are the largest of the big cats, including lions, leopards, and jaguars. Like all big cats, tigers are predators, they hunt other for food. Their prey usually consists of gazelle, deer, wild cattle, and sometimes . The Little Rock Zoo is home to Malayan Tigers, found in .

Cats in the Water? Tigers are seldom far from a water source! Excellent and powerful swimmers, they seek out water to swim while most cats avoid it. Tigers even have partially webbed toes !

The Little Rock Zoo supports the Malayan Species Survival Plan and the Tiger Conservation Campaign, which helps to support this endangered species in the wild!

Want to Learn more? Check out these links and activities!

MYCAT and Tiger Conservation Campaign: National Geographic: Other: WWF - On The Brink Of Extinction:

World Wildlife Fund: Kids: Tigers distinctive stripes are used for camouflage, helping them to blend in with the forest and sneak up on their prey. Each tiger has its own unique stripe pattern! Color the forest below, then design your own tiger and paste it into its forest home!