In Proc. of the 5th International Seminar and Workshop Design in Integrated Product Development (EDIProD 2006), 21-23 September 2006, Gronów, Poland, pp. 59-69, 2006.


YOSHINOBU KITAMURA The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University e-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: Product Knowledge Modeling, Ontology

Abstract: Capturing design knowledge and its modeling are crucial issues for design support systems and design knowledge management. It is important that knowledge models are systematic, consistent, reusable and interoperable. This survey article discusses the roles of ontologies of engineering artifacts for contributing to such design knowledge modeling from a viewpoint of computer science. An ontology of artifacts, in general, consists of systematic and computational definitions of fundamental concepts and relationship which exist in the physical world related to target artifacts, and shows how to capture the artifacts. This article, firstly, discusses needs, types, levels and some examples of ontologies of engineering artifacts. Then, we discuss roles of the ontologies for design knowledge modeling such as modeling specification for consistent modeling, capturing implicit knowledge and basis of knowledge systematization.

1. INTRODUCTION exchange and integration. In fact, one of the pioneering ontology research efforts in early 90’s Designing is a creative activity using several kinds aims at product data exchange among engineering of knowledge. The quality of design relies heavily tools [11]. Practical product data exchange has been on knowledge applied in the design processes. This explored mainly for CAD data models in the is why capturing necessary knowledge and its projects such as STEP and CIM-OSA. Such modeling are recognized as crucial issues in the practical efforts have been developed further to design support systems. Here, we concentrate on advanced data integration including ontological knowledge related to artifacts, especially, consideration such as EPISTLE [74]. engineering products. Such product knowledge is This article discusses the roles of ontologies of widely dealt with by design support systems such as artifacts in design knowledge modeling as well as CAD, CAE, PDM, expert systems and knowledge product data exchange from a viewpoint of computer management systems. For example, CAD systems science. The roles discussed in this article include deal with geometry data or form features of products. semantic constraints for modeling, capturing implicit Expert systems deal with more conceptual knowledge, and a basis of knowledge knowledge such as generic rules on configuration of systematization. First, we clarify scope of ontologies components. Typical knowledge management discussed in this article. Next, we discuss needs of systems deal with design documents about products ontologies for design knowledge modeling, types of in a natural language. ontologies and their levels. Following overviews of In computer science research, ontology has contents of some ontologies in the literature, the been attracting a lot of attention [52]. While roles of ontologies of artifacts are discussed. ontology research has begun in early 90’s in the knowledge base community, the research activity 2. ONTLOGY OF ARTIFACTS has been accelerated and spread over the web technology community by the Semantic Web 1 We start with a short look at general definition of movement in the last few years. It has been expected “ontology”. In philosophy, it means of as a basis of knowledge modeling that it contributes existence. It tries to explain what is being and how to several issues of knowledge contents. the world is configured by introducing a system of In the engineering domain, one of the typical critical categories to account things and their expectations for ontologies is interoperability of intrinsic relations. In the knowledge engineering knowledge about artifacts among engineering community, a definition by Gruber is widely supporting systems, that is, a common data model, accepted; that is, “explicit specification of conceptualization” [23], where conceptualization is 1 “a set of objects which an observer thinks exist in the world of interest and relations between them”2 Ontology Generic patterns / [21]. Gruber emphasizes that an ontology is used as is-a relation Library concepts, agreement to use a shared vocabulary (ontological types, classes commitment) [23]. Here, we define compositionally part-of relation or an ontology as “a system (systematic, operational other relations instance-of and prescriptive definitions) of fundamental relations concepts and relationships which shows how a Ontology-based knowledge model author views the target world, and which is Target systems shared in a community as building blocks for artifact modeling instances, models”. Instance individuals This article discusses ontologies of physical models artifacts such as engineering products and Fig. 1. Ontology, generic patterns, and engineering plants. Such artifacts are target things of instance models of artifacts design activities (called design targets). Many design ontology consists of instances of the classes and the support systems include a kind of a “model” of a relations defined in the ontology. An ontology design target. By a “model” of an artifact, we here provides a vocabulary for representation of instance mean intuitively a computer-operational description models. The relations in an ontology play a role of (assertion) about a specific design target (an restriction for combination (interpretation) of the individual or an instance). For example, a CAE tool concepts. The generic patterns provide useful has a geometric model of an artifact or a common patterns of combination of the instances. based on a specific theory. An ontology of artifacts discussed thus far can Recent Semantic Web systems cope with be regarded as a domain ontology for the design task. semantic (i.e., computer-operational) metadata A task ontology for design is concerned with the annotated to web documents. Euzenat categorizes process of design activities [50][52][58], while the such annotation into media-data (such as encoding), domain ontology for design is concerned with design (media-)metadata (authors), indexes (identifier), targets. Such design task ontologies have been content descriptor (keywords) and content explored as problem-solving method (PSM) research representation (structural abstract) [16]. The last in knowledge engineering community [58] such as a “content representation” annotated to a product design task ontology by Chandrasekaran [9]. In the document can be viewed as a model of the product. design community, there are extensive efforts on In addition, we regard “content descriptor” as a kind generic models of design and design processes such of a (tiny) model of artifacts. as [20][33][67][72]. In a recent effort on design As well as a model of a concrete artifact, there ontology [60], several design activities are defined is generic knowledge applicable to artifacts in a in terms of types of knowledge as input/output. Here, domain such as physical law. We view this kind of we go into neither the details nor other work, generic knowledge as generic patterns of instances. because we concentrate on the domain ontology. An ontology of artifacts is knowledge for specifying contents of such models of artifacts. An 3. NECESSITY OF ONTOLOGY ontology consists of systematized formal definitions of generic types of things which exist in the target One of the deep necessities of ontologies of artifacts world and relationships among them. By for engineering design is, we believe, the lack of “systematized”, we mean that types (classes) in an explicit description of background knowledge of ontology is defined using several “semantic links” to modeling. There are many options for capturing a restrict meaning of concepts. Typical semantic links design target. A model of physical thing is usually a are “is-a” relation (called also as is-kind-of, general- result of rather arbitrary decisions of such modeling special, categorization, super-sub, subsumption options. The following shows examples of options. relations) and “part-of” relation (also whole-part, z Terminology: Vocabulary used in the model. has-part, decomposition, aggregation relation). An z Abstraction level: A physical thing or physical ontology of artifacts generally aims at representation phenomena can be described at several of the design targets themselves (such as structure abstraction levels. For example, a model of an and shape) and/or temporal changes of their physical electric circuit can be at voltage level or at attributes (so-called behaviour, process or function). logical level. For example, an ontology for electric circuits might z Size of granularity: The size of modeling define generic types of electric components such as primitives. Because an artifact and its behavior transistor, connection relation among components, can be decomposed of elements whose size physical laws among physical quantities, and varies physically and temporally, respectively. functions of components. z Approximation: Any engineering models are Such ontologies of artifacts are used for results of some approximation such as description of instance models of concrete artifacts ignorance of specific types of phenomena and as shown in Fig. 1. An instance model based on an (idealized) assumptions for environments or properties of artifacts. 2 Contrary to this extensional definition, “conceptualization” here should be interpreted as intensional [52]. z Domain category such as mechanical and z Computational level of model: How electrical. computationally deep is the model intended to be z Domain theory: Each CAE system uses a described using the ontology? Typical physical theory to analyze the model. computational levels include a complete model z Engineering tasks such as design and of target artifacts for computer operations such diagnosis: A different (specialized) model can as models, and a partial model for be used for each task. keyword- or annotation-based search. Such dependence of model on modeling options is z Description level of ontology: How is the implicit in many cases. This causes (at least) the description of ontology structured, formal and following three problems. The first is the difficulty rigorous? Ontologies classified by this aspect in modeling to keep quality of models due to lack of might include labels only without structure (with modeling constraints. When one describes a model natural language definitions), taxonomy with “is- of a target thing, without explicit specification of the a” hierarchy, structured concepts with rich modeling options, the modeler is free to choose a relationships among concepts as intentional modeling option in an ad hoc manner. Thus, the definitions of concepts, and first-order logic as quality of models such as consistency of axioms. terminology depends on modelers. Our second z Philosophical level: Does the concepts in the concern is the difficulty in communications among ontology have fidelity to (and/or be developed computer (and human) agents, because agents with consideration on) fundamental cannot know if the modeling assumption is the same characteristics of reality in physical world? Does or not and exchange models in different assumptions. the ontology follow organizing principles The third problem is the difficulty in reusing models developed in philosophy? for different systems, domains, or tasks. Without The first four determine the range of the target world explicit modeling assumption, it is difficult to judge (so-called universe of discourse) of the ontology and the applicability and translate the contents of the concepts captured in the ontology. The last three are model. properties of description of models or ontologies. Especially, in the case of knowledge about Ontologies are often categorized into light- functionality of systems/components (so-called weight and heavy-weight [52][70]. Using the options functional models) [7][10][33][54][62][69], above, a typical light-weight ontology is set of functional modeling tends to be ad hoc because it is concrete concepts, partial model, taxonomy only, not subjective rather than objective in comparison with rigorous, and not philosophical. A typical heavy- structural or behavioral descriptions. For example, weight ontology includes upper-level concepts, aims one may code “to weld metals” as a welding at complete models, has rigorous definition and rich machine’s function as Value Engineering does. It is, relationships (and axioms), and is philosophical. however, not a pure function but includes a certain An ontology with higher levels of abstraction way to achieve the goal, say, “that the metals’ and generality is called as upper(-level) ontology portion become fused”. This example shows needs which includes “concepts that are meta, generic, of an ontological consideration of function in order abstract and philosophical, and therefore are general to restrict functional modeling. enough to address (at a high level) a broad range of An ontology of artifacts can be regarded as domain areas” [65]. In Ontological Engineering explicit specification of such background knowledge research, there are extensive efforts such as Sowa’s of modeling behind models. An ontology plays [61], Guarino’s [28], Cyc upper ontology [12], and crucial roles in modeling, communications, reuse of SUMO (Suggested Upper Merged Ontology) [66] in models as discussed in Section 6. the Standard Upper Ontology Working Group of IEEE P1600.1 [65]. Some generic types in product 4. LEVELS AND TYPES development are categorized based on SUMO [63].

Like modeling options for instance models, there are 5. EXAMPES OF ONTOLOGIES the following options for an ontology of artifacts. z Aspects of artifact: What aspects of artifacts such 5.1. Fundamentals as shape, geometry, behavior, function are covered by the ontology? The fundamentals for capturing physical artifacts are z Abstraction level of concepts: Does the ontology what are primitives in the models and how the include upper-level concepts generalized from primitives form the whole. There are two major the concrete concepts which can be instantiated viewpoints: Device-centered and Process-centered in the product model? views. The device ontology, e.g., one proposed by z Generality level of domain: Is the ontology de Kleer and Brown [13], specifies the device- specific to a target domain? Or is it generic to centered view of artifacts. Device-centered view several domains? regards any artifact as composition of devices which z Generality level to tasks: Is the ontology specific process input to produce output. For example, to an engineering task such as design? Or is it Gruber and Olsen implemented an ontology in generic to (independent of) tasks? Ontolingua as the Component-Assemblies Theory [25]. Fig 2 shows a part of its definition in (define-class COMPONENT (?x) Ontolingua. It defines the ‘component’ class and two :def (individual-thing ?x) relations among the components, that is, connected- :axiom-def (and (domain-of component SUBCOMPONENT-OF) components for connections between two (domain-of component HAS-SUBCOMPONENT-OF) (domain-of component CONNECTED-COMPONENTS))) components and subcomponent-of for aggregation relations between a super-component and a sub- (define-relation CONNECTED-COMPONENTS (?a ?b) :def (and (component ?a) (component ?b) component. Such a device-centered ontology (not (subcomponent-of ?a ?b)) (not (subcomponent-of ?b ?a))) originates from the systems theory, and has been :axiom-def (and widely adopted in engineering task including design (irreflexive-relation connected-components) (symmetric-relation connected-components))) such as the German-style design methodology [54]. (define-relation SUBCOMPONENT-OF (?sub ?super) On the other hand, the process-centered view, :def (and (component ?sub) (component ?super)) e.g., one proposed by Forbus [18], concentrates on :axiom-def (and (irreflexive-relation subcomponent-of physical phenomena occurring in artifacts. Device (antisymmetric-relation subcomponent-of))) ontology imposes a frame or viewpoint on Fig. 2. A part of the Component-Assemblies Theory [25] phenomena, that is, a black box equipped with input and output ports. A device plays “actor role” in Mereology obtaining output (called agent), while the process Extend ontology does not have such an agent but has Topology participants. It this sense, the device ontology is a Extend system of role-assignment for physical entities. Physical quantity is another primitive for Systems theory description of physical world. Gruber et al. Specialize Specialize established the EngMath (Engineering Mathematics) Component Process EngMath ontology for description of physical quantities, units View of View of View of and physical laws [26]. A representation of physical PhysSys quantities and units in RDF(S) is discussed in [15]. Fig. 3. The structure of PhysSys Ontology [6] As a pioneering example of fundamental ontology, there is Hayes’s liquid ontology [30]. An ontology of airplanes has been developed in Rosenman and Simoff discuss relationships among a similar way, i.e., by merging some existing substance-geometry model, feature model, and ontologies [71]. An analysis of some existing (upper component-assembly model [56]. and generic) ontologies has been done in order to PSL (Process Specification Language) determine which is most appropriate for the developed by NIST (and being standardized within manufacturing domain (As a result, Cyc was ISO TC184/SC4) treats more general (discrete) selected) [57]. A methodology for creating “process” such as manufacturing process [34]. It engineering ontologies reported in [1] includes reuse includes core-concepts such as activity, time point of existing taxonomies, test for application, and and objects and relations such as participates-in and refinement of the integrated taxonomy. Shin et al. before. Definitions and axioms (especially for time) discusses generic types of design induced errors and are well-formalized in KIF language. a process of ontology development [59]. An ontology of chemical structures has been developed 5.2. Layered and/or Reused Ontologies using the ontology-development methodology called For real domain model, there are many ontological METHONTOLOGY [47]. Horváth et al. [32] specifications. For reusability of ontologies, discuss design concept ontologies for comprehensive hierarchies of ontologies are commonly established. methodology for handling design concepts in On the basis of fundamental ontologies mentioned conceptual design. Bachmann and Steffens discuss above, additional detailed domain ontologies are an ontology of materials such as metal and plastics developed. In fact, Gruber’s component ontology is based on an extension of EngMath ontology [3]. The published as a part of domain ontologies for VT task FBSO ontology in [45] also adopts similar layered [27]. Borst et al. propose the PhysSys ontology as a structure such as generic, application and domain sophisticated lattice of ontologies for engineering layers. It includes ontologies for behavior, function, domain as shown in Fig. 3 [6]. It consists of feature, components and mating relations. meleology, topology, systems theory, component, 5.3. Ontologies for Engineering Tools process and mathematics for engineering domain (EngMath), which supports multiple viewpoints on a CAD and CAE tools support drawing and analyzing physical system. Mereology is a theory about artifacts in design processes. Each tool has a form of relationship between whole and part. Topology adds models of artifacts based on a viewpoint or theory. (typed) connection relation among parts. The Thus, we can say each tool has an ontology of component ontology defines the ‘terminal’ concept artifact. SHADE (Shared Dependency Engineering) and shows the structural aspect of artifacts. On the [24] and PACT (Palo Alto Collaborative Testbed) other hand, the process ontology shows the project [11] aims at integration and exchange of behavioral aspect of artifacts based on the bond engineering tools based on ontologies. theory. Lastly, EngMath [26] mentioned in the Tomiyama et al. explore ontological models of previous section is used as representation from the of engineering tools and their integration for mathematical (physical quantities) aspect. KIEF (Knowledge Intensive Engineering Framework) [73]. A physical concept ontology in the concept base of KIEF shown in Fig. 4 consists of basic concepts which are categorized into entity (800), relation (150), attribute (600) and physical phenomena (500) and physical law (300) (the numbers denote numbers of defined concepts or pieces of knowledge in each category). Using such concepts, knowledge about a modeling system is described for each CAE system. For example, the knowledge about a beam modeling system includes ‘Beam’, ‘ConcentrateForce’ and so on as available concepts used in the beam model. The available concepts are associated with abstract concepts such Fig. 4. Knowledge Intensive Engineering Framework [73] as ‘Entity’ and ‘Force’ as the abstract concepts of shares its idea in literature such as F-B relationship ‘Beam’ and ‘ConcentrateForce’, respectively. Using [69] and “aims-means” [33]. We ontologically such mapping between generic concepts and the define function, related concepts, and related concepts in the tool-specific model, knowledge-level relationships (i.e., is-a and part-of relations). In information sharing can be realized as discussed in comparison with conventional functional taxonomy Section 6.6. such as [31][33][54], our taxonomy has clear 5.4. An Ontology of Conceptual operational relationship with objective behavior of a device. It is also clearly distinguished from “how to Knowledge: A Functional Ontology achieve a function”, which we conceptualize into Knowledge about functionality is at the conceptual “way of function achievement” as the background level and thus tends to be ad hoc. Ontological knowledge of functional decomposition such as considerations have been done in Engineering physical principles. Although the feature of function Design and Functional Representation [10][44]. decomposition is also captured as “means” in [7][49], Here, we show our own ontology of function those works focus mainly on the function [38][39]. Our ontology’s main features are role- decomposition tree of a specific product. We focus oriented definitions of ambiguous concepts and clear on systematization (categorization) of general conceptualization of ‘way of function achievement’. knowledge as discussed in Section 6.9. Our framework for functional knowledge [38][39] is shown in Fig. 5 as layers of ontologies, 6. ROLES IN DESIGN KNOWLEDGE knowledge and instance models like PHYSYS MODELING mentioned in Section 5.2. Basically, knowledge or a model in a certain layer is described in terms of Uschold and Jasper elaborate ontology application more general (and/or fundamental) concepts in the scenarios, which are neutral authoring, common upper layer. Firstly, the extended device ontology is access to information, and indexing and concept role-oriented extension of the conventional device search from repository [70]. Mizoguchi categorizes ontology mentioned in Section 5.1. The functional the roles of an ontology into a common vocabulary, concept ontology provides a taxonomy of generic data structure, explication of what is left implicit, functions (called functional concepts). We define semantic interoperability, explication of design function of a device as a role played by behavior to rationale, systematization of knowledge, meta-model achieve a specific goal under a context of use, while function, and theory of content [52]. Here, we behavior is objective temporal changes of physical discuss roles of ontology of artifacts mainly in quantity. Such teleological interpretation relation

WaysWays forfor exertingexerting forceforce Energy functions is-a FrictionFriction wayway ImpactImpact wayway PressurePressure wayway Shift Pass through is-a Liner Momentary Continuous Centrifugal Take Give Transport Liner Momentary Continuous Centrifugal friction way impactimpact wayway impactimpact wayway way Top-levelTop-level ontologyontology friction way way Generate Transfer Remove Give Funda- FallingFalling SupersonicSupersonic FluidFluid heat Transform mental ExtendedExtended devicedevice ontologyontology objectobject wayway wayway collisioncollision wayway Is-a hierarchy of ways of Is-a hierarchy of functional concepts function achievement General FunctionalFunctional conceptconcept concepts ontology Exert force on cloth#1 ontology Exert force on obj#1 is-achieved-by Friction way OR Falling obj. way Friction way is-achieved-by General Functional way knowledge knowledge Functional way knowledge (is-a hierarchy) AND AND (is-a hierarchy) Exert force Make cloth#1 Make obj#1 Drop obj. Exert force on obj#2 touch cloth#2 touch obj#2 on cloth#2 GeneralGeneral Dependent AttributeAttribute Fluid Magnetic way functionfunction OR Fluid on treestrees collision way collision way contexts of ways decompositiondecomposition AND of ways trees AND Apply magnetic Make the water trees Prepare Make the fluid field to obj#2 Prepare Exert force collide with fluid Exert force collide with obj#2 water on water cloth #2 Specific to FunctionFunction decompositiondecomposition on fluid an object. treestrees (functional(functional models)models) Function decomposition tree General functional decomposition tree Fig. 5. A layered framework of ontologies, knowledge, and models of functions [38][39] knowledge modeling. Metadata schema (RDFS/OWL) subclass-of relation 6.1. Shared Vocabulary and Taxonomy classes properties An ontology of artifacts can provide common “controlled vocabulary” for knowledge related to rdfs:type Metadata artifacts. Terms in models (or in texts) are lexical repository Target labels associated with classes defined in the artifact metadata individuals ontology. It realizes lexical uniformity in models or authoring in keywords. In this case, just a set of labels of Metadata (RDF) rdf:about classes is used. However, if an ontology has rich document aaa authoring relationships, it makes the prescriptive meanings of bbb the concepts in the ontology clearer in order to avoid misinterpretation of vocabulary. Document a If an ontology has an is-a hierarchy, it enables Fig. 6. Ontology as metadata schema and metadata authors to select an appropriate abstraction level. A as instances of classes defined in a specific schema piece of knowledge can be indexed or categorized represented in RDFS4 or OWL5. According to the using the hierarchy as well. For example, a product categorization in Section 4, while light-weight ontology for car sheets in [35] includes simple schema provides just vocabulary for metadata, taxonomies of functionality, safety features and seat heavy-weight schema provides authors with rich naming conventions. It aims at providing common semantic constraints on authoring (see Section 6.4) vocabulary for requirements management in order to and interoperability (Section 6.5). have shared understanding between OEM and Specification of metadata schema consists of system suppliers in the car manufacturing industry. specification of ‘metadata elements’ and that of An ontology for a product family in [53] aims at ‘metadata values’. The former specifies kinds of capturing the unique, variant and common characteristics (attributes) of the target. The latter component of the product family. specifies a controlled vocabulary for concrete values 6.2. Conceptual (Standard) Data Schema of the attributes. For example, the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set specifies ‘language’ as a Some ontologies of artifacts aim at providing a metadata element and recommends RFC3066/ conceptual data schema (and generic/standard data ISO639 as its controlled value (such as ‘en’ for model) for product data management (PDM). It English). In the EPISTLE project, the core model enables us to realize exchange, integration and and the reference data library (RDL) correspond to repository of data. Many of them mainly provide elements and values, respectively. object-oriented data structure without rich is-a There are many projects aiming at metadata hierarchy. Welty and Guarino pointed out the schema in engineering domain. ScadaOnWeb difference between such ‘conceptual model’ with project [14] aims at building a common platform for engineering trade-off of running application and the controlling task of engineering plants based on implementation-independent ‘ontology’ [75]. an ontology about physical quantities. It gives STEP (ISO 10303) is a pioneering standard for semantics to numeric data of controllers and sensors product data exchange with many Application by annotation. A functional modeling framework for Protocols (APs). Guarino et al. pointed out also that the Semantic Web has been proposed in [43]. It is STEP lacks clear meaning of modeling entities and based on Functional Basis [31] and is represented in necessity of a formal ontology [29]. EPISTLE for the description logics (DL) for repository reasoning process plants (AP 221 in STEP) includes well- tasks. In [68], design rule knowledge including sophisticated ontological concepts [74]. The situation of design targets is described in RDF based INTEREST Information Model (IIM) has been on ontologies for rich semantics. We are developing developed for a data warehouse of product data a framework for annotation about functionality of (called Virtual Repository) [5]. It is based on engineering products based on the functional EPISTLE and adopts the principal entities and ontology shown in Section 5.4 [41]. modeling principles. The Design Repository Project at NIST includes a generic information model [64] 6.4. Semantic Constraints for Modeling and a taxonomy of function [31]. When an ontology of artifacts has rich relationships 6.3. Metadata Schema for Documents among concepts, it can be used as semantic constraints for modeling. Ontological definitions of In the Semantic web context, an ontology can be concepts and relationships such as restrictions of the used as a schema for semantic metadata for web use of concepts and the cardinality of relationships documents as shown in Fig. 6. Semantic metadata is specify necessary (and possible) structures of annotation to documents or terms in documents, and models. It can act as rules or guidelines for how to organized as semantic network with relationships (called ‘property’) in RDF3. Metadata are described 4 RDF Vocabulary Description Language, TR/rdf-schema/ 3 Resource Description Framework, 5 Web Ontology Language, associate concepts each other. Such semantic Reference Ontology guidelines make authoring easier and contribute to improvement of the consistency and reusability of models. Such function can be called “meta-model Ontology1 Ontology2 function” [52]. Moreover, using the axioms of mapping concepts, a reasoner can provide a logical reasoning to fulfill missing information.

This kind of use can be realized as modeling- communi- support system or knowledge acquisition/authoring cation tool so-called “ontology-aware authoring tools”. The Protégé system 6 is an ontology-based knowledge interoperability Instance model Instance model acquisition tool as well as an ontology development 1 integration 2 tool. An example of an ontology-based KA system Ontology-based of models Ontology-based agents agents using Protégé 2000 is shown in [8] for control and 1 2 Fig. 7. Interoperability of models and Ontologies with monitoring expert systems. A Reference Ontology The ontologies shown in Section 5 can be used for this kind of usage. De Kleer’s device ontology generic (upper) types of things, to which the aims at reusability of component models for concepts in the target ontologies are categorized. different systems by enforcing the No-Function-In- In KIEF mentioned in Section 5.3, the tool- Structure principle [13]. The PHYSYS ontology is specific models are linked via metamodels using used for building a model library [6][55]. concepts defined in the physical concept ontology [73]. When new information is added into a tool- 6.5. Generic Knowledge and Patterns specific model, the information is linked into the metamodel (using the knowledge about a modeling Some ontologies include generic pattern knowledge system mentioned in Section 5.3) and then is which are commonly used as building-blocks in accessible from other tool-specific models. Thus, the instance models. Generic pattern knowledge can be information is shared by different engineering tools. distinguished from the semantic constraints Agent-approach research efforts such as discussed above which aim at defining (restricting SHADE [24], PACT [11], FIPA and DAML aim at use of) concepts. For example, OpenCyc includes distributed data-exchange based on rather partial many pieces of ‘commonsense knowledge’ and facts commitment. An ontology (rather a data model) of in the world [12]. As shown in Fig. 5, we call engineering analysis models reported in [22] generic patterns of the way of function achievement includes properties such as limitation, idealization as function way knowledge. Some ontological and resolutions, which are similar to the properties systems include physical laws or generic rules in the discussed in Section 3. An ontology-based product physical world. KIEF [73] includes a library of data exchange between two CAD/CAE tools in physical law and phenomena. A knowledge-rich cutting domain is discussed in [14]. In the Semantic catalog system for engineering components reported Web, this kind of usage has been explored. For in [36] uses axioms representing relations among example, in [48], an ontology mapping enables components (e.g., motor’s brushes) and physical information integration of product data. phenomena (e.g., explosion) in order to make We developed an ontology-based knowledge mapping user requirements into part types and transformation system for integration of knowledge attribute constraints. about function and fault [42]. A reference ontology 6.6. Interoperability and Integration of function is being developed for interoperability among functional taxonomies [40][41] (like Fig. 7). An ontology shows background knowledge of PSL [34] aims at exchange of manufacturing modeling as discussed in Section 3 and semantics of process data among application systems. PSL the vocabulary in a model. For example, CML is an provides a common vocabulary (with rich formal ontology-based modeling language for the axioms without is-a hierarchy) for defining compositional modeling, in which component terminology in each application (similar to the way models are with explicit modeling assumptions [17]. shown in Fig. 7) and for avoiding inconsistent Such explicit knowledge of modeling enables interpretations among the applications. Liu proposed computer-systems to realize interoperability and a two-level model based on the device ontology and exchange among models with different forms or the charge-carrier ontology that focuses on the modeling assumptions. One of the typical movement of free electrons (or holes) in electronic frameworks for interoperability shown in Fig. 7 uses devices at the microscopic level [46]. a reference ontology for mapping two target One of the aims of task ontology research is ontologies. Each target ontology shows the reuse of domain ontology by different tasks [27]. For background knowledge of modeling of instance example, reuse of model and integration of models such as a modeling viewpoint and modeling ontologies for diagnosis and planning for electrical assumptions. The reference ontology includes network are reported in [4].

6 6.7. Communication Support and Manufacturing project within the IMS program Querying which we have been involved in also aims at knowledge systematization. An ontology can provide a basis for communication Our functional ontology shown in Section 5.4 not only among computer-agents but also between also aims at systematic organization of functional computer and human (user) or among humans. Thus, knowledge based on fundamental concepts. We it contributes to explanation or Q&A functions. For organize the functional way knowledge based on example, an ontology-based Q&A system for clear conceptualization of relationships; is-a relation chemical domain [2] has been developed. In [51], and part-of relation of the way of function explanation for plant operators has been developed achievement. The is-a relation of ways represents based on a rich plant ontology. Based on role generalization (or specialization) of physical conceptualization, it enables context-sensitive principles for function achievement. For example, explanation of equipment in an oil refinery plant. the fluid collision way for exerting force can be Querying databases can be viewed as a kind of categorized into the impact way. This is-a relation of human interfaces. This type of usage is common ways of function achievement is different from that with the roles discussed thus far especially for data of functions. Moreover, we decompose a way of schema in Section 6.2 and integration of models in function achievement for increasing reusability. For Section 6.6. Ontology can be used to expand or example, the arc welding way for joining should be generalize user’s query [5][36] or to realize decomposed into the fusion way for joining and the personalized query [45]. arc way for generating heat. Such relationships, we An ontology-based information extraction believe, enables us systematic organization of proposed in [37] is based on the Engineering Design reusable functional knowledge. Integrated Taxonomy (EDIT) including names of product instances [1]. It is used for lexical level 7. Practical Benefits in Deployment analysis of documents for identifying named entities. Here we explain the practical benefits of ontology- 6.8. Capturing Implicit Knowledge based description of functional knowledge which are found in successful deployment of our functional When an ontology provides a clear definitions of ontologies in a manufacturing company [39]. Our concepts (or relationships) which have been framework has been deployed since May, 2001 into confused in the domain by , it helps them the plant and production distinguish these confusing concepts. division of Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. For example, the conceptualization of “way of (hereinafter referred to as SEI). function achievement” in our ontology shown in One of the uses of the function decomposition Section 5.4 helps us detach “how to achieve” (way) tree shown in Fig. 5 is to clarify functional from “what is intended to achieve” (function). For knowledge and to share it with other engineers. The example, “to weld something” mentioned in Section experiential evaluation by SEI’s engineers was 3 should be decomposed into the “joining function” unanimously positive. Such explicit description of and “fusion way”. This increases generality and intentions is useful especially in the design review capability of a functional model which accepts wide activity, where a team of designers double-check the range of ways such as the bolt and nut way as an original design and explore possible alternatives. For alternative way of achievement. this, the role of the ontology discussed in Sections 6.4 and 6.8, that is, semantic constraints for 6.9. Basis of Knowledge Systematization modeling and capturing implicit knowledge are Realization of knowledge systematization requires to crucial. The way of function achievement enables place a piece of knowledge appropriately in engineers to show alternative ways for achieving relationships (structure) of related knowledge by a functions exhaustively for each (sub) function, their solid basis of fundamental concepts. Ontological features in comparison, and reasons for adopting a engineering provides us with the basis on which we specific way, or not, in one figure. The number of can build knowledge and with computer- times the design reviews had to be done was reduced interpretable vocabulary in terms of which we can to one third after adopting our framework. describe knowledge systematically and consistently. 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