Developing Sustainable Cities in Sweden
DEVELOPING SUSTAINABLE CITIES IN SWEDEN ABOUT THE BOOKLET This booklet has been developed within the Sida-funded ITP-programme: »Towards Sustainable Development and Local Democracy through the SymbioCity Approach« through the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR ), SKL International and the Swedish International Centre for Democracy (ICLD ). The purpose of the booklet is to introduce the reader to Sweden and Swedish experiences in the field of sustainable urban development, with special emphasis on regional and local government levels. Starting with a brief historical exposition of the development of the Swedish welfare state and introducing democracy and national government in Sweden of today, the main focus of the booklet is on sustainable planning from a local governance perspective. The booklet also presents practical examples and case studies from different municipalities in Sweden. These examples are often unique, and show the broad spectrum of approaches and innovative solutions being applied across the country. EDITORIAL NOTES MANUSCRIPT Gunnar Andersson, Bengt Carlson, Sixten Larsson, Ordbildarna AB GRAPHIC DESIGN AND ILLUSTRATIONS Viera Larsson, Ordbidarna AB ENGLISH EDITING John Roux, Ordbildarna AB EDITORIAL SUPPORT Anki Dellnäs, ICLD, and Paul Dixelius, Klas Groth, Lena Nilsson, SKL International PHOTOS WHEN NOT STATED Gunnar Andersson, Bengt Carlsson, Sixten Larsson, Viera Larsson COVER PHOTOS Anders Berg, Vattenfall image bank, Sixten Larsson, SKL © Copyright for the final product is shared by ICLD and SKL International, 2011 CONTACT INFORMATION ICLD, Visby, Sweden WEBSITE E-MAIL PHONE +46 498 29 91 80 SKL International, Stockholm, Sweden WEBSITE E-MAIL PHONE +46 8 452 70 00 ISBN 978-91-633-9773-8 CONTENTS 1.
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