Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council Planning Committee
DONCASTER METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE - 17th October 2017 Application 2 Application 16/02224/OUTM Application 12th December 2016 Number: Expiry Date: Application Outline Planning Major Type: Proposal Outline application for the erection of residential development of up to Description: 400 dwellings, Primary School, Open Space including green wedge, formal open space and children's play areas, landscape works including retained and new woodland planting, principle of access from Hatfield Lane, internal road network, cycle and pedestrian network, provision of utilities, drainage and necessary diversions and demolition and any engineering and ground remodelling works (All Matters Reserved). At: Land North West Of Hatfield Lane Armthorpe Doncaster For: O&H Properties Ltd Third Party Reps: 17 Parish: Armthorpe Parish Council Ward: Armthorpe Author of Report Mark Sewell MAIN RECOMMENDATION: GRANT SUBJECT TO SECTION 106 AGREEMENT 1.0 Reason for Report The application is being presented to the Planning Committee, as it represents a departure from the adopted Development Plan policies, as well as having attracted significant local interest. 2.0 Proposal and Background 2.1 The application seeks outline planning permission with all matters reserved for a housing led scheme of up to 400 dwellings, located on land to the north west of Hatfield Lane, Armthorpe. Also included within the proposals are the site for a future primary school, public open space including the incorporation of a Green Wedge, landscaping and new woodland planting, internal roads and cycle/pedestrian network, together with associated engineering works and utilities provision. 2.2 As mentioned above, the application site to the northern edge of the settlement of Armthorpe, defined as a Principal Town within the Settlement Hierarchy under Policy CS2 of the Core Strategy.
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