Madley Brook C.P School Prospectus & Parent Handbook HELLO AND WELCOME HELLO AND WELCOME

Welcome to our school

Hello and welcome to Madley Brook The school works Community Primary school. Our school alongside Springfield opened in September 2003 to provide Special School. Both mainstream education for pupils on the Madley schools are based on the site Park estate. known as The Bronze Barrow chosen to reflect We can accommodate 315 pupils and also the historical nature of the area. The schools have a nursery, with 48 part time places. are built around the site of a Bronze Age burial The nursery runs for morning and afternoon ground, hence, the horseshoe shape of the sessions for children aged 3+. building. The two schools co-exist yet maintain their own individual identities, staff, governing Sections It’s a great Our school has a very clear vision at its heart: bodies and pupils. school, everyone ‘Achieving excellence by challenging 1. Hello and welcome We hope that this booklet gives you all the just gets on ... boundaries’ 2. Our vision and aims initial information that you need, but to get a 3. The Curriculum Our aim is to value each pupil. To provide first-hand impression of the school I would like 4. Supporting Children learning opportunities that will develop the to invite you to come along and take a look 5. Parent information and the school/parent whole child. We will encourage them to have around and meet the staff. Please give the partnership limitless aspirations, to have a passion for school a ring to arrange an appointment. 6. The school day learning and to enjoy life and above all, have a Hold on to this prospectus, it has also been 7. Management of the school sense of fun. designed as a handbook. Should your child 8. Creating a safe and inspiring learning join our school, it contains all the finer detail environment Our vision and aims are intricately thread you will need to get settled in. 9. Starting school…and moving on to through the lifeblood of the school – through secondary school the lessons that we teach, the activities we 10. Index undertake and the additional opportunities that Katherine Spencer we offer to each child. Headteacher Appendices Madley Brook CP School 2 3 ORGANISATION OUR VISIONVISION ANDAND AIMSAIMS

The school is organised in to three Key Stages: Visions and aims The Early Years Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 Foundation Stage as a alities learn Qu er Nursery (F3 and F2) Year 1 Year 3 We will value each pupil Children will be encouraged to develop their: 3 to 4 year olds 5 to 6 year olds 7 to 8 year olds and seek to provide • Academic potential learning opportunities • Creativity Reception Class (F1) Year 2 Year 4 that will develop the 4 to 5 year olds 6 to 7 year olds 8 to 9 year olds • Tenacity whole child. • Physical ability Year 5 • Spiritual and moral conscience 9 to 10 year olds • Understanding of their social role and responsibilities • Independence as a learner

Year 6 And to have a passion for learning! 10 to 11 year olds

Children will be encouraged to develop: Children will be encouraged to develop: • A sense of success • Empathy

• An ability to recognise and • Respect for everyone s e A celebrate their own achievements • Respect for the environment t c • An ability to recognise and • Self-belief u b h celebrate the achievements of • Initiative i i r e others • Pride in themselves t v t e • A sense of awe and wonder • Courage A m l • Ambition Self-reliance a e • Enthusiasm n n And to enjoy life o t rs s And to have limitless and have a sense of fun! e aspirations! P



Our curriculum aims to provide children with a so that the needs of the most able, as well broad, balanced and wide range of experience as the less able and those pupils with special and opportunities. educational needs are adequately met. The curriculum and the overall effectiveness The Early Years Foundation Stage of teaching and learning at Madley Brook are constantly being monitored and evaluated by Both the Nursery and the Reception Classes the headteacher, teaching staff and governors. follow a planned curriculum which is based on the guidance recommended by the DfE. It promotes Teaching Methods Lessons are fun. activities that lay secure foundations for future Teachers set hard Children are taught in various ways and learning, and is delivered through a combination of challenges that make us grouped accordingly. There is a mixture of whole class activities, adult-led focussed activities, feel motivated when we whole class, group and individual teaching. and child-initiated activities. This is referred to as the Early Years Foundation Stage and provides the achieve them Where group work is planned children are either taught in ability groups or mixed ability framework for children’s learning from birth until the groups depending on the teaching and end of their Reception class year. learning planned for that lesson. Occasionally a class will be taught by a different teacher - The Early Years Foundation Stage guidelines are for example, for a subject specialism such as based around seven broad areas of Learning and music or PE. Development: Assessment • Communication and Language • Physical Development Ongoing assessments of pupils’ achievements, • Personal, Social and Emotional Development both teacher assessments and statutory • Literacy assessments, are used to inform future planning • Mathematics and to check pupils’ progress. As a result of daily • Expressive Arts and Design assessment techniques, work is differentiated • Knowledge and Understanding of the World 6 7 THE CURRICULUM THE CURRICULUM

Once children reach Key Stage 1 they follow Every child has a reading diary to record materials, the human body and minibeasts and netbooks, ipads, most of which are fully the National Curriculum which continues their daily reading at home and school. The their habitats and are given the opportunity networked with full Internet access. Each through into secondary school (Key Stages 3 school runs a Reading Challenge to encourage to ask questions and raise issues along classroom is equipped with an interactive and 4) children to read at home and certificates are their path of discovery. The children are white board which is used to help children awarded for their efforts. expected to carry out practical experiments learn in all subject areas. Literacy and investigations, record their results and Mathematics History Literacy lessons are aimed at developing draw logical conclusions from them, as well children’s reading, writing and speaking and All children are taught daily according to as use computer programmes to display and The study of history is conducted through listening skills. In all areas of writing children the National Framework for Mathematics. analyse their results. They will be encouraged a series of topics ranging from ancient are encouraged to be involved in the Children have the opportunity to practise to respect the natural environment both in civilisations up to the present day taking into evaluation of their work so they understand mental arithmetic, solve problems and carry our locality and further afield. We believe that account the effect of explorers, invaders and what they have done well and what the next out mathematical investigations. Sometimes a questioning nature will allow all children to settlers and major historical events. Children steps will be in their learning. children will have a mathematical homework appreciate the wonders of the modern world are encouraged to discover for themselves task. throughout their lives. Science may be taught as a discrete subject or as part of a topic or Science theme. In an increasingly scientific world we believe ICT it is important that our children develop an understanding and interest in the science The ICT curriculum is constantly changing that they encounter in everyday life. They will as technology develops. The school is well explore such topics as electricity, space, light, equipped for IT including an ICT suite, laptops,


through the use of artefacts, photographs, environments, and to find out how people Music Physical Education (PE) visits and analysis of evidence from affect, and are affected by, their environment. All children have the opportunity to listen to, Each class has two lessons per week which appropriate stimuli to understand what life was Children are taught to use appropriate respond to, compose and perform a wide include gymnastics, dance or outdoor games like in the past and how it has influenced our geographical vocabulary, collect and record range of music. Class assemblies, productions depending on the season. The curriculum society today. evidence, analyse data and use geographical and concerts allow children to share in for PE offers a variety of activities aiming at resources such as maps and photographs. Geography their music making. There are additional developing each child’s physical fitness and Art and Design opportunities for children to learn a musical social skills through team work, co-operation Children will learn geographical enquiry THE CURRICULUM instrument through the peripatetic music and good sportsmanship. Children represent techniques and skills by studying their local Throughout our artwork children are given the service. the school on a number of tournaments and area and by contrasting localities in their own opportunity to develop their creativity and inter-school matches in a wide range of sports. country and in the wider world. They learn to imagination through visual, tactile and sensory Design and Technology (D&T) ask questions about people, places and experiences. The work of other artists, We encourage children to investigate and craftspeople and designers help them to learn understand the technology around them and about the functions of art in past times, other to use their knowledge, resourcefulness and cultures and their own lives. Children will learn imagination to design and evaluate. Specific that art is a means of communicating ideas or skills such as construction, cutting, sticking, feelings and that it has a vital role in human sewing and cooking are taught as a means society. towards making the final product.


Swimming sessions are organised at the Modern Foreign Languages Collective Worship and Religious Sex Education Windrush Leisure Centre for Years 5 and 6 on Education Children in Key Stage 2 have regular Aspects of sex education are taught in the context a Monday. opportunities to learn French. These are practical Religious Education follows the of PSHCE throughout the school. Formal teaching Year 3 and 4 swim in small groups on Friday and oral sessions provided by teachers in our Agreed Syllabus. Daily assemblies are held about puberty takes place in Year 5 and about mornings in the swimming pool on site. school as well as from The Henry Box School. which are in line with the 1988 Education human reproduction in Year 6 as part of the Parents are asked to make a contribution Reform Act and are predominantly Christian science curriculum and within a moral context. Personal, Social, Health and Citizen in nature. Parents who wish their child to be School governors have the legal responsibility towards the cost of the coach travel (Windrush) Education (PSHCE) and the pool hire (on site). withdrawn from RE or assemblies should make for the school’s Sex and Relationships Policy These lessons underpin the school’s aims and arrangements to discuss this matter with the which is available on request. Parents wishing to ethos. It is a time for children to think about headteacher. withdraw their children from Sex and Relationships themselves and their responsibilities as a The school has a thematic approach to the Education should first make arrangements to member of the Bronze Barrow Community. content of assemblies based around Values discuss the matter with the headteacher. Issues such as behaviour, drugs education and Education. These values are rotated regularly the feelings of others are discussed. Sometimes and are: Hope, Responsibility, Respect, PSHCE lessons will take the form of Circle Tolerance, Unity, Courage, Trust, Love, Time and occasionally visitors from the local Freedom, Peace, Appreciation, Happiness, community such as the local police or the school Caring, Honesty, Friendship, Co-operation, nurse will speak to the children. Understanding and Thoughtfulness.


Supporting children

Special Educational Needs (SEN) specialist, the school will consult you first before making the referral. We aim to provide a differentiated curriculum that meets the needs of all our pupils. Occasionally a child requires a statement for Occasionally children may require additional SEN, agreed with outside professionals, the support with certain aspects of their work and school and the local authority. Extra support is Lessons are fun. teaching assistants work alongside teachers to then arranged in accordance with the identified Teachers set hard provide this support on a daily basis. need. challenges that make us Our special needs Code of Practice works If you think your child may have special feel motivated when we on a step-by-step basis matching the level of educational needs you should make an achieve them help to the needs of the child. If the school appointment to talk to your child’s teacher, identifies that your child has special needs, the special educational needs coordinator we will discuss this with you and together we (SENCo) or the headteacher. Many problems will decide what stage is best for your child. can be dealt with easily, especially if they are An Individual Education Plan (IEP) will then be dealt with quickly. Our SENCo will assess drawn up detailing the steps to be taken to your child and advise teachers on appropriate help your child. These will be reviewed each targets and teaching strategies. term with you and your child. In most cases, We recognise that more able children have special help at an early stage will allow your special needs too and extra challenge is child to make progress and he or she will provided for them. Children who show a not need to move on to the next stage. If it is particular flare and aptitude for a subject may considered that your child needs a particular be placed on our Gifted and Talented Register kind of special help, perhaps from an outside and further differentiation will be provided where appropriate.


Curriculum Enrichment require the use of transport for which financial Voluntary Financial Contributions Clubs contributions are requested from parents. Throughout their time at Madley Brook children To enable the school to provide for trips, The school offers a wide range of after school All visits follow guidelines set by the Local go on a variety of educational visits, all of visitors to school and visits to places of clubs, free and chargeable, some of which Authority and are fully supervised. Every year which give them valuable first-hand experience are school run whilst others from outside pupils in Year 6 go on a residential trip, where interest, it may be necessary to ask parents and help broaden their understanding. Most organisations. Clubs have a positive effect they undertake more adventurous activities for a voluntary contribution towards the cost of the local visits are made on foot during on children’s learning and on their physical, than can normally be offered at school. of these events. Without this support we lesson time in small or larger groups to places would find it difficult to maintain the quality social and emotional development. As in all Occasionally themed weeks are organised - such as the local church, town centre and variety of the school’s good quality other aspects of school life we encourage the e.g. book week, science week, creative arts and areas around Madley Park. Day visits enrichment programme. Whilst no children involvement of parents in helping to provide week - when normal timetabling is suspended are usually arranged by the class teacher in will be penalised individually if their parents these activities and are very grateful for the and activities are focused around the theme. connection with the term’s topic. As these are unwilling or unable to make a contribution, time and additional expertise they give to us. From time to time visitors to school - theatre visits are usually to places further away they the school may have to cancel the activity if Lessons are also available for piano and guitar. groups, travelling planetarium, artists in insufficient funds have been collected. residence, musicians - help children learn from first hand experiences. Occasionally teachers will ask for a voluntary contribution towards the cost of cooking The residential ingredients or technology projects if the child trips are so much fun. wishes to own the end product. Grendon Hall is two nights and we got to go on a zip wire over a swamp!


Parent Information

Partnership with Parents Reporting to Parents Parents are encouraged to play an active part Parent-teacher consultations are held during in the life of the school as a broad education the autumn and spring terms. A school of a child is a partnership between the school report is sent home at the end of the summer and the home. There are a number of ways in term and parents are given the opportunity which parents can get involved in their child’s to discuss its contents. We believe that a school: partnership between parents and school is essential for the success and happiness of • Home – School Agreement all children. If you are in any way concerned • Voluntary work in school about your child’s work, progress or well- The school runs • Helping with school trips being, you are most welcome to come into after school clubs. There • Supporting your child with their homework school and share those concerns with the • Reading at home with your child and are lots of different things to class teacher. It would be helpful if you could completing their reading diary choose from – pom pom making, phone the school or speak to the class teacher • Supporting PTA events sewing, drawing, gardening to ascertain the most convenient time for such and football. It’s great. The school aims to communicate with parents a discussion. In the same way, if a teacher has on a regular basis. A weekly newsletter is sent a concern about your child they will contact out with news about school and forthcoming you and make an appointment to discuss this events. Teachers send out termly curriculum with you. information informing parents of the topics that are being taught that term. The school website Home Learning provides a useful tool for policies and booklets At Madley Brook regular home learning is about the curriculum and other information. expected of all pupils at all stages of school

18 19 PARENT INFORMATION PARENT INFORMATION life. Parents are encouraged to take an interest Uniform and Equipment • Blue jogging bottoms and sweatshirt for ears have been pierced only studs should be in their children’s education and to play an outdoor games in case of cold weather worn and these must be removed for all PE We wish to encourage high standards of active part in the home – school partnership. • Black plimsolls for indoor PE lessons, including swimming. If children are presentation in our pupils and emphasise Home learning includes daily reading for • Trainers for outdoor games unable to remove their earrings they must the importance of pride in belonging to the all children and the Reading Challenge • A named bag for PE kits have their own tape in school to secure them school. In order to support the ethos of the encourages all children to participate and during lessons. Parents who wish to have their integrated school, it is expected that all pupils PE kits should remain in school throughout earn certificates for their efforts. Spellings, children’s ears pierced may wish to consider will wear school uniform to demonstrate our the week and be taken home at regular, mental arithmetic including times tables, and having this done during a summer holiday so commitment to inclusive practice. We hope appropriate intervals to be washed. other assignments such as further research or that the studs do not have to be removed for that, as prospective parents of Madley Brook individual exercises to reinforce and extend During colder months all children should have PE during the healing process. pupils, you will support us in this. classroom learning may also be included. a coat in school every day as we encourage We wish to support parents as much as outdoor play all year round. During the possible and will therefore supply items of summer children should have a hat to protect uniform through the school shop. Orders can them from the sun and may also bring sun be place through the school office at any time. cream, although this has to be self applied. Clothing: Jewellery • French navy, V-necked sweatshirt or In the interests of safety it is important that cardigan (with the school logo in bronze) children do not wear jewellery to school. If • School fleece with logo, for outdoor wear only (this should not be used to replace the sweatshirt or cardigan) • White polo shirt • Grey skirt, trousers or shorts • In summer, there is the option for girls of blue and white checked dresses • Shoes appropriate for running and outdoor play (no trainers, sandals or fashion boots, please) PE: • White T shirt • Blue or black shorts


The School Day

Nursery Morning Session Afternoon Session 8.30am – 11.30am 12.00pm – 3.00pm

School Doors open & activities begin School Finishes 8.30am 3.00pm

The school run lots of trips to bring projects and topics to life. The Banbury Canal Museum was fantastic and so was The Black Country Museum


Lunch Times job seekers allowance or state pension credit Schools’ initiative. the school office, where their attendance can are entitled to free school meals. Parents in be registered and the reason noted in our Late Children may purchase a two-course school A healthy Tuck Shop runs on a Friday morning. Book. If a child is persistently absent or late it receipt of child tax credit or working tax credit lunch cooked on the premises or bring in a Individual items range in price from 20p to may become necessary to contact the Attendance may have an entitlement dependent upon packed lunch. 50p; and cards for £5 may be purchased at the and Engagement Team for the school who will income. Please contact our Administration beginning of term. Money should be placed in help to resolve any difficulties the family may be Payment for school meals must be made in Team who will be able to provide you with an envelope and handed to the class teacher. experiencing in promoting good attendance. advance, preferably at the beginning of the further details. week or at the latest on the day that the lunch Each child is given a water bottle when If your child brings a packed lunch, please Emergency Closure is booked. Refunds will be made or payment they first start at the school. Replacement do not include sweets, glass bottles or fizzy carried forward for absent pupils where the bottles can be purchased for £1 from the If the school is forced to close for any reason drinks. A leaflet giving ideas for healthy lunch meal has been booked in advance. Parents in school office. Children are encouraged - e.g., severe weather, lack of heating - boxes can be found in the Appendix. receipt of income support, income based to drink throughout the day as water aids announcements will be made on the school website, Heart FM and Radio Oxford. Mid-Morning Snack concentration. Please ensure your child takes his or her water bottle home and returns Under the Healthy Schools agreement with the it to school each day with fresh water. No Department for Education (DFE), only fruit and squashes please. vegetables are permitted for a mid morning snack. Children in Nursery, Foundation Late Arrivals Stage and Key Stage 1 receive free fruit and Pupils who arrive at school late (i.e. after 8.40a.m.) vegetables through the national ‘Fruit for should report with their parents to


Management of the School

PTA throughout the year for children and families such as: Summer Fete, Christmas Fair, Family Parents are very supportive and there is an Disco, Bingo, Easter Fair. Some of these active Parent Teacher Association which raises events are organised jointly with Springfield significant amounts of money for the school School PTA. and provides additional resources to enhance the educational opportunities for the children.

There The PTA is open to all parents and carers. is a School Council. New parents are always welcome to join the It’s really good. The children committee and many find that becoming that are on it represent every involved is a good way of making friends year group. They go to meetings and and having fun in a good cause. The PTA feel like grown ups. They take topics organises various fund raising events back to their class and run votes on different things. We’ve got an American themed food day coming up…


Each year the PTA raises thousands of pounds School Council their wellbeing, and primarily the education of Complaints for the school. In recent years it has purchased the children within it. Meetings are held termly The School Council is a joint organisation In the event of a problem or complaint it is the trim trail in Key Stage 2, the fort in Key with committees meeting in between. These between the two schools and representatives usually only necessary for parents to discuss Stage 1 and the sun canopies, and often helps are Pastoral and Community, Learning and from each class meet regularly with the their concerns with the class teacher or the to fund transport for school trips, visiting Teaching, Strategy and Finance. teachers responsible for the School Council headteacher for matters to be resolved. speakers and theatre groups. An AGM is held from each school. Children are able to Because of the unique relationship and shared However, in the event of parents wishing to every October and all parents are encouraged express their views about the school through usage of the school with Springfield Special pursue a complaint further there is a County to attend this and consider ways of getting this forum. School, representatives of both governing Policy adopted by the Governing Body that involved in some way. bodies meet regularly as a Joint Executive gives clear guidance on procedure. A copy of The Governing Body regularly to discuss issues that affect both this policy is available from the school office. Governors have the responsibility for the schools strategic management of the school within the framework set by national legislation I loved going and by the policies of the Local Authority. to the pantomime at The governing body has representation Christmas. It was Cinderella. on it from the Local Authority, community, Everyone loves the pantomime parents, teaching staff and support staff. The trips – especially going on governors oversee the management of the the coach! school building, the curriculum, the staff and


Creating a safe and inspiring Learning Environment

Absence and Holidays cannot be authorised during periods when the national Standard Attainment Tests (SATs) Regular attendance is vital to a child’s are taken or being prepared for. This is usually educational progress. If your child is unable to between February and May for Years 2 and 6. attend school we ask that you inform the school as soon as possible, ideally by 8.30a.m. on Madley Brook School has a very good the first day of absence and subsequent days. attendance record. Without this information your child’s absence will be recorded as unauthorised. Medicines There is no automatic right to holiday leave Parents are responsible for administering during term time. Permission for taking holidays medicines. If your child needs to take medicines The building has been designed to during term time is at the discretion of the three times a day then these can be administered accommodate the needs of both schools, headteacher. If you have a valid reason for before school, after school and in the evening. with superb educational resources and requesting leave for your child, please complete If your child has been prescribed medicines facilities. These include light airy classrooms, an application form available from the school for four daily doses you may arrange to come an ICT suite, a library, a double sized hall, office and only authorised in extenuating yourself or nominate someone (but not a a food technology room, and a separate, circumstances. Each application will be member of staff) to come to school at midday to specially designed nursery, fully equipped assessed on its merits and the headteacher will administer the medicine. with its own outdoor play area. Children consider absence rates of the child, the effect No prescribed medicines may be stored have access to the attractive indoor pool, ball of the requested absence on the progress of the in school, nor should a child ever be given park and sensory room which are part of the child and the nature of the holiday. medicines to keep in a bag or drawer. provision for Springfield children. For other Application forms should be completed at least Individual arrangements may be made with the sporting pursuits we have two hard surface three weeks prior to the requested leave and headteacher for children requiring epipens or playgrounds, a superbly maintained sports parents are advised not to book the holiday until similar devices. In these cases several members field, a trim trail and a wild sensory garden. the leave has been granted. Absence for holidays of staff are trained in these procedures. It is the

30 31 CREATING A SAFE AND INSPIRING LEARNING ENVIRONMENT CREATING A SAFE AND INSPIRING LEARNING ENVIRONMENT parents’ responsibility to keep the medication in missed playtimes, time out or reflection time. Health and Safety at the Bronze siblings. These activities must be supervised school up-to-date. If unacceptable behaviour becomes more Barrow by a member of staff at all times. persistent parents will be notified, with the aim Inhalers for asthma should be clearly Cycling labelled and in date. Parents should make an of working together to help the child make Car park better choices. arrangement with the class teacher for storage Parents may not use the school car park at The decision as to whether a child cycles to of the inhaler that is safe but also allows easy Child Protection Procedures the beginning and end of the day to drop off school is at the discretion of parents. Bicycle access in case of need. It is advisable to keep an or pick up their children. The number of car sheds are available for bikes and scooters. inhaler in school at all times. The safeguarding and physical well-being of parking spaces is limited given the amount No ‘vehicle’ is to be left in the playground Parents of children with long-term medical every child is of paramount importance. All of people that work on the site of the two or outside classroom doors and all children needs should speak to the headteacher to make staff have a professional duty to refer any schools. The only exception is when parents cycling to school must wear cycle helmets. special arrangements. concerns relating to child protection directly to are picking up Nursery children or dropping The school reserves the right to disallow the headteacher. them off over the lunchtime period. This is children to park their bikes on the school premises if they persistently refuse to wear a Headlice The school complies with Oxfordshire County because the back gates of the school are locked at the start of the day and are not helmet to school. There must be no cycling on Headlice are an on-going problem for all Council’s safeguarding procedures for the opened again until it is time for school to end. the school playgrounds or paths. schools and despite all the best advice recruitment of staff and all adults working in school on a regular basis are required and practice they are proving impossible to Trim Trail and Fort Smoking eradicate. The school nurse recommends to undergo an enhanced Criminal Records the daily use of a headlice comb with hair Bureau (CRB) check. The fixed playground equipment may not be The Bronze Barrow is a no smoking site. conditioner. used before or after school by pupils or their Equal Opportunities Behaviour Management Every member of the school is valued equally The school operates a positive behaviour irrespective of their race, gender, background, management policy that is based on choices. learning abilities or disabilities. Every child We believe that children make a choice about has an entitlement of equal access to and their behaviour, and good and bad choices are participation in all aspects of school life. frequently discussed. Children are rewarded At Madley Brook School we recognise and for positive behaviour through praise, stickers, value diversity in society of culture, language, merit points, the Celebration Bench and the religion, opinion and belief. sense of responsibility that good behaviour warrants. Occasionally, when a child makes a bad choice, this behaviour is discussed with them and sanctions may be applied, such as 32 33 STARTING SCHOOL AND MOVING ON TO SECONDARY SCHOOL STARTING SCHOOL AND MOVING ON TO SECONDARY SCHOOL Starting School and Moving on to Secondary School

Entry to Nursery: Entry to School: The Nursery class has 48 part-time places (24 Admission to Madley Brook Primary School per session), and children can attend from the is via Oxfordshire County Council under the term following their third birthday for 15 hours county’s Admissions Policy. a week, five days a week. Application forms Children are entitled to full time education can be obtained from the school office and from the September in the academic year in may request either an afternoon or a morning which they will turn 5. At this time they will session. A Nursery Admissions panel meets enter a Reception Class. The Local Authority three times a year to allocate these places. If is responsible for the administration of your application is successful, a letter will be applications and will allocate places under the sent to you a term before your child is due to county’s admissions policy and in line with start, offering either a morning or an afternoon the school’s published admissions number. If place. If you accept the place, you will be parents are refused a place for their child at offered the opportunity to bring your child for the school of their choice they have a right to a visit, before he or she starts. This will enable appeal to the Local Authority. If the appeal is you to meet the staff, see how the Nursery unsuccessful the child’s name can be placed session runs and ask any questions. Your on a waiting list for the Reception class. child will be able to participate in a range of For admission to the school at any other time activities with our current pupils. parents can apply for a place by completing Please note that attending the nursery class the relevant application form or contacting the does not guarantee your child a place in the admissions department at the Local Authority. school. Provided that the school has a place in the appropriate year group, a placed will be offered. Visits to the school prior to application are strongly recommended. 34 35 MANAGEMENT OF THE SCHOOL APPENDICES

Starting School Transfer to Secondary School Appendices We Before their child starts school, parents are At the end of Year 6 all children transfer to Staff List all look forward invited to a meeting to view the school and secondary school. The majority of children its procedures and to ask any questions. move to Wood Green School, some children to PE. We have a Governors List Subsequently there are opportunities for go to The Henry Box School and a small Sports Coach and get parents to bring their child into school on number to other schools on the outskirts to try out lots of School data specially arranged days to allow them to of Witney. The admissions procedures for different sports. become familiar with their new surroundings. secondary transfer is handled by the local Attendance New children joining at other times are made authority. Secondary schools arrange open welcome through the co-operation of parents, evenings for parents and pupils in the Autumn Term Dates teachers and the headteacher. Term of Year 6. Ofsted Report

Further Information Healthy Lunchbox Leaflet Our website www.madleybrook.org contains our term dates, latest news, policies, reports and our latest news.

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38 39 Madley Brook CP School The Bronze Barrow Cedar Drive Witney, OX28 1AR Tel: 01993 862976 www.madleybrook.org