[CRISIS] JPSMUN 2015-2016


Sai Ganagoni President

Aneesh Deshpande 1st Vice President

Neehar Mahidadia Treasurer

Vishesh Sharma Corresponding Secretary

Roshan Shelley Recording Secretary

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Dear Delegates,

I am pleased to welcome you to this year’s Annual Fall JPSMUN conference! Hours of preparation, planning, and organizing have gone into the making of this conference. Our JPSMUN staffers have worked tirelessly to ensure the best conference experience for all of you. Every year, JPSMUN seeks to expand on the previous conferences we’ve hosted to constantly improve and strive for excellence. With six committees, and for the first time ever a joint pseudo-crisis committee, I hope that all of you can find something you enjoy. Our staffers are eager to host all of you for a Saturday filled with debate, diplomacy, and compromise. JPSMUN is one of the premier Model United Nations team on the East Coast and is proud to have such a distinct and decorated legacy. With a history that spans over two decades, JPSMUN is one of the oldest and largest high-school conferences. From the microcosm of Edison, our delegates have developed a worldly perspective through discussions of international affairs. Model United Nations is a medium for people who share the interest of global issues and debating to express their thoughts in hopes of gaining new insight. As delegates, we not only learn from the topics that we research, but from each other as we compete to become the best that we can be. The reason I love Model United Nations is because it allows people to learn things about themselves as they experiment with different techniques. Ultimately, Model UN is a journey towards realizing how you want others to perceive you, and how you hope to shape the way that they do. Aside from welcoming you to the conference, I’d like to take the time to tell you about myself. I’m a senior at J. P. Stevens High School and I’ve been involved in Model UN since the sixth grade. As a tenor in the JPS Chamber Choir, and a member of the Student Council Executive Board, I engage in other pursuits to fulfill my desires in singing and student government. I believe that simply discussing change is not enough to ignite it, and thus spend my time interning at the South Asian Mental Health Initiative and Network to promote the awareness of mental illnesses and provide support for those coping with intangible illnesses. In my downtime, I enjoy watching House of Cards and Game of Thrones, and listening to Young the Giant and Alex Clare. In just a short couple of weeks, not only will you be head-to-head against some of the finest delegates in the circuit, but you will be faced with solving international crises that require your ingenuity. Regardless of skill level, I challenge you to put your best foot forward and actively participate in committee. Don’t just understand the topic, but know how to solve it with specific measures to provide clarity and direction to your committee. Use this background guide as the start of your intellectual journey, and by all means use other resources to augment your research. I dare you to not only envision the delegate you wish to become, but embody those qualities on the day of the conference. JPSMUN is a training conference, and your performance can only help you in the future. I wish you the best of luck in your preparation for this upcoming October JPSMUN!

Sincerely, Sai Ganagoni Secretary-General John P. Stevens Model United Nations 2015-2016

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Dear Delegates,

My name is Ephany Wang and I will be serving as your Chair for the committee that you will be participating in at this October JPSMUN. I look forward to an exciting day of intense debate, high-stakes risks and interesting crises! The Irish Republican Army is a historical war cabinet that will require each and every delegate to enter committee fully prepared with both logistical and abstract intentions. Because the members of this committee each possess distinct areas of sovereignty as well as expertise, I strongly encourage risk-taking and unorthodox approaches. I also highly recommend coming “over” prepared (you can never be prepared enough for a crisis committee)! Before I get to know all of you soon, I’d like to introduce myself. I am currently a senior at John P. Stevens High School, and have been a participant in our JPSMUN community since my freshmen year. Four years ago, upon entering high school, I was lucky enough to have been able to participate in my first crisis committee that opened me up to an entirely different aspect of Model U.N that I had not known existed before. Crisis committees is a very peculiar world that divides world issues into a distinct world where every problem become both a very public and very private affair. What issues that may have appeared to be two-dimensional will become three-dimensional. I deeply hope that the candid nature of crisis committees that I fell in love with will be a quality that you, the delegates, will come to appreciate and pursue as well. Besides myself, I am honored to introduce my crisis director, Akshat Gokhale, and moderator, Ashley Shah. They are both highly accomplished delegates as individuals and have played a critical part in bringing the Irish Republican Army to life.

And with that, Goodluck!

(Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at [email protected])

Letter from the Crisis Manager

Dear Delegates,

It is an honor and privilege for me to serve as your Crisis Manager for the annual fall JPSMUN Crisis Committee! My name is Akshat Gokhale, and I am currently a junior at the Middlesex County Academy for SMET. I’ve been involved in Model United Nations for at least four years now. I started my MUN career in eighth grade at Woodrow Wilson Middle School, where I got the chance to attend my very first JPSMUN. Up till that point, MUN had been nothing more than a school club to me, something I’d do after school on Mondays just because I had nothing better to do. But after that first whiff of competition, intensity, and diplomacy, MUN suddenly became something more… it became a passion.

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My love for Model UN was only bolstered by my involvement in crisis, which I personally believe to be the pinnacle of my MUN experience. Crisis committees allow delegates to remove themselves from the abstract world of UN politics and diplomacy and actually take action. And, on top of that, crisis offers an eclectic assortment of committees to choose from, whether it be FBI agents combatting drug cartels in Mexico or the United States government saving refugees in Somalia. Besides Model UN, however, I’m heavily involved in Robotics, Math League, Debate Club, and FBLA. I can’t go a day without playing tabla (an Indian percussion instrument), and I stay involved in my community through a local non-profit, ONE Project. In my spare time, you’ll usually find me browsing through CNN and Bloomberg, or killing zombies in Black Ops. I am joined by my Director, Ephany Wang, and my Moderator, Ashley Shah. Both are active members of the JPSMUN community who have contributed numerous hours to making sure this committee is both fun and highly competitive.

If you have any questions regarding committee or myself, please feel free to contact me at [email protected], and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Letter from the Moderator

Dear Delegates,

Welcome to the IRA crisis committee! My name is Ashley Shah and I will be serving as your moderator during this October JPSMUN. I cannot wait to hear all the great ideas you guys will bring to the table with fervor and diplomacy! The Irish Republican Army is in dire need of a renewal that your unique ideas will bring about! This crisis will allow each and everyone of you to enter a quicker more spontaneous divergent of model UN that I hope you all develop an appreciation, and perhaps even a love for!

As a junior at J.P Stevens High School I am looking forward to teaching and spreading my passion for MUN. Not only am I looking forward to eloquent speeches and well-written directives, I am eagerly awaiting the negotiations and the debate. A little bit about myself, I am born and raised right here in Edison (BOREDison). Model UN has been a huge part of my life for the past 5 years and has taught me a great deal of things I hope to impart onto you. When I am not debating I am writing for the school newspaper, playing soccer for JP or dancing. Although I may be the only person in this club who doesn't watch House of cards you can always find me watching a rerun of Friends or Full House. I look forward to meeting you all soon and hope that you all come out of the conference as better debaters and intellectuals. Come prepared to act as professionally as those whom u will be representing and bring with you poise. If you

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have any questions please feel free to contact me at the email provided below!

Happy Researching,

Ashley Shah

Email: [email protected]

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BACKGROUND GUIDE NOTE: Dear Delegates, This background guide is designed to History of the give you a brief glimpse of the history of the IRA, and provide you with a general I.R.A. caricature of the figures you will be representing. Your dais will utilize crisis updates heavily in order to drive committee Origins forward, which is why a “Current Issues” or (1913-1923) “Questions to Consider” section was omitted from this guide. However, do not disregard The (1913-1918) the history portion of this guide entirely. Many of the updates you will see in committee will be reflections of past events. The Irish Volunteer Force, or IVF, As a result, a solid understanding of the was a paramilitary nationalist organization IRA’s history will be extremely beneficial to created in November of 1913, intended to all delegates. We strongly suggest further secure domestic rule for by force. Its research into the IRA and your characters, establishment is often cited as a response to which will be a crucial tool in responding to the organization, a committee updates swiftly and effectively. unionist militia fighting against home rule. The IVF maintained strong relations with The committee timeline will begin in the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB), January of 1968. We will be following an which aided in its formation, and nationalist alternate history combining true and leader . In 1914, Redmond fictional elements. drastically weakened the IVF by drawing most of its force to a new “National Volunteers” organization. The IVF was left Happy researching! with little more than 15,000 members, which was insignificant in comparison to its membership of 160,000 in 1914. Despite this, the IRB Military Council decided to utilize the IVF as a tool for rebellion. In spring of 1916, during the week of Easter, the IRB infiltrated and

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influenced the IVF to launch an armed Great Britain, and would subsequently rebellion against British rule in Ireland, support the IRA in the Irish War of referred to as the . The British Independence, setting the foundation for army possessed the necessary weaponry and future ties between Sinn Fein and the IRA. personnel to suppress the revolt swiftly, forcing an unconditional surrender. Irish War of Independence However, the failure of the rebellion did not (1919-1921) lessen its true significance: reestablishing armed nationalism as a notable force in Irish By 1919, only two years after its society and politics. A 1917 convention in establishment, the IRA, led by Commander , known as the IRA convention, Michael Collins, had engaged the British in would represent the first public attempt at irregular warfare in an attempt to force a reorganizing the defeated Irish Volunteers British withdrawal from the Irish mainland. into a new body: the Irish Republican Army Due to the IRA’s limited resources, (IRA). personnel, and funding, the organization was forced to employ guerilla tactics against Sinn Fein British targets. Through the utilization of “hit-and-run” ambushes and raids, along Founded in 1905, the Sinn Fein political party was established as a vehicle with occasional sabotage, IRA agents were for true, honest representation of the Irish successful in convincing Britain to public in the national legislature. Just as the renegotiate the political status of Ireland. party was falling into obscurity by the mid- In 1921, a compromise was reached 1910s, numerous Sinn Fein politicians which divided the island of Ireland into two joined the Irish Volunteers, of whom some individual entities. Most of Ireland was participated in the unsuccessful 1916 Easter partitioned as the (IFS), a Rising. After the rebellion, republicans and under the nationalists used the Sinn Fein party as a consisting of 26 counties. However, the banner for unity, and in 1917, the party remaining of portion of the island was officially declared its commitment to the established as an independent entity, named institution of an Irish . In 1919, , which remained a Sinn Fein won over two-thirds of the Irish province of the . seats in the British House of Commons. The representatives that held these seats soon Irish congregated in Dublin as Dail Eireann, the true “parliament of Ireland”. They (1922-1923) established an independent of

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The ultimate outcome of Anglo-Irish Resistance fighters ultimately surrendered negotiations was considered less than after heavy bombarded their satisfactory by several factions within the position, igniting a yearlong struggle IRA and Sinn Fein. These radical elements between pro-treaty IFS soldiers and anti- believed that the dissolution of the First Dail treaty IRA militants. Initially, the IRA Eireann and Irish Republic, as well as the possessed a strategic advantage over their dominion status granted to the IFS, were counterparts, having access to large swathes contradictory to Irish republican ideals. This of territory across southwest Ireland and a resulted in a political schism throughout the greater number of personnel/arms. However, two organizations. In the IRA, Collins as the IFS’s army swelled through effective remained a supporter of the treaty, and he recruitment efforts and British military and his followers would form the main hardware, the IRA was pushed back and leadership for the Irish Free State’s military forced to engage in guerilla warfare against forces. However, dissenting factions, under a vastly superior enemy. This guerrilla the leadership of Eamon de Valera, formed a campaign, considered highly ineffective in loosely organized resistance against the comparison to previous IRA operations newly established Irish state. Several crucial during the War of Independence, possessed factors led to this early split within the IRA, little traction among the general populace, most notably the differing perspectives of and fell apart as more and more territory was the IRA’s military capabilities. Pro-treaty lost to the Free State. officers were of the belief that the IRA was Though the “Irregular” army under too weak to effectively resist British armed de Valera eventually admitted defeat, an forces, while anti-treaty fighters held that agreement between the two sides of the war the IRA was powerful enough to launch a was never reached. Despite its weakened successful campaign for Irish independence. military power, the IRA, with membership In addition, the powerful personalities of barely at 2,000 and a stockpile of only 800 IRA leaders helped sway agents to each side rifles by the end of the decade, maintained of the schism. its pursuit for Irish independence and unity.

In March, 1922, a convention was held by anti-Treaty IRA operatives, asserting their opposition to the treaty. In the Post-Civil War Era spring of 1922, resistance forces captured (1926-1930s) several government buildings in Dublin after pro-Treaty politicians won a majority of seats in the Irish Free State government. Political Affairs

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on the United States and United Kingdom in 1926 was an important year in Irish return for a monthly payment of 500 pounds. politics, marking the establishment of the Because communist sentiments within the Fianna Fail party. Created by de Valera as a IRA were minimal at the time, the pact was result of Sinn Fein’s refusal to participate in simply seen as a revenue stream not the Irish Free State government, Fianna Fail representing any political implications. took control in the 1932 general election. At By 1928, the IRA’s membership this time during the Great Depression, the overlapped considerably with the Irish IRA grew in size significantly, as a result of Communist party. This was only a its appealing social radicalistic ideals. temporary political state, as communist Initially, relations between Fianna influence in Ireland soon began to Fail and the IRA were amicable, and de deteriorate. The and Irish Valera’s administration respected the government grew hostile towards legitimacy of the organization. However, the communism, and communists within the two entities quickly began to clash as IRA IRA itself were dissatisfied with the leaders turned against the party, accusing it organization’s social revolutionist efforts. of supporting the partitioning of Ireland. Fortunately, the signing of a new republican constitution in 1937 reconciled these World War II differences, preventing substantial conflict. (1937-1943) At this time, the IRA’s involvement in Northern Ireland was largely sectarian, as it worked to aid Catholic populations subject Sabotage Campaign to unfair treatment and rioting. (1939-1940)

Communist Collaboration A failed IRA campaign in the early years of World War II, the Sabotage (1926-1936) Campaign, or S-Plan, was a bombing/sabotage effort designed to damage Desperate for funds and arms, the IRA vital infrastructure within the United decided to open a line of communication Kingdom. The offensive aspect of the with the Soviet government under Joseph operation targeted several key entities, Stalin in 1925. An exchange system was namely arms factories, commercial factories, established, in which the IRA agreed to public transportation, and media outlets. provide the with intelligence

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The campaign was set into motion by Abwehr, similar to its interactions with the a warning of aggression sent to the British Soviet Union in the . The IRA Army government by the IRA, which demanded Council assumed that a partnership with the the withdrawal of all British forces in German government would guarantee the Ireland. The British government refused to installment of IRA officials into Irish respond to the ultimatum, and the IRA government, should Britain be defeated. publically released a declaration of war in Informal relations between the two January, 1939. Bombings and attacks organizations began in 1937, when an IRA continued until March of 1940, but the envoy arrived in Germany to discuss a campaign entered stagnation by August of potential alliance. An agreement was 1939 following the Coventry bike bombing reached which guaranteed German which killed five IRA agents. The campaign assistance to the IRA, contingent upon was further weakened by new legislation declared conflict between Germany and passed by the British Parliament, including Great Britain. Prior to the Blitzkrieg the Treason Act of 1939, the Offences offensive of 1939, physical communication Against the State Act, and the Temporary was established between IRA liaisons and Provisions Act, which allowed for the German agents, in order to thoroughly internment and imprisonment of IRA agents determine what relationship the two groups suspected of terrorist operations within would share and how individual interests Britain. British security was extensively would be balanced. Unfortunately, a number heightened across major areas of of factors disrupted the fragile alliance early infrastructure, resulting in an increase in on in the war, as unreliable radio IRA arms seizures. Overall, the entire effort communication and unsuccessful IRA was considered a massive IRA failure, and operations undermined and discouraged would necessitate the need for further further German involvement. When Allied operations during the post-World War II era. forces ultimately discovered evidence of

IRA involvement with the Nazi government, public trust for the organization was Abwehr-IRA Relations significantly diminished.

(1937-1943) Recent Efforts During World War II, the IRA attempted to expand its intelligence (1956-1962) capabilities by collaborating extensively with the intelligence wing of Nazi Germany,

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Border Campaign campaign. The IRA also planned to employ propaganda campaigns targeted at Northern (1956-1962) Irish inhabitants.

The first major offensive of the Drawn up and proposed by Seán Border Campaign occurred in December of Cronin in the year 1956 as “Operation 1956, when several assaults along the Irish Harvest”, the Border Campaign was the border were conducted. Northern Ireland IRA’s third military operation against the responded in a massive internment effort government of Northern Ireland. Remaining which saw the capture of hundreds of IRA under the direct influence of Britain ever members. Despite this, IRA raids and since the signing of the 1921 Anglo-Irish bombings reached their peak in 1957, as the Treaty, Northern Ireland had become a total number of attacks reached 341. primary target for the IRA. Though the IRA, Unfortunately, 1958 saw the Border in principle, opposed both the Irish Free Campaign decline in strength drastically, as State and Northern Irish government, a 1948 internment, negative public sentiments, and IRA convention affirmed the legitimacy of dissent from within weakened the campaign. the Irish Free State and banned all offensive By 1960, only 26 incidents were recorded, operations within the state. though Cronin encouraged operatives to continue the effort. In 1961, operations were Preparation for the campaign initially unofficially halted, though an official consisted of infrequent weapons raids cessation of hostilities would not come until between 1951 and 1954, providing the IRA February of 1962, when IRA operative with a significant arms stockpile. IRA Chief Ruairí Ó Brádaigh issued a press release of Staff Tony Magan played a key role in terminating the campaign. revitalizing the IRA Army and repairing its tattered image. The success of Northern Irish internment and the failure of the Border For the campaign, Cronin devised a Campaign was a significant setback for the method of which utilized IRA, in that it discouraged Northern Irish small, mobile regiments of IRA agents residents from supporting nationalist efforts. which would operate out of southern Ireland Several IRA leaders believed the disastrous and launch attacks in the north. These results of the campaign proved the need for regiments would then be supported by IRA an organizational shift from militaristic officers within Northern Ireland, who would offenses to political domination. be responsible for obtaining intelligence and training new units in order to expand the

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Character Seán Cronin

Bios Both a devoted member of the IRA and a journalist, Cronin participated in the IRA in Ivor Bell both Ireland and America. In his booklet, Notes on Guerilla Warfare, he outlined his Heavily involved with the IRA during the training ideas and acted as chief strategist 1956-1962 campaign, Bell left temporarily during the Border Campaign. He twice over the decision to call a cease-fire. served as Chief of Staff (1957-58 and 1959- However, he remained in contact with many 60). He was jailed for his activities but was of the members, despite his official released in 1962; though officially resigned departure. Beginning with the 1969 tensions, from the organization, he remained with the Bell re-involved himself with the IRA, working in a journalistic capacity with organization, favoring a more militaristic the Sinn Féin / stance. AntÉireannach Aontaithe and The Irish Times newspapers.

Boland joined the Irish Republican Brotherhood in 1904 and fought in the As a youth, Goulding became involved with Easter Uprising. He was also active during Fianna Éireann, the IRA youth wing. He the War for Independence and opposed the subsequently joined the IRA in 1939 at the Anglo-Irish Treaty in 1921. In 1939, he was age of seventeen. Despite spending time appointed the Minister of Justice, a position incarcerated for possession of IRA which he held longer than any of his documents, he never lost his enthusiasm for predecessors or successors. Although he was the cause. He was involved in the 1945 formally involved with the IRA, as the attempt to reestablish the IRA after the Minister of Justice he ordered the arrests of Second World War. Later he ascended to the hundreds of IRA members and instituted a rank of Chief of Staff, moving the IRA brutal military court system that included the toward more leftist ideals, believing the death penalty. British bourgeoisie exploited the Irish working class.

Peter (Skeet) Hamilton

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Unlike many of his peers, Hamilton found McMillen joined the IRA in 1943 when he himself increasingly drawn to the IRA at the was just sixteen years old. He also was height of its splintering and fractioning. among those interned during the Border Despite the problems the organization Campaign. In 1964, he became involved in experiences in 1969, he joined the ranks politics, as an Independent Republican with the hopes of not only achieving the candidate, but also ascended to commander organization experiences in 1969, he joined of the Brigade. While in charge, the ranks with the hopes of not only accusations abounded about his lack of achieving victories and furthering the goals capability to adequately protect and defend of the organization, but also with the Catholic areas. intentions of improving the lives of fellow IRA members, especially those that have Seán Mac Stíofáin been and still are incarcerated and imprisoned. Born in London, Mac Stíofáin was conscripted into the Royal Air Force at the age of 17. After leaving the RAF, he became increasingly involved with Irish Liam Mac Aoidh (Billy McKee) organizations in Britain, and eventually McKee joined the IRA in 1939 and was joined the Sinn Féin in London, helping to among the many arrested for the IRA’s organize a unit of the IRA. He was actions during World War 2 and again appointed Director of Intelligence in 1966; during the Border Campaign, released in however, as a staunch Catholic, he began to 1962. Upon release, he became Officer oppose the leftist and Marxist direction the Commanding of the IRA’s Belfast Brigade, IRA had taken. a position he quit soon after. Though tenuously involved with the IRA throughout the 1960s, McKee renewed participation as Tony Magan it became apparent that there was a split in ideals in the late 1960s, uncomfortable with Departing from a line of ‘communist’ ideas coming into the farmers, Magan sold his farm and devoted republican movement. his assets to the IRA when in 1946, he attempted to reorganize the IRA. His vision included in IRA free of communist taint and a return to the uniting of Ireland by brute Liam Mac Maoláin (Bill

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force. He served as Chief of Staff during the While at university, Ó Brádaigh joined the Border Campaign but resigned in 1962 due IRA in 1951. He became Chief of Staff in to a dispute over the relationship between 1958 and held the position for a year, until the IRA and Sinn Féin. Though widely replaced in the following believed to have disassociated with the IRA, election/appointment. Active during the Magan remained secretly involved in the Border Campaign, he was also the primary organization, while working as a taxi driver. author of the statement ending the campaign in 1962.

Leo Martin Seosamh Ó Cathail () Martin, a Belfast man, joined the IRA in 1937 and was a devout republican. For his Cahill joined the IRA at age eighteen as part actions in the IRA, in 1966 an assassination of the Belfast Brigade in 1938. He was attempt was made on his life. However, his among those arrested and interned during assassin, Gust Spence, could not locate the Border Campaign and was released in Martin and instead murdered a nationalist 1962. A staunch defender of Catholics, civilian. As the IRA began to splinter with Cahill was disillusioned by the actions taken respect to how to respond to the attacks on by IRA leadership, most notably by Catholic communities and ideological McMillen, in Dublin around 1969. differences, he aligned himself most closely with the viewpoint of Mac Stíofáin, and Dáithí Ó Conaill opposed leftist ideology. Ó Conaill joined the movement when he was 17 years old, participating in the Border Paddy McLogan Campaign and rose to second in command of the Pearse Column. During his time with McLogan was the President of Sinn Féin for the IRA he served as Director of Operations ten years until 1962. During the Irish War of before again being captured and imprisoned. Independence, he commanded the IRA in Upon release, he campaigned on a political South Armagh. He was the chair for several platform, until re-joining the IRA Army IRA Army conventions and was Council in 1968. However, increasingly instrumental in the rebuilding of the Sinn discontented with leadership within the IRA, Féin after the Second World War. he walked out of a convention and was suspended. Ruairí Ó Brádaigh

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in Northern Ireland depended on political Seamus O’Donovan activity that would complement the IRA’s armed campaign. O’Donovan was a leading volunteer in the IRA serving as Director of Chemicals in the Joe McCann early stages of the IRA. He opposed the Joe McCann was active in politics from the Anglo-Irish Treaty and served in the Irish early 1960s and participated, as an IRA Civil volunteer, in the early years of War. Later in 1938, he authored the S-Plan, in Northern Ireland. He was a strong also known as the Border Campaign. supporter of the expanded use of guerilla

warfare to achieve independence. Known for his skill with a gun, and his fervent attachment to the cause, McCann was often Twomey began his involvement with the called upon for political assassination IRA during the 1930s, but spent much of the attempts, making him a popular figure in the 1940s interned in Northern Ireland. Despite nationalist movement. receiving very little formal education and never assuming a formal leadership role Seán Savage within the IRA, Twomey was well respected and an active member. He was among a Savage, a young volunteer to the IRA, due group of members who contested to his belief that the police force, including Goulding’s leadership and the direction of the Royal Ulster Constabulary and the Ulster the IRA during the 1960s. Defense Association served the British and,

thus, stood in the way of the ultimate goal of the IRA, greatly advocated for a push toward violent ideologies of the Officially, Gerry Adams limited his organization. He believed that the IRA activities in support of Irish independence to should achieve their goals through any the Sinn Féin political party. However, means necessary, including assassinations sources within the organization would place and explosives. Though as of yet untried in him as a leading strategist and commander battle, his enthusiasm and dedication has on the army council of the Provisional IRA. him quickly rising up the ranks of the IRA. Adams was a major proponent of increased Seamus (Jimmy) Steele political participation of Irish republicans in Born in Belfast and a member of the IRA constitutional politics, as in his view success

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since the early 1920s, Steel was first arrested for IRA-related activities in 1923, and then again in 1924 and 1935. He resided in Crumlin Road Jail until 1940; upon his release he was appointed Adjutant to the IRA’s Northern Command Staff. Internet during the Border Campaign, he was skeptical of the leftist politics of the IRA leadership in the 60s.

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