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VOL. 12, No. 8 THE COLLEGE OF PUGET SOUND, TACOMA, WASHINGTON NOVEMBER 19.1934 Community Chest Prof. EichiHger Offers CPS Sociologist, Develops Survey Appoint Dr. Todd Drive on Campus Organ Recital Sunday For Determining City Health Needs Member of Church Prof. A. Eichinger presents John Schlarb, Jr., sociology lecturer at the College of Puget Sound, Nets $34 to Date his first organ recital of the year University Senate has for the last four months been carrying on a survey which is an attempt next Sunday afternoon in Jones to develop a scientific basis for medical care by appraising the health Hall. He will feature Charles Wi- CPS President One of 15 To Whitman States Results Satis- needs of the community. oor's "Gothic Symphony" in his factory; Drive Closes Schlarb is director of research for the Foundation for Social Research Determine Methodist group of five numbers. in Medical care. Eloise. Hall, graduate student of CPS, is chief supervisor College Standards Friday The "Gothic Symphony," in four of the research study. Dr. Marvin R. Schafer, professor of sociology, is With $34.32 already received to movements, is one of Widor's later Dr. Edward H. Todd, president of works and is considered one of the chairman of the advisory committee for the foundation. date in con*ibutions to the Corn- the College, has received notice of most outstanding of his ten sym- 30,000 Families in Survey munity Chest drive, the results thus Organ Recital—November, 25 his appointment to the University phonies. Charles Marie Widor, the Over 400 people, working under the far have proven satisfactory, states —Four P. M.- Senate of the Methodist Episcopal greatest organ composer of today, is Federal Relief Administration work- Mark Whitman. chairman. Prof. Walter A. Eichinger church. This appointment was made rated as one of the best of all time. ed in the city field during the sum- Division of the independents has Fantasie and Fugue in G at the recent meeting of the Board Professor Eichinger's other selec- mer, collecting data on the general been made with each sorority and Minor - - - - Bach of Bishops of the church. tions will be: "Salute Angelico," by survey which included about 30,000 fraternity taking fourteen indepen- Benedictus - - - - Reger The Senate is composed of 15 edu- Sigfrid Karg Elert, a modem corn- Tacoma families. The material coy- dent students. Saluto Angelico - - Karg Elert caters of the church, who are pre- poser; "Fantasie and Fugue in G ered was both social and economic. Will Post Receipts Gothic Symphony - - Widor pared by training and experience to Minor," by Johann Sebastian Bach; The general survey is being carried Final reports which close Friday Gothic Suite - - - Boellmann establish the standards and to eva]- "Benedictus," by Max Reger; and on with the main object of securing noon are to show the percentage uate educational institutions in ac- 'Gothic Suite,' by Leon Boellmann. health information. of each group's pledging of money cordance with these standards. The recital begins at four o'clock The work of enumerating these to date will be posted on the bulle- Ski Club Forms; Dr. Todd Makes Plans and is the forerunner to similar statistics is being carried on by a tin board. This appointment was made to fill programs in the future. There is staff of about 70 workers, also under Hereafter meetings of captains will Plans Instruction the vacancy which occurred in the no admission charge. FERA, working in the laboratory on be held at noon on Monday and Fri- retirement of Pres. Carl G. Doney of Meeting last Tuesday for the first the sixth floor of the Medical Arts day in room 109. Willamette university. Dr. Todd is time this year, the College of Puget building under the supervision of The captains of the various groups cPS Invites Colleges now making plans to attend the next Sound Ski club elected Don Kruzner Miss Hall. Thse enumerators make meeting of the Senate to be held in aiding the drive are: president. Harriet Pangborn was up individual and family cards, To Oratorical Match Atlanta. Georgia, January 14, 1935. Alpha Beta UpsilonMildred Grosser elected vice prcident and Gertrude which are known as Hollerith cards, The Senate's duties pertain to all Delta Alpha Gamma .... Lora Bryning Junior colleges of Oregon and Davis secretary-treasurer. to be used on the Hollerith assort- institutions and foundations related Kappa Sigma Theta..Margaret Boen Washington have been invited to A special meeting will be held to- ing machine, for the purpose of to the Methodist Episcopal church Lambda Sigma Chi .... Margaret Tilley send students to CPS to enter an morrow in room 211 during chapel counting the statistics gathered. in the United States. It is an ad- Independent ...... Gladys Harding oratorical contest on March 15 and period. Plans for the club's first $60,000 was spent in making the sur- visory board to the educational di- Alpha Chi Nu ...... LeRoy Alsbury 16. Four-year colleges were asked trip will be announced then. vey, which is one of the most corn- vision in matters of educational p01- Delta Kappa Phi ...... Ian Gordon to send teams of freshmen and The chief function of the club will plete sociological surveys of its kind icy. The list and classification of Delta Pi Omicron..Storrs Waterman sophomores. Underclassmen of in the United States. be to teach all those interested how institutions under the patronage of Sigma Mu Chi ...... Carl Faulk Puget Sound will be eligible to con- to ski. The instructors will be Bill cPS Students Working the church is made up in accordance Sigma Zeta Epsilon..Keith Schneider lend. Bannister, Jim Skewis and Stan Several CPS students are working with the report of the University Independent ...... Charles Gibbons on the enumeration: Robert Wil- Those attending will engage in de- Cummings. Senate to the Board of Education. son, J. H. Brown, Fay Potter, David bate, oratory, and extempore speak- Senate Determines Standards ing. The purpose of the tournament Wagner, Ora Willmott, Donald Discuss Preparatioii T ii Once cvery four years it must rc- oineFil[y Club Blake, Wilhelm Bakke, Oscar An- is to promote a spirit of cooperation view the minimum requirements to derson and Ruth Moline. Of Museum Exliibii and friendly competition among Hears Poetry Criticism be maintained for admission and for schools of collegiate ranking, and to The questions asked in the general graduation by Methodist institutions. give freshmen and sophomores survey, the results of which will be To explain methods of preparing Mrs. Hunter Kennard was guest Also, upon request, it has the duty greater opportunity for competition. used in an attempt to better health exhibits for the CPS museum, Prof speaker at the annual visitors' day of investigating resources, scholastic Frederick A. McMillin addressed th€ conditions, concerned the number of thp CPS Women's Faculty club requirements and procedure of any Art club Tuesday evening. LucillE of members in the family, their birth Will Announce Names held Friday in the reception room. church educational institution. From Grodvig was in charge of the pro- dates, the amount of employment, Mrs. Kennard gave an anthology of conclusions reached by such investi- gram. Of Failing Students wages, illnesses over a three-months poetry and poetry criticism from her I gations, standings are determined, During the latter part of his talk period, costs of the illnesses, gener- own collection "The Falcon of Poet- and suggestions for changes and im- Professor McMillin conducted th€ Names of students doing failing al attitudes regarding medical care ry." She emphasized the American provements may be suggested. audience on a tour through the mu- work will be turned into the dean's received, and their individual Ideas vomen poets, war poets and extreme seum to illustrate important points. office Friday and will be placed up- ( Continued on Page Two) moderns. Some of the exhibits, to Which on the bulletin board the following French Majors To Dine he gave special mention, were a set week, according to Dean Raymond Mrs. Charles Battin commenced of Philippine knives and spears. G. Drewry. and ended the program with several l4anuals Available French majors, under the direc- which have been used in battle, a Along with students' names and vocal selections: 'Thou Brilliant For Stanfos-d Tests tion of Miss Ann Crapser, are plan- sword of Damascus steel, copies 01 courses, the faculty member will Bird." "A Swan," and One Sum- ning a trip to Seattle for a seven- cuneiform writing carved in rock also list the probable reasons for mer Night," Mrs. E. H. McClelland Students interested in the Stan- course French dinner at Blanc's from Babylon, a Japanese armor the failing work. Those finding arcompanying. ford university "Personality Inven- restaurant Friday evening. They will dated about the time of Co1umbu, their names upon this list will con- With a centerpiece of fruits and tory" and the "Adjustment Inven- leave Tacoma at 5 o'clock. and part of a suit of chain mail. fer with Dean Drewry. vegetables arranged by Melvin 0. tory" tests described last week have Kohier as the math attraction, tea now available the two manuals, ac- Money Awaits Owners was served in the dining room after Thars' Gold in Them Thar HalLs; All cording to Dr. R. D. Sinclair. From Sale of Books Ilie meeting. Hostesses were Mes- The manual for the personality of Fifteen Cents Worth on Display inventory written by Robert G. In an attempt to reach all stu- Nliss Collins Confers Bernreuter points out that the re- dents who have money waiting at Gold in the Science Hall. Grab your frying pans, skillets and your sults can measure neurotic tenden- the college bookstore from the sale mother's colander. Grab anything, but, on to the Science Hall. There's With Managers Today cies, self-sufficiency, introversion of used books, notices were sent last gold over there, all of fifteen cents worth. It is reposing very comfortably and extroversion, and dominance week to former owners of these text- in the large display case on the first floor of Howarth Hall of Science along Miss Pernina Collins, women's and submission. books. thletic director, wishes that the ath- with a geological display which includes everything from the above- The adjustment manual measures Some accounts are as much as mentioned gold to fossil sharks' teeth. Letic representative from each soror- home adjustments, health adjust- two years old, and bookstore assist- One of the major parts of the exhibit is a group of cave formations ity to meet with her in her office ment, social adjustment and erno- ants request that students claim from the Guadalupe Mountains. They were donated by a Mr. French of at noon today to discuss plans for tional adjustment. their money as soon as possible. an inter-sorority ping-pong tourna- New Mexico. They include all kinds nient. . Journalism Groups of formations that were found in Offer Opportunity to Undergraduate To Sponsor Banquet 'aves in these mountains which are Chemists Will Meet Authors To Have Works Published nfl a small island in the Carribean Alpha Phi Gamma, journalism sca. That the regular meetings of the honorary fraternity, is planning to German Club Presents Opportunity for CPS authors of sponsor a joint banquet with the There are several specimens of Chemistry club will be held every 'Der Knopf,' Farce Play sketches or short stories to have members of Sigma Delta Chi, na- quartz, a good-sized piece of coral, Tuesday at 4 p. m. was decided at a their work published in "The Parch- some pumice stone, pahoehoe lava, short meeting during Chapel period tional professional journalism fra- ment," magazine of the American fluorite. 'd some barite roses, Tuesday. Robert Trimble and Ger- t.ernity, Monday evening, November Work on a German play entitled Quill club. was recently announced 26. which are red stones about one inch ald Freeman were appointed to work by Miss Linda Van Norden. OUt a program for the year. "Der Knopf" or "The Button" is Art Linn, president of Alpha in 'diameter that look like roses. Manuscripts are to be sent to the now underway by students of Phi Gamma, has appointed the Among the fossil specimens are editor, Miss Clara McIntyre. Uni- the German club. The play, which following committees to arrange about a half dozen fossilinsects, a Psych Club Meets versity of Wyoming. Laramie, Wy- for the affair: Prof. J. Russell, Rob- camel's lower jaw, about a dozen is a farce, will be presented some- oming, erts, Frank Castillo, and Marguerite sharks' teeth, to say nothingof a "Vocational Possibilities of a Psy- time during the first part of De- Before compositions can be sub- McMaster, program; Lois Twaddle, fish, some shrimp, leaves and a crab. chology Major" is the subject which cember before the club. Later, if mitted, they must hold the state- Del Martin, Elza Dahlgren, reserva- The entire display was set up by Dean Raymond G. Drewry will dis- successful, it will be given in chapel. ment of a faculty member that the tiorib. .Chelma Melsnes is arranging the geology department under the cuss at the meeting of the Psy - Those who have parts are Lorene author is an undergraduate. Stu- for the place and the menu for the direction of Prof. Frederick A. Mc- chology club Tuesday evening in the Reister, Lucy Spencer, Foster Tee- dents interested are urged to see banquet. Millin. reception room at 7:30. van and Gerald Freeman. Miss Van Norden at once. PAGE TWC THE PUGET SOUND TRAIL NOVEMBER 19. 1934

The Puget 'ounb trait ()r(ltOl'iCUl Contest Date Senator Metcalf SOOT Moved to Jan 15, 16 scu__ from the Speaks on Spain Newspaper Memb7) BATHTUB Students planning to enter the oratorical contest, are asked to note In Chapel Friday Established Published Weekly that there has been a change in the _ Milt Watch Dog" Woodard dropped in and slapped Sept. 25, 1922 During School Year date for presentation. Tells Lt1C0 of Work Abroad in us in the face with a few personal opinions . . . The Official Publication of The Associa.ted Students According to Prof. Charles T. Bat- Behalf of U. S. and Ef- annual sophomore-freshman scrap was a great, big COLLEGE OF PUGET SOUND tin, the competition will take place feet on Country Printed by Johnson-Cox Company, 726 Pacific Ave. rousing flop this year . No one was highly in favor of January 15 and 16 instead of De- cember 11 as was formerly planned. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at the new rushing rules . . . nor was anyone emphatically "Until Premier Primo de Riviera Tacoma, Washington, under the Act of Congress of against them . . . Puget Sound will not lose more than took over the government, Spain March 3, 1879. one game in Northwest conference play next year. was a decadent nation of trifling Subscription price, 75c per semester; $1.00 per school Reorganize Teams importance, economically and poli- year by mail. OLD FRIENDS For Debate Work tically," said Senator Ralph Metcalf EDITORIAL STAFF Where are a few of the somebodies of last of the 26th district of Washington, Editor in Chief - Franklin Castillo year? . . . Leonard Moline and Gerald Han- when he spoke in chapel Friday. son are Piggley Wiggleying in local markets Will Hold Tryouts Thursday Desk Editor - - Carl Faulk Senator Metcalf told of the lack of . . . Bernie Brotman, yell king of last year, is And Friday Campus Editor - Maurine Henderson efficiency of the Spanish kings, of peddling typewriters . . . Rick Poole and Jim Sports Editor -----Jack Burns the high rate of illiteracy even yet Howe are bunking together while attending Reorganization of debate teams Society Editor - - - Phyllis Swanson in the country in spite of the prog- the University of Washington . . . Paul Fred- for the second tryouts was announc- Faculty Adviser - - - J. R. Roberts ress being made under the present erickson is another Husky this year . . . The ed Friday by Prof. Charles T. Bat- leadership. "Spain now is in the ex-Peggy Scudder is keeping house for War- tin, debate coach. Women's turn- Assistants position of France after the French Paul Anderson, Maudie Boswell, Bob Brandt, ren Mahaffey under the sobriquet of Mrs. W. out will be on Thursday and the ," said Senator Metcalf. Bob Burrill, Marjorie Church, Ruth DeSpain, Mahaffey . . . three of the 1933-34 Theta men's on Friday. Each tournament He also spoke of his work abroad banner-wavers, Evalyn Mellinger, Annabel will consist of four rounds. Herman Estes, Maxine Harti, Valen Honeywell, Clar- on behalf of the United States and Biggle and Ruth Jaeger, are scrambling their New women's teams are: Maurine ence Johnson, Betty Kuhi, Ruth Leo, Louis Magrini, its effect in this country. Marjorie Ranck, Katherine Saunders, Lee Savidge, eggs over the same gas stove in Seattle while Henderson and Jeanette Amidon, 32 Years of Service Margaret Sines, Helen Stalwick, Sally Spencer, Muriel attending the university . . . Harold Rock is Janet Jennings and David Ailing, Strandberg, Evelyn Swanson, Katherine Thomas, Lois another ex-Puget Sounder trying his hand Olive Whorley and Lora Bryning, With his election of last year, Lela Sargent and Katharine Mc- Twaddle, Gladys Welty and Marion Winge. at university education. Senator Metcalf will have served in Conron, Kathryn Thomas and Dor- the Senate for 32 years. Senator BUSINESS STAFF NEWS FLASHES othy Gross, Arm Strobel and Jane Metcalf came here 45 years ago, be- Business Manager - - - Nicholas Zittel College life is becoming more and more effeminate Ramsby. ing editor of the Tacoma Morning Advertising Manager - - William Adams every day. Students at the University of Men who will debate Friday are: Globe in 1889 and the Ledger in Circulation Manager - - - Larry Penberthy have been compelled by the faculty to turn in their Bob Byrd and Paul Anderson, Gor- 1893. revolvers. don Lake and Roger Mastrude, Bill Assistants In 1913 he was appionted by Gov- Bannister and Charles Zittel, Dorothy Daniel, Jo Ann Grant, Ellen Hagberg, Ho3vie Hass is the chubbiest person we know. ernor Lister as his special represen- Charles Shireman and Jack Leik, Clarence Hagen, Scott Huston, Janet Jennings, Don Once he had the mumps for three weeks be- tative from the state of Washing- Clarence Keating and Hardyn Soule, Maynes, Marc Miller, Bob Vandenberg and Olive fore they found out what was wrong with him. ton for the American commission Bruce Hetrick and Larry Jensen, Whorley. to study farm credit abroad. From After interviewing a few ladies that Doug Bohn has David Alling and Don Kruzner, Don this work the Federal Farm Loan Roberts and Robert Burrill, Boyd been out with, we come to the conclusion that coffee Act which he helped draft was A Different Competition Among Groups isn't the only thing that's fresh when dated. Dickinson and Herman Estes, George made, loaning one billion and a half Jackson and Earl Hilistrand. This Nveek fiiiislies the (11ei.e's pii't ifl this Joe Kent, who is usually in the Commons sat- dollars to American farmers. 'ear's (Irive for the (oiu inuni tv Chest Nvith isfying his ravenous appetite, coughed into his In 1921 he was appointed executive each social 1111(1 i1(1Cj)eI1(ICflt I)Ui(IV w'oi'king spinach the other day and made the table Schlarb Surveys City secretary and vice chairman for the tlfl(ICI' a group rcl)reselllat ive tO'\VllL'(lS an look like a golf course. Health Needs in Survey International Trade commission to Un usual goal. People who most look the part—Bill Jepsen as a col- study economic conditions in foreign \\rllilc the tilliiiiatc aiiii of tlu' Chest (lI'iVe Lege freshman. (Continued From Page One) countries to provide increased mar- kets for the eight per cent export Stan Cummings is trying to make a great for the improvement of medical care. is the raising of a given amount of nioney, surplus of the United States. big twosome with Jane Anderson, the Long- Eight Additional Studies each (:iI11J)LIs gl'Otll) IH)W should he niore 'vi- Debt Plan view bridge tender . . . Roger Scudder joined Pi'operty information is also being tal1' intereste(l in havi ng 100 per cent of i Es ranks with Ward Gilmore in the anti-Roberts ccumulated which will be used by In 1923 Senator Metcalf secured memhership C(311t1'iI)Llte. N iturally not all club . . . got a gilt-edged rejection slip one day bhe City Planning commission and the acceptance of his debt plan of us can giv, an eq ual anioun t of inoiiey after a date acceptance . . . Could there be by the Federal Housing commission. from four countries, Germany, Italy, and have the total stun amount to an a)pre- another attraction for Glen Grant at Burpee's The eight studies being made in Belgium and England. His plan besides milkshakes? addition to the general survey con- stated that Germany should pay Ci111)le aniount- --in fact, it is not expecte(l cern economic questions, preventa- only $7,000,000 instead of $56,000,- COED'S PRAYER that ve (k) that. tive medicine, relief health work, in- 000,000 as demanded by France. From the files of the Tacoma Dairy Lunch club comes It is ex1)ecte(l, and j ustly, too, 11111 t each of digent medical care, all as a back- "France was forced to accept a year he prayer of the new coed . . . please make me ground in the study of existing later," said Senator Metcalf. us give the maxinmin anlount 1)ossihle. .00k like a Harper's Bazaar fashion plate. Let my toalth conditions. His plan for the settlement of Ger- \Vhen fiiial results ar e })tEl)Iish('(l, the fig- nouth be like Connie Bennett's and my blind date nJan reparations and international ores Will iIlcIu(I(' not univ the amounts of ike Clark Gable. Make my eyes like stars and change contril)tlte(t IB()I1Cy fF0111 the groups, but also he expression of my face . . . everybody says it denotes Prof. Frederick Directs deht was approved by Stanley Bald- the aniouti t per caj)ita 111111 the )e1c('II1age of ieavy fog north of the adenoids, give me a face like Christian Education win, Chancellor of the Exchequer, con t I'll) tltOFS. Each group, then, sliotilti (lef- Viadge Evans. Please, make me be a riot and later Prime Minister of Great initel'v vork tow'ar(l the Ii ighest per ecu t of it the fraternity dances and let the exam in econ be Britain. The figures and the pay- To act as chairman in community ments were worked out in the re- ('OIItl'iI)Ut tollS it can - -10() per ceiit. asy tomorrow. 0 let there be a sale on religious leadership training, Prof. port and were the basis of the set- peanut brittle at the Commons very awfully soon. Give Arthur L. Frederick, professor of tiement of all debts and payments A Pleasant Surprise ne strength, to read those 3 religious education, has been ap- thapters in English, and to show Daddy the bill from from foreign countries until the IA)gger football laos have been l)leasatlY pointed by the City Council of Chris- Hoover Moratorium in 1931. Ger- Kresses. I beseech Thee to make me the sensation of tian Education to take charge of SLi1'l)1'iS((l Oil the last two \\'e€'keIl(IS by the man representatives accepted the he school." two schools to be opened January 13 ret urn of ,Ii iniuv Eon is, otltstan(Ii hg 1)ack- plan with a written reply. The for approximately 100 to 150 church field pi'i'foi'iiier, to the lifletlj). PLEDGE SNEAKS Young-Dawes commission practi- school workers. Dr. Edgar C. Eiinis' uiutiiiielv gri(Iiroll acci(Iellt early in This is the season for pledge sneaks. Last cally carried out the recommenda- Wheeler will direct one of the cours- the season was a real I )li)\v to the (i1ege of' week's contributors were the Delta Kappa Phi tions given in Senator Metcalf's re- es of instruction. Puget Sound's (1I'(11fls of a third consecutive pledges. The Sigma Mu Chi pledges were play- port. ful and pulled a "fake" sneak. These were the The schools will be held at the cOflfel'eI)ce t I tic. No one i'eail' l)elicv('d Ennis Commission to Cuba openers ..... Sneaks" are now off to a fine First Congregational church in \\'OLll(I be in the gariic again. No one J)Clic\'e(l In 1924 he was appointed vice start and will form a good part of the excite- South Tacoma under the auspices of it IU()I'C than a l)eS51l istic Frai istaif. Rea(l- chairman and secretary for the corn- nient for coming weeks. the City Council of Christian Edu- ers will I'(t,'iliI the ')bittIa1'\'" 1)uhlishe(1 se'- mercial commission to Cuba with the cation, a branch of the International eral \\'(,'eks ago aIiIi(flhiiCilIg tIl(' ('0(1 of a truly The card playing ability of Truman Bishop and Bob late William Jennings Bryan as Council of Religious Education and outstanding gI'i(ti I'OIl career of a trtiI' ()tlt- Smyth at the Lambda bridge Friday won them finger- chairman. In 1925 Senator Met- the Washington-Northern Idaho standiiig man. 1ut nu\' it secuis that .Jiin waves— calf was the Tacoma and Wash- Council of Education. Workers from has ivade liars of the 'l'niil staff. I lovever, ington state representative to the the major denominations of this city if every el'1)I' of ('(filing \vorke(I out as (11(1 International Chamber of Corn- will attend to receive training. the stoi'v of I'ii ohs' i ii urv, the ed ilor \\'4lid merce which met at Brussels. His Teachers for the school must be be Coil ten! to ruil con pe t i t i( 1i to Iaroii von Going Places and Doing Things accredited to teach by the Inter- travel articles have been published :i lII1(.'ha ussen by local newspapers. national Council. Twelve courses From the Bookshelf MARGARET TILLEY, with mountainous armful of will he offered, of which some of books, yelling "pledge!"—ten minutes later, M. T. still importance are : 'Methods of 'Scotty' Gordon Sings yelling "pledge ! '—BRENNAN KING tasting the turf Teaching Religion" ; "Are Foreign For Chapel Program University credit for ping-pong, archery, skating of the Stadium as a Pacific scrimmage up-ended him Missions a Legitimate Effort To- and fraternity or sorority membership will be given clay?" "Psychology of Pupils" and suddenly—SHELDON WILLIAMSON buzzing over Singing "It's Nice to Get Up in by Oklahoma City university. The New Testament." to the Baldwin to get a pitch for WILTON yIN- the Morning" and "Keep on Doing Oral and written quizzes, text-book learning, and CENT'S basso profundo—DON KRUZNER hopping It Sunday," in a good old Scotch final examinations will all fall before the new system aboard FRED THOMPSON'S crippled car, making it INR Club Will Meet manner, "Scotty" Gordon, accom- at Olivet college which will allow the student to pur- a double tow—LOIS EVANSON on a bicycle hike, To adopt the new constitution, panied by his mother, entertained sue his studies in practically any way he sees fit under wondering if piano playing helps that kind of ped- irawri up by Elza Dahigren, Don in student chapel Thursday. the guidance of a faculty tutor. ailing and if she could practice on the organ in the Kruzner and Edmund Swan, the Two song numbers, "You're Not Only nine University of California men can Little Chapel—.and the waiter in Blanc's registering [NH club will meet November 26. the Only Oyster in the Stew," and truthfully say "I've never been kissed," according surprise when MARJORIE RANCK and other CPS Dixie Tuck will present a report on "Needle in the Haystack." were giv - to a recent survey conducted on that campus. coeds addressed him in practically perfect French- a war book sent by the Carnegie en by Sheldon Williamson, Orville IARK WHITMAN telling lieutenants how to extract 'oundation for International Peace. Weeks and Wilton Vincent. Louie June, tumble, lady, bed, and hum, were nanie& as thmes for the Community Chest (60 cents to Professor evet Shahan is in charge of the Magrini played three piano num- the five most common bugs by one zoology student. Schafer) : "Put all your begs in one ask-it!" rogram. bers. PAGE ThREE NOVEMBER 19, 1934 THE PUGET SOUND TRAIL Sororities, Fraternities Plan Committees from Calendar Federation Plans Monday, November 19 Women's Groups Kappa Phi, Mrs. A. G. Harrelson, Frolic Wednesday Varied Events; Mothers Meet 2114 N. Washington, 8 p. m. Plan Activities Spurs, 12:05 p. m. For CPS Women Sigma Mu Chi Mother's club des- sert luncheon, 3001 N. 13th Women's Groups (loose Pledges Give Programs; Miss Lois Twaddle Chosen Tuesday, November 20 Miss Lorraine Hanson, Gen- eral Chairman, Announces Social Committees Plami Activities Treasurer of Womens YWCA, Chapel period, YW room Federation Wednesday, November 21 Committees Coed Frolic, gymnasium, 3 to 5 p. in. Men of Sigma Zeta Epsilon Members of Delta Alpha Gamma Fraternity meetings, fraternity Miss Annabell Norton, president Miss Lois Twaddle was elected to houses fraternity met at the fraternity sorority met Wednesday evening at fill the office of treasurer of the Delta Kappa Phi Mother's club, fra- of the Women's Athletic association, the home of Miss Adelyn Sylvester, house for dinner preceding their Women's Federation at the regular ternity house has appointed Miss Lorraine Han- bi-monthly meeting of the organiza- Thursday, November 22 son as general chairman for a Coed 831 South Ferry street, for the for- meeting Wednesday evening. Herb- Delta Pi Omicron Mother's club des- Frolic which is to be held Wednes- mal pledging of new members. The ert Edwards, group president, ap- tion Thursday. sen luncheon, 3206 N. 15th Plans for raising money for wo- Saturday, November 24 day in the gymnasium. Misses Isabelle Hudson and Lora pointed William Command, athletic men's activities of the College were Sigma Mu Chi-Lambda Sigma Chi The affair is to be from 3 to 5 p. Bryning assisted Miss Sylvester at manager. pledge dance, 9:00 p. m. m., and special plans have been discussed. Miss Twaddle was ap- Sunday, November 25 the traditional service. Plans were made for Saturday pointed to investigate plans for a Alpha Chi Nu skiing part tentative) made by campus sororities to dis- evening when the members enter- miss their weekly meetings to at- A business meeting and supper cooking school. Miss Maurine Hen- tamed friends at open house. Pledges tend. followed, with the Misses Betty derson is chairman for a skating of the fraternity are planning a Cabinet Members All Women Invited Smaliridge and Sylvester in charge. party being planned. Miss Thelma 4. program for the next meeting un- Sorority members have been re- Pledges of the group recently elect- Meisnes was chosen chairman of a der the direction of Gene Duncan Entertain Board ed are Miss Elizabeth Worden, pres- series of pie and cake sales to be quested to bring their "little sisters." and Fred Johnston. and all women of the College are ident, and Miss Frances Smith, see- sponsored by the group. Annual YWCA Thanksgiving The Mothers' club of the organiza- invited. This project is sponsored retary. Hanson Announces Frolic Basket Project Planned tion met recently with Mrs. Charles Miss Lorraine Hanson announced by the Women's Federation of which Lambda Sigma Chi Green, presiding. Mrs. D. S. Schnei- that the Coed Frolic will be held in Miss Mary Elizabeth Tuck is presi- Miss Thelma Melsnes, group head, Members of the YWCA advisory der presented an illustrated talk on the gym Wednesday from 3 to 5 p. dent. presided at the meeting of Lambda board were guests of the cabinet "China" after which refreshments m. Sorority members are re- A program will consist of readings Sigma Chi soro1ity Wednesday af t- members at their regular monthly were served. Mothers of the club quested to attend with their 'little by Miss Gladys Harding, selections ernoon. Miss Janet Cook was ap- potluck dinner held Wednesday eve- have furnished curtains for the fra- sisters." All women of the College by a trio composed of the Misses pointed to have charge of sorority ning at the College commons. ternity house. are invited. Martha Forsyth, Aileen Hobbs and basketball, and Miss Lois Andre is Committee reports and a short A tolo theatre party to be held by Betty Wilhelmi, piano selections by to be chairman of a night meeting Delta Kappa Phi business meeting were followed by the organization December 7 is be- Miss Marjorie McGilvery, and dance which will be held November 28. Arrangements were made for the a book report on 'The Prophet" by ing arranged by Miss Evelyn Swan- numbers by the Misses Phyllis Swan- Assisting her will be the Misses Do- potluck dinner given Friday eve- Kahlil Gibran, given by Miss Jane son, assisted by the following YWCA son and Margaret Tilley. lores Theda and Jean Beers. Group ning at the Delta Kappa Phi busi- Gehert. members: the Misses Annabell Nor- pledges will plan a program for the ness meeting. Evelyn Swanson Chairman Committees ton, Mildred Anderson and Ann evening. Pledges of the group are planning Miss Evelyn Swanson was chair- Miss Hanson has selected the 1o1- Strobel, tickets; Maurine Hender- December 7 has been selected as a dance the second week in Decem- man of the committee in charge of lowing committees to plan for the son, Janet Jennings and Pauline the date for the annual pledge tea, ber. Scott Huston is chairman of the dinner, assisted by the Misses day : advertising, the Misses Jane Schouw, publicity; Helen Stalwick, at which Lambda pledges entertain the affair, assisted by Leroy Sander, Maurine Henderson, Evelyn Taylor Ramsby and Vonne Prather; games, pledges of the other campus sorori- Robert Bond and Theron Tison. Maxine Hartl and Gladys Welty, and Jane Gebert. the Misses Harriet Pangborn, Mar- ties. Members in charge of prepara- Delta Kappa Phi Mothers' club program. Guests were the Mesdames Thomas garet Boen and Maurine Hender- tions are the Misses Katherine Mun- will meet Wednesday at the fra- The party will be held at the Swayze, Frank G. Williston and son; refreshments, the Misses Ida roe, chairman. Margaret Tilley. Max- ternity house for a business meet- Temple theatre. A program is being Omar Berry, and the Misses Elsie Larson, Helen Nicola and Jayne me Hartl and Harriet Pangborn. ing. planned for between acts. Korpela and Miriam Weigle. Hall; decorations. the Misses Ellen Miss Augusta Dickinson was elected Sigma Mu Chi Boen Heads Candy Sale Thanksgiving Project Hagberg, Floramae Davis and Ruth to be pledge president and Miss Pledges of Sigma Mu Chi f rater- Miss Margaret Boen is chairman The Thanksgiving basket project Wheeler ; and invitations, the Misses Marianne Gagliardi, secretary. Miss- nity presented the program at the of a catdy sale to be held tomorrow has been started with Miss Betty Marion Davis, Mildred Grosser, es Betty Kuhl, Milly Kloepper and Wednesday business meeting. Ger- immediately following chapel period. Kuhl as chairman. Each sorority Mary Fay Fulton, Dorothy Ann Letty Lawrence have been appoint- ald Fretz was chairman. Pat Kelly She is being assisted by the Misses and fraternity is expected to fur- Simpson, Evelyn Taylor , Marjorie ed to have charge of the pledge played and sang several solos. Har- Billie Acton, Betty Betz, Dorothy rush one basket, and a representa- McGilvery, Mildred Brown and dance. monica duets were given by Jack Daniel, Eleanas.Davies, Lois Evan- live will be chosen from each group Katherine Munroe. Kappa Sigma Theta Ricker and George Duncan. son, Harriet Gartley, Jo Ann Grant, to take charge of that group's con- Dayton Finnigan, social chairman, Lucille Grodvig and Maxine Hartl. Miss Bernice Anderson has been tribution. Miss Ida Larson has been announced a dance to be given De- Miss Elza Dahlgren is general Costumes, Tuxedos, Dress Suits chosen as president of Kappa Sigma selected to work with the independ- camber 18. Edwin Burkland was thairman of the sales. NEAL E. THORSEN Theta pledges, and Miss Kathryn 'nts. chosen athletic manager. 926 1/2 Broadway MAin 4861 Thomas, secretary. The sorority Mothers of the pledges of the fra- Hair Goods, Toupees, Wigs group met Wednesday with Miss ignia Zeta Epsilon ternity will be welcomed at a des- Spurs Appointed as and Masks Garnet Paulsen, president, in sert luncheon this afternoon at 1:30 Announces Pledging charge. Sigma Zeta Epsilon fraternity an- Comniittee for Party D'clock at the fraternity house, 3001 Miss Katharine Mann, program riounces the pledging of Frank Su.l- North 13th street. Mrs. L. D. Mar- chairman, presented a program en- Spurs, honorary sophomore worn- t;in and Mrs. Walter Ely are making mes. You are most likely titled "Theta Garden," with the en's organization, have been put in he arrangements. to find it at Misses Dorothy Daniel, freshman; charge of an All-College skating Alpha Clii Nu Stadium Alumni Group Marion Winge, sophomore ; Mary party to be held January 4, 1935, at RHODES BROTHERS Louise Wortman, junior, and Ger- Members of Alpha Chi Nu frater- Provides Entertainment King's roller rink from 10 to 12 p. trude Davis, senior, speaking for nity met at the home of Prof. and M. their respective classes. The Misses Mrs. C. T. Battin for a traditional To provide recreation and instruc- Miss Maurine Henderson. presi- Bernice Anderson, Mary Lilleberg meeting. tion for Stadium alumni, the Sta- dent, has appointed the following MODERN INN and Dorothy Daniel have been ask- Edward Bonner, alumnus, talked dium Alumni Recreation club has committees: advertising, the Misses 505 BROADWAY on his trip to Alaska. Mrs. Battin Pauline Schouw and Gladys Hard- ad to plan the pledge dance. which recently been organized. Catering to Banquets, Lunches sang several solo numbers. Pledges will be December 8. From 7:30 p. m. until 9 p. m. every ing; tickets, the Misses Marion Da- and Dinners cf the fraternity presented a short Alpha Beta Upsilon Wednesday, instruction is given in via and Dorothy Ann Simpson. Phone BR. 2573 program and group singing followed. Alpha Beta Upsilon members met contract and auction bridge, while Plans were discussed for a week- in the sorority room Wednesday ping pong and shuffleboard are also end skiing party to be held on the afternoon for the formal pledging played. Tacoma Badminton club SPALDI NC north side of the mountain. A ten- ATHLETIC GOODS "First in Furniture" of Miss Dorothy Gross. Miss Edith will install three badminton courts tative date was set for November 25. WASHINGTON Coffman, president, and Miss Mar- for use of the members. From 9 Delta Pi Omicron HARDWARE CO. . ion Davis, pledge adviser, were in to 10:30 p. m., there is dancing to a I 924 Pacific Ave. SCHOENFELDS' charge of the service. Following the Delta Pi Omicron members met five-piece orchestra. Wednesday evening for their regular Membership in the club costs 50 pledging a poetry round-table was ,,,,,,,',,,,",",,,,,',',,',',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, held, with each member presenting business meeting. Al Winterhouse, cents which admits a person to all president, appointed Boyd Dickin- meetings from now until Christmas. WEBBER'S favorite verses. Pledge officers are ' ron athletic manager for the com- and entitles the member to bring a 'Chuck Taylor" Miss Jean Fisher, president; Miss Complete Fountain Service guest each week. Pauline Bresna- Elinor Siler, secretary, and Miss El- ing season. Brown and Haley's Candies Basket Ball Shoes ste Taylor, program chairman. At a special pledge meeting Ernest han and Douglas Hendel are direc- Dzurich was elected president of the tors of the movement. 3812 No. 26th Proc. 4185 Now in Stock group, John Clarke, secretary-treas- - I All Sizes Sprenger and Jones itrer, and Russell Post, sergeant-at- December 15 Is Date arms. They also I)resented a pro- JENNINGS Watches, Jewelry and Diamonds College and Fraternity gram for the members. Set for Varsity Ball SEE US FOR SUPPLIES —KIMBALL'S- The Mothers' club will hold a des- for the Pins a Specialty SINCE 1888 sert luncheon at the fraternity house The first annual Varsity ball will "House" BRdwy. 4375 11 33 Brdwy Thursday at 12:30 p. m. be held this year on December 15 1 148 Pacific Ave. BR. 2273 1107 Broadway at the Scottish Rite Cathedral, and will be sponsored by the Lettermen's club, according to Jimmy Ennis, COLLEGE COMMONS who is in charge of arrangements. AMOCAT COFFEE TYPEWR ITERS I Contrary to previous announce- Standard Keyboard ment the dance will be a semi-form- "The Peak of Quality" Portable and Office Machines al. Admission will be 75 cents per $20.00 and up—Terms. Free Five Day Trial Hamburgers a Specialty couple. General Repairing. Rentals I)isti'ihiih'd l See the Corona Silent Portable I Breakfast, Lunches and Dinners WEST COAST GROCERY H. D. BAKER & CO. Mrs. Francis Benjamin, Mgr. CO. 109 So. 10th BR. 62 : Tacoma •1 .- TACOMA. WASH PAGE FOUR THE PUGET SOUND TRAIL NOVEMBER 19. 1934 INTERSORORITY BADMIN- INTRAMURAL BASEBALL Mu Chis Defeat Husky Gridmen TON STANDINGS Loggers To Face STANDINGS Score 34-0 Win 'l'enm W. L. Pet. Canadian Eleven Zetes in Mural InhlependentM ------3 0 1.000 'l'eain W. L. I'.f Kappa Signia Theta3 1 .750 Signia Mu ('hi ------3 0 1.000 La,bIaii Sigma chi...... 1 2 .333 .tli,ha Clii Nu ------2 0 1.000 Baseball Game Over Loggers Delta Alpha (arnnia..0 2 .000 In Final Game 'l'errible .Svedes ------1 0 1.000 Alpha Beta lJpsIlon..0 3 .000 Sigma Zeta Epsllon..1 1 .500 Delta Kappa I'lil ------I S .333 CPS Picked To Win from ' l' alionias ------0 1 .000 iuge1 Sound Holds Huskies l'e*er Piigels ...... 0 2 .000 Mu Chis, Chi Nus, Swedes in Baseball Rules UBC Next Saturday at 1)elia P1 Omicron 0 2 .1)00 Tie for First Place Scoreless in Second Half Vancouver of Contest Are Explained Honors In the role of favorites for their Ld by Art Ahonen, triple-threat final contest, Puget Sound's Logger THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE Because of continued squabbling halfback, the University of Wash- gridders will travel to Vancouver Tuesday. 12:05: Tahomas vs. as to whether a certain hit ball is Peter Purets: 1:05: Sirma Mu ington footbail team scored a smash- this Saturday to wind up their 1934 Chi vs. Delta P1 Omicron. fair or foul, this opportunity is tak- Thursday, 12:05: Delta KaDDa schedule against the University of ing 34 to 0 win from Coach Roy en to clarify the matter. Phi vs. Siirma Zeta Eosilon: 1:05: British Columbia. Alpha Chi Nu vs. Terrible Sandberg's scrappy Puget Sound In the fieldhouse, there are two Swedes. Loggers Favored marking lines which determine Unleashing a powerful batting at- 1even last Saturday on the Husky If comparative scores of the two whether a- ball, hit into the rafters, tack behind the fine pitching of gridiron. Washington scored all of elevens against Bellingharn are to is fair or foul. These two are the Clarence "Mike" Mykiand the Sig- be taken as criteria, the Lumber- By Jack Burns their touchdowns in the first half, rafter which goes across the short ma Mu Chi baseball team defeated jacks can be expected to check in the Loggers holding them remark- length of the gym, almost directly The Mu Chi, Sigma Zete ball game the Sigma Zeta Epsilon squad 12 to their second victory of the current above the first base line, and a tim- last Thursday was a thriller. The 5. Thursday in the gym before ably in the last part of the contest. season by a substantial score. The ber on the ceiling, which runs the Mu Chis won largely through the the largest crowd of the season. Ahonen Stars Canadians dropped a 44 to 0 verdict full length of the gym, almost above fine hurling of "Mike" Mykiand. A As a result of their victory the Mu Ahonen was the whole show in to the Teachers, who subdued the the third base foul line. very enthusiastic crowd of Lambdas Chis have three straight wins against Loggers by only a one-touchdown I he Washington offensive, he being and Thetas were on the sidelines no losses and are tied for the league Define Foul Ball margin. directly or partly responsible for all rooting for their favorites which leadership with the Alpha Chi Nu Any ball hitting the ceiling or go- . However, in their early-season tilt added a certain zest to the tilt. Art team which has two wins in as many five touchdowns. The most brilliant ing into the rafters on the foul, or with Bellingham the British Co- Linn umpired the game and did an games and the Swedes who have won run of the game was turned in by side closest the wall along the third lumbians, who are departing from excellent job. the only contest they have played. - or first ba-se line, is a foul ball, no rugby play this year for the first him, when, after the first touch- * . I The Mu Chis have a tough as- - matter where it may light in the time, were plainly unfamiliar with down, which came as the result of The Mu Chis as a result of signment this week, when they tan- diamond. the American version of the pigskin ]ong runs by Ahonen and Tipton in their victory are tied for first gle with the Omicrons but the Chi Any ball on the fair or field side pastime. After a season of drill in place with the Chi Nus and Nus draw a real tartar in the the middle of the first period, Ahon- of these markers, is fair no matter the latter, under the tutelage of Swedes all are undefeated al- Swedes. The Swedes have uncovered en grabbed the Logger kickoff on his if it crosses either base line between "Doe" Burke, former University of though the Mu Chis have three an excellent hurler in "Izzy" Hal- 15 yard line and raced through the the base and home. Washington gridder, they should contests in the win column while fon. who showed to advantage in his now be prepared to give CPS a bet- whole Puget Sound team to plant his There has been much unnecessary game against the Omicrons last ter battle than they put up in earlier the Chi Nus have only two and squabbling over points which this week. cleats in pay dirt. contests. the Swedes one. clarifies, and it is hoped that this - The Chi Nus opened the week's Ahonen, again in the second quar- Last Game I I I will sufficiently explain the matter. play Tuesday, when they romped ter got away on two or three long For four Logger first-stringers Jack Killits, that speedy Pacific Clarify Flies over the Tahoma outfit by a 13 to 1 runs and finally scored from the Saturday's encounter will be not back, who paced the Badgers' attack On a foul ball which touches any score. In the second tilt the Swedes only the 1934 wind-up, but also the in their game with The Loggers, is CPS eight yard line. Later in the made their debut with a 11 to I win part of the building, the batter is final competition of their college an all-around athlete. Not only is period Ahonen again engineered the not out if the ball is caught. If the over the Omicrons. In the second careers. Jimmy Ennis, whose spark- he the mainstay of the football team scoring of two more touchdowns ball goes higher than the batter's game Thursday, the Delta Kapps ling performances in his halfback but he is also a basketball and track with two long passes to Rohrscheib chalked up a hard fought win from head, and does not hit anything, berth have contributed color as well star. He is considered the fastest an end, both of them being good for the Peter Pugets, winning by a 11 the batter is out if the ball is caught. as touchdowns to the Logger attack sprinter in the Northwest in the touchdowns. The Huskies made four to 6 count. The batter is also out on any fair for four years, will be seeing his last 100-yard dash since he has run It of the try-for-point kicks and the ball that is caught before it hits action for the Maroon and White, as in 9.7 seconds, and was all-confer- score at the half was 34 to 0. the floor. will Capt. Roy Carison, husky end ence basketball guard in 1932. 15 Women on Hike Almost Score These two are the only remaining * I S In the second half Puget Sound members of Coach Roy Sa-ndberg's Last Sunday morning 15 women The St. Mary's football team's loss made a great defensive stand and first Logger grid edition, his 1931 under the leadership of Ruth Dc- to Bill Spaulding's U. C. L. A. squad also came close to a score at the machine. Glen Grant, three-year Spain hiked from the College to was the second upset for Slip Madi- beginning of the third quarter. Jess veteran at tackle, and Ted War- South Tacoma park and back again. CA SARA gan's team this season, the Mora- Dawkins, CPS guard, recovered a wick, two-year guard letterman, are This was the third group hike for Washington fumble on the six yard the others who will complete their gans having bowed to the University credit. of Nevada team earlier in the sea- stripe and Jess Brooks, Lumberjack CHA TTER college football play. Those women who went were Syl- fullback moved the ball to the three son. However, Spaulding's elevens via Asp, Bernice Anderson, Mildred have been improving every year and yard mark on two line plunges. The Pick Volleyball Teams Anderson, Regina Carrier, Lorraine Loggers failed to gain on the next IN THE GYM he has one of his best squads this Hanson, Lois Evanson, Jayne Hall, play and on the last down they season, so on second thought, their Betty Worden, Helen Rosenzweig, Led by Capt. Otto Smith, speedy VOLLEYBALL SCHEDULE moved the ball to the one yard line Friday. November 23: Sonh vs. 6 to 0 win from St. Mary's is not Floramae Davis, Ellen Hagberg, Dor- sophomore forward, the 134 edi- on a pass from Dzurich to Brun- first team frosh : Uonerclass vs. sec- as stunning as it at first seemed. othy Daniel and Jane Ramsby. tion of the Maroon and White baa- ond team frosh. St ad. The Lumberjacks battled the Monday. November 26: First team I S I ketball machine looks both fast and frosh vs. uouerclass: sooh vs. see- Washington eleven fiercely the rest ond team frosh. Oravee and Weisgerber, the powerful, though somewhat inexper- Wednesday November 28: Sooh vs. of the tilt and the Huskies were un- two Willamette players whom ienced. uoperclass: first team frosh vs. see- MICROSCOPES able to score. ond team frosh. the Loggers could not stop in FOR Because the season's practice is yet I-heir game with the Oregon All women's volleyball teams will CHRI STMAS young, with the squad out for only team, showed California grid Women Play Badminton • few weeks, it is impossible to get be picked Wednesday, November 21 Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. announces Miss Pernina Collins. fans a thing or two a week ago 910 Broadway • definite idea of its possible Saturday when they led the The women who have been par- strength. There will be a junior-senior team; ELI t)eipatrng for the Betas in Badmin- sophomore team and two freshman - Bearcats to a 21 to 7 victory The team is certain of only three ton are, Clare Cardno, Marion Davis, teams. All women must have at over the San Jose state team returning lettermen, Vaughn Stoef- Mable Wittren and Pauline Schouw. least ten turnouts, counting Wed- which is one of the leaders of We Serve You Best fel, Captain Smith and Em Piper, the Far Western Conference. The Gammas are represented by nesday's, to be eligible. and a possibility of Bill Command PROCTOR FloraMae Davis. Isabel Hudson, ()ravec scored three touchdowns and Roy Carlson coming out later. while. Weisgerber kicked all PHARMACY Oliver Whorley and Ellen Hagberg. Ralph Sandvigen, a veteran of last Puget Sound Coeds on three of the extra points. W. P. Ragsdale The Lambdas are represented by year's squad, is also turning out N. 26th & Proctor PR. 571 Janet Cook, Lois Andre, Dixie Tuck, 27 Mi1 'Bicycle Hike' again. and Lorraine Hanson. The Theta New players who have shown up A group of Puget Sound coeds players are Mildred Anderson, Mar- Good Eats uaret Boen, Dorothy Ann Simpson, well in practice are Roy Wonders, under the leadership of Lois Evan- and Annabel Norton. Sylvia Asp, a forward from Stadium; Larry son went on a "bicycle hike" Mon- B U R P E E ' S i Suits and Overcoats Alice Grimes, Ruth DeSpain, and Ragen, a husky guard from Roose- day. On their trip, out to and around Gui & Pinc - Tailored to your Measure .Jane Porter are playing for the In- velt high in Seattle ; Louie Staples, Steilacoom lake and back—a jaunt dependents. and Erling Tollelson, both products of 27 miles—the girls discovered the Suits of Lincoln high; Bruce Hetrick, f or- meaning of "bicycle hike." $25.00 to $39.50 mer Stadium star; Chuck Winget, Bicycling enthusiasts who joined Overcoats ALWAYS OPEN E F. C. JONAS (i SON a midget forward from Walla Walla; in the trip were Bernice Anderson, To Serve You $25.00 to $29.50 BUILDER'S HARD\VARE and Larry Hjorten and Hank Wol- Mildred Anderson, Margaret Boen, With Good Food PAINTS and SPORTING GOODS fly. from Hoquiam. Dorothy Daniel, Alice Louise Du- ; GIL GUNDERSON 2503 Sixth Ave. MA. 7441 This year Coach Roy Sandberg gan, Rebecca Dugan, Lois Evanson, We Rent Shotguns JACK'S GRIDDLE 767 Broadway Winthrop Hotel - will have a working squad of about Betty KUhI, Helen Nicola, Jane 913 Commerce St. - L 16 players. These men will be divid- Ramsby and Ruth DeSpain. ed into two groups, a varsity and a 3, super-varsity. The latter group will IRRADIATED play preliminary games for the first Dunning and Elmer : We develop films Free tea-rn and will develop inexperienced EOPLES !: VITAMIN D MILK players for future varsity use. —SIXTH AVENUE- LUSTER ART Is Approved by Bob Hager, formerly a coach at STORE : one of the eastern colleges and The American Medical Sun Drug Co., Inc. Advertising Displays , , Association coach of last year's Superior Dairy Expert Drugmen" Tacoma's team of the city league has promis- Finest Quality Silk MEDOSWEET ed to lend his assistance to the Popular 6th Ave. at Anderson Screen Process Posters DAIRIES, INC. school by helping Smith with his MAin 0646 epartment coaching duties until Sandberg has Tacoma, Wash. Broadway 1 171 completed his current football ached- MA. 3036 748 Market St. Store ole. . i_ -