
Dear Parents / Carers,

We are busy preparing for and planning lots of exciting events. There might be some restrictions on what we can do this year but it will still be a memorable and thoroughly enjoyable end of term! We cannot hold a concert or Nativities this year but each class will be masterminding some Christmas cheer for you which we will be sharing virtually—we will let you know when! Christmas Cards We have figured out a way that children can still deliver cards to each other if they so wish— they will need to bring their cards in and post them into the Christmas card box in their class. Class teachers will then deliver the cards out on a Monday. This allows for the cards to have been quarantined for a minimum of 72 hours, before being passed to a new household. The Twelve days of Knowsley We are showcasing the twelve days of Knowsley on class dojo, to spread the Christmas joy to our community! If you’ve missed any days so far, check out class dojo so you don’t miss out! Rev. Jayne’s Christmas Assembly 10th December Rev Jayne will be delivering a remote Christmas assembly to remind us all of the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas Jumper Day & Santa Dash This Friday 11th of December we invite children to come to school in their own clothes and their most festive Christmas jumper! Our school playground will be transformed into a magical Christmas Wonderland! And children will be taking part in an active fun filled Santa Dash with the teachers. Jingle Bell Rock Out with EitC On the 14th December— Children can take part in the Christmas rock out with Dylan and friends from EitC. This will be a fun active dance session in classrooms and guests on Zoom. Christmas Panto / Movie week We can’t go to a panto this year— so the Panto will come to us! Starting Next week (w/c 14th December) At some point during the week classes will be getting a surprise treat of an online Panto and a box of sweet treats to enjoy whilst watching it! You won’t know when it’s coming so make sure you’re in everyday to make sure you don’t miss out! Christmas Raffle Raffle tickets have gone on sale this week! To be in the draw bring in your cash £1 per strip, for your chance to win: 1st & 2nd Prize = A £25 gift voucher To Le Take away 3rd Prize = Christmas Hamper 4th Prize = Climbing Frame And lots more too!! The draw will take place Thursday 17th December. Big Christmas Quiz Each class will hold a Christmas based quiz— this will be a fun filled session, so get your thinking hats on as to Christmas movie characters, Famous quotes, traditions and all things Christmas! Day On the 16th December it is Christmas Dinner day! Please see separate letter about how to ensure your child is included. Christmas Card Competition The school council are holding a card decorating competition! We want to see the Children’s festive cheer in the form of a Christmas card! Please use the template provided and return your entries by Monday 14th December at the latest, ready for judging! Christmas Party Day—2pm finish Friday 18th December is our last day of term—we will be celebrating with parties in class and an early finish. Children are to be collected at 2pm from their normal collection points.