(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,131,649 B2 Fist (45) Date of Patent: Sep

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,131,649 B2 Fist (45) Date of Patent: Sep USOO9131649B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,131,649 B2 Fist (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 15, 2015 (54) PAPAVERSOMNIFERUMSTRAIN WITH Jonsson B, and Jonsson R, Sveriges Utsadesforenings Tidskrift, HIGH CONCENTRATION OF THE BANE “Foradling av vallmo Ipapaver somniferum; '96, 1986 p. 243 249 (poppy breeding Summary p. 248). (75) Inventor: Anthony J. Fist, Norwood (AU) Nyman, U. and Hall, O. Some varieties of Papaver somniferum L. with changed morphinane alkaloid content Hereditas (1976) 84:69 (73) Assignee: Tasmanian Alkaloids Pty. Ltd (AU) 76. Brochmann-Hanssen, E., Planta Med., 50, 343-345 (1984). 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(Continued) AU 646O74 B 3, 1992 AU 2005201353 4/2005 BE 864539. A 4f1978 Primary Examiner — Russell Kallis DE 112648 4, 1975 EP 164290 A1 5, 1985 (57) ABSTRACT GB 1586626 2, 1978 NZ 587685 3, 2009 The present invention is directed to an improved poppy straw, WO WO98,02033 1, 1998 concentrate of poppy straw and opium of Papaver som WO WO 2009/109012 9, 2009 niferum for the production of thebaine containing little or no OTHER PUBLICATIONS oripavine, codeine or morphine. The present invention also provides plants, stands and seeds of Papaver somniferum and Nyman, U. et al., Hereditas (1978) vol. 88; pp. 17-26.* methods for the production of thebaine. Nyman U. Hereditas (1978) vol. 89: pp. 43-50.* Nyman, U. Hereditas (1980) vol. 93; pp. 121-124.* 14 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets US 9,131,649 B2 Page 2 (56) References Cited E. Brochmann-Hanssen. A second pathway for the terminal steps in the biosynthesis of morphine. Planta Medica, 1984. 50, pp. 343-345. 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    CRISIS CHARACTER CARDS Original Text ©2011 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC TM & © DC Comics. (s11) PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS 1. From Adobe® Reader® or Adobe® Acrobat® open the print dialog box (File>Print or Ctrl/Cmd+P). 2. Click on Properties and set your Page Orientation to Landscape (11 x 8.5). 3. Under Print Range>Pages input the pages you would like to print. (See Table of Contents) 4. Under Page Handling>Page Scaling select Multiple pages per sheet. ©2011 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC TM & © DC Comics. (s11) 5. Under Page Handling>Pages per sheet select Custom and enter 2 by 2. 6. If you want a crisp black border around each card as a cutting guide, click the checkbox next to Print page border. 7. Click OK. ©2011 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC TM & © DC Comics. (s11) TABLE OF CONTENTS Accomplished Perfect Captain Marvel, Jr., 56 Physician, 50 Chief, 42 Ace, 22 Darkseid, 54 Anti-Monitor, 79 Dawnstar, 28 Anti-Monitor, Guardian Deathstroke, 34 of Fear, 80–81 Donna Troy, 72 Aqualad, 10 Dr. Sivana, 26 Batgirl, 20 The Flash, 63 Batman, 76 Forerunner, 46 Batwoman, 25 Garth, 73 Black Adam, 59 Gold, 15 Blue Beetle, 36 Green Arrow, 32 Boy Wonder, 68 ©2011 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC TM & © DC Comics. (s11) Green Lantern, 29 Mercury, 14 Harbinger, 45 Monarch, 49 Hawk and Dove, 38 Monitor, 66 Iron, 21 Mordru, 48 Jack and Ten, 31 Nightwing, 35 Jericho, 13 Nightwing and Starfire, 64 Karate Kid, 30 Psimon, 39 Kid Flash, 8 Psycho-Pirate, 58 King and Queen, 57 Red Arrow, 24 Klarion, 17 Red Hood, 23 Kyle Rayner, 43 Rip Hunter, 27 Lead and Tin, 40 Robin (Dick Grayson), 7 Liberty Belle, 16 Robin (Tim Drake), 19 Mammoth, 37 Roy Harper, 74 Mary Marvel, 47 Shadow Demon, 78 ©2011 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC TM & © DC Comics.
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