CALIFORNIA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY N O VE m B ER 2008 • VOLU m E 53 • ISSUE 3 PROFILES IN PURPOSE CBU brand represents 58 years of heritage and countless stories of faith in action California Baptist University C h o i r & o r C h e s t r a Dr. Gary Bonner, Conductor Presents an Evening of Delightful Christmas Music friDay, DeCemBer 12, 2008 | 7:30 pm Tickets available for $20 donation The Grove Community Church | Riverside, California For more information call satUrDay, DeCemBer 13, 2008 | 6:00 pm 951.343.4251 Harvest Christian Fellowship Church | Riverside, California C h o i r & o r C h e s t r a index of contents NVEO m B ER 2 0 0 8 the roundtable CALIFORNIA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY N O VE m B ER 2008 • VOLU m E 53 • ISSUE 3 EDITOR: Dr. Mark A. Wyatt MANAGING EDITOR: Karen Bergh ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Jeremy Zimmerman ART DIRECTOR: Edgar Garcia PHOTOGRAPHY: Michael J. Elderman, Kenton Jacobsen, Michael Kitada, Enoch Kim, Dr. Mark A. Wyatt, Trever Hoehne CONTRIBUTING WRITER(S): Micah McDaniel, David Noblett, Kendall DeWitt, Cynthia Wright, Carrie Smith SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: California Baptist University 04 05 Division of Institutional Advancement PRESIDENT’S mESSAGE CBU NEwS Carrie Smith
[email protected] 951.343.4439 ALUMNI AND DONOR INFORMATION: Division of Institutional Advancement 800.782.3382 ADMISSIONS AND INFORMATION Department of Admissions 8432 Magnolia Avenue 08 10 Riverside, CA 92504-3297 [mIND], body AND SPIRIT CBU faculty 877.228.8866 The Roundtable is published three times annually for the alumni and friends of California Baptist University.