NYU School of Professional Studies Fall 2017 Center for Global Affairs GLOB-GC1 2340.001 GENDER IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS: SEX, POWER AND POLITICS Wednesday, 6.30pm-9.10pm Woolworth, Room 310 3 credits _________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Sylvia Maier Email:
[email protected] Cell phone: 917-932-5456 (texts are ok) Office Hours: Thu 3.30-5.30 & by appt. and skype during the week Office: WW 449 Graduate Assistant: Valentina Duhanaj
[email protected] Course Description and Objectives: Welcome! In this seminar we will explore one of the most exciting topics in contemporary politics and society: the dynamic relationship between gender and international politics, that is, the role gender plays in the construction of (international) politics/policy and, conversely, how (international) politics serves to construct, reinforce, and police gender roles and identities and the human body is pressed into the service of the nation-state. We will begin by examining, from a theoretical perspective, how gender is constructed. Then, we will explore specific issues and case studies related to core concepts in IR—allegedly universal and gender-neutral—from all over the world that highlight the gendered nature of the international system, including: war, security, and peace; women as perpetrators of violence; the debate on women and sexual minorities in the military; how states seek to advance nationalist goals by controlling women’s bodies and using homophobia as a tool to construct a national identity (Russia, Uganda, Jamaica, South Africa); how LGBTQ claims shape international relations; the gendered character of development policy; and how globalization affects women—and exploits women’s bodies—in the form of labor migration, sex trafficking, and commercial surrogacy.