This Point Newsletter
THIS POINT NEWSLETTER A PUBLICATION OF THE POINT RICHMOND HISTORY ASSOCIAT!ON VOL. I, No. 4 November, 1982 75 cents HISTORY ASSOCIATION NEWS: INSIDE COVER PTA· PAST ANO PRESENT 11 POINTS IN THE PAST 1 APPEARANCE IS NOT EVERYTHING 12 "OUR TOVllN" 3 AFTER SCHOOL 13 IT WAS WRITTEN 6 TRADITIONAL HALLOWE'EN? 14 AN INTERVIEW with LUIGI BERNARDI 8 RICHMOND MUSEUM NEWS 15 THE GREAT DEPRESSION 10 POINTS IN THE FUTURE 16 ~--====in tiin e ;;;;,;,;;::;;;;__..___ ___. PLAN TO A TTEND NOVEMBER 18 The next meeting of the Point Richmond History Association will be Thursday, Nov ember 18 at 7:30 p.m. in Linsley Hall (235 Washington Avenue). The main feature of the meeting will be a reminiscing session by some of the more knowledgeable male members of our com munity - offering them "equal time" for the May meeting, when the panel was all-fe male. Plan to attend, and invite friends ! An entertaining and educational meeting is virtually assured, with invitations going to Henry O'Hara, Gust Allyn, Luigi Bernardi, Lawrence Thole, August l.anzi, Al Riffanelli, Al Frosini, Walter Hess, Allen Clark, Jim Carey, Jay Vincent, Mario deValle, Rau1o Ferrari, Leo Gozzi, and Mike Raffanelli. If you are, or know anyone who is, in formed, first hand, about Point Richmond's past, please call 235-4222, and plan to come, and participate in a lively discussion! We want, and welcome more members so, if you are not a member, please fill out the form on the last page of this newsletter and send it in now! You will receive a mailed subscription to "This Point In Time", and an invitation to all meetings and events spon sored by the Association.
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