List Representation: Adjacency List

– n rows of the are repre- sented as n linked lists

– Declare an Array of size n e.g. A[1...n] of Lists

– A[i] is a pointer to the edges in E(G) starting at vertex i.

Undirected graph: data in each list cell is a number indicating the adjacent vertex

Weighted graph: data in each list cell is a pair (vertex, weight)

1 a b c e a [b,2] [c,6] [e,4] b a b [a,2] c a e d c [a,6] [e,3] [d,1] d c d [c,1] e a c e [a,4] [c,3]


– the degree of any node is the number of elements in the list

– O(e) to check for adjacency for e edges.

– O(n + e) space for graph with n vertices and e edges. 2 Search and Traversal Techniques

Trees and Graphs are models on which algo- rithmic solutions for many problems are con- structed.

Traversal: All nodes of a /graph are exam- ined/evaluated, e.g.

— Evaluate an expression

— Locate all the neighbours of a vertex V in a graph

Search: only a subset of vertices(nodes) are examined, e.g.

— Find the first token of a certain value in an Abstract Syntax Tree.

3 Types of Traversals

Binary Tree traversals:

— Inorder, Postorder, Preorder

General Tree traversals:

— With many children at each node

Graph Traversals:

— With Trees as a special case of a graph

4 Binary Tree Traversal

Recall a Binary tree — is a tree structure in which there can be at most two children for each parent

— A single node is the root

— The nodes without children are leaves

— A parent can have a left child (subtree) and a right child (subtree)

A node may be a record of information

— A node is visited when it is considered in the traversal

— Visiting a node may involve computation with one or more of the data fields at the node.

5 In-Order, process in between the two subtrees.

Algorithm Inorder(T ree T ){ if Not IsEmpty(T ){ Inorder(Lchild(T )); P rocess(Data(T )); Inorder(Rchild(T )); } } Preorder, process before anything else. Algorithm P reorder(T ree T ){ if Not IsEmpty(T ){ P rocess(Data(T )); P reorder(Lchild(T )); P reorder(Rchild(T )); } }

Postorder, process after anything else. Algorithm P ostorder(T ree T ){ if Not IsEmpty(T ){ P ostorder(Lchild(T )); P ostorder(Rchild(T )); P rocess(Data(T )); } }

6 7 Example: Print out the nodes.


