ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: PROPOSED TRENCH EXCAVATIONS FOR OPTIC FIBRE CABLE FROM MELKBOS TO YZERFONTEIN, THEN VIA DARLING AND ATLANTIS TO DURBANVILLE, WESTERN CAPE (Assessment conducted under Section 38 (8) of the National Heritage Resources Act No 25 of 1999) Prepared for: Enviroworks Suite 116 Private Bag X01 Brandhof 9324 Tel: 086 198 8895 Email:
[email protected] February 2011 Prepared by: Lita Webley & Liesbet Schietecatte Archaeology Contracts Office Department of Archaeology University of Cape Town Private Bag Rondebosch 7701 Phone (021) 650 2357 Fax (021) 650 2352 Email:
[email protected] 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Archaeology Contracts Office (ACO) at the University of Cape Town was appointed by Enviroworks to undertake an Archaeological Impact Assessment and complete a NID for proposed trench excavation for the laying of a fibre optic cable from Melkbos to Yzerfontein, then via Darling, Mamre, Atlantis and Philadelphia ending in Durbanville, Western Cape. The trench will be 1 m deep and 0.5 m wide. During the archaeological survey, comment was made on the built environment and cultural landscape where this seemed appropriate. Limitations According to the initial Terms of Reference, the cable was going to be placed in the road reserve. A field survey, conducted by Lita Webley and Liesbet Schietecatte on the 11 November 2010, followed the road reserve. After field work had been completed, it was decided to place the cable within 3 m of the fence of the road reserve due to difficulty in obtaining permission from the road authorities. A second fieldtrip on the 3 February 2011 concentrated on the Tygerfontein Nature Reserve (TNR), south of Yzerfontein.