Consultation Summary Report

Crown Hotel Resort Barangaroo South Submitted to Planning & Environment On Behalf of Limited

Volume 1 of 1

7 July 2015  13351

Reproduction of this document or any part thereof is not permitted without prior written permission of JBA Urban Planning Consultants Pty Ltd.

JBA operates under a Quality Management System that has been certified as complying with ISO 9001:2008. This report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with that system. If the report is not signed below, it is a preliminary draft.

This report has been prepared by:

DoubleKrista Murphy click to insert signature 7/07/2015

This report has been reviewed by:

LesleyDouble Bull click to insert signature 7/07/2015

Contents 1.0 Introduction 2 1.1 Site location and context 2 1.2 Purpose of report 2 1.3 Hotel Resort Development 2 2.0 Community and stakeholder engagement overview 3 3.0 Consultation methodology 4 4.0 Stakeholder consultation 6 4.1 Stakeholder meetings 6 4.2 Planning Focus Group Meeting 8 5.0 Community and local business consultation 11 6.0 Next steps 33 7.0 Attachment A – Communication materials 34 7.1 Postcard 34 7.2 Website 35 7.3 Consultation brochure A4 36 8.0 Attachment B – Postcard distribution 37 9.0 Attachment C – Planning Focus Group Meeting presentation slides 38

Barangaroo South  Consultation Summary Report

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Site location and context Barangaroo is located on the north western edge of the Sydney Central Business District (CBD), bounded by Sydney Harbour to the west and north; the historic precinct of Millers Point (for the northern half), The Rocks and the approach to the east; and a range of new development dominated by large CBD commercial tenants and the King Street Wharf/Cockle Bay precinct to the south.

The 22ha Barangaroo site is generally rectangular in shape and has a 1.4 kilometre harbour foreshore frontage, with an eastern street frontage to Hickson Road. The site has been divided into three distinct redevelopment areas (from north to south) – the Headland Park, Barangaroo Central and Barangaroo South, and has been subject to multiple investigations that detail the physical and natural characteristics of the site.

1.2 Purpose of report This report has been prepared on behalf of Crown Resorts Limited to accompany a State Significant Development Application (SSDA) for the Crown Sydney Hotel Resort at Barangaroo. The Hotel Resort is proposed in accordance with the approved Barangaroo Concept Plan (as modified) and is located within Barangaroo South.

1.3 Crown Sydney Hotel Resort Development The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort development will comprise a single high rise building that will include a hotel, VIP gaming and residential . More specifically approval is sought for: . construction and use of a hotel, VIP gaming facilities and residential building with associated retail and restaurant uses and a basement car park to accommodate parking and servicing allocated to the proposed uses within the development, comprising a total Gross Floor Area of approximately 77,500m2 and a maximum building height of approximately 271 metres (RL 275); . associated building signage; and . provision of services and utilities required to service the building.

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2.0 Community and stakeholder engagement overview

As part of the preparation of the State Significant Development Application (SSDA) for the Crown Sydney Hotel Resort, community and stakeholder engagement has been undertaken throughout 2014 and early 2015. Feedback received in response to this initial consultation has been considered and incorporated into the proposal where feasible.

Consultation has been planned and undertaken as anticipated by the Secretary Environmental Assessment Requirements, with relevant public authorities, community groups and affected landowners.

Crown Resorts has undertaken consultation activities with consideration of the Barangaroo Delivery Authority and Lend Lease’s consultation processes and public messaging for the broader precinct.

JBA has been engaged by Crown Resorts to undertake the consultation activities. JBA has been guided by the International Association of Public Participation’s core values and principles to ensure the process is open and transparent. The consultation activities have demonstrated Crown Resort’s strong commitment to an inclusive engagement process that provides various opportunities for community and stakeholder feedback.

A range of communication methods have been used to consult with and notify the community and stakeholders about the proposal. This will ensure that all parties are informed about the proposal, the planning process and have the opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions prior to the formal exhibition process.

Following lodgement of the SSDA, Crown Resorts will undertake further consultation with the local community and relevant stakeholders during the formal exhibition process, held by the Department of Planning and Environment.

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3.0 Consultation methodology

The communication and consultation methods for the project are outlined below. A systematic approach will be employed to communicate with stakeholders and the community to ensure information is readily available and to provide the opportunity for feedback.

Method of Purpose consultation Crown Sydney Hotel The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort website is the central Resort website portal for all information about the project.

The website provides an overview of the proposal, the appointed architects, information about the overall precinct, artist impressions of proposal and a feedback form to capture comments and questions.

See attachment A and for details. Stakeholder briefings Stakeholder briefings have been held with a wide range of key groups to provide an overview of the proposal, key benefits, potential impacts and risk mitigation strategies and detail about the technical studies undertaken as part of the EIS.

These briefings allow stakeholders to provide their feedback on the proposal and address any concerns they may have about the project. Further meetings and briefings will be held with key stakeholder groups as the project progresses. See below for summary of meetings held to date. Personal doorknock To provide the opportunity for face-to-face open dialogue with members of the community who are located in direct proximity to the site. This enables the community to raise any questions or concerns they may have about the Crown Sydney Hotel Resort, also putting a friendly face behind the project and correct any misinformation reported in the media.

A Questions & Answer document was developed to support the Engagement Team when liaising with the community and stakeholders for consistency.

As well as answering questions, the Engagement Team will also outline the proposed development and discuss measures to be undertaken to reduce the potential impact on the community.

A postcard will be provided with further information, website address and email address to provide feedback. Postcard A postcard has been distributed to ensure all community members and stakeholders in close proximity to the site are informed about the project, the SSDA and are informed of opportunities for feedback.

The postcard includes project information, website address and email address to provide feedback. See attachment A for details.

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Method of Purpose consultation Consultation brochure The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort consultation brochure has been developed to provide an overview of the project, the unsolicited proposal process, summary of key benefits, the planning process and opportunities to provide feedback.

This brochure is available upon request and will be published on the Crown Sydney website. See attachment A for details.

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4.0 Stakeholder consultation

4.1 Stakeholder meetings Crown Resorts, Barangaroo Delivery Authority and Lend Lease has consulted with relevant stakeholders during 2014 and 2015 via briefing sessions and presentations, as outlined below. The purpose of these sessions was to provide a project update, obtain initial feedback on the proposal, answer questions and discuss potential issues.

Stakeholder groups Details of meeting/briefing

. Barangaroo Delivery Authority . Barangaroo Delivery Authority is the land owner of the site and is managing the redevelopment of Barangaroo. . Crown Resorts has been working in collaboration with Barangaroo Delivery Authority throughout the duration of the project.

. Lend Lease . Lend Lease is a project partner and will be responsible for environmental, construction, site management, infrastructure and services provision. . Crown Resorts has been working in collaboration with Lend Lease throughout the duration of the project.

. City of Sydney, Monica Barone, . Crown Resorts met with the City of Chief Executive and Graham Jahn Sydney on 28 February 2014 and presented on the design development for the Hotel Resort. . Feedback provided on the proposed development has been incorporated into the SSDA, where appropriate.

Members of Parliament: . Lend Lease provided stakeholders with a briefing on the Barangaroo . Luke Foley, MLC, Leader of the Master Plan. Opposition (ALP) and Shadow Minister for Infrastructure . Alex Greenwich, Independent MP for Sydney

Peak bodies: . Crown Resorts, Lend Lease and BDA presented to peak bodies to provide . Sydney Business Chamber, Patricia an overview of the project and Forsythe respond to issues raised. . Committee for Sydney, Tim Williams and Michelle Washington . Urban Taskforce, Chris Johnson . Tourism & Transport Forum, Margy Osmond

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. Property Council of (NSW), Glen Byers . Infrastructure Partnerships Australia, Brendan Lyon . Australian Industry Group, Innes Willox

. Barangaroo Business Liaison Group . Liam McKay, Director from JBA and Kristjan Young, Project Coordinator Members include: from Crown Resorts presented to – Brookfield stakeholders on 9 October 2014 to – provide a project overview. – KPMG – American Express – Knight Frank – – King Street Wharf – Excel Building Management – Thiess – Transport for NSW – Barangaroo Delivery Authority

. Alliance . Liam McKay and Kristjan Young Members includes: presented to stakeholders on 2 September 2014 to provide an – Sydney Harbour Foreshore overview of the project. Authority – IMAX . Discussion regarding timing of the project, retail space, including the – Darling Harbour Live type of tenants that would provide – Darling Quarter retail offerings. – Australian National Maritime . Session was positive with Museum encouraging feedback e.g “Sydney – Cockle Bay Wharf needs this type of development.” – Sydney Festival – Lend Lease – – Merlin Entertainment – Verve Communications

. Corporations: . Lend Lease provided stakeholders – Westpac, KPMG, PWC and with a briefing on the Barangaroo Gilbert & Tobin Master Plan.

. Utility service providers: . In addition to the consultation to be – undertaken by Crown Resorts, some of the specialists responsible for the – Sydney Water preparation of the technical reports – Energy Australia for the Environmental Impact – AGL Statement have consulted with relevant stakeholders, including utility services.

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4.2 Planning Focus Group Meeting

On 15 April 2015, Crown Sydney and JBA representatives delivered a presentation on the key aspects of the Crown Sydney Hotel Resort to the Department of Planning and Environment and key stakeholder groups. Please see attachment C for presentation slides.

The stakeholder groups which attended the Planning Focus Group meeting included: . NSW Department of Planning and Environment . NSW Environmental Protection Authority . NSW Police . Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority . NSW Department of Families and Community Services . City of Sydney . Roads and Maritime Services . Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development

A summary of key issues that were raised during the meeting and Crown Sydney/JBA’s responses are provided below.

Environment Protection Authority (EPA) question: What is the portion of tourism gross floor area (48,200m2) is allocated to the VIP gaming facilities? Answer: 15,000m2, the majority of which is back of house areas.

Police question: Will you be applying for both liquor and gaming licences for the whole resort? Answer: We will ultimately apply for a liquor licence for the bars and VIP gaming areas as well as a gaming licence for the VIP gaming facilities. These will not form part of the development application but be done at a later stage. Liquor licences for the third party tenancies will be acquired by future third party operators.

Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority (IL&GA) question: Will there be connectivity to gaming facilities via the villas or super villas? Answer: The villas are located on the levels above the VIP gaming facilities and will be accessible via a short lift ride. There is potential to locate some gaming facilities in close proximity to the villas, however this is not part of the project scope at this stage. At this stage it is not intended to include gaming facilities in the Super Villas, located at the top level of the building.

IL&GA question: Would owners of the apartments be able to include gaming facilities in their private apartments? Answer: No.

NSW Police question: What screening processes will you have in place to ensure VIP gaming memberships are not granted to risky patrons who may pose security threats? Answer: We will base our security management plans on Crown and screening processes, as these security protocols have proven to be very effective in managing our gaming memberships.

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These high security arrangements are very transparent and enable us to easily identify any patrons participating in illegal activities, in which case we would revoke their membership immediately and notify police.

It is the intention of Crown Sydney to work closely with the police to ensure that that VIP gaming facilities are not made available to patrons that would pose a security risk.

NSW Police question: Will there be a nightclub included in the hotel? Answer: No. There will only be resort style bars which are in keeping with a 6 star luxury resort.

EPA question: I understand the maximum height is RL 275 metres, what is the equivalent height in storeys? Answer: 71 storeys

EPA question: How many basements levels will be included in the hotel? Answer: 3.5 standard basement levels will be included in the proposed hotel resort.

EPA question: What cooling system will you be using for the hotel? Answer: We will link into Lend Lease’s cooling system for the wider Barangaroo site.

EPA question: Will you be using a black water recycling system? Answer: We are intending on linking into Lend Lease’s black water recycling system, however these details are yet to be confirmed.

EPA question: What is the total estimated amount of excavated material to be removed from the site? Answer: Approximately 75,000m3 of material.

IL&GA question: How are you going to test for contamination underneath the concrete batching plant? Answer: The contamination testing will be completed in stages, with testing of the material underneath the concrete batching plant to be undertaken once it is relocated.

EPA question: With the relocation of the concrete batching plant, how are you going to produce concrete? Answer: We are currently working through this issue at the moment and we are intending on using Lend Lease’s batching plant.

IL&GA question: Will you have a backup power system? Answer: Yes, we have included provisions for emergency generators.

EPA question: Have you found any contaminated material during your investigations? Answer: There have been numerous studies at Barangaroo that have shown that remediation may be required at the Crown Sydney site. Since the site is currently encumbered by the Lend Lease batching plant we will be undertaking on-site testing as part of the excavation process. A detailed management plan will be developed to support this activity. Crown will be removing any contaminated material and perform all necessary remediation work as a part of the development of the Crown Sydney site.

IL&GA question: Will there be a staged occupation of the hotel? Answer: Yes. The restaurant, hotel, gaming facilities, car parking and retail will be delivered in the first stage, with the apartments thereafter.

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NSW Police question: How will you manage security issues such as alcohol related violence given you will have patrons accessing the ground level facilities 24 hours per day? Answer: We will have strict and robust security management plans in place to ensure no intoxicated patrons enter our premises. Our restaurants and bars are resort style in nature and have limited capacity, they are not nightclubs. Furthermore, our security personnel, CCTV cameras, lighting and the presence of staff 24 hours per day will also reinforce the safety of the precinct.

Crown will also work closely with police to ensure maximum security of the area at all times.

NSW Police question: How will you manage large numbers of patrons overflowing onto the streets when they leave the hotel late at night? Answer: Our facility is a luxury hotel with integrated facilities and we do not have the types of venues that result in large numbers of patrons leaving simultaneously late at night. Crown will have strict and robust security management plans in place, which will be informed by our experience with our other resorts. We recognise that there will be different security issues in Sydney and we would welcome the opportunity to work with NSW police on developing a security management plan that is tailored to the location and Sydney customers.

We will also provide an increased number of security personnel during the first few months of operation to ensure the highest level of security is maintained.

We are completely on board with working with the police to help manage any potential issues. We also suggest that there should be a precinct wide security management strategy developed to cover all the new development that is happening in Barangaroo.

DPE comment: The NSW police as well as all key stakeholder groups will be invited to comment on the Crown Sydney Hotel Resort State Significant Application, which will enable them to provide input into management plans.

DPE comment: The next steps for this project will involve direct consultation with all of the key stakeholder groups, which will feed into the assessment of the development application.

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5.0 Community and local business consultation

Crown Resorts has consulted with the local community and businesses, as outlined below. The purpose of the consultation activities is to provide open and transparent dialogue with the community and business owners, provide project information, answer questions and encourage feedback. Community/business group Details of consultation

. Millers Point Resident Action Group . Meeting held on 17 April 2014

. Local residents: . Postcard drop and door knocking on – Hickson Road 14 January 2015 – see attachment B for distribution map. – Kent Street – King Street Wharf . Local businesses were interested in finding out more information about – Walsh Bay / Dawes Point the proposal and were positive about . Local businesses: the proposal generating business and – Hickson Road boosting tourism. – Kent Street . The majority of business owners – Walsh Bay / Dawes Point were aware of the proposal and have been consulted. – King Street Wharf . Questions were asked about the construction timeframe, the cost of the apartments and potential job opportunities. . Concern expressed about how feedback will be used and if it will be used to inform the proposal. . Supporting materials: consultation brochure and website. Community and stakeholder feedback via phone and email from 14 January – 3 March 2015

Enquiry Response

. When will construction commence . We are still in the early planning for the hotel resort at Barangaroo? stages for this project. There are a number of planning milestones to be achieved before a construction timelines is known.

. Offer of property management . Thank you very much for your services for leasing apartments interest in providing services for the Crown Sydney Hotel Resort proposal. We will forward your details onto Crown Sydney.

. The new hotel and training facilities . Thank you for your enquiry and to be built are very impressive. I interest in training and experience at believe they will be a tremendous Crown Sydney Hotel Resort. In order success. Would the Crown Hotel to meet the extremely high service accept applicants who have done requirements of a six star facility,

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training and experience in the Crown currently trains its own hospitality industry from education employees and operates a major in- institutions or do you require them to house training college at Crown go through the Crown's training Melbourne. It is intended that this facilities? model will be replicated in Sydney with training colleges to be established in Penrith (at the Penrith Panthers proposed Community Centre) and in Redfern, at the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE). The training college in Penrith will allow Crown to provide long-term jobs and employment opportunities for the residents of the Western Suburbs and Blue Mountains. The college will work with local TAFEs and schools to provide an extensive apprenticeship and schools-based traineeship program. A second training college will be established at the NCIE in Redfern to train Indigenous Australians from the inner city and from throughout NSW.

. I have looked through the website . Thank you for your enquiry. You can and am not much the wiser. I guess request an information pack via the the design is a matter of taste; 'contact us' page at personally I'm not a bit fan of 'Dubai This Bling' but that's something of a information pack provides a detailed given. There didn't seem to be any summary of the proposal and details shadow diagrams that I could find on on the development application. the website to see where this tower Technical reports will be published at block would cast its shade in the when morning and afternoon - can you the State Significant Development please point me to those? What I'd Application is lodged with the really like to see in the area is a Department of Planning and decent supermarket as the metro Environment. We will notify you convenience stores carry a very when this application is lodged to small collection mainly aimed at direct you to these studies and tourists. I can't really see Crown reports. We will also pass your wanting to have anything like this in request for a supermarket and/or their development but what about a grocery pick up facility to the 'pick up' facility - where groceries Barangaroo Delivery Authority (the can be ordered online and locals can land owner) and Lend Lease (the pick them up from a facility in developer) for their consideration. Barangaroo.

. I received your flyer. Can you please . Thank you for your enquiry. You can provide more information on this request an information pack via the development? 'contact us' page at information pack provides a detailed summary of the proposal and details on the development application. Technical reports, which will include shadow diagrams will be published at when

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the State Significant Development Application is lodged with the Department of Planning and Environment. We will notify you when this application is lodged to direct you to these studies and reports.

. Is it possible to advise us of the . Thank you for your enquiry. You can exact placement/footprint of the new request an information pack via the hotel to be erected at Barangaroo? 'contact us' page at We are residents of Observatory This Tower in Kent Street. Our information pack provides a detailed apartment is situated on the south summary of the proposal and an east corner and we can look west image of the Crown Sydney Hotel directly down Gas Lane to Darling Resort footprint on page 1. A visual Harbour. At the moment the shore and view assessment will be area that we can see is fully published at occupied by 's hoppers and it when would seem that the area these and the State Significant Development other nearby buildings would prevent Application is lodged with the any major building on that site. Can Department of Planning and you perhaps let me know if the hotel Environment. or part thereof will occupy the area where the Boral hopper is currently located?

. On behalf of Friends of Millers Point, . Thank you for your feedback. Crown we would like to discuss ways to Sydney is interested in working with integrate the hotel with the rich you to ensure the best outcomes for history of Millers Point and the the project and local residents. people who live here, some of whom Crown Sydney is interested in can trace their histories times of receiving information about local white Australia. It would be great to resident family histories. find ways to connect with this history within the hotel and especially and especially with the public areas. Also, it would interest the Friends to find ways to work together with Crown to make use of the public areas around the hotel and also for the hotel to connect with the community and environment of Millers Point.

. I’m a big fan of the project because I . Thank you for your positive feedback believe it will look great and improve on the project. We do hope to build the world standing of the Barangaroo one of the world’s greatest precinct. I do have a question on the properties. Crown Sydney Property status of the project. As far as I can is planning to lodge the State tell there hasn’t been a development Significant Development Application application lodged with the City of early this year. As there are a Sydney/Government for actual number of planning milestones to still construction and there’s been very be achieved, a construction timeline little mentioned about when is currently unknown. Please construction will actually begin. I’m continue to check our website for just curious as to what the hold up is updates on the project. and when tenders will be called and construction will actually begin. I get

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that private information like this may not be given to a skyscraper fan randomly emailing you, but some insight as to what the hold-up is would be great.

. I work for a real estate and have . Thank you for your enquiry and potential lead for purchasing here interest about purchasing apartments from our Hong Kong office. Would at Crown Sydney Hotel Resort. We you be able to call me so I can pass are excited about building these on the contact point of contact to world class apartments and have them? forwards your interest to Crown. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant private development.

. We would like to be in contact . Thank you for your enquiry and regarding the Audio Visual interest about providing Crown component of the construction of Sydney with audio visual services. Crown Sydney. We have completed We will forward your details onto a number of high quality projects Crown Sydney for their including the Premium and Private consideration. gaming rooms at the Star. Please let us know is there is information to be distributed, or if we can help.

. I am very interested in buying a unit . Thank you for your enquiry and in the new Crown complex. interest in purchasing an apartment at Crown Hotel. We are excited about building these world class apartments and have forwarded your interest onto Crown. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant private development.

. I would like to enquire about retail . Thank you for your enquiry and lease opportunities at Crown. interest about retail opportunities at Crown Sydney. We are excited about building this world class retail and residential development and have forwarded your interest to Crown. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant private development.

. I would like to apply for a food and . Thank you for your interest in beverage attendant position at the applying for a position at Crown hotel. Sydney Hotel Resort. In order to meet the extremely high service requirements of a six star facility, Crown currently trains its own employees and operates a major in-house training college at . It is intended that this model will be replicated in Sydney with training colleges to be established in Penrith

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and Redfern. The training college in Penrith will allow Crown to provide long-term jobs for the residents of the Western Suburbs and Blue Mountains. The college will work with local TAFEs and schools to provide an extensive apprenticeship and schools-based traineeship program. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is not scheduled to open until 2019. Please continue to check the website for details on employment opportunities.

. Please provide contact details for the . Thank you for your enquiry about the company responsible for the project design and construction of the hotel. design and construction. An international design competition was held for this project and expressions of interest were sought from eight of the world's leading architecture firms. Wilkinson Eyre were announced as the willing architects in May 2013. Lend Lease is developing the Barangaroo South site and will be responsible for building the landmark six-star hotel resort. Please let me know if you have any further enquiries.

. Please provide me with information . Thank you for your enquiry and regarding the hospitality training and interest in being involved in the education of the project as well as hospitality training and education for any possible tenders. Crown Sydney Hotel Resort. In order to meet the extremely high service requirements of a six star facility, Crown currently trains its own employees and operates a major in- house training college at Crown Melbourne. It is intended that this model will be replicated in Sydney with training colleges to be established in Penrith and Redfern. The training college in Penrith will allow Crown to provide long term jobs and employment opportunities for the residents of the western suburbs and Blue Mountains. The college will work with local TAFEs and schools to provide an extensive apprenticeship and schools-based traineeship program. A second college will be established at the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence in Redfern to train

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Indigenous Australians from the inner city and throughout NSW. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is anticipated to be completed between 2020 and 2022, we encourage you to visit the website for updates closer to this time. We will forward your details onto Crown Sydney for their consideration.

. I would like to register early interest . Thank you for your enquiry and in acquiring an apartment within this interest in purchasing an apartment development. Could you please at Crown Hotel. We are very excited advise of any relevant information? about building these world class apartments and have forwarded your interest to Crown. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia's most significant private development.

. Thank you for your thorough and . Thank you for your follow up email prompt response. The reason for my regarding training programs at Crown email was precisely to see if your Sydney. Discussions are still taking business agreements for training in place between Crown and their Western Sydney and Redfern have project partners the NICE (Redfern) now closed. It is our understanding and the Penrith Panthers Group that a tender process was around the hosting of training established for all training providers services. in the region. As a quality and It is our understanding that no established education provider we decisions regarding training contracts would like to see if a possible have been made. Crown Melbourne partnership could be established with and Crown Perth provide all training your company in view of this great in house and is an enterprise training future opportunity. Could you please organisation. This may also be the let me know what best course of case in Sydney. If approved, the action would be regarding this Crown Sydney Hotel Resort will be query? completed between 2020 and 2022, so no decisions will be made regarding possible training providers until much closer to this date. We have forwarded your interest to Crown Sydney for their future consideration.

. I am interested in obtaining an . Thank you for your enquiry and Australian Working Holiday Visa to interest in working for Crown work as a poker dealer at the Crown Sydney. In order to meet the Sydney. Can I please send my CV extremely high service requirements for consideration? of a six star facility, Crown currently trains its own employees and operates a major in-house training college at Crown Melbourne. It is intended that this model will be replicated with two training colleges to be established. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is not scheduled to be completed until

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2020 - 2022. Please continue to check the website for further updates.

. I am interested in purchasing . Thank you for your enquiry and apartments at Crown Sydney off the interest in purchasing an apartment plan and would like to enquire if you at Crown Sydney Hotel Resort. have any properties available right We are excited about building theses now. Could you please get in touch world class apartments and have to discuss? forwarded your interest to Crown. We are still in the early planning stages for this project and there are a number of planning milestones to be achieved before plans are complete and construction can commence. Please continue to check the website for project milestones. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia's most significant private development.

. I consider myself a Crown . Thank you for your enthusiastic aficionado, and am enthusiastic to email and positive feedback on the say the least about your hotels. My project. We do hope to build one of first question is regarding the the world's greatest hotel resorts. swimming pool/s - will there be both We are currently in the early stages indoor and outdoor facilities? I would of planning for the project and there suggest that there be both an indoor are still a number of milestones to be and outdoor heated spa, if possible. achieved before the internal layout My second question is regarding and detail design is completed. internship/employment opportunities. In terms of marketing I would absolutely love the chance to internship/employment opportunities, work for Crown Sydney in any we have forwarded your contact capacity within communications, details onto Crown for their branding or marketing. consideration. Can I please be included on your mailing list so that I am able to apply when positions become available?

. Could you please send me . Thank you for your enquiry and information on the upcoming interest in purchasing an apartment apartments that will be released for at Crown Sydney Hotel Resort. sale We are very excited about building these world class apartments and have forwarded your interest to Crown. We are currently in the early stages of planning and there are still a number of milestones to be achieved before the project is approved. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant private development.

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. I am planning a 2016 wedding and . Thank you for your interest and wondering if and when packages will enthusiastic email about holding your be available to book for the Crown wedding at Crown Sydney Hotel Barangaroo Sydney complex. Resort. We were planning a destination We do hope to build one of the wedding (Disney) but it is getting too world’s greatest properties. We are complicated and far too expensive however currently in the early stages for what little is included in the of planning and unfortunately the packages they are offering. development will not be ready for your 2016 wedding. We would love to be amongst the first to have our wedding here, if I The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is could get any information that would anticipated to be completed in 2019. be fantastic We encourage you to visit the website for updates closer to this time for any other functions you may be organising at a later date.

. Good morning. I was just wondering . Thank you for your interest in job when job applications will be open opportunities for Crown Sydney for the crown Sydney Hotel Resort. Crown currently trains its own employees and operates a major in house training college at Crown Melbourne. It is intended that this model will be replicated in Sydney with training colleges to be established in Penrith and Redfern. The training college in Penrith will allow Crown to provide long term jobs and employment opportunities for the residents of the western suburbs and Blue Mountains. The college will work with local TAFEs and schools to provide an extensive apprenticeship and schools based traineeship program. A second college will be established at the national centre of indigenous excellence in Redfern to train Indigenous Australians from the inner city and throughout NSW. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is anticipated to be completed in 2019. We encourage you to visit the website for updates closer to this time.

. I am writing to you in regards to . Thank you for your interest in possibly working with Crown Resorts partnering with Crown Sydney Hotel to set up a helicopter helipad in the Resort to build a helipad near the Sydney area. We are not looking for Crown Sydney Hotel Resort. any financial support but the best We are excited about building this location is by far is near your new world class development and have casino in darling harbour. We are forwarded your interest onto Crown. very committed in seeing this project through as we have been working on Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most

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getting a helipad in the Sydney area significant private development. for quite a while and we believe working with you would give us the best outcome and would benefit us both as well as the city of Sydney. Could you please pass on my details to the relevant person or send me their details so I can discuss this further. Thank you for your assistance

. I am interested in applying for job . Thank you for your interest in job positions at the new Crown Sydney. opportunities for Crown Sydney Is there an email address I can send Hotel Resort. Crown currently trains my resume to? its own employees and operates a major in house training college at Crown Melbourne. It is intended that this model will be replicated in Sydney with training colleges to be established in Penrith and Redfern. The training college in Penrith will allow Crown to provide long term jobs and employment opportunities for the residents of the western suburbs and Blue Mountains. The college will work with local TAFEs and schools to provide an extensive apprenticeship and schools based traineeship program. A second college will be established at the national centre of indigenous excellence in Redfern to train Indigenous Australians from the inner city and throughout NSW. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is anticipated to be completed in 2019. We encourage you to visit the website for updates closer to this time.

. Can you please advise when . Thank you for your interest in job recruitment will begin for Crown opportunities for Crown Sydney Sydney? I am a Tourism professional Hotel Resort. Crown currently trains with over 10 years’ experience in the its own employees and operates a Travel Industry and also completing a major in house training college at Marketing and Intl Tourism Degree. I Crown Melbourne. It is intended that have management experience and this model will be replicated in very keen to work for the crown Sydney with training colleges to be group. established in Penrith and Redfern. The training college in Penrith will allow Crown to provide long term jobs and employment opportunities for the residents of the western suburbs and Blue Mountains. The college will work with local TAFEs and schools to provide an extensive

Barangaroo South  Consultation Summary Report

apprenticeship and schools based traineeship program. A second college will be established at the national centre of indigenous excellence in Redfern to train Indigenous Australians from the inner city and throughout NSW. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is anticipated to be completed in 2019. We encourage you to visit the website for updates closer to this time.

. When is the next release of . Thank you for your interest and apartments for sale? enquiry in purchasing an apartment at Crown Sydney Hotel Resort. We are excited about building these world class apartments and have forwarded your interest to Crown. We are still in the early planning stages for this project and there are a number of planning milestones to be achieved before plans are complete and construction can commence. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is not scheduled to open until 2019. Please continue to check the website for project milestones. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant private development.

. I would like to register my interest in . Thank you for your enquiry and the proposed apartments in the interest in purchasing apartments at building. How can I do this? Crown Sydney Hotel Resort. We are excited about building these world class apartments and have forwarded your interest to Crown. We are still in the early planning stages for this project and there are a number of planning milestones to be achieved before plans are complete and construction can commence. Please continue to check the website for project updates. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant development.

. I would love the opportunity for the . Thank you for your enquiry and guests of your hotel to be treated interest in partnering with Crown with our spa range. Our family Sydney Hotel Resorts to provide business is Australian owned. Your your spa range to future customers.

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guests will appreciate the exquisite We are currently in the early stages taste in your spa menu and the use of planning and have a number of of such a prestigious and favoured milestones to achieve before we tree nut loved by your south eastern make decisions regarding the hotel Asian clientele. This is further operations. glamorised when you tell your guests that our product is used in numerous The Hotel Resort is scheduled to hotels along the Las Vegas strip. I open in 2019 and we encourage you look forward to enhancing our spa to check the website closer to this menu with you. date. We will forward your details onto Crown Sydney for their consideration.

. Career opportunities? Trade qualified . Thank you for your interest in job electronic/electrical technician. Any opportunities with Crown Sydney work available for the ongoing Hotel Resort. We are excited about construction would like to be part of building this world class retail and the casino development. residential development. We are still in the early planning stages for this project and there are a number of planning milestones to be achieved before plans are complete and construction can commence. For all construction opportunities, please contact Lend Lease who are the building contractors. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant development.

. I’m a final year student of Bachelor . Thank you for your enquiry regarding Civil Engineering in University undertaking an internship with Technology of Sydney who will be Crown Hotel. We are excited about graduating at the end of this year. I building this world class retail and would like to apply for an internship residential development. in my major which is Civil We are still in the planning stages for Engineering (can be a drafter, this project and there are a number estimator, project manager etc) for of planning milestones to be this winter holiday (23 June until 26 achieved before construction can July). I am also interested with the commence. graduate program, as I will be full time available from 1st December For all enquiries regarding 2015. My resume and cover are construction job opportunities, ready with me here, but the system please contact Lend Lease, the just does not allow me to attach it building contractors. here. However, I can send it to you Thank you once again for taking an by email if you can give me your interest in Australia’s most email address. By the way, really significant development. sorry to contact you through here as I could not find your email address of the HR in the website. Thank you for the consideration of my application. I look forward for the internship opportunity.

. I’m enquiring about future positions . Thank you for your interest in job

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within the casino and hotels being opportunities for Crown Sydney built in Sydney. I have previous Hotel Resort. Crown currently trains casino experience and would love its own employees and operates a the opportunity to work at this new major in house training college at exciting place. Crown Melbourne. It is intended that this model will be replicated in Sydney with training colleges to be established in Penrith and Redfern. The training college in Penrith will allow Crown to provide long term jobs and employment opportunities for the residents of the western suburbs and Blue Mountains. The college will work with local TAFEs and schools to provide an extensive apprenticeship and schools based traineeship program. A second college will be established at the national centre of indigenous excellence in Redfern to train Indigenous Australians from the inner city and throughout NSW. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is anticipated to be completed in 2019. We encourage you to visit the website for updates closer to this time.

. I would like to enquire about the . Thank you for your enquiry and proposed health and wellness interest in partnering with Crown services earmarked for Crown Resort Sydney Hotel Resort to establish and at Barangaroo. I would love the manage a health and wellness chance to meet in person to discuss centre. We are excited about building an idea we had (my business this world class retail and residential partner, my wife and myself) about a development. high end private members health We are still in the early stages of club for Sydney, in line with the planning and have a number of other top cities of the world offering milestones to achieve before we similar services - London, New York, make decisions about the hotel Dubai, L.A., Hong Kong, Singapore, operations. The Hotel Resort is etc. We three met and worked for scheduled to open in 2019 and we some time in London's most encourage you to check the website exclusive private members health closer to this date. club, KX Gym and worked with a wide variety of high end clients We will forward your details onto ranging from the heads of billion Crown Sydney for their dollar companies, A-list celebrities consideration. and royalty. We believe something Thank you once again for taking and similar could be perfect for Crown interest in Australia’s most Resort at Barangaroo. Here is a very significant development. quick breakdown of what we have in mind; Fully equipped gym & fitness facilities, including space for 1 on 1 personal training, semi-private personal training, yoga and pilates. Full beauty therapy and treatment rooms including traditional beauty

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treatments - nails, waxing, facials, massage and other complimentary therapies - physio, osteo, deep tissue, remedial and sports massage, nutritionist and lifestyle coach. Juice bar and organic cafe/ restaurant. Luxurious change rooms and chill out area. Meeting/ function room We have a physical presentation we had made for investors based on our original idea 4 years ago. It needs to be revised slightly, but gives you an idea of our vision. We would like to be considered to assist in the creation of the club and appointed to manage and run it.

. Just wondering the price guide for 2- . Thank you for your enquiry and 3 bedroom apartments in this resort? interest in purchasing an apartment at Crown Sydney Hotel Resort. We are excited about building these world class apartments and have forwarded your interest to Crown. We are still in the early planning stages and there are a number of planning milestones to be achieved before plans are complete, construction can commence and property prices can be determined. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is not scheduled to open until 2019. Please continue to check the website for project milestones. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant private development.

. I am making enquiries about . Thank you for your enquiry and apartments for sale. Could you interest in purchasing apartments at please email it to be as I am based in Crown Sydney Hotel Resort. the UK We are excited about building these world class apartments and have forwarded your interest to Crown. We are still in the early planning stages for this project and there a number of planning milestones to be achieved before plans are complete and construction commence. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is not scheduled to open until 2019. Please continue to check the website for project milestones. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant private development.

Barangaroo South  Consultation Summary Report

. I am quite interested to find out . Thank you for your interest in job when Crown Sydney will be opportunities for Crown Sydney recruiting employees, in particular, I Hotel Resort. We are very excited am interested if you will be searching about building these world class for Business Analysts in your IT apartments and have forwarded your department who have a gaming interest to Crown. background. We are currently in the early stages of planning and there are still a number of milestones to be achieved before the project is achieved. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is anticipated to be completed in 2019. We encourage you to visit the website for updates closer to this time.

. Send me offer property. Lands. . Thank you for your enquiry and Hotels. Commercial. Looking to interest in both retail and residential invest large amounts and set up long opportunities at Crown Sydney Hotel business relationships. Thank you. Resort. We are excited about building theses world class apartments and have forwarded your interest to Crown. We are still in the early planning stages for this project and there are a number of planning milestones to be achieved before plans are complete and construction commences. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is not scheduled to open until 2019. Please continue to check the website for project milestones. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant private development.

. I am interested in applying for . Thank you for your interest in job employment at the new Crown in opportunities for Crown Sydney Sydney. Can you please advise Hotel Resort. Crown currently trains where I can apply for a position? its own employees and operates a major in house training college at Crown Melbourne. It is intended that this model will be replicated in Sydney with training colleges to be established in Penrith and Redfern. The training college in Penrith will allow Crown to provide long term jobs and employment opportunities for the residents of the western suburbs and Blue Mountains. The college will work with local TAFEs and schools to provide an extensive apprenticeship and schools based traineeship program.

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A second college will be established at the national centre of indigenous excellence in Redfern to train Indigenous Australians from the inner city and throughout NSW. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is anticipated to be completed in 2019. We encourage you to visit the website for updates closer to this time.

. To the Crown Sydney Hotel Resort, I . Thank you for your interest in job am writing to enquire about a opportunities for Crown Sydney potential job in the Marketing Hotel Resort. We are very excited Department for the Crown Resort at about building these world class the newly established Barangaroo. apartments and have forwarded your As a recent graduate from UTS, I interest to Crown. studied a Bachelor of Business and We are currently in the early stages majored in marketing and of planning and there are still a management. I have a driving number of milestones to be achieved passion for being immersed in the before the project is approved. brand marketing initiatives and positioning within the hotel industry. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is With my open-minded nature, anticipated to be completed in 2019. fluency in Italian speaking and team We encourage you to visit the spirit, I believe this opportunity will website for updates closer to this allow me to develop valuable skills time. and knowledge. I have a copy of my resume when required.

. When are the job listing or when is . Thank you for your interest in job the hiring for staff? I’m interested in opportunities for Crown Sydney a cellarman or storeman job. Hotel Resort. Crown currently trains its own employees and operates a major in house training college at Crown Melbourne. It is intended that this model will be replicated in Sydney with training colleges to be established in Penrith and Redfern. The training college in Penrith will allow Crown to provide long term jobs and employment opportunities for the residents of the western suburbs and Blue Mountains. The college will work with local TAFEs and schools to provide an extensive apprenticeship and schools based traineeship program. A second college will be established at the national centre of indigenous excellence in Redfern to train Indigenous Australians from the inner city and throughout NSW. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is anticipated to be completed in 2019. We encourage you to visit the

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website for updates closer to this time.

. Looking forward to obtaining retail . Thank you for your interest in retail space, for alternative entertainment opportunities at Crown Sydney Hotel options, opening throughout Resort. Westfield’s centres Australia. We are excited about building this world class development and have forwarded your interest to Crown. We are currently in the early stages of planning and have a number of milestones to achieve before plans are complete and construction can commence. The Hotel Resort is scheduled to open in 2019 and we encourage you to continue to check the website for more information on retail opportunities closer to this time. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant private development.

. When will you start recruiting for . Thank you for your interest in job jobs at Crown Sydney? opportunities for Crown Sydney Hotel Resort. Crown currently trains its own employees and operates a major in house training college at Crown Melbourne. It is intended that this model will be replicated in Sydney with training colleges to be established in Penrith and Redfern. The training college in Penrith will allow Crown to provide long term jobs and employment opportunities for the residents of the western suburbs and Blue Mountains. The college will work with local TAFEs and schools to provide an extensive apprenticeship and schools based traineeship program. A second college will be established at the national centre of indigenous excellence in Redfern to train Indigenous Australians from the inner city and throughout NSW. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is anticipated to be completed in 2019. We encourage you to visit the website for updates closer to this time. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant private development.

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. I would like to know when job . Thank you for your interest in job positions will be vacant and listed for opportunities for Crown Sydney the Crown Sydney as I am interested Hotel Resort. Crown currently trains in working for this property if its own employees and operates a someone is able to contact or major in house training college at provide the link to the person in Crown Melbourne. It is intended that charge. this model will be replicated in Sydney with training colleges to be established in Penrith and Redfern. The training college in Penrith will allow Crown to provide long term jobs and employment opportunities for the residents of the western suburbs and Blue Mountains. The college will work with local TAFEs and schools to provide an extensive apprenticeship and schools based traineeship program. A second college will be established at the national centre of indigenous excellence in Redfern to train Indigenous Australians from the inner city and throughout NSW. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is anticipated to be completed in 2019. We encourage you to visit the website for updates closer to this time. Thank you once again for tanking an interest in Australia’s most significant private development.

. Could you please give me . Thank you for your enquiry and information on residential interest in purchasing apartments at opportunities to purchase and when Crown Sydney Hotel Resort. they will be available We are excited about building these world class apartments and have forwarded your interest to Crown. We are still in the early planning stages for this project and there are a number of planning milestones to be achieved before plans are completed and construction can commence. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is scheduled to open in 2019. Please continue to check the website for more information on real estate opportunities closer to this time.

. I would like to enquire about the . Thank you for your interest in job upcoming jobs at the Crown Sydney. opportunities for Crown Sydney I used to be a dealer at The Star so I Hotel Resort. Crown currently trains would like to know how or where I its own employees and operates a

Barangaroo South  Consultation Summary Report

would be able to submit an major in house training college at application for the dealer job in the Crown Melbourne. It is intended that new casino before it opens. I would this model will be replicated in really appreciate a respond about my Sydney with training colleges to be enquiry. Thank you very much in established in Penrith and Redfern. advance. The training college in Penrith will allow Crown to provide long term jobs and employment opportunities for the residents of the western suburbs and Blue Mountains. The college will work with local TAFEs and schools to provide an extensive apprenticeship and schools based traineeship program. A second college will be established at the national centre of indigenous excellence in Redfern to train Indigenous Australians from the inner city and throughout NSW. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is anticipated to be completed in 2019. We encourage you to visit the website for updates closer to this time. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant private development.

. Good day. Can you please forward . Thank you for your enquiry and me who is in charge of the retail interest about retail leasing leasing opportunities at Crown Sydney Hotel Resort. We are excited about building this world class Integrated Resort development and have forwarded your interest to Crown. We are however, still in the early planning stages for this project and there are a number of milestones to be achieved before plans are complete and construction can commence. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is anticipated to be completed in 2019. Please also continue to check the website for project updates closer to this time. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant private development.

. I love the new City of Sydney. I lived . Thank you for your enquiry and in Sydney for the last 22 Years from interest in security job opportunities the Cook Islands. I work as a senior at Crown Sydney Hotel Resort. security concierge, customer service, We are excited about building this access control and cctv monitoring

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at Telstra global ITC in Paddington. I world class Integrated Resort was a security supervisor on the development and have forwarded Sydney harbour bridge for over 9 your interest to Crown. We are years. I would like to know when currently in the early stages of can be the security job advertising planning and have a number of coming out or if there is anything milestones to achieve before plans happening. What are the are complete, construction can requirements that you need? I am commence and the Integrated Resort also an aviation protective security development will open. clearance for the . I The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is wish to receive more information anticipated to be completed in 2019. from you if possible. We encourage you to visit the website for updates closer to this time. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant private development.

. I am writing to you, to ask if you . Thank you for your enquiry regarding could provide more details regarding Crown Sydney Hotel Resort’s Mr Packer’s statement, claiming the benefits to NSW tourism. new Sydney casino will boost The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort tourism in NSW. would indeed provide a major boost to the NSW tourism sector for a number of reasons. Crown has built a reputation throughout Asia, in particular China, as a world leader in service provisions for high net worth tourists. This new Integrated Resort development will assist NSW in attracting a greater share of Asia’s booming outbound tourism market, will help NSW to become competitive with domestic and international tourist destinations as well as help NSW to compete for major domestic and international events. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort will assist with NSW’s priority to double tourism expenditure by 2021. Barangaroo is the most prominent development site in Australia. The unique combination of commercial, tourism, cultural facilities and parklands makes it one of the most transformative developments in Australia. The location of a globally recognised building on the harbour near the Sydney Harbour Bridge, and the will also assist in attracting mainstream international tourists to Barangaroo. We are excited about building this world class Integrated Resort development, however we are still in

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the early planning stages for this project and there are a number of milestones to be achieved before plans are complete and construction can commence. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is anticipated to be completed in 2019. Please continue to check the website for project updates closer to this time. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant private development.

. Hi Crown Sydney. Employment . Thank you for your enquiry and Opportunities. Can you help. Please. interest in job opportunities for In the daily telegraph, the article Crown Sydney Hotel Resort. “Sydney deserves one of the world’s Crown currently trains its own great hotels” there was part “1,250 employees and operates a major in- jobs for NSW”. On checking the house training college at Crown website Melbourne. It is intended that this there is no directions as to who to model will be replicated with training contact to enquire on the training colleges to be established in Penrith and how to apply for future positions and Redfern. for Crown Sydney. The training college in Penrith will allow Crown to provide long term jobs and employment opportunities for the residents of the western suburbs and Blue Mountains. The college will work with local TAFEs and schools to provide an extensive apprenticeship and schools based traineeship program. A second college will be established at the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence in Redfern to train Indigenous Australians from the inner city and throughout NSW. The project is still in the planning phase and has several milestones to achieve before plans are complete and construction can commence. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is anticipated to be completed in 2019, and is expected to create approximately 1,250 new jobs for NSW. We encourage you to visit the website for updates and details around training and employment opportunities closer to this time. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant private development.

. Hi I am just curious about how we . Thank you for your interest in job

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go about apply for positions of opportunities for Crown Sydney employment at the Casino or Resort Hotel Resort. Crown currently trains its own employees and operates a major in house training college at Crown Melbourne. It is intended that this model will be replicated in Sydney with training colleges to be established in Penrith and Redfern. The training college in Penrith will allow Crown to provide long term jobs and employment opportunities for the residents of the western suburbs and Blue Mountains. The college will work with local TAFEs and schools to provide an extensive apprenticeship and schools based traineeship program. A second college will be established at the national centre of indigenous excellence in Redfern to train Indigenous Australians from the inner city and throughout NSW. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is anticipated to be completed in 2019. We encourage you to visit the website for updates closer to this time. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant private development.

. I am interested in the Crown Sydney . Thank you for your interest in job as Housemaid for Cleaning the Hotel opportunities for Crown Sydney Rooms for Guests. Do you know Hotel Resort. Crown currently trains how I can put my name down for its own employees and operates a any work there when this complex is major in house training college at open? I have had many years in this Crown Melbourne. It is intended that field of work, I have had kitchen this model will be replicated in work as well, serving breakfast etc. Sydney with training colleges to be any feedback would be much established in Penrith and Redfern. appreciated. The training college in Penrith will allow Crown to provide long term jobs and employment opportunities for the residents of the western suburbs and Blue Mountains. The college will work with local TAFEs and schools to provide an extensive apprenticeship and schools based traineeship program. A second college will be established at the national centre of indigenous excellence in Redfern to train Indigenous Australians from the inner city and throughout NSW. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort is

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anticipated to be completed in 2019. We encourage you to visit the website for updates closer to this time. Thank you once again for taking an interest in Australia’s most significant private development.

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6.0 Next steps

Following lodgement of the SSDA and ongoing throughout the life of the project, Crown Resorts will undertake further detailed consultation with the relevant agencies and stakeholders above and with: . NSW Government Agencies: – NSW Planning and Environment – workshop to be held in 2015 – Office of Environment and Heritage – Transport for NSW – Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority – Roads and Maritime Services – Housing NSW . Maritime users: – Ferry operators/Transport for NSW – Commercial cruise businesses at King Street Wharf . . . Environmental Protect Authority . Local schools . Local university/TAFE . Taxi Council . Bus and Coach Association . Community groups: – Barangaroo Community Liaison Group – Kent Street Residents Group – Walsh Bay Precinct Committee – Millers Point Estate Advisory Board – Millers Point Social Housing Committee – Millers Point Owners Association – Friends of Millers Point.

Barangaroo South  Consultation Summary Report

7.0 Attachment A – Communication materials

7.1 Postcard

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7.2 Website

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7.3 Consultation brochure A4

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Contact Us

For more information about the project or to ask Crown Sydney Hotel Resort questions of the project team, please visit: Building Sydney’s First Luxury Six Star Hotel Resort at Barangaroo Phone: (02) 9956 6962 Email: [email protected] Community Consultation Crown Sydney Hotel Bay Resort Proposal lsh Wa

The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort proposal includes Have your say design, construction and operation of a world class, six star hotel resort at Barangaroo South, Sydney. Headland Park We are now seeking community and stakeholder feedback on the proposal to ensure the best outcome is delivered for this important project. We are committed to community consultation that enables different views The unique location of the proposal to be voiced and considered as part of the planning process. creates the opportunity to deliver a We are undertaking initial consultation prior to lodgement and exhibition of the State Significant Development landmark building of global significance, Applications for the project, which is expected to occur in 2015. To find out more information about the project which will boost the economy, create and provide your feedback visit: thousands of new jobs and contribute significant tax revenues for NSW .

Phone: (02) 9956 6962 Email: [email protected] The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort will enable Sydney to compete with the best cities in the world for events and conferences and reinforce Sydney as major tourist destination. Barangaroo Central CROWN SYDNEY The proposal includes residential apartments, hotel The hotel will provide better and safer connectivity to HOTEL RESORT accommodation, foreshore improvements, VIP the Sydney CBD and harbourside tourism precinct gaming facilities, retail, restaurants, cafés and car parking. 2,300-3,300 jobs during construction and 1,250 during operation of the hotel resort Crown Sydney Hotel Resort will feature world’s best practice design to create an internationally renowned project that will complement the surrounding Significant investment in the NSW economy with Hotel $200 million per year during construction $140-$200 areas and be integrated with proposed cultural and million per year of operations entertainment amenities across the Barangaroo precinct. This project will contribute to the ongoing renewal of an underutilised part of the Sydney 350 hotel rooms and 66 apartments CBD that will eventually include significant mixed Barangaroo used development outcomes, as well as large scale South Dedicated training colleges at Redfern and Penrith recreational areas and parklands.

World Class Design To be commercially successful, the luxury six star hotel resort has been located on a high profile waterfront location on Sydney Harbour. World’s best practice Green Star rating

Restaurants, bars, retail outlets, conference rooms and pool/spa facilities. What will the Crown Sydney Hotel Resort include? Project background

VIP Unsolicited proposal process 350 66 6% 610 Ground floor shops, Pool and spa restaurants and bars facilities with In September 2012, Crown Resorts commenced the unsolicited Hotel rooms Residential of entire floor space (Approximately ) that will look out to VIP rooms and proposals process to seek endorsement from the NSW Government to and suites apartments is VIP gaming car parking spaces the harbour and the customised facilities for both residents Barangaroo foreshore treatments enter into an agreement to design, construct and operate the proposed and visitors. walkway Crown Sydney Hotel Resort. In accordance with the NSW Government’s Guide for Submissions and Assessment of Unsolicited Proposals the proposal successfully underwent a staged assessment process. This process enables the private sector to put forward ideas and What will the Crown Sydney Resort bring to Sydney? innovations for the development and delivery of new infrastructure and services in NSW that provide substantial public benefits.

Boosting our economy and making Barangaroo a vibrant destination. In satisfying the NSW Government’s criteria, Crown Resorts was able The proposed Crown Sydney Hotel Resort will help to activate the precinct and reinvigorate to demonstrate that the proposal was unique and provided significant the night time economy. The project will help to increase Sydney’s overnight expenditure by benefits for NSW. These benefits include more jobs, significant revenue attracting high-yielding international visitors. for the Government, boosting tourism and showcasing Australia as world leader in achieving a world’s best practice Green Star Meeting the demands of domestic and international tourism in the Asia-Pacific region. sustainability rating. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort will support the NSW Government’s desire to increase local and international tourism to ensure Sydney remains competitive in the future. Integrated As part of the endorsed proposal, all gaming within the development is accommodation, retail and entertainment facilities will appeal to the growing Asian tourist restricted to a VIP gaming facility for members and guests, without low market. limit gaming or poker machines. Crown Resorts is required to make an upfront payment of $100 million to the NSW Government upon the Host international government and business events. issue of the VIP gaming licence. Large scale corporate events and conferences are an important source of revenue for the NSW Crown Resorts will also deliver a significant increase in gaming tax and national economy. The Crown Sydney Hotel Resort will enable NSW to compete on an revenue for NSW. The total of licence fees plus gaming taxes paid by international level to host events and conferences. Crown Resorts over the first 15 years of full operation is required to exceed $1 billion. Addressing the shortage of hotel accommodation in Sydney. In order to meet projected demands for hotel accommodation to support the increasing Completion of the hotel development is also subject to seeking NSW tourism sector, a six star hotel resort will help to alleviate the current shortage in Sydney CBD. Planning approval, which is the next phase of the project.

Supporting the sustainability of a global city. Design competition A world’s best practice Green Star rating. To achieve world class design excellence, an international design competition was conducted under the guidance of an expert Providing staff training opportunities. advisory panel. Following an expression of interest process, four of Crown Resort’s investment and commitment to training staff at the Redfern and Penrith training the world’s leading architecture firms were shortlisted. These firms centres will benefit the hospitality sector and help meet Sydney’s shortfall in hospitality staff. have experience in designing similar hospitality projects, large scale Crown Resorts, in partnership with the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence will also resorts and iconic public buildings. The expert panel unanimously provide training, mentorship and support for the hotel resort’s Indigenous workforce. recommended Wilkinson Eyre Architects as the preferred proponent and in May 2013 Crown Resorts announced this firm as the principal architect for the project.