A Precise Journal of General Wayne^S Last Campaign
A Precise Journal of General Wayne^s Last Campaign Foreword HIS journal, signed Randolph, is one of a number of T such personal accounts kept by officers and enlisted men in the Legion of the United States under command of Major General "Mad" Anthony Wayne during the course of his campaign of 1793-1794. Those of John Boyer, John Cook, Thomas Taylor Underwood, John Armstrong, Daniel Bradley, William Clark, Nathaniel Hart, James Elliot, and James Wilkinson are well-known to researchers in this area of frontier history. Others, such as those of Joseph G. Andrews, and two unidentified journals in the Filson Club (Louisville, Ky.) and Indiana Historical Society libraries, are not generally in circulation. To these must be added, now, the Precise Journal of General Wayne^s Last Campaign in the Year iyç^ Against the Western Indians Taken Down in the Course of the Campaign with an Account of an Attack Made on Fort Recovery by the Indians on the 30th June Preceding, known only by the single copy acquired this year by the American Antiquarian Society. One's first reaction to the discovery of a new account is that it must be, on the whole, a duplication of the others which are already known. Such is not the case. Each of these journals and diaries contributes something of its own; more precisely, each portrays the author's particular inter- ests, tastes, and attitudes. Likewise each journal or diary has its own peculiar literary fiavor, which, in itself, is inter- esting to historians, and, particularly, to linguists. Some of the journals, such as the one printed here, exhibit a great 274 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY lOct., deal of romanticism and idealism.
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