Students Sweat It out in Martin
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THE CHANTICLEER SEPTE&IBEW 21, 1995 JIACKSON'SVIILLIE:71LLESTATE UNI[VEWSITY VOL. 43, ISSUE 4 Students sweat it out in Martin End to hellish heat may arrive before winter UV Food Worker Hides Newspaper Bv Marian Adams Instead of help- By College Press Service ing folks to keep CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. -A disgruntled News Writer food services worker stole 4,000 copies of cool, the air-con- the University of Virginia's student paper ditioning in Martin Hall this semester has everyone heat- after reading a story that was critical of ed up. campus food. Students, faculty and staff have been dealing with the John Darmstadt, district manager of heat as best they can since Martin Hall's air conditioning ARAmark, the UV's food provider, took system began acting up earlier this summer. The out- the copies of The Daily Cavalier because dated system has deteriorated and has not been replaced he felt his company was maligned in a stu- since 1967. dent's column. Problems began earlier this summer when a leak was The article in question, entitled "Beware found in the system's chiller. A chiller is an air-condi- of Inedible Horrors Lurking in University's Dining Halls," was a tongue- tioning unit that uses freon to cool water pumped at 42 to in-cheek critique of the food served by 45 degree ranges to cool the building. Physical Plant ARAmark on campus. Director, Jim McArthur says, "the university had two dif- "The most interesting option, however, ferent companies look at this chiller and both say stands as the perennial B-food horror replacement is the only solution." favorite:Attack of the Killer Although the air-conditioning in Martin Hall has not Gardenburger," wrote Cavalier staff writer been turned off, it is working at less than half the capac- John Flowers. "I'm not sure what garden ity that it should. McArthur says the estimated heat those patties come from, but it must be inside Martin Hall is "anywhere from 80 to 85 degrees." located somewhere near Chernobyl. Not only do the gardenburgers repel water and With this summer's outside temperatures ranging from grease but also taste." 90 to 102 degrees and the recent outside temperatures Flowers' essay ran in a special orienta- ranging in the lower 90's, working and attending classes tion edition of the paper published on in Martin Hall can be a less than comfortable experience. Saturday, August 26, the day students Relief may soon be in sight, however, though things returned to campus. I may get worse before they get any better. Air-condition- When Cavalier staff members spotted the JSU SWEAT-B0X:Relief may be on the way for students ing in Martin Hall will be completely turned off begin- empty paper bins near a campus cafeteria ,sweltering in JSU's hottest building. (photo by Greg Patch) on Saturday morning, they approached see Martin page 3 Darmstadt, who told them he was unhappy with Flowers' column but didn't admit to taking the papers. After the Cavalier SGA passes new requirements for Homecoming Queen Editorial Board ordered more copies of the paper to be printed, campus police began Bv Steven Skelton es may contribute money to sity Leadership scholarship. This looking into the missing issues. Later, News Editor Homecoming Queen hopefuls, year's award has yet to be decided Darmstadt admitted taking 4,000 copies although they may not sponsor their upon. and locking them in an office. Who should be allowed to represent own. Elections for the Homecoming Queen Darmstadt later issued a letter of apolo- the University? That's what the student The Senate will debate cost limita- gy and distributed the papers on Saturday government is currently deciding. will be held on Wednesday and evening and Sundav. On September 11, the SGA Senate tions and related business on Monday, Thursday of Homecoming Week. A passed new requirements for this year's September 25. Rules governing cam- runoff will be held on Friday in the Homecoming Queen. To be eligible for paign materials such as flyers and hand- event of a tie. The Queen will be the the contest, female students must be outs will also be discussed. contestant that receives a majority of Features currently enrolled at JSU and not be on "The Homecoming Queen is an * votes. She and her court, which con- Rick and Bubba Nirvana . pagel4 school probation of any kind. Other ambassador of the school," said sists of the top five runners-up, will be requirements include a minimum 2.0 Student Government Association announced at half-time of the Arts & Entertainment grade point average and enrollment for President Emily Hawk. "She should be homecoming game. a well-rounded student, strong scholas- Homecoming Week will be October The Chanticleer Interviews at least two previous semesters as a tically, and involved in student activi- 15 through October 21. This year's Catherine Wheel. page 12 full-time student. Contestants must be sponsored by a recognized campus ties and community service." Homecoming theme is "An All- organization, such as a fraternity, soror- No information was available on American Homecoming". Sports ity, or residence hall. No organization what, if anything, will be awarded to Tuesday night's feature film will be JSU beats the Blazers . page 18 the 1995 Homecoming Queen. In the may sponsor more than three contes- see Homecoming Queen page 3 tants. Individuals and outside business- past, the winner has received a univer- PAGE 2 @SEPTEMBER21,1995 * THE CHANTICLEER >counseling meetings for the Federal Direct Student Loan Program are scheduled for 3:00 p.m., October 18. Meetings MLK Statue, Thought To Be Done Deal, will be held in the Round House Building. For further informa- tion contact Vickie Adams in the Financial Aid Office at 782- Runs Into Opposition By Kevin Fithcard not know about the fee until it head of the committee oversee- h he JSU Child Center is currently acccpting applications for The Daily Texan showed up on his tuition bill. ing the statue's construction. people to work with 3 and 4 year-olds for the Fall term. For "Some students are more con- "The Board of Regents origi- more information, call 782-5054. AUSTIN, Texas -University cerned with out studies than nally approved the statue on the of Texas students are again with politics, except when poli- condition that students raise the protesting tics starts taking money out of funds privately. a fee funding construction of a our pockets," he said. When students approved statue commemorating Martin Taylor has posted a message funding construction with an Luther King Jr., though offi- on the U.S. Lead, an Internet additional fee, the proposal cials said it is too late to cancel bulletin board, announcing that went to the Texas Legislature, the project or revoke the fee. he intends to form an organiza- where it was approved again, UT President Robert Berdahl tion opposing this and other though the Texas House of said his office has received mandatory fees. Representatives dropped a pro- inquiries from both students "It is not the statue that I am vision to use excess fee pro- and parents who object to pay- against, it is the fee," Taylor ceeds for a minority scholar- ing the $1-per-semester com- said. He added, "I'd rather ship. pulsory fee, which will be have something that benefits Two weeks ago the regents at Curtiss Hall at 2: 14 P.M. included in tuition bills for the people who could really use it." gave the final go-ahead for stat- *9-15-1995. Kathy Gore reported a bomb threat at Daugette next four years. Taylor suggested the funds ue construction at their meeting Hall at 12:32 P.M. "One of the misunderstand- raised from the fee could be in San Antonio. 09- 14-1995. Albert Searway reported breaking and entering of ings is that it's an administra- converted into an endowed The Young Conservatives of a vehicle at Bibb Graves Hall at 1:57 P.M. A JSU employee tive fee, but it was voted for by scholarship fund. Texas fought the bill during the decal was stolen. the students," Berdahl said. "That would be more of a referendum and in the 09-14-1995. Shawn Owens reported unlawful breaking and "For the most part that explana- statement on the University's Legislature, saying that all stu- entering of a vehicle in the front parking lot of Logan Hall at tion satisfies them." support for minorities than a dents should not have to pay for 10:lO A.M. Two novels and a parking decal were stolen. Some students maintained statue would," he added. a statue which only some want- 09-12-1995. Howard Johnson reported breaking and entering they had no choice in the mat- So far, Taylory's message on ed. of a vehicle at Martin Hall at 7:37 A.M. A JSU employee ter, Berdahl said. But he added the Internet has met with pre- YCT representatives could decal was stolen. that "it was a democratic dominantly hostile replies, not be reached for comment 09- 12- 1995. LoLethia Moreland reported criminal mischief at process." many of which accuse him of Thursday. Penn House Apartments at 9:35 A.M. A rear car antenna was . "They had the opportunity to being racist or inconsistent for Other students said it would be vote. Most students chose not opposing only the statue fee. wrong for the University not to to," Berdahl said. Once classes begin, Taylor build the statue, especially after Besides the referendum last said, he will solicit signatures its approval last spring.