中國中車股份有限公司 CRRC CORPORATION LIMITED (A Joint Stock Limited Company Incorporated in the People’S Republic of China with Limited Liability) (Stock Code: 1766)

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中國中車股份有限公司 CRRC CORPORATION LIMITED (A Joint Stock Limited Company Incorporated in the People’S Republic of China with Limited Liability) (Stock Code: 1766) Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. 中國中車股份有限公司 CRRC CORPORATION LIMITED (a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock code: 1766) 2019 FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT This announcement is made pursuant to Rules 13.09(2) and 13.10B of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Hong Kong Stock Exchange”) and the inside information provisions under Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong). The 2019 first quarterly report of CRRC Corporation Limited (the “Company”or “CRRC”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) is set out below. The financial report is prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises of the PRC and is unaudited. By order of the Board CRRC Corporation Limited Liu Hualong Chairman Beijing, the PRC 29 April 2019 As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the Company are Mr. Liu Hualong, Mr. Sun Yongcai and Mr. Xu Zongxiang; the non-executive director is Mr. Liu Zhiyong; and the independent non-executive directors are Mr. Li Guo’an, Mr. Wu Zhuo and Mr. Sun Patrick. —1— I. IMPORTANT NOTICE 1.1 The board of directors (the “Board”), the supervisory committee, the directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company shall warrant that the information stated in this quarterly report is true, accurate, complete and without any false representation, misleading statement or material omission, and assume several and joint liabilities. 1.2 This report has been considered and approved by the tenth meeting of the second session of the Board of the Company. All directors of the Company attended the Board meeting. 1.3 The Chairman of the Company, Liu Hualong, the person in charge of accounting affairs, Zhan Yanjing, and the person responsible for the accounting department (head of the accounting department), Wang Jian, hereby warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the financial statements contained in this quarterly report. 1.4 The first quarterly report of the Company is unaudited. II. BASIC INFORMATION OF THE COMPANY 2.1 Major Financial Information Unit: RMB’000 Currency: RMB Change as at the end of the reporting As at the end period as of the compared to reporting the end of last period As at the end of last year year (%) After adjustment Before adjustment Total assets 377,226,401 357,523,050 357,523,050 5.51 Net assets attributable to shareholders of the listed Company 130,451,387 128,457,695 128,457,695 1.55 —2— From the beginning of Change as the year to the compared to end of the From the beginning of last year to the the same reporting end of the reporting period of last period of last period year year (%) After adjustment Before adjustment Net cash flow from operating activities -4,455,488 -9,400,797 -9,389,000 — Revenue from operations 39,667,781 32,922,913 32,922,913 20.49 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed Company 1,780,042 1,269,526 1,270,700 40.21 Net profit after non-recurring profit or loss attributable to shareholders of the listed Company 1,483,545 1,008,863 1,010,037 47.05 Return on weighted increase of average net assets 0.34 percentage (%) 1.38 1.04 1.04 points Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.06 0.04 0.04 50.00 Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.06 0.04 0.04 50.00 Note: On 26 December 2018, CRRC Sifang Institute Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, completed the acquisition of 51% equity interest of Qingdao CNR Hitachi Rail Communication Signal Co., Ltd., which is a company controlled by CRRC GROUP Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the Company. The acquisition constitutes a business combination under same control, accordingly, the data for the corresponding period of pervious year have been restated according to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. —3— Non-recurring profit and loss items and amounts ߛ Applicable Ⅺ Not applicable Unit: RMB’000 Currency: RMB Amount for the current Item period Profit or loss on disposal of non-current assets -9,742 Government subsidies recognized in current profit or loss excluding those closely related to the Company’s normal business operations and granted on an ongoing basis under the national policies with standard amount or quantity 218,187 Apart from hedging instruments relating to the normal operating business of the Company, gain and loss from change in fair value of held-for-trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, held-for-trading financial liabilities and derivative financial liabilities, and investment income from disposal of held-for-trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, held-for-trading financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities and other debt investments 105,750 Net income and expenses arising from donation -12 Other non-operating income and expenses excluding the items above 41,808 Effect of minority shareholders’ interests (after tax) -18,026 Effect of income tax -41,468 Total 296,497 2.2 Total number of shareholders, particulars of shareholdings of the top ten shareholders and of the top ten shareholders of tradable shares (or shareholders not subject to trading moratorium) as at the end of the reporting period Unit: Share Total number of shareholders Note 1 836,205 —4— Particulars of shareholdings of the top ten shareholders Number of shares Number of shares held subject to Pledged or frozen Name of shareholders (full held as at the end Percentage trading Status of Nature of name) of the period (%) moratorium shares Number shareholder CRRC GROUP Co., Ltd. (中國 14,429,518,023 50.28 705,052,878 Nil — State-owned legal 中車集團有限公司) person HKSCC NOMINEES 4,360,138,239 15.19 — Unknown — Foreign legal LIMITED Note 2 person China Securities Finance 858,958,326 2.99 — Unknown — State-owned legal Corporation Limited (中國 person 證券金融股份有限公司) CNIC Corporation Limited (國 364,355,330 1.27 — Unknown — State-owned legal 新投資有限公司) person CRRC Financial and Securities 329,763,427 1.15 — Nil — State-owned legal Investment Co., Ltd. (中車 person 金證投資有限公司) Central Huijin Asset 304,502,100 1.06 — Unknown — State-owned legal Management Ltd. (中央匯金 person 資產管理有限責任公司) Shanghai Xinghan Asset - 235,017,626 0.82 235,017,626 Unknown — Unknown Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. - China Industrial International Trust Limited (上海興瀚資產-興業銀行-興 業國際信託有限公司) Bosera Funds - Agricultural 234,982,900 0.82 — Unknown — Unknown Bank of China — Bosera China Securities and Financial Assets Management Plan (博時基 金-農業銀行-博時中證金融 資產管理計劃) E Fund - Agricultural Bank of 234,982,900 0.82 — Unknown — Unknown China - E Fund China Securities and Financial Assets Management Plan (易方達基金-農業銀行-易方 達中證金融資產管理計劃) Dacheng Fund - Agricultural 234,982,900 0.82 — Unknown — Unknown Bank of China — Dacheng China Securities and Financial Assets Management Plan (大成基 金-農業銀行-大成中證金融 資產管理計劃) —5— Number of shares Number of shares held subject to Pledged or frozen Name of shareholders (full held as at the end Percentage trading Status of Nature of name) of the period (%) moratorium shares Number shareholder Harvest Fund - Agricultural 234,982,900 0.82 — Unknown — Unknown Bank of China — Harvest China Securities and Financial Assets Management Plan (嘉實基 金-農業銀行-嘉實中證金融 資產管理計劃) GF Fund - Agricultural Bank 234,982,900 0.82 — Unknown — Unknown of China - GF China Securities and Financial Assets Management Plan (廣發基金-農業銀行-廣發中 證金融資產管理計劃) Zhongou Asset - Agricultural 234,982,900 0.82 — Unknown — Unknown Bank of China — Zhongou China Securities and Financial Assets Management Plan (中歐基 金-農業銀行-中歐中證金融 資產管理計劃) China AMC - Agricultural 234,982,900 0.82 — Unknown — Unknown Bank of China — China AMC China Securities and Financial Assets Management Plan (華夏基 金-農業銀行-華夏中證金融 資產管理計劃) Yinhua Fund - Agricultural 234,982,900 0.82 — Unknown — Unknown Bank of China — Yinhua China Securities and Financial Assets Management Plan (銀華基 金-農業銀行-銀華中證金融 資產管理計劃) China Southern Asset 234,982,900 0.82 — Unknown — Unknown Management - Agricultural Bank of China — China Southern Asset Management China Securities and Financial Assets Management Plan (南方基 金-農業銀行-南方中證金融 資產管理計劃) ICBCCS Fund - Agricultural 234,982,900 0.82 — Unknown — Unknown Bank of China — ICBCCS China Securities and Financial Assets Management Plan (工銀瑞信 基金-農業銀行-工銀瑞信中 證金融資產管理計劃) —6— Particulars of shareholdings of the top ten shareholders not subject to trading moratorium Number of tradable shares held not subject to trading Class and number of shares Name of shareholder moratorium Class Number CRRC GROUP Co., Ltd. (中國中 13,724,465,145 Ordinary 13,724,465,145 車集團有限公司) shares denominated in RMB HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED 4,360,138,239 Overseas 4,360,138,239 Note 2 listed foreign invested shares China Securities Finance 858,958,326 Ordinary 858,958,326 Corporation Limited (中國證券 shares 金融股份有限公司) denominated in RMB CNIC Corporation Limited (國新 364,355,330 Ordinary 364,355,330 投資有限公司) shares denominated in RMB CRRC Financial and Securities 329,763,427 Ordinary 329,763,427 Investment Co., Ltd. (中車金證 shares 投資有限公司) denominated in RMB Central Huijin Asset Management 304,502,100 Ordinary 304,502,100 Ltd. (中央匯金資產管理有限責 shares 任公司) denominated in RMB —7— Number of tradable shares held not
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