GEM OF THE EMERALD CORRIDOR NATURE’S VALUE IN THE MT. BAKER-SNOQUALMIE NATIONAL FOREST Gem of the Emerald Corridor: Nature’s Value in the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest Earth Economics
[email protected] Authors: Johnny Mojica, Corrine Armistead, Tania Briceno Year: 2017 Suggested Citation: Mojica, J., Armistead, C., Briceno, T., 2017. Gem of the Emerald Corridor: Nature’s Value in the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest. Earth Economics, Tacoma, WA. Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Kitty Craig (Washington State Deputy Director, The Wilderness Society). Thank you also to all who supported this project: Dale Blahna (Research Social Scientist, US Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station), Dave Redman (Recreation Planner, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest), Eric M. White (Research Social Scientist, US Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station), Jon Hoekstra (Executive Director, Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust), Megan Birzell (Northwest Forests Campaign Manager, The Wilderness Society), Mike Anderson (Senior Policy Analyst, The Wilderness Society), Mike Schlafmann (Public Services Staff Officer, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest), Sarah Lange (Recreation Planner, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest), Spencer Wood (Senior Research Scientist, University of Washington). We would also like to thank Earth Economics’ Board of Directors for their continued guidance and support: Alex Bernhardt, David Cosman, Elizabeth Hendrix, Greg Forge, George Northcroft, Ingrid Rasch, Molly Seaverns, and Sherry Richardson. Earth Economics team members who contributed to this report include Peter Casey (research), Matt Chadsey (sponsor), Ken Cousins (editing), Jean Jensen (editing and design), Maya Kocian (Senior Economist), Bennett Melville (editing), Cyrus Philbrick (editing and design), and Stephanie Swinehart (research).