. ADVERTISING ette, Realtors, M7-9998. DRIVE BY 21 Church St., then «0G£'/.''l0Ul«.«orJ aUe area. C. J, Mbtrlaon, commuting. 3 snaclous bed­ casts a speU.” Be speU- EMrUer Friday, testimony was 6iARriNG to n x m OOMIHG POWM? kitchen with buflt-in oven and bound by this 1-year-old call for details on this excellent >09)6 6 0 ROT? Realtor, 648-1015. rooms, 1 % baths, garage. e ’TBN-r 6 o m c o l o n ia l And economical living can be dsvbted to railroad operating ADAMS St., six-room older LET'S QUIT.' range, attached garage. $26,- A Mystery CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS inrame proi^rty. Mr. Martens, ’Two blocks from schotri. true Cape Ood| 6 spacious yours in this charming S-bed- rules, equipment and other tech­ home In exceptional condition. SHOULD CA)Lrr A Ml9 T.'CitCM,«EOHLY BOL’TGN LAKS)—Year ’round 900. Wolverton Agency, Real- rooms, IH baths, garage. • CHURCH 70x35’ Wemtud—Rucri Estot* 77 nical matters. 8 AJH. to 4:30 PAL BelSore Agm cy, 647-1418. PAY? Slve minutes to shopping room Split Level. Cheerful bow- NEW HAVEN, Oonn. (AP) — Huge family room down. New .GOT 14 MORE Holes.' 4H room home. Oil iMt water ton , 649-2818. Qusdtty built. Bxcepfonal wtodowed living room, dining Thayer said the purpose of the p la^ . Quick occupcuicy. ALL CASH for your property *1710 hearing has ended, but the heat. new wiring. Sensibly DRIVE BY 188 North Elm St., heat, 160’ of lake bxMtage with location. % acre with trees. • ’TW O-S^RY BARN room, knotty pine cablneted COVENTRY — Four-room house Priced for fast sale at 125,- within 34 hours. Avoid red tape board’s Inveotigation Is not to COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. priced at |21,B0e. Immediate then call to inspect this Im­ trees and privacy. Encloaed Immediate occtqiancy. $20,- kitchen, family room, 3 cera­ queatlan is stiU unansnrered: eriahllsfi Uabtlity, but to prevent with attached garage on one- 900. For details caU Mr. e 7^ ACRES instant sendee. Hayes Agenev occupancy. T J. Crockett, maculate, aluminum sided porch. Immaculate condition. 900. Mr. Lewis. 649-5806. mic baths, basement and ga­ similar railroad acedenta. 4:S0 PJM. DAY BEFORE PUBUCATION aora londsci4 >ed lot and dog Lewis at 649-5306. .846-0181 What caused the train crash to Realtor, 648-1077. Cape on a deep, treed lot. Mr. Hurry! Hayes Agency, 6464)181. rage. Many extraa In this home. Deadline for Saturday and Monday !• 4:S0 p.m. Frida.'i Lombardo, Belflore Agency, kennels. Comirietely fenced All of the above are to excri- LAND-STTES-FARMS — Acre­ Darien Aug. 30 that took four HIOHWOOD Drive, bener than In. In low 20’s. Can 742- B & W Conveniently located in fine resi­ 647-1418. B & W lent condition. Excellent poten­ dential area with city sewers age. Large, unsoned parcels, lives and tojurad 44 persons. new, 7-room Colonial with ev­ 9253. b a r r o w s and WAIXACE CO. ll»Ye«i>Old Dies TOUR COOPERATION WHX b a r r o w s and WALLACE Oo. tial for an antique shc^, flea and waiter. aH areas. Louis Dlmock Real­ T bo cause "may never be erything, over 2000 sq. ft. of DRIVE BY S-ll Griswold St., Out of Town Manchester Parkade BE APPRECIATED DIAL 643-2711 Manchester Parkade market. gaUery, hmne, loU. All ty, ResOtors. 649-9628. known." said Coast Guard A*n. O f Heart Attack graceful living area. Prime lo­ then call to Inspect tHis mod­ For Sdo 75 ROCKVILLE — ’niree famUy, Manchester 649-6306 In historic Nathan Hale country. Manchester 649-5306 Louis M. ’Thayer, ReL, the hesu^ MONTVnXE (AP) — WhUe cation, top quality and unique erately priced, conveniently lo­ $4,680 yearly Income. Assum­ School St., off Route 31, Coven­ SELLING? Do buslneas with VERNON able mortgage. $34,900. Car­ JACQUELINE- tog’s chief ottloea-, after the tour plajring catch during morning re­ floor plan makes this an out­ cated two-family. Mr. SUnsser, NOR’TH Coventry — New Six- try. one of the oldest agencies In Conrinued From Pracadfnq Poy ^ riage Realty, 648-1111. SOUTH WINDSOR—Birth H'U. days of tesUmony flnlriied Fri- cess, 11-year-old Joseph Longo standing offering. Hayes Agen­ Belflore Agency, 647-1418. STAR STUDDED VALUE! room Raised Ranch, m baths, ROBERTS AGENCY town. For prompt, courteous 7-room Raised Ranch with Raised Ranch, modern kitch­ day. of Montville suffered a fatal cy 646-0181, evenings Mr. Han built-ins, dishwasher, fire­ service call the Mitten Agen­ o usm o im s DRIVE BY this custom built aluminum siding and a 2- COLUMBIA — Immediate oc­ en with bullt-ins formal din- JACQUELINE- 646-3839 *nie National TTaneporiatlon heart attack. H For Scrio 72 H For SoJo 72 dler, 640-7618. place. Acre treed lot. Only cy, Realtors, member Multiple builder’s own home at 90 Ox­ car garage. Owner’s desire cupancy, six-room Colonial tog room, -cathedral celling ROBERTS AGENCY Board conducted the hearing. The youngster, who had a his­ $23,900. Hayes Agency, 646- UsUng, 643-6930. EIGHT-ROOM Colonial, 4 bed- LOVELY Immaculate six-room WESTSIDE — 6-room honie, 8 ford St. (2% baths Inside!) for a quick sale makes our stylo borne. ’Treed half-acre and fireplaces in living room The Investigation will continue, tory of heart trouble, died Fri­ lot. Lake privileges. Only $17,- 0131. rooms, family room first floor. Cape, wooded lot, fireplace, down, 2 up, one bath, garage. Mr. Coe, Belflore Agency, 647- price of $27,600 cm outstand­ and family room, two full 646-S339 WANTED as soon as possible Thayer said, and the board ex­ day after coUapsing in the play­ 2H baths, sundeck, double gar- full cellar. Fifteen minutes to 900. Paaek Realtors, 289-7475 Lot 80x180’, $19,900. Philbrick 1418. ing buy. Fireplace, 114 baths, two-car garage, three- VERNON — Huge 8-room Co­ NORTH COVENTRY 8 bedroom house to town or pects to Issue Its formal finding ground of the ITncasvlIlc school. age, 160x290, trees, 189,900. Manchester. |18,600. Meyer 742-8243. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. baths, rec room, to »one heat, wooded lot. Phil­ lonial. Four bedrooma, eat-ln not more than 10 miles out. by the end of the year. He was dead on arrival at Back­ Hutchins Agency 649-6824. Agency, Realtors, 648-0609. DRIVE BY 161-168 Birch Street, wall, etc. Please call Mr. brick Agency. Realtors, 646- GLASTONBURY — Executive OPEN HOUSE Hutchins Agency 649-6324. The collision occurred on the us Hospital in Norwich. BOL’TON — Large center hall, kitchen with bullt-tos, dining 'TWO-FAMILY, 6-6. Separate then call to Inspect this large, Gordon, 649-6306. 1200. styled six-room Colonial elght-mlle-long New Canaetn School officials said the boy IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY— heating systems. West Side. 10-11 3-bedroom L-Ranch. Double room, living room with fire­ PRIVATE party desires build­ fine two-family, 6-6 duplex. EM NE\NHAt!T Ranch. Large living room with SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. branch line of the Penn Central's was accustomed to a self-limit­ New 7-room Raised Ranch, 2H garage, 1% acre wooded lot. place, large family rooto, 2% ing lot, MMcheater or suburb. AUTUMN ST. $21,600. Principles only. 649- Walk to schools, churches, VERNON —NEW 6-imm R ^ fireplace, formal dl"lng, e«t- New Haven Region. ing exercise program In which baths, 2 fireplaces, laundiy CAhtr0hl,0. Ta.iM.U B (Sl W Ooppertone bullt-ins, natural baths, garage and wooded lot. CaU 643-0763. 1272 after 6 p.m. shopping, bus. ’Two seperate ♦ 1^ ed Ranch, choice wooded area, to kitchen with custom cabi­ New 6-room Raised Ranch, It appears that the answers to Eight-room Colonial, large room, bullt-ins, plastered Low, low 30’s. Heritage House, he rested when tired. heating systems, two car ga­ BARROWS and WALLACE Oo. trim, two fireplaces, private. double garage, 2 baths, choose nets,- three large bedrooms, bullt-ins, dishwasher, large the k ^ queetlona were burled living room, formal dining walls, 2-car garage, city utili­ JENSON St., Capo, 4 rooms, I24JS00. Meyer Agency, Real­ 616-2482. QUALITY builder aU sold out. rage! Nicely treed yard. H!x- Manchester Paikade own colors. $29,900. Meyer full ceramic bath. Set on a fireplaced living room, 3 with Frank J. Bojarakl. the en­ room, kitchen and fttmily ties, near school, 80-day occu­ finished on first floor, second tors, 648-0609. Receiving many requests for cellent income. Owner’s side H o u sm For Solo 72 Housot For Scrio 72 Manchester 649-5806. Agency, 643-0609. > gorgeous treed lot, over 800’ large bedrooms, 1^ beths, gineer of the train that failed to room, 3 bedrooms, screened pancy. Built by Ansaldl. floor expandable, porch off Lots For Solo 73 early occupancy. Looking for VERNON — Brand new 7-room to depth. Heritage House, 646- acre plus lot. Priced to sell porch, finished rec room, kitchen, wooded lot, 821,000. has 114 baths! Immediate oc­ SMALL 4-room Rianch with rec TWO-FAMILY flats — Masonry VERNON — Four-bedroom Ool­ HEBRON — 0^-room Ranch COVENTRY — Bolton, line. properties Manchester, Ver­ pull onto a aiding as Instructed. INDUSTRIAL Charles Lesperance, 649-7620. Raised Ranch with sill extraa. 2483. at $26,900. , 1V4 baths, wall to wall car­ Philbrick Agency Realtors, cupancy! Mr. Lombardo, Bel­ room, treed lot, Nov, 1st occu­ construction. East Center St. Ellington onial, two baths, kitchen with on heavily wooded lot, full Four-room Ranch, fireplace, non, Blast Hartford, Glas­ Inriead, It smaslied Into another Convenient area with c!ty sew­ Dtrections-lRoute 6 ft 44A peting throughout. T h is Is MANCHESTER 6% room Garri­ 616-4200. flore Agency, 647-1418. pancy^ Bralthwalte Agency, location. $29,900. PhUbrick bullt-tos, 2-car garage. Assum­ basement, rear porch, many treed, private yard, near shop­ tonbury, South Windsor. OsU passenger train on the alngto- 3-ACRE BUILDING LOTS ers and water. Complete price TOLLAND —$16,900. Vacant to Bolton Notch, at Bolton track line. ENRINEER a home In a convenient lo­ son Colonial, double garage, 649-4698. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. able mortgage. Asl^g $31,900. extraa Included In the sale ping. Only $15,900. Hayes five-room house on corner lot. Peter A. *17101110, Broker, 649- MANCHES’TER — Greenwood DRIVE BY this vacant three of $81,000. Heritage House, 646- Ndtch take 44A for approx­ ITm final wltneoi Friday was cation at a reasonable price. 114 baths, fireplaced living Good Toad frontage, minutes H. M. Frechette, Realtors 647- price. Pine residential area. Agency, 646-0131. ’The best buy In the area. T. 6381. E nerlcM ced In wetk etand- Rd. Ranch, three bedrooms, family at 40-42-4214 Spruce St. COBURN Road, we have listed MANCHESTER — New 7 and 2483. imately 3 mUes, turn right C. Hayden LeRoy Jr., an tovestl- Asking 127,000. 10% down to room, formal dining room, rec from Ellington Center, $10,000. 9993. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 648- J. Crockett, Realtor, ToUand ards, packaging, coat eeti- kHchen, large living room w'th Call to Inspect, then make an 2 colonials on this fine resi­ BOL’TON — School Rd., Imma­ on Swamp Rd., 1.4 miles on gator for the Bureau of Avcia- qualified buyer. room, convenient location. 8 room Colonials and Raised each. Pour 3-acre lots available. 1577. office, 875-6379. mattag and machine oapac4- $81,900. Call Warren E. How­ fireplace, garage. Nicely treed offer. Needs work, priced ac­ dential street, both have 3 bed­ Ranches. Fireplaces, built-lns, VERNON — ToUand — EUlng- culate 3-bedroom Colonial, IH TOLLAND — Six-room Ranch right. tlon Safety of the National ty analyata. Job evaluatloa. land, Realtor, 648-1108. lot. St. ^rtholom ew . Only $26,- cordingly. Mr. Lombardo, Bel­ rooms, garages, and are In double garages, etc. Mid 80’s JACQUEUNE- ton. Brand new Raised Randi­ BOLTON — Custom built nine- baths, fireplace, aluminum sid­ to executive area. Bullt-tos, NEW Raised Ranches In Ver­ MOST COAL IN OHIO BASIN Transportatlcn Safety Board. He Incentive stamlanlB and Mine U & R REALTY CO. INC. flore Agency, 647-1418. etudy. Apply ta 900. H. M. Frechette, Realtors, excellent condition. T. j. and up. Heritage House, 646- ROBERTS. AGENCY es, Colonials, from $26,900 and room Raised Ranch. ’Three or ing. Park-Ilke acre. 825.90U. two-car attached garage, fire­ non and ’Tolland. Choice of HAYES AGENCY LOUISVULB, Ky. — ’Ihree- sold hla Inveettgatlon ahowvd 43- 648-2692 MANCHBS’TER — New, almost 647-9993. Crockett, Realtor, 648-1677. 2482. four bedrooms, large living Goodchlld-Bartlen Realtors, place, two full baths, two sets fourths of the known U. 8. coal year-old Bojarakl In apparently DRIVE BY 41-48 Holl St. NoUce up. For more Information, call colors now. $38,000 —$83,000. Robert D. Murdock, Realtor. completed 4-room Colonial, 214 H. M. Frechette, Realtors, 647- room with cathedral ceUing 289-0939, 528-3498. of sliding glass doors. Heritage reserves Ue beneath the Oldo good health. IONA MFG. CO. MANCHESTER — Six - roor-i this clean 2-family with three 646-3839 Jacquellne-Roberts Agency, 646-0181 baths, fireplace, dishwasher, $22,600 — NEW Raised Ranch, TWO-FAMILY, 6-8, 2 seperate 9993. with full-wall fireplace, famUy House, 646-2482. River basin. But he admitted the autopey Regent 84., Maweheeter car garage on a nicely land­ 646-8389. range, 2-car garage, big wood­ Cape. Very clean. Near stu^ 3 bedrooms, garage, 160x200’ heating systems, handy to bus style kitchen, with built-ins and TOLLAND — $21,200, 5%-room scaped lot, conveniently locat­ treed lot. Hutchins Agency COVENTRY — Building lot In 66 PHELPS RD. fllx-room Co­ ed lot, $33,800. Call Ray Hol­ ping, bus, school. Rec room, and schools. $24,900. Philbrick BOL’TON —1941 built Colonial, glass sliding door, large fin­ Ranch on large lot. Ideal for ed within walking distance of Realtors, 649-6324. Agency Realtors, 646-4200. lonial with three bedrooms, combe, Realtors, 644-1286. owner is very anxious. Must excellent neighborhood with 6 rooms, 2 baths, plastered ished rec room with huge stone young family. 10 per cent VERNON sell immediately. H. M. Frech­ everything! AddiUonally, there artesian well and septic sys­ walls, 2-car attached garage, country alxed kitchen with CEN’TRAL location, 8 - room fireplace, three full baths, down to qualified buyer. T.J. GEORGIAN Colonial, 7 rooms, ette, Realtors, 647-0998. Is a summer house In the rear! SAULTEIRS RD. — Immaculate tem. Will consider financing. shrubbed lot. ’Truly a well built dining area, formal dining home with five rooms down, six-room Cape. Rec room, two seperate Hied laundry roonri, Crockett, Realtor, ToUand of­ New listing, Immacutote 6- 114 baths, fireplace, 2-car ga­ Truly an unusual buy In a fine 1^000. Call F. M. Goal Agen­ home. Assumable 6% per cent fice, 875-6270. room, 11.4 baths, garage. Mid three up, IH baths. Excellent two-car garage. Many extra room Rcmch, 3 bedrooms, rage, central location, many MANCHESTER—Custom 8-room neighborhood! Mr. Zinsser, tile batbs, bullt-ins, paneled cy, 643-2882. Member of mortgage. Piano Agency, 646- 20’s. Wolverton Agency, Real­ trl-level on wooded acre lot, 2 condition throughout. Many features. $42,500. U ft R Realty dining room, large living extras, city utilities. Morrison Belflore Agency, 647-1418. fireplace, carpeting, garage. NISARC. 0191. VERNON — Big five-room tors, 649-2813. baths, flmt-floor family room, features such as an oversized C o., Inc., 643-2692. R. D. Mur­ room, good sized kttchen Agency, Realtor, 643-1016. New furnace. Awnings for Ranch. High treed lot. Huge 2-car garage, privacy, top lo­ DRIVE BY 666 Middle Turnpike lot, aluminum siding, two-car dock, Realtor. with bullt-tos, ceramic bath MANCHESTER — Three - bed­ complete house and patio. kitchen three bedrooma, MANCHES’TER — ’Two-family cation. High 80's. Hayes Agen­ West and examine this 7H garage, new gas heating unit, with vanity, waU to waU room Colonial. Large kitchen, Beautiful lot, 70x200’. Mid finished walkout basement. flat, 6 down 4 up, downstairs cy, 646-0181. carpeting, attached garage, dhlftOAL Jto jthsL (P e n fj/o formal dining room, fireplaced room ranch with garage and big roomy basement, etc. On- 20’s. Phone owner, evenings has been completely remodel­ VERNON $22,500. Wolverton Agency, aluminum storms, weU living room ,114 baths, 2-car two — yes two — ceramic tiled ly $29,900. Move in tomorrow. and weekends, 649-6873. ed, fine residetrtlal area. Both Realtors, 049-3818. landscaped lot. Assumable garage, $28,900. Wolverton full bathrooms! Close to East T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 648- Mr. Clean, three-bedroom, apartments vacant upon sale. 1677. MANCHESTER — Three-bed­ FHA mortgage with sub­ Agency, Realtors 640-2818. Catholic High School. Pour- 5^ room Ranch. Wall to BOL’TON Lake — Waterfront T.J. Crockett, Realtor, 648- MANCHESTER room Ranch on treed 80x126’ stantial down payment or bedroom or In-Iaw situaltlon wall c€irpetlng, buitt-in California style home, 8 bed­ 1677. MANCHESTER — Just listed. lot. Fireplaced living room, refinance with 10% down. MANCHESTER — Six - room possible! Mr. Coe, Belflore oven and ’ range, excellent rooms, large enclosed porch Cape. Fireplaced and carpeted FIRST OFFERING Agency, 647-1418. Large 6-room Colonial, 1 % garage. Central location. Im­ $25,900. baths, kitchen with bullt-ins, mediate occupancy. Bel Air area. 10% down to qualified with sundeck overlooking lake. living room, three bedrooms, PhUbrick Agency, Realtors, DRIVE BY 36-88 Strant St. ’This wall to waU carpeting, fire­ Real Estate, Vincent A. Bog­ buyers. Asking only $22,- spacious kitchen, minutes from Excellent 6% room brick 646-4200. GARDNER & FERN STS. Is a three-family, convenient­ place, beautifully landscaped ging Realtors, 648-9882. 900. Call today. bus line. Immaculate. Low 20's. Ranch In excellent condi­ U & R REALTY CO. INC. from the Wolverton Agency, Realtors, ly located with excellent In­ lot, excellent condition. Im­ 4.66 cleared and treed acres tion throughout. ’Two-car come ! Never a vacancy. Close­ 048-2692 640-2818. garage, hot water oil heeit, mediate occupancy. H. M. Fre­ LoH For Soto .73 H. M. FRECHETTE, with 641’ frontage. Half mile ness to everything makes It an chette, Realtors, 647-9998. Vernon plastered walls, full insula­ REALTORS Robert D. Murdock, Realtor SEVENTY-MUe view, 9-room to Richard Martin School. ideal locption for tenants. Mr. HEBRON — Just opened. Har­ tion, fireplace, wall to wall Contemporary, four bedrooms, 8 building lot potential. Ex­ Coe, Belflore Agency, 647-1418. GARRISON Oolonall — All the vest Acres 8H to 10 acre home- 647‘ 9993. carpeting In living room CONVENIENTLY MANCHESTER two Ireplaces, two garages, pandable older home. Good rooms are exceptionally large, sites. Immediate possession. and hall. Large closets, ’Two acres, superb landscaping Investment. Plan now or DRIVE BY 67 Butternut,Road. 24’ living room, 24’ bedroom, Budget terms. 1-228-8368, 1-687- COVENTRY — 6-room Ranch. natural wood trim and VERNON — ’Ihree-bedroom LOCATED Hutchins Agency, Realtors, later. Owner will finance. ’This la a twelve room estate etc. Formal dining room, fire­ 2647. (Open 7 days) doors, tile bath, city utlll- Ranch, . extremely nice con­ Basement gairage. ’Treed lo t 649-6824. for those who want the very place, porch, garage. Beautlful- Lake privileges. Only $1,000. itles. Nicely landscaped with CEN’TER of ’Town. . .approxi­ FAMILY DEUGHT! dition. Many extras. Large lot. New 4-bedroom Oolonial with best. For details and a by landscaped yard. Custom down to qualified buyer. Pasek BOARD of REALTORS M. H. PALMER shade trees. Combination mately 2H acres, all la "B" $23,900. Ehrans and Clapp, 460 first floor 24’ family room, sUd- MANCHBS’TBR — Four bed­ thorough Inspection, Mr. Zins­ built for present owner. $29,900. Custom 4-bedroom beauty offers spacious livinsf room Realtors. 289-7475, 724-8248. room trl-level home with three REALTOR—MLS storm windows and doors. zone. All utilities on the site Mato St., Manchester, 647-1464. ing glass doors, spacious living ser, Belflore Agency, 647-1418. Philbrick Agency, Realtona room with fireplace, dining Gay Blair, 6454BS7. full baths, living room with 648-6321. Priced at only $26,900, for 646-4200. Ideal for multiple dwellings. with cathedral ceilinsf and fireplace. Husre family roran cathedral ceiling and car­ quick sale. DRIVE BY 668 Middle ’Turaplke T. J. Oockett, Realtor, 648- HEBRON — Assumable 6-room room, 2% baths, garage, city 1969 hat seen a continuing growth in both voluma and mambarihip in the with fireplace, dining room, modem kitchen, 3 baths, Ranch, wooded acre lot, close utlUties. Low SO’s. peting, grade level family West. ’This Is a GamboIotU f o u r -f a m i l y — consisting of 1677. ANDOVER LAKE — Cute doll- Manchester Board of Realtori. This is a great year volume wise— in spite of a MANCHESTER _ Two-story built, plastered wall home with basement, 2 car attached garage, plus LAND, LAND! to Manchester, golf, swim­ like, year ’round, 4-room room, sunny kitchen with din­ 6-6-4 and 8% rooms. City utili­ APPROXIMA’TELY four acres severe fmancing s h i^ a g e ^ n d this past year has seen a scarcity of housing ing area. Mid SO’s. Wolverton home, two baths, 4-6 bedrooms, CHARLES LESPERANCE recessed radiation! ’Two fire­ ties, handy location at the low, ming and quiet country Hying. JACQUELINE- Ranch within walking dis­ central location. Newer fur­ prime land. Near community Elarl Everette Real Estate, tance to Coventry Lake. Im­ relatiya to demand. Yet substantial sales increases have been posted year after Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. places! Lovely treed yard, low price of $26,900. Philbrick college site and new Route 6. ROBERTS AGENCY nace. Lot of house for $20,600. 649-7620. close to East Catholic High Agency, Realtora, 646-4300. JAGQUEUNE-ROBERTS A8ENCY 648-1584. mediate occupancy. Asking on­ Luting Service. Membership, FIVE - ROOM Ranch, three Hayes Agency, 646-0181. $21,600. Philbrick Agency, ly $10,600. For appointment School! Mr. Coe, Belflore Realtors, 646-4200. 357 E. CENTER ST. —- TEL. 646-3339 SO. WINDSOR, Birch Hilt Co­ 646-3339 also, has been rising steadily— and this has been a pleasant surprise, since the bedrooms, large kitchen with ASSUMABLE 6Mi per cent mort­ caU F.M. Goal, Agency, 64$ - Agency, 647-1418. lonial, finished basement., dining area, two-car garage, 8 ALPINE ST.—Six-room Cape, gage, 6 large rooms, wall to COLUMBIA, Vine St., two- 2682. Member of NISARC. very, very great prepondaranca of real estate agents in Manchester have seen four bedrooms. Remodeled MANCHESTER—Need a home WE HAVE many, many listings patio, wooded lot, 2-car 100x200’ treed lot. Vacant. wall carpeting, nice cetral lo­ acres. Treed with stone fence. VERNON — For sale by owner, tit to become members of the Board years ago. This unexpected increase has family kitchen, new heating but lack the funds? We have garage, $38,500. 644-0082. $20,900. Wolverton Agency, In surrounding towns — and cation, well kept treed yard. Asking 8,600. H. M. Frechette, 5% room Ranch, three bed­ (X>VENTRY — Beautiful smaU system. Walk to school, shop­ a alx-room Colonial, two-car conqe ma'nly from three sources: I. Real Estate agents in surrounding areas, Realtors, 649-2818. our sales are keeping up to Low 20’s. Keith Agency, 646- Realtors, 647-9998. VERNON — Prestige area. Im­ rooms, 1% baths, 38x34’ re- farm, over 8 acres, $-room ping, bus, church, $21,900. Af­ garage. Needs work, vacant. seeing the vdality and effectiveness of the Board and its Multiple Listing Service our listings. Call this Agency 4126, 649-1922. maculate four-bedroom (Coloni­ craation room, bullt-to vacuum home plus 2 rooms roughed-ln, ter 6:80 p.m., 648-0343. Owner will help In financing. ^ju L dldiin jtialU U l^ for complete computerized ANDOVER — Seven-acre rec­ al, i car garage, near achool, treed are looking for a g o ^ house Twelv^room. two and one-half story, frame, two .No. 5281 \has weaving Attention of bidden Is par- “It Costs No More . . . lot, excellent location. Charles bu st. . . 2 S yards of 45- cliart: complete dire.- tlculariy called to the require­ RANCH — 6 rooms, prime loca­ call the Mitten Realty, Real­ A inch. Leaperance, 649-7820. tion, garage. Immaculate con­ family dwelling. E!ach side has living room, din­ tions. ments as to condWtons of em­ tors, 648-6930. •H ql|k0lfil: ttm m is csist tm ncS_asl- UBS 1s t Is csiss Iw M l aw dition. city uumies. Built In Isn Is M s* OnMra aMB*. ployment to be oboarved sod MANCME8TBR — ' VACANT ing room, kitchen, pantry on the finst fk»r. tsnjs M * a tmmrni M sai You Deserve No Less ...” 1964, $26,900. Philbrick Agency. OXFORD Strest — Seven-room Aaoa Cska», MaarseaSsi minimum wage rates to be paid Value 1 Fouivbodroom brick L D. Real Estate Realtors, 046-4300. Colonial In choice area. Older Three bedrooms and bathroojn on tte second Evaalas ■aaali. IIM AVE. or A^rocAaTxrw t o b e . under the oontracL Split Level. Double garage. home completely rebuilt Only A Realtor May Display The Above ’Three-full bathe, flreplaced-llv- floor. Full basement Full attic. No bidder may wtthdrnar Ida ’THE MOST beautiful Green Three rooms down, three up M&i Saws. Aswan bOB Z» tdd within 90 days after the Ing room. Loads of extraa. Out Manor bouse In Oreen Manor. Essealaei CSSf aaS SOW RaiBSw. phis finished atUc. Two full actual date of the opening of state owner wants Immedi­ Featuring S, extra large bed­ U )T 150’ fToatage x IIT depth. Now available . . . the *69 Send 50c todey to r Um- Two Emblems! baths, modem kitchen. Only Fall ft Winter Basie thereof. ate aale. Warren B. Howland, rooms, 3 baths, full baaemsnt, oew ’69 Fall a ^ Winter $27,000. T. J. Crockett. Rm I- FASHfoN showing m any October L M5 Realtor*, '6U-1108. private yard. Owner. 64S4877. M3^12f 443-0729 ALBUM! ■■ / tor, 642-1677. handsome styles from m MCMitm ... n e b o ti B . Welee which to ebooae your pat­ terns! Only 504 a copy. sni*a- Mara giiaai *Bt» Baas tisT . . . ss$ a aass PAGE EIGHTEEN SATUBDAT, QCTOBEB 11, 1M» fflanrb^gtrr lEtuptting

T)m Stewardship commiUee of Cub Scout Pack 120 w ill have About Town Emanuel Lutheran Church yhU a business meeting tomorrow at meet Monday a t 7:80 p jn . in 7 p.m. at St. James’ School for MUa F\adth Middleton of 86 the chuEch board room. members of the Pack and boys The Baby Has Brstton Rd., vice presUent of Board of Directors . from 8 through 11 years of age the senior okias at Eastern The Youth Choir of Comnum- Ity Baptist Church w U reheone ‘ Interested in Joining the Pack. Connecticut State Cjjllega, has tomorrow at 6:46 p.m. at the Cubs must be accompanied by Donald D. W ells been named to ah advisory chunh. tbelr parents. ' Been Named conunittee to ^ ia t the Board of Truateea tor State CoUegea SesideB ftt 82 Fljrmooth Lane with wife Dot and In selecting a new president five of iheir nine children. BSME, Universi^ of for ECSe. Dr. Searie F. Charles CRAWFORD Hartford, BSHA, Penn. State Cwege. 'Member, wlU lieave the college on Jan. B B O s t a a i D fBB«r O s ts M rs of Planning and Zoning Ctmuniasion 1967-1989. Bennett, Brlon Lee, daugtater of J ote e «d Gevot Fem nlte 31 to become executive officer Bemett, Fernwood Lane, SonenB. She waa bom Sept. at Served on Board of Trustees, Second C oog^ of the Board of Trustees for Church. Presently serving on the Board of Di­ Iftuictaeater Memorial HoapMai. Her maitenal grandmother ia Regional Commutlty CoUegee. M n . Alice Fonante, 2S Bko 8 t, Mancheater. She taM a broth­ rectors. er, ChrMnpfaer, 1. ■e • « • • Members of the Motherhood of Mary Mothers Circle vriU at­ Breadheft, Tamme Borotha, daughter at M. WUIain end tend the 8 a.m. Mass at St. VOTE REPUBLICAN Nancy Rex BreacBieft, Walea Rd., Andover. She waa bom Sept CHOBOB boenii 26 « t HaitftHd Hoapttal. Her matomal grandfather te Oatl Rm , Bartholomew's Church tomor­ Newport, R.I. Her paternal grandmother la.bba. Borotha row. The Mass U In commemo­ Bnydhedt, Lenox S t, M ancheater. She liaa a brother, Mlarc, ration of the Feast of the Moth­ ff 8M; and a alater, Lauren, 6. erhood of Mary. tN ew l iFsrIlwHalMaFa w • « • * OiHiaa, Jaaon Peter, aon o f David Sr. and Suaan RIckar Ounaa, lit Unwood Dr., Manohatter. He waa bom Sept 80 at Mancheater Memorial HoepMal. Hla maternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mra. Henry Ricker, Hudaoo, Mhae. Hla paternal OCT. 12 .ONE-DAY-ONLY grandparenta are Mr. and Mra. Peter Ounaa, Avery ShDrae, Oovenixy. He baa a brother, David JT., 2; and two ataten, Liaa, 6, andHetdi, t. CLIP and &AVE PM • * « • f Taylor, Zaehary Scott, aon of mmar Jr. and FWatcla OaiVn Taykv, WrlgUtB MSI Rd., Covenizy. He waa bom Sept 80 at Mancheater Menoportal Hoiq?ltal. Htt maternal giandpar- enta are Mr. and Mra. John Oailln, W ebber Lane, Hebron. Hla paternal grandparenta are Mr. and VCta. BAmer Taylor Sr., Or- fced, N.H. He haa a bcottier, Bhner m , 8. « * • * • Bober, Shelley Lee, daughter of F rai* m and Heidi dole Haber, 62 Homeataod S t, Mancheeter. She tma bom Odt 1 a t Manobeoter Memorial HbapMal. Her naeitemal grandmothar la M n. Jetmle Oorry, 196 B. Middle Tpice., Mancheater. Her pn- temal grandparenta are Mr. and Mra. Frank Haber Jr., 061 Center BL, Mamheater. She btae a brother, Frank IV, 2.

Anderaon, Troy Obaoe, aon of Normcui end Iona Chaea Anderaon, 141 HlUalde Dr., South Wlndaor. Ho waa bom Sept 26 at Mancheater Memorial HoapMai; Hla maternal grandpar- anta ere Mr. and Mra. Arthur Chaae, Elmwood. Hla patenud grandparenta are Mr. end Mra. Carl Aitdereon, 699 CM^mI Rd., Soudi THndaor. Ho haa two eiaterB, lip a and Otia. «•**.*. Donlon, Brlattne Ann, daughter o f TlKanaa Jr. and JUnloa 7!? CUP & SAVE COUPON Fowlar Donlon, 289 Oak St., Moncboatar. She waa bom Sept. 87 at Mancheater Memorial Hoepltal. Her maternal grandparanta are MT. and M n . Delbert Carter, 287 Oak St., Mancheater. Her paternal grandparenOe are Mr. and Mra. lIK m as Dorian, Baat Hartford. She boa a brother, Thomoa, 16 montha; and a atater, Tracy, 8.

Pound, Dana Lynn, daughter of Wffliem and Donna Du- randl Pound, 179 Charter Oak St., Mancheater. She waa bom Oct. 8 at Mancheeter Memorial HoapUal. Her maternal grand- paranta ore Mr*. Blvina Durandt, Vernon, and John Durandl, Weeterly, R.I. Her paternal grandparenta are Mr. end Mn. Robert Pound, 814Kennedy Rd., Monohester. a • a Blareli, Heather Anne, daughter o f Robert P. and Janllce Jaoobe Manb, 166 E. Main S t, Rockville. She wee bom Odt. 6 at Mancheater Memorial Hoepltal. Her maternal grandparanta ore Mr. nnd Mra. John Jacoba, 25 BrookfioM St., Mancheater. Her paternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mra. Wlfltiam Mlanrii, 64 Branford St,, Mioncheeter.

Totten, Stephen Michael, aon o f RonaM Sr. and Palbriola Smllh Totten, 870 Center St., Mancharter. Ha waa bom Oct. 4 at Mancheater Memorial Hoepltal, Hie matemal grandparenta ara M t. and Mra. Homer J. Brntti, Llnfetrom, Mlim. Hla pater­ nal grandparenta are Mr. and Mra. Arthur Totten, BaM Hart­ ford. He haa a brother, Ronald Jr., 8H.

BamoUffo, Dawn Krletan, daughter of Rioiwud and Kathteeii Topllff Berracltffe, 241 Oak St., Mancheater. She waa bom Oct. 4 at Mancheater Memorial HoopOtat. Her maternal T C 'C U P & SAVE COUPON grandparanta are Mr. and MM. Jamee W. TopItH, 144 Autumn ^cLip & SAVE c o u p o n ");, St, Mancheater. Her paternal grandparanta are Mr. and Mra. Edgar BananlUfe, 98 W. Middle Tpka., Mioncheeter. a • a * « OXFORD SHIRTS WOOLITE Hartey> Karen Jeon, daughter of Kennetfi and Carol Clegg Harley, 106 Helaine Rd., Mancheater. She waa bom OOt Swtaltr Oara 8 at Manoherter Memorial HoapUal. Her maternal grandpar­ enta are Mr. and Mra. Lotfa Clagg, Providanaa, R .I. Her pater­ nal grandperente ara Mr. and Mra. CEnton Halley, CTanoitan, R .I. She haa three brothers, Timothy, 10, ThonMa, 9, and Ste­ * WUh Ooopou ven, 6. WlA ia l Oaupau f » L M PovWlav •I IA Purdy, Jeffrey John, son of Oeorge and Buran MtfMe Purdy, 41 Brookslde Lone, Vernon. He was bom Sept. 24 at Hertford HoapUal. HU maternal grandparanta are MT. and Ttf CLIP & SAVE COUPON M n . WMtam Molkle, BImrtMvy. HU paternal grandparenta are ,7t?CLlP & SAVE COUPON Mr. and Mrs. John Purdy Sr., 866 Porter 8 t , MbnoheOter. HU 7i? CUP & SAVE COUPON maternal great-grandmother U Mre. Dorothy Melkle, Sims­ UNlMBBBBt bury. HU paternal gnat-grandmothar U MM. Oertnide Mo- CaH, Spring St., ManolMatar. STORAOE CHEST WHimilia TEA KETTLE •I k « ft « Shorts, Wendy Marie, daughter of Dougloa and Mlary a Oattted AyomBo Qm b Maiton Shorti, 166 Langley Rd., Eaaex, Md. She who bom Oot. 33 4 at Mt. Btnai Hospital, BaMtmoro, Md, Her maternal grandpai^ •Bd^Oold ertba are Mr. and Mra. Lawrence Mellon, 22 Orove S t, Mhn- With OoupoB With Caapon oheeter. Hor paternal grandparenta ara Mr. and Mni. J. Wea- ley Shorts, 66 Lockwood St., Mancheeter. MU 9 U n •i ft «i • ft Blackburn, Lori Anne, daughter of DBnlrt and AnSa V i V i 1V i y l V t IV t V1V iviV Kosa Bhukbum, 201 Hilliard S t, Manchester. She was bom Oot. 10 at ManrtieSter Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Kooa, Manchester, N.H. Her paternal grandmother U Mra. Joan Blankbum, Oclumbui, OMo. She has a outer, MaUaaa, 8. « A ♦ A # WaUnskl, Stephanie Oay, daughter of Jooeph and Judy Vondsrvoort WaUnekl, MBs HUl Rd., Tolland. She waa bom Bopt. 80 at Manchester Memorial HbspKal. Her' maternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. James B. Vandervoort, Lake St., Vernon. Her patermU grandparents are Ml-, and Mra. Lud- wlk WaUnskl, 78 Union S t, RookvlUe. She haa a brother, Jamaa, 1; andaaUter, BUen, 8. ft • ft ft ft Winiama, David Michael, son of Forrest R. and Lucille MUUat WUllams, 9 W. MIddU Tpke., Apt 2, Manchester. Hs was bom Oct. 6 at Mancheater Memorial Hoepltal. HU mater­ nal grandparenta am Mr. and Mrs. Levi MaiUst, Hartford. Tl^CLIP & SAVE COUPON Hla paternal grandfather U Forreet wnttanva, 42 Am olt Rd., Manchester. _ - . ______T A A PA « A Parsons, Sandra Lynn, daughter of George Jt. and Julia BUHer Parsons, 160 BUseU n ., Manchester. She was bom Oct 2 at Mancheeter Memorial Hoapttal. Her maternal grandpar­ enta are Mr. and Mrs. WllUam Cunnkigbain, Madiera Beach FU. Her patamal grandparenta are Mr. and Mn. Oeorae S. Peraona Sr., 944 ToUond Tpka.. Manchaster. She haa a blether, Oeoige, 2.

_ - ______:


Will Be Closed All

Day Monday, Oct 13

MANCHESTER parkaoe open SUNDAY-FRIDAY 10A.M.-10 P.M t and by o f ‘ tnber. 1969, 3oors r Di-

Aanrl^FjBtrr Manrlffjatrr OCT. 11 thru OCT. 17 EnntitiQ TV Shows lEvrttttts iferald Glen Campbell Is His Own Man By BOB THOMAS outlaw a “squirrel-beaded son AMocimtod Pm m WHtar of a bitch.” HOLLYWOOD (A P ) — By hla Campbell told the director; own deliniUpn, Glen Campbell la "You can say the line if you a straightabead man, and that want to, but I ain't.” He oom- applies to hla slnginf and acting promlsed on "squirrel-headed as weH as hte approch to hla bastard," on the grounds that it creer. wasn't really a swear srord. The Campbell career may CBS has also become ac­ well be the most successful quainted with Campbell's inde­ since EMa Presley w illed onto pendent nature. the diow business scene. Camp­ The singer was host of the bell seems to be more vensatUo, "Summer Brothers Smothers since he Is making It big In tele­ Show" in l«68 and did so well he vision. movies, records and con­ was groomed for hla own varie­ ceits. Variety's estimate of Ids ty show during the regular sea­ earnings in the peat year: $12 son. Last November he told the million. network to make up its mind on Not bad for a boy who iMsd to a January start or he would go follow a mule, in Dell|$it, Aifc. ahead with a movie Instead. Glen Can^ibell has proved CBS quickly made up Its that he can be as hkhpemlent mind, and the Glen Campbell as the rasorback hogs of his na- Goodtime Hour went on the air Uve state. Producer Hal Wallis In midseason. It was an instant discovered that when he tried to success. pick Campbell's songs for "True Campbell wusn’t entirely G rit." pleased with the show. It was "Oh, no, you don’t; I pick my half-owned by the Smothers own songs,” dsclared the sing­ Brothers, who were having their er. The producer eras too aston- problems. iahed to reply. "I think Tom is one o f the Even though “True Grit" was most brilliant mimh In the busi­ his first movie, Campbell also ness—a great producer,” said laid it on the line to the dtrector, Campbell. "But he had his hand fire-eating Henry Hatiwway. Campbell balked at calling an (See Page Psor) TV Plans Ahead NEW YORK (AP) - - While Dick Van pyke, will return the viewers are getting into new following year. It looks as If habits, television executives Von Dyke got the better deai- —he has won Carl Polner lu are awaiting mid-November producer of his series and Rein­ Mitri Gaynor takes a whirl ^ NBC’s Mitzi’s 2nd SpedaT Monday 10 pjn. Nielsen reports on hits and er was the man who dreamed misses. They are also deeply In­ up the old "Dick Van Dyke volved not only In plana (or mid- Bhow.” Pollute situation comedy season replacemsnU, but in de­ idars are Flip Wilson, on NBC; veloping ideas and programa for and Pearl Bailey, signed by Star System Alive and Well next season and the season after ABC. Closer at hand Is a re­ that By j b b b ;t Bu c k ctostvo oontracto with four ratiagB nparlosity for U yews, turn of this summer's surprise CBB has already announced a hit. "Hee Hnw," which has re­ “cnonnous” utato. altiiaagb tta stadm to Bnt plaoe MEW YORK (AiP) — Proof firm commitment to return sumed production on CBB' pro­ Near sttustioo oomedtos win laat siasor wus df^mted fay Hiat totovM onfs star ajotenr to Mary Tyler Moore next season mise of restoring It to the sche­ be created for the return of IBO. In her osm situation comedy dule when lb ire are the usual aUva and weH w as » t T**~* in QrHIfHh, Van D yte amt reoeut days wtien CBS signed series. Her former TV husband. mid-seaaon cancellations. Moore, who M t CBS to pursue (Bee Page Ttoee) three top attraetlaas, Andy Grtf- movie caieeiw. flHi, DIofc Van Dyke and M aty lytar Moore. The signlnr o( atars with no programa in mind is a falriy NBC aays ft Is negotiating ex- common praotlce. Most often MINI-MOTORS the star fmsnn his own produc­ SMALL ENGINE tion oompaqy (or extra profita. SPBCIAU8TB That kee^ the staiw happy, but it is causing some gruntoUig; by LAWNMOWERS GOLF the movie studio^ the tnditloa- SHARPENED a> packngeia of televWon pro­ grams. REPAIRED OPEN Popularity in one ntedhim We Are Not Satisfied doeo not ahvays tiaiuBiii suo- Until You Are! oeesfuHy to televlston, alttaough FO R TH E 649-0700 that’s always the hope Doris SEASON Dsy oanatstantly drew tons to lagR Middle Turnpike her movies, but when Eie was DAY AND NIGHT put into one of CBB's rusde oomdedlee last year the rattegs • PAR 3 were not ^leetncular. • DRIVING RAI^GE Thia year, with a more urbane aettlqg, ae better suito Mlw • MINIATURE GOLf Day, thinggi are Improving. • G O CARTS Ih the eaae o f BiU OOsby on ^iamk NBC, a loyal following and a winning personality so tor have ELECTRONICS Tm StMHHi E e s fB m e f been able to overcome weak MMtato OaM PnfeaHsMi material. He placed No. 4 in the LABORATORIES ■■ Pwswtsas at AB Itaaea. Slot tost Nielsens. Debbie Rey­ A1 Gayaan, Pro. nolds also Is triumphant over 277 BROAD her material, at least in Bte n t r tagi. flbe is No. 10. Golf 0 TrOB It was CBS that raised Bn BaOTtSBom M f ator qwtem Som an art to an STEREO Bta.aBMk exact actenoe. And as a raatot the networti ha TAPES FOR Atlantic Fuel Oil CARS LT. WOOD CO.”Phone 643-1129 Rossano Brassi is Lana Turner's ex-lover on ABC’s TV-I Harold Robbins' ‘-The Survivors’* Monday 9-10 p.m.

II K 2 w ^ X >1 fj i r j < O n1 ., 5j; l< ' ^ r-^ .'i3p 3.•; f ;a- ?

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1969 P A G E T H R E E P A G E T W O MANCHESTER EVENING HERAIJ), MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, SATURDAY JO PROGRAM Educational MONDAY PROGRAM Star System TUESDAY PROGRAM JO Alive and Well JO UsW Tke KotUh m <0> Oarthy. Former US Air Foros 1:44 a> OM Talk (C> — Sporto ami Featare (C) IS) OIri Trik (C) 7 d4 (M41.M) Tlw r t t r t —M pilot who runs an air canto service In Algeria, becomes "4) — 7:84 (8 »9 is > Mr Werld aad Wd- (18) FItaa (4-44) Masie Beeae (0) (88) DIvwee Ceori (C) h KTL during preceding week. tiototloaa taUematloswl smug­ Dyke atul Mias Moore, ea well gler. ’48 (O (W E D H , Channel 24 ) (8^ > Dream Haase (0> 8:44 (888884) Bewaa aad Martla’a (848> Drcui Bm m (C) fu*Tr«th ar is; (M) Caa«apGi BawUag I (8) As tha World Tarsw (0) LastfrJa (C) as ’nm Qmway earlier, is Insur­ Id s (8) Aa tbs WsfM Tkras 04) Mavis U M (18IM ) Yca're FaMtog ito 8:18 (8 lf) The Mew Pesple (C) (888884) Ysa’ra FoMtos (881844) News (Xg4t4g> Uaderdag (C) (844) Hsllywead Palace B (C) On (0) 4:44 (8) Mayberry BFD (C) ance againet tbe retirement of Ob (C) ■■■He (C) liM (I) Cangreaalaaal Bepart Maaab (O) Saaday, October It (844) Let’s Make a Daal (0> (S 8 »i4 ) Bob Hope Camedy su(di talent as LucUle Ball, Red (844) Let’s Make a DsM (O) 7:84 __ 1 Di iraaax al Jeaaata (g> NarcaUea and Yanth (C) Retuma to his hometown at ( ) Love to a Many SpleadsrBd Special (0) 8:88 (8) Lave la a Maav Bplaaiiiai (814) MsJ BaaaA (C) ("A DIatant Drummer” ) Flrat request of lovely girl to In­ 8 Skelton, Ed Sullivan, Jaclde vestigate crime that not only 4:44 AaUqaes Vll (0 ) Jimmy Durante and Donald Thiu (C) 4:44 (884844)4) Dritoto BayaaMa of 3-part aeriea. "A llorable Glass at the Currier (SSSjc) Days af Oar Lives O’Oonnor, guests (or program Gleason and Fred MacMurray. (8 8 »4 t) Dajrs af Ow Lives (C> Scene" Pot, Oraaa, Harylane, left her husband confined to I French Chef (844) He . (0 > keyed to vaudeville; . also (844) NawijrweJ Oaws (C> 8:88 (8) Bad Bkattaa Haw (C) Acid, familiar worda with un­ an Iron lung but marked him Griffith’s new aeriea Is being ( ) Gakliu Ltokt as number one suspect. I Caaa. Issae I (8) Oaidlu UM ( 0 > Bitrhata McNair and Tom 8 (G> Oueato; Martha Raya. TTw familiar meantnga In today'a I Black Jearaal B (IMELWirhe Doctors ( ) Jones. readied fo r nesot season, as is a (884844) fks Dactoba (C) Vocuea. youth vocabulary. The world M;M (8> Movie 0 "Marjorie Komingatar" Gene I Fsrsyte Saga (844) Dathm (O) (8 M) The Jarvivors (C) comedy vehice (or Mias Moore, (844) Dattu Oaae (O) (884888) Jalla (C) of narcotlca, how many of to­ A Family Scandal (8) Be SalX She Said (0 ) (U ) DcBa Hesse (C) (8) Be BaWC Ska SaM (C> (848) Mavla day'a teenagera, today’a par- Kelly, Natalie Wood. Story of wbo spent five yean as Van "Wake Me When War Is Ovar" young love and struggle be­ 14:44 The Advocates (C) (888884) Aasther World (C) (8) Deris Day Shew (C) (8848-84) Aaalker WsiU (C) enta, know all the/ ahould (844) Ocaaral HsspWal (0 ) (8) Carol Baraelt Shew (C) Dyke’s on-Qie-alr wife. Carl Re­ (844) Oaaeral BaapMal (O) 8:84 (S8S844) Mavtoe about the proMemaT Thia film tween decency and desire; Maaday, October U (8) Osaser Fylc —USMc <0> Guests; Ken Berry. Tim (8) Oawar Fyle — U8MG (0) "Tha fleer and (he Piueycat" narrated by Robert Mltchum, Herman Wouk. (C) iner, who created the original VHIorio Gaaicnan. Eleanor (44) Here Come the Stars (888884) Mtoht Promise (O) Qmway. (888884) B v M Fraatlsa (G) travels to hippie meeting I Bellpse el the Saa (C) (844) One LHe to Live (C) (844 )Leve Amerleaa Style Van Dyke show, wlU develop a (844) Oaa l2 e to Uve (C) ~ Parker and Ann • Marfrri. grotaids around world and Host, Joey Bishop I m a t’s New (8 4 88 84 44) News —Weather (1) Raagar Btatiaa (O) Young glri’a prelerence tor takes a cold, hard, medical (8 )Baager Btatiaa (G> new show for the star for tbe U;44 (844) News — Weather gad I Oaten Tag (888884) Letters to LaagbJa aad B^rto (C) (884844) Letters I LaathJa mature men naa rejuvenaltoc look at realities of drug abuse. ^ r t s (C) I Drags Use aad Abase (84) 8m Haal 1871-72 season. Omway may be (4) Mika Daastaa i ew (C> efteet on an lultoa buelneaa (M) Yob Asked Far I f (M) Film (4) Mike Dcagiaa Shew (0) ( ) Merv Orlflla Shew (C) (U) TaoBFa 18 man who had begun lo worry I Freaeh Chef (U) Tenve U 8 brought In a t midseaaon in a liM (I) dsany Qaast (C> U:84 (8) Satarday Spectaealar (C) Timbales 4:84 (18) : , (888884) TSalgbl Shew Jaha- (48) Dark Hhaiawi about appmnchiag middle age. Champisaship Wrestllag Young iruui returns home to Barney BIgard (844) Jeay Bishsp Shew (C) (884844) News Oov. Drtakwaler feata that be oonfnmted by half-brother (888884) News (0) bat photographers. (G> »:N (») Big S Tnealer I NET Jearaal (C) (8) Haaal (O) 1:44 m Mevto (8) Haaal (C) J.J.’s romance wKh hand- "Down to the Sea In Ships" '<( he'd never known. Robert Ufe Style (IS) PJ>.0; "True Story of Jeaae James" The star system is not loot on (U ) F.D.Q. tome movie etar may have Whaling captain takes son to Mltchum, George Fvpard, 14:44 Lseal CaUaral Affairs (84) My Uttie Margie ’87 Story of James Bros. Is Uie other networks, parUcularly (88) Mv UMe Marfis turned her head irben ahe sea and dies In a shipwreck. George Hamilton, Eueanor 14:14 CsavenatIcB wl Victor told up to time of Jesse’s ( ) Mtoa Daastos Skew (C) auddeidy laavea (or Hollywood. Parker, (88) MUm Dsaglas Hhew (O) 88 Richard Wldmark. Lionel Blesel (8844) (0 ) murder. Robert Wagner, Hope NBC, which has B<>b Hope, Alan (8844) Fitototoaas (C) 18:88-(8) 48 Mtoatoa (C> Barrymore, Dean Stockwell. (84) Taalght Shew (0) B S:44 (8) Perry Mae Lange. Jeffrey Hunter. (C) King, Johnny Carson and many 8:84 (8) Farry (8) Mareae W a ^ M.D. IC> liM (»dd) Wide World of Sporto "The Burning GlH" 8:44 Cean. Issae In's’’ Goldie Hawn will develop (844) Jaay Biihey Bhow (C> 9 :30-10 p.m. 11:44 (44) News—HeadUaea—U AF 1:44 NET Festtval (C) (84) Bamge (84) FBm on 4:M (»dS> IfCAA FeatbaD (C) 8 (84) (M B m ’s (8884) Haalley - BriaUcy Be- Into a major star. (14) OBltoaa’a lalaaj (14) Taalght Maw Oklahoma va. Texas Bellgioas FUm * Stga Off Net Presents Miss Peggy Lee (44) Traw ar Oaasaaaaaees 4:84 ( ) N » UH4 (I844> TaalghTlbaw (C> U:14 (14) Late Show (C) 14:14 EEN Chrsalele (44) Tratt er t (C) ABC has some heavyweights 8 Batman (C) 4:44 (8 8 ) Weather S ) Local News HEW 80NG8 4:44 (81) Wealkar — Byarto aaJ ktta 1:41 (t) UmAt 4iM (I) Maa From Uaelo (C> (O) "None Shall Escape" Alex Man. Music, Movement News (C) (4>. Na "UtUa Egypt" ’81. Mark Knox portrays Caech teacher Nows (0 ) 7:44 (8) After Dtoaar Movie Nine new songs by Moose in tbe wings: Johnny Cash, Sit* (M> Sklppy (01 liM ( » Jackie Olaasaa Shaw 10) (U> My Favertte Marlkm "List of Adrian Messenger” (U ) My Favartts Marilaa IXil Btevena. RhoiMla Flamtog. (O 4:M (I) Brad Davla Show Dtah Vaafaa Dyka (8) Newt —Mameato af Oeaa- to follow HlUer d u r ^ WW H (84) Bat Msstersm ’Sa (Sever murderer resorts Oueats: Bobby Vinton, The jSdd) Datlag Game <0> (88) nahUghto (C) to dlagidses to order to kill "Hans Brlnker,” a two-hour perdinck and Robert Goulet. (18) MtekUaMa (C) (84) a 8aaai% to Aattaa Cowallla, Season Premiere. giW (Sdg> Newlywed Oama (0) (uiuslng tragedy to hu famUy ’ •( Oktol Saa B (80) McHale’a Navy <8844) Itoy - Maktoy Ba- (48) Nawe -UBAF I WiuU’s New (84) McHale’s Navy neariy doaen people. Kirk Only CHsh is a sure thing, with Oaten Tag 4:48 (44) Rawhids (jooper, George c. Scott. cast Dec. 14 oo NBC. Cbaralp his country music show pmteUed 4:14 (44) BawhUa 4:48 TSS) Lsaal Naws 88 Ifews (MS) Lawraaea Walk Shew 1:44 (8) ChMer Theatre 4:84 ( ) News with Waller Fearth Estate 8 Craw (84) Haafley - Brinkley Be- wrote the tunes for the Bhnmy in to return at mldBeaeon. I Beak Beat hita (C> ' part (0 ) (M)~ ~HaatlST-Brlak ' ’-Brlaklay Here’s la m "The Hell with Heroes" Rod ---- (1) Mameat sf MedUatlan * Sumner Locke Elliott ■cMs (W)__ Haatley-BAik ikloy Beport ’Taylor, Claudia Cardinalc, Slga Off I News la Ferspeetiv (C) ■ s (U ) Mavis "Peter Pan." Humperdinck in London this (M) News — Weather—Sports Hairy Ouardlno ft Kevin Mc- > (M) News B Sign Oft On Belag Blad (C> (U ) Dick Taa Dyke (888844) News — Weather Basis of Need month, in the eiqieotatton that the BhigUsfa singer wlU catch Tkarsday, October 11 fire as Tom Jones did. WEDNESDAY JO PROGRAM I Focas aa Swedea B (C) Miss Bailey and Goulet are 1:88 (8) Oiri Talk (C> ooupl* Um probltina tiMt mrtm I m a t’s New committed to qiecials, too, and (848) Draaai Haaaa (C) ov«r «Umony thould I fc^rvlser Self Develapmeat (N ) FBm old* lo ro’inorry. An Incldont t laglea Fara Tsdas an offer of a series coulddevd- (88) At Bama with EMy (C) Al nlRtilciub brUmi ooupU SUNDAY PROGRAM Both sets feature a b ig 19" teClMir tMfom l l w dAcreo, JO » Waridngtoa Week la Review op. (88) DIveraa Coart (C) NET Playksase diagonally measured screen, Id s (8) At the Warid Taiae (01 U ii IMIa Ba m a 4CI • (M) Agrlealtare ea Parade 4:44 (1814) AFL Past Intruding (881888) Vaa're FaMtog Ma UtM Hawaii it'l (M) Thb Is the_LHe Houston OUera va. Kansas City 14:44 News la Perspective B (C) built-in UHP and VHF anten­ Ob (0) Tourtat hA* iUrIiI on town And (1) Sign Ob sad Prayer Chiefs (844) Let’e Make a Deal (C) Atlni up IlfAtune o( trcwblA (1) The Christapkers MIcaaaI PArtu. OiMAl: Alda, Vladimir Bokoloff. MUd- 8:14 (1) Oaldtog UgU (C) (4) Awake Jsyee Chen Cashs B makes service a snap. SUNDAY: "The Bd SulUvan (884844) fkeDectore (C) f^ATWtr* liAfllAA. (11) Oral Roberto (C) maimered professor la ordered Peking Duck I 11:44 (8884844) haws — WaaUwr (44) Bible Story iiulde Germany on vital mis­ 7:14 Smads far a Sammer Night Model MY73GY Show," Lee Marvin sings, 8-8 (1-44) Dailag Obbu (C) and Bparto (G) (1) Watld Areaad Us (0) sion behind enemy lines for Olatunjl a Afro Jass Ensen^e 4:14 (1) He Bald, Bha Bald (C) (lai Mavis OSS. Model MY74W with Walnut p.m. on CBS... "FantasUc Voy­ (881844) ABalbar WatM (C) (44) Maa Maal (I) Faith ler Tedsy (0) with Dancers and Drums o f age," film of a trip through a (II) New Three Steeges (C) (44) Allred HHekeeck , Passion trim cabinet. (841) Oaaaral Heepitol (C> 11:11 (I) Nswa — Waathar aad (14) F Treep "Change of Address" I Local Caltaral Affairs B human body, with Stephen Boyd 8:44 d ) Oemar Pyla — USMC (C) Bparto (C) (44) Sacred HeaH (44) 11 O'clock High I The Prestdeat’s Mea (0) (I848W) B r ^ Fraaetoa (C> 11:44 ( -1 riarv Uriftia Hhsw IG) (1) University ef Mlehlgaa 7:44 (1) Lassie (C) ) NET Playheasa and Raquel Welch, 811 p.m. on (844) Oae ula to Uve (C) (181844) Tsa(gbl Biww Jaha. (1) Ckrist^hers (C) (1884) WUd Klagdam (C) I Jass Alley B ABC. 4d4 (I) Raagar Btatiaa (C) ay Gariaa (C) (M) Tales ef Wells Fargo (8) Load el the Olaato (C) (188844) Lattora to LaagbJa (44) Jmqr Wlahap Bhaw (44) This Is the Ufe (SI) News — Weather aad (I) Mika Dsaglas (C) ll;4i (4) Jaay Bliliap Mhaw (G) 4:44 (8) Sacred Heart Sporto (C) MOBfDAT; "Drugs Use and (II) Tamps U (C) I d ! (to Mavla 14:44 (I) Lamp ants My Feet (44) I Snr Abuse," focus on marijuana, (44) Dark Bhadawa "Faafara tor a Death Bnaie" (8) Olalsjiae (C) 7:14 (1) TO Rome with Love (C) 7 ;S0 p jn . on (Channel 24... “ The 4:14 (11) Fhaklsas la Bewto (C) ’48. Richard Kgaa, Hurgam (II) Challes el Balvatlen (C) (1811-84) Waaderfal World af 4:84 (484844 )Nawa (C) Mrrsdilh, Tliw Louiae. (Ml Lot Us Celehrats (C) Dtoaey (C) Mornine Bob Hope Special,’ ’ with Jimmy 4d4 (1) Haaal (C) (88) Nswa aad MIga Off (to) Faith far Today Concluding half of "Three Durante and Donald O’Connor, (U) P.D.Q. (48) Nswa Haadilaar — UBAF 14:14 (1) Look U r sad Uve Lives of Thomasliui” (14) My LIMte Hargis Haitoiaaa Film aad Bhia Off (8) VMIeoa (C) 4:44 (1) Bd SaUlvaa Show (C) TV ^ 810 p.m. on NBC... "M lU i’s 2nd (It) Mika Dsaglas Bh< (C) 1:11 (8) Naws — Mamaato 41 ttom- CIS) I, p-rMlrr of tkr Mass Oueato; V/ooOy Allen, Lee Special," with MItzl Gaynor, 1 8 (I4M) Fltatatoaaa (C) Isri aad Oaidapsato (44) Chrtatophers Marvin, Oliver, 4:44 (8) Parry Maiaa Cher is a guest on CBS’ 1:84 d l News aad weather — M»- 11:4 (1) Camera Three (C) (844) The F.BJ. . (C) ( Monday — Friday) 11 p.m. on NBC. (18) Ham par Batm maal af Medttottee aad Mga (SI Coan, M.D. (C> ItM (181814) Bm Cosby Show (C) (88) Olseavsrtag Amarlea “The Glen Campbell Off ( ) Maastara (U ) Oaldellae (C) 4:44 (1) LoaUe Uggams Show (C) TUESDAY: "The Mystery of 88 Goodtime Hour” (44) laslght Guests; Johimy Mathis, David (44) OBllgaa'a lalaad 11:18 (14) Freatlers af Faith (C) Frye. SlffB 0 « mm4 Fnyer Animal Behavior,’’ a NaUonal ■ ;M (44) Waaibsr Wednesday 7:30-8:30 11:14 (I) PereeptloB (C) M arianna Hill in (S84iJ4> Baaaaaa (C) STANEK p.m. NBC’s “The High "Fanlaatlc Voyage" Stephen laflalle Heriwaa es the war. 10-11 p.m. on CBS. (U ) Da A t o Z wounded by enemy agents that 8:84 ELECTRONICS torio Gassnian and Eleanor (44) “ Eepert (O) surgery la Impossible. Oom- (M) Coasaltadea Parker, 811:17 p.m. blned Miniature Deterrent______277 B R O A D S T R E E T — P H O N E 649-1124 WEDNESDAY: "K ra ft Music (44) TwetS ar ( RENTAL CENTER Forces a superoecret oiganl- (1) Memtog Bellecllsas (C) "NET Presents Miss Peggy H ail," country music with Ten­ 4d4 (84) U :tt (M) Jewish Ufa (C) (I) News (C) (C) U:44 (1) We Believe L ee," the Jan singer on and nessee Ernie Ford as host, 8 Nawe "Protestant" men and equipment to microbe (M) slue so they can work' from (18>814) Today Show (C) off stage, 8 D.m. on Channel 24. 10 p.m. on NBC... "Divorce II (I) telatoealed Man 8:40 (S’ Cipt. Kangaroo (C) (14) Bible Answers inside the dentist’s brato to (M) The FllatolMes ..."60 Minutes." in one segment American Style," film ooanedy (81) HltkHghti (14) Btag Areaad the WsrM repair the Injury. ((j) (84) HhHab’e Navy (44) Jack LaLaaae’ Show of martial probl'jms, with Dick (44) Naws (44) Coiaga Feelban *44 14:44 (1) MIssIsb) Impossible (C) (8) m p Blehards Shaw (C) U:18 (M) FOeas IC> Force fights muid-deatroytog ( ) The Movie Oame Van Dyke an’I Debbie Reynold!, 4:44 (44) Haaktii drug that could enalava the 8 Make a Difference Where You Save! 4d4 (I) Nawe wtth Waltor C U-HAUL 11:14 (I) Face the NsUaa (14) FBm 8 II p.m. on ABC. . (8) Way Oat (C) free world. Part I. (M) DavM Frost Show (C) IT DOES klto (M) Bellgleaa Series (C) (188814) M d Ones (0) (84) Oalloplag Osarmet (C) (41 Nawe wMb Fraah (II) Ualvaralty sf Maas. Fso4- ’"The People Against Ortega" THURSDAY: "The Natural aaIMa (44) Leave It to Beaver (It) Dtoh Vaa Dyke ball _ (C) Burl Ives. Joseph Campanella (1) Yagl Bear Shaw (C) -ft A ^ INSTANT HI 'cr • Our World- The UMasa vs, Boston U and James Farenttoo. In re­ (1) Lacy Show (C) (44) Haw ttertoeae (14) Mast the Caadidalea (C) trial DarreU makes most of (8) Dear Jolla Meade (C) Time of Man," evolution o f Ufe (8844) ttaaflay . ■rtttotoy 1:44 (I) The NFL Today (0) 0 »gal loophole as he defends (84) Film on rtith. narrated by Richard R*ntin9 Equipment Pittsburgh va. New York ^oung man who was wrcng- S A VI M G S EARNINGS 8:14 Tito LaMi Naws (14) News (C) 7d4 d ) What to tha Warid (1) Yala FaatbaU HlghUghto nilly convicted of murder. with NaUOie Wood and Robert (U» Haris #48-4611 einlse. (1814) AFL FsalbaB aad <1811-84) Coaeeatraltoa (C> ... y/ArW#______4 ttmee yearly. BasrhaS (1) Movto (1811 j 4) Sale of Ceatary (C) Redford, 811 p.m. on CDS. n Tollhiid Tpka., Mhwchastar (U) Dhrlslaaal Playofls and "Ball a Crooked Ship” Rob- (44) Nears (C) w eM Sartos eri Wagner, Dolores Hart, (1) Love at Ufe (C) FRIDAY: ’’Where Angels 1:44 (1) Speaklag for the OaBSBBH Carolyn Jones, Frankie Ava­ (G) J181M4) Haltarwaod Sqaares lOtT M A IN 8 T„ MANCHESTER e ROUTE U, COVENTBT Go. . .TrouMe Follows.’ ’ fUm Guaata: Doa He, Char, Clllf at (C) lon. Ernie Kovacs. Young (8) Beal Ik e fW k (C) REM (44) Pletaie far Baaday Altor- man to love arlth his boa? Arquette. Chaair Aader K e M tm ttn n Mid (44) Oallsatog Ooarmr eomedy of about a girls' school, (18S8M The VItgtolaa daughter decides Instead of U:44 ( ) Tsrolva (PCIoek ! TYPEWRITERS A ir OotodltloiiliiK apping an old liberty ship 8 RcpcH wUb Rosalind Ruisell and atel- <8lto Piftwi Maa "Magno at Sea" (C) 8d4 (844) r e e r ^ lp af ■ SBPAIR SERVICB 1:U (4) Health (C> to have it refuted. la Stsvens, 811 p.m. on CBS. iUaoe (Sl-M) Taahht Show Jehaay Father GURflWTEED 1:14 (I) Buiday M: ll: t t (8) News (C) t d t U ) Bevarfy HBtotBtoa "Charlie______Chan and Treasure Crtem (O 11:88 (8> Search far Tomarraw (C) Island" Sidney Toler. Cesar U:44 (44) News Besditoes — UlAF <*►5-84) Name Droppers (C) MANCHESTER (844) Beam t U 649-6733 Romero. (^ rU e is caUed to BeUgtoas FUm aad SMa (Nt BEST 4d4 (8) M idteit Caafar 1C) SERVICE to solve murder of author li44 (1) Mavis .. . . " » • OW brings tragedy to her faml'v. Chsmptoaihto Sertoa OLDSMOBILE 'SSSS Loa Angelea va. San Francisco her newbors aad i ' hers^.' A aahite to tbe Amarlcan Dates, teams and starting CAR, “Your OMniMbBo Doolw** workers and American know-how times to be annouaced. Trmi Bruit Ferd to heal af reqionstble tor ertoUng pro­ jects once thought to be bnpoo- r ^ ^ a J E E T e f MEMORIAL CORNER STORE S1^ WEST CENTER ST. - MS-ISII ebuatry Matte itosnlattm PARTY GOODS — QRRBTINO CARDS — M A O A llim — OROOERIBS Arthur Kennedy. Diane Mo- Bible — Inchidtng the PanoinA (1-44) Mavla _ MMEWt on. Bain. Cbostance T>nrd. Stephfuiie Powers stars Canal and Goldan Oata "Dtvaros Ajwsrteaa totto’’ COLO CDT8 -> FRO m — VCGRTARIJCS (4) News —Maaaeato af Cam- i WB DEPEND ON T O C ------TO C CAN D E PEN D ON CS in ABCs “Love Amer­ Bridga — wrill ba preaented to (84) News aad Off ican Style," Monday a one-boor program, "R wt OPEN SEVEN DAT* A WERE TUX mDHlOBT 8:88 (8) Nows aad B NEW or USED MatIa M AIN BT. M meal at ModMa 10-11 p.m. Qiuhta't Be Done," April 2. ljl OH P A G E F O U R MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, O C TO B E R 11, 1969 TH U R SD AY JO PROGRAM (I) Old Tidk (C) liSS (M> FUm (2S) Haatley -Brtakley B » (22) At Home witb Kitty (C) (M> Dhraree C M it (O) Tratk ar Csasejaeaeas iS) (Sd Draam Hm m (G) (U ) M arie 1:M (S) A* tke W*iM Tana (O) (2SSS-IS) News — Weather ( » » - M ) Y m ’» PatUac tta —SparU aaS Peatare Oa (G) 2:SS (XS4S-SS) Daaiel Beaae (G> *!*• TklBf ***• •» • ttaajf gpInJerei (S-tS) Okeet aaS Mrs. Malr StSS -M) Datkn D ane (G> (tS-SSdS) IraasMe (G) S:IS (S) Merle Aaether WesM "Inside Daisy Oover" Story ( ^ ) Oeaeral Hssy ltal of youns giri’s rise to star­ (S) Oamer Pyle — V8MG Haayer Stattaa r. Natalie Wood. Butli Gor- _____ (IS) Della Beese (G) Basal (C> Guests are Oeone Bunu, (U ) P.D.O. Orson Bean, Jack Gilford. Joey Heathertoo and the MSls (SS) My U ttle M ante Bros. < 0 ) MUw Daaglaa h s w Tkis Is the LBe Zooey Hall appears on (Si) Maastars ABC’s “The New Peo­ ?tf) 1K3S (M) OUllcaa's Islaai (SS) The Detectiree S:tS (M> W c ^ r ple,” Monday 8:15-9 U:SS (S) Merr Ortffla Skew (G) S:SS (S> Stamp the Stars (O) (SSdSdS) Tealght Shaw J A a - (IS) UaSarSes p .m . a r Carsaa (G) (SS) US N ary PBm i,e a (SS> OUlna's Islaatl News < S ^ WaaBu . Itilailsj Ba­ S:M Glri Talk (0> Jotuuun, Bobert Taylor. (C ) (SS) kliin (S) Bias FamSy 8^ (M) At Bnne witk KiUr (C) elal TG) (SS) DlTeree Ctmit (G) (W) Hera Came Ike BrMee Shuns the Young (S-W) Drmun Hm u s (G> (IS ) Della Beaae . Lere Is a Maa/ 8pleaStri4 young singers. His appeal la to His father Mlaws him in a spe­ CM%M) Dare ef Oar LWm an older audience. cial on the same network Nov. I*Ss}S;“^a5 S M .°“ *“ ?G, UiM (sT toeetaealar Actually, young people have 13. (Se-SSSS) TfceDartaea (G) ■■The Yellow KoUs-Royce’ ’ 'S6 few opportunities to bsnr Ida. . „ (S-M) Daltaa Game (G) Several adventures mvolvlns Young Sinatra has been de­ S:W (S) Be 8al3. Ske Sell (G) of JanCT yeUopw BolD- He eschews pop music for old Royce. In s M Bersman. Shir- scribed ss “6 folqg on 40." His Aaelker WeiM (O) standards and show tunes, w hs . ^ (*-**) Geeersl Heepltel (G) ey Ma«aAlne, Rea Banisem. outlook Is msture and aeriotia. suUet for a Badmaa** 'iL makes tew records. S:SS (S) Geeeer ^ le — DBMG (G) Audto M u ^ , Rtta Lee. D i? " I nuiat bs s oomgtate square," rra McOavtaL (rn His only regular television sp- te Lhre (O) he says. Hla clothes are show i (S> Beaaer Stettoa (G) (S »M ) Tealckt Shew Jett- pearanoe was last year as one ey Canew / of the stars of the Dean Ifhrtln from being mod. He says he lis­ (IS) Teaipe IS 1:SS (S) Neira — Meauate e f Gaat- summer show, which was aimed tens to rock music only "to see («> Dark Hhaiiwe tor mature viewers. (U> Fasklsas la Sewhw If I’m making too harsh s Judg^ (SSSSSS) News (G) •Tulea" Robert Preaton and Aad, most- of his sppesrsncM ment about B." (S) Haael }o) Hayanud star in thia pre In night clubs, where, ss he (U ) FJD.Q. ' oMorhd adventure story of t^ lr discovery of oO In Ofckr. points out, "you have to he over He demurs at being called a I S i a e ^ M i r (C) 31 to get In." star, erven the star of his own . _ (3S-M) Fnatatikes <0) special. He points out that Hie StSS (S) Ferry Meeea But Sinatra Isn’t worried. He (IS) Beaieer Bean Viiu»nt P ri(» on CBS’ ttto(SS?*S£ SS" o« figures he hsa the kind of voice special is loaded with such tal­ (SS) ThaaSe SS and repertoire that wtU go on ent as hla father and slater, (SS) Maaatera “ T h e Good Gusrs,” F r i­ forever. Oosslng his fingers, he Nancy, Sammy Davis Jr., Jack S.M day 8-8:30 p.m. said, " I don't see how a good B. Leonard, Jack Benny and (O) old-fashioned singer in hronS of Arte J(dinson. " I think c f myself Our SPEEDY Specialty an audience can lose." more as s master of ceremonies {» S:U . (W) Tnrth ar StSS (S> News wkh WaHar Gna- TRULY DEUaOUS Viewers will get anotbMr than star,” be said. StW (SS) Weather (O) News (C) (S). News wMh Ftaak The whole thing points up a (IS) My Favarlla Mertlaa CHICKEN dilemma for young (Unatra: he (SS> t o r t ! Shaw (IS) Disk Vaa Dyke Brown in 6 MianUs la BtUI thought of v a iy much as (1S> HMltehta (C) (SMS)- HaaHay - .IfartakHr Be- (SS) M e iiile ’ s Nw hla father's son. (W ) Nawe • : « S n Leeal Haws The world'a •Ttosst e s W ItSS (S) Death TaBw Days ehlekea’* wlUi tacoassmuMs A visitor to bis New York o^ ------aMoI minor w taste. flee esumot help being struck by his aavlaa to< boy a jto l I the overwhelming reaembisnoe. flnd more notice made around ballevod lo worthleae. OAIX IN OUOKB me about Nancy .than about my (SS) HaaBs, Brhdday Be- ^ t a m k Not only looks and singing, but (C) Ptek Up 1# Mtontaa I b Ict father. Isn't It strange how ^Tnrih ar < > (C> the way he weurs his clothes, (U> “ ■ ELECTRONICS the stance, the way he holds s times have (dianged?" cigarette. (O) DECrS DRIVE-M LABORATORIES 7dS |f> Get Mwait (C) (MS CENTBB ST. SM M m Has having a famous father (C) helped or hurt him In his ca­ (G) Glen Campbell SiSS (G) 277 BROAD reer? He knur the gnsstlsB (S-W) B ta^ Beaeh (C) would come up socaier or later StSS (S) BagaaK Hatses ( 0) Is His Own Man (sa ssii) Ns b m a l the .SHOP aw and he was not disturbed by tt. Bobert Slack tat "Oat "It’s beta a Uttle to of Oommand’*. Oueats are Doi^ SAVE (Ooatinned from Page One) thy I^moor, PtreeU Bobarts FJI. m AJL both," he anawere(L *Tm J iM ata Sktoey Blarkmer. FKirell WHERE sorry people have to took at It at In everything to e . Hs'd be i ’* w iman Mate prison A'M YOU SEE all, but human nature being great If he aimed his taiento at taetonTto ^ £ a rt^ la s k s in ^ CAR what It Is, I guess they shmys enmettring besldea ruling the . **rvUee of ptieoneie THIS wUl. It's too had peai^e c a n t' SI to lOCGl fGmMfB. SIGN look at it to what it Is and act Lasf month the Smotben *’** ^LL^***** STEREO for what they think It Is. Brothers agreed to seU their 80 PLEhrS TSXAOO "Actuslly,” he asM. wMh a per cent IntereM in the show to ** dismayed arben pmsreeilie trace of a smile, "Nancy Is SSI MAm ar. RADIOS Cam^U for a price reported at StVST'StSuc rirt'fS S i more of a oompetitlve spirit to ft mlUlon