NOVEMBER 21-27, 1994 MACGYVER: TRAIL TO DOOMSDAY ABC, Thurs. No*. 24,8p.m. killed because he detected a secret Filmed in London by Gekko Film nuclear plant, and the trail leads to Corp. in association with Henry Win- an arms-peddling ring, though no- kler/John Rich Prods, and Paramount where near doomsday. Network Television. Executive pro- ducers, Henry Winkler, John Rich, Ri- It's obvious from the get-go chard Dean Anderson; producer, who's responsible, despite some red Michael Greenburg; co-producer, John B. Moranville; created by Lee David herrings, and the story is clumsy by Zlotoff; director, Charles Correll; writ- any standard. Scripter John Con- er, John Considine; camera, David Ged- sidine gets low marks for his pre- des; editor, Ron Binkowski; production designer, Tim Hutchinson; art director, posterous and unthreatening vil- Mark Raggett; .sound, David Crozier; lains, and for tacking on an extrane- music, Ken Harrison. Running time: ous green message. Not too much is 120MIN. Cast: Kichard Dean Anderson, Beat- made of the culture clash, but Mac- ie Edney, Peter Egan, Alun Arm- Gyver tosses out some funny Amer- strong, Bob Sherman, Lena Headey, icanisms during the last third. Nicholas Farrell, Robert Gwilym, Michael Cronin, Vincent Keane, Rocky Although he's matured nicely, Taylor, Nicholas Hutchison, Gabe looking remarkably like a long- Cronnely, Richard James, Wolf Chris- tian, Terry Richards, Karen Tomlin, haired Jeremy Irons, Anderson is a Huggy Leaver. surprisingly unsexy hero. Even dashing about in a red sports car acGyver is back — this time fails to give him a spark. on the other side of the At- The character is calm, cool and lantic.
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