A-Bat-Hpyay Nya, 198 Abhidhamma
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-11786-0 - The Female Voice of Myanmar Gregg E. Gardner: Khin Myo Chit to Aung San Suu Kyi Nilanjana Sengupta Index More information Index A-bat-hpyay Nya, 198 authoritarianism, 86 Abhidhamma, concept of, 282 autonomy of individual, 260 action, 261 avirodha (non-opposition), 290 ahimsa (nonviolence), 39 awza (influence), 5 akaukwun (collector of sea customs), 3 Ayaung Thit (New Ray) Journal, 190–192, akunwun (collector of land revenue), 3 228 Alice in Wilderness, 65 Bagan, 199–202 All Burma Federation of Students’ Union Bamakhit newspaper, 63, 138 (ABFSU), 189, 194, 198, 205, 226 Bamakhit propoganda paper, 131 All Burma Peasants’ Organization, 121 Bandung Conference (1955), 167 All Burma Students’ Democratic Front Bar Dan Yeik (In the Shade of the Indian (ABSDF), 192, 214 Almond Tree), 181 All Burma Students’ Union (ABSU), 28, Barthes, Roland, 183–184 30, 103, 112 Battle of Upper Burma, 5 Al Qaeda, 318 Bauktaw Sun Lun Gu Kyaung monastery, Amay Shay-saga or The Mother’s Wise Words, 59–61 129 Bearer of the Betel Casket, The, 46 American Baptist Mission (ABM) School, Beauty Magazine, 222 92, 94–95 Beggar and the Princess, The (Hmawbi Saya Amnesty International, 205, 269 Thein), 57 Amyotha Hluttaw (House of Nationalities), Bharatmata, 324 328 bicameral parliament, 221 Ananda-Thuriya, 12–13 bi-zadon, 24 Anawrahta of Burma, 16 Bogyoke (Burmese equivalent of General), 10 Anglo-Burmese Wars (1826, 1852-53 and Boh Htika (expert commentary on 1885-86), 67, 87–88, 160 Europeans), 90 Anti-Fascist Organisation (AFO),
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