Scientific Instrument Society Bulletin March No. 56 1998 Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society tSSN09S6-s271 For Table of Contents, see back cover President Gerard Turner Vice.President Howard Dawes Honorary Committee Stuart Talbot, Chairman Gloria Clifton,Secretary John Didcock, Treasurer Willern Hackrnann, Editor Jane Insley,Adzwtzsmg Manager James Stratton,Meetings Secreta~. Ron Bnstow Alexander Crum-Ewing Colin Gross Arthur Middleton Liba Taub Trevor Waterman Membership and Administrative Matters The Executive Officer (Wg Cdr Geofl~,V Bennett) 31 High Street Stanford in the Vale Faringdon Tel: 01367 710223 OxOn SN7 8LH Fax: 01367 718963 e-mail:
[email protected] See outside back cover for infvrmatam on membership Editorial Matters Dr. Willem D. Hackmann Museum of the History of Science Old Ashmolean Building Tel: 01865 277282 (office) Broad Street Fax: 01865 277288 Oxford OXl 3AZ Tel: 016~ 811110 (home) e-mail: Society's Website Advertising Jane lnsley Science Museum Tel: 0171-938 8110 South Kensington Fax: 0171-938 8118 London SW7 2DD e-mail: Organization of Meetings Mr James Stratton 101 New Bond Street Tel: 0171-629 2344 l.xmdon WIY 0AS Fax: 0171-629 8876 Typesetting and Printing Lahoflow Ltd 26-~ Wharfdale Road Tel: 0171-833 2344 King's Cross Fax: 0171-833 8150 L~mdon N! 9RY e-mail: Price: ~ per issue, uncluding back numbers where available. (Enquiries to the Executive Off-a:er) The Scientific Instrument Society is Registered Charity No. 326733 © The ~:~t~ L~n~.nt Society l~ Editorial l'idlil~iil,lo ~If.