Black Trade Unions, Workplace Forums, and the Struggle for Democracy in South Africa
THE RIGHT OF REVOLUTION: BLACK TRADE UNIONS, WORKPLACE FORUMS, AND THE STRUGGLE FOR DEMOCRACY IN SOUTH AFRICA C. Matthew Smith* We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. Martin Luther King, Jr.' I. INTRODUCTION In many ways, the story of labor relations in South Africa has run lockstep with the story of apartheid.2 The earliest of its labor laws were enacted for the benefit of white laborers only-and worked to the detriment of black laborers The Mines and Works Act of 1911, for example, established quotas for black and white workers4 and reserved certain better paying jobs in the mines for whites only.' That would only be the beginning. The Industrial Conciliation Act of 1924 followed the bloody Rand Revolt,6 a three-month strike to protest the lowering * J.D. 2000, University of Georgia. 'MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., LETTER FROM THE BIRMINGHAM CITY JAIL 8 (Harper Collins 1994) (1963). 2 See Stephen H. Jacobson, Comment, Collective Bargainingin Undemocratic Regimes: FrancoistSpain and ContemporarySouth Africa, 12 COMP. LAB. L.J. 214, 225 (1991); Karon M. Coleman, Comment, South Africa: The UnfairLabor Practiceand the IndustrialCourt, 12 COMP. LAB. L.J. 178, 178 (1991); Bob Hepple, Trade Unions and Democracy in Transitional Societies: Reflections on Russia andSouth Africa, in HUMAN RIGHTS AND LABOR LAW: ESSAYS FOR PAUL O'HIGGINS 56, 56 (K.D. Ewing et al. eds., 1994); Mark Mitchell & Dave Russell, Black Unions and Political Change in South Africa, in CAN SOUTH AFRICA SURVIvE?: FIvE MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT 231,231 (John D.
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