
Vol. 378: 113–124, 2009 MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Published March 12 doi: 10.3354/meps07850 Mar Ecol Prog Ser

Independent evolution of matrotrophy in the major classes of : transitions among reproductive patterns and their ecological background

Andrew N. Ostrovsky1, 4,*, Dennis P. Gordon2, Scott Lidgard3

1Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Faculty of Biology & Soil Science, St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskaja nab. 7/9, 199034, St. Petersburg, Russia 2National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Private Bag 14901, Kilbirnie, Wellington, New Zealand 3Department of Geology, Field Museum of Natural History, 1400 S. Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, Illinois 60605, USA 4Present address: Department of Palaeontology, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy, Geozentrum, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Vienna, Austria

ABSTRACT: Bryozoa are unique among invertebrates in possessing placenta-like analogues and exhibiting extraembryonic nutrition in all high-level (class) taxa. Extant representatives of the classes Stenolaemata and Phylactolaemata are evidently all placental. Within the , placenta- like systems have been known since the 1910s in a few , but are herein reported to be wide- spread within this class. Placental forms include both viviparous species, in which embryonic devel- opment occurs within the maternal body cavity, and brooding species, in which development proceeds outside the body cavity. We have also identified an unknown reproductive pattern involv- ing macrolecithal oogenesis and placental nutrition from a new, taxonomically extensive anatomical study of 120 species in 92 genera and 48 families of the gymnolaemate order Cheilostomata. Results support the hypothesis of evolution of oogenesis and placentation among Cheilostomata from oligolecithal to macrolecithal oogenesis, followed by brooding, through incipient matrotrophy com- bining macrolecithal oogenesis and placentation, to oligolecithal oogenesis with subsequent placen- tal brooding. The distribution of reproductive patterns within the phylum suggests that variations of placentation evolved in all 3 bryozoan classes, and possibly several times within both gymnolaemate orders. We infer that extraembryonic nutrition may be advantageous to species through enhanced developmental plasticity, and, in fast-growing ephemeral colonies, simultaneous volumetric growth and embryonic development may facilitate earlier larval release and occupation of vacant space.

KEY WORDS: Matrotrophy · Placenta · Reproductive patterns · Evolution · Bryozoa

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INTRODUCTION centation, involving intimate contact or even fusion of the fetal and parental tissues and ‘nutrient transfer via Matrotrophy, or extraembryonic nutrition (EEN), is cell secretions or blood constituents’ to the embryo or considered the most complex nutritional relationship its enclosing space (Crespi & Semeniuk 2004, p. 638). between a parent and an embryo, enhancing off- The distribution of matrotrophy in the is spring fitness under certain circumstances (Wourms strikingly scattered. Basically, a few species in some & Lombardi 1992, Mousseau & Fox 1998, Trexler & genera or families within a class or phylum exhibit DeAngelis 2003, Marshall & Uller 2007). It occurs in matrotrophy, whereas the others lack it. For instance, both viviparous and some brooding by a vari- nutrient transfer from the maternal organism to the ety of methods (oophagy, adelphophagy, histophagy, embryo is known in 1 scyphozoan jellyfish, a few ces- placental nutrition). The most complex variant is pla- tode , a polychaete, several species of gas-

*Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2009 · www.int-res.com 114 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 378: 113–124, 2009

tropods and of bivalve molluscs, 2 kamptozoans, and reproductive patterns have occurred repeatedly among 3 . Matrotrophy is more common within gymnolaemate lineages. We also offer some provi- the Arthropoda, in which EEN is characteristic of 2 sional ecological considerations based on our survey, families of scorpions, several isopod crustaceans, some increasing awareness of the importance of maternal genera in a few orders of insects, and 2 genera of provisioning among marine animals, and recent eco- mites. It is also found in 2 families of , 2 logical studies of cheilostome bryozoans. species of Ascidiacea, numerous families of elasmo- branch and bony , and in some amphibians and reptiles. Most species in these groups are either MATERIALS AND METHODS oviparous or viviparous, but not matrotrophic (Giese & Pearse 1974, 1975a,b, 1977, Giese et al. 1979, 1987, Specimens were collected by various methods and 1991, Wourms et al. 1988, Adiyodi & Adiyodi 1989, fixed either in 2.5% glutaraldehyde (buffered in 1990, Blackburn 1992, Charmantier & Charmantier- 0.1 M Na-cacodylate with 10.26% sucrose, pH 7.3) or Daures 1994, Schwartz & Dimock 2001, Crespi & Bouin’s fluid without acetic acid. While still in fixative Semeniuk 2004, Korneva 2005, von Rintelen & Glaub- they were decalcified for 6 to 12 h using a few drops of a recht 2005, Glaubrecht et al. 2006, Koya & Munoz 2 N solution of hydrochloric acid; gradually dehydrated 2007, Reznick et al. 2007). Exceptions to patchy dis- in an ethanol series (40–50–60–70–80–90–96%), em- tribution of EEN are the Pseudoscorpionida, Salpida bedded in plastic (epoxy resin type TAAB 812), sec- (Tunicata), and placental mammals, in which it occurs tioned (1.0 µm thick) with a glass knife, and stained in all species (Weygoldt 1969, Bone 1998, Lombardi with Richardson’s stain (1% water solution of methyl- 1998, Mess & Carter 2007). ene blue, Na-tetraborate and azur II, mixed in propor- The phylum Bryozoa, all species of which are colonial tions 1:1:2) using standard methods (Richardson et al. suspension feeders, is an exception too, as we report 1960). Sections were observed and digital images were below. All extant species of the class Stenolaemata (or- made with Nikon 104 and Nikon 118 FXA dissecting der Cyclostomata) are viviparous, possessing special- light microscopes. ized nutritive tissue and embryos that are incubated Altogether, sections of 120 species belonging to 92 intracoelomically in characteristic brooding zooids genera and 48 families of the gymnolaemate order (gonozooids) (Harmer 1893, 1896, 1898, Borg 1926). In- Cheilostomata were prepared and studied (Table 1). sofar as these gonozooids are known in fossil cyclo- Our criteria for recognizing extraembryonic nutrition stomes (Taylor & Michalik 1991, Lidgard et al. 1993), include comparing the size of the zygotes/early em- matrotrophy is inferred to have existed in this order at bryos and late embryos/larvae, and/or comparing the least since the Late . Similarly, all species of the epithelial lining of empty and incubating brood cham- class Phylactolaemata studied so far have EEN by ei- bers, since EEN is mediated via the hypertrophied ther spot- or ring-like placental analogues, developing epithelial cells (embryophore) that develop inside inside a brooding sac the cavity of which is external rel- these chambers (Fig. 1). Simultaneously anatomical ative to the maternal body cavity (Braem 1890, Brien study of oogenesis was undertaken aiming to recog- 1953). In Gymnolaemata, the largest bryozoan class nize the type and numbers of oocytes. with >1000 genera, matrotrophy was, until recently, known only in relatively few taxa — in the viviparous family (genera Epistomia, Synnotum) and RESULTS in the families (Bicellariella, ), Candi- dae (Scrupocellaria), and (Celleporella). Anatomical data These taxa are among the majority of gymnolaemates that brood their embryos in extrazooidal incubation In addition to the above-mentioned taxa, we found chambers (ovicells) (Marcus 1938, 1941, Woollacott & EEN in the families (genera Gregarinidra, Zimmer 1972, 1975, Dyrynda 1981, Dyrynda & King Isosecuriflustra, Klugeflustra), (), 1982, 1983, Dyrynda & Ryland 1982, Hughes 1987, (), (), Crib- Santagata & Banta 1996, Ostrovsky 1998). rilinidae (Figularia), (Costaticella, Crib- We report here the results of an extensive light- ricellina, Pterocella), (Watersipora), microscopic anatomical study, revealing that EEN is (Calyptotheca), (Myria- far more common in gymnolaemates than previously pora), and Urceoliporidae (Reciprocus, Urceolipora). realized. The results point out seemingly independent Placental analogues are represented structurally appearances of matrotrophy. To the extent that broad by hypertrophied epithelial cells (embryophore) of similarities — and independent acquisition — evidenced the maternal body wall transporting nutrients to the in these cases hold true, they imply that transitions in brooding cavity by exocytosis in Cheilostomata. In its Ostrovsky et al.: Matrotrophy in Bryozoa 115

Fig. 1. Longitudinal sections through brood chambers with placental analogues in 3 cheilostome bryozoans (light microscopy). (A,B) Bugula flabellata (Bugulidae) (Pattern III): (A) ovicell with an oligolecithal zygote and non-developed embryophore and (B) partly grown embryo and fully developed embryophore. (C) Ovicell of Myriapora truncata (Myriozoidae) with an embryophore and macrolecithal zygote (Pattern IV). (D) Internal brood sac of Reciprocus regalis (Urceoliporidae) with partly grown embryo (Pattern III). em: embryo; eph: embryophore; oc: protective fold of the ovicell; op: zooidal operculum; ov: ooecial vesicle; z: zygote turn, the embryo consumes them from a surrounding angusta and Figularia figularis, respectively). liquid by endocytosis (Woollacott & Zimmer 1975, Increases reported in the literature range from 2.1- Hughes 1987). The embryo is either freely suspended (Scrupocellaria ferox) to 500-fold () within a brooding cavity, or in contact with an em- and even 1000-fold (Epistomia bursaria) (Santagata bryophore. Normally (but not always), a zygote/young & Banta 1996, Woollacott & Zimmer 1972, Dyrynda & embryo is suspended and does not touch the wall of King 1982). the brood chamber. During its growth it gradually oc- Based on the type of oogenesis and presence or cupies most or all of the brooding cavity and nestles absence of extraembryonic nutrition, 4 reproductive close to the embryophore. patterns were recognized (Table 1). The least common Placental analogues occur within both ovicells is the oviparous pattern (Pattern I) accompanied by a (Fig. 1A–C) and internal brooding sacs (Fig. 1D). Maxi- production of many small oligolecithal oocytes (little or mal recorded increase in embryo volume during devel- no yolk), whereas the most common pattern involves opment was 257.7-fold (Reciprocus regalis); minimal consecutive embryonic incubation of a few large increases were 1.27- and 1.49-fold (Isosecuriflustra macrolecithal oocytes (relatively large yolk) without 116 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 378: 113–124, 2009 I II III IV (Gordon, 1986) + (Busk, 1854) + Pattern IV: macrolecithal Pattern oogenesis, brooding, IV: oogenesis, no brooding, planktotrophy; Pattern II: (d’Orbigny, 1847)(d’Orbigny, + (Hincks, 1883) + Livingstone, 1929 + (Linnaeus, 1758) + (Hutton, 1873) + (Busk, 1852) + (Busk, 1852) + Bock & Cook, 1998 + (Busk, 1852) + Maplestone, 1913 + (Gray, 1843)(Gray, + (Linnaeus, 1767) + (Smitt, 1868) + (Busk, 1852) + (Fabricius, 1780) + (Hassal, 1841) + (Waters, 1879)(Waters, + (Hutton, 1891) + Hayward et Ryland, 1993 + (Levinsen, 1909) + (Hincks, 1881) + (Johnston, 1847) + magnilabris Gordon, 1986 + (Linnaeus, 1758) + is preliminary Busk, 1884 + cf. Norman, 1869 + Kluge, 1907 + sp. + sp. + sp. + smitti Porella minuta Bugulopsis monotrypa Canda simplex Menipea roborata Scrupocellaria scruposa Micropora notialis Mollia multijuncta Steginoporella Cribrilina annulata Corbulipora inopinata Figularia figularis Euthyroides episcopalis Diplonotos Cribricellina cribraria Costaticella solida Costaticella bicuspis Pterocella scutella Eurystomella foraminigera Euginoma conica Cribrilina punctata Selenariopsis gabrieli Antarctothoa bougainvillei Antarctothoa Celleporella hyalina Arachnopusia unicornis Cellaria tenuirostris Cellaria fistulosa Steginocellaria magnimandibulata Lepraliella contigua Sinuporaria Steginoporella perplexa perfragilis 63 1949 Vigneaux, 62 32 33 34 35 1848 Microporidae Gray, 36 37 Hincks, 1884 38 45 46 47 Euthyroididae Levinsen, 1909 48 Bifaxariidae Busk, 1884 49 Catenicellidae Busk, 1852 50 51 52 53 Levinsen, 1909 54 43 Hincks, 1879 44 55 Hippothoidae Busk, 1859 56 57 58 Jullien, 1888 59 Cellariidae Fleming, 1828 40 41 42 1949 Vigneaux, 60 61 39 No. Taxa Pattern I II III IV placentation, lecithotrophy. Generic name of placentation, lecithotrophy. Gray, 1848)Gray, + Grischenko, in d’Hondt, 1983 + (Goldstein, 1882) + (Johnston, 1832) + Herrera-Cubilla, + (Waters, 1904)(Waters, + (MacGillivray, 1886)(MacGillivray, + Herrera-Cubilla, (Kluge, 1914) + (Kluge, 1914) + (Hastings, 1943) + (Hincks, 1881) + (Kluge, 1914) + Cook & Bock, 2000 + MacGillivray, 1869MacGillivray, + MacGillivray, 1881MacGillivray, + Herrera-Cubilla, + (Audouin, 1826) + (Busk, 1884) + sp. + Busk, 1852 + (Hincks, 1881) + (Fleming, 1828) + (Linnaeus, 1767) + (Thompson (MacGillivray, 1869)(MacGillivray, + (Hincks, 1880) + Busk, 1861 + (Linnaeus, 1758) + (Linnaeus, 1767) + funiculata sp. + cf. Dick, Sanner et Jackson, 2008 Dick, Sanner et Jackson, 2008 Tegella unicornis pilosa lineata Cauloramphus cryptoarmatus Dick & Mawatari, 2007Crassimarginatella armifera Tegella Bryocalyx cinnameus + Nordgaardia cornucopioides Callopora dumerilii Cauloramphus spiniferum Beania bilaminata Amastigia exfragminis Discoporella marcusorum Hiantopora ferox Columnella magna Dick, Sanner & Jackson, 2006Discoporella cookae + Gontarella ‘Biflustra’ perfragilis Gregarinidra inarmata Gregarinidra serrata Dimetopia cornuta Isosecuriflustra tenuis Bugula flabellata Camptoplites retiformis Cornucopina pectogemma Isosecuriflustra angusta Bugula neritina Klugeflustra antarctica Nematoflustra flagellata Spiralaria florea 7 1 2 5 6 8 9 3 4 No. Taxa Pattern 1 Stach, 1937 1 Norman, 1903 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Beaniidae Canu & Bassler, 1927 Beaniidae Canu & Bassler, 30 Busk, 1852 31 Lagaaij, 1952 13 15 Hiantoporidae Gregory, 1893 Hiantoporidae Gregory, 11 Busk, 1852 12 14 10 29 Flustridae Fleming, 1828 16 17 18 28 19 25 26 27 20 1848 Bugulidae Gray, 24 21 22 23 Table 1. Distribution of reproductiveTable patterns (Patterns I to IV) among the cheilostome taxa studied. Pattern I: oligolecithal macrolecithal oogenesis, brooding, lecithotrophy; Pattern III: oligolecithal oogenesis, brooding, placentation, lecithotrophy; Ostrovsky et al.: Matrotrophy in Bryozoa 117 I II III IV Brown, 1954 + (Busk, 1860) + (Calvet, 1909) + Hayward & Taylor, 1984Hayward & Taylor, + (Hincks, 1860) + (Canu & Bassler, 1923)(Canu & Bassler, + Hayward, 1978 + (Hutton, 1873) + (MacGillivray, 1869)(MacGillivray, + (Smitt, 1867) + (MacGillivray, 1869)(MacGillivray, + (Moll, 1803) + (Waters, 1879)(Waters, + (Rogick, 1957) + MacGillivray, 1886MacGillivray, + (MacGillivray, 1890)(MacGillivray, + (Pallas, 1766) + Gordon, 1988 + Wyville Thomson, 1858Wyville + Maplestone, 1882 + MacGillivray, 1881MacGillivray, + (Waters, 1904)(Waters, + (MacGillivray, 1869)(MacGillivray, + sp. + sp. + sp. + sp. + Isoschizoporella tricuspis Reciprocus regalis Mamillopora Crepidacantha kirkpatricki Characodoma porcellanum Galeopsis porcellanicus Turbicellepora crenulata avicularis Turbicellepora Celleporina caminata Celleporina Hippoporella hippopus Trematooecia aviculifera Poecilopora anomala Microporella ciliata Calwellia bicornis Calwellia gracilis Petralia undata Mucropetraliella ellerii Kymella polaris Eminooecia carsonae Isoschizoporella secunda Urceolipora nana Emballotheca quadrata Parmularia smeatoni 97 98 99 94 95 96 No. Taxa Pattern 105 108 1927 Mamilloporidae Canu & Bassler, 109 Crepidacanthidae Levinsen, 1909 110 Cheetham & Sandberg, 1964 111 Johnston, 1838 112 113 114 115 116 1949 Vigneaux, 117 118 Gabb & Horn, 1862 119 Lekythoporidae Levinsen, 1909 120 Hincks, 1879 1 1 1887 Calwelliidae MacGillivray, 1 100 Petraliidae Levinsen, 1909 101 1957 Petraliellidae Harmer, 102 Buffonellodidae Gordon & d’Hondt, 1997 103 Eminooeciidae Hayward & Thorpe, 1988 104 106 1936 Urceoliporidae Bassler, 107 1 1 1949 Vigneaux, 1 Table 1 (continued) Table I II III IV (Hincks, 1877) + (Hincks, 1877) + (Hincks, 1877) + Lorenz, 1886 + (Hincks, 1880) + (Norman, 1868) + (d’Orbigny, 1852)(d’Orbigny, + (Hincks, 1880) + Bock & Cook, 1993 + (Smitt, 1868) + (Smitt, 1868) + (Johnston, 1847) + (Hastings, 1930) + (MacGillivray, 1869)(MacGillivray, + (Waters, 1904)(Waters, + (Calvet, 1909) + (Hincks, 1882) + (Nordgaard, 1896) + (Robertson, 1900) + (J. MacGillivray, 1842)(J. MacGillivray, + (Kluge, 1908) + (Lamarck, 1816) + (Fleming, 1828) + (Pallas, 1766) + (Smitt, 1868) + (Waters, 1904)(Waters, + (Busk, 1854) + (M. Sars, 1851) + sp. + sp. + Rhamphostomella radiatula Rhamphostomella bilaminata Rhamphostomella ovata Arctonula arctica Escharella immersa Rhamphostomella costata unicornis Hippoporina ussowi Hippoporina propinqua Schizomavella lineata Hippoporina reticulatopunctata Bostrychopora dentata Schizomavella cuspidata Schizomavella mamillata Parasmittina crosslandi Smittina concinna Smittina antarctica Smittoidea reticulata Smittina majuscula Desmacystis sandalia Cellarinella Lageneschara lyrulata Myriapora truncata Pacificincola insculpta Cylindroporella tubulosa Calyptotheca variolosa Schizoporella Margaretta barbata Quadriscutella papillata No. Taxa Pattern 65 66 64 Jullien, 1888 68 69 67 Jullien, 1883 86 Watersiporidae Vigneaux, 1949 Vigneaux, Watersiporidae 85 83 84 MacGillivray, 1895 Bitectiporidae MacGillivray, 79 82 78 80 81 77 74 75 76 Levinsen, 1909 73 Canu, 1904 71 Sclerodomidae Levinsen, 1909 72 70 Myriaporidae Gray, 1841 Myriaporidae Gray, 90 Pacificincolidae Liu & Liu, 1999 91 1935 Bassler, 92 1957 Lanceoporidae Harmer, 93 87 Margarettidae 1957 Harmer, 89 Phorioppniidae Gordon & d’Hondt, 1997 88 118 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 378: 113–124, 2009

EEN in the brood chamber (Pattern II). Two other invertebrates. At our present state of understanding, reproductive patterns involve both brooding and matrotrophy in Bryozoa can be regarded as ubiquitous matrotrophy, with production of either a few small in 2 living classes (Stenolaemata and Phylactolaemata) oligolecithal (Pattern III) or a few large macrolecithal and broadly distributed in the Gymnolaemata. oocytes (Pattern IV). Patterns I to III have previously been described (and enumerated) in the literature (Harmer 1926, Woollacott & Zimmer 1975, Reed 1991), DISCUSSION whereas Pattern IV is recorded here for the first time. Different patterns involving brooding and EEN were Origin of bryozoan placental analogues sometimes met within one and the same family and even the same . Patterns II and IV occur in Iso- The question arises as to the origin of bryozoan pla- securiflustra, Celleporella Candidae, Microporidae, cental analogues. The phylum Bryozoa lacks a well- Cribrilinidae, and Hippothoidae; Patterns II and III in resolved, robust phylogenetic framework. Relation- Gregarinidra and Bugulidae; Patterns III and IV in Cel- ships among both traditional higher level taxa, and laria and Catenicellidae (also, possibly, Pattern II in the lower level instances of various reproductive patterns, latter family, see Marcus 1938); and Patterns II, III, and are inevitably subject to validation as this framework is IV in Flustridae and Cellariidae. developed, which is beyond the scope of the present paper. Our discussion thus relies on: current under- standing of inter-group relationships; concordance or Data from the literature discordance among higher taxonomic groups, many of which are putatively monophyletic; diverse skeletal Reanalysis of bryozoan taxonomic literature also morphological characters (many ‘non-reproductive’ in shows that matrotrophy has been described several nature) that presently differentiate these groups; tem- times in cheilostomes by earlier scholars, but these find- poral sequences in the fossil record; and comparative ings were either not understood or were overlooked. patterns of sexual reproduction. Based on published descriptions and illustrations, Bryozoans are simultaneous hermaphrodites with EEN also exists in Retiflustra (Flustridae), Poricellaria spermcast mating (Bishop & Pemberton 2006). Aquatic (Poricellariidae), (Catenicellidae), spermatozoa are released and subsequently captured and Adeonellopsis (), Adeonella, Laminopora to inseminate retained eggs within or near an ovary. In (Adeonellidae), and Hippopodina (Hippopodinidae) oviparous species, many small oligolecithal oocytes are (Harmer 1902, 1926, Waters 1912, 1913, Marcus 1938; produced simultaneously and spawned freely into the summarized in Ostrovsky 2008, Ostrovsky et al. 2008). seawater, each developing into a long-lived plank- Thus, 18 families and 29 cheilostome genera are now totrophic larva (cyphonautes). This oviparous pattern known to exhibit EEN. There is also evidence that it of reproduction (Pattern I) is restricted to relatively few exists in Crassimarginatella falcata (Calloporidae) gymnolaemates, both ctenostomes and cheilostomes. (Cook 1985). So far, all examined species of Bugula, A second pattern (II) is the most common, in which a Cellaria, Catenicellidae, Adeonidae, Adeonellidae, and few large macrolecithal oocytes are produced sequen- Urceoliporidae have placental analogues. tially and develop within the vestibulum or lopho- A substantial increase in embryo size has been re- phoral tentacle sheath or in specialized brood cham- ported in 8 brooding species of the gymnolaemate or- bers. Most gymnolaemates appear to follow this pattern. der Ctenostomata — in the families In the third pattern (III), a few small oligolecithal oocytes (Flustrellidra), Sundanellidae (Sundanella), Nolellidae are produced sequentially and receive extraembryonic (Nolella), Walkeriidae (Walkeria), Mimosellidae (Mimo- nutrition during embryogenesis in specialized brood sella), and (Zoobotryon) (Joliet 1877, chambers. This pattern is characteristic of some gym- Prouho 1892, Pace 1906, Waters 1914, Braem 1939, nolaemates (Fig. 1A,B,D). Patterns II and III both result Silén 1942, 1944, Banta 1968). This suggests they pos- in short-lived lecithotrophic (coronate) larvae. Cheilo- sess EEN. The structure of the ‘ectodermic cushion’ de- stomata exhibit all 3 patterns (Harmer 1926, Woollacott scribed in the embryo sac of the ‘protoctenostome’ & Zimmer 1975, Reed 1991), facilitating comparisons Labiostomella gisleni (see Silén 1944) also suggests that that can inform us about the relative likelihoods of it could be a placental analogue. The above-mentioned different evolutionary scenarios. family-level taxa (those examined in our and previous Oviparity, characteristic of the earliest and less- studies and those inferred from the literature) are rep- derived malacostegan cheilostomes, is conventionally resentative of almost half of the gymnolaemate super- considered to be the ancestral pattern (e.g. Todd 2000). families with extant species. Such a wide distribution Basic differences between this and Pattern II are the within the phylum thus makes Bryozoa unique among types of oogenesis and broadcasting versus brooding. Ostrovsky et al.: Matrotrophy in Bryozoa 119

The origin of Pattern II is obviously based on a shift in placental analogue (embryophore) in a brooding site. oogenesis towards the production of a few large Progressively earlier oviposition required more pla- macrolecithal oocytes instead of many small oligo- cental activity, and finally embryophores began to play lecithal ones. This shift would eventually result in the a major role in providing nutrition to the progeny. Pla- evolution of the non-feeding coronate larva that is cental cells became larger and more active, whereas characteristic of most cheilostomes, considered to be a the female gonad gradually changed to production of trigger for cheilostome diversification (Taylor 1988). smaller oocytes (Pattern III). Altogether, these events Also, this development is inferred to have been corre- resulted in a shift in oogenesis, since the ovary restricted lated with the origin of extrazooidal incubation of its activity to the early stages of oocytic growth. We embryos in brood chambers, since all known bryozoan infer that nutrient distribution to the oocytes in the species with non-feeding larvae are brooders. We sug- ovary became supplemented by, or dominated by, dis- gest that the evolution of extrazooidal brooding may be tribution to the embryos in the brood chamber. A simi- correlated with greater embryonic survival, offsetting lar shift from large to small (but macrolecithal) oocytes a decrease in fecundity following the described shift in during a transition to the intraovarian incubation oogenesis (cf. Strathmann 1985, 2007). accompanied by cannibalism, has been hypothesized Although cheilostome bryozoans with reproductive for some viviparous sea stars (Byrne 1991, 1996, Byrne Patterns I and III share a common character — oligo- & Cerra 1996). In this case, such a shift might be con- lecithal oocytes — it is unlikely that the third pattern nected with a transition to the early onset of cleavage would originate from the first. All cheilostome families occurring within a gonad. and genera with extant representatives having placen- The occurrence of matrotrophy cannot be established tal analogues are well-nested within higher level definitively from cheilostome fossils, but what is pres- groups whose other constituent taxa have reproductive ently known of cheilostome phylogeny (Gordon 2000) Pattern II, which is the most common. Families and supports the above hypothesis. Also, the existence of dif- genera with living placental species also appear later ferent reproductive patterns, which are ‘adjacent’ to one in the fossil record than their non-placental brooding another in a hypothetical series, within the same families relatives. The earliest ovicell-like brood chambers in and sometimes the same genera underlies the sequence the cheilostome fossil record evolved from external of evolutionary transitions that we have suggested spines, and are thought to have given rise to other lin- above, exemplified by Isosecuriflustra, Celleporella, eages with more complete ovicell morphotypes, yet the Candidae, Microporidae, Cribrilinidae, and Hippotho- earliest forms lack any overt indication of placental idae (Patterns II and IV), Cellaria and Catenicellidae nutrition (Ostrovsky & Taylor 2005). Thus, we hypoth- (Patterns III and IV), and Flustridae and Cellariidae (Pat- esize that reproductive Pattern III appeared last in terns II, III, and IV). This taxonomic distribution strongly cheilostome evolution; the placenta evolved first, fol- supports the idea that such transitions were not in- lowed by a shift in oogenesis from macrolecithal to tractable evolutionarily and that EEN and placental ana- oligolecithal. In testing this hypothesis through our logues evolved multiple times within the Cheilostomata. survey, we expected to find a pattern combining the Viviparity in cheilostomes, known in the family Epis- characteristics of Patterns II and III, i.e. species with a tomiidae, could be considered as an additional, fifth few macrolecithal oocytes consecutively developing in reproductive pattern that evolved from Pattern II or III the ovary and later receiving EEN at the brooding site when embryos began to develop directly in the ovary via a placental analogue during embryogenesis. and received EEN. External brood chambers likely dis- Detailed anatomical study of oogenesis supports our appeared in this lineage. An analogous pattern occurs hypothesis. We found a new pattern (Pattern IV) in in the Cyclostomata, although it almost certainly 11 genera of 10 cheilostome families, combining evolved independently (see below). macrolecithal oogenesis and placentation, which can The taxonomic pattern of the distribution of be considered incipient matrotrophy (Fig. 1C, Table 1). matrotrophy within the phylum strongly supports the In general, species having Pattern IV have a less- idea of its independent evolution in all 3 bryozoan developed embryophore and an embryonic increase in classes and possibly several times within both gymno- volume smaller than in species with Pattern III, which laemate orders, reminiscent of the situation within ver- are mainly dependent on EEN. We can thus infer that, tebrates, in which EEN evolved independently numer- whereas brooders ancestrally had large yolky oocytes, ous times in different lineages of fishes, amphibians, no placenta and EEN (Pattern II), they later acquired a and reptiles (Blackburn 1992, Wourms & Lombardi placenta and EEN without any change in the type of 1992, Lombardi 1998, Trexler & DeAngelis 2003, Crespi female gametic production (Pattern IV). The next step & Semeniuk 2004). was likelya precocious oviposition of submature oocytes, Suggesting independent origins of placentation because part of the nutrients can be moved to it via the within the major bryozoan classes and orders of the 120 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 378: 113–124, 2009

phylum, we specifically considered conventional views ations (Uller 2008). Effects such as matrotrophy (and of major group relationships, distribution of the repro- the plasticity they express) may carry proximate se- ductive patterns (planktotrophy versus lecithotrophy), lective advantages in generational or ecological time, and differences in the origin of brood chambers. Con- under certain circumstances. These circumstances sidering the Ctenostomata (Gymnolaemata) to be a could include: temporal or spatial fluctuations in the paraphyletic stem group for the Stenolaemata and environment; conditions for offspring that are pre- Cheilostomata (Gymnolaemata) (Todd 2000), and rec- dictable from the parental conditions; low costs of ognizing planktotrophy in at least 3 ctenostome super- interaction and transmission for both parents and off- families, we suggest that the first cheilostomes also pos- spring; and low levels of parent–offspring conflict, sessed a planktotrophic larva. Further, brooding and such that different optimal plasticity levels for parents lecithotrophy evolved in cheilostomes, and the pres- and offspring do not reduce the fitness in either. Yet ence of 2 and sometimes 3 reproductive patterns (1 or 2 parental effects are not uniformly adaptive. They of which are placental) within the same families and involve trade-offs (Trexler & DeAngelis 2003), and the even genera supports the idea that placentation costs and benefits are mediated by the respective evolved numerous times within this order. Increase in strengths of selection on parents versus offspring, embryo size during brooding has been recorded in 4 depending upon ecological contexts (Marshall & Uller ctenostome superfamilies. In 2 of them, planktotrophy 2007, Marshall et al. 2008a, Uller 2008). also has been recorded. Thus, a conservative inference In evolutionary time, differential allocation patterns is that ctenostomes acquired placentation at least twice. to oocytes and to embryos are explicit among the Cyclostomata (Stenolaemata) are viviparous. There reproductive patterns recognized in bryozoans, and are no viviparous ctenostomes known as yet. Placental both proximate and ultimate factors are in play ctenostomes brood their embryos outside the body (Wourms & Lombardi 1992, Uller 2008). Even within cavity, either within brooding sacs (body wall invagi- certain of these reproductive patterns, flexibility in nations) or within the introvert. Their placental organs parental investment in offspring (Marshall & Keough are derivatives of the zooidal body wall. In contrast, 2008a,b, Marshall et al. 2008b) is likely greater than in placental organs in cyclostomes are derivatives of the others. In particular, the degree of matrotrophy can be ovary and coelothelium. Even if the ctenostome ances- quite variable. Parent–offspring conflict influencing tor of Cyclostomata was a brooder, placentation in the these transitions is also likely: How are parent and off- ovary should evolve anew in this order. spring fitness conditions that have been established The most problematic case is presented by the Phy- under one reproductive pattern influenced in such a lactolaemata, whose precise relationships with the rest way as to make possible novel evolution of another of the Bryozoa remain very obscure. Stark differences pattern? We may conjecture, on the basis of multiple in morphology suggest their very early origin, proba- putative transitions in the direction of matrotrophy in bly from a ctenostome ancestor. Phylactolaemata are bryozoans, that both natural selection and ‘develop- all placental, brooding their embryos inside brood sacs mental bias’ (Arthur 2004) may have played roles in (body wall invaginations) similar to some placental (possibly convergent) acquisition and retention of ctenostomes from the superfamily Victorelloidea and novel reproductive patterns. Accepting that the impli- in Labiostomella (‘Protoctenostomata’) (Ström 1977, cations of transitions in reproductive patterns and of Silén 1944, Todd 2000). Victorelloidea are thought to parental investment are not yet clear (Reznick et al. be among the youngest ctenostome superfamilies, not 2007, Uller 2008), we offer some preliminary consider- closely allied with Labiostomella. Overall sexual repro- ations about their existence in cheilostome bryozoans. ductive patterns of Labiostomella and Phylactolaemata Bryozoan matrotrophy, variable maternal provision- are similar, but Phylactolaemata possess a ring- or ing, and offspring size are all probably related interac- spot-like placental structure, quite unlike the hyper- tively to areal and temporal environmental variation at trophied epithelial lining that exists in the placental several scales (Marshall & Keough 2008a,b, Marshall victorelloids and ‘ectodermic cushion’ recorded in et al. 2008a,b). In the simplest form, an increase in the Labiostomella. Modes of oviposition are also different maternal provisioning to gamete or embryo may lead in the phylactolaemates and ctenostomes. to larger, fitter offspring, but potentially at the cost of lowered fecundity because of the higher energy and space investment per offspring. Pattern I species Ecological and evolutionary considerations of with oligolecithal oogenesis and no brooding produce matrotrophy in cheilostome Bryozoa planktotrophic larvae, the reproductive strategy with the least developmental plasticity and the least mater- Matrotrophy can be considered a maternal or parental nal investment. To the extent that they persist in the effect, a form of phenotypic plasticity that spans gener- plankton much longer than nonfeeding larvae, they Ostrovsky et al.: Matrotrophy in Bryozoa 121

are more likely to encounter habitats different from tal conditions. Celleporella hyalina with reproductive and less predictable than that of the parents. However, Pattern IV can adjust matrotrophic allocations based this persistence may also enable them to maintain on receipt of sperm (Bishop et al. 2000, Hughes et al. selectivity among habitats for longer periods of time 2002). Together with sperm storage, this would possi- (Elkin & Marshall 2007). Provisioning of lecithotrophic bly give greater flexibility in response to adverse or larvae, by contrast, provides a greater scope of size fluctuating environmental conditions. Egg–sperm fu- variation and often a means of buffering the next gen- sion occurs at or near the time of ovulation in oviparous eration against stresses in the environment, increasing gymnolaemates, whereas it is very early (precocious) offspring fitness. For example, Marshall & Keough (2003) and intraovarian in all brooding cheilostomes studied, showed that in the cheilostome genera Bugula and including placental ones. Insemination by stored Watersipora, both with variable sizes of lecithotrophic sperm can trigger normal oogenesis, which results in larvae, larger larvae could delay metamorphosis in the oviposition and the beginning of EEN in placental spe- absence of settlement cues. Larger larvae of B. neritina cies. If mothers have some control over the induction of also grow more quickly, survive better, reproduce vitellogenesis and over allocation and larval provision- sooner and more abundantly, and produce colonies in ing in response to environmental cues, developmental the next generation with larger larvae than do smaller plasticity is increased with regards to any of these initial larvae (Marshall et al. 2003). Similar size effects processes acting alone. were found by Marshall & Keough (2004) for W. The transition from lecithotrophic brooding without subtorquata. However, the size effects are not uniform, matrotrophy to matrotrophy via a placental analogue is as subsequent experiments with B. neritina showed a dramatic shift in the timing of resource allocation: from that larval duration interacts with size to produce com- a major investment in offspring yolk resource before a plex effects after metamorphosis (Marshall & Keough fusion of male and female pronuclei in an inseminated 2006). Different intensities of post-metamorphic com- oocyte to an investment after such fusion and through petition in B. neritina, conditioned according to the gestation (irrespective of prior yolk development in the density of colonies, were used by Allen et al. (2008) to oocyte in the second case). With this shift, parent– show that large offspring size is not always optimal; offspring interaction is accentuated, as these individuals mothers produced smaller larvae at low colony densi- are different genotypes. Selection on the parent can ties. Producing larvae too large for a given time and sometimes favour parental effects that are detrimental to habitat presumably has a cost in lost fecundity. This offspring fitness, while selection on offspring is some- suggests that within-species plasticity in maternal pro- times oblivious to parent fitness (Marshall & Uller 2007, visioning can act to maximize both maternal and off- Uller 2008 and references therein). Crespi & Semeniuk spring fitness. Plasticity in bryozoan maternal provi- (2004), in considering , argued that par- sioning and offspring size may also be adaptive at ent–offspring conflict over the degree of maternal inter-population scales and with changing seasonal investment was one of the main selective factors in conditions (Marshall & Keough 2008b, Marshall et evolutionary transitions among reproductive modes, al. 2008a). Interestingly, both B. neritina and W. sub- independent of environmental and ecological factors. torquata are placental species, with reproductive Many of their supporting arguments might also be Patterns III and IV, respectively (Table 1). made for bryozoans, but as yet we have only scant data Matrotrophy may be favored where offspring condi- to evaluate this hypothesis. Multiple male sperm tions are predictable from parental conditions, or donors and the likelihood of sperm storage could rep- where environmental fluctuations occur. Lecitho- resent a source of genotypic diversity, possibly advan- trophic bryozoan larvae have limited dispersal, and tageous in patchy or temporally variable environments some are philopatric or settle gregariously near con- (Bernasconi et al. 2004). Mothers may engage in cryp- specifics (Jackson 1986), ensuring predictable environ- tic selection through differential allocation of both ments across generations. In fluctuating or unpre- resources and male genotypes, increasing their own dictable environments, flexibility in matrotrophy may lifetime fitness, possibly by contributing more to EEN facilitate ‘bet-hedging’ strategies, enabling mothers to when times are good and favoring flexibility or reduc- produce a range of offspring sizes, potentially maxi- tion in matrotrophic allocation in certain unfavorable mizing reproductive success across narrow, changing times (Hunter & Hughes 1995). Offspring, in their own fitness optima; this strategy appears to hold for Bugula ‘self-interest’ could be selected for deriving maximum neritina and may be common (Marshall et al. 2008b). nourishment from their mothers, consistent with evolu- Sperm storage may be widespread in lecithotrophic tionary transitions toward greater EEN. Marshall gymnolaemates (Bishop & Pemberton 2006), and may (2008) demonstrated that in Bugula neritina: ‘when off- increase developmental plasticity in concert with ma- spring cannot exercise any control over parental trotrophy, possibly in response to varying environmen- investment, parents might be able to impose their own 122 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 378: 113–124, 2009

optimal allocation to offspring within and between of our results. They are raw materials for the study of broods, despite negative effects on offspring’ (Uller matrotrophy and evolution of complexity. Throughout 2008, p. 433; see also Marshall & Uller 2007, Allen et al. their history, bryozoans have been an important com- 2008). When B. neritina colonies experience tissue loss ponent of benthic ecosystems. Tracing back to the owing to predation, larvae produced immediately after early , they survived all mass extinctions, the event are smaller and less fit (Marshall & Keough becoming one of the dominant epibenthic groups in 2004). These examples reflect flexibility in resource modern seas. Among the factors that have been linked allocation, where variable larval size can maximize to their episodes of radiation are growth plasticity, both current and future reproductive returns. It has highly developed zooidal polymorphism, the evolution also been argued that (at least in mammals), once of complex body walls, and the existence of different placentation is initially established, parent–offspring larval types (Taylor 1988, McKinney & Jackson 1989, conflict will fuel further evolution and diverse morpho- Jablonski et al. 1997). We suggest that evolution of a logical expression (Haig 1993). This appears to hold variety of reproductive patterns and lability during for bryozoans. Thus, we expect that the evolutionary development contribute to that success by offering a transitions we infer would lead to enhanced fitness of range of mechanisms for resource allocation (allowing both parents and offspring in order to be sustained different permutations and combinations of oogenesis under natural selection. and brooding), playing a significant role in their diver- Our survey also revealed an unsuspected pattern sification. among fast-growing ephemeral species with repro- ductive Pattern III, whereby placentation may confer an advantage in the time devoted to embryonic devel- Acknowledgements. We are deeply indebted to Drs N. N. Shunatova, Department of Invertebrate Zoology, St. Peters- opment. All examined cheilostome species with this burg State University, J.-G. Harmelin, Station Marine d’En- ecological mode are relatively lightly calcified (sug- doume, Centre d’Océanologie Marseille, B. I. Sirenko and gesting fast growth), forming erect, flexible colonies I. S. Smirnov, Laboratory of Marine Researches, Zoological that are often jointed. Insofar as incubation involves Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, P. E. Bock, School of Ecology and Environment, Deakin University, EEN, embryonic development and volumetric growth Burwood, and M. Carter, NIWA Invertebrate Collection, occur simultaneously. When starting reproduction, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Pattern III species form the first small oocyte relatively Wellington, for material. The research was sponsored by the quickly, transferring it to the brood chamber for further Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany), the Lise nutrition and development. Altogether these events Meitner Foundation and FWF Grant P19337-B17 (Austria), and RFBR grants 07-04-00928a and 07-04-10046k (Russia). can take less time than in species with Patterns II and Anonymous reviewers provided useful comments. 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Editorial responsibility: Roger Hughes, Submitted: June 19, 2008; Accepted: November 19, 2008 Bangor, UK Proofs received from author(s): February 21, 2009