Practical Parallel Hypergraph Algorithms Julian Shun
[email protected] MIT CSAIL Abstract v While there has been signicant work on parallel graph pro- 0 cessing, there has been very surprisingly little work on high- e0 performance hypergraph processing. This paper presents v0 v1 v1 a collection of ecient parallel algorithms for hypergraph processing, including algorithms for betweenness central- e1 ity, maximal independent set, k-core decomposition, hyper- v2 trees, hyperpaths, connected components, PageRank, and v2 v3 e single-source shortest paths. For these problems, we either 2 provide new parallel algorithms or more ecient implemen- v3 tations than prior work. Furthermore, our algorithms are theoretically-ecient in terms of work and depth. To imple- (a) Hypergraph (b) Bipartite representation ment our algorithms, we extend the Ligra graph processing Figure 1. An example hypergraph representing the groups framework to support hypergraphs, and our implementa- , , , , , , and , , and its bipartite repre- { 0 1 2} { 1 2 3} { 0 3} tions benet from graph optimizations including switching sentation. between sparse and dense traversals based on the frontier size, edge-aware parallelization, using buckets to prioritize processing of vertices, and compression. Our experiments represented as hyperedges, can contain an arbitrary number on a 72-core machine and show that our algorithms obtain of vertices. Hyperedges correspond to group relationships excellent parallel speedups, and are signicantly faster than among vertices (e.g., a community in a social network). An algorithms in existing hypergraph processing frameworks. example of a hypergraph is shown in Figure 1a. CCS Concepts • Computing methodologies → Paral- Hypergraphs have been shown to enable richer analy- lel algorithms; Shared memory algorithms.