45S bus time schedule & line map

45S - Cadbury Sixth Form College View In Website Mode

The 45S bus line (Birmingham - Cadbury Sixth Form College) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Birmingham: 11:40 AM - 3:05 PM (2) Pool Farm: 8:15 AM - 12:20 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 45S bus station near you and nd out when is the next 45S bus arriving.

Direction: Birmingham 45S bus Time Schedule 33 stops Birmingham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 11:40 AM - 3:05 PM Cadbury College, Pool Farm Tuesday 11:40 AM - 3:05 PM Lanchester Rd, Pool Farm Wednesday 11:40 AM - 3:05 PM Old Oak Rd, Pool Farm Thursday 11:40 AM - 3:05 PM

Wharf Rd, King's Norton Friday 11:40 AM - 3:05 PM Back Road, Birmingham Saturday Not Operational Melchett Rd, Pershore Road South, Birmingham

Camp Lane, Cotteridge 45S bus Info Station, Cotteridge Direction: Birmingham Stops: 33 Cotteridge Island, Cotteridge Trip Duration: 35 min Pershore Road, Birmingham Line Summary: Cadbury College, Pool Farm, Lanchester Rd, Pool Farm, Old Oak Rd, Pool Farm, Midland Rd, Cotteridge Wharf Rd, King's Norton, Melchett Rd, Cotteridge, 2A Midland Road, Birmingham Camp Lane, Cotteridge, Kings Norton Station, Cotteridge, Cotteridge Island, Cotteridge, Midland Rd, Breedon Rd, Lifford Cotteridge, Breedon Rd, Lifford, Breedon Cross Grant Court, Birmingham Bridge, Lifford, Fordhouse Lane, Lifford, Elm Tree Rd, Stirchley, Lane, Stirchley, Umberslade Rd, Breedon Cross Bridge, Lifford Stirchley, Warwards Lane, , Dogpool Lane, 1679 Pershore Road, Birmingham Selly Park, Kitchener Rd, Selly Park, Kensington Rd, Selly Park, First Avenue, Selly Park, Upland Rd, Fordhouse Lane, Lifford , Nature Centre, Cannon Hill Park, South 1612 Pershore Road, Birmingham Drive, Cannon Hill Park, Priory Rd, Cannon Hill Park, Liberty Court, Cannon Hill Park, Edward Rd, Cannon Elm Tree Rd, Stirchley Hill Park, Speedwell Rd, Highgate, Bellevue, Highgate, 1515 Pershore Road, Birmingham Mowbray St, Highgate, Lower Essex St, Digbeth, Bromsgrove St, Digbeth (Ps2), Markets, Digbeth Bournville Lane, Stirchley (Mk2), Bus Mall, Birmingham (Ms8) 70 Hazelwell Street, Birmingham

Umberslade Rd, Stirchley 29 Hazelwell Street, Birmingham Warwards Lane, Selly Park 10 Warwards Lane, Birmingham

Dogpool Lane, Selly Park 1036 Pershore Road, Birmingham

Kitchener Rd, Selly Park 873 Pershore Road, Birmingham

Kensington Rd, Selly Park 793A Pershore Road, Birmingham

First Avenue, Selly Park Flats 2-12 Pebworth Close, Birmingham

Upland Rd, Bournbrook 593 Pershore Road, Birmingham

Nature Centre, Cannon Hill Park

South Drive, Cannon Hill Park 321 Pershore Road, Birmingham

Priory Rd, Cannon Hill Park Pershore Road, Birmingham

Liberty Court, Cannon Hill Park

Edward Rd, Cannon Hill Park 218 Pershore Road, Birmingham

Speedwell Rd, Highgate

Bellevue, Highgate

Mowbray St, Highgate

Lower Essex St, Digbeth

Bromsgrove St, Digbeth (Ps2) 62-70 Pershore Street, Birmingham

Markets, Digbeth (Mk2) Upper Dean Street, Birmingham

Bus Mall, Birmingham (Ms8) Moor Street Queensway, Birmingham Direction: Pool Farm 45S bus Time Schedule 34 stops Pool Farm Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:15 AM - 12:20 PM Bus Mall, Birmingham (Ms8) Moor Street Queensway, Birmingham Tuesday 8:15 AM - 12:20 PM

Bus Mall, Birmingham Wednesday 8:15 AM - 12:20 PM Moor Street Queensway, Birmingham Thursday 8:15 AM - 12:20 PM New St Station, Birmingham (NS4) Friday 8:15 AM - 12:20 PM Saint Martins Queensway, Birmingham Saturday Not Operational Old Repertory Theatre, Birmingham (NS11) Station Street, Birmingham

Markets, Birmingham Pershore Street, Birmingham 45S bus Info Direction: Pool Farm Bromsgrove St, Digbeth (Ps3) Stops: 34 62-70 Pershore Street, Birmingham Trip Duration: 33 min Line Summary: Bus Mall, Birmingham (Ms8), Bus Lower Essex St, Digbeth Mall, Birmingham, New St Station, Birmingham (NS4), Old Repertory Theatre, Birmingham (NS11), Mowbray St, Highgate Markets, Birmingham, Bromsgrove St, Digbeth (Ps3), Lower Essex St, Digbeth, Mowbray St, Highgate, Bellevue, Highgate Bellevue, Highgate, Speedwell Rd, Highgate, Edward Foxtail Walk, Birmingham Rd, Cannon Hill Park, Liberty Court, Cannon Hill Park, Priory Rd, Cannon Hill Park, Nature Centre, Cannon Speedwell Rd, Highgate Hill Park, Upland Rd, Bournbrook, First Avenue, Selly Park, Kensington Rd, Selly Park, Kitchener Rd, Selly Edward Rd, Cannon Hill Park Park, Dogpool Lane, Selly Park, Warwards Lane, Selly 50-60 Dalloway Close, Birmingham Park, Umberslade Rd, Stirchley, Hazelwell St, Stirchley, Elm Tree Rd, Stirchley, Fordhouse Lane, Liberty Court, Cannon Hill Park Lifford, Breedon Cross Bridge, Lifford, Breedon Rd, Hunter Court, Birmingham Lifford, Midland Rd, Cotteridge, Watford Rd, Cotteridge, Kings Norton Station, Cotteridge, Priory Rd, Cannon Hill Park Melchett Rd, Cotteridge, Wharf Rd, King's Norton, Old 269 Pershore Road, Birmingham Oak Rd, Pool Farm, Lanchester Rd, Pool Farm, Cadbury College, Pool Farm Nature Centre, Cannon Hill Park

Upland Rd, Bournbrook 614 Pershore Road, Birmingham

First Avenue, Selly Park 674 Pershore Road, Birmingham

Kensington Rd, Selly Park 776 Pershore Road, Birmingham

Kitchener Rd, Selly Park Pershore Road, Birmingham

Dogpool Lane, Selly Park Dogpool Lane, Birmingham

Warwards Lane, Selly Park Ribblesdale Road, Birmingham

Umberslade Rd, Stirchley Pershore Road, Birmingham

Hazelwell St, Stirchley A441, Birmingham

Elm Tree Rd, Stirchley Mayeld Road, Birmingham

Fordhouse Lane, Lifford 1612 Pershore Road, Birmingham

Breedon Cross Bridge, Lifford 1733 Pershore Road, Birmingham

Breedon Rd, Lifford Hudsons Drive, Birmingham

Midland Rd, Cotteridge 2A Midland Road, Birmingham

Watford Rd, Cotteridge

Kings Norton Station, Cotteridge

Melchett Rd, Cotteridge Pershore Road South, Birmingham

Wharf Rd, King's Norton

Old Oak Rd, Pool Farm

Lanchester Rd, Pool Farm Lanchester Road, Birmingham

Cadbury College, Pool Farm 45S bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in West Midlands. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved