Understanding Two-handed Siteswap http://kingstonjugglers.club/r/siteswap.pdf Greg Phillips,
[email protected] Overview Alternating throws Siteswap is a set of notations for describing a key feature Many juggling patterns are based on alternating right- of juggling patterns: the order in which objects are hand and lef-hand throws. We describe these using thrown and re-thrown. For an object to be re-thrown asynchronous siteswap notation. later rather than earlier, it needs to be out of the hand longer. In regular toss juggling, more time out of the A1 The right and lef hands throw on alternate beats. hand means a higher throw. Any pattern with different throw heights is at least partly described by siteswap. Rules C2 and A1 together require that odd-numbered Siteswap can be used for any number of “hands”. In this throws end up in the opposite hand, while even guide we’ll consider only two-handed siteswap; numbers stay in the same hand. Here are a few however, everything here extends to siteswap with asynchronous siteswap examples: three, four or more hands with just minor tweaks. 3 a three-object cascade Core rules (for all patterns) 522 also a three-object cascade C1 Imagine a metronome ticking at some constant rate. 42 two juggled in one hand, a held object in the other Each tick is called a “beat.” 40 two juggled in one hand, the other hand empty C2 Indicate each thrown object by a number that tells 330 a three-object cascade with a hole (two objects) us how many beats later that object must be back in 71 a four-object asynchronous shower a hand and ready to re-throw.