WEEKLY Saturday, November 8, 2008! Issue No
Established in 1936 The Doon School WEEKLY Saturday, November 8, 2008! Issue No. 2203 HM’S BASKI HINDI EGULARS ADDRESS REPORT R 2 3 5 6-7 On Your Mark... provng his mettle once again. On the whole, I guess the big- Vivek Santayana reviews the recently- gest surprise was that Tata House won – and most deserv- concluded Inter-House Athletics Competition, 2008 edly – the Marching Brownies. The cups went where they When I wonder which experience or which moment I were supposed to. Govind Singh did lighten the mood, once will remember from this year’s Athletics Competition, I real- in a while. But, nonetheless, as our Chief Guest put it (as ize that, in reality, there is not one specific moment, but the every Chief Guest puts it, as a matter of fact), even those competition as a whole that was the highlight. I guess this who were losing put in their hundred percent. As Hanumant athletics season, its surprises and all its disappointments, has Singh, the School Athletics Captain said, it’s all about how tried, tested and exhausted me. We didn’t get much practice. well you can challenge your own limits. Personally, Founder’s preparations had taken their toll, bear- On the track, I regret not being able to deliver. I wonder ing further testimony to the fact that practically everything what makes it worse, the fact that I didn’t deliver or that I calendared was calendared to apparently test our stamina could have. I’m pretty sure everyone would have had mo- (no offence to anyone, it’s just that things were so).
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