PAGE THIRTY-TWO FRIDAY, OCTOBER ^10, 1909 ^ iHanrlirat^r lEtt^ntn^ Herald D d i y N M \ ■ \- H ie Weather Bentley School PTA will q>on- ’Two members of Scsndla FLETCHER C LA SS GO. MANcai»T» About Town sor a fair tomorrow from 10 Lodge, Vasa Order of America, A High tomperature this after­ a.m. to 2 p.m. at the sdiool. were elected officers of the Con­ noon around 70. Partly olbudy The final day of the threenlay There will be games and re­ necticut District Lodge No. 1 at 15,790 tonight, arlth tog and drizzle 6494521 garage aale, eponsored by the A T PERO'S 5 4 McKEE STREET ______________ freshments. ‘Toys, rummage, its 78rd annual oonventkm. into Swulay monilng. Fair and Senior Choir of the Salvation ORCHARD FRESH: M acs, OortUnds, Bad DeUdooaJMbip C to y o ^ rWmgt, Chmrm Now la the time to bring in your acreens to be nsiMlrad. baked goods and home made They are Mias Carol Werdelin, waim Stmday aftamoon. Army! will be tomorrow from candies will be on sale. Dona­ vice district master; and Miss gowan, WealOqr Applea, Boon Paon, VOL. LW ziz, ^o. 10 Storm window replaced. , | 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 07 Hack­ Peachea. (EIGHTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) tions for the fair may be left Llllja Strazinskas, assistant MANCHESTER; CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1969 a * P > «s U ) PRICE TEN CENTO AUTO BLASS INSTALLED matack ,8t. at the scluxd tonight untO 8:30 master of ceremonies. Scandia Pumpkins ^ Omirds — Tndlan' Omn ~ Prash Cider and tomorrow morning before Lodge was awarded permanent NATIVE: TomatoM, Cauliflower, Aemm and B^tyim t The American Legion will fair time.. possession of a silver Revere Squash, Egg Plant, Bostui aaid Salad Lettaee, BLASS FURNITURE TOPS have a free anack night and a Cukes, Hot and Bed Peppers, Corn, Shell aad bowl for having the most new Car Rips Apart, record dance tonight at 8 in the Lima Beans, Green and Yellow Squash, Pans, The Women’s Fellowship of members in the three-year dis­ MIRRORS (Fireplace aad Door) fireplace room at the Post White and Yellow Globe ’Turnip#, White and Center Congregational Church trict campaign. Five Youths Die home. The event is open to Sweet Potatoes, Leeks, ShaDota, Chlneae and Russia Sends will hold its fifth annual rum­ STRACUSB, N.Y. (AP) — PICTURE FRAMINB (all types) members and guests. Bed Cabbage, Anise, BrocoolL n f J mage sale Oct. 18 from 9 a.m. FBESH: Peachea, Bed White and Bine Oraiwa, Bone^ A hlgb-posvared ear with sev- Pope Paul Says Democracy Reservations close tonight (or W INDO W and PLATE B L A SS to 1 p.m. In Woodruff Hall. the Autumn Dessert Bridge, dews, Cantaloupes, Seckel Pears, Barflett SM n young peoide inside went Nutmeg Oemcrafters will Clothing, pocketbooks, house­ Boso Pean, Pomegranates, Plums, Grapefruit. out of oontrol Friday night Tab Enclosure from $30 to $45 phn installation meet tonight at 8 at East Hart­ sponsored by'the Women’s Aux­ hold utensils, toys, records and iliary of Manchester Memorial riom m ed into a troe ahd spUt ford Parks Department Build­ books will be sold. Mrs. William Duo in Space to three ports before coming Ho^ltal, and may be made by ing, Remington Rd. The meet­ Minnlck, chalmmn, will 'be as­ to rest wMi five of Its pas­ ing is open to those who are OOTitactlng Mrs. Chester Fer­ WEEKEND SPECIALS sisted by Mrs. Albert BogU, ris, 32 Gerard St. The event will M oeoow (AP) — Tba Soviet sengers dead. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ interested in learning to cut and bit. None ik the pnevloua No Way to Run a Church Mrs. Walter Hilinski and Mrs. NATIVE PEACHES.............. 16 q t in k t t polish semi-precious gems. be held ’Tuesday at 1 p.m. at Uukjn sent tiro ooamanauts Into manned flights by ths RusaUns A veteran poDce officer 'Thomas Benson. There will be the Fellowship Hall of Second LETTUCE .............................. ......................... have gone beyend earUt orbit, Mdd it wus the worot eudh free parking in back of the town apace today with the task ot t Amriioiiy F< SctftltlO I' SpCoJcCI’ The Rev. J. Stanton Conover, Congregational Church. PINK GRAPEFRUIT............................8 for so far as is knoam. acetdent he had seen in 36 haU. welding metals to weightless Tsas said the cabin of the yearo of poUce work. riV I IMIIUINU pastor of Bolton Ck>ngregational CUKES .................................................... S conditions, spporently a step to­ VATICAN CITY (AP) Dr. Richard B. Wylie at 67 Church, will conduct a service bulb-tiKwd Soyus 6 iwintshwMt Nona of tite dead wus iden- Board of Diiwefon Nutmeg Alumnae Chapter at VISIT OUR IMPORTED BASKET DKPLAY ward building an <q>eratlonal Ufied imnoediaMy. — Pope Paul VI opened the ' Kennedy Rd., assistant pro- Sunday at 8:10 a.m. on radio Bullet Nicks Jazzman space platform. its pressure, temperature, hu­ t UvoB at 228 Parker St. Gamma Sigma Sigma, national We Carry The Manchester Evening Herald . midity and artifleial atmospher­ PoUce aaid the car left a second world syn(>d of bish­ teaaot of education in the School station WINP. The program is women’s service sorority, will NEW YORK (AP) — Miles Teas aaid the men, aboard the Wife Dolores and two sponsored JolnUy by the Man­ COHPLE’TE U N E OF SUNDAY PAPIBM ic composition in the early stage four-lane roadway at an esti­ ops today with a warning sons. U. S. Coast Oiuurd of Education at the University meet Sunday at 2 :30 p.m. at the Davis, the jazz trumpeter, was •pneeonft called Bayum 6, “ feel chester Ck>uncll of CThurches and OPEN • AJd. to • PJH. DAILY of the flight mated speed of more than 80 that the Roman Catholic ’Sl-’64. Grad. Michigan of Connecticut, will be the main home of Mrs. Michael Saul, 81 nicked by a bullet he said was One’’ after the launching from mfles per hour. the Manchester Clergy Associa­ fired at him Thursday as he sat the Soviet Unton. The last manned flight of the Church could not be gov­ Technologloa} U n lv. Hanover St., Talesvllle. Soviet Union was last January Ike rear of the vabicle J FVnmer engineer at FWA. speaker at a seminar for read­ tion. in his parked car on a Manhat­ It was the 18th Soviet manned erned by democracy. struck a tree, officer# said, 4 Presently In partnerahip ing teachers, consultants, and tan street q»oe shot, informants in Mbs- when the spacecrafts Soyua 4 Manchester Green PTA will and Soyus 0 rendesvouaed and and ilie m*ddie and front aec- He told the btohope he oonsNk 4 In Good-way Copy Center. supervisors in the U<3onn Uriel Lodge of Masons will Davis, 42, told police the gun­ cow said more launchings could meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the cosmonauts Alexei S. Yeliseyev ttone oonCImied another 180 •red MmseU the sole head ot the M e m b e r (Manchester meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at man was one of three men who PH F P n PRODUCE!" follow in the next day or so with Church and would be the judge 4 Reading-Study Center on Oct. school auditorium. After a so­ feet in two pieces. Country Club and Faienits the Masonic Temple, Merrow. jumped out of a taxicab and the aim of carrying out a dock­ and Yevgeny V. Khrunov trans­ 18. cial hour, parents will have the The rear oortian of the oar, of how much authority he would a u b B)ast Catholic High. The Fellowcraft degree will be that five shots were fired, sever­ ing experiment. ferred from Soyus 0 to Soyus 4. Volunteer Fireman Diet. He will address the confer­ opportunity to sit in their chil­ 276 OAKLAND ST., MANGHESTEB — 6«S-«n« •hare with them. conferred. After the degree al striking his automobile. A The Soviet Union hailed this as where two of the bodies were Na S. Present member at ence on "Reading Supervision.” drens’ classrooms and hear There were reports in Moscow found, was almost Imbedded Dtosident prieete meeting in work, refreshments will be companion, Marguerate Esk­ before the launching that the So­ the “world’s flrat axperlmental Board o f Directors. InformeiUon and registration teachers describe the school space staflen." in the three. The other vic- Rome called the pronouncement served. ridge, escaped injury. viet Union was preparing a "conservative.’ ’ Qne said the 4 forms can be obtained from program. But Western space experts in tima lay along the road. the reading-study center. complex space docking experi­ Pope "to really throarlng the 4 For The ACTION Teem ment involving two or three MOSCOW aaid there wee no con­ gauntlet In our face." Dr. Wylie recently returned necting paeeageway between 4 from speaking engagements In spaceships and 4 to 12 cosmo­ But Bishop Alexander Carter VOTE DEMOCRATIC nauts. the two 6^pe and that there was ot Canada, s raembar o f the 4 Houston and Austin, Tex., and no known advantage to having The reports stemmed from a synod who has criUctoed ths tra- This Ad Spenaored By The Kansas City, Mo. He is a the two ships linked expect that (ien. Hershey 4 Mon cheater DemoBratlo Town Committee member of the New England weekend, article in Izvesfla, the diUonsl concept of papal author­ it doubled the number of coamo- ity, called the speech "• vary 4 BOOEB BODOBO. 'nreos. and International Reading As­ government newspaper, show­ nauts in orbit. ing a sketch of an orbital space balanced proaentsUon on the 4 sociation, and the research com­ Of this new mlseksk Tsee (Mr.
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