Caroline Legg
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From: Caroline Legg <[email protected]> Sent: 07 August 2020 10:10 To: PlanningApps Subject: FW: PP-08941688v1 Taw Lodge, Epping Lane, Stapleford Tawney, Romford, RM4 1ST - Updated Planning Statment Attachments: 07-08-20 Final Planning Statement.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Due By: 07 August 2020 13:00 Flag Status: Flagged CAUTION: This Message originated outside of Epping Forest District Council. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. Apologies for missing attachment – now attached in relation to email below Kind regards Caroline From: Caroline Legg <[email protected]> Sent: 07 August 2020 09:33 To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]> Subject: PP-08941688v1 Taw Lodge, Epping Lane, Stapleford Tawney, Romford, RM4 1ST - Updated Planning Statment 1 Dear Sir/Madam Further to the submission of a the planning application as set out below, please find an updated Planning Statement which now has the appendices attached. This should replace the Planning Statement as submitted. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind regards Caroline From: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: 07 August 2020 08:24 To: [email protected] Subject: Application Receipt: Form 4 Collect proposal PP-08941688v1 Application Ref PP-08941688v1 Your Local Planning Authority, Epping Forest District Council has received your online Full planning permission application and will now validate it within their normal work flow and timescales. Application Details Applicant: Mr Braha, Landvest Developments Ltd Agent: Mrs Caroline Legg, Phase 2 Planning and Development Ltd Application site address: Taw Lodge, Epping Lane, Stapleford Tawney, Romford, RM4 1ST Date of submission: 12:00 on 06 August 2020 If they need more information or have any queries they will contact you directly. 2 Please note that this message does not constitute the formal acceptance of your submission by Epping Forest District Council. For further information on the progress of your online application please contact: Epping Forest District Council [email protected] 01992564000 This email is for information only. Please do not reply. For help with Planning Portal issues please email [email protected] 3 Planning Statement Demolition of existing buildings; and erection of 6 residential dwellings and associated landscaping and infrastructure Taw Lodge, Epping Lane, Stapleford Abbotts On Behalf of Landvest Developments Ltd August 2020 Our Ref: C19176 270 Avenue West | Skyline 120 | Great Notley | Braintree | Essex | CM77 7AA | 01376 329059 | Quality Assurance Site Name: Taw Lodge, Epping Lane, Stapleford Abbotts, Essex. Client name: Landvest Developments Ltd Type of Report: Planning Statement Prepared by: Mrs Caroline Legg Signed Date: August 2020 Reviewed by: Emma Walker Signed Date: August 2020 Page 1 C19176: Taw Lodge © Phase 2 Planning and Development Ltd 2020 Contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Site and Surroundings ..................................................................................................................... 5 3. Planning History .............................................................................................................................. 8 4. The Proposed Development ......................................................................................................... 10 5. Planning Policy .............................................................................................................................. 15 6. Five Year housing Land Supply Position ........................................................................................ 26 7. Consideration of the Main Planning Issues ................................................................................... 29 8. Planning Conditions ...................................................................................................................... 51 9. Conclusions ................................................................................................................................... 52 Appendices Appendix 1 Application Ref: EPF/3227/18 Officers Report Appendix 2 Appeal Decision Ref: APP/J1535/W/15/31343 North Weald Golf Club, Rayley Lane, North Weald Bassett, Essex. Appendix 3 Forest District Local plan (1998) and Alterations (2006) Appendix 4 Appeal Decision Ref: APP/F4410/W/17/3169288, Land to the east of Mere Lane, Edenthorpe, Doncaster Appendix 5 Epping Forest Draft Local Plan Policies Appendix 6 Summary on Five Year Housing Land Supply Appendix 7 Application Ref: EPF/3034/16 Decision Notice Appendix 8 Application Ref: EPF/3034/16 Officers Report Page 2 C19176: Taw Lodge © Phase 2 Planning and Development Ltd 2020 1. Introduction Background 1.1 This Planning Statement has been prepared by Phase 2 Planning and Development Ltd on behalf of Landvest Developments Ltd, hereafter referred to as ‘The Applicant’. This Statement has been prepared to assist Epping Forest District Council in the consideration of an application for planning permission, made in respect to the site known as Taw Lodge, Epping Lane, Stapleford Abbots, Essex. 1.2 This application is submitted in full for the demolition of the existing buildings on the site and the erection of 6 residential units alongside with other associated development. An existing dwelling will remain. The Planning Application 1.3 The description of development is as follows: “Demolition of existing buildings; and erection of 6 residential dwellings and associated landscaping and infrastructure.” 1.4 The architectural plans that comprise this application have been prepared by Arcady Architects Ltd and are as follows: Drawing Title Ref. Site Location Plan 19/34/01 Existing Site Plan 19/34/02 Proposed Site Plan 19/34/15 Floor Plans & Elevation Plots 1 & 2 19/34/16 Floor Plans & Elevation Plots 3, 4 & 6 19/34/17 Floor Plans & Elevation Plot 5 19/34/18 Existing and Proposed Site Section 19/34/19 Table 1: Submitted Drawings. 1.5 In addition to the submitted drawings and planning application forms, a number of supporting documents have been prepared as part of this formal submission. The application documents comprise as follows: 1. This Planning Statement – Phase 2 Planning & Development Ltd; 2. Design and Access Statement – Arcady Architects Ltd; 3. Arboricultural Constraints Advice Statement – Hallwood Associates; 4. Phase 1 Contaminated Land Assessment – GeoSmart; 5. Flood Risk & Surface Water Management Statement – GeoSmart; Page 3 C19176: Taw Lodge © Phase 2 Planning and Development Ltd 2020 6. Sustainable Drainage Scheme – GeoSmart; 7. Highways Statement – Ardent Consulting Engineers; 8. Preliminary Ecological Appraisal – Samsara Ecology; 9. Air Quality Assessment – Air Quality Consultants; 10. Landscape Visual Impact Assessment – Guarda Landscapes; 11. Landscape Illustrative Masterplan – Guarda Landscapes; 12. Detailed Soft Landscape Proposal – Guarda Landscapes; 13. Detailed Hard Landscape Proposal – Guarda Landscapes, and 14. Landscape Management and Maintenance Plan – Guarda Landscapes. Purpose and Structure of this Statement 1.6 The purpose of this Statement is to assess the proposal against the statutory development plan and other material considerations. This Statement will draw together the key planning issues in the consideration of the proposal and outline how the scheme responds to the constraints of the site and the policy guidance. This Statement draws from other documentation and information submitted with the planning application. 1.7 This Statement is structured as follows: • Section 2 Describes the site and surroundings • Section 3 Examines the planning history of relevance to this application • Section 4 Describes the proposed development • Section 5 Reviews the relevant planning policy applicable to the application proposal • Section 6 Reviews the five year housing land supply position • Section 7 Explores the planning issues of this application, with reference to the planning policy detailed in Section 6 • Section 8 Relates to Planning Conditions, and • Section 9 Draws conclusions in support of the application proposal. Page 4 C19176: Taw Lodge © Phase 2 Planning and Development Ltd 2020 2. Site and Surroundings 2.1 The application site comprises a mix of commercial workshop buildings, situated on the southern side of Epping Lane. There are two dwellings on site, one to the north west corner, which is to be replaced, with the other to the south west corner which is to be retained. 2.2 The site measures approximately 0.42ha, and existing buildings on site have a total built footprint of 1,032.41m2 and volume of 5326.80m3. 2.3 Reference is made to the site location shown at Figure 1 below. Figure 1 – Site Location Plan 2.4 The site lies within the open countryside, within the Metropolitan Green Belt. There are pockets of residential and commercial development along Epping Lane. The site has an existing tree and hedgerow along the western boundary, providing a degree of containment to existing development on the site. The northern boundary is formed by Epping Lane, with the western and southern eastern boundary comprising open countryside. 2.5 The site lies approximately 2 miles