Bul le tin of the Global Vol can ism Net work Vol ume 30, Num ber 11, November 2005 Karthala (Como ros Is lands) Eruption on 24 Novem ber 2005; big evacu a tion and one fa tality .........2 Piton de la Fournaise (Re union Island) Eruption on 5 Oc tober follows four months of heightened ac tivity ..5 Montagu Island (S Sand wich Islands ) N-coast delta grew during 14 Sep tem ber-4 Octo ber 2005 .......5 Aoba (Vanuatu) New eruption begins on 27 Novem ber 2005 and builds cone in crater lake ..........7 Garbuna (Pa pua New Guinea) First his tor i cally wit nessed erup tion in Oc to ber 2005 .............10 Langila (Pa pua New Guinea) Ac tive dur ing Au gust-Sep tem ber, de creas ing dur ing Oc to ber-No vem ber ....13 Fukutoku-Okanoba (Ja pan) July 2005 subma rine eruption; dis colored wa ter and debris ...........13 Karymsky (Kamchatka Pen in sula) Ex plo sions con tin ued dur ing De cem ber 2004-June 2005 .........15 Bezymianny (Kamchatka Pen in sula) Ash plumes to 10 km al titude in 2005, hot ava lanche s from the dome..16 Ed itors: Rick Wunderman, Catherine Gal ley, Ed ward Venzke, and Gari May berry Vol un teer Staff: Robert Andrews, Jerome Hudis, Jackie Gluck, Angela Stavropoulos, Ve ron ica Bemis, Wil liam Henoch, and Ste phen Bentley Global Vol canism Program · National Museum of Natu ral His tory, Room E-421, PO Box 37012 · Wash ing ton, DC 20013-7012 · USA Tele phone: (202) 633-1800 · Fax: (202) 357- 2476 · Email: gvn@vol cano.si.edu · URL: http://www.vol cano.si.edu/ The text of the Bul le tin is also distrib uted through the Volcano Listserv (vol
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