27B bus time schedule & line map

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The 27B bus line Arbroath has one route. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Arbroath: 3:55 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 27B bus station near you and nd out when is the next 27B bus arriving.

Direction: Arbroath 27B bus Time Schedule 47 stops Arbroath Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:55 PM Community Campus, A926, Forfar Tuesday 3:55 PM

Zoar Inn, Forfar Wednesday 3:55 PM 44-46 Road, Forfar Thursday 3:55 PM County Buildings, Forfar Friday Not Operational

The Mart, Forfar Saturday Not Operational John Street, Forfar

Robert Street, Forfar North Street, Forfar 27B bus Info North Street Dairy, Forfar Direction: Arbroath North Street, Forfar Stops: 47 Trip Duration: 40 min Academy Street, Forfar Line Summary: Community Campus, Forfar, Zoar Nursery Street, Forfar Inn, Forfar, County Buildings, Forfar, The Mart, Forfar, Robert Street, Forfar, North Street Dairy, Lordburn, Forfar Forfar, Academy Street, Forfar, Lordburn, Forfar, South Street, Forfar Shop, Easterbank, Welton Corner, Kingston Road, , Old School, Kingsmuir, Auchterforfar Shop, Easterbank Road, Kingsmuir, Bus Shelter, , Nechtan The Ha'en, Place, Letham, Dundee Street, Letham, Kirkgait, Letham, Police Station, Letham, Denholm Gardens, Welton Corner Letham, Trumperton Road End, Trumperton, Road End, Balmadies, Milldens Road End, Milldens, Kingston Road, Kingsmuir Gardyne Road End, Guthrie, Guthrie Road End, Guthrie, Toll House, Friockheim, Co-Op, Friockheim, Old School, Kingsmuir Middlegate, Friockheim, Police Station, Friockheim, Bus Stance, Friockheim, Police Station, Friockheim, Auchterforfar Road, Kingsmuir Middlegate, Friockheim, Co-Op, Friockheim, Toll House, Friockheim, Friockheim Road End, Bus Shelter, Dunnichen Friockheim, Leysmill Road End, Leysmill, Inn, Colliston, Condor Base Old Entrance, Condor, Nechtan Place, Letham Woodley Road End, Arbroath, Little Cairnie Hospital, Arbroath, Elmeld Avenue, Arbroath, Falkland Drive, Dundee Street, Letham Arbroath, Thornton Gardens, Arbroath, Tesco Side Entrance, Arbroath, Spink Street, Arbroath, Keptie Kirkgait, Letham Motors, Arbroath, Arbroath Railway Station, Arbroath, Bus Station, Arbroath Police Station, Letham The Square, Scotland

Denholm Gardens, Letham 1 Denholm Gardens, Scotland

Trumperton Road End, Trumperton

Road End, Balmadies

Milldens Road End, Milldens

Gardyne Road End, Guthrie

Guthrie Road End, Guthrie

Toll House, Friockheim

Co-Op, Friockheim Gardyne Street, Scotland

Middlegate, Friockheim B965, Scotland

Police Station, Friockheim 52 Gardyne Street, Scotland

Bus Stance, Friockheim

Police Station, Friockheim 52 Gardyne Street, Scotland

Middlegate, Friockheim B965, Scotland

Co-Op, Friockheim Gardyne Street, Scotland

Toll House, Friockheim

Friockheim Road End, Friockheim

Leysmill Road End, Leysmill

Colliston Inn, Colliston

Condor Base Old Entrance, Condor

Woodley Road End, Arbroath

Little Cairnie Hospital, Arbroath

Elmeld Avenue, Arbroath

Falkland Drive, Arbroath Cairnie Road, Arbroath

Thornton Gardens, Arbroath Cairne Road, Arbroath

Tesco Side Entrance, Arbroath

Spink Street, Arbroath

Keptie Motors, Arbroath West Port, Arbroath

Arbroath Railway Station, Arbroath Keptie Street, Arbroath

Bus Station, Arbroath 27B bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Scotland. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved