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Muic Newsletter 208.Pdf kaleidoscope 2.08 MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSLETTER | ISSN 1685-5884 | VOL. 4 NO. 2 | SPRING 2008 consolidating MUIC’s facilities DURING THE SECOND TRIMESTER THE COLLEGE ENGAGED IN A SERIES OF CEREMONIES, BOTH FORMAL AND INFORMAL, MARKING THE CONSOLIDATION OF ITS RECENT PHYSICAL EXPANSION AND REAFFIRMING ITS COMMITMENT TO PROVIDE THE BEST AVAILABLE FACILITIES FOR ITS STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFF. NEW EXTENSION location but also served as an opportunity to offer Our cover features the blessings for the college’s Salaya Campus Por Koon new eight-storey exten- Toong Shrine (across from sion (Building 3). Profes- Cup-pa Coffee House), sor Chariya Brockelman, where MUIC administra- Director of MUIC, lit the ers and a performance by are critical in the devel- tors, faculty, students ceremonial candles as visit- dancers in traditional Thai opment of the division’s and staff gathered on the ing monks chanted their costume. current research efforts. morning of February 18 for prayers, after which they After the 3-hour cer- The new laboratory a special ceremony. They were offered food and alms. emony, a buffet lunch was complex is being super- were joined by Professor The participants, many provided on the ground vised by Mr. Gawin Pla-on, Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn, of whom were clustered floor of Building 3. who traveled to the Unit- President of Mahidol Uni- under the shaded canopy ed Kingdom during the versity, and his executive of the banyan trees, SCIENCE DIVISION first trimester in order to staff, along with represen- witnessed a series of undergo an intensive two- tative members from vari- traditional rituals, includ- Ten days later, on month training session at ous university faculties. ing the sprinkling of holy February 28, the Science the University of Essex. The ceremony not water and lighting of joss Division held an informal only commemorated the sticks, an offering of alms, Open House that featured SALAYA CENTER shrine’s newly-renovated the scattering of flow- its new facilities on the fifth floor of Building 3. At the beginning of Professor Maleeya Krua- this academic year, the trachue, Deputy Director construction of eight major for Academic Affairs and classrooms and a teacher’s Science Division Chairper- lounge on the third floor son, welcomed the guests of the Salaya Center was and led them on a tour. finally completed, enabling Apart from the new the English Studies Program classrooms and the com- to conduct all of its classes plex of offices for faculty at this new site. and staff, the occasion In the meantime, reno- was meant to showcase vations for office space on the new laboratories for the second floor were well chemistry, biology and underway. When the finish- environmental studies as ing touches were brought to well as a new lab prepara- a close in late January, the tion room, all of which entire faculty and staff of TRADITIONAL RITUALS AT THE SHRINE’S OPENING CEREMONY 2 kaleidoscope 2.08 ONE OF THE NEW SCIENCE LABORATORIES the Humanities and Lan- GIVEN THE RECENT guage Division (Humanities, EXPANSION AND Foreign Languages, English RENOVATION OF Studies and Physical & MUIC’S PHYSICAL Health Education Programs) LANDSCAPE, THE relocated to this complex. To mark this transi- OFFICE OF CENTRAL tion, the division invited ADMINISTRATION members of the MUIC com- ceremony, followed by the a special tutorial session, ANNOUNCED munity to attend a house- customary cutting of a “Preparation for the 2008 O- THE FOLLOWING warming party on March 6. ribbon and a performance Net Test: English and Math,” DESIGNATIONS: Assistant Professor Gerard by the Hat Yai Witthayalai at the Hat Yai Witthayalai Fouquet, Chairman of the School band. School on February 16. Division, welcomed the Everyone then pro- The O-Net, or Ordinary BUILDING 1: THE MAIN guests, who enjoyed a cel- ceeded to the third-floor National Educational Test, 6-STOREY COMPLEX ebratory cocktail party and Seminar Room to view a is offered by the National a tour of the new facilities. video presentation on the Institute of Educational BUILDING 2: THE OLD Center. After Mr. Prayong Testing Services once a year; 3-STOREY BUILDING ACADEMIC SERVICE had offered his congratula- all 12th grade students are CENTER tory remarks, Dr. Chariya required to take this exam, Brockelman, Director of whose scores are used in the BUILDING 3: THE NEW On January 24 the col- MUIC, and Ajarn Sanhapong admission process to most 8-STORY EXTENSION lege’s newly-established Khovong, Program Director Thai universities. Academic Service Center of ASC, addressed the group, Approximately 700 BUILDING 4: THE OLD (ASC) in Hat Yai conducted outlining the Center’s short high school students from MU SCIENCE FACULTY a Grand Opening, which was and long-term objectives. the southern provinces BUILDING (ADJACENT attended by MUIC executive The guests were then participated in the tuto- TO THE PRINCESS staff and faculty, represen- given a tour of the facilities rial. English instruction CAFÉ), THE SITE OF tatives from local schools and enjoyed a luncheon, by Ajarn Sanhapong was THE FOOD SCIENCE and universities as well as after which some of them offered in the morning members of the Hat Yai com- attended a press confer- session. Assistant Profes- And TECHNOLOGY munity. Mr. Prayong Rat- ence. sor Somchit Vipaweenukul PROGRAM’S OffICES tanapan, Deputy Governor of Apart from its recruit- from the Department of AND LAB. Songkhla Province, presided ment efforts, the ASC Mathematics, Prince of over the proceedings. collaborated with Prince of Songkhla University, taught BUILDING 5: THE The day’s activities Songhkla University, Hat math skills in the after- SALAYA CENTER, THE began with a merit-making Yai Campus, in offering noon. NEW LOCATION FOR THE HUMANITIES And LANGUAGE DIVISION. This system of identify- ing buildings will be im- plemented in all internal and external communi- cations, including future issues of kaleidoscope. HOUSEWARMING PARTY AT THE SALAYA CENTER THE ASC GRAND OPENING a second master’s program IN FEBRUARY THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY MANAGEMENT (TIM) DIVISION ANNOUNCED THE FORMATION OF A NEW ACADEMIC OFFERING: A MASTER OF MANAGEMENT (MM) PROGRAM IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT, ONE OF THE FEW POSTGRADUATE DEGREES IN THE REGION THAT COVERS MANAGEMENT IN BOTH TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY. The Master of Manage- The program, consist- ment is designed to provide ing of 48 credits, offers two a comprehensive base in the modules: Tourism Manage- fundamentals of tourism ment and Hospitality Man- and hospitality manage- agement. Students have ment, with an emphasis on a choice of the two plans, their business applications. with the submission of ei- Moreover, it specifically ther a thesis or a thematic targets those professionals paper. This 18-month who wish to enhance their program will be conducted management skills to more on weekends at MUIC in effectively meet the chal- Salaya, a highly suitable lenges of a rapidly growing time and place for practic- accredited 4-year under- May 14 to June 14, 2008. tourism industry. ing professionals in pursuit graduate college/university For additional informa- The curriculum, to be of scholarly excellence. or its equivalent, 2) a cumu- tion, visit www.tim-muic. taught by subject specialists Assistant Professor lative GPA of at least 2.75 or net or contact Ms. Veena and experienced practitio- Sompong Amnuay-ngern- at least 2.5 with a minimum Thavornloha at (+66) 2241- ners, will be continually tra, Chairman of the TIM of two year’s work experi- o594-6, ext. 1511 or restructured in order to Division, will service as ence and 3) passing the [email protected] keep pace with fast-chang- Director of the Master of MUIC English Examina- ing industry trends and to Management Program. tion or a TOEFL score of PROFILE ensure that the students’ Admission require- at least 550 or IELTS score management skills will be ments include 1) a Bachelor of at least 6.0 for those Assistant Professor internationally competitive. degree in any field from an applicants who attended Sompong Amnuay-ngern- a non-English-speaking tra received his Master undergraduate university. of International Tourism The final criteria for selec- Management Degree from tion will be based on the Southern Cross University, candidates’ profiles and Australia, and his PhD in through interviews. Architectural Heritage The MM Program in Management and Tourism Tourism and Hospital- from Silpakorn Univeristy, ity Management will be Thailand. launched on September 15, Before his arrival at 2008, and the application MUIC in 200, Dr. Sompong period for the initial intake had acquired both practical of students will be from and academic experience. PARTICIPANTS AT THE JOB APPLICATION CONFERENCE kaleidoscope 2.08 division news DR. SOMPONG AMNUAY-NGERNTRA Division was invited to pro- were donated to the Asian first orientation at its fa- vide a similar training expe- Elephant Foundation of cilities on the 12th floor of rience in March of 2008. Thailand. Sathorn City Tower for the She led a Siriraj nurs- Two subsequent events first group of 45 graduate He not only worked in the ing team in exploring the were also organized by the students. inbound tourism industry demands for excellence in class. A “Job Application Professor Maleeya as an English-French tour customer service, focusing and Recruitment Confer- Kruatrachue, Deputy Direc- guide and a guest service on time management, ef- ence” was held on February tor for Academic Affairs, agent at the Royal Orchid fective communication and 26 in the MUIC auditorium, welcomed the participants, Sheraton Hotel but also was general people skills. where 16 travel and hos- after which Professor Ban- a guest lecturer at a number pitality-related companies chong Mahaisavariya, Dean of universities and served LEARNING OUTSIDE delivered presentations on of Mahidol University’s as Head of the International THE CLASSROOM their respective enterprises.
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