Gerald Durrell | 240 pages | 12 Jan 2017 | Pan MacMillan | 9781509815371 | English | London, United Kingdom Book: Rosy Is My Relative

His memoirs of his family's years living in Greece were adapted into two television series My Family and Other Animals, and — and one television film My Family and Other Animals He wrote approximately forty books, mainly about his life as an animal collector and enthusiast, the most famous being My Family and Other Animals He was the youngest brother of novelist . Durrell's father was a British engineer and, as was commonplace and befitting the family status, the infant Durrell spent most of his time in the company of an ayah nursemaid. Durrell reportedly recalled his first visit to a zoo in India and attributed his lifelong love of animals to that encounter. The family moved to Britain shortly before the death of his father in and settled in the Upper NorwoodCrystal Palace area of South London. moved to the Greek island of Corfu in with Leslie, Margaret, and Gerald, joining her eldest son Lawrence who had arrived there with his wife Nancy about a week earlier. It was on Corfu that Durrell began to collect and keep the local fauna as pets. The Corfu years also set the background for two TV series and one telefilm. Durrell was home-schooled during this time by various private tutors, mostly friends of his brother Lawrence. was a Greek-British doctor, scientist, poet, translator, and a friend of George Wilkinsonone of Durrell's tutors. He became Durrell's greatest friend and mentor, his ideas leaving a lasting impression on the young naturalist. Together, they examined Corfu's fauna, which Durrell housed in a variety of items including test tubes and bathtubs. Stephanides' daughter Alexia Mercouri — accompanied the two on their field trips. She stated that both families had hoped that she and Durrell would marry one day, but any such prospect was disrupted by the outbreak of war in He strolled into my life, tweed-suited, trilby-hatted, his walking stick with its tiny net on the end, his bag of test tubes and bottles slung on his hip, his beard twinkling in the sun; a sort of walking hirsute encyclopaedia. The effect of Rosy is My Relative erudition on a budding naturalist of ten was enormous. To me, just starting to explore and learn about the world I lived in, to have Theodore as guide, philosopher and friend was one of the most important things that have happened to me in my life. Not many young naturalists have the privilege of having their footsteps guided by a sort of omnipotent, benign and humorous Greek Rosy is My Relative. It was difficult to find a job in the war and post-war years, especially for a home-schooled youth, but the enterprising Durrell worked as a helper at an aquarium and pet store. Some of the difficulties that he faced in this period can be found in Fillets of Plaice. His call-up for the war came inbut he was exempted from military duty on medical grounds, and asked to serve the war effort by working on a farm. After the war, Durrell joined Whipsnade Zoo as a junior or student keeper. This move fulfilled a lifelong dream: Durrell claims in that the first word that he could enunciate Rosy is My Relative any clarity was "zoo". Beasts in My Belfry recalls events of this period. Durrell left Whipsnade Zoo in May in order to join wildlife collecting expeditions, but was denied a place in the voyages due to his lack of experience. He followed this expedition with two others, accompanied by fellow Whipsnade zookeeper Ken Smith: a repeat trip to the British Cameroon inand a trip to British Guiana now Guyana Rosy is My Relative On the first of these trips, he met the Fon of Bafut Achirimbi IIan autocratic West African chieftain who helped him organise future missions. Durrell housed and fed his captives with the best supplies obtainable, not trapping animals having merely "show value" or those which would fetch high prices from collectors. These practices differed from those of other animal-collecting expeditions of the time, and he was in financial straits by the end of his third expedition. Further, he had a falling-out with George Cansdalesuperintendent of the London Zooand Durrell was blackballed Rosy is My Relative the British zoo community and could not secure a job in most zoos. He eventually secured a job at the aquarium at Belle Vue Zoo in Manchester, where he remained for some time. On 26 FebruaryDurrell married Manchester resident Jacqueline 'Jacquie' Sonia Wolfenden after a lengthy courtship; they eloped Rosy is My Relative of opposition from her father. The couple initially lived in a small bedsitter in Durrell's sister Margaret's Bournemouth boarding Rosy is My Relative. Jacquie accompanied him on most of his following animal expeditions and helped found and manage the . She also authored two humorous, best-selling memoirs on the lines of Durrell's books in order to raise money for conservation efforts. Durrell started writing humorous autobiographical accounts to raise money with encouragement and assistance from Jacquie [6] and advice from his brother Lawrence. He did this initially because he and Jacquie were in need of money after their wedding and he had Rosy is My Relative source of income, and later he wrote in order to fund his expeditions and conservation efforts. His first book was a huge success, causing him to follow up with other such accounts. The publication of My Family and Other Animals in made Durrell a notable author and brought him public recognition as a naturalist. Royalties from this book, which made best-seller lists in the United Kingdom, [7] helped to fund Durrell's next expedition. Durrell's growing disillusionment with the way zoos of the time were run, and his belief that they should primarily act as reserves and regenerators of endangered species, [8] made him contemplate founding his own zoo. His trip to Cameroon for the third and last time was primarily to collect animals which would form the core collection of Rosy is My Relative own zoo. This expedition was also filmed, it being Durrell's first experiment with making a cinematographic record of his work with animals. The success of the film To Bafut with Rosy is My Relativetogether with his autobiographical radio programme Encounters with Animalsmade Durrell a regular with the BBC Natural History unit [9] [10] for decades to come, as well as generating funds for his conservation projects. On his return from BafutDurrell and wife Jacquie stayed with his sister Margaret at her boarding house in the seaside resort of Bournemouth. His animals were housed in her gardens and garage on a temporary basis, while Durrell Rosy is My Relative prospective sites for a zoo. This experience provided material for his book A Zoo in My Luggage. Durrell founded the Jersey Zoological Park in to house his growing collection of animals. The site for the zoo, a 17th-century manor houseLes Augres Manorcame to Durrell's notice by chance after a long and unsuccessful search for a suitable site. Durrell leased the manor and set up his zoo on the redesigned manor grounds. In the same year, Durrell undertook another, more successful expedition Rosy is My Relative South America to collect endangered species. The zoo was opened to the public in on 26 March. As the zoo grew in size, so did the number of projects undertaken to save threatened wildlife in other parts of the world. Durrell was instrumental in founding the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust now Durrell Wildlife Conservation Truston 6 July to cope with the increasingly difficult challenges of zoo, wildlife and habitat management. The Trust opened an international wing, the Wildlife Preservation Trust Internationalin the United States into aid international conservation efforts in a better fashion. Durrell's initiative caused the Fauna and Flora Preservation Society to Rosy is My Relative the World Conference on Breeding Endangered Species in Captivity as an Aid to their Survival in at Jerseytoday one of the most prestigious conferences in the field. The s saw Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust become a leading zoo in the field of captive breedingchampioning the cause among species like the lowland gorillaRosy is My Relative various Mauritian fauna. Durrell visited Mauritius several times and coordinated large scale conservation efforts in Mauritius with conservationist Carl JonesRosy is My Relative captive breeding programmes for native birds and reptiles, ecological recovery of Round Islandtraining local staff, and setting up local conservation facilities. This ultimately led to the founding of the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation in Jacquie Durrell separated from and then divorced inciting his increasing work pressure, associated alcoholism and mounting stress as causes. Durrell met his second wife Lee McGeorge Durrell in when he lectured at Duke Universitywhere she was studying for a PhD in animal communication. Ina year after they first met, Gerald Durrell wrote a love letter to his future wife. Rosy is My Relative co-authored a number of books with him, including The Amateur Naturalistand became the Honorary Director of the Trust after his death. In Durrell started the training centre for conservationists at the zoo, or the "mini-university" in his words. As ofover a thousand biologists, naturalists, zoo veterinarians and zoo architects from countries have attended the International Training Centre. The official appeal Saving Animals from Extinction was launched inat a time when British zoos were not faring well and London Zoo was in danger of closing down. The initial goal of the trust was to purchase rainforest land in Belize as part of the Programme for Belize. Around this time Gerald Durrell developed a friendship with Charles Rycroftwho became an important donor of funds both for building works in Jersey the Harcroft Lecture Theatre and for conservation work in East AfricaMadagascar and elsewhere. Durrell visited Madagascar in to start captive breeding of a number of endemic species like the aye-aye. Durrell chose the dodothe flightless bird of Mauritius that was hunted to extinction in the 17th century, as the logo for both Rosy is My Relative Jersey Zoo and the Trust. The children's chapter of the trust is called the . The Wildlife Preservation Trust International also changed its name to Wildlife Trust inand adopted the logo of the black tamarin. To me the extirpation of an animal species is a criminal offence, just as the destruction of something else that we cannot recreate or replace, such as a Rembrandt or the Acropoliswould be. A hard, outdoor life led Durrell to health problems in the s. He underwent hip-replacement surgery in a bid to counter arthritisbut he also suffered from alcohol-related liver problems. His health deteriorated rapidly after the Madagascar trip. Durrell had a liver transplant in King's College Hospital on 28 March[14] and he died of septicaemia on 30 Januaryshortly after his 70th birthday in Jersey General Hospital. The beauty and genius of a work of art may be re-conceived, though its first material expression be destroyed; a vanished Rosy is My Relative may yet again inspire the composer; but when the last individual of a race of living beings breathes no more, another heaven and another earth must pass before such a one can be again. The Bird Participants included personal friends such as David Attenborough and Princess Anne. Gerald Durrell was ahead of his time when he postulated the role that a 20th-century zoo should play, primarily in Stationary Ark. His idea relies on the following bases:. Durrell's ideas about housing zoo animals also bring his priorities Rosy is My Relative the fore. The bases on which enclosures at Jersey Rosy is My Relative built:. Rosy is My Relative Wildlife Park was the first zoo to house only endangered breeding species, and has been Rosy is My Relative of the pioneers in the field of captive breeding. The International Training Centre, and the organisation of the conference on captive breeding are also notable firsts. Durrell initially faced stiff opposition and criticism from some members of the zoo community when he introduced the idea of captive breedingand Rosy is My Relative only vindicated after successfully breeding a wide range of species. One of the most active opposition members was George Cansdalesuperintendent of the London Zoo and Zoological Society of Londonand wielder of considerable influence in the zoo community. Durrell's books have a wry, loose style which pokes fun at himself as well as those around him. Perhaps his best-known work is Rosy is My Relative Family and Other Animalswhich tells of his idyllic childhood on Corfu and was made into two TV series and one film. It is deprecating about the whole family, especially elder brother Lawrence, who became a famous novelist. Despite Durrell's jokes at Larry's expense, the two were close friends all their lives. Durrell always insisted that he wrote for royalties to help the cause of environmental stewardship, not out of an inherent love for writing. He describes himself as a writer in comparison to his brother Lawrence:. The subtle difference between us is that he loves writing and I don't. To me it's simply a way to make money which enables me to do my animal work, nothing more. Durrell was a regular contributor to magazines on both sides of the Atlantic, including Harper'sAtlantic Monthlyand the Sunday Times Supplement. He was also a regular book reviewer for the New York Times. Rosy Is My Relative by Gerald Durrell

Written with Gerald Durrell's usual sharp eye for observing humour in any situation, Rosy is my Relative will delight fans both old and new. At the age of thirty, Adrian Rookwhistle's life hasn't quite turned out the way he'd have hoped. Working an unfulfilling job as a clerk in the city and living under the tyranny of his fearsome Rosy is My Relative, he can't help but think that there is more to life. At a loss of what to do with Rosy is My Relative unexpectedly gargantuan — and rarely sober — inheritance, Adrian sets forth on a journey believing to have the answer to his dilemma; he'll give her away to the circus. Together Adrian and Rosy carve a trail of destruction through the peaceful countryside of southern England, meeting a curious cast of misfits along the way. Drunk or sober, Rosy spreads chaos in her wake, until the full weight of the law finally catches up with her. Publisher Description. The Corfu Trilogy. My Family and Other Animals. Marrying Off Mother and Other Stories. The Picnic and Suchlike Pandemonium. Birds, Beasts and Relatives. Fillets of Plaice. Gerald Durrell Books - BookBub

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you Rosy is My Relative to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other Rosy is My Relative. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Rosy, the elephant bequeathed to young Adrian Rookwhistle by a reprobate relative, turned out to be a handful: not alone because of her size but also because Rosy is My Relative her fondness for strong drink. To Adrian she represented the chance to get away froma City shop and a suburban lodging by exploiting her theatrical talent and experience. To Rosy their progress towards the gayer So Rosy, the elephant bequeathed to young Adrian Rookwhistle by a reprobate relative, turned out to be a handful: not alone because of her size but Rosy is My Relative because of her fondness for strong drink. To Rosy their progress towards the gayer South Coast resorts offered undreamed-of opportunities for drink and destruction. So the Monkspepper Hunt is driven to delirium and Lady Fenneltree's stately home reduced to a shambles. In due course the always efficient local constabulary caught up with the pair, whose ensuing trial was a like a triumph of the law and of the author's comic genius. The verdict was--but the story has to be read to be believed, if then. Even though the author does maintain that it is entirely credible, indeed that this, his first novel, is 'an almost true story'. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published January Rosy is My Relative by HarperCollins Publishers first published More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Rosy Is My Relativeplease sign up. I need questions on Rosy is my Relative for my book club. Any suggestions? See 1 question about Rosy Is My Relative…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Rosy Is My Relative. May 28, Robin rated it really liked it. This is a charming story that the author clams is mostly Rosy is My Relative. A young Brit inherits an elephant Rosy from an uncle and he attempts to take her to the shore, where he's convinced there are any number of circuses that will take her off his hands. He gets into one scrape after another and finally is charged in court Rosy is My Relative mainly her misdeeds. This is a book you could read to your children or your grandmother. Mainly though I want to express my appreciation for the string of librarians who did NO This is a charming story that the author clams is mostly true. Mainly though I want to express my appreciation for the string of librarians who did NOT "withdraw" this book and toss it on the book sale table. It pains me that so many good books disappear when they haven't been checked out for a while. This book which I requested from my local library has an interesting history. Published init was first at the Library of Congress. Clare College Clinton Iowa - from which Rosy is My Relative obtained it. View all 3 comments. This was laugh Rosy is My Relative loud hilarious! I've read it a number of times. The narrator inherits an elephant to his dismay. Rosy, the elephant, among other interesting traits, Rosy is My Relative a distinct fondness for alcohol, and had the response you'd expect to Rosy is My Relative drink. How do Rosy is My Relative deal with a drunkard elephant? Read this and find out! The defense attorney's comments have a This was laugh out loud hilarious! The defense attorney's comments have a real bite to them. View all 17 comments. Mar 18, Mpreeti rated it really liked it. And if you think your drunk relative is Rosy is My Relative then read Rosy for size. Alert: have a wad and more of tissues on you coz Rosy will have you wailing with laughter. Mar 26, Melanie Griffin rated it really liked it. A charming book! Just the antidote to real life. I laughed out loud repeatedly -- Durrell creates Rosy is My Relative most eccentric characters and paints vivid images that really come alive. I was right there as Rosy the elephant repeatedly left devastation and chaos in her considerable wake. This would be an awesome book to read aloud with kids. The plot is all quite predictab A charming book! The plot is all quite predictable and happily so. Such fun! Feb 15, Nicholas Jasper rated it it was amazing. The author claims that the events in this book happened are pretty close to what actually happened. I have read his book aloud to others more than I have read it to myself. This is one of the most fun book to read that I have ever found. Only Dickens came up with more strange and Rosy is My Relative characters and he took a dozen books and 10, pages to do it. Feb 02, Sreeram rated it really liked it. Indeed, it takes a village to write a book; the cosmopolitan just seems to lack the fervour, the intrigue, and the romance of a village. Life on these parts of the world is one way the most enchanting, and in other ways hostile. The book deals with an almost true story and goes on to testify that there is still a hint of craziness in this world gone awry, and innocence unexplored. We have Adrian Rookwhistle as the protagonist, a man who lives a lowly life after the demise of his parents. Rosy enters the fray, and everything changes. She isn't Adrian's romantic interest if you thought so, but an elephant. Not just any elephant, but an elephant with a fondness for strong drink. Adrian thought he could get her away to the shore, where her theatrical talent and experience could be put to use. Little did Adrian know how but his life would take a course, ultimately for the better. His journey out of the mundane would be a thoroughly enjoyable experience for the reader, not so for poor Adrian though. This book, it must be noted, doesn't merely deal with Adrian and his elephant, but with their various encounters with people and scenarios. It's a roller coaster ride and a remarkable page-turner. Rosie's love for liquor, which exposed Adrian to troubles of fascinating kinds and from all endsmakes this book a laugh riot. It is truly a stress buster, reading in general is but Durell has his own way of doing it. It would take an indifferent person to not relate with the humor this book so articulately provides. It's not only Rookwhistle's relationship with the elephant or the interplay of some interesting characters but the way the author chose to weave it all together with unparalleled profundity. This is Rosy is My Relative brilliant debut work by a writer who went on to pen some great literary works. Do gift this book to your children or to people who vouch against reading, you'll be doing a great service I'm not sure of the latter, though. I express my heartfelt and generous gratitude to my friend and mentor Sangeetha Shinde, without whose intervention I wouldn't be reading such remarkable works. Hats off to the person you are, Sangs. I loved this book when I was a teenager, and I'm delighted to find I still love it now.