•? -,w,. . .,- 1Li iMhItURiIi VOL. 12, No. 8 THE COLLEGE OF PUGET SOUND, TACOMA, WASHINGTON NOVEMBER 19.1934 Community Chest Prof. EichiHger Offers CPS Sociologist, Develops Survey Appoint Dr. Todd Drive on Campus Organ Recital Sunday For Determining City Health Needs Member of Church Prof. Walter A. Eichinger presents John Schlarb, Jr., sociology lecturer at the College of Puget Sound, Nets $34 to Date his first organ recital of the year University Senate has for the last four months been carrying on a survey which is an attempt next Sunday afternoon in Jones to develop a scientific basis for medical care by appraising the health Hall. He will feature Charles Wi- CPS President One of 15 To Whitman States Results Satis- needs of the community. oor's "Gothic Symphony" in his factory; Drive Closes Schlarb is director of research for the Foundation for Social Research Determine Methodist group of five numbers. in Medical care. Eloise. Hall, graduate student of CPS, is chief supervisor College Standards Friday The "Gothic Symphony," in four of the research study. Dr. Marvin R. Schafer, professor of sociology, is With $34.32 already received to movements, is one of Widor's later Dr. Edward H. Todd, president of works and is considered one of the chairman of the advisory committee for the foundation. date in con*ibutions to the Corn- the College, has received notice of most outstanding of his ten sym- 30,000 Families in Survey munity Chest drive, the results thus Organ Recital—November, 25 his appointment to the University phonies. Charles Marie Widor, the Over 400 people, working under the far have proven satisfactory, states —Four P. M.- Senate of the Methodist Episcopal greatest organ composer of today, is Federal Relief Administration work- Mark Whitman. chairman. Prof. Walter A. Eichinger church. This appointment was made rated as one of the best of all time. ed in the city field during the sum- Division of the independents has Fantasie and Fugue in G at the recent meeting of the Board Professor Eichinger's other selec- mer, collecting data on the general been made with each sorority and Minor - - - - Bach of Bishops of the church. tions will be: "Salute Angelico," by survey which included about 30,000 fraternity taking fourteen indepen- Benedictus - - - - Reger The Senate is composed of 15 edu- Sigfrid Karg Elert, a modem corn- Tacoma families. The material coy- dent students. Saluto Angelico - - Karg Elert caters of the church, who are pre- poser; "Fantasie and Fugue in G ered was both social and economic. Will Post Receipts Gothic Symphony - - Widor pared by training and experience to Minor," by Johann Sebastian Bach; The general survey is being carried Final reports which close Friday Gothic Suite - - - Boellmann establish the standards and to eva]- "Benedictus," by Max Reger; and on with the main object of securing noon are to show the percentage uate educational institutions in ac- 'Gothic Suite,' by Leon Boellmann. health information. of each group's pledging of money cordance with these standards. The recital begins at four o'clock The work of enumerating these to date will be posted on the bulle- Ski Club Forms; Dr. Todd Makes Plans and is the forerunner to similar statistics is being carried on by a tin board. This appointment was made to fill programs in the future. There is staff of about 70 workers, also under Hereafter meetings of captains will Plans Instruction the vacancy which occurred in the no admission charge. FERA, working in the laboratory on be held at noon on Monday and Fri- retirement of Pres. Carl G. Doney of Meeting last Tuesday for the first the sixth floor of the Medical Arts day in room 109. Willamette university. Dr. Todd is time this year, the College of Puget building under the supervision of The captains of the various groups cPS Invites Colleges now making plans to attend the next Sound Ski club elected Don Kruzner Miss Hall. Thse enumerators make meeting of the Senate to be held in aiding the drive are: president. Harriet Pangborn was up individual and family cards, To Oratorical Match Atlanta. Georgia, January 14, 1935. Alpha Beta UpsilonMildred Grosser elected vice prcident and Gertrude which are known as Hollerith cards, The Senate's duties pertain to all Delta Alpha Gamma .... Lora Bryning Junior colleges of Oregon and Davis secretary-treasurer. to be used on the Hollerith assort- institutions and foundations related Kappa Sigma Theta..Margaret Boen Washington have been invited to A special meeting will be held to- ing machine, for the purpose of to the Methodist Episcopal church Lambda Sigma Chi .... Margaret Tilley send students to CPS to enter an morrow in room 211 during chapel counting the statistics gathered. in the United States. It is an ad- Independent .... .... ... ... Gladys Harding oratorical contest on March 15 and period. Plans for the club's first $60,000 was spent in making the sur- visory board to the educational di- Alpha Chi Nu ... ... .....LeRoy Alsbury 16. Four-year colleges were asked trip will be announced then. vey, which is one of the most corn- vision in matters of educational p01- Delta Kappa Phi ............Ian Gordon to send teams of freshmen and The chief function of the club will plete sociological surveys of its kind icy. The list and classification of Delta Pi Omicron..Storrs Waterman sophomores. Underclassmen of in the United States. be to teach all those interested how institutions under the patronage of Sigma Mu Chi ................Carl Faulk Puget Sound will be eligible to con- to ski. The instructors will be Bill cPS Students Working the church is made up in accordance Sigma Zeta Epsilon..Keith Schneider lend. Bannister, Jim Skewis and Stan Several CPS students are working with the report of the University Independent ..............Charles Gibbons on the enumeration: Robert Wil- Those attending will engage in de- Cummings. Senate to the Board of Education. son, J. H. Brown, Fay Potter, David bate, oratory, and extempore speak- Senate Determines Standards ing. The purpose of the tournament Wagner, Ora Willmott, Donald Discuss Preparatioii T ii Once cvery four years it must rc- oineFil[y Club Blake, Wilhelm Bakke, Oscar An- is to promote a spirit of cooperation view the minimum requirements to derson and Ruth Moline. Of Museum Exliibii and friendly competition among Hears Poetry Criticism be maintained for admission and for schools of collegiate ranking, and to The questions asked in the general graduation by Methodist institutions. give freshmen and sophomores survey, the results of which will be To explain methods of preparing Mrs. Hunter Kennard was guest Also, upon request, it has the duty greater opportunity for competition. used in an attempt to better health exhibits for the CPS museum, Prof speaker at the annual visitors' day of investigating resources, scholastic Frederick A. McMillin addressed th€ conditions, concerned the number of thp CPS Women's Faculty club requirements and procedure of any Art club Tuesday evening. LucillE of members in the family, their birth Will Announce Names held Friday in the reception room. church educational institution. From Grodvig was in charge of the pro- dates, the amount of employment, Mrs. Kennard gave an anthology of conclusions reached by such investi- gram. Of Failing Students wages, illnesses over a three-months poetry and poetry criticism from her I gations, standings are determined, During the latter part of his talk period, costs of the illnesses, gener- own collection "The Falcon of Poet- and suggestions for changes and im- Professor McMillin conducted th€ Names of students doing failing al attitudes regarding medical care ry." She emphasized the American provements may be suggested. audience on a tour through the mu- work will be turned into the dean's received, and their individual Ideas vomen poets, war poets and extreme seum to illustrate important points. office Friday and will be placed up- ( Continued on Page Two) moderns. Some of the exhibits, to Which on the bulletin board the following French Majors To Dine he gave special mention, were a set week, according to Dean Raymond Mrs. Charles Battin commenced of Philippine knives and spears. G. Drewry. and ended the program with several l4anuals Available French majors, under the direc- which have been used in battle, a Along with students' names and vocal selections: 'Thou Brilliant For Stanfos-d Tests tion of Miss Ann Crapser, are plan- sword of Damascus steel, copies 01 courses, the faculty member will Bird." "A Swan," and One Sum- ning a trip to Seattle for a seven- cuneiform writing carved in rock also list the probable reasons for mer Night," Mrs. E. H. McClelland Students interested in the Stan- course French dinner at Blanc's from Babylon, a Japanese armor the failing work. Those finding arcompanying. ford university "Personality Inven- restaurant Friday evening. They will dated about the time of Co1umbu, their names upon this list will con- With a centerpiece of fruits and tory" and the "Adjustment Inven- leave Tacoma at 5 o'clock. and part of a suit of chain mail. fer with Dean Drewry. vegetables arranged by Melvin 0. tory" tests described last week have Kohier as the math attraction, tea now available the two manuals, ac- Money Awaits Owners was served in the dining room after Thars' Gold in Them Thar HalLs; All cording to Dr. R. D. Sinclair. From Sale of Books Ilie meeting. Hostesses were Mes- The manual for the personality of Fifteen Cents Worth on Display inventory written by Robert G. In an attempt to reach all stu- Nliss Collins Confers Bernreuter points out that the re- dents who have money waiting at Gold in the Science Hall. Grab your frying pans, skillets and your sults can measure neurotic tenden- the college bookstore from the sale mother's colander.
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