Macroevolutionary Systematics of Streptotrichaceae of the Bryophyta and Application to Ecosystem Thermodynamic Stability Edition 2, Digital Version — Richard H. Zander Second Edition 2018; Original publication 2017 Zetetic Publications, St. Louis Richard H. Zander Missouri Botanical Garden P.O. Box 299 St. Louis, MO 63166 U.S.A.
[email protected] Zetetic Publications in St. Louis produces but does not sell this book. This is the free digital edi- tion, corrected and somewhat expanded, issued 2018. is a ready source for the hardcopy softbound 2017 edition, and any book dealer can obtain a copy for you through the usual channels. Resellers please contact CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform of Ama- zon. Note: All new names and combinations were first published in the hardcopy edition, which was published August 1, 2017. ISBN-13: 978-1987457537 ISBN-10: 1987457536 © Copyright 2017, 2018, all rights reserved. Portions of this book may be freely copied and distributed by other scientists and educators, and reused in publications without permission as long as proper attribution is made. The image on the title page of this digital book is of the “clocks” or seed heads of the common dandelion. These represent the radiation of descendant species in dissilient genera. As hubs of scale-free and small-world networks, dissilient genera help sustain survival, through evolutionary and ecologic redundancy, of both the family Streptotrichaceae and the ecosystems of which that family is a significant floristic element. The illustration on the title page shows the theoretical evolution of a dissilient genus through time, from a core progenitor on the left, through radiation of more specialized descendant species or lineages, to gradual extinction of most species, only leaving, in this case, a specialized de- scendant.