Annual Report, and They Severally and Jointly Accept Legal Responsibility for the Truthfulness, Accuracy and Completeness of Its Contents
(A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability) Stock Code: 1618 * For identification purpose only IMPORTANT NOTICE I. The Board and the Supervisory Committee of the Company and its Directors, Supervisors and senior management warrant that there are no false representations, misleading statements contained in or material omissions from the information set out in this annual report, and they severally and jointly accept legal responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of its contents. II. The Company convened the 14th meeting of the third session of the Board on 31 March 2020. All Directors of the Company attended the meeting. III. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA LLP issued an unqualified audit report to the Company. IV. Guo Wenqing, the Chairman and legal representative of the Company, Zou Hongying, the Vice President and the Chief Accountant of the Company, and Fan Wanzhu, the Deputy Chief Accountant and the Head of the Financial Planning Department, have declared that they warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the financial report contained in this annual report. V. The proposal for profit distribution or transfer of capital reserve to share capital for the Reporting Period was considered by the Board The net profit attributable to Shareholders of the Company in the audited consolidated statement of MCC in 2019 amounted to RMB6,599,712 thousand and the undistributed profit of MCC headquarters amounted to RMB1,920,906 thousand. Based on the total share capital of 20,723.62 million shares, the Company proposed to distribute to all Shareholders a cash dividend of RMB0.72 (tax inclusive) for every 10 shares and the total cash dividend is RMB1,492,101 thousand, the remaining undistributed profit of RMB428,805 thousand will be used for the operation and development of the Company and rolled over to the coming year for distribution.
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