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Fax: 020 8547 5125) E.Mail: Wendy.Windmill@Rbk.Kingston.Gov.Uk For enquiries on this agenda please contact: Wendy Windmill, 020 8547 5020 (Fax: 020 8547 5125) e.mail: [email protected] This agenda is available on www.kingston.gov.uk/council/CommitteeMinutes 5 January 2009 EXECUTIVE The EXECUTIVE will meet at GUILDHALL, KINGSTON UPON THAMES on TUESDAY 13 JANUARY 2009 at 7:30 pm Councillor Derek Osbourne (Chair) - Leader of the Council Councillor Patricia Bamford - Children and Young People's Services Councillor Rolson Davies - Health and Adult Community Services Councillor Simon James - Planning and Regeneration Councillor Ian Reid - One Council Implementation Councillor Penny Shelton - Housing Councillor Bob Steed - Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change EMERGENCY EVACUATION ARRANGEMENTS On hearing the alarm, which is a loud siren, please leave the building by the nearest available fire exit and assemble by the triangle at the front of the Guildhall. Anyone requiring assistance to evacuate the building should proceed to the refuge areas which are situated outside Committee Room 1 and the Mayor’s Parlour where they will be met by a member of the building management team and assisted from the building. QUESTION TIME From 7.30 pm, for up to thirty minutes, members of the public may put questions to the Executive and officers relating to the functions and responsibilities of the Executive. The questions may be sent in writing by e mail or fax before the meeting or handed in at the start of the meeting on the form provided. For enquiries please contact Wendy Windmill, 020 8547 5020 (Fax: 020 8547 5125) e.mail: [email protected] The questions will be considered in the order of their receipt. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Contributions from members of the Council and from members of the public can be made on items which appear on the Executive agenda. A place is reserved for members of the public wishing to address the Executive. When their contributions are completed, they shall retire to the public gallery. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Executive are invited to identify any personal or prejudicial interests relevant to items on this agenda. 2 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE EXECUTIVE MEMBERS’ INFORMATION ROUND-UP CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S and DIRECTORS’ UPDATES MINUTES To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 9 December 2008. (Note, the special meetings called for 17 and 23 December 2008 did not take place.) 1. LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FUNDING SETTLEMENT 2009 - Appendix A 2010 2. CHILDREN'S SERVICES ANNUAL PERFORMANCE Appendix B ASSESSMENT 3. SUPPORTING PEOPLE ANNUAL PLAN 2009/10 Appendix C 4. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN ADULT SOCIAL SERVICES Appendix D 5. COCKS CRESCENT DEVELOPMENT BRIEF Appendix E 6. ENFORCEMENT OF THE BOROUGH'S BAN ON A-BOARDS Appendix F 7. PLANNING OBLIGATIONS - SECTION 106 AGREEMENTS SIX Appendix G MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT 8. LONDON BOROUGHS GRANTS SCHEME BUDGET Appendix H PROPOSALS, 2009/2010 9. PROPOSAL FOR JOINT PROCUREMENT/SHARED SERVICES Appendix I APPROACH FOR NEW INTEGRATED ADULT SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION SYSTEM 10. URGENT ITEMS AUTHORISED BY THE CHAIR 11. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC The following information is part of the report at Appendix I – Proposal for Joint Procurement/Shared Services Approach for New Integrated Adult Social Care Information System . The details may be considered in private if the Executive agrees that, under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public are excluded from the meeting on the grounds that it is likely that exempt information, as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act, would be disclosed. This paragraph covers details of the financial and business details of individuals, businesses or the authority. 12. PROPOSAL FOR JOINT PROCUREMENT/SHARED SERVICES APPROACH FOR NEW INTEGRATED ADULT SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION SYSTEM APPENDIX A Executive, 13 January 2009 LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FUNDING SETTLEMENT 2009 ± 2010 Report by the Service Director (Planning and Transportation) Executive Member for Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change Purpose The purpose of WKLVUHSRUWLVWRVHHNWKH([HFXWLYH¶VDSSURYDOIRUWKHDOORFDWLRQRIWKH/RFDO Implementation Plan (LIP) settlement announced by TfL on 20th November 2008, for 2008 ± 2009 for local transport schemes and initiatives in the Neighbourhoods and Borough-wide. The schemes will be worked up by officers in discussion with the Neighbourhood Chairs and Ward members, and the Service Director has been authorised to undertake public consultation on the resulting outline schemes. The outline schemes together with the findings of the public consultation be reported to Committee for approval prior to detailed design / implementation. Action proposed by the Executive Member for Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change The Executive is requested to: Approve the allocation of the Local Implementation Plan settlement for 2008 ± 2009 for works in the Neighbourhoods and Borough-wide as detailed in Annexes 1 - 4 Reason for action proposed To enable funding awarded by TfL to be spent on Borough-wide and Neighbourhood local transport schemes and initiatives in 2009/10. BACKGROUND 1. The Executive at its meeting on 13th 0D\DSSURYHGWKH&RXQFLO¶V/RFDO Implementation Plan (LIP) Funding Application of £8.2million for 2009/10 to Transport for London (TfL). The LIP Funding Application was subsequently submitted to TfL on 13th June 2008 and represented schemes across a wide cross-section of the available Transport Programmes stipulated in the TfL Guidance. 2009-2010 LIP FUNDING ALLOCATION BOROUGHWIDE 2. On 20th November 2008, the Mayor of London announced that £168million has been awarded across London to improve local transport in the 2009/10 financial year. 3. Of this Kingston upon Thames has received a settlement of £3.914 million for 2009/10 Borough-wide which represents 48% of the overall funds requested in the funding application. 4. The funding for 2009/10 will support a range of local transport improvements including Principal Road Maintenance, Bridge Strengthening, Local Safety Schemes, 20mph Zones, Walking, Cycling, Bus Stop Accessibility, Local Bus Priority schemes, School and Workplace Travel Plans, Travel Awareness and Freight Schemes. This funding A2 also includes allocations for Local Area Accessibility and Area Based Schemes (which includes Town Centres, Streets-for-People and Station Access projects). 5. ANNEX 1 summarises the funding allocated to each Programme for the Borough. Figures 1 and 2 show the Neighbourhood funding by Programme. ANNEX 2 outlines the specific schemes that were submitted and the allocated funding. ANNEX 3 shows the balance of funding by Transport Programme. 6. These local transport schemes will also help the Borough achieve a number of cross- cutting goals, improved safety, improved health, better accessibility, improved social inclusion and a reduction in carbon emissions. 7. Particularly pleasing is the settlement for Bridge Strengthening (£710,000), LCN+ Cycling schemes (£545,000), Local Safety Schemes (£425,000), Principal Road Renewal (£342,000), Streets-for People Area Based Schemes (£300,000) and Walking (£270,000) which received the highest allocations. NEIGHBOURHOOD ALLOCATIONS 8. The total funding per Neighbourhood is set out in Fig 1 below. Each Neighbourhood will also benefit from Borough-wide schemes and initiatives, such as Travel Planning and Education, Bridge Strengthening, Training and Publicity schemes. ANNEX 4 shows the balance of funding within each Neighbourhood by Transport Programme. Figure 1: 2009/10 LIP Settlement by Neighbourhood N.b. Figures will appear higher than overall settlement as funds include some joint-neighbourhood schemes (funds are counted in both respective neighbourhoods). A3 NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMITTEE RESOLUTIONS 9. Each of the Neighbourhood Committees met in December 2008 to discuss the allocations made for the 2009/10 financial year. The resolutions are outlined below. 10. Kingston Town Committee RESOLVED that: WKHIROORZLQJYLHZVRQWKHDOORFDWLRQRIWKH$XWKRULW\¶V/,3VHWWOHPHQWIRUZRUNVLQ the Kingston Town Neighbourhood be reported to the Executive: - Approximately half the settlement for Kingston Town has been allocated to the cycling network; and - Noted that there is no mention in the settlement about the request for funding for work to Tudor Drive. [Note ± this bid was not made to TfL in June on the basis that it did not meet the qualifying criteria, and therefore would not be successful. This has been explained to the Kingston Neighbourhood Committee]. the schemes listed in Annex 1 (ANNEX 4 of this report) to the Minutes be noted, to be worked up by officers in discussion with the Chair and Ward Councillors, and the Service Director be authorised to undertake public consultation on the resulting outline schemes; and the outline schemes together with the findings of the public consultation be reported to Committee for approval prior to detailed design/ implementation. 11. Surbiton Committee RESOLVED that: subject to the decisions of the Executive, the schemes listed in Annex 1 (ANNEX 4 of this report) to be developed by officers in discussion with the Co-Chairs and Ward members, and the Service Director (Planning and Transportation) be authorised to undertake public consultation on the resulting outline schemes; and the outline schemes together with the findings of the public consultation be reported to Committee for approval prior to detailed design/ implementation. 12. South of the Borough RESOLVED that: subject to the decisions of the Executive,
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