Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid Vol. 66(2): 263-277 julio-diciembre 2009 ISSN: 0211-1322 doi: 10.3989/ajbm.2224

Evolutionary analysis of five bryophyte families using virtual fossils

by Richard H. Zander

Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166-0299 U.S.A. [email protected]

Abstract Resumen Zander, R.H. 2009. Evolutionary analysis of five bryophyte fami- Zander, R.H. 2009. Análisis evolutivo de cinco familias de briofi- lies using virtual fossils. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 66(2): 263-277. tas empleando fósiles virtuales. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 66(2): 263-277 (en inglés). Traditional taxa paraphyletic or polyphyletic on a molecular Los táxones parafiléticos o polifiléticos tradicionales en un árbol phylogenetic tree may be interpreted as populations of surviv- molecular filogenético pueden interpretarse como poblaciones ing ancestors that are evolutionarily static in expressed traits de ancestros supervivientes que están evolutivamente estáticos though labile in DNA traits used to track genetic continuity. In en los caracteres expresados a través de lábiles en los caracteres those cases in which re-evolution (convergence) of such taxa is ADN que se emplean para seguir la continuidad genética. En deemed improbable, such heterophyly may be used to infer esos casos en los cuales la re-evolución (convergencia) de tales evolutionary series of virtual fossils reflecting macroevolution. táxones se considere improbable, la heterofilia puede usarse Descent with modification of taxa is here demonstrated by rein- para inferir series evolutivas de fósiles virtuales que reflejan la terpreting published cladograms of molecular studies of Di- macroevolución. El descenso con modificación de táxones se de- cranaceae, , , , and muestra con la interpretación publicada de los cladogramas de Mniaceae as taxon trees. Given this argument, superimposed estudios moleculares de Dicranaceae, Pottiaceae, Grimmiaceae, inferred ancestors are support for the theory of punctuated Hypopterygiaceae y Mniaceae como árboles taxonómicos. En equilibrium. vista de este argumento, resulta que los ancestros inferidos su- perimpuestos apoyan la teoría del equilibrio puntuado. Keywords: virtual fossil, heterophyly, punctuated equilibrium, Palabras clave: fósil virtual, heterofilia, equilibrio puntuado, ár- taxon tree, evolution, autophyletic, Grimmiaceae, Hypoptery- bol taxonómico, evolución, autofilético, Grimmiaceae, Hypop- giaceae, Mniaceae, Pottiaceae. terygiaceae, Mniaceae, Pottiaceae.

Introduction lution as descent with modification (Hall, 2003) of taxa because bioroles may be inferred from expressed It has long been recognized that phylogenetic analysis does not model evolution of sequences of trait combinations. In phylogenetic analysis, ancestral named ancestral and descendant taxa, i.e. genealo- mapped morphological or molecular traits, though gies, but demonstrates the evolution of characteristics presented as sequential, remain atomized. Attempts as branching lines of trait changes (e.g., Bowler, 1989: to infer soft tissues in geologic fossils also deal with in- 345-346; Farjon, 2007; Hörandl, 2006, 2007) for ex- dividual traits. For instance, in extant phylogenetic emplars of named terminal taxa. Of three particular bracketing (Witmer, 1995, 1998), a fossil lineage taxa, two are more likely to share an ancestor but that bracketed by two lineages each sharing one particular ancestor is generally not identified as a taxon different trait in their extant taxa would be expected to also from its descendants; it is simply represented in phy- have that trait, but features not present in both brack- logenetics by an unnamed node, or “common ances- eting lineages would be expected to be absent in the tor” of descendant lineages. When fossils are at hand, fossil. This method does not rely on and explain, how- however, they are potentially more informative of evo- ever, para- or polyphyly. 264 R.H. Zander

Of particular importance for the present analysis is conservative, gapped phenotypic traits, and that total the idea that a split in a molecular lineage is not nec- convergence or crypsis is improbable or less probable essarily a speciation event. It could signal any isola- (Jardine & Sibson, 1971: 144) than other explana- tion event, sometimes followed by phenotypic stasis tions, simply enforcing monophyly by taxonomically of the isolated population, resulting in a surviving an- recognizing cryptic species, genera or families may be cestor. Identification of a surviving ancestor as a kind less productive scientifically than examining other ex- of living fossil may be done by (1) identification of a planations. The point of traditional is to geologic fossil with an extant taxon; (2) biosystemat- make complete evolutionary convergence improbable, ic and cytogenetic studies, particularly in the case of and this applies at any taxonomic level. Classification “quantum” or local evolution (Lewis, 1962; Grant, is here presented as a major source of information 1971; Levin, 2001), the budding of a descendant about evolution needing only reliable information on species from a peripheral ancestral population, genetic continuity to reveal taxic steps. Even morpho- which are identifiable, for instance, as in the event of logical phenocopy involving two or more taxa that apparent daughter species being all more similar to lose traits when highly reduced (e.g. in high elevation an apparent parent than to each other; (3) the recent habitats) commonly allows retention of one or more method of Theriot (1992) inferring a surviving ances- conservative traits that allow accurate identification tor in a group of diatoms by evaluating a morpholog- (Zander, 1977: 261), or when unidentifiable, it is be- ically based cladogram and biogeographical informa- cause the reduced are intermediate or general- tion; (4) the somewhat more simplistic and problem- ist in form. Thus, Dollo’s Rule (Hall, 2003) is at least atic selection of a surviving ancestor as one lacking methodologically applicable at the organismal level of autapomorphies on a polytomous morphological a unified combination of traits, while many individual clade (Wiley & Mayden, 2000: 157; discussion by morphological characters may be quite homoplastic Zander, 1998); or (5) the method of virtual fossils (Endress, 1996: 313). used here. The null hypothesis is a fully nested set of pheno- When exemplars of different taxa are clustered to- taxa, without indication of descent with modification gether on a molecular tree, it is impossible to satisfac- of such taxa (Fig. 1). The null hypothesis for the torily infer the phenotype of the shared ancestor or evolution of expressed traits in a genus is that any ancestors. It could be the phenotype of any one of the phenospecies may be derived from any other in spite exemplars or even of a taxon of entirely different phe- of any inferred phylogenetic trees, which give no def- notype. When exemplars of the same taxon are clus- inite information on the phenotype of any ancestor. tered together on a molecular tree, it is straight-for- Falsification of that null is demonstration of one or ward to infer that the phenotype of the immediate more phenoancestors diagramed (e.g., Fig. 5) by mov- shared ancestor is that of the exemplars, rather than ing these (along with all descendants) out of the group all exemplars resulting from multiple convergences as a linked sequence, and leaving a “residuum” of un- from an ancestor of a different phenotype. If the ex- ordered taxa. By extension, with less resolution, one emplars are all one species, the ancestor is that phenogenus of a family may be derived from any oth- species. If they are of different species of one genus, er, unless an ancestor is demonstrable. the ancestor may be inferred to be that genus; or if When exemplars of the same taxon (particularly of genera, then their family, and so on. If two such clus- the same species) are distant from each other on a ters are sister groups, one may infer a particular an- molecular tree, being separated by other taxa at least cestor for each of both clusters, but the phenotype of as sister lineages, the homoplasy is commonly either the immediate shared ancestor of the two clusters is explained as (1) evidence of that taxon or something impossible to infer. It could be one or the other or a quite like it being basal or ancestral to a portion of the different extinct or unstudied taxon of perhaps inter- cladogram, or (2) cryptic or sibling taxa that need dif- mediate phenotype. ferent taxonomic names. Textbook examples of the A solution may be found if exemplars of the same former are given by Futuyma (1998: 456, 470), citing taxon are separated by a lineage of a different pheno- Moritz & al. (1992) where coastal and Sierran Cali- taxon. And in spite of such separation (phylogenetic fornian subspecies of the salmander Ensatina es- disjunction) on a cladogram the exemplars of the for- chscholtzii “appear to have been derived from” subsp. mer paraphyletic taxon, when examined for possible oregonensis, and citing Hey & Kliman (1993) and Kli- mistaken taxonomy, remain assuredly that taxon. Giv- man and Hey (1993) for the Drosophila melanogaster en that the circumscription of traditional phenotaxa, species group where the paraphyletic D. simulans at least those of modern studies, commonly involve “gene copies are traced back to a ‘deeper’ common

Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 66(2): 263-277, julio-diciembre. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm.2224 Evolutionary Analysis 265

ancestor than in any other species.” Rieseberg and by Fig. 2; for traditional taxa A and X, phenotaxon A* Brouillet (1994) discuss mechanisms for evolution is ancestor of exemplars A1, X, and A2. Exemplar X is of monophyletic daughter taxa from paraphyletic inserted to indicate that heterophyly is methodologi- parental taxa through geographically local models of cally allowable though X is not strictly necessary for speciation. All this assumes that the molecular analy- inference of the virtual fossil A*, but heterophyly sis has accounted for any homoplasy introduced into demonstrates any descendents of the virtual fossil be- the analysis by inappropriate technique, e.g. wrong yond the exemplars of the same taxon. The same kind model (Alfaro & Huelsenbeck, 2006) or inappropri- of inference may be made for phenotaxon B, and then ate data, e.g., incomplete concerted evolution (Doyle, ancestors A* and B* are sequentially ordered on a 1996). molecular cladogram as diagramed in Fig. 2 to infer Nelson & al. (2003) refuted Brummitt’s (2002) as- macroevolution on the molecular tree. Convergence sertion that paraphyly implies an ancestor. They as- or parallelism occurring to develop what is essentially severate that “In practice, extinct ancestral taxa are the same taxon two or more times from a different seldom of concern, because organisms credibly repre- taxon or taxa, short of orthogenesis (an internal evo- senting them are seldom if ever in hand.” Here I lutionary goal), is here taken to have a much lower strongly suggest that exemplars of the same taxon that probability than existence of populations of surviving are distant on a molecular phylogenetic tree are cred- ancestors. Although evolution of trait combinations is ible representatives of ancestors of themselves and all doubtless ergodic (all possible combinations ex- lineages intermediate on the cladogram. An extensive plored, including duplication), evolutionary stasis of discussion of paraphyly and the possible inference of each of two isolated populations I believe is more ac- ancestry is given by Wiley & Mayden (2000), who ceptable an explanation of heterophyly given that wrote: “Only the paraphyletic taxa of evolutionary many traits, particularly those at higher taxonomic taxonomy can be ancestors”. It is clear, however, that levels are chosen as important in taxonomy for their if evolution is descent with modification, particularly conservative nature, perhaps because their DNA is of taxa rather than traits, then sister-group analysis more vigorously repaired than that of other traits. (cladistics) is only an indirect guide to evolution, Trait combinations, judging from evaluations of fossil while ancestor-descendant relationships are direct in- groups over time in the literature, apparently diverge ferences of evolution. from a “root” combination in a kind of drunkard’s Although imputing an ancestral status to para- phyletic taxa is not particularly new, a formal method for using heterophyly (i.e., either paraphyly or poly- phyly) as it implies an ancestor surviving in two or more isolated populations that may be used as a virtu- al fossil embedded in a molecular phylogenetic tree, ancestral to all dependent (more terminal on the tree) lineages on the cladogram, to create evolutionary or taxon trees. The alternative hypothesis is illustrated

Fig. 2. Demonstration cladogram of sequential evolution of taxa as inferred from heterophyly on a molecular cladogram. Exem- plars A1 and A2 , and B1 and B2 allow inferences of virtual fossils A* and B*, exhibiting sequential evolution of taxa A* from B* Fig. 1. A diagram of the null hypothesis of all taxa nested be- (when cladogram is rooted below B*). Exemplars X and Y are in- cause no evolutionary ordering of phenoancestors is inferable. terspersed to signal heterophyly in this contrived example. Alter- Molecular lineages can provide continuity between ancestors natively, again as a demonstration, A* and appended lineages but the phenotype (resolvable at some taxonomic level) of an- could replace Y, as a different but expected form of evolutionary cestors is unknown beyond the general feeling that ancestors nesting, with the molecular cladogram indicating the correct se- should be somewhat similar to nearby exemplars. quence.

Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 66(2): 263-277, julio-diciembre 2009. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm.2224 266 R.H. Zander walk (divergence distance a function of the square Hedenäs and Eldenäs (2007), but which are more root of elapsed time), restricted only by phylogenetic probably surviving phylogenetically and geographi- constraint (limitation on evolution of one complex or- cally disjunctive populations of shared ancestors. The ganism into another of much different complexity) isolated populations accumulate different DNA mu- and selection on some of the traits or their combina- tations over time but may be morphologically static tions. Conservative traits, phylogenetic constraint, through time through some process like stabilizing and a general slow divergence of trait combinations evolution (Foote & Miller, 2006). Persistence of some (except for static populations) act against fully cryptic or even a great proportion of evolutionarily static convergence in spite of clear convergence of some populations or species (Guillaumet & al., 2008; traits in response to adaptation to similar environ- Leschen & al., 2008; Shen & al., 2008) is implied by ments. the increasingly supported punctuated equilibrium The idea that sister lineages must have different theory of Eldredge and Gould (1972), Gould & taxonomic names if there is a split in a molecular tree Lewontin (1979), and Gould & Eldredge (1977, is purely definitional, because isolation does not en- 1993), which may be valid for many or most taxa, sure speciation unless speciation is simply defined as though gradual (Futuyma, 1998: 114) or stepwise isolation, and anagenesis is conceived in molecular transitions have been demonstrated (e.g., Deméré & phylogenetics as any changes in DNA, including non- al., 2008; Benton & Pearson, 2001). coding. In the present paper a molecular tree demon- The present paper emphasizes virtual fossils at the strates genetic continuity of lineages (to the extent it is genus level and above. Do supraspecific taxa evolve? reliable), but not necessarily series of speciation Discussions of selection at the genus level and above events. Macroevolution is best described by descent are given by Rensch (1960) and Stebbins (1974), with modification of taxa, not morphological traits at- while Stanley (1975) has promoted the idea of species omized on molecular tree. selection, with differential speciation rates for differ- An example of heterophyletic information on evo- ent species favoring those with high speciation rates, lution is the increasingly common discovery of what a kind of natural selection operating on species in are generally viewed as phylogenetically isolated cryp- supraspecific taxa rather than individuals in a po- tic species, e.g. the 14 cryptic or nearly cryptic species pulation. In the present paper, readers may view vir- of bryophytes recently found in by Shaw tual fossils as either simply representing populations (2001), also the cryptic species of Hedenäs (2008) and or species evolving in the past, or as higher taxa evolving by selective extinction of species, with re- sults similar to balancing, directional and disruptive selection. An autophyletic taxon is one that causes another taxon to be paraphyletic because of its recognition at a particular rank, a taxonomic level that indicates evo- lutionary importance due to particular unique au- tapomorphic traits. In a new classification of mosses by Goffinet & al. (2008), although the family name Ephemeraceae is used in their introduction in discus- sion of the evolutionary importance of its autapomor- phies, that name is entirely suppressed in the actual classification apparently because those autapomor- phies are of no value in determining sister-group rela- tionships (i.e., are not phylogenetically informative). Two other families, Cinclidotaceae and Splachnobry- aceae are entirely absent (the classification lacks syn- Fig. 3. Demonstration cladogram of a “double ancestor” or onymy) apparently because their exemplars are overlapping virtual fossils that may be explained by, in this in- imbedded in the Pottiaceae in other studies, thus stance, a very short and unresolved branch connecting B* and making them autophyletic and the Pottiaceae para- C*, due perhaps to punctuated equilibrium rather than double phyletic. The loss of evolutionary information on convergence. Exemplars C and C , which are paraphyletic be- 1 2 ancestor-descendant relationships (Dayrat, 2005) cause of autophyletic exemplar Z, which is sister to C1, infer an- cestor C*, which itself is embedded in or overlapping of ancestor flagged by these names apparently solely due to en- B*, inferred from phylogenetically disjunct exemplars B1 and B2. forcement of strict monophyly is particularly trou-

Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 66(2): 263-277, julio-diciembre. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm.2224 Evolutionary Analysis 267 bling as taxonomic classifications inform other fields, two exemplars of one taxon with an exemplar of a dif- such as biodiversity studies, evolution, biogeography, ferent taxon as sister group to one of them. The null and ecology. hypothesis (or state of nature) is that there is no phe- notypic descent with modification inferable, and all Methods phenotaxa are completely nested (Fig. 1). This is falsi- fied by demonstration that one of the extant pheno- The present method uses heterophyly of phenotaxa species represented by a pair of surviving ancestors to infer a surviving ancestor (Zander, 2008b) with in- distant on a molecular tree, implying a virtual fossil is between (bracketed) lineages seen as descendants. Es- “buried” in the cladogram, and any other taxa be- sentially, if one can map morphological traits proba- tween the two exemplars on the molecular tree are de- bilistically on a molecular tree, then mapping natural scendants. Molecular phylogenies provide the conti- taxa on a molecular tree as composites of many ex- nuity that allows creation of a taxon tree, which is a se- pressed traits is only prevented by intransigent insis- quentially organized, sometimes branching, ancestor- tence on phylogenetic monophyly, an artificial classifi- descendant diagram of named, diagnosable taxa. It is cation system. Thus, two exemplars of one species a phylogeny but not a cladogram in the sense that evo- that are separated on a molecular tree by an exemplar lutionary relationships of taxa represented by exem- of a different phenospecies imply a shared ancestor of plars are sequential, not based on relative distance all three that is identical or nearly identical to the two from shared unnamed ancestors. isophenes. A surviving ancestor at the genus level is Given the assumption that surviving taxa are more implied by two phylogenetically disjunctive (distant probable than convergence of taxa, rejection of the on a cladogram, heterophyletic) species of the same virtual fossil requires demonstration that the phyloge- genus. Minimally, a phylogenetic disjunction involves netically disjunctive isophenotype exemplars are dif-

Fig. 5. A taxon tree (stylized Besseyan cactus) of the Pottiaceae, showing heterophyletic ancestral taxa (starred) some of which are ancestral consensus taxa (“residua”) of assorted species (and sometimes genera) that cannot be further internally evolutionar- Fig. 4. Cladogram showing position of Dicranaceae virtual fossil ily ordered from available data. Many exemplar species (not (starred), and best resolvable taxon tree for Dicranaceae and de- shown) are also attached variously about the taxon tree, and scendant families. See text for details of trait changes in- may be inferred from the cladogram of Zander (2007a) or Wern- volved in macroevolution of these taxa. er & al. (2005).

Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 66(2): 263-277, julio-diciembre 2009. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm.2224 268 R.H. Zander ferent at the species level (minimally following a dif- c). Inferential demonstration of two ancestral pheno - ferent evolutionary track involving the phenotype, or species is made by the presence on a molecular tree of some other species definition that is not merely de- two pairs of such individually phylogenetically isolated fined by a split in a morphological or molecular tree), isophenes, implying two different ancestors, these, or come from different ancestors. Sometimes disjunc- ideally, ordered to show sequential evolution of one tion of exemplars of what are only apparently the from the other. With enough data, this can be extend- same taxa (species, genera, etc.) on a cladogram may ed to identification of many ancestral species in the represent taxa that should, after judicious considera- genus. Such ancestral phenotypes lead to a tree of vir- tion, be taxonomically separated into two. One must tual fossils, or a taxon tree, for instance exemplified as be aware, however, that any small number of, for in- a “Besseyan cactus” (Bessey, 1915; Zander, 2008b), stance, species might be split randomly into two perhaps, with enough data, along the lines of the im- groups and “generic descriptions” written that osten- pressive geologic fossil-based horse genealogy present- sibly describe such groups (in the main, and with ed by Futuyma (1998: 141) based on McFadden some contrary traits explained as “reversals”), but (1992). The analysis may be extended to higher taxo- such morphology may not comprise a robust pheno- nomic categories demonstrating multiple ancestors re- typic genus with conservative characteristic traits solvable only at the phenotypes of the higher taxo- more or less well gapped from related genera, com- nomic categories, where the virtual fossil is identifiable monly with a distinct evolutionary biorole. Although only to genus or higher. Clearly, to use the method, one the importance of gaps between taxa in taxonomy is must view heterophyly and homoplasy involving iso- sometimes deprecated as simply relying on ignorance, lated populations leading to apparent molecular paral- particularly when geologic fossils are part of an evolu- lelism or convergence as a common and expected re- tionary analysis (Gauthier, 2001: 33), an evolutionary sult of evolution (or sometimes non-evolution) of taxa. based taxonomy should reflect the present day results With study of increasing numbers of exemplars of par- of selection, not simply inferred genetic continuity. ticular taxa in any one molecular analysis, particularly Extinct taxa based on geologic fossils, though per- of geographically isolated populations or morphologi- haps well gapped from similar taxa in their day, have cally distant species, a complex tree of sequential evo- trait combinations that reflect evolutionary advan- lution of taxa may be demonstrated. tages of past bioroles in long gone habitats and com- Two kinds of ancestral taxa can be inferred for the petitive situations, and need to be fit as best possible taxon tree. (1) A poorly resolved consensus taxon, into present classifications as somewhat evolutionari- which is basically the diagnosis of the next higher tax- ly incongruent. An evolutionary taxonomy should be onomic category of a mixed group of phenotaxa for expected to change with geologic time. which the evolutionary sequence is unknown. A con- Apparent homoplasy of traditional groups, some- sensus ancestral taxon is simply the null hypothesis times ingenuously characterized as “massive,” in any of no evolutionary order based on expressed traits, molecular cladogram signals a possible surviving a nesting of all taxa, as in Fig. 1 and identified as a species, genus, family or other taxon (Zander 2007 b, “residuum” in other figures given here. (2) Surviving ancestors from which may be inferred an identical or nearly identical paraphyletic or even phylogenetically polyphyletic ancestor of the same rank. This would be, for example, one or more ancestral species in a genus, or ancestral genera in a subfamily or family. All such phenotype ancestors may be arranged in pro- gressive evolutionary diagrams with the help of reli- able molecular trees (Zander, 2007a). Cronquist (1975) contended that parallelism among closely re- lated taxa is of no import or consequence in taxono- my, and can be ignored. This agrees with the present paper in that parallelism implies no important ex- pressed evolutionary feature that must be reflected in taxonomy. Cronquist (1987) also supported recogni- tion of paraphyletic groups. A critique of his paper by Fig. 6. Grimmiaceae taxon tree based on Hernández-Maqueda Dongoghue and Cantino (1988) asserted among oth- & al. (2008). Heterophyletic inferred ancestors are starred. er things that paraphyletic groups “do not serve as an-

Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 66(2): 263-277, julio-diciembre. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm.2224 Evolutionary Analysis 269 cestors, and are unacceptable in the phylogenetic sys- Results tem.” The present paper rejects the former with a clear alternative, and suggests that the phylogenetic The evolutionary diagrams or taxon trees (Figs. system cannot adequately portray evolution. When 4-6) combine consensus ancestral taxa (labeled as morphological and molecular data agree, they may “residua”) with those inferred from heterophyly, simply be subject to the same bias (neutral evolution, which differ in being evolutionarily resolved through inference of descent with modification of taxa. The adaptive selection, and even convergence), but when ancestral taxa are linked using the genetic continuity they disagree (and are not simply due to error) then provided by phylogenetic information from molecu- new information may sometimes be deduced. lar analyses. Examination of published molecular Molecularly heterophyletic taxa can provide evolu- trees and exemplars named as traditional taxa com- tionary data just as parsimoniously informative traits monly demonstrates cladistic splitting of what are provide phylogenetic data. Phylogenetically poly- probably ancestral taxa at various ranks surviving to phyletic taxa are not of necessity evolutionarily poly- the present. With increasing numbers of exemplars phyletic – if the phylogenetically disjunct exemplars of particular taxa in recent molecular analyses, this are determined to be surely the same taxon in pheno- should become more evident. In the figures given type, then the inferred phenotypically identical ances- here, all linkages are well-supported in the molecular tor of these surviving populations completes the lin- analyses of the literature on which they are based, and eage as evolutionarily monophyletic in the sense of be- the here-inferred virtual fossils are denoted with a ing coherently ordered. When one or two lineages of star. a phylogenetically split taxon are renamed to enforce Zander (2008a) found that the Dicranaceae was the monophyly, however, as is now common practice, paraphyletic ancestor of two phylogenetically disjunc- evolutionary data is unfortunately hidden. There is no tive and well-supported reciprocally monophyletic empiric evidence supporting phylogenetic monophy- clades, the Dicranaceae s.str. and a lineage of general- ly as a thing in nature. On the other hand, reinterpret- ly small-sized taxa commonly referred to in phyloge- ing cladograms with somewhat older nomenclature netic literature as the “Rhabdoweisiaceae” but with that reflects morphology (or phenology, to include no agreed upon morphological diagnosis to distin- biorole) alone will best preserve evidence of hetero- guish it from the Dicranaceae. Dicranaceae is here de- phyly and its evolutionary information. scribed as a virtual fossil (conceivable as one or more The reliability of any pair of heterophyletic lineages populations resolved only with the morphology of this (or exemplars) implying a surviving ancestor depends family), and ancestor of the genera Amphidium and on the joint probability of the two lineages being in- Fissidens, and the families Calymperaceae, Grim- deed phylogenetically monophyletic and disjunct miaceae (as ), Leucobryaceae, and the Er- from each other by at least one internode (which sup- podiaceae and Pottiaceae together sharing a lineage ports a different taxon as a descendant). For example, (Fig. 4). Of course, the few exemplars provide poor in the cladogram ((A , B) A ) C, for two exemplars of sampling of the whole family, but may be considered 1 2 sufficient statistics for the phenotypic center of the species A, namely A and A , to be patristically distant 1 2 family. Thus, the more advanced members of the Di- by one internode such that they imply a shared ances- cranaceae, characterized by a morphological main tor A with B, depends on the probability of A1 and B line of evolution (Crum & Anderson 1980) of narrow, being sister groups on a molecular tree, while A1 and tapered leaves with a strong, single costa and often in- A2 must also be involved in calculation of joint proba- flated alar cells, and flat, forking peristome teeth that bility if these are lineages of multiple species and there are vertically pitted-striolate, gave rise to the (1) Leu- is uncertainty that these are not phylogenetically cobryaceae, with glaucous leaves, leaf hydroid strand monophyletic. In the preliminary survey here, reliabil- absent, costa very broad, laminal cells strongly differ- ity is commonly quite good for most virtual fossil in- entiated into chlorophyllose and hyaline cells; and (2) ferences but, because the method is new, statistical Calymperaceae, with stem central strand absent, lam- power in distinguishing possible evolutionary features inal cells sometimes papillose, hyaline cancellinae jux- is emphasized over reliability of the taxon tree (see tacostally, peristome of 16 segments that are variously discussion of statistical power by Zander, 2007a). ornamented; and (3) Erpodiaceae, being cladocarpic, For this study, several published cladograms were lacking a costa, laminal cells commonly papillose; and examined to search for inferable sequential evolution- (4) Pottiaceae, with twisted peristome, and leaves ary relationships from evidence of surviving ances- with enlarged basal cells and papillose distal cells. The tors. less advanced members of the Dicranaceae that gave

Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 66(2): 263-277, julio-diciembre 2009. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm.2224 270 R.H. Zander rise to Amphidium, Fissidens, and Grimmiaceae are moideae’s stem section showing poor sclerodermis presently much reduced in morphology and it may be development, nearly homogeneous central cylinder presumptuous to detail trait changes. A main evolu- cells and a small or absent central strand, leaves shal- tionary theme, therefore, among families evolving lowly channeled adaxially, differentiated basal laminal from Dicranaceae involves differentiation and elabo- cells commonly extending to a greater or lesser extent ration of laminal cells (and often the costa) by infla- up the margins, and hydroids usually lacking in the tion or ornamentation. costa. Thus, both Barbula and Pseudocrossidium rep- Phylogenetically disjunct taxa in molecular studies resent deeply buried ancestral taxa, resolvable only as of Werner & al. (2004) and Werner & al. (2005) of the Barbuleae, which would then be the ancestral group Pottiaceae were translated into virtual fossils and of the remainder of the tree (an unordered group dis- these figured as a “Besseyan cactus” by Zander tinguishable only as Pottioideae but with Pottieae ap- (2008b) but here presented more simply (Fig. 5). The parently derived from Barbuleae), including the Cin- basal “Pottiaceae residuum” is an unordered group clidotaceae. out of which many Pottiaceae taxa have been isolated In the Trichostomoideae, Pseudosymblepharis is de- as virtual fossils (starred). It is established by the rived from Trichostomum tenuirostre through Chio - strong disjunction on the phylogenetic tree of Tim- noloma by narrowing of the leaves (narrowest in Pseu- mielloideae and the remainder of the Pottiaceae (Zan- dosymblepharis), thickening of the cells of the stem der, 2007a). The Timmielloideae are derived from the central cylinder, thickening of the ventral costal most basal elements of Pottiaceae through elabora- stereid band, elaboration of basal laminal cells, and tion of the laminal cells and reversal of peristome apparently convergent (with Tortella) elaboration of twist; together with the at least tentative identification the marginal band of hyaline cells. Arising from the of Pseudocrossidium as having the apparently primi- Trichostomoideae residuum by monoicy, sharply in- tive traits of broad leaves, commonly ovate to elliptic curved distal laminal margins, and adaxially bulging leaves, rather small distal laminal cells, small size or laminal cells, Weissia controversa Hedw. is apparently absence of the adaxial costal stereid band, crescent the ancestor of a number of species of Weissia (not shape of the abaxial stereid band, and lamina yellow shown). From the Tortella residuum, T. tortuosa or orange (with occasional red spots) in KOH; and di- (Hedw.) Limpr. and T. fragilis (Drumm.) Limpr. joint- rectly giving rise to Trichostomoideae (narrow, plane ly (as a poorly resolved ancestor) give rise to T. incli- or marginally incurved leaves with two stereid bands), nata; note that T. fragilis may be easily mistaken for T. Pottioideae (broad leaves with recurved margins). tortuosa when young (Eckel, 1998) and thus the poor The Ephemeraceae (highly reduced morphologically resolution here may be in identification of the exem- and adapted to evanescent moist habitats) is derived plars. Pleurochaete is clearly derived from Tortella, from elements of the Trichostomoideae. though not directly from T. tortuosa, through pleuro- Three species of Barbula are heterophyletic in the carpy and elaboration of the hyaline band of marginal same manner as Pseudocrossidium species, with B. bol- laminal cells that does not meld with the basal cells. leana (Müll. Hal.) Broth. (B. sect. Hydrogonium) and Descendents of the Pottioideae include: (1) the B. indica (Hook.) Spreng. (B. sect. Convolutae) placed family Cinclidotaceae, adapted to aquatic or other- with the Trichostomoideae, and B. unguiculata Hedw. wise hygric habitats; (2) the Barbuleae, with narrow, (B. sect. Barbula) with the Pottioideae. The hetero- marginally recurved leaves having two stereid bands phyly plus the fact that the laminal margins are flat in leading to Leptodontieae, which have squarrose sections Hydrogonium and Convolutae like those of leaves, commonly lack a stem central strand and ven- Trichostomoideae, but recurved in sect. Barbula as tral costal epidermis, and have reduced peristomes; per Pottioideae, indicated that the two sections of Bar- and (3) the Pottieae, with broad leaves and one costal bula may represent to different genera. A study, how- stereid band, from which are derived Tortula, with ever, rejects this in that all species are correctly placed stem sclerodermis and hyalodermis both absent, cos- in Barbula, or at least the Pottioideae, by the stem sec- ta transverse section and dorsal stereid band both tion with strong sclerodermis, large cells of outer cen- rounded, hydroid strand usually present, distal por- tral cylinder grading into smaller cells within and a tion of leaves KOH yellow, peristome and capsule in a strong central strand, leaves deeply grooved along the reduction series, which is itself the ancestor of Chenia, adaxial surface of the costa, differentiated basal lami- characterized by leaves with sharply pointed marginal nal cells extending farthest distally midway between teeth ending in a papilla but laminal cells mostly costa and leaf margin, and hydroids evident in the smooth, leaf ending in a more or less distinct spinose costal section. This is opposed to the Trichosto- cell with thickened walls, upper portion of leaf KOH

Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 66(2): 263-277, julio-diciembre. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm.2224 Evolutionary Analysis 271 red. The overall taxon tree seems to fit in broad out- erophyletic exemplars as evolutionary information is lines the morphological cladogram of the family by still in early days. Zander (1993), but of course the latter does not iden- Examination of a study (Hernández-Maqueda & tify ancestors. al., 2008) of genera of the moss family Grimmiaceae Certain families in Fig. 5 (as “Dicranaceae and oth- and related families allowed inference of a rather un- ers”) appear to arise from the Pottiaceae residuum, in- ambiguous or well-nested evolutionary taxon tree cluding the Dicranaceae, Fissidentaceae, Grimmi- (Fig. 6) of heterophyletic taxa. The Grimmiaceae aceae, , Seligeriaceae, and War- residuum brackets on the molecular tree and is the an- diaceae. These apparently contradict Fig. 4, which de- cestor of (i.e., is heterophyletic and includes as de- rives Pottiaceae from the Dicranaceae. This is because scendant lineages), Campylosteliaceae and Ptychomi- the Timmielloideae are more basal than these families triaceae (bracketed by and Indusiella) by one reliable internode in the analysis of published while Grimmia brackets Schistidium and Coscinodon. molecular cladograms by Zander (2007a), on which The latter brackets Hydrogrimmia. Fig. 5 is based, while Fig. 4 does not include the In a study of the moss family Hypopterygiaceae, strongly basal Timmielloideae in its molecular data Shaw & al. (2008) analyzed six nuclear, plastid and set. If Timmielloideae were included in Fig. 4, it mitochondrial nucleotide sequences of 32 exemplars would doubtless be basal to the Dicranaceae, possibly and found that of four species of , two resulting in a “double ancestor” (diagramed in Fig. 3 were paired near the base of the strongly supported and see discussion) of internodes of Dicranaceae mor- cladogram and two were buried deeply among 10 ex- phology inserted as a unit within the lineage of Potti- emplars of the genus . Although Shaw aceae morphology. Such double or superimposed an- & al. chose to simply transfer the two species bracket- cestors may be best explained by rapid bursts of evo- ed in Hypopterigium to that genus to preserve mono- lution and associated unresolved short branches cou- phyly, it is clear that the cladogram is also evidence of pled with long stasis of isolated populations, confused Cyathophorum being a heterophyletic genus ancestral in analysis by long-branch attraction. In fact, such ful- to several genera bracketed by it in the cladogram (Ar- ly collapsed nested ancestry would be an expected busculohypopterygium, Canalohypopterygium, Catha- outcome of punctuated equilibrium combined with rom nion, Dendrohypotperygium, Hypopterygium, Lo- multiple isolated static populations, and may be taken pidium) while itself has one of these (Hypopterygium) as additional evidence in support of that theory. Much as ancestor of two of its species. This scenario may be nesting due to collapse because of many short branch- described as another “double ancestor” (see Fig. 3) es may be a measure of the relative amount of punctu- similar to that discussed above with Dicranaceae and ated equilibrium versus gradual change. Additional Pottiaceae. In any case, there are two reasons not to explanations that might be explored are ancestral bal- accept the transfer of the two species of Cyathopho- ancing selection, long-term or latter-day low levels of rum to Hypopterygium: (1) preserving phylogenetic hybridization between isolated populations, or a monophyly is insufficient reason not to recognize dif- problem with analysis of genetic continuity such as ferences at the genus level (particularly when the same lack of data resulting in an unresolved phylogenetic level of difference is recognized elsewhere in the branch connecting the Pottiaceae and Dicranaceae cladogram), and (2) inference of a shared isopheno- virtual fossils, or data-destroying extinctions, or by typic ancestor is an explanation far more plausible more exotic possibilities such as lateral gene transfer, than total re-evolution of a combination of several ma- or epigenetic reversion by reactivation of silenced jor morphological traits (including anisophylly and genes (Caporale, 1993, 2003; Zander, 2007d). The differentiated laminal border) to converge at the possibility of explanations alternative to convergence, genus level, when such a combination of traits is or in this case double convergence, must be counte- known to be so conservative as to be valuable ta- nanced, even though convergence as parallelism from xonomically. Although a two or three unique traits a shared ancestor (B* or C*in Fig. 3) is quite possible may be assigned to the two autapomorphic Cyatho - through two or more identical events of allopoly- phorum species, the possibility that these are simply ploidy over time, or when the same niche is twice in- randomly selected from among all species of the volved in speciation from the same ancestor. Certain- genus as a multiple tests problem in statistics (Zander, ly additional data should be pursued to help resolve 2007a) has never been evaluated. Because the two this problem. The particular scientific interest in this species of Cyathophorum are embedded deeply in Hy- discrepancy lies in examination of various mecha- popterygium, abrupt re-evolution through reactiva- nisms that explain such contradiction. The use of het- tion of an evolutionarily advantageous suppressed

Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 66(2): 263-277, julio-diciembre 2009. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm.2224 272 R.H. Zander trait complex (Zander, 2007d). Although this appears rise to complex molecular lineages involving the gen- to be true evolutionary po lyphyly, it may also be a case era Atrichum, Italiella, Meiotrichum, Notoligotrichum, of true saltative evolution (Zander, in prep.). See Vrba Psilopiloum, and Steereobryon, and also to another (1984) for discussion of linked suites of characters virtual fossil resolvable as the genus Pogonatum, with heterochronic variation. which itself gave rise to Eopolytrichum and Poly- A molecular evaluation (Harris, 2008) of the moss trichastrum. family Mniaceae demonstrated that Plagiomnium This has been an introduction of the use of appar- maximoviczii is paraphyletic. If the phylogenetically ent surviving ancestors to infer at least short evolu- disjunct exemplars are interpreted as surviving popu- tionary series of macroevolution in mosses and posing lations of the same ancestor, then P. maximoviczii some interesting questions that are amenable to fur- (Lindb.) T.J. Kop. has given rise to several species in- ther research given the existence of living representa- cluding P. cordatum T.J. Kop. & D.H. Norris, P. inte- tives of inferred ancestors. Other publications exist grum (Bosch & Sande Lac.) T.J. Kop., P. novae-zealan- that include large numbers of exemplars that could al- diae (Colenso) T.J. Kop., P. rhynchophorum (Harv.) low evolutionary inferences at the species or genus T.J. Kop., P. rostratum (Schrad.) T.J. Kop., and P. vesi- level, but the nomenclature may be already be much catum (Besch.) T.J. Kop. Plagiomnium integrum, how- modified to fit phylogenetic strictures of monophyly ever, also survives in two ancestral populations phylo- (e.g. Huttunen & al., 2004) or the support values may genetically distant on the cladogram, which imply a not be quite high enough for adequate resolution (e.g. virtual fossil overlapping that of P. maximoviczii. Gardiner & al., 2005), requiring additional analysis Again, there is apparent double convergence (be- (e.g. following Zander, 2007a) more appropriate for a tween three lineages with the morphology of P. maxi- different paper. moviczii and two with the morphology of P. integrum, which is almost certainly less probable an explanation Discussion than, for instance, punctuated equilibrium among That mosses may exhibit evidence of punctuated multiple surviving ancestors, ancestral balancing se- evolution (bursts of speciation followed by long sta- lection or hybridization, or the polyploidy discussed sis) is supported by geologic fossil evidence. Although for other taxa in the Harris (2008) paper. Although mosses have changed little in the past 300 million each of the last two species is attributed morphologi- years, the oldest from the Upper Devonian and prin- cal and ecological differences between at least some cipal groups distinguishable before the end of the Pa- geographically disjunct populations, this phenome- leozoic (Lacey, 2008), of 40 Miocene and 79 Pliocene non warrants additional attention. Given that P. max- known European species of mosses (Dickson, 1973), imoviczii is thrice heterophyletic and P. integrum all but four are modern taxa (Frahm, 1994). Recently twice in the Harris (2008) molecular cladogram, the an Andean moss species “indistinguishable from the relationship may be an important evolutionary labora- extant Drepanocladus longifolius” was found in mid- tory for further research. Miocene deposits of continental Antarctica (Lewis & Even papers with no or little indication of reliabili- al., 2008). The Madeiran endemic Brachythecium per- ty of molecular phylogenies can offer hypotheses or at currens Hedenäs, on the basis of fossil calibration and least instruction, though emphasis on statistical pow- absolute rates of nucleotide exchange, is apparently a er (Zander, 2007a), that can be pursued with more relictual Eocene species with static morphology over data and deeper taxonomic coverage. For instance, a the past 40 million years, well before the present habi- combined molecular and morphological study of Po- tat emerged from the sea (Vanderpoorten & al., 2009). gonatum by Koshinen & Hyvönen (2004) found ex- According to Konopka & al. (1998), extant moss fam- emplars of P. pennsylvanicum (W. Bartram ex Hedw.) ilies, and in some cases extant genera of mosses diver- P. Beauv. polyphyletic. Closer analysis found that the sified by the Late Cretaceous. It is well known that heterophyly was due to the lack of data on one se- continental disjunctions of moss species and genera quence for one (of three) exemplar of that species. A apparently parallel at those taxonomic levels those of molecular-morphological phylogeny of the Poly- vascular genera and families (Herzog, 1926). trichales by Hyvönen & al. (2004) demonstrated het- This “slow evolution” of mosses may be due to strong erophyly that was discussed by the authors as possibly stabilizing evolution associated with narrow niches due to long-branch attraction. The alternative expla- and microhabitats. nation of multiple surviving ancestors postulated in Assumed in such standard phylogenetic terminolo- the present paper suggests that a deep virtual fossil gy as “sister groups” and “shared ancestry” is the idea (resolvable at the genus level of) Oligotrichum give that products of evolution signaled by phylogenetic

Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 66(2): 263-277, julio-diciembre. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm.2224 Evolutionary Analysis 273 splitting must be new taxa, and there are no or very master & al., 2006) may indeed be associated later few surviving ancestors. Phylogenetically disjunctive with diagnosable morphological or life history traits exemplars of the same taxon showing “massive homo- (Hebert & al., 2004; Hillis & al., 1996: 519). One plasy” of phenotypic traits on published molecular must be wary, however, of multiple-test problems, in cladograms, on the other hand, apparently contra- that there may be two alternative morphological sets vene Dollo’s Law (Hall, 2003) that complex traits can- of traits associated with phylogenetic recognition of not be expected to re-evolve (short of invoking ortho- nearly any two different almost fully cryptic groups genesis). These may be taken, in fact, as probabilistic but molecular support is not support for one of them evidence of deeply buried shared ancestral taxa, al- simply because morphology and DNA by chance though such heterophyly is commonly interpreted in agree (Zander, 2007a, c). In many cases, on the other phylogenetics as calling for massive rearrangements in hand, the species remain fully cryptic, that is, phy - classification. At the genus and species level, phyloge- logenetically disjunctive isophenes (e.g. Elmer & netic nesting on the basis of molecular trait changes al., 2007). may be accurate, but any one ancestral species may be Presently, the emphasis in phylogenetics is on using phylogenetically complex, e.g., the domestic cat parsimony or coalescent theory Bayesian analysis on species (Driscoll & al., 2007), any split in a molecular data sets of randomly mutating DNA sequence traits lineage may involve one or more populations of a sur- that theoretically track lineages of phenotypic or at viving ancestor, and “evolution” as changes in mostly least biological speciation. Although such molecular non-coding DNA base changes is scarcely as impor- lineages apparently are statistically demonstrable, tant to systematics as descent of taxa with modifica- when conflicts occur with the results of morphologi- tion of expressed traits. Molecular lineages, however, cal analyses or when resolution is needed in morpho- do provide a window on genetic continuity, except, of logical analyses, the relationship between a molecular course, in the case of hybridization or lateral gene split and a speciation event is commonly based solely transfer, in which case other data must be used to re- on the biological species concept requiring speciation solve incongruities. after an event of isolation (e.g., as criticized by Riese- A virtual fossil is an inferred taxonomically diag- berg & Burke, 2001). This does not apply to many if nosable direct ancestor. It comprises two or more not most groups of organisms. Systematics is gradual- nodes on a molecular tree, and has the same or higher ly becoming based primarily on this molecular foun- rank than that represented by the two or more extant dation, isolating itself from fields, such as population exemplars. Virtual fossil analysis is independent of biology, ecology, evolution, and biogeography, that in- species concept, except phylogenetic species con- vestigate or use theories of evolution based largely on cepts intolerant of the concept of a single taxon being expressed traits. Theories in science, particularly qua- present in two or more molecular lineages at once. si-experimental (Cook & Campbell, 1979) or histori- This includes incomplete reciprocal monophyly cal fields whose assumptions and results are not di- where the populations of differentiating species may rectly verifiable, are often easily generated and if in- be initially paraphyletic but assumes, sometimes ternally consistent may be sustained by pure reason in wrongly, that eventual extinction of assorted genetic the absence of empiric data (Hey, 2001). This is par- lines must lead to monophyly. It is possible that virtu- ticularly true in systematics where the theoretic scaf- al fossils, like geologic fossils, may be dated. Certainly folding for progression of evolutionary change in a minimum date would be an estimate of the length of species is poorly resolved or understood because of a time that molecularly different populations of isophe- lack of facts, beyond that of evolution itself, and thus notypic exemplars were isolated, e.g. that of continen- fact-based theory. Pieces of the puzzle are easily filled tal drift. Given a molecular clock, even if appro- in by appeal to simplicity, a fancied similarity to the ximate, other methods could be used to date shared Principle of Least Action in physics. The latter, how- ancestors of heterophyletic exemplars of the same ever, is quite solidly based in observation, while parsi- taxon. mony of tree length, or probabilities of branch coales- Promoters of the use of molecular phylogenies in cence, are at a remove from corroborative observa- systematics commonly invoke the idea of “cryptic tions of details of descent with modification of taxa as species” for what is here interpreted as shared to their expressed or unexpressed traits. phenotaxon ancestry involving surviving ancestors According to Arendt & Resnick (2007), because (species, genera, etc.). In many cases cryptic species genomic analysis has demonstrated that the same discovered with molecular analysis such as barcoding genes may be involved in the same phenotypic adap- (Hebert & Gregory, 2005; Kress & al., 2005; New- tation in phylogenetically distant groups of animals,

Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 66(2): 263-277, julio-diciembre 2009. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm.2224 274 R.H. Zander while different genes are apparently the source of the might be expected to similarly diverge in molecular same phenotypic adaptation in related groups, the traits but retain phenological characteristics. usual distinction between parallelism and conver- It is here hoped that the difficult task of retrodict- gence (parallelism expected to be based on the same ing phenotypic evolution of taxa diagnosed by ex- genomic pathways, and convergence on different) pressed traits is not abandoned in adhering to the past breaks down. The authors recommend that “conver- paradigm change of substituting molecular phyloge- gence” should be the general term. As this applies to nies for taxon trees in systematics. Declaring a diffi- the present paper, evolution of the phenotype may be cult problem solved by simply changing the matter quite disconnected from evolution of the genotype under scientific investigation because a different though remaining based on it. Although homologous problem is more tractable is not helpful and is even features are derived from common ancestors, non- doubtfully a paradigm change since different subjects homologous features may also, and, if these are part of are addressed. the same lineage, they are not convergent (or parallel) It is only an importunate homage on the part of but simply are substitutions of one gene system for an- phylogeneticists to their sister-group analytic method other in support of the same evolutionary feature as that requires enforcement of strict phylogenetic no more than a kind of anagenesis along one line of monophyly (holophyly) in modern classifications, evolution, this tracked by the molecular data. Conver- splitting, excising, or reducing in rank taxa that gence is indeed the general term but the phenomenon should have unique evolutionary traits flagged at an is informative, not confounding. appropriate level in classification. Because ancestor- Watson (1913) presented a long list of morpholog- descendant relationships and lineages probably af- ical features of mosses that he inferred to be adapta- fected by punctuated equilibria are not recognized in tions to periodic drying of habitats. Patterson (1964), phylogenetic classification, a major source of evolu- however, in a review of experimental studies, con- tionary information is gradually being deleted from cluded that physiological responses were far more the classifications that inform biodiversity and evolu- important than morphological traits in determining tionary study. This isolates systematics, which resistance to desiccation, suggesting that Watson’s presently cannot or will not provide a general-pur- list of traits lacked any basis in fact. Anderson (1974), pose classification. on the other hand, in a review of experimental physi- Hull (1979) has pointed out that genealogy and di- ology, suggested that the morphology of mosses is vergence cannot both be represented in a classifica- probably of some importance in determining their tion and be separately retrievable. Although this is ability to live in dry habitats. Certainly many Pot - true, the existence of ancillary cladograms and taxon tiaceae with apparent elaborate adaptations to trees allows distinction of which taxa are flagged by harsh environments (leaves with hair points, papillae, higher taxonomic level because they are sister groups and inflated basal cells, reduced capsules with lar- to major lineages or because they are significantly ge spores) grow side-by-side with Bryaceae and Di - unique autophyletic descendants. A classification trichaceae, these with little apparent morphologi- including both types are information would be of cal adaptation. With the present technique detail- greater value to ecologists, morphologists, evolution- ing macroevolution, however, correlations of trait ists, students of evol-devo, teachers, government, and changes and habitat may prove illustrative of selec- so on, certainly of greater pragmatic value than a spe- tion on the basis of morphology rather than phy- cial-purpose classification of interest largely only to siology. phylogeneticists. Tests of the virtual fossil method need to be devel- oped. Of course the most obvious tests are whether Acknowledgements the method (a) fits the facts, which it does as dis- cussed above, and (b) whether it melds well with evo- I thank R.K. Brummitt, R. Mesibov, and others for comments lutionary theory. Although evolution is a fact, theory on various drafts of this paper. The abiding encouragement of P.M. Eckel is much appreciated. Thanks are due the Missouri on the mechanisms of evolution is still in vigorous Botanical Garden for on-going support of this research. flux (Gould, 1983), and it is here hoped that the in- ferred relationships of virtual fossils on molecular trees might illuminate aspects of such theory given References that surviving ancestors are available for study. A sec- Alfaro, M.E. & Huelsenbeck J. P. 2006. Comparative performance ond test might involve co-evolution of organisms and of Bayesian and AIC-based measured of phylogenetic model their parasites, pollinators, or predators; the latter uncertainty. Systematic Biology 55: 89-96.

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Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 66(2): 263-277, julio-diciembre 2009. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm.2224