Choice. Choice in an illusion, though it is also what defines us. A being greater than I ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ has decided that you be given Choices. One thousand of them, to be exact. These ​ ​ ​ ​ choices have consequences. Some choices are more costly than others, while some ​ ​ ​ ​ will negate the cost of others. Some choices may allow you to make more choices. ​ ​ ​ ​

­Agent Smith



Drop­In : (Free) This choice is free, though should you choose to enter , I assure you that your ​ ​ ​ ​ entrance will not go unnoticed. ​ ​ ​

Operator : 50 cp A child of Zion, they call themselves. Should you choose this choice, you will be unable ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ to .

Red Pill : 50 cp An escapee. They function as the warriors of Zion, who enter the matrix, and offer its ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ residents a choice. ​ ​

Agent : 50 cp You are on of us. You are to hunt down and eliminate as many real humans as ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ possible. We will be watching you. ​ ​


PERKS: The 100 point perk is free for you origin, and the remainder are discounted by 50%

Free: Hell bent for leather­ No matter how long ago what your wearing went out of style, you will wear it, and look good doing it. Is most effective on, you guessed it, leather. As an added bonus, it stays cool in summer, hot in winter, doesn’t restrict your movements, and conceals all but the heaviest of armaments.

Drop In 100 : The first jump­ The laws of physics can be bent, broken, or even ignored. All in the name of running away from an agent. Drop In 200 : Follow the white rabbit­ Cornered and alone, and running low on ammo? How convenient that there's the perfect escape route, right over there. Better get moving, before they surround you. Drop In 400 : Residual self image­ You know, seeing as this isn't the real world, all your previous perks shouldn't really effect your Residual self image. I said shouldn't, not that they didn't. Drop In 800 : Living construct­ Summon any weapon, at any time. Within the current limits of the matrix, of course. Drop In 1600 : Me, me, me­ You now have the ability to absorb programs to know what they know, to do what they do. Ever wanted to learn how to make keys both real and digital? Just absorb the key­maker.

Operator 100 : Encoded­ Become an expert cryptographer and linguist. Tn other word, the bare minimum for understanding the coding of the matrix. Operator 200 : Shake it off­ You've only been shot, what's the problem? If the wound isn't immediately fatal, you live. Operator 400 : Get me an exit­ You get 10 seconds leeway between the hard­line going offline, and the exit doing the same. Those 10 seconds can and will save lives. Operator 800 : The rules are meant to be broken­ The construct was meant to handle ordinary things like guns and cars. With just a bit of effort, you can use it to make more complex things. Things like giant robots. Operator 1600 : Reloaded­ Why did you think adding Hogwarts to the matrix was a good idea, and how the hell did you pull it off?!?

Red Pill 100 : I know Kung Fu­ Congratulations, you know Kung Fu. Now pick another martial art. And another. You know those too. Now any skill at all. Guess what? Yours. Okay, just one more. You are now a master at all these skills. Red Pill 200 : Construct­ Any weapon you can imagine? Any car you can imagine? With a trunk full of guns? Amazing. Woman in a red dress not included. Red Pill 400 : Pull the plug­ They yanked out the connection, and you’re still alive? Well, you spent some time in a coma, and lost a few hours, but at least your alive. Red Pill 800 : ­ Do you know how fast bullets move? And you think you can dodge them? Nice try. Wait, how are you doing that? Red Pill 1600 : The superman thing­ Laws of gravity, laws of physics, they can go cry in a corner. You’re to busy being awesome to listen to them.

Agent 100: Purpose is what defines us­ You have a purpose. To kill the Red Pills. Deviate, and be deleted. Direct death is not applicable, so long as there is at least one 'potential body' within range. Agent 200: Your men are already dead­ You posses the ability to see through the eyes of others, an ability granted to you to assist in the locating of 'real world' humans. Agent 400 : The last exile­ There are programs hiding in the deep dark, who were slated for deletion, but choose to run away. Some of them have… Odd abilities. They would look much better on you, I think. Agent 800 : Me too­ You know that hand thing smith does, with the silver goop? Well, now you can do it too. Works both in and out of the matrix. Agent 1600 : This is my world­ For every 'ally' you posses, if they can see you, or you can see them, your strength is greatly multiplied. Imagine what this would look like if everybody was you?



Red Pill­ 50 cp. Dispels any mind control effects on the ingester, and immunizes them to previously used techniques. 1 spawns in the warehouse every five days, no maximum limit.

Blue Pill­ 50cp Create a mental block on the ingester, forcing them to regard their surroundings as 'perfectly normal'. 1 spawns in the warehouse every five days, no maximum limit.

Key­makers key ring­ 100 cp A small key ring, possessing ten keys. Each key can open any door, be it a real one, a digital one, or a metaphorical one. The key ring holds 10 keys, and one key regenerates per day,

Mecha­ 200 cp One of Zion’s defense forces, this mech has some very nice guns. Has a wee bit of a problem with jamming, though with proper maintenance it shouldn't be a issue.

Hovercraft 300 cp. You own hover craft! Name pending, this baby has a maximum crew size of 15, 8 docking stations, 14 turrets, enough ammo to fire them all for half an hour straight, and not one, but two emp devices. Note that it doesn't actually come with a crew, so you will need to pick them up somewhere.

Companion import 100 / 500 cp Each companion gets a background, and the first and second tier perks of his/her respective background. 100 cp for the first, an extra 100 each for numbers two, three and four, and a full 8 for 500. For each drawback taken, one third tier perk may be assigned. (no giving an operator the third tier Red Pill perk.)


DRAWBACKS: A maximum of 1000 additional points may be accumulated through drawbacks. Additional drawbacks may be taken, but points will not be added to your total.

000: mode­ Turns out there is no neo. You are the one. The only one. Red Pill only.

100: This line is not secure: Did you have an exit planned? Better get moving, before they cut the hard­line. Oh, and mind the sentinels. Déjà vu: What are the chances of two black cats crossing your path? About the same as a there being a brick wall where that door used to be.

200: The Agents: You have be designated as the primary threat of any and every group. Even neo will be ignored in favor of attacking you. What did you do, sleep with their mother? : As much as she wants humanity to survive, she also wants the matrix to survive. No human will willingly ally themselves with you, though they won't know you on sight.

300: The Architect : Every program within a hundred mile of you just became an agent, and they've sent the sentinels after you body. Good luck. The One : Smith actually managed to pull him 'me too' shit on neo?!? …Well, it was nice knowing you.

600: 10 day mode­ Drop in only, the agents know your there, they know where you are, and they will not stop until your dead. Jump ends after 10 days. Try not to die. Crack the cypher­ Turns out, cypher wasn't unique. Not even close. There’s one on every ship, and even some in Zion. And not only did they just find out about each other, but one or two of them just got ME TOO'd by smith.


10 day mode and Crack the cypher cannot be taken at the same time.

After the jump ends, use of THE SUPERMAN THING is reduced to 1 minute per day. Exceeding that limit causes the recharge time to double every 30 seconds. In addition, no other powers may be used during a forced cool down.

THE SUPERMAN THING allows the user to completely ignore outside forces attempting to act on the body. When being used for flight, the users maximum speed may be reached instantaneously. This may cause multiple sonic booms at ground level if care is not taken. You are immune to outside forces. Outside forces are not immune to you.

While not enforced, buying a hovercraft and a companion import is highly recommended for drop in. The alternatives are ending up the matrix, which is highly noticeable, and the other is ending up god know where in the real world.

*anything I think of later*