Fordham Debaters Face Oxford Man

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Fordham Debaters Face Oxford Man HYDE WORLD'S PARK FAIR STORY STORY —Page 6 —Page 8 Volume 38 Fordham College—October 2, 1958 No. 1 Fordham Debaters Proceeds Aid Island Jesuit The "Harvester," first major Face Oxford Man. social event of the fall season, By ANTHONY ARCUNI will be held this Saturday) night from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in. Fordham. University debaters will play host to the Oxford the University gym. Spon- University Debating Team Monday, Oct 6th, at 4 p.m., in sored by the College Sodality, Keating first floor lecture hall. the traditional dance will Fordham speakers Mike Lanzarone and Dan McCarthy benefit a Jesuit missionary in the will each team up with an English colleague for the split team Pacific. debate. Topic is: "Resolved: That In Modern Western Civili- Harmonizing with the theme, zation There Is No Longer Any Appreciation of The Excellent." When in Rome . .' . ," the gym 3 Dan McCarthy and Thomas will be decorated as ancient Rome, Griffiths will uphold the affirma- complete with archways and a tive while Mike Lan-mrone and fountain 40 feet long. Junior Rick C.B.S. Broadcast Brian Walden will defend the Cusati has painted a 104 foot sil- negative .'ide of the proposition. RAM photo by Corti houette mural for the occasion. Inaugurates Glee McCarthy, co - president of The The commencement of Fordham's 118th academic year was For the second consecutive year, Fordham College Council of De- marked by the annual Mass of the Holy Ghost on Monday, Sept. 22, in Jerry Hunt's Skyliners will pro- bate, is competing in his fourth the University gymnasium. vide the music. year of varsity debating. He Club Fall Debut copped the best speaker award at Barry Portman is the "Harves- Last Sunday the Fordham the 1958 John Hopkins Invita- ter" general chairman; assisting Glee Club began its fall sea- him are Frank Heelan. for tickets tional Debate Tournament. Mc- Court Approval Signals/ and programs, and Rick Cusati, son with a recorded radio Carthy is a member of the Honors for decorations. concert heard over CBS Program and of the Fordham throughout the metropolitan Club. Bids, costing $3.50, are on sale in the cafeteria. area. The program, "Church Notable Guests Start in Lincoln Square of the Air," was broadcast at Fr. John Nicholson of the Sen- 10:30 p.m. The show consisted His partner from England, By MARTIN CASEY and Ken CONBOY war mission in the Caroline Is- of Latin hymns and was recorded Thomas Griffiths, was President A series of favorable court rulings—'ranging from the New lands will use the proceeds from on Sept. 23. of the Oxford Union Society for York State Court of Appeals to the United States Supreme the dance to start rebuilding his the Trinity Term of 1958. He is Court—has enabled the University to proceed this month with church—the neediest in the Caro- Campus Concert news editor of the "Isis" anr edi- the demolition for its Lincoln Square project. lines and Marshalls. The Penguins will give their tor of "The Conservative Associa- Demolition will begin in Area I, site of the new Law tion Magazine." Father Nicholson, assigned tor first live concert on Oct. 31 at School and an administration wing. Area I lies west of the Pacific area since 1939, will Notre Dame College in Staten Is- Mike Lanzarone is attending Columbus Ave., between 61st and 62nd Sts. Fordham Law School on a full begin construction of his cinder- land. Acquisition of the National *17~; block, galvanized iron roof church scholarship. President of the of the University's participation The first campus concert will Council of Debate while attend- Guard Armory on the 62nd St. in 1959, provided he can raise the side of the tract now makes pos- in the development project had several thousand dollars needed. be presented on Nov. 3. Concerts ing Fordham College, Lanzarone instituted court action maintain- with various women's colleges in was a member of the team that sible construction of the Law School on its originally proposed ing the sale of an area in Lincoln won third place honors in the 1957 Square to Fordham violated con- National Debate Finals. <A former site. Delayed evacuation of the building was expected to force a stitutional guarantees of separa- member of the Honors Program, tion of church and state. 'Scrivener' he was graduated "Egregia Cum. change in the Law School's loca- The first issue of this year's tion. The New York State Court of Laude." Appeals, in a unanimous decision "Scrivener" will reach Keating His Oxford partner. Brian Construction of the Law School handed down on May 1, rejected cafeteria in mid-October, Don- is scheduled to start in March, ald Lyons, editor-in-chief, an- Walden, was president of the Ox- the charge that the city, by selling nounced last week. ford Union Society for the Mi- with completion set for Septem- land to the University at $3,500,- chaelmas Term in 1957. He at- ber, 1960. Area II, to contain the 000 less than cost, was subsidiz- Lyons said that he hopes to tended Queen's College on an Schools of Business, Education ing a religious institution. Subse- put out between four to six is- Open Scholarship and Nuffield and Social Service, is slated for quent motions were dismissed in sues this year. He explained College on a state scholarship for construction early in 1960. August, June by the U. S. Supreme Court that the entire appearance of post graduate research. He is 1962, is the target date for com- and in August by the U. S. Circuit the magazine will be changed currently chairman of the Social- pletion of Area II. Court. by the use of professional print- ist International. As of Sept. 23 relocation of 88.7 Closer to home, the campus ing and high gloss paper sim- per cent of the residential tenants Student Union Building will be ilar to that used in magazines. in Area I and 38.3 per cent in the ready for occupancy next Sep- He encourages all who whole Fordham tract had been tember, if the present rate of want to make contributions to completed by a private real estate progress continues, Fr. William J. the magazine to submit their Mulcahy, Vice President for Busi- material to the "Scrivener," Mr. Welch firm. Earlier in the year opponents ness and Finance, said last week. Box 718. he New York area are planned Assume Positions Wore Christmas. On Doc. 13 the annual Christ- nas concert nt the N.Y.A.C. will Editor-in-chief Austin Bel- held. Last yenr's Christmas ton recently announced the •oncort featured songs from many selection of four new editors Mas. for The RAM. Pete Ramundo, Penguins Travel a senior in the communica- G.E.-Ownn D. Young Fellowships and Thomas Pennington, ninth. Other scneduled activities in- tions arts department, has Forty members of the Juno ma tr| been appointed sports editor. graduating class in the Col- to Princeton, nnd won a J.S.K. Law student Jeremy Haritos iZ,J PS to Pennsylvania mathematical fellowship to the "«a Massachusetts. At lenst one The new feature editor is Joe lege were awarded one or wns awarded n Root-Tildtm Fel- same school nnd an nsslstantship lowship to N.Y.U., while Louis 'aped concert will be brondenst Zito, also a senior in the C.A. de- more of 90 available fellow- to M.I.T. over WPUV. Several more record- ships, scholarships, and as- Boccnrdi, former editor of the partment. RAM, received the Benjamin t clntes nre Dimmed with the sistantshlps. Michael J. Driver, a psychology ""S stucllni;. Classics Major Franklin Scholarship to Columbia major, coyptd one of ten $2,150 Journalism School ns well ns the Anthony Colombo, a math Princeton National Fellowships March « has been set as the Don Lyons, a senior majoring in student, led his class in total, Pnttcrson Award from the "Daily lor classics, lias been mimed the new and MIS awarded other grants News." "• 'ho Town Halll concertconcert.. honors collecting 10 graduate valued at $8,500. Mxnaglnl u the club's activities editorial page editor. Lyons will awards. In addition to winning a yem nl Adrian Dollnsky, Clement At- ,,. ' 'o Mr. James Welch, contribute the weekly column, $1,820 assistantshlp to the Uni- Theodore T. Wall, a chemistry ; Pather tnmisio, Edward Ludwlg nnd Ed- inn* Theodore Parley, "Between the Lines." He also major, received a National Sci- l and Plw ce versity of California. Colombo was ward Miranda won a totnl of 15 Bhni " ' Wilkinson, serves ns c d i t o r of "The offered nsslstanlships nt the Uni- ence Foundation Fellowship to th! , n- In tne distant future Scrivener." graduate awards in physics. Grad- versities of Knnsas, Southern Cnl- Princeton and an nssistnntsliip to unte awnrds were also granted to w c luh t» p!,an.riE to WOik *.,,„ UOl'nill. IviuiylltilU, muao"CiiLiJCn/3, 0 students hi the fields of biology, I" Now York Symphony Orchos- distant sports editors, will be John Duke and Washington. ' "• and is recruiting outstanding Lancellottl and Al Gabrlelli. Jim Two coveted Woodrow Wilson history, economics, sociology, an- o homovea and juniors for this Bachmnn, an economics major, is Another math major, Gulllermo Nntlonnl P'oundation Fellowohlps thropology, Spanish and drnmatla Pui'uose the new exchange editor. Owen, was awarded one of 34 went to Harvey Chertok, English, arts. Page 2 The RAM Thursday, October 2, 1958 Ambitious Program SG Hopes to Insure Responsible Reps N.S.A. Will Boost By Interviewing Aspiring Candidates Frank Donohue, SG vice- submitted to the House by the Campus Activities president, has announced that end of October.
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