Professor Francis Ha and Professor Andrew Amini

How to convert 3-D CAD files to .STL

All files need to be converted from their file extensions to .stl in order to be printed with the MakerBot software.

AUTOCAD 1.Click Output > Send panel > Export. At the Command prompt, enter export. 2.In the Export Data dialog box, enter a file name. 3.Under Files of Type, select Lithography (*.stl). Click Save. 4.Select one or more solid objects. All objects must be entirely within the positive XYZ octant of the world coordinate system (WCS). That is, their X, Y, and Z coordinates must be greater than zero. The file extension .stl is automatically appended to the file name.

AUTODESK INVENTOR 1.Save Copy As 2.Select STL 3.Choose Options > Set to High 4.Enter Filename 5. Format > Binary units > mm or inches Resolution > High 5.Save

Professor Francis Ha and Professor Andrew Amini

SOLIDWORKS The STL translator exports SolidWorks part and assembly documents as STL files. Click:

 File > Save As to access STL export options and save the data in .stl format


1.File > Export 2.Choose file type STL. A dialog box opens. 3.Set Stroke tolerance to 0.05mm (0.002 in) 4.Select Binary 5.Click Export 6.Enter Filename 7.Click Save

How to operate the MakerBot:

1. Connect the USB cord to the computer where the MakerBot software is at. Make sure the Power Protector is connected to the power supply then put in the cord for the power cord of the MakerBot printer. Download the software online at desktop-3-5-firmware-1-6/

2. After installing the software make sure the file extensions are saved as a .STL using the instructions above.

3. Open the file from the File->Open to open the .STL file then to alter the dimensions of the image to print Professor Francis Ha and Professor Andrew Amini

4. The performs the scale operation of the image. By clicking on scale then moving the mouse the image can be scaled manually or you can click on the scale icon to enter in precise dimensions needed.

5. The eye icon allows the entire drawing to be moved for viewing purposes.

6. The allows the image to be moved in a 2-D manner across the plane of the image.

7. The allows the image to be rotated around its base. Professor Francis Ha and Professor Andrew Amini

8. When going to the settings you can add a RAFT which is a base to hold the image upon. Adding SUPPORTS allow the image to be held when it is larger and weights more. The INFILL allows the image to be solidified at the given percentage. Remember if the INFILL is high then then weight is larger giving to a longer print time. The layer height is used for determing the thickness of each layer to be printed. For finer prints the layer should be thinner.

9. When going to the tab this will generated the weight of the print along with the print time. The print preview can be selected to examine the image. Then the print can be started with the start to print.