Jiawmah 3.)0-.);AKV (D'f.R.U'i'lakmi
JiAWMAh (D'f.r.U'I'lAKMi3.)0-.);AKV Qrhf, II. ' —% t k■ W I (3AFit> '^Tj7 Corrected to 1th Aw./uftt, 1920. [Crown Copyright Reserved. Un ^utlioiitn. THE MONTHLY AIR FORCE LIST AUGUST, 1920. PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY’SLONDON: STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses : Imperial House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2, and 28, Abingdon Street, London, S.W.l; 37, Peter Street, Manchester; 1, St. Andrew’s Crescent, Cardiff; 23, Forth Street, Edinburgh ; or from E. PONSONBY, Ltd., 116, Grafton Street, Dublin. 1920. [Price One Shilling and Sixpence, Net.] THE MONTHLY AIR FORCE LIST AUGUST, 1920. CONTENTS. SAZ. Abbreviations Area Commands:— Advisory Board on Chaplaincy Services... Coastal Area No.Inland 11 (Irish) Aiea Wing Air Council B.A.F. Headquarters, Cranwell Air Force Agents R.A.F. Headquarters, Halton ... Air Ministry Chaplains, Department of . Commands R.A.F. (Overseas) Chief of the Air Staff, Department of Independent Units Commit! ee, India Mediterranean Group ... Middle East Area Rhine Dental Officers, List, of Directorate of Equipment Gradation List 101-lOOOi Directorate of Lands ... Medical Service R.A.F. 1001-1013 Directorate < f R.A.F. Medical Services Directorate of Personnel t Relinquishments, Resignations, etc Directorate of Works and Buildings... * t Retired List Finance Department Units, List of, with Officers serving Secretary’s Department * Published only in January, April, July and October issues, t Alphabetical lists—not shewn in Index. EXPLANATIONS OF ABBREVIATIONS. »«ajssrs»assa-,“ “ ““ 0“'“i"n *“ NOTES. Officers whoso names are marked thus * (a) hold Permanent or Short Service Commissions or (b) have been re-seconded or (c) having previous pensionable service in the Navy or Army are retained in order to complete time for pension.
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